HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP_004■' t �K COASTAL RiSIDEMAL DEZInDF01- COUNCIL POLICY P-1 CITY OF IM P0RT BEACH �l X Applzcation Pec'd by Fee: S ■',: PLANNING DEPARTMEZII' CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 Applicant (Print) Mailing Address Property Owner Mailing Address Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Phone (7 14 ) 559-9265 c/o Ed Briggs, 5 Northgrove, Irvine, CA 92714 Same as above Phone Address of Property Involved 4$7 Morning Canyon Road, Newport Beach Legal description of Prdperty Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) Lot 3 of Tract No- 1237 LS shown on Mi p rrrorded in Book 40. p lgj-s 19 ar_d Q of L1icrr11anentic_VnpA ,- Rpnards of Qrnngp rminty rmli ft-)rr_ia., _ - Description of the Proposed Project Fourteen unit condominium project. Number of Units Fourteen (14 ) flfffr!lfrrafralofafraraaffarrrRRfRRlfarfalataaRsassssttRaraararafffrrrassa*�a��rrfaaf�RrRarf Please attach a statement indicating the proposed selling price of the units, the 'x anticipated cost of developing the proposed project and any other information that could affect the feasibility of providing low/moderate income units in conjunction with the proposed project. ftlfffffrsRsrffriilf!lfRfaaaffffffaffffffffRfRRaffalffrlfffiffRrRrarsrtssssassrffrsRrsrffsss (I) (%) Ed Briggs, Vice President of the Corporation depose and say that (I an) OWLXXM the owner(S0 of the property=30 involved in this application. (I) )= further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein coatained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the beat of (my) M=) knowledge and belief. le l2 signature(s) d Ed Briggs, Vick President Rumney Enterprises, Inc. NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed Fee Pd.g "o Receipt No. Planning Director Action Date P.C. Hearing Date _ ..'•�`; =��, : ' C.C. Hearing 3 �/Z �� e Appeal P.C. Action Appeal C. C. Action Date SG: n:aa 12/14/82 PRSLMNARY APPLICATION FOR r»T' r':IAL DEMOLITION/CCV -RSIL : CITY OF brEWPORT BEACH PLANNING OEPARrYM1%'S "a' CURpMa PLANNING DIVISION Application need by 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 Applicant (Print) Rumnep Enterprises, Inc. Phone 71-3 559-926 Bailing Address c/o Ed Briggs, 5 North rove Irvine: CA 9271-1 Property Owner Same as above Mailing Address Phone Address of Property Involved 487 Morning Canyon Road `eu ort Roacb Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) 2 as shown on xliap rjAcordpdRook o _ r Number of Residential Units Currently Onsite Six G pAximum Number of Residential Units Onsite in the Previous Twelve Months Number of Residential Structures Onsite Three 3 Description of the Proposed New Development Fourteen linit Six (6) If the structure is being demolished as a public nuisance as defined by tho State health and Safety Coda or City Ordinance. describe those factors causing the existing residential unit to constitute a nuisance. (Attach additional shoats if neccuaary) S..+ a_?{d 1-4111- OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (I) dim Ed Briags. Vice c + - � depose and say that (I am) MliCM*) the owner(A) of the property(ta� involved in this application. (I) xW further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) I'M knowledge and belief. signature(s) �4 Ed Briggs Vice President t+ =s An agent may sign for the owner if written authori_ation from t—he record owner is filed with the applicant. Do NOT coMPLErE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed planning Director Action 12/14/82 SG:nma APPLICATICH FCR RES=&4T.ZAL W L1TIC.`�T/Cr.XERS1CN Page 1 of 2 CITY Or NEWPORT BEACH 0 PLANNING DEPART:SFZlT CURRENT PLANNING D1V:SICN 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 No. ApPlic.ltlon Fee: S Rec'd by Applicant (Print), Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Phone (714 ) 559-9265_ _ !Sailing Address c o Ed Briggs, 5 North rove Irvine CA 92714 Property Owner Same as above Phone Hailing Address Address of Property Involved 487 Morning Canyon Road Newport Beach Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) _Lot 3 of Tract No. 1237 as shown on Map recorded in Book 40, Vages 19 and 20 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Or1ing-C, County California. Number of Residential Units Currently Onsite Six (6 ) Maximum Number of Residential Units Onsite in the Previous Twelve Months Number of Residential structures Onsite Three (3 ) Six (6) Description of the Proposed Development Fourt a eI3 uD i t condomi n i um pro j Ltt _ ---- Number of Residential Units Proposed FnurtepO (14) - - Yf proposal is for non-residential use, why is a residential use no longer feasible on this sites? (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Not applicable List of any legal actions involving property owner and/or developer and tenants within previous twelve months (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Not applicable court Names Court Address Casa Number Case Name Tenants) involved Description of case List of current tenants (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Tenant Nam Brian Cam bell Date Tenancy Began %iaL- 1Qgj .-.•-� Residence Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd. -Ants 13 Phone Ito--'f:1!� - 8usiness Address Duracell 19700 FnirchildPhone pc:;I-'Y�•ah mailing Address 7 9orninc Canyon Rd. Apt, B. rorona n -1 V_ir Tenant Name John Gaul Date Tenancy Began St•rt emhg-r 1 83 Residence Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd. Apt- R Phone 760-2615 Business Address Conoco Chemical.-; 1450 X. Tug in Phone 541-8.1 7 5 Mailing Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd. Ant. B. Corona Del Mar Tenant Name John Alder Date Tenancy Begin Residence Address 467 Morning Canyon Rd. Ant, p phone 720-17t'� Business Address 487 Morning Canyon Phone 7,>Q-1 142 , -- mailing Address 487 Vo y' • f Page 2 of 2 CURRENT TEN'AN'TS: X�ZaWCl�'!�h'Y tiY'Xfl(kiCtl'�L}(XXI{s3i E.' !�1E]Il[�C}� HiTdidi�EYliyW %1WKxx1% ►=XxX xxllxL` )OxXi Tenant Name Jeanette Tu"yman Dates of Tenancy %ovenber 1982 Current Residence 487 !Morning Canyon Rd., Apt . E Phone 644-1329 Business Address Lass Offices 2099 San Juaguin Hi.Phsne 640-0800 !Mailing Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd. A t . E. Corona Del Mar Tenant Ka -me Be sy 3 uEyman Dates of Tenancy %ovr•mbo r 1982 Current Residence •187 Morning an on Rd. Ant. E phone 644-1329 Business Address_ Student, receives Trust Fund income Mailing Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd.. Apt. E. Corona Dol hint, Tenant Nit Kathleen Elaydo Dates of Tenancy %nyeM� er 1982 Current Residence487 Morning Canygn Rd. . A2t_ F Phone 640-0109 Business address CIE System; 2515 McCabe Rtty Phone 957-1112 Mailing Address 487 on. 1 tar *SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT FOR FORMER TENANT INFORMATIO`. Cfir•3itx�' S AFFIDAVIT (1) (XXX Ed ri ges _ Viet- Pro-oz i dent 12f t hf- rorpor:i t_ i on depose and say that (I am) (Xj(x=) the owners of the property(Xq;j; involved in this application. (I) ffftY further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the beat of (my) LVXK) knowledge and belief. Signature(s) C! Ed Briggs, 1.Jiee President Rumney Enterprises, Inc. NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. DO NOT CO.14PLETZ APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed Fee Pd. Planning Director Action Date P.C. Hearing Data Appeal P.C. Action Appeal C.C. Hearing C.C. Action Date Receipt No. SCInsa 12/14/82 Applicatiifor Residential DemOl it i*onversion City of %,ewport Beach Fortner Tenant Information: Unit 0A Jc.►apne Simpson Criss College, 1238 E. Katella, Anaheim I'ho-sse 631-1001 Tenancy: October 1982 to October 1983 Forwarding address: 2324 E. Commonwealth =5. Fullerton S79-1777 Julie Simpson Copa De Oro, 633 Anton, Costa Mesa Phone 662-0798 Tenancy: October 1982 to October 1983 Robert Simpson Kerckhoff Marine Lab, 101 Dahlia, Newport Beach Phone 675-2159 Tenancy: October 1982 to October 1983 Unit #B Michelle Lizee Aveo Leasingo 620 Newport Center Dr. I'}sung• ?59-79$8 Tenancy: July 1982 to August 19S3 Lisa Joyce O. C. Environmental Management Agency 400 Civic Center Dr. crest, Santa Ana Phossc 83.1-7089 Tenancy: January 1981 to April 1983 Unit PC Robert Sellers Piiun� U 1(J-9.'.00 Price Waterhouse, 660 Newport Center Ur., Tenancy: August 1982 to July 1983 Brian Childs Xerox Corporation, 1 City Wost , Orange i'lit) n. Tenancy: August 1982 to July 1983 Forwarding Address: 10.1 Greenfield, Irvine 786-31.12 ../C�...:.FS. hl1 rr Cn• ' C:T116 OF KrwPORT McH pay* 1 of - AD PLAx- ZING DEPARSKiNT Application F:ec'd by CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION Fee: S 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. CA 92663 (714) 640-2228 or 640-2219 Applicant (Print) Rumney Enterprises Inc. phone (714) 559-9265 railing Address c a Ed IIri s 5 Northcrore Irvine- CA 92714 . r.re erty patter Same as abate Phone ::Slug Address a:..ess or Preps . .t•: 3::\•r,laed •1S7 Morning Canyon Road. ::t'%vPc r; Seach :,...._ Lecal Descript-ion c` Lot 3 of Tract NO. ,7 `ilc`a (i: Lam= w:_ac: se, rate sheer) _ _ Cn Z its ::..-•mac: o_ Fasi..cr..:ai .... --- - tee: Of Cl+z,'.:._. _':%its C:.:its of resider. b1 �t-..c_,.rrs Cas:_c• T� C? 1 (0 1 c. the Fr' -- ' - =� .�=---2r. Four",--1 _ _r•. Fes_ _ C r :1G'E.^.�_.'.! no IC. _ :e;S15�c this fc_ - Site? (At .__ shec_s ._` r,r;css.:ti} ti. _ '•' ,: ..._..._. i.,;-sl•. _: ; F.ro:. - .:.._'�z .._ . � : _. ... _ 4e: gas • _t.�ii:. _i_t Of any It;.. rzcvious twelve rnnths (Attzc a:j.��L._:.1: �!.(•r'� :� ..tCC_ �I; i CC.: w ._ r. . ------ •J i :if i)Jt."� 1 � .1:e: :t`::a::�1• tC :.�.':.^+t � �i�'_l 'ti:rCL'11 19e�� ralri'}11�ft i.._.:r_4ti1^�^ usiness - Y ::silzzg ;,cd:ess ~ tea: "ri: r. nz Cs:.:'on tic? �.,- s ,,.., r1. , r _ /�i•Cs[i.[+Ctt � John Gaul :.: `:c'—er:.::r FecM : - c , �.... <,b• :chant l:a.^e I(ci. ar+• }� s^::ere 7GO-2615 Frsidence Address ^C.7:l.i('C> i 6: `.Zorn t n t• C:3 ttV011 �` ;-; : - f 5 = re 8::S27z5s ndd: esS C}t� ^12 [_' a l 1450 !: T.e'• �'- 1 :1 +�� nailing : ddress -a,I jiClrtt. ni` Can\'(Itl Rd. AD-, i ('•+•- + Tl.+l ✓: �'.c. � t' �C f «!�Cl7Ysr�: vfw'A+tom Tenant Na.Ine John Al dt•r 467 morn i ns, Can\'tin Rd. An - Phone -`a residence Address 457 'Morni tit! Canvoll 1i(i. Art . D -� _ - Phone 2 Itusiness Address •.. t+ r . ?:ailing Address •1l+7 "t+rtt t n + • + ' Page 2 of 2 CURRENT TENANTS: �MmxKxx�amxXXXOD 91CC%xs.��cxrxocx+�:cx�cxxzxa�.�c�rttxaxa,axacxxI�xzxxxa�racz�xzl_-�xxx1 tx��oocx��>c� Tenant Hume Jeanette Twvman Dates of Tenancy ho�•ember 1:�8:' Current Residence 487 Morning Canyon Rd. A t.E Phone 644-1329 Business Address Lau Offices 2099 San Jua uin Ilil'bane 640-0800 nailing Address 487 Morning Canyon Rd.. -Apt- E Corona Del Mar Tenant Name Bet st• Twvman Dates o. Tenancy November 1982 Current Residence 487 Morninz Canton Rd. Ant. E phone 644-1329 business Address Student eceit•es Trust Fund income !sailing Address 487 Mornin Canvon Rd. Ant. E Corona Del Mar Tenant Na.we Kai hl Ft'en n ' n Dates of Tenancy env► mb r 9B2 Current. Residence 4S7 '! rnin-, Cannon F Phone 640-0109 Bossiness Address CIF Svctemc 2515 `#cCabg Wav Phone 957-1112 _ mailing Address 4S7 v "n Corona Del Ma •'--C v. f *SEE ATTACHED D SA" ATE"'..E::T FOR FOR'-"r-H :'S::.;:�T 1::FOi:'.'.AT101. LXXX !,-I '� ••-' a�_ :icat:c :. c-► t4�':�.' : ` -= `- .r.c c: • ;ztil ::.rt2:cr cer=:°: :-�== ---. == :=r3==:'• -~- _. _ - - cnt-:new En c .. :'-t - -. - .. .,rcc-- _..__ •....Y.: h`. �.i ,.: .•. L' :.. ::7 �: i�:i ['n. -_ �. is:-�:L': .-. .� __... _.- . __... Date Filed =1te F.C. ficar inc -ate -:r Fee Pd. P.C. -_-_cr r .-: SC: rr•'la Applicatifor Residential Demoliti Conversion City of Newport Beach Former Tenant Information: Unit #A Jeanne Simpson T�r.-a.•.s�='t� w�j Criss College, 1238 E. patella, Anaheim Phone 634-1001 + Tenancy: October 1982 to October 1983 E Forwarding Address: 23'J4 E. Commonwealth ,=8, Fullerton 879-1777 Julie Simpson Copa De Oro, 633 Anton, Costa Mesa Phone 662-0798 Tenancy: October 19S2 to October 1983 s Robert Simpson `~_'s,.� �.1••, = U Kerckhoff Marine Lab, 101 Dahlia, Newport Beach Phone 675-2159 Tenancy: October 1982 to October 19S3 Unit 9B Micbelle Li Zee Avco Leasing, 620 Newport Center Dr. Tenancy: Jule 1982 to august 29E3 Lisa Jovcv O. C. 400 Civic C+'::ter Dr. Wetit . Santa Ana Tessa: _ �t 196! to Apr_'l 195:. L'ni . =C' Or Pho on 759-7988 -� */f rL20 *«t Robert Se;.rr Br: an Ct.: i w s Nei- N CoSJrural lor" 1 �� :it'�1 , C: ..:��i t :. �i! 93 --3095 •Cr.4.',CY iur:•arC:Syb �iGC:ti'��: IG-; -jr,-t n ivid . 786-3142 �74 0 ft t;;;. 4. ­41 `'rr ,�,"�..`�; ' ......, DfCQTfE%I;.��Yt �iA83 �".. • • •,a...• : • "v' • .+ •• 1 .. .. ,.», � ��';t . a 4Fr '�"► �+ � ° �s �, 71 C. vAdmintatratoK. ve opm•ent Department, 44 Mia t "'CITY 'O NEWPORr BEACH 1300. Newok NOW chl'Callfarn 012663�'.!z A POO Bea 6ki( *AOAD NEWPORT �;WAOU. 487-NORMWG Dtar -Mrs Gerrard: - Utiv In 'aCc47MMrvCe.Wfui,your.rqqueBi dndauthorlzailan,-Tomnfollo &Company hq8--i I I , . prepv report .,eww4t(ng.-ttw-feadbility.bf-rMu(ring a speciffed numberardable'. smiLi with In the en t" above-re%retread hvluded In the - followingropop't In'' an, analysts. of the "Ject 14-Uhit Condomfnfum .Project with the Inckslan of. up two ldip� - �i te ... - I I _m0&rGt4-(ft0M# Un1b. The app " '(d el ­ ropr revel and overage-absurp an per odhdvq',?M9 been estimated and theJawe of orqfr- "."J" rebure to,tho.devoloper W Wen' uifirfii, dmhk, Y r f6r. thu t�nl�y &'bc Se OE rvice and look forv&d. to your cont(nued patrbnag in - CIO tuture. OK v6k tuovi PA MY n­7r --Z -vim _z *a X, 7 I K14. �j -OW ­jor r. IJ V 4 L-4 t Ki 44; i't AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS of 447 MORNING CANYON ROAD Fourteen Candaainium Unit: NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Residential Development Sys RUNNEY ENTERPRISESO INC. Submitted Tot CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH December 199i Submitted Sys TARANTELLO 4 COMPANY I STATEMENT Of ASSUMPTIONS 487 Morning Canyon Road (i) Project Characteristics, No. of Units Description Site Plan A 2 2 Bedrooms 600 Sq.Ft. Plan 9 6 2 Badrooms 1,250 Sq.it. Plan C 6 2 Bedrooms • Dan 1,5D0 Sq.it. lA (2) Land Ownership: At the start of project constructions, it is assumed that the land is owned outright by the developers. (3) Lan„ d Cost, Provided by the Ownership -- $950,000. (A) Construction Period, An 9-month construction period ties been assumed from commencement of construction to completion of units. (5) Construction Costa, Based upon the Replacement Cost -Estimates detailed by Rumney Enterprises, Inc., (construction costs are assumed to be incurred evenly over the entire construction period) as follows: On -site ; 905,000 Off -site 50,000 Parking Garage 192,000 Indirects 106,500 Overhead 35,000 Marketing 140,500 Customer Service 5,600 Total Costs 1_1 A5�q,600 (6) Fins�ncing [_Prime Rate; The rate charged against the outstanding loan balance is 2.5 percent over prime; prime is assumed to average 11.0 percent. The loan fee was assumed to be 3.0 percent of the construction costs. (7) Repayment of loans Based on 100.0 percent of gross sales. (8) Absorption: An absorption rate of two units per month has been Incorporated into the calculations. It has been assured that the two lower priced units will be sold upon completion of construction. (9) Pricing of Condominiumss Pricing of the condominium units was provided by Rumney Enterprises, Inc., as follows, Plan A $ 145,000 x 2 : 290,000 Plan B i ia5,000 x 6 1,110,000 Plan C $ 235,000 x 6 1,410,000 Total Project Revenue s 2,810,00; r. 2 STATEMENT Or ASSUMPTIONS, continued. 467 Norning Canyon Road (10) Affordable unit rricin s The affordable unit was considered to replace Plan A in all scenarios. unit pricing was based upon lrsaossse information provided by Robert P. Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator, City of Newport Beach. Because the designated affordable unit is a 2-bedroom condomIniva, the income level for a 3-person householt) was considered relevant for potential occupancy. Based upon industry standards, a maximum of 33 percent of the households gross income Can be allocated towards housing debt service. Typical financing terms for residential units are assumed as follows: 10 percent down] 13.9 percent rate; 30- year amortization. Both low and moderate income levels were analyzed -- the resulting Affordable Unit Pricing used are as follows: tow -Income Unit S 62,500 Moderate -Income Unit S 97,000 (11) Affordable Rental Rates% Rental Rates were also based upon allowable monthly expense information provided by Robert P. Lenard, City of Newport Beach. These figures for a 3-person household are as follows: Low -Income Unit Moderate -Income Unit S 910 y J (12) Provision of Off -Sits Affordable Units The following additional assumptions have been lncorporsted into the analysis, provlding low- or moderate -income units at an oft -site location. The average sales price for two-or-less-bedrooa units for sales which occured since the lust NLS listing book was used as the purchase price of the Off -site unitsr-=r5 Absorption; It hex been assumed that the off -site unit will be purchased in the nineth month and sold in the eleventls month. (13) Annual Cash riuw: The estimated annual cash flow from renting out the affordable units incorporates the following annual expenses: Taxes S 1,800 Insurance 400 Expenses 2,000 Subtotal : 40200 Debt Service 15,944 r Total S 20,144 * (00.0% loan -to -value, 13.5%; 30-year amortization) Low moderate� Per Unit Annual Cash slow (Renting for 10 years) ($13,124] (S9,224) (14) Residual Value: The residual value of on affordable unit at the and of the loth year is based upon an annual 5.0 percent escalation factor less the remaining loan balance at that times 6 236,190 - S 110,047 a S 126,143 M M M M M M M M M = M M M M M StIMMART (W KUDC21111tl MAMET ACTIVITY (as of Moveeber 13, 1e0)) AVEAACE SALES ►AICt AVEAACE DAYS 0% WWII ACTIVE LISIIMLS 5Inco Last Since Last Since Last Wife Lott Average Avets;e Category Coab poor Lilting 000r vesr-to-Osty Coat bosh Listing soot rear -to -Date 11stiog Price Oars on rsrret pJ Silo 190 Or Lela pe0100e1 I 141,870 f 155,000 3 1T�.000 04 125 lit 1 209,100 1GG All Residential s 240,900 s 336,400 s 251.300 163 I » 142 > 395,400 it! my Area District 12 s 366.100 t 246,700 404,100 172 131 111 tj 397,200 121 All Aesidential Z 2600000 1 336,400 : 251.300 143 13Y 147 1 3130400 103 9ourcei Multiple Llatir2 Doze - Volume aL (Moveabsr 18, 19{3); 16erp0rt MatLOr/COsto Kees board of Realtors. M = = = = r M r = = = = r M SU04ARY OF CURRENT LISTINGS (As of November 15, 1963) District No. 12 Price Per Address Bedrooms / Baths Square feet Listing Pr1ce Square Foot 755 Avocado and Pacific Coast Highway 2 / 2 -- S 199,500 -- 7 Crest Circle 3 / 2.5 -- S 230,000 -- 329 Dahlia Place 2 / 2 -- S 230,000 -- 510 Poinsettia Avenue 3 / 2 -- S 251,900 -- 512 Poinsettia Avenue 2 / 2 -- S 251,900 -- 4 Canyon Lane 3 / 2.5 -- S 255,000 -- 409 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.5 1,577 $ 265,000 S 166,04 $10.5 Poinsettia Avenue 3 / 2 -- S 269,900 -- $12.5 Poinsettia Avenue 3 / 2 -- S 269,900 -- 43 Beachcomber and Marguerite 2 / 2 1,917 S 275,000 S 143.45 407 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.5 1,507 S 2E5,000 S 179.5E 1 Curl 3 / 2.5 -- S 290,000 -- 405 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.5 1,427 $ 292,500 S 204.9E 403 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.5 1,603 S 295,000 S 104.03 Sources Multiple Listing Book - Volume 46 (November lE, 19E3); Newport Harbor/Costa floss Board of Realtors. r rr r rr r rr rr r r rr r rr �■■ rr r rr r r rr StWARY OF RECENT SALES (As of November 15, 1983) District Mo. 12 Address Bedrooms / Baths Listing Price Sales Price ate of Sale 773 Avocado Avenue 2 / 1.75 f 174,000 $ WA 1n Escrow 614 Larkspur 1 / 1 225,000 220,000 O0/30/83 1017 5modcastle 3 / 2 255,000 WA In Escrow 703 Larkspur 2 / 1 229,000 215,000 06/06/83 324 Marigold Avenue 2 / 1 249,000 240,OD0 04/13/83 512 Rockford Place 3 / 2 1", 9M 189,900 WA AVERAGES i n6, 90 216 22S Source; Multiple Listing Book _ Volume 46 (November 18, 1903); Newport Harbor/Costs Neu Board of Realtors. PeMOAMA CASH rt.0e SCEMARI01 Cot MWERATi.1NcoM[ UNIT for Sala I on -sate Met C"lomr Is M %sn of cw%tructiml rinaKIF1 coveloa.n outstw4trq Cro49 De"I"RVI contclb,ted z4.rlow*1 worth CeretWWt ACt1+1te trod coat$ coot$ cmt9 .rw Pagel Bel Wce Sal e$ Gann ►tar Irj+It PTO It A"-Ort l Reaord 4an/cowwce carnt"tlm I M.ow 1 159,400 ! 431cm 1 1.132.434 ! 22,4}f 1 -0. f :02,438 f •0. ! ( M,Qw] ! 95O.Cm 1 •0. i _0.. 2 .0. 334,4;,0 212T7 161,477 141,477 .G.. 364.113 •0. .A. 950,;c G. .0. 3 •0. 159,400 a,094 163,414 10,494 4 •0. 1",4w 5,93d 16513% 165,334 S .0. 139,K00 1,T94 161,1% :67,196 .0. UO,143 .0. .0. 43o.ujp .0. 4 •0. 139,&M 9,671 169,07T t69,077 .0. 1,mo,rx 4. .0. 930.0m .0. .0. 7 •0. 1391400 11,379 1m'm 1x,979 .0. 1,200,199 .0. .0. 950,OLO 6 begin narketlnp .0. 139,a00 13,3m 172,x2 117,903 .tl. t,37),101 -0. .0. 9SO,Om .0. .0. 9 COVINte Cw4inttln I Sell (2) Plain A 04tt .0. 1l9,400 13,447 174,647 .0. 67.133 1,30l,9" 242,Dm .0. 9SO,iLO .0. .0. to Sell (1) Plan 0 and . 11) Pln C -0. .Q. 14,A97 14,a9? -G. 44S,IC4 900,640 420,000 .4. 9 .Wo G. .� 11 Sell (1) plan i end (1) Pin C .0. .0. 10,132 10,132 .0. 49,50 490, 772 420, Om .0. 950, 000 .0. "3. l2 sell (1) Plan i a+4 (1) Pl+n C •0. .0. 5,521 JIM .C. 414,a!9 T6,293 40,000 -0- 950,Mo 13 Sell (1) plan ! Wd 10 Pln c .0. .0. 43e 23 .0. 14,271 .0. 420,O D %7,649 W711s1 s42,549 46 14 s.11 (1) Plan a ar4 (1) Pin c .tz. .0. .a. 46 .a. .(6 M. 420,C00 4101mo 187,131 13 Sell (1) Plan a 4r4 (1) plan c .0. .a. .o. .a, .3. .a. .0. 4Zt),aoo a7O,700 .o. IIT,t3l z32,M9 TOTALS Z s3! 1st usm. 11b LIMAta I.0. LIL747 = (1A? 4" �.dy M Om S ZT?. jM 19.41 S"cal TUWKaLle 4 cap". ado, avo P@OfoCAsN rLOe SiUu11101 ONE L01-11000rE t011 for sale / on -site Cmonction rtnrcinq total Develop wit Mitarwllrq Uosa Dr-10 et Is Dewlo9er Is COntr3Wted Asusn or CoveloW65 la7rtl+ Oawltw! ect:r3tr Lmd Cats Coals Corti Ors. Aorta, Marx• Ss1w Ca• flow Eo:3tr ruiltr Profit 9e:7rrl 1 Aerard la*Kwrce Ctnetluttim S 974,U[L 1 I59,40C 1 43,03' S 1,3S1.a38 S XII,asa S A 3 l[s:,a3a S -0. S I9x,ax) S 9X,OC1, 2 •4 IfW.4 G 2,277 161,177 161,f7) .0. 3aa,li: -4 _0. 970,Cm .a 1S9,400 4,0% 10.4% 10,4% �. 7n,u1 .0. 46 m,= - .0. a _O 159,bm 5,936 115,3M 165,3m .0. {9?.9a7 .0. .0. m,Om .0. .� S .4 159.4m 7,7% 1(7,1% IC7,1% 43. 11rO,lU .a .o. 970,000 .0. .0. r .CL 159,am 9,677 149,C377 169,O77 G. 1,Q9,22O .0. .0. 93O,Om 7 •0. 1s9,aOO 31,579 170,919 17C.771 -4. l,2Cx1,19f .0. �. moom ,0. ,C6 e er2in Mau+rts►� _0. tS9,a07 1),5m 17219M 17219" .0. !,)n.101 .C6 f Caplets Corrtrutlan Sell (2) Fir, A Was .0. 1",a00 13,447 174,e47 .0. 72,433 1,)a0,4ae 707,lOO .a. l70,000 .0. .0. 10 Sell 11) hen a and (1) rlr) C .0. .0 3S,L110 3l,0eG .0. aO4,92C) 93),)Qe 420,OW .0. M,000 .6 46 12 Sell (1) ran a end 11) llar C -0. .0. 10,525 10,325 .0. ao9,a» 92a,07] A20,0W .O. 970,000 .0. .0. 12 sell (1) ►ir, % and (1) PIM t .0. 4. 5,91e 3,911 .Q 414,012 111,971 a20,mo .06. 9SO,00o .0. -0, 13 Sall it) Plan It and III ►lr. C .0. 46 1,260 1,240 .0. 111,971 .0. 4=,C30D Xd.769 443,231 lflf,7i! .0. 14 Ull (11 plan 6 end , 11) Plan C .a .0. C. .(. 46 .a .o. ax,0oo am,cm WAN ars,aoo .0. 1, sa:i (1) #IV a rd 11) Ilm C •0. .0. .0. .0. .0. .C. .0. a7O, CE10 a10.0DO .0. 223.231 19s.7410 937tALs �970� L12�]a ]y 131 7�gm7)i 1 Tlf 101 I1 m 3G1 �.0. ?�7?7,1m 1 eaL !A f .b t try em t9c 70 was SmA ar Tarantella / Co" my. PIOr AMA t4sM rtoo SCINA4301 TIO MODERAIF_1MCOr[ WITS For Soto / on -site total Dmlm*t,ik wrtur., ar Corntrtetion nr,".sr-y G*r.lo;w! OlAstardinq Grose DerrloPtiIs CcntfWAor. t.rn:x+rIs Mmth DOOC14001 :Ctir:tf 1re Cults Cats Ccs!t CT.. Aara•� esletra Llew Cass Iio. [a+:!r ra,l:r Praflt etrca^t 1 p&MT a l :w AUMWu Y.G.Ow 1 ls9,4w 143,0)4 1 1.35""<,43A 1 27?143e 1 .0. i Zn,438 1 •0. 1 I=,000) 1 M.Mr, 1 .!^ 1 .0. 7 -0. 159,4CC 3,277 k61,f73 161,677 .0. 3",115 .tl. .a 9s0,00r .0. 3 .a 1511400 4,UX iL3,494 10,4% .(L 571,611 .(6 _0. m,mc A • -0.. 151,a00 3,936 465,3131 16s,)% .0. 492,947 -06 .0. 950'mc 5 -0. 1»,40C 7,7% 10.19c kc'm 46. am,143 .0. .0. m1am .C. .w 6 •0. 179,40a 9,L77 JAW' r7 169,077 .0. 1,CY1,21O D. .0. 950,0OL .0. .0. 7 _a 159,4w 13,S79 170,971 170,9" .0. 1,20G,199 .CL .0. 950ou .0 .0. e OaQtn Mura!tnp .a kS9,40D l3.sa: ln,vn Jn,9CII -a 1.3731101 .a .0. 95 dam .t~ .o. 9 CEIRWOta tastrurtlon / Sell 121 P1am o wits G. 159.400 t5,447 174,e►7 A 11,15) 1.33)194e l"'m0 .0. 9SO, .0. 10 Sall (1) 97 r• 0 are (1) I)r.: _a. .0. t5.232 1S,237 .0. 404174e 94f,te0 42O,0D0 ll 3a11 (t) r7r a are l!) ►lon : .a -a 10.679 1D.C79 .o. 4m'm 539,ese 427.0w 11 Sall (1) ►k r 11 ara (1) ►74n : .0. .ti. 4,073 4,t777 .0. •J1,f17 129,ri1 42a,00D -0. 950,ow A .a 13 Sall (1) n r e ara (1) ►tan C .a .a t,417 k,4:7 A 125,V31 .0. 42O,ODO Mau 657,349 297,452 .D- 14 Sall (1) rap a rye (1) nIn ; .C6 .a .0. .� .a .a G. 42a,u1a 42o,CA0 237,U2 47a,MIC •0. is Sall (1) r.v I ro (1) Ilan C .0. A .a .C• .a ,� .a 470,t>DO 420.DD0 .G. 237,34` ltl,is2 9tTi>r3 ii134�ydM k�L 7as2Ll.3re } JL973,1Q1 1 m iael n4 aoD i 13rt cn lrt,6lt ts.4 s Saaces Tarantal.3 4 Ca•w7, M M r M M M M= M i M M M M r M M M M PAVOR■A CASH r 0e SMAR30s TOO LOV-06COW Ut1ITS rev $410 1 Oft -sits wrt", DrrslotP4" ocUtltr Lea [aetru:tv+ r3rrci�, Unit fatal Ds..lop.em Witaneing Cray% Ds.elamr,s c"Japsr �s CwtrIWtrf #stun of W�e1op►t�s CfAt• Cuts Cra■ Reps 9klancs Sales Cash rick tn.ltr ta.Etr Prof ii hrrset 1 Msaord lt+nJ[a�rad Cwtrut:la• 9SC,ODr1 S 111',Or S 43,03E S 1,157,43E S =,45e i J} S 7t 4m S A- ! (meOD0} i 950,Ott ? •� 159,a0C 7.277 341,477 14..fn .0 )44,115 .0. .C- 95C.Ow .0. .tL 3 -0. 359,U A,Eft 10,49t IQ,4% .4 $27.411 .0- .0. 910,0Cra .a, .0. + .fr 111,•'l. "qu 145,336 363,331 -0. 492,%7 .0. .0- 950,OX .0. -r� 5 •0. 119,a�G 7,76E lt7,IV* 167.1% "o.143 .a. -0. 3►50,0w 4 .0. ity,4cx 9,177 141,077 119,C77 .L 1,029,?M .Q. .11 IFX,OW 7 -0- 1H,a0G I1,57v 170,T» 31C.T79 .>1 1.200,199 .ii- .O` 95G,OW br1:h Mar tl^C -a 09,4m 15,xQ 177,9w In*= .a< 1.377,s03 46 .C6 f50.000 .0. 46. 9 CaA;lete ca+atnetloR sell (2) pion 4 tNts .0. 1Sf,a00 15,i47 174,647 49.w7 .a. 1.422,f44 t25,aa 950,000 .o. ,c, M Sell (1) rim a o+a (1) Pie, c .a .a tt,o0e idiom .c. 4030992 31011193t 420,0DD .0. .0. .a 11 Sell (1) Plan 1 av (1) Plan C .0. 11,"3 110u3 .0. 4p1.5)7 tt0,419 4.'0,000 .0. 95 e= .0. .y 17 Sell (1) Plan s a+0 (1) Pin C .0. .0. t.1t7 1,1t7 .t,. 413,133 117,2E4 42D,000 .0- lSQ,Gt3'i G. .0. 13 Sesl (1) flan $pia (1) feln C .0. .z. 2,2t9 2,219 .[t 197,214 .s;. 42D,ODO 270,495 721,101 220,495 .0. J4 Solt (1) non 1 we (1) plan C -0. $ .0. -C6 .G .0. .8. Meow 420,0D0 Xb,501 4X.ODD .0. i5 Ull (1) Plan s W4 (1) pion c .0. .w .0. .0. .a .0. .0. 420,Om 47C,000 G. )Mdxm 1I0,495 TCIt43 00D 1 sis4 m 1#9 10'l qZ_ !Y t 7M Li i42ttit LA: 2 Hs M UMVAn J-;t S-M. ID $ 110.a1S Sagas Tuntello •1 Corte. m = = m pNtfaAMA CASH ft0a SCWNAs1I2t ONE s001RA11.1"COMC UNIT for Sala / Off -Site - Total Dow low Is 01ets*• of comtrUctlon ►lrwclnp Or.flaplont Wtstemcnq Criss De+elvAT+s ContrIMAW twwlw.rt'• rartok D60110(pWt s:tl*::f tires Costl Wets Cuts Wow pway Ealr+ce Can flow t� ailty io,lts Profit P67ONM i pfccra tur1UP~ce 'trr:r�ctlu S f'aS,J�G 1 159,4J0 $ 43,03E 1 1,157,47E 1 7012,43a 1 -0. 1 =,►34 s .(� 1 (tv"Om) 1 9%'Un 1 .G. 1 -f} 2 159,4W 7,277 161,677 161,677 .0. 34A.115 .a• -O. 950,am -C. .G. 3 .G« 159,4w 4,0w 193,44E 163,4% .0. 327,9:1 .a .0. 950,am -G• 4 G. 159.4m 5.936 lCs,l36 165,336 -0. 692,147 .a -a 95000m 46 .a 5 .G. 159,4M 7,7% 167,1% 167.1% Z. U4,145 4. -a 95a.wn -C6 •a 6 .0- 159.im 9,6'.7 169.077 161,077 •a 1,V11,27': -G• -O. 950.Om -a- .0- c.. 159,6Da 11.579 170,979 170,9?9 .O. l,2^.O,IM .06 -4 950.mc .0. -a 1 Ee21n Mafrfttrti .r- 159.40U 13.5C7 172.9m 172,9r.1 -a 1,373,it, -C. -a 95J,OID .a• .o. 9 CrAolete twatrctlar Sill (2) lgsn A units; Purse Off-;Sta wdt -c- 1s9,40p 15,447 379.E47 39,M1 .a 1.4l2.941 a0,00p .0. l50,000 .0. .O. tO sills (1) Plan s mo (1) Pin c •G. .a 15,l96 15,d96 .a- 404,10i 1.a1,e,e+4 bc,oao -a 970,oao .a a tl sell (1) Pin 6 " (t) plw Cl St.1 O►Nute (1R1t •G. -G. Is.)"13.349 .0. 5O5,651 5U3,I93 517,= .O- f74,000 -0. -a 17 sell (t) ►len t and (1) 11er% C -0. -Cr 5,661 5,663 -O- 414,339 M,C54 470,00E .0. liO,0a0 -O- D Sall (1) Pan 9 wd (1) plan C -0. 1,0M LOCO .0. bs.t54 .0. 4.10.QIO 330.14i 619,W 3)Q,144 14 Ull (1) plm 1 wo (1) P.n C -c • -D` .o. Q. _a -0. .� 42o.aan 42O,aoa 19t,154 s70.007D -a 15 spell (1) plan S rd (1) pin C -G. -0. -o. .0. -0. -a -+- +7o,Cfs a7'1,oata -0. 199,lSa 120.146 VITALS }�fm l,431,61>Q 14..?e734 S T.� 1 al? 9M l w lz , ?i .E,Q>0 1i .f7O,1K l__� �fSO�® S i .lK u.9 s Sasts: Tuwo:la ti Caawl. s = = m m = = = = = = = = = = = = m PROrCAMA CAS64 fLc! SC[NAM10I OM[ LOf.1McOaf IA111 rot Sala / Off -Site total oevelum Is ",*A of Conattuctlon rirw%lrw, W+tlo•p4rt OutstrcUq riots Da.eloprr'f Cuntf:ta.te.. Wnloc�!t�s MMN fienl•a.w7 Actlf:tr ter4 Cants cuts Cuatt Draw Asoar 1"Jarct 'Sales CaP' rla, fnritr failtr "Crit Peftwt 1 Wrr0 ture.*w4c:cs Wotrt:lro. S 950,(XL S 154,60D S 43,03a 1 1.02,438 S 2CR,438 S -0. S :m,a>s S -0. ) (9%jODO) S 950,00L S .G _ .0. 2 G. 159,400 2,277 161,671 1fi'm -(6 3",115 .0- -0. 950,UW -G. .a. 3 -D. 159,40G A,Ow 16314W LO,496 .0. m,bit .0. -F 950,om .p. .& A .D. i)9,am 5,936 163,336 163,3)6 -0. art,fr7 .0. 950,0t0 .0. .0. 5 -r. 159,&cc 7,796 167,1% 167.1% .0. "0,143 -0. 40- f50,00D -C. .0. 6 .t` 159,40n 9,f" 169,077 169,C" .0. 1,017,22o 4. .(6 950,000 .0. .O. 7 D. 159,4w 11,579 170.979 170,979 .fr 1,200,1" .0. -0. 95o,DM .C6 .0. a 00;:n wr•etiK .0. 15f,s[C 1),5m 172,9CC in,902 -D- 1,)n,101 -0. .0. f50,OD0 A. .(L f CwOIK• tar+tnctlon / $ell 12) Plan A wilts; P4 "SO Off -Sits twi .0. t59,Wp 15,u7 )19,a47 W,847 .a- 1,412.m 29C,00D .0. 950,ODD .O. .O. 10 Sell (1) flan S and (1) ►;an C 46 .0. 15,1f6 1341% G. a0t,104 I'M8,844 420,EKE .0. 950,Da0 .0. 4. 11 Sell (1) Pln N and (1) MAIM cl $ell Dot -Sets t2elt .0. •0. 11,3a9 11,3af .0- A7l,l)1 !)7,677 aa?,500 -0. l50,000 .0. -O 12 Sell (1) P1sn a " (1) nr c -0. .D- 6,049 6,OA9 .D- 41),951 12),7e2 a20,ODD .0. 950,mo .0. .a- v Sall (:i Pion 1 Ord (1) Min c .0. .0. I'm 1,392 .o. 123.7a2 .0. t2D,= 294,8" [55,1)A 2%,$U -0• la Sell (1) Plan I " (1) ran c C. -o- .0. -D. -o- •o, .D. 40,a00 42O,0o0 a3,1)a aa,mo .A. 1S Sell (1) r. IM a are ill P:er. C .d .06 .0. -O- .0. .0. -O. 40,000 QD.WO .0. Z1s,13a 18448ii Lz:tAts ,9�OyfiA 1 w 6tlO 14404 : sn bsa 1,412,946 3,432,948 �.?AMAlm s 1.17a.afi L s40 Ow = 124468" M6 f S=C*l Tarrdi:10 a ca*vanp. rr rr r r■ r r rr r r r r �r r■ rr r r r r r rR0*:•■a t151- r►oe SCLMAR101 M MOINA11.1MCOM[ UM11S trof Sole I Off.sits 6evelamis ia►urr, of CaramAtia+ rinw+c!n. lrta! l-g.t.ovwt 0utttt+d!►p Lunt 4enloper't rl} . ContTltsra* L7:tr ,Riut+t: t,a'• hr l!t rorlt rs:.�i Mont►, p..tlrR�4wt A-tl"%I :arc ,attt Cnt.t :riatt trw kc+, 1!•lancs ,- ' 191 •tn -• 1 Rrs:rn loaf/.:~c@ S i5),aAa i A1,II56 l 1.13�. alt t •.ast l w .C- I 2t12,a3a-_- CuAtitttlor l YJ-, 47 1/1101 .0. 564,115 -G .G 95G. m •c,. =r -C. 154,arn 2,277 1i1.C1 a39,aQ0 a,0% 1014 G IUaY: , .C� 527,611 3 -C. l59.aCA %936 WOM 163,3X .a 697.%? a .i. :59,400 7,7% tell% 16711% 177,am 9.67T liz.':TI 1676Cn .a 1,II29.21n -G • -•0°r .� � 6 .L• 159,4m 11,977 :70,977 170,Yn .� 7 13,5Ci2 172,9W 172.4= .ta. 1,3n,1D1 -t: -a 95o,an .¢ .8 A —if, Marwnt -G 154,4w Caplets C"%rmtlw I Sell (2) Plan A w"; rtacrrsa Ili Ott -Sate Wte + ay4.aCtJ 13,ai7 ASA.$A1 19a,Mt la 5e11 (1) plan I er,d (1) P1an C 37,f1~ 17.i74 k 11 4e11 111 Pair 0 u,d 46 1,%7.9ae 290,= G. M.0Ct1 -a acc.34► 1,1a,5b, 4,,Od0 -a s9II,DOD -a -0. (1) Plan CI Sell 13,113 11.11) -ar sm'sa? %A,� Q4,000 -a M.Mo -d � (2) Of1_site Mits -G• -a 12 Sell (1) plan 0 end 413,60 131,C413 am,o -0" M'Ccc .a A 13 Sell (1) plan 0 and 151,051 .a 420.= u7,2AA 44,752 291,241 • . 11) 11ar. t Ilk Sell (1) Plan a end C. -0. va,a00 2Q,7$2 MOW -a (1) /IV C •' .0. '� 15 Sell (1) pion I w d -a .0. MOOD AM,OOD '0 U2, »2 1,91'248 2i !iX7i1� f l� �'Q 7� 1� �'� �-�1� _�—�-xf1O 17.! i iOTrr<.S � f � 1 l . ��� _� 1T2, L17 , 6►L'!e! f $mace, lardfullo a Craw!• 00 00 0 00 0� r o� ro io o eo o ■o o ro 00 00 0■ o ►moroawa Cash rkoo SCENARIO' TWO LO/.111CM WITS ros y■le ! Off -site total Dmicwr Is WL" or Construction r1movirq G.+slcvwq Dutstsm09 Crass Dewlop■rIs CantrttsAws oewloper-s rr�tn tornl%rtt Activity trC Costs Costa Cart• Oros "mt ee1axv Sales Cain rloe Cwllr !silty rtsflt srrewt 1 sacasa ir,.,rraw�srta Cva!r ctlar S MOM I 159,+•x 1 +3,43a l 3,1:7,+31 f 7C7,43e 3 .06 a JM,43e S _ .o. 1l9,1[!@ 2,277 06:,671 141,677 A. 3",11s .a _a 974,Ou0 .a -a. 3 .a 139.s0O +,0x 163,4x 111,+96 .G. 527,[t) -a .a f .". _a -01. + .CI. 139,ao0 5,936 163,)36 145,336 •a 697,%7 .a _a w,ou, .a -o. s -a lss,.00 7,7x 167,1x 10,196 .a 60,167 -.r .a m00% .a .a + .a 139,a0O 9,677 169,077 u9,077 _a I'C",220 .c. .a m,om .a -a 1s9.t0O 11,579 170'm 17Q,979 -a. 1,=,I" .; MOW -a -0 e �+21� �■ss.sts�o -a 139,s70 13,X2 in,9C7 172,902 .a I,3n,la1 -C6 .a 9so,om .a .O. 9 CowDleu Cc�stnttlon / Sall (2) slat A lriltsp sus�+ase cif Off -Site tlnits .a 119,.00 13,447 +a+,eu 194,647 .O. :,567,9sa 29O.00Tr .a rA,aw .C6 .a 10 Sall (1) nv a end (1) rlsn C -CI. .a 17,639 1716" _a &O7,MI 1,165,3e7 AM,= -a 950,CUG -a -8. li Sall (1) rlr, a end (1) Iran Cl Sell 17) r<f-ute Units .a .a 13,113 13,113 .a 331,"7 403,700 ss3.(tL -Cl• 990,OOs! .O. .p. 12 Sell (:) nr a Nd (1) Flan C .a -a 7,129 7.12% .0. 412,871 =0429 4T:,TIG .o. 95a,OM 13 Sall (1) rlw a end (1) r.w c -ar .a 7,4" s,.a+ .a sang .a rr_.xc l96,6e7 753,313 3x,6e7 .a 14 Sall (1) PI in a e7d (1) run c .i _C. .a .Cr .0. .O. -C. AXIOM Am,= 333,333 40,000, .O- ls Sall (1( non s wud c .a` .o. .06 .a .a .a .a Am= a7O.000 .06 s33,sss arias 1l7taLS 1 l]e N7D Lll3.n3 : eM 31 lj,%7.4%8 i SiT s ytO.tnD aL 07 7.32 3mgcet 7sren4,4Ua 6 cawy. r ■r rr sr �r r r rr rr re rr r r■ r r■ r �r r r Pa0r0art CASH r o■ SCEnAnlot Opt owiflAtI.Incowt tM11 FBI Lease total Dv"lwuf's Artwn of Cysttuctlan /lrwclrg Dereloowt W.ttwdl% crow be.elaper't COntlibAmC Dewiaper's ar-ptn p.w; t Aetleltr lart !Ott% Cats _ Coats orb. on* dlr" Was Cain flow lo,ltt Milt? Piotlt 1 Petal., 16v+JCvwR^C! Ctnttructtor 1 1A,o7. 3 :39,CM 1 43,03e 1 1,112,43e S =,43e 3 .0. 1 =,Ua f .0. f (11010m) 3 trlo,Om 3 Z. 3 -0. _ • . 131,4m 2,2T7 J4:,rn 161,677 .06 364,113 -C- G. M,® 3 .` 139,4(>(} A,CWd l(7,4% 161.494 -C. 327,613 -0. .0. 9S 'Dw 4 139,am 3,936 143,)36 10,336 _0. 6n,947 .0. G. 930,ow .0. .0. S J.- 139,400 7,79d 16741% 167,1% A. 660,143 A .0. ri0,alo _0. .C. 6 •l. 139,a00 9,677 J69,071 101" .C• 1,m9,220 46 .C6 ri0,000 .0. 7 -".. 111,4m ll,579 170,979 179,971 AL 1,2o0,19s -0. _0. MOW .0. AL a fail" meawettrq .a ls9,a00 13,307 1n,902 in,t07 9 ccroleto corotructlw+ i Sell (1) Plan A that 39,4m 13,a47 174,a47 29,047 .0. J,40?,94i J45,MD .0. 93D,mo .0. _0. 1O Sall 113 Plan 0 and (1) Ilan C -0. .0. 13,713 11,793 .0. 40t,217 99p,77! a2o,aoa .G. 930,Om .0. 11 Sell 41) Plan 0 end 11) Flom C 11,236 11,236 .0. am,74a -e9,%7 4i20,0o0 12 St1J 10 Plan 6 s+C (1) •la+ C .rt .0. 6,637 6,477 -0. 4:1.30 116,6W 420,O0C .0. 9y0,OCO 13 Sell (1) plan a end (1) Plan C .0. .0. 1,907 1,1e7 .0. 17d," G. am,= 241,409 70a,»l 241,609 .0. 14 Sell (1) Plan t ov (1) Ilan C .a .0. _C6 46 .0. .G. .O. a2o.oaa a20,Om 2Aa,S1t a20,000 _0. 13 Sall (1) Ilan $ and (1) Ilan C wd Aerlommme Afforalr0le that Plan Al .a. .0. .a .G. .o. .a .o. 3ul= sm,DDo •G. 2a1,s91 2a7,409 1Dnt 3L� ! a3a 6oD lai 9q!p! s l,4t7l,9Y f a07 get : 3r! fsb N! ao1 fSo 2e7 av Arras: UsR rlae (Ranting a wooasata.l a ur4t for to laua) 'loss" v6118 (Sellirp the Unit at t7r wv M try tow rant) 1♦ 126,1a9 $maces Tatarueus a CONW1• "-ffe .11 CA54 fLOI SCf#aA1C: ONE LOM-101COMC UNIT for Laaas - C,erelow -6 Aitka* of rlrw�cl�Q lots: pe�elotr t OutAt"I Crops f+�re:rr.'s 'ilrc Ces` 'lo. Contrltrled [wlti Gp.f1o[+r'a IwStr orcflt rss�r+t rms^ I„+�ia+�a^: Attt.::r Co�atnrtlm r• Ca:s Cast• Cost. :.• s+sar 4tilrx!� - - 1 R"Fd LWt--Wc. lSv,aOC 1 43,03E S z=-+a' 1 -a %'d36 1 -a f I95o,nur� 1 95C,PL0 4 .a 1 -^ -- Cuntruc:lar S 5-.7,7ic i 361,d77 161,6" .a 3N, l u .� -� 950,vr, •� � k 159,aCq 2,777 .a 95C,atA •� r 3 4,0% tO,a9d W*4:% .� L5y,a00 5,93R 165,336 Sd�,33t .06 A 95C,4h7 A .a d .a J59,atC 7,796 1t7,3K 1L'.13i -D- ltO,Ja3 -a WAD .a 5 t}g��QO 9,d77 1d9,077 ksi.3'< -a 1,029,24D -a .G. -�- d-.r .� 1»,ago 13,579 174,1T9 iT. .a 1,700.199 A f50,000 -a -� 7 !»,a7n t3,502 ►n,9cc 1 7^.'1C2 .a 1,373,101 -� e 1*21n Netketi� .a 9 CCPPlrt• Ca6tKtlan I 159,aa0 l5,au 17R,617 Sell (1) Mr.A tNt A 10 Sell (1) Plan 9 aro t5,743 15,7t3 .G. ".217 9106731 11 (1) Plan C Sell (11 Plan • a^e .� 11,734 -3• aD1,7N 5R9,9t7 e20,0GG 'O' MUM A A (1) Pin C A 11,I.16 12 Sell (1) Plan e ant ai3,x3 174,0. ax),000 (1) Plan PlanC -� e2C,OW 241,stw 7DE,591 ?e3,M19 '� 13 Sall (1) Plan ! ano (i) plan uo,an axl,Wo ttlA,591 AXIOM 'G 14 Sall (1) Pine +re „C- (1) Plan C 13 Sell (1) Plan t and (1) Pin C and w1mve a 261.511 7t Aff0la Lr4t vrd (Plan A) �yf70 2f 0 Mimi CON tnit fat tam 1a+=s) AMA'. Cash rior (,PwAing a Lc -1 1 126.143 haSAAI Yalua (Selllnq ttw Unit at trrs ara of $10 trtft YOU) Saacet larar"Un i cwory- � r� rr r� rr ri �r r r■ rr r� r r■ r r r� it r■ r saOrOpw4 c44o ► Or SC[MAt:10t Tao st00ERIM. M:OM[ OMITS for Lease total Don I%wIs 4rtur^ or cwstructlar ritwckq oticlotaiw+t rA.tstandsrq Gross De.rlr+4e14 Contrwa: Gr,olowIs .trt• Dpr.g:0tnw4 4;t1■itr tend Cost♦ Cxts Cost► Draw }r.., fstr+ce S41n cast, ilnr (y.1tr 144tr Profit ►errant 1 h¢:S :un/:uas�e CO�+str,ctlm S 9SC,Or1% S 1S9.4% 1 43,03E 1 1,3429430 S =g430 S. S Z ,43a S -0. S Ie'r•,OUGi i 9'r;.fal. 4 .� S .6 2 .a 1"14M 7,277 161,677 161.R7 :.. )",114 ! -a 149,4M 4,0% 10,494 163,4% • - 5210611 -a -a MAW .C- .a .0. l".4 L l,936 165,336 164.336 .C- 692,%? .0- -C6 MAC _a .0. ! -a 139,6z 7,7% 167,1% 167,1% .G. 60.14) -a -a »0,DM .a -& 6 -a 149.&M 9,677 169,0" i69,077 I'M9,= .0. .a 95D,0M .a .G. 7 .C. 179,*M 11,519 170,97i 170,979 .0_ 1,200,111 46 -a MAW .06 -& e wry "Wilattrig .0- 149,4fl0 13,4C! 172,9M 172,902 -C. l,)7l,10i .0. -a 970,00a .0. .a 1 Cvolete canstnetlon ! 5911 (1) Plan a ur7 (1) KIM c _a 1".A D 13,u7 174,i47 .A. 244,14! 1.t27,9a6 420,DDD .a 9sD,tm .G. .0. Sall (1) Pion a r4 t11 Pion C _0. .G• 12,6E9 J2,6a9 .0. a07.)11 720,637 a2D,oDD -0. M,= .0. u Sa:: (3) Plr, 5 ra (1) P1an c -a 0,107 0,107 .0. 411,ari x1E,Tu 4 ,oDD .a 990.Mc 12 $4)1 (1) Plan a and (1) P1r+ C -0. -f.. 3,47) 3.61) .D. )04,7" -L 420,om la7,M a42,717 W7,743 .8. 13 5a11 (1) Plan a and 0) P/an C .F •C• -a .0. -a .c. .a 42C,0M 420,00D 427,217 axiom .a l4 $a11 11) Olin a aro 11) Plan c and rtNlrrnu (2) Aersro4Lle Lw4t (►Lan a) -a .0. .M 46 �(L -a 632.0M 07,0D0 -C. 6T1.217 T3,7U Ti1TA.3 +9oyMK) adn 1�fl.u7 { &M 21? ; 1,m,>O) jjj 2�& ,M 1�ss�i� L L ��� 1s.N ■ MnAi Cash floc. (P+ntlfiq 7 ea0oerstr.iroaa traits lcr tan yeas) S I1a."Q A"10Ai value ISelltnp yr 2 Chits at trio wed or tro tarth real f 252.2% Sacco: Taraitea0 a Ca WI. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! r*f)rCNWA CASH rt@r SCINAI1101 TO LOW-SMCo"t U1411S Far Lost* Iota., Drrelaw Is Bataan of Co►structlm f lna•rc1-, „,@,e10(a.ert (Aititra;rq ;rfn% De ofIor-et ,a ;ortolu,ted ;)v#e:otw, s Kr.th pa.el: WWs :Ct1•:T, L4fA costar cmtf Cm!% Dram A"# tt)rce Sara Cash flow [WI,I profit ref cant 1 r 0MV: L'W -. U Wta cam, f 13 AM S MAX S 43,CM S 1,i5?,43E f ?W,43E f -Cr f 2tn143e 1 •0. S (95C,moj f M.Mu S •G. 1 -& ? _& 159,430 2.777 361,6T7 161,8'77 .0. 3",115 .C- .0. MGM M. _0. 3 .0. 139,600 4,0,4 lLS,4?6 143,496 .N 527,611 -0. -0. 9'50,mc -G. -0. A -0. 1`7,Am. 5,936 m.336 165,336 .0. 692,947 .0. .0. 1?5cioG .0. 4. 5 .0. MAW 1,7% 161,1% 167,1% -C_ 60,143 .0- M. M,= .0. .r_ 6 •.0. 1S9,4CD 9,677 169.777 169,071 -C_ 1,029,2= C. _0. M,0ID .0. A. T _0. 139,4m 11,579 177,l79 170,979 .8. 1,?00,1" 4. .C6 M,(tb •0. -0. e Ea;10% nat•atlrq ,C- 159.43X` 13.502 172,9m 17?.9C2 .0. 1,373,101 .0. .0. 930,0m .a .e. 9 Wrolate Csrstfuctlm t Se11 (1)0lanAr4 r1) rlr C .% 159,AM 15,447 17a,M7 .D. 245,15) 1,127,94e 4 .0m -a 9x.M0 .D. .�. 10 Sell (1) rm 9 W4 (1) ►14r C 41. .0. 17,6" 12.f" -C" Q?,3ti 720,6)7 4T:,OW Z. M*C D .0. .0. it 5411 (1) P14r 5 ar4 (1) rlr C -0. .0- 6,107 e,101 -0. 411,03 306,744 42.1ma .0. M,0ID .0. .0. 12 Sa11 11) r n 6 er4 {1) rlr C .0. .0. 3.473 3,473 .0. )M,744 .0. cm, mc W71M W,217 L71,753 -0. 13 Sell (1) ran 9 Pro ' (1) rlr C .0. .0. .G. _0. .0. C. .0. AMAD An,= 422,217 Q0,000 .0. 14 Sall (1) rla� ! rd (1) Plan C r0 RNirace 42) Affs1*01v Unit (Plan Al .a .a .0. .a G. G. .D. 63 e= 02,000 .0. 422,2)7 2",?U Wets LMA-Dm R <lo S37 at 17.su,nt L mARM U,m,:U }tea IMMma LI RIN v L aoo 5220.70 1s.aQ a *T%Al Cash ►logy (Rantlnq thr 2 tor.lrceeaa Vs)ts for ton gars) S9110 rl ftlUR (5911Pq 2 Ur4tt At tha are or th9 truth r@W) { 232,tt6 smacel 1t:&V.sp .4 a cGvWv. 17 5 MAIIY AND CONCLUSIONS As evidenced by the preceding Proforme Cash Flovs and as tumaarlred below, ' the estimated rate of return under the twelve scenarios rang* between 7.3 per- cent and 23.7 percent. The rate of return improves as the affordable unit is ' leased and when a moderate-incoaa unit is incorporated into the ra ec n j t rather ' than a low-income unit. tESTIMATED RATE OF RETURN Moderate -Income Low-income One unit: For ' Sale/On-Site 19.6 S 16.6 S two Units: For Sala/On-Site 15.4 x 9.3 S One Unit: For Sala/Off-S[te 10.5 1 15.6 S ' Two Units; For Sole/Off-Site 13.2 s 7.3 S One Unit: For Lease/On-Site 23.7 S 22.1 S Two Units: For Lease/On-51te 19.6 S 16.0 S 1 It should be noted that these rates of return reflect point estimates ' based upon a series of assumptions detailed earlier in this report. the ' actual rate or return achieved by the development will depend upon to what degree variances from these assumptions ate experienced and In what direction (i.a., positive or negative) they occur. It is the opinion of Tarantella i Company that if variances do occur, they are more likely to occur in a ' negative direction resulting in a reduction of the rate of return. The more ' significant factors which could cause such a result are as follows: (1) a more lengthly absorption parlpd; (2) An Increase In construction costs; and (3) a reduction In achievable sale prices. Theta are several more downside risks than upside potential. For example, It is far more probable that In the ' midst of an economic recovery period that interest rates, labor costs and ' construction materials are all likely to rise in price; thereby, further is reducing potential profit. Yet at the some Lima, recently rising interest rates have substantially slowed housing sales (with a predictable increase In absorption period for new construction), and substantially suppressed real estate appreciation rates to below current estimated cost of living price levels. Any anticipated increase in potential sales prices is extremely unlikely. In simple language, the Rdownside■ is greater then the •upside.■ Given the risk level associated with this type or development and the aforementioned likely direction of any variances, It is our opinion that the Only reasonable scenario is the exclusion of any affordable units -- on -site Of Ott -site. (lased upon our experience and knowledge of specific development projects, larentallo t Company has found that most developers would not under- take such a development without an expected rate of return of at least 90 percent. In summation, In a financial world where high-grade corporate bonds are yielding 12 percent or ■ore, with full liquidity and no management require- ments, our most recent experience in the evaluation of development Projects for similar clients suggests required rates of return In excess of 50 percent on invested capital over the ter■ of the project. It is evident that none of the previous scenarios approach this benchmark, and we strongly recommend that no affordable unit requirement be imposed upon the 467 Morning Canyon Road development. Canyon We 19 Unit Condominium Project Projected Summary of Income and Costn Summary of Product Mix No. Sizf! Plan A bedro(nn H{lU -lq. rt . Plan 11 Ei «' Bedroom 1*50 rrq. r1. Plan C G B droorn/Ileln 1.500 sq. rI 14 units F(evenue and Construction Cost:, Plan A S1.35,UUU 4 2 0 $ 200,000 Plan iS 1 Fi.`i , U(!U X 6 " 1 1110,000 Plan C :':Sri , UU(l }; (i 1 1 1 U 000 Tool Project Re•venuo• H10,00o con-.i rust ion COSLh land $950 , (,UU ons 1 t er 905,000 01 f5i tA' 50,()0() Parking Garage 192,00() lndirelcts 106, 00 Overhead 35,00() Marketing :10, ;UU Finuncinp 110,00() Customer Service. f),600 Total Cost $ a:'a 100 Projected lnccsmt• ::fil 90 L---U - Length of Project -- 18 month:. Return on Investment - (assumes capital invesstment in land of $950 , 000) (264,900 T 950,000) ; 1.5 - .2 () ; i CANYON COVE Canyon Cove will be located on the northeasterly cornea of Morning Canyon Road and Pacific Coast Highway. Tho property currently contains six unattractive rental units, wtsich will be removed in connection with the development. Thee nrry development will feature fourteen single -story condominium units ranking in size from 800 to 1500 square feet. `Iuhterranean parking will be provided to accommodate two vehicle. -Is per unit plus an additional two spaces for guests. Aesthetically, the! completed project will be an afuwt 1,41 the: community. The two-story design fronting on Pacific: Coast Highway and Morning Canyon provides design ele7nerets which arc! architecturally pleasing and complimentary to the n(Aghhorhood. Even though over 20; of the property is burdened with Mtn environmentally sensitive canyon area, they architect has been successful in creating a building which includes a large open courtyard and t;parious entry along; horning Canyon noted. A primary concern in designing the building was to create tail of the elements one would expect in a private residential environment. Security, separate private entries and outdoor living spaces are all included. Sensitive use of color;, roof tiles and varying architectural forms further enhance the, warmth of the building. The project is specifically designed for those who love the charm and character of Corona del liar, but do not want the burden of maintaining a single family home:. :«Six: 31+ -i"�- `.,$�yl ir:'i✓w• �•� %Ta 1q "! .� ,y _. J �i f ✓ ."h S '�"+�- .r _.,r y a yyA ""5�.�-'+�•^;� '-_.._t• A^ - � +'1. •w J, � ,w:.r a � ,yr- f 7 1 -1., r 1 t� 'L!5'�;�'. , 4`1±�'�+fi+1 �6 r �i ....... +r�... r � ;Tr•1 11[ }• 1. 1�T� !.N .lY T� !:. •�••!'r`:.�:�yi �L .'n'., K � 1 .1' '.� ih W. !Mr ,} 1.� ,� � !•l i , M Y h A 5 • °� r T tr .•a L+.'�Irt'^n,:y:" sy.. J r , Ay.... �„r,...,......, ;:r .✓•.Y yP+^ •" .•. ;,r...;,, P " aim �}�+,►,r ♦ w � *r:. •�h}��f!+r�I :�'j.Ja•bl yt'.. err/r •.3 r _•,.4•� •tin ,T'',�f•� ' .. . • - '•yam i^"�" - �yAlj y j •S i��1 may:.. , .; ' •: ..-. .. __ .. •.' .•. ..' ..r - .,. ... 11ir. Robert F. Lersard .. ... ; .. _ w.: ...»_....... . w �.. •1.. . ;� �.�, �.1' : • Acbesbnistratar - _.. _ � ., . „ COM"a (ty Development Department CITY CF•NKWP-ORT BEACH 3300 Newport $away d ;. •' Newport Beaeh, GMfornla 02683 . - = , •'' '�f. YOR)MG CANYON'ROAD - NItW pO1tT DtACN Bear Mr. Lenff&- bs o6cardarice .wth yaw request, Tarantella-& Company has Prepared this follow-up letter to curif "y' the; of f ordable unit feasibility st4dy which was Pr*par d regardtrw the abow4ofweaced development. Ammpttan.'NO.742 diocussed+•the provision of an off -site affordable unit In ordsr to. CO- with the Mello' Bill. As stated an Pale 2 of the Report, • the •price -ueed' far the off site unit was the awrade sales price for two-or-lesar bedroom 'taints far sale which. occtiuvvd since the lad ULS Listtnp book. The resulting price used, as shown in the Table an'PM* 3, was $155,000. µ Anuumption No. 11 discussed the rental income provided by leasing Me offordabhe wgt(s) for the required period Tito rental rate figures were calculated bond ' upon • 3-person households cue, to the small size of the units dsaignatod to be allocated as the if f orddWe .J : unit: The,4=person hauehotd rental fire, inFrtaees the potential monthly reyeruts by an i6s.04 Far the"iow�incomte'tnit. d $101.00 far the moderate -Income unit. ,The minor n w we . increase provkkd: by assuming a 4-persort ` household still would not adjust the return pr"ai+k undar tht lase scenartos`,to ludify.requirkig ws affmIable'unit. within - .• this developesent: ; ,� , � - ., - _ .. - !. , , .. :.. Tarontetlo &Company `revtvwed the achedul�d sale.pricas'of the proposed ciereiopment -' btlieves' that the GlW prices: are not. Agnifiaarttty out of, line: within the `m�ket- ` r,ptam, -The current tietirtps and recettt'ialq attld t*s`tlfe.Tdblss an`Pagps 4,and S iefl�gt;q C, maeircet pfor the area= therefar'i►irrotft that.the scheduled pr#ces have are been to react=the'anttci d fthe s:�It mitst be notiO that the itsttrpe ,• acid oasis ani not dtreatly comparible,to'On'proporad dsvrilaptinent; the-r ororsa`dei Mpr'1• is %iry Itaittsc� 24W of conrpararbte pr+ddtct: Alin inargv a� the Hstings and Adis- . roflect ta*0."ta thano 'thm a Hd In the lapin t zed an d t� Per e f oaf basis: theJpr#cV sc"If bicomm mare- in, tine ivt • �If ra� � tThs.�, ,�ttt#s�� : ablorpttan, ata.�Al(ted t0,-the S�ubject r ,« ,✓• W PetW-,af ,absorption achieYQd•by_OtW product on.. thr esaw bithe' tmme�dt0te"arece rThe Modero to price -echedele of rise bubjest eNea es ' the Pro ecCi ialaibil�tj► . tsid ftlucys the risk ad carry -cart . typtcagy . f lgurai Into . tlu "_ i�elilrtg .Pe_a%. highw' priced hand lost coinpit�tivef reridsricss. yM l«:;thb`ropperturUty to"be orvtre asnd look jorwan!'to� catth�reed 3 ti pear!, . to t%M.i4t�.. :. Y°" ' ' .. _ •' - . A-RANTEI.Mh C0MPANY'`_ ' Phafiat'�laeeapiW .,. . �..• - •lA •_+-` s, ! S • v` I„a•i » r-, •• -,. '�., . a..., Y'e + J,t! S'^i.'.ar.+.r ••, _ a 4 1 •'y!'Y..A .;�' �t��•. w. fr•w..yr.Jy. r%h ".a"'r� ~i ` "-�, r,.{. .k ..,.1 ••rn.+.:°.':' ,•.". .�r. : ... 4het»'+ \ a - l.f.i. r. ,. .• .ww•r •. M. - - 1iM°t •. ..•/•.-wry. • '!?r`' +W YY'^,•._ .-•'',�•j' .. .� • wn..'!• ... ,l�•i.nMii ..�....yr•..JY. ii•.. - .: 7}Y:` •r''�•w• a _•. r �•,; i,p......,:'+e. C.1 •' �." N•_r.:.lr''.'1*el ;�'.�'� .`.�111.MM` 1.... .. '.. r• r.. ,.. •1•,%In.,ra'�' " vfN rri,• `+•►./ii -+'• �M.•..! .• •. •'.•• •ary[,:.• .RVi,w �'_; ryrrJf ,M �•ds *wY; htR+e � .. r s-.+{,.w�... r.-..a,-.:. •• '.7r•i. j?:!�'i',...�,. ,. 4{..,,.,e...a,... s>1.R .: .G.. :,. . �f":• cw- ., .,.+,;.�.. ir.,�,, . t+M* : r l"' �;• . �i� Li r .t• �"`• ::', A w My,.•.'a {6. +� Y{•VJ f y/Y,f •r•.+' ,r +fr.`rtwr v.♦ '+• t P ••sr 1 w.x +.•. V j «•^ •.+v •ar.�rr S'Rr .'.".y rr.rr . 'i It' ''"•• k'! r }`.,' •+ w•r+• .T ' .3` .,t..'�' , 1 �•,,,t s''• r 2 "►.ti!i4`Y'< ..rr.-.A,�„,.1:.a'i,,?:�ti HAROLD 8. ZOlk A R C H I T! C T. A4 L Al 2515 EAST COAST 41GHWAr CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA 92625 December 21, 1983 Planning Department City of Newport Beach 3300 West Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 Attn: Mr. W. Wm. Ward Senior Planner Dear Mr. Ward: • Re: Use Permit #3075 487 Morning Canyon Rd. Corona del Mar, Calif. I as the owner of properties zoned for single family use at 483 and 485 Morning Canyon Rd. These properties are directly adjoining the property at 487 Morning Can- yon Rd. After discussion with Mr. Ed Briggs, owner of property at 487 Morning Canyon Rd., I have prepared a study of the grading between the condominiums and single family residences to maintain the existing side -yard grade and planting screen. Twelve copies of the sketch for side - yard grading have been submitted to the Planning Dept. Mr. Briggs and I are in accord with this plan and would request that it be a part of the conditions of approval for the Use Permit. Thank you for your consideration of this Letter. Ve y truly ur 1 Harold B. Zoo HBZ:hh cc: Mr. Ed Briggs • Planning Commission heetin g*cOmbfT Be1987 Agenda Item No. 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FXH: Planning Department 5'B.JEC:: A. Tentative Mn of Tract No. 12079 (Public lingrin ) Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .40 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-B District, and the acceptance of an environmental docuxent. AIM B. Use Permit No. 3075 (Public Ifearin ) Request to permit the construction of n 14 unit residential condominium development lacatad in the R-3-B District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the proposed building and deck areas to encroach 10 teat, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area along Morning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. Ewe] C. Residential Coastal Developme� Permit no. 4 "(D acuss on Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 14 unit residential condominium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to low -and -moderate -income housing within the coastal zone. . r LOCATION: Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Horning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Road and Past Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. ZONZ s R-3-8 APPLICANT: Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Irvine OWNER: Same as Applicant 0. #1 0 • To: Planning Coamission - 2. F,ec�ndation Staff recomends that this Cc l ssion Meeting of January to ccmplete the feasibility Administrative Guidelines for State law relative to low an Zone. Staff has discussed th no objection. PLA-UNING DEPARTMENT JMES D. }1EWICNER, DIRECTOR ey w. wil iam W r Senior Planner Ta d/pw item be continued to the Planning 5, 1984, so as to allow additional time analysis relative to Council Policy P-11 tha implementation of the provisions of d raderate income housing in the Coastal is matter with the applicant and there is AjJ&)4TELL,0&C0I%W `"V 1V f {vw9u[I W-j,.R Cis (J.'U a November 22, I983 Air. Robert P. Lenard Advanced Planning Administrator CITY OF NEWPORT IIKACII 3300 Newport houlavard Newport Beach, Calif onita 92663 Dear Mr. Lenard; Pursuant to your request, we are pleased to submit thin proposed agreement for our professional services in connection with the subject assignment. When executed and returned to us, this document will authorize the preparation of a feasibility study evaluating the Inclusion of affordable hoersing In the Adorning Carryon development located at 481 Morning Carryon Road. The following outlinus the scope of work, the time schedule and fuo appropriate to accomplish the studty objective. OBJJCTIYE The primary dab juctiva of the assignment is to evaluate the feasibility of requiring a specified number of affordable units within the Adorning Carryon development. More specifically, the analysis will Inc" consideration of the following: (1) A determination of both the appropiate price level and average absorption period. (2) Support for what U a vfatr return" to the developer of this project. (3) Comideratfon of up to two affordable units onsite or of/site of the development project. (4) Consideration of the appropriate family sizes) based upon the number of bedrooms provided within MG eslstirg structures. (5) Analysis of the affordable unit I=* an a "for sale' and $for lease' SCHEDULE The final written report will be prepared and delivered within fourteen (I4) days from receipt of written authorization to procee(L (Four copies of the report will be furnished.) • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH November 22, 1983 Page two FER Our fee for the scope of services, as outlined above, will be $3,000.00, payable upon aklivery of the final written report. We appreciate having the opportunity to submit this agreement, and we look forward to working with you throuphcut the development of this project. it this meets with your acceptance, ease sign and date thb document where indicated below anal return and copy with your retainer check along with the enclosed invoice to our offies. Respectfully submitted, TARAN ELLO & COMPANY Timothy S. Lave Vice President APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: L -'e- 4-e�p-:�L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH !� a3/8- Dart. :plstlnh Enclosures • November 14, 1983 Mr. Robert Lenard Planning Department City of Newport Beach Re: Filing Fee 14-unit condominium project Dear Bob, Enclosed herewith arc checks totaling $5,000.00 which are required to be paid in conjunction with the processing of my 14-unit condominium project located at 487 Morning Canyon Road. It is my understanding that thy: tee structure Is as follows: 1) $250 for each unit to be demolished. 2) $250 for each new unit to be constructed. Since I am proposing to demolish six units and replace them with 14 new units, I have calculated the fee at $50000.00. It is also my understanding that the purpose of these fees is to offset the City's costs in determining if I am dis- placing persons of low or moderate income in the Coastal Zane and if it is economically feasible to do so. It is my understanding that the City will contract with an out- side company for the feasibility study. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding my application or if you need further information at (714) 752--0700. Sincerely, Rumney Enterprises, Inc. y: E Brigg Vice Pre ident EB:ts MrACR Cr PUBLIC HZAR C • Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commassion of the City Of Newport Beach will hold a Public hearing CM the application of Rusumey Enterprises for Tentative Mae of Tract 12079 and for Use Permit No. 3075 on property located at.487 Morning Canyon Request to subdivide an existiM sin le lot, containing .48 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium pum2ses, on Eroperty located to the R-3-B District. This is also a request to permit the construction of a 14 unit residential condominivae development located in the R-3-B District. The prcposal also includes a wcdification to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the pr2Msed building and dctk areas to encroach 10 feet, and a chirnex to encroach 12 feet into the r2Suired 20 foot •rant and setback area alon2 Morning Can on Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is &Iwo r ested to Perstit an 6 s .ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 .ftsin in the R-3-0 District. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been FrOP4red by the City of Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment cn this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 west Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663, (714) 640-2197. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be kA ld on the eth day of December 1983, at the hour of 700 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport beach City,;, fiall, at which time and place any and all persons interested slay appear and be heard' thereon. James Person, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of Newport Beach �. M NOTES The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant, r; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of KevPort Beach will hold a public hearing on the application of Rumney Enterprises for Tentative Hap of 'tract 12079 and for Use Permit No. 3075 on ro rtlocated at 487 Morning Canyon Brad. '— Request to subdivide an existing single lot containing .48 acres of land area into a _single lot for residential condominiurm purposes, on property located in the °R-3-B District. This is also a request to ILernit the construction of a 14 unit residential condominium - develo went located in the R-3-B District. The prMsal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code ■o as to allow 22rtions of the pEMsed building and deck arean to encroach 10., feet and a chimne to encroach 12 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback area alon2 Morning Canyon Read. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 s .ft. identification sin where the Sin Code rmits a 6 .ft. sin in the R-3-ens District. n; NOTICE IS HEMY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been Prepared by the City of ,+, Newport Beach in connection with the application noted above. it is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration and supporting documents, The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 West Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92663, (714) 640-2197. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 8th day of December 1983, at the hour of 700 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the yewport Beach Clay Ha , at ur ch time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. _ Jams4 Person,. 8lcretary, Planning Cossd ssion, City of Newport B*#cb I The expense of this notices is paid from a filing fee collected frame the cant: . JLUr A. r r2a surd Rd. •Cron Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-341-I5 XrYDIG, CRAIG N. 520 Seaward Rd. Crona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-341-16 PORL.IER, YALERZE L. 312 Seaward Rd. Crony "el xar, Ca. 92625 051-341-17 BUSH, TrD J. 508 Seaward Rd. Crone Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-341-18 BARK£R, LUCIA E. 504 Seaward Rd. Crony tel xar, Ca. 92625 051-34I-19 IU1111,1CR, JA.YE 473 Morning Canyon Rd. Crony Del Mr, Ca. 92625' 051-141-20 MORRIS, NA.gCY E. 481 Morning Canyon Rd. Crone Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-341-2I ZOOK, WARD D. B. 2515 r. Coast Hwy. Crow Del Mar, Ca. 92625 Osl-3�?-23 mAnzy, MYRoM 508 De Anza Dr. Corona Del liar, Ca. 92625 f a 051-352-14 MC INTOSH, JOHN 505 Seaward Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-352-15 STANDRIDGE, ERIC J. 501 Seaward Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051;153-10 CARTA-fALSA, OHN S. 456 Norning Canyon Rd. Corona Dot Mar, Ca. 92625 051-153-11 DrrrLEY, JA.YES W. 465 � Seaward Rd. Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 05I'353-12 REYNOLDS, RICHARD BRADLEY 461 Seaward Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 03I-7S4-Il ` ROACM, m" J. 4709 Cortland Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 031-354-12 ANDERSON, MILLtAM H. 222 S. Loaf Ave, Most COvina, Ca. 9179I 051-354-I3 1X)NASZrWICZ, ALEX G. J2 Balboa Coves Nowlort Beach, Ca. 92663 051-354-14 ZIDELL, CHARLES E. 1156 Brace St. Burbank, Ca. 91504 051-354-15 .JONES, REGINALD G. 4116 Shorecrest Ln. Carona Del Mar, Ca, 92625 051-354-I6 IIHATHAL, RACHBIR S. 11 Inverness Ln. Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 051-353-13 051-354-17 HALL, ELGIN L. HUSBAND, HILDRCD J. 457 Seaward Rd. 4248 Shorecrest Ln. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 4 Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 i 051-354-07 BURKE, ROBERT L. P.O. Box Isis APO SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 96553 051-341-22 051-354-08 BARNETt, ALBERT N. E BLACKBURN, NAYNE E. 1521 Pinewood P1. P.O. Box 4 La Habra, Ca. 90631 Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 051-342-13 CHARLZS, Wf=AM E. 515 So4ward Rd. Caraway Del flaw Ca 92625 052-200-02 RAUSCH, GARY E. 341 Evening Canyon Rd. Corona Duel Mr, Ca. 92625 052-200-03 .: JARVIS, EDWARD P. Xt. 345 Evening Canyon Rd.." Corona Dal Xar, Ca. 92625 052-202-09 HUBBL$, BROMNLEP x. 362 Evening Canyon Rd. • Corona Da1 Mar, Ca. 92625 Corona Del liar, Ca. 92625 051-34?-14 051-354-10 2-10 STRONG, JOHN O. RAYNER, EBE LIZATH J. DIISHO ! 052-20,JA 's 609 Seawrd Rd. 492 Seaward Rd. ng 356 lwainQ a Canyon Rd. Corona DO Mar, Ca. 92625 Corona Del Mar, Ca; 92625 Corona val xar, Ca. 92625 051-354-09 HILLER, HELMICK R. 1627 Bay Cliff Cir. G ZLAYJ1!D,7 A. WILLIAM 350 4vaning Canym Rd. , Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 052-202-12 WALKER, CLAUDE L. 344 Evening Canyon Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 052-203-18 BENNETT, ROBERT W. 2132 E. 4th St. Long Beach, Ca. 90814 052-203-21 FERNCASE, RICHARD F. 336 Morning Canyon Rd. Corona Del Par, Ca. 92625 052-203-25 BANK, SECURITY PACIFIC C/o TAX DIV 016-2-0888J-0 P.O. BOX 4382 TERMINAL ANNEX, L.A. 90031 n52-203-28 JAQUES, EBER E. 324 Morning Canyon Rd. Corona Del mar, Ca. 92625 052-203-29 CASE, PHILLIP H. 330 Morning Canyon Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca.-92625 475-021-00 STEELE, DONALD R. 315 Milford Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 475-021-09 RIMER, LLWZS KERR FAMILY J21 Milford Dr. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 475-021-10 VAUGHAN, LARRY p. 327 Milford Dr. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625 475-021-12 OUrVZW, RICARDO J. 339 Milford Dr. Corona Del Xar, Ca. 92A25 475-024-01 HORWITZ, DAVID H. 450: Roxbury Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 9: % �5 475-025-01 BRAINERD, JOHN H. 4500 Roxbury Corona Del Mar, co. 9:-. '5 475-023-09 VANDLING,- THEODORE H. 4507 Hampden Rd. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 94,25 475-025-10 WHITE, ROBERT L. 4501 Hampden Rd, Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92..25 475-031-08 101 TZTLE INS. L TRUSr CO. TR. 512 Rockford P1. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 9: y,?5 475-031-09 NC NARY, EDWARD J. JR. 506 Rockford Pl. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 9-..25 475-031-10 MILLIGAN, HUGH H. 500 Rockford Pl. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 9,;V 25 475-031-11 TOBIN, CARL E. 501 Rockford P1. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92v,25 475-031-12 HOLLER, JOHN D. 507 Rockford P1. Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92w 25 475-021-11 475-031-23 DIAL, GARY C. mrNZIES, RODE" M. 333 Milford Dr. i 523 Rockford 11. Corona Del Mar, G. 92625 Carona DWI Mar, Ca. 9?6.; 5 COW 1r� CITY OF NEWPORT BEADi DEMAND FOR PAYMENT Date 1*cartyer 27, 1983 I Demand of: Tarantello t company Address: 3931 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 102 Newport Beach, California 92660 r In the amount of $3,000.00 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE BUDGET I AMOUNT Professional services rendered re 487 Mornin Can on Foal, Newport Beach -• feasibility analysis 022716002 Approved For Payment: TOTAL $3,000.00 Finance Director `�a4�y/���7ii T 'n ra�'l.y �".+ • gh; rµ y.,�., 'S,.Y '4.?r rr l f+�.�; •_,r1-a_►' '�4a+S. 'i!<<yy �t�•�� Tres"/. .Mi1� •.fY ! �� �N3'•wi:`�,.� Mrlr•-:0.'�f .i+�(' : �"'l,� .....�L%.T s,l.�'S.�k'i•'�.•�4"'��1��""rt� a OL Z U. 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Ai • �•+ r N • P'1 Y �, N >{ H 0 a w a � O •C O-RC O-C O TI v4 V4 vi P4 41 r1 Q .•1 Y P-4 W r) 4c z d4 re dc x 44 X L I', aDd 0 City Council Meeting Yebrua 13, 1984 Agenda Item No. _-- P-10{a) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: City Council YROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing AB acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-B District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. LOCATION: Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 horning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Road and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands ZONE; R-3-B APPLICANT: Rumney Enterprises, Inc., Irvine 04lNER; Same as Applicant ENGINEER: Paul Calvo Associates, Seal Beach Application This application is a request to subdivide an existing lot containing .48 acres of land area into a single lot for residential condominium purposes. Tentative map procedures are set forth in Chapter 19.12 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Suggested Action If desired, set for public hearing on February 27, 1984. Planning Commission Recommendation At its meeting of January 19, 1984, the Planning Commission voted (6 Ayes, 1 Absent) to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079. The Commission also approved Use Permit No. 3075 and Rea deqJ.4l CC . in conjunction with the proposed fourteen unit residential condominium project to be constructed on the site. City Council Review On January 23, 1984, the City Council voted unanimously to review Use Permit No. 3075 and Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4. A public hearing TO: City Ail - 2. has been scheduled to review these items at the regular City Cnuncil meeting of February 27, 1984. Copies of the tentative map, related plans for the proposed residential development, the staff report and an excerpt of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting will be forwarded to the City Cnuncil at the time of the hearing. Respectfully submitted, PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAME5 D. HEWICKER, Director by �W lie. WILLIAM R. LAYCOCK Current Planning Admi istrator WRL/kk • Attachment: Vicinity Map • .� .: Vicw ,T 1 Zvi ~,o *W r R-1-0 3C[ MAP 31 D I S T R I C T I N G M A P N[MI ►ONT •[ACN -- CALIF0 Pt N IA � '+ r�r ��� �rrMrtu� ►qr� wryer r�r•u swr*ur rerrr•a •rrwrrw ��Nw1rML narrli lr�rr�wr rrr�rn�.wrr � Ten�ii�e M U43t R,.,=..rrni- dr�F Trod. tJo 120�a �A75 2nd Planning Coa--iseicn Meeting January 19, 1984 Agenda Item No. 2 CITY OF Nr4PORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission PPOM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A. Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 (Continued t►ublic Bearing) Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of lard area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-B District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. AND B. Use Permit No. 3075 (Continued Public Hearin ) Request to permit the construction of a 14 unit residential condominium development located in the R-3-e District. The proposal also inclules a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the proposed building and deck areas to encroach 14 feet, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area along corning Canyon Road. A modification to the zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B district. U C. Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4 (Discussion) Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 14 unit residential condcainium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implmontation of the State Law relative to low -and -moderate -income housing within the coastal zone. LOCATIONt Lot 30 Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Road and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. TO: Mae Commission -2. ZONE: R-3-s APPLICANT: Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Irvine OWNER: Same as Applicant ENGINEER: Paul Calvo Associates, Seal french Background At its meeting of January 5, 1984, the Planning Commission continued this item to its meeting of January 19, 19A4 so as to give the applicant an opportunity to present his development plan to concerned property owners in the area. At that time, Mr. Milligan, who is a member of the Cameo Community Association and was present at the public hearing, volunteered to t•itnizo the adjacent neighbors and set up a meeting with the applicant and the concerned aneociations. As of January 11, 1984, Mr. Milligan had not contacted the applicant nor had he returned the applicant's call regarding netting tip a meeting. Attached for the Planning Comminnion's Inforl+aticrl In a copy of the original staff report for the subject une permit dated January 5, 1964. The development plans and the Tentative Map of Tract 12079 were included in the Commission's January 5, 1984 agenda packet. Copies of said plans will be on display at the Planning Commission meeting. PLAMIING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, DIRECTOR Bg W. wILLIAM WARD, SENIOR PLANNER sww:k1n Attachrenta: Original Staff Report dated January 5, 1984. Planning Commission Meeting January 5 198) Agenda Items No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH TO: Planning Commission FPCM: Planning Department SUBJECT: A. Tentative liap of Tract No. 12079 (Public Fleariruj) Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property 16cated in the R-3-B District, and the acceptance of an envirnnmental document. ANn R. Use Permit No. 3075 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the construction of a 14 unit residential condominium development located in the R-3-P. District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the proposed building and deck areas to encroach 10 feet, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area along Morning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a b sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. LVIL41 C. Residential Coastal Development- Permit No. 4 (Discussion) Request to cnnsider a Residential Coastal Uevelnpment Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 14 unit residential eondcs,inium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low -and -Moderate -Income housing within the Coastal Zone. LOCATIONr Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Horning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Road and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. ZCMEI R-3-8 3 TO- Plan Cramission -2. • APPLICANT: Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Irvine OWMEA: Sane as Applicant ENGINEER: Paul Calvo Associates, Seal Beach Applications These applications are a request to construct a 14 unit residential condominium complex on property located in the R-3-8 UiKtrict. In accordance with Section 20.73.015 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, car.dominium projects may be permitted in any residential district, subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. Use Permit procedures are contained in Chapter 20.80 of the Municipal Code. Tentative Tract Hap procedures are outlined in Chapter 19.12 of the Municipal Code. Environmental Significance After an Initial Study, it has been determined that this project will r-at have any significant environmental impact. A Negative Declaration has been prepared, and is attached for Commlanion review. Ccr.formance with the General Plan and the Adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan The flat portion of the subject property, adjacent to Morning Canyon Mad is designated for "Multi -family Residential" uses and the slope area, adjacent to Morning Canyon is designated as "Recreational and Environmental open Space", on both the Land Use Plans of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Plan. As shown on the attached plot plat., the slope area of the site will remain undeveloped and the existing natural vegetation will remain. Therefore, the proposed project will be consistent with the established land use designations. subject Property and Surrounding Land Use" The subject property is prebently developed with two, two-story buildings and one, single -story building containing a total of six dwelling units and related carports. To the north, are single-family dwellingai to the giant, is Morning Canyon with single-family residential dwellings beyond! to the south, across East Coast Highway, are a single-family dwellingsf and to the west, across Morning Canyon stoat!, is a multi -family apartment complex. Background On April 26, 1982 the Planning Department received a use permit and tentative tract slap application for a seven unit residential condominium development on the subject property although prior to the Planning Commission taking action► the applicant withdrew his applications. 9 TO: Plan Cossiission -3. • Analysis The applicant new proposes to demolish the existing structuraa on the prc,perty, and construct a fourteen (14) unit residfintial cf,)nelrxminium project. The following outline reflects the major characteristics of the proposed project: l,apd Area: 21,173 sq. ft. Number of Units: 14 Permitted by Zoning Cure at 1 per 1,500 sq. ft.: 14 Buildable Area (lot area less setbacks)t 15,8851 nfl.ft. I x Buildable Area (excluding spaces;; permitted in the R-3 District); 47,6r.5t ... ft. Proposed Cross Structural Area (excluding garages) s Proposed Gross Structural Area (including garages) t Building Area Ratiot(excluding garages) 1.21 X Buildable Area Building Area Ratiot(including garages) 1.92 X Buildable Arne Required off -Street Parking: 1.5 per dwelling unit, or 21 spaces Proposed Off -Street Parking: 32 subterranean parking spaces Setbacks Re uired Pro s d Front (Morning Canyon Road): (see details below) North and South Sides: Rear (Morning Canyon): 20 ft. 10 It. for the huildingt 8 ft. for a chimney 6 ft. 6 ft. with permitted chimney encroachments 6 ft. Varies from 26 ft. to 53 ft. Permitted Building Height: 28/32 Foot Height Limitation District Proposed Building Height: Varies between 27 ft. average and 28 ft. average root height. Permitted Lot Coverages (60%)t 12,703 sq. It. Proposed Lot Coverayu (36%)f 7,7241sq. ft. dVxe•.ludes Deck Areas) rigures shown on plans are incorrect. TO: Plwu* Ccmiission -4. 0 Ttr proposed development substantially conforms with all applicable de:veloiesent standards tar the R-3-B District with the exception of the front yard encroachments and a proposed identification sign disc_ubsed below. Front Yard Encroachments In accordance with Section 20.18.020 of the. 7.nning code, a :nlnimum 20 foot front yard setback is required for property located in tho p-I-H District. As indicated above, the applicant is proposing to have a pr.rtion of the building and deck area encroach 10 feet into the required 20 foot front yard setback (adjacent to Morning canyon Poad) on the first and second floor. In addition, a single chimney is proposed to encroach 12 feet into required 20 foot front yard setback. Staff has no objections to the proposed front yard ene:rr,nchments inasmuch as the properties: northeasterly of the subject property, and within the same block, have a required front yard setback of 10 feet along Horning Canyon Road. A portinn of the proposed building maintains a front yard setback of 46 feet. In addition. thr applicant har raintained a substantially ryre•ater rear yard netback (6 feet required) so as to keep all new construction outside of thn canyon area. As indicated in the above outline, the rear yard sett,ack varies between 26 feet and 57t feet. Proposed Identification Sian In accordance with Section 20.06.050, A,2. signs in the k-a District are limited to one identification sign not exceeding 6 aq.ft. in area. The proposed development includes an 8 sq.ft. (2ft.x 4ft.) single faced identification sign located on the building facade along Horning Canyon Foad. Staff has no objections to the proposed sign, inasmuch as the sign area represents only a minor variation from the Code requirement and the sign is architecturally compatible with the proposed building and will not be objectionable to surrounding property owners. Buildable Acreage Inasmuch as the subject property includes slope areas greater than 2sl, staff ham provided the following discussion regarding the buildable acreage and dwelling unit density criteria as established in the Newport Beach General Flan. The Newport Beach Ceneral Plan excludes areas with a slope greater than two to one from the calculation of "buildable acreage", Density ranges are then established as follows: law density ------- 0 to 4 dwelling units per buildable acre two family ------ - no density range medium density ------- 4 to 10 dwelling units per buildable acre multi -family ------- 10 to 15 dwelling units per buildable acre In the approval of major P-C Development Plans and subdivisions in the new areas of the City, these density classifications have been used to deteraine the permitted number of residential units. F TOt IP14Wq Commission -6. • Recent projects aFproved in the Coastal Zone h. percent low/mode rate -income or affordable units. Seashore Townehooes, a seventeen unit project units, and Spinnaker Bay, a ten unit project with Staff recommends that 10% or 2 (1.4 rounded up) provided in conjunction with this project. In Lieu Park Dedication Pee ive provided for ten Thtse include the with twV affordable one afforrleble unit. affordable units be In accordance with Chapter 19.50 of the Newrort Reach Pounicii,al [:ode, the subdivider, as a condition of approval of a tentative subdivision map or a parcel map, shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lira thereof, or both, at the option of the City, for the purpose of developing p he eofnew, or rehabilitating existing neighborhood and community parks and recreations facilities. Based on the established standard of five acres of park land for each 1,000 persons and an average number of persons for each 6mlling unit of 2.23 persons (established by 1980 Census) the current park dedication requirement in .011115 acres for each dwelling unit. Inasmuch as the General Plan has no future park atton [der.tifird within the proposed subdivision, it is staff'n rncommrndnt.l,,n that the park dedication requirement for the subject project k)" antinfied by the payment of a fee in lieu of the dedication of land. Tht applicant Is requesting that said fee be based on the net inrrearr in dwelling units (8 units) inasmuch as there are six existing units on the subject property already. Staff has no objections to such a proposal inasmuch as it is consistent with purpose and intent of the Park Dedication Ordinance which is to provide for the development of recreational facilities to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the subdivision and further that said requirement has traditionally been calculated based on the number of new dwelling units within the development. The relative fees based on the number of units is as follows: No. Units x Acres/Unit n Dedication Requirement x Park Land value In Lieu Pee 14 x .011115 ■ .16 acres x 298,496 acres - 5470759.00 8 x .011115 - .09 acres x 298,496 acres w $26,865.00 Revised Grading for Northeast Portion of Site In conjunction with the applicant's discussion with the adjoining property owner, Mr. Harold Zook, a revised concept of grading has been proposed which provides a lesser grade separation along the northeasterly property line adjacent to Mr. Zook's property. An Indicated in the attached plans prepared by Mr. Zook, excavation for the new building will atop at the building line rather than the property line. The northeasterly wall of the building will then become a retaining wall for the remaining dirt. This concept will require the redesign of a bedroom/bath on the lower living level (see partial floor plan on fir. Zook's plan). The applicant has reviewed Mr. Zook's suggestion, and is agreeable to incorporating it as a condition of approval in his project. TOs Plan Coaission -5. . Thib density classification system clots: not land itself well to applications in the older areas of the City. The City's traditional Zoning classification allows the following approximate densiitiefs: P-1------- 9 dwelling units per buildable acre. R-1.5------- 18 to 44 dwelling units per buildable acrt, P-2------- 18 to 44 gelling units per buildable hr.rn R-3------- 27 to 36 dwelling units per buildable acrh R-4------- 36 to 54 dwelling units per buildable hr.ro As can be seen above, these Zoning Cods densities do not corrnslAnd to the General Plan density classification system. The "buildable acreage" criteria and deletion of slope Arran greater than 2:1 has not been applied by the City in cases where, property is: already subdivided and zoned using the R-1 through P-4 districts, since the property in question in ronea h-3-8 and is an existing subdivided parcel which would allow 14 units, staff has nr,r FL,19gested the application of the buildable acreagr criteria. Compliance with Council Policy P-1 (Mello) City Council Policy P-1 states that the city will: I. Require the replacement of low-and-moderate- incr,lre housing units in the Coastal Zone which are lost as a result of demolition, sub)Pct to certain feasibility criteria. 2. Require that new housing developments in the Coastal Lone include housing for low-and/or-sMsderate-income► households where feasible, Of the six dwelling units existing on the project ,sites, one is currently occupied by a moderate is:cume household. Howevor, as irdicated in the attached economic Feasibility study prepared by Tarantello and Company, it wwould not be feasible to provide a unit for sale or lease by persons meeting state limits for lew-or-soderate-income. The price limits for the sale of such units would he $62,500 for a low-income unit, and $971*000 for a moderate -income unit (assuming a family of three). Based on policies contained in the City's Housing Element, an additional pricing structure for "affordable" units is suggested, under these policies, a unit selling for three times a household'e income would be ronsidered affordable by that household. A county moderate Income household is one that snakes 120 percent of the area -wide median income. In orange County, the latest estimate of a#dian income is $34,730, and 120 percent of this would bee $41,676. 'thus, a unit affordable to a moderate -income household would sell for a maximum of U125,000. This is considerably higher than the figures discussed earlier and could allow the developer a greater return on his investment. S TO PlanO Coomission -7. 0 S ciflc Pir,din s and Rrcrclnj•nciattr,r, Section 20.90.060 r,f the Newport Brach NuntctPal Cr-do prrvirl+rrs tlmt if, order to grant any use permit, the Planning Crr►t:it;►:;r,s, Ni,.al l f tr;,l tl,nt fte establishment, awintenance or op ration of the isse r.r l,r,i lrlir,q applied for will not, under the cirr_umstar.c4.5 of the: partirntlnr ':irr., to detrimental to the health, safety, peace, mural£. comfr,r l , general welfare of persona rexidinq or wnrking in the neirllrl,r,tiir,.,cl .,f such proposed use or to detrimental or Injurious to f.rr,l,,.rty nr.r; imprcveaents in the neighborhood or the g4r;r.ra1 welfare of tlrr r•ity, and further that the proposed modifications so as to allr.w the 8 sq. ft. identification sign and the encraarhmorirs trite, tl,r, IvwsIrr+r! frcrt yard setback area are consistent with the legislative, intent rf Title 2C of the Municipal Code. Section 20.73.025 of the Newport Reach muntctpal Code provider the Planning Commission shall make sl:ccific finciirgj In order tc approve a use permit for a condomiriiur., pro;rr_t.. In addttir,ss, Chapter 19.12 of the Municipal Code provides that the Cocr.tnRir,r, rthall crnkc eFecific findings in order to approve a tentative tract r,.tp, :t is Etaff'R recovile•ndation tr approves these .kprls+•.►tiroll £ suygersts that the Planning Commlasinn take r,uch action t tr3 the findings and conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A" dttached, i'I.1.l,7:INc DEPARTMENT .DAMES D. NEWICKER, Director ey 4/ w, William ward MrJlM, Fer.ior Planner WWW:kIn Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map Negative Declaration Feasibility Study prepared by Tarantella and Company Plot Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations, and Section Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 Plan Prepared by llarr:ld D. Zook dated December 11, 1963 • TC: Plaeg Commission -a. 0 EXHIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIC-Hr OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT 1247t! USE PERMIT W. 3075 AND HESIDb?JTIAI. COASTAI, DrVEIXOPMENT PERMIT NO. 4 TEWATIVE MAP OF TRACT 12079 PIhMINW: 1. That the asap meets the re•quirere.nts of Title 19 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general nr specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the Plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been preparod in ccrrpliance with the California environmental Quality Art, and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. b. That based on the information contained in the Negative Declaration, the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce Potentially significant environmental effects, and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts. 7. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvement will not substantially and avoidable in3ure fish or wildlife or their habitat. A. The the design of the subdivision, or the proposed improvemnts are not likely to cause serious public health problems. 9. The the design of the subdivisior, or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. ID TC': Plateg Coannission -9. 0 10. That the dinchargc of water frcm the prorr)rrrt subdivision will not result it, or i,ritl to any violation of existing require*:,ts prtr,r rilteri by ,1 California Pegior,al water Quality Cr,nt.rr,1 &rjrd pursuant to Division 7 (coviv.-ncinq wi t i, rect ion 1300 of the water Code). COUDITIONS: 1 . That a final map:- t.c f 11wi. 2. That all improvements bfr cr.,nstructt•d „n rtstltrirtd by ordinance and the Public Horkr, pepartmort,t. 3. That a standard Suhdivinion ayrverw,nt ,tr.ct accompanying surety be provide.i rn order to guarantee satisfactory r:ompletinn (If the pul,lic improvements if it. in desired tr rrrr,rd t htt f it,a l map or obtait. a buIIdinq permit prior to completion of the public Improvernnth. 4. That each dwelling unit he norvrrl wit.l, incllviciunl water services -,rrf newer lote•ralr, tf, thr, publir water and sewer r,yt:tems '111101m r,the.rwinrt ai,l-.roved by the Public Works Departrrw•nt. 5. That all vehicular acrest, rlghtr. trt (:ant Cn;ittt Highway be released and relinquished to the: City of Newport Beach. 6. That landscape plant] shall hu Huh jn(A 10 review and approval of the Parka, heaciiu:; and Mereation nepartment and the Public works; Verartmetnt. 7. That a 5 foot wider concreir Ftide+waIk Le constructed alnnq the Morning Chnynn Road frontatp. end that the unused drives aprt,n he removers and replaced with curb, gutter and hirir"walk. A 4 foot wide property lino concrete sidewalk rhall also be constructed along the East Coast Highway frontage, including the construction of ar, access rntrnp at the corner of fast Coast Ilinhway and Morning Canyon Road. All work shall by cumpl eted ur.de r encroachment permits; issued by the Public Worker Department .end the California Dv f,nrtme•nt of Transportation. The parkway area along east coast Highway shall he landscaped and maintained by the: adjoining develol"nt. R. That the develr,Vwnt have: a mit,imum 24 foot wide entrance drive unless otherwise approved by they City Traffic: Engineer. �l 11c+: Pleng commission -ld. i 9. That no yradinq shall occur in the area frnm the top of the slope (212" from the most sautfonaRterly garage wall) to the property line. 10. That no piling, fences or other disruption of the canyon shall occur. 11. That the canyon area shall be kept free) 14 debris during the construction process. 12. That no structural encroachment intc, the canyon beyond those shown or. the plans shell occur without further environmental documentation. 13. Development of the site shall he subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 14. That a grading plan., if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary And 1,er anent drainage facilities, to minimize any poter►tial impacts from silt, debris, and other water pr,llutantt. 15. The grading permit shall include, if required, a deorription of haul rcutes, Accesb points to the site, watering, and swooping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. lb. An erosion, siltation and dust contrc.l plan, if required, shall be submitted and be subject to tho approval of the Building Department and a copy shall be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Pegion. 17. The velocity of concentrated run-off from the project shall be evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project design. 18. That grading shall he conducted in accnrdnnce with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and hased on recoamendations of a boil er►gineor and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard site shoots shall be furnished to the Building Department. 19. Prior to the issuance of the grading permit, the design engineer shall review and state that the discharge of surface runoff from the project will be performed in a runner to assure that increased peak flaws from the project will not increase erosion immediately downstream of the system. This report shall be reviewd and approved by the Planning and Building Department. /42 TO: POing Comission -11. . 20. That prior to the approval of the final Tract Pap, the applicant shall pay an in -lieu park dedication foes in aceordar►cu with the Park Uedicr,tinn Ordinance and further that said fear shall he determined on the basis of the net increabu it, dwelling units (A dwellings). 21. That a minimum of ter, Percent (10%1, i.r, twt,, of the units to Le dcvelt►ped in con?urielifin whit the proposed project shnil be "afft,rdat,ln t.jilts-.11. !selling for nu morr than three timnx O,unty Moderate income, (120% of median) or rentinq for no more than thirty (30%) percent of the County Median income at the time of occupancy. 22. That the affordable nature of the units nhAll he guaranteed for a period of 10 yPnrQ. 21. That the affordable 46using units be avAi lakilee for occupancy either within.6 months of thr occupancy of the first unit, 24. That prior to recordation 6f the final map, at, agreement shall be executed that g►+nranteen the provisions of "affordable units' on -site. Said agreement shall be reviewed by the Planning Director and City Attorney's Office, and Approved by the City Council. 25. That a master plats of water, sewer and ntorm drain facilities for the on -site Improvements he prepared prior to recording of the final map with design to be: Approved by the Pohlic Workb Department. Any modifications► or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall he the responsibility of the developer. USE PERMIT NO. 3075 FINDINGS: 1. That each of the proposed unitK has been designed as a condominium with separate and individual utility connections. 2. The project complies with all applicahle standards plans and zoning requirements fe;r new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval, except for proposed front yard enercachr4nts, and an over -sized identification sign. PlIfng Cosesission -12. • 3. The project lot size conforms to the Zoning Code area requirements in effect at the time of approval. 4. The protect is consistent with the adaptAd goal►; and policies of the Ceneral Plan, and the Adopted Local Coastal Program Lanai Use Plan. S. That adequate on -site parking spaces are available for the proposed residential condominium development. 6. That the proposed rretbackr; ►,long Morning Canyon Poad are comparable to the exir~tirg rntbacks of other properties in the area and the proposed building and chimney encrnachrr-ents into the required front yard setback area, adjacent to Morning Canyon Road will not, under the circumstances of the particular ease, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general we.lfore of personK residing or working in the neighhc,rhood r,f such proposed use or be detrimental or incurious tro prr,pArty and improvements in the nPighborhocA r,r the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Titles 20 of this Code. 7. That the proposed 8 sq.ft. identification sign adjacent to Morning Canyon Road, will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, aafPty, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and be detrimental or injurioux to property and improvements in the neighborhood and the general welfare of the City, inaswuch as the proposed sign it in character with the established residential neighborhood in which the project is located and that the greater sign area represent« only a minor variation to the Code requirement. S. That the establishment# maintenanc* or operation of the use of building applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvewnts in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. A Ploing Cemission -13. . Mft ITIONS: 1. That d+:velnfinent shall tie in rt,bntant ial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, elevations, except as noted helrw. 2. That two parking slates shall he providets for each dwelling unit and that the remaind-r of the parking spaces shall be used for que t barking and shall be so identified. 3. That the desir)n of the proposed vehicular ramp shall he subject to the Building Popartment approval and that the on site barking and vehicular circulation shall be siblec:t to the further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. A. That prior to the occupancy of nny unit a qualified acoustical engineer, rrtainoel by the City at the applirnnt's expense: sihr,ll rl,•mnnntratt to the satinfact ion of the Planning M tar.tor that the noise impact from last Coast Highway on the pro3ect does not exceed 65 dh Ct1EL fr,r oistsidc living areas and the requirements of law for interior spaces. 5. A qualified archaeologist or paleontolaxjist shall evaluate the site prior to cc:csnencement of construction activities, and that all work on the site be done in accordance with the City's Council Policies K-5 and K-6. A report shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Building Department certifying said. 6. That all applirable handicap access and parking standards shall be met in a manner satisfactory to the Building and Public Works Departments. 7. That the proposed 8 aq.ft. single face identification sign is approved. B. That all mechanical equipment and trash Arcas shall be screened from adjacent roads and adjoining properties. 9. That all conditions of approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 shall be fulfilled. 10. That the development shall be in substantial conformance with the revised rancept of gradiruq along the nnrthoasterly property line, as shown on the plan prepared by Harold B. Zook dated December 11, 1983. IS VICON IT I tvw p Are D I S T R I C T I N G M AP II L w ► O R r i[ A G K C A L I/ O R I a�hl ��a� II�Nf�w 1.0409 SaMMia trw►I/ MM1fl�K Gloom" as"""a •u 0 M/rM NUOU Sodom is�nw 9900" Ow N �..M.w� R_ _ _— 1rM�1Nw1t' IA adobom w WIN M N on NAP w Tentative Mar vF TnY412079 U3� �rrn�i- 1�'.�075 and �,,,�KPCnp�Tlc1{: e ra�TTl lF�k Y:i]iATtl�.Tq*Jll nt.U^ 1 i V L uLt.u+RI11 1 uN TO: Secretary for Resources FROM: 'Planning Depart 1400 Tenth Street Q�cnL City of Newport Brach Sacramento, CA 95814 3300 Newport Boulevard Clerk of the Board of Newport Beach. CA 92663 Supervisors P. 0. Box 687 NAME OF PROJECT: Tentative rap of TraCL No. 12079 and Use Peru -it No. WIP PROJECT LOCATION: 487 Morning Canyon, Ro.,d, Coruna dal liar PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED 11 1 1 FINDING: Pursuant to the provisions of City Council Policy K-3 pertaining to procedures and guidelines to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Environmental Affairs Corr,ittee has evaluated the proposed project and determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. MITIGATION MEASURES: SEE ATTACHED INITIAL STUDY PREPARED BY: City of Newport Brach INITIAL STUDY AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT: 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: i rred Talarico, Environmental Coordinator Date: December 7, 1983 i i PROJECT LXSCRIPTION SUBJLCTt A. Tentative flap of Tract No. 12079 (Public Nearing). Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of land area. into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on prop4rty located in the R-3-B District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 0 R. Use Pemit No. 3075 (public ffearin ) Request to permit the *nstruction of a 14 unit residential condominium development located in the R-3-B District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Cod• so as to allow portions of the proposed building and dock areas to encroach 10 feet, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area along Horning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an B sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. ME C. Residential Coastal Development Permit No.-4 (Discussion) Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for .a 14 unit residential condominium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low -and -Moderate -Income housing within the Coastal Zone. LOCATION: Lot 3, Tract No. 1737, located at 487 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly 'corner of Morning Canyon Road and East Coast Highway, in Corona Hiqhlands. No 0 0 Mitigation Measures 1. Development of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 2. That a grading plan if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 3. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes' access Points to the site and watering and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul pperations. 4. An erosion, siltation and dust control plan, if required, shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department and a copy will be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region. 5. The velocity of conlentrated run-off from the project shall be evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project diaign. 6. That grading shalilbe conducted in accordance with Plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and bas:d on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a comprehensive soil and geologic investigation Of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Building Department. 7, Prior to the issuance of the grading permit the design engineer shall review and state that the discharge of surface runoff from the project will be performed in a manner to assure that increased peak flows from the project will not increase erosion immediately downstream of the systems, this statement shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building Department. B. That pri:.r to the Occupancy of any unit a qualified acoustical engineer, retained by the City at the applicant's expense shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the noise impact from East Coast Highway on the project does not exceed 65 db CMCL for outside living areas and the requirements of law for interior spaces. 0 0 S. A qualified archaeologist or paleantologist sha11 evaluate the site prior to c0ftwncement of construction activities, and that all work on the site be done in accordance with the Cityps Council Policies K-5 and K-6. A report shall bo submitted to City Planning Department and Building Department certifying said. 10, Final design of the pro3ect shall provide for the incorporation of water -saving devices for project lavatories and other water -using facilities. 11. That no grading shall occur in the area frrym Elie top of the slope (+l2" from the most soot-h6astarly garage wall) to the property line. 12. T'hnt no piling, fences or other disruption of the canyon shall occur, 13. That the canyon area shall be kept free of debris during the construction process. ( 14. That no atruwtural encroachment :nto the ennyan beyond those shown on the plans shall occur without further environmental documentation. ,20 now CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPHICS MICROFILM DIVISION '!r �•' • •.•7rI•�•• .r. .'t,:r [ •►.~}_.1ifr.•��+��r.i�:,���'�1 r. •' ,�• .r.•. �: •` yN ti.+,t• r.rM yr • \ � y. } I r ..+"+ rf' � December 21 1983 � -t;.,�� �� ' A�'`�.�; �1- . ' ..;�, � . •: fi: s +r f'l _ 1' ' ' t''• 1r�"ppr3� 'c�1�26iG ' i •,jtli r• r L. •%�<11, •l✓tiL , f +,Y� a x♦ ti tom: r • r a.lf� . tI� '•� ''�: l„ir • s r i�.1'Jrs ,yL}�Ij;,,. � '��i•,G ,.�,�.r�� it^/��3?650�;, •t�.P ,'�,�;'1 ' Alr�,:;.Robert F P. Lenardtic''t'�'l': `•_ ;j� �.:,.; ' f •�''� . C `t�, /�HVuliCe PiaM nr• 1�•,i►i�,,,ti, wJ•J♦,'r�� 'J }j J/;• �•.,,li.�;�.. .,•1•�ITlr4 ► Administr f �a[I• ��1'••' „ !•.{•.,�!` IJ,' ►•1/,"r'�f-•+.4'. :. ,j[�,..•.a. . star, ,,� LY�.,•.�a%. ;�:�• ,r . �..t J�Zr.-�.., z.• •-,r.•.•• f, y .t� r�ii 11�71•• t" f . ♦ I t r�•. �. I�7 , j�•j',� '1►;.4 4'a,h f'�•�w.r' �s :�r. Communtty Development Department :����r ,�:�:r �• roc ' , frr.,;rtr *s�•• l�fJ�' '�f ►��j. ?• ••' . �'.! r••iT •.•�`�. M. p .�. / fir♦ r r f' i•••. f_. ..,;• CITY OF NEW ,�.., • PORT BE/iC •r• {I. .• �;'' rr ,t.,. 1!' ,. f,. +•. 1,•' '•'' + •f kr�'r ram" `•�lj' K V+i�vrs •r fit• 1 r T 1 1 •. /, r1}�Yri'%••:,,i. •J'.w,t .. r,}w !! r r'/•�, ..3390 Newport Baitevcvd fR w«� lip • •I r ,f .�' e�' �'�, fir�]AIj•�I Ir +� �ii��1•i! iJ•�.I'J%. �• New} rL Beach Ca! �,r:,.•.. ?. rI�y• t i� r:' ._. . .f " •'f t/aint4 L 'r', ,�.. .. r, f..• ii �fjr'1, w{+♦�•i�.i�/i��!//� n fi••,J/ 1�.!•.i •� r a .• jl/:r• �1..... •t� .r�♦ . • / !�� I�� 1r11A/!•jr•� �•l�••• • •' !S r'�:' y''yii�� f�♦•�,.�fo+1�r'/.i:titi�t• f+rM'••r • •� yr t:•. •7• ! N .r' . a rw . r / n 11, •• �'•� :ti 1:4f�r.�+�•;�frfi,aj�rt..�ri'7,� -/,r t r �l u 1' • }• "::l`+� REr �87 1dO1tN1NG CANYON ROAD --.NSWliOR7' ��+� [��'••; , •�` `''�•w?✓rr �i +, �`�-!t',yr r+,�*;;/,(t t1,} 4'il, r?•, t• •' •• µ. �. h ., . BGACA rat Ii. w,4 � V. r , �' �• ']'•iY i . • ,. r ♦ , �•`1 ti.'f • jj 1 - • ] I s' �. h' �.y , • L4i . 1� +. , f•.�1. S • ,. 1.' `{.,1;•...•1,: • Ali ('! • .rrr�„ J i fti/� frir ly. /�1 ire . 1 : �.$ •.r•.i+'.(~yti . Dear• M i .�r{�7�{y y/S� ♦ •"".,'!.�{'.y� �`•.. �L r�l )��•� �,. 11r / r��• T,I,�,r 'f i11'jr rf/f' ! �! . �� 1/t��/r ati L....tf•1•.� i•�SliYf �y�Y�.r t/v'IL _•+f.4...•......Ir♦C/j�Y�+!rybil�fl.t7W�f.I.r_t••',+''.11:••.3it��•.♦r���,L:�JJ�+tWiY N: !•Vi TM�7:w'r• .r•7.••vl�%`iZt.�...C«:•d�y•'�•f 1i.. .'..r.,:• 't;1 �f [r1J 1iJ� "� 1•. i ,r,-•-l•�rir"'♦ !„il.*'•I�'J�-•'7A:. t11 1'r • �• �{7:-✓�'.IY .JIB: 'r'l�T•'��Iy/fi �•1�• f.� r, /�•�,� �� � •• r �-y Ru elio,. :Compaiy � d fhb '. ,. ccordancs .with your, re estTarant p w jotl� letter 'to' ctcs' ' th* • r: .....1,.. ifY, raffor 610 ,ntt fdsib(ltty'i6* which• was pr+rpc d'�e ar+dii.. �,'; above-re%r•riced divelopmerit. �•awe!/:+-.�*j�,n►s{r•,er+.�v.,Y g Oil; ,d;Lim ��C'lfw'•w��1�.ai+'}AB.. �h'Gn No11i site a ��rr��++•`'� ,,: prov ion , oJa art off- f fordable, unit tr;'orrier' to ti `(•'comply with the' Mallo'Bill: • As'stated on P e o ths'Re "'/ �' � •y �-� .. .�; , f : port,"the' price used jar 'the,. N+ 'Nov, • Off -sits" unit wdsthi 'average sales; prtca for tiao-or-less bedroom units '•;'�,'";. occurred since the'last MLS Listing book.- rasaI 'rice us j�,•�cale wlrtch` t� r on'P4* 3, rras�$JSS,00G ON '�• .. f,•, nAP� ,�, ed/as shoAssumption 1 Idts x 1�+ �� `:.>•.�''�t1 �/ ' t ,i A mpt#on.No ceased the rantal tneaMI provided by leas Ing. eflo�dabl� cnj� a ti .1or, the,'rsrleitrtd perfod.,;Tho`jiital'rnti' tgzires' ii+sri' calculated bane t( }• at';�`i,; ;f: househaid� rltae "•, r•.ft.,.. if '� .. , •� d iTan 3-'person It�r;iC► '„ • +� . fort •i smaQ else/a[ the }citti dsstqnated+to'be allocated ai'thf O ublet.q �1.. y loettl,�,Ths�;i-person houieieoid'rtn at jtpiaCI icivases'f potantial�� onth� r 'f r ,SQS OG ar j ow•'Gtcom �•. ,. ,-everea a f;:astl..and;�101.00, Jars,a�'moderat tncomi'ir"ritL�,' Eby' so ,s "evenue r'rr`ia'ro� ,arda°1+"�t�he •�''aaumir�v"'a-psn�on.;tio�i,etwld• situivaild $tot' s f t x'tthtri • ,, • P ,.• 0 eae# scenartos•to' i r�requir orclabt ' the vslcpmsn , all r ongmny rw saved,: _fd d.aa • ce;�o ,ihs.Pr'oP�ed dwstopmeni + ••'�':T1 •-and bettsws'thy;the cited prtc�f,ars nat'iigitiflcant2j�;'out`%.tins'"with(n" f� i�• pl�ac�.r a_tcu.." ic*itritrrps o!cR�tr ci!w cttfd tri ;tha •Tables, an'Pg e#,-� mtit 5 Te ect a • •h( h'er n •;f� s lherforo, `Implytr� that the scheduled cos .,. . }�',��r*. • �ksx►id lowt t ord tQ re Ce -� lx.,,.o have been.�� aiittct' tsd at t1i >�± ••''�' and'ialss'ate not"dir m reL�nsy ./must bi raoiid! a listing vIs..,lr !�'tlY•. comparable to'ths'0Was rvilapment� thd•Corona'det' Afar.' �• area Umtied •+ 1 e .sc►+t�l. a 7' arpPlY, of comparable proaltc ,�llao 'many of the. uiUhW ' �' l2 .� . �sr tmiti than throe o�Jfred D! th4 Sybjiat D,eyed merit When♦"&ma �d lea it ap yred ,,i, ;/r^3,•, prtei per squari loot.bads;" the•Prf6.V`schiails bi'comsi iitore'tn �n ~'� e'r �o Y4.1" the tmrritdfats, area."" T rats„' a : '`' R:`r`f f . h4 , absorption,; attributed to, the:'Sub/eef''Project`'is'�" .:r•.`r a(grt(j(caraLly h(ph thou the; typ(cai pertdid of absorp thieved other"' ".; s r 1 •' • b /.Z 'rt •w. the market in the immediate area. , Thi moderate p�rtci schedule of the Sublset enhances' • • } , the Project's salability and red =4 the risk and carr}�-CG4lt , t�tplcall +� sell y r f tgured Into tke ',• 1 ; ,.�, k ingp, F(CS of the higher priced (and ls' = compettttw) ruidtness: r f'�� •�.'�re th of Y♦ � ' �.. �� w ./` .. i/'i.:" ..1� I� r. F �•r,�J.�j�{� J�' �.,/�! r • . j, i 4 ' for. this a d�rttutlt'+ ►,M •�..1 • - •/-• r. !++r, • -r.�. • r;• '..1 4 /• 'f ,-MJ'j'1 4 •A. r U, pp A.of it and look[ or W and t o your Y •;r�:'; pa ors a in the f���r 1 ,: `s,:•r:.,,yjh� to be �rvtee f contim,ed '� i 'r� i' ,'•.,j �1J,1 g`� _t• '.� •• e��'�`�, 7� !4't!• �, . V ' • '!� xti,•• �.. �r � J� �••1 }� T f.iYNz0 ;7•'S�W�it�r.lN' ✓,: ra-'.�;�•„�� 1 .�Y ` 4 � � '��. ?r � • rf i. r r •L •ti !N •�i .a • • .,;,.. ARANTELLO & COMPANY,00 '• ,; t . .�i: ,fi..,., 1 • . r�.�/• !' : i:.:••�''60. nq, Are : I 6 W— alai Uawrr, ewa sy» IM NO -OM Brace G � I IC V14) M26W De ember 21, JU3 Mr. Robert P. Lerkord Advance Ptarmbg Adminhoidor Community D*wlapmwtt Depw mWA c&Ty OP NLwPORT REACH 3M Newport badevwd Newport Roach4 Caufornta gX63 RL: 41 MORMWG CAWOK NOAO XjWpoR? MWjL D*w Mr. L*nw* In accardmco with your "qu on and 4ath0rfjatt0r4 Tarent*tto Q Company has prepared a "Part mluaft tlr fMWlty a( r *"W a Weded mmbdr of of/ard @ units within UW above-r* f wWwW d.,r.lal.lo�#, krUm ed In the followfp report r an amolymb of tine ")Wt 14-unit Candomirntum "Oct with the tnclu don of up to ;tiro loin or lklevel " ab�orftt MW8ft b40vtf 419Mptad wW inch art r robes to aw iltwidpr As bNr= of "fair w1 tlia* you f )r tilllr o !!'!1riDi:ir Mf'Mtr '.14 10* f WvWd to YOW ca Unuod paronpo to thr' f bprr. . Ro*ft f uuy aAndttK TARANTELLO A COMPANY Timothy S. Law Yin Pr ddlnt . laa lt~ � • A • r ti IyI + MrOROAKE "MUNG F[ASISILITY ANALYSIS of �7 MORNING CANYON ROAD rewtNw CanMrintun Units OMPUT K#=$ CALU MIA 0 Residential Development By, WASKY L7IUMIS950 INC. SubNitted Tat CITY Or KErpoRT gZACMI OaCarbar 1063 Submitted •yt TARANT[LLO A CONFAMY a23 J __ STATEWMT OF ASStMrTIdaS 487 Morning CORM" Road {1} Project Cheracterlatica, No. of_nits Description ___ S11• Plan A 2 2 bedrooms &Go Sq.Ft. Plan • 6 2 bedrooms 1,250 Sq.Ft. Plan C 6 2 badroons • can 10500 Sq.Ft. 14 II) Land Ow"rsAip: At the start of pralact construction, it is assumed that the land is owned outright by the developers. (3) LW4 C"t; Provided by the Ownership $950,000. (a) jm2truction !! d, An 9-month construction period has been assumed from commencement of construction to completion of units. (3) Co mtruetioA Costal Based upon the Replacement Cast.Estlestes detailed by Rumney Enterprises, Inc., (construction costs arm •$&used to be Incurred evenly over the entire construction period) as follow*: On -site f 905,000 Off -site 500000 Parking Garage 192,000 Indlrects 106,500 Overhead 33,000 Marketing 140,500 Customer Service 5,600 Total Costs 1,434,600 (6) Fin "I" / "I" Rats, The rate charged against the outstanding loan balance is 2.5 percent over pries; prime Is assumed to average 11.0 percent. The loan tea was seemed to be 3.0 percent of the construction costs. (7) 5!M12"t of Lem Based on IWO percent of gross sales. (a) Abeerytton; An absorption rate of two units per month has been Incorporated into the calculations. It has been assumed that the two lower priced units will be sold upon completion of construction. (9) rriclmd of C2►ft1n1Ms: Pricing of the condominium units was provided by Rumney Enterprises, Inc., as follows, Plan A S 145,000 x 2 . f 290,000 Plan a S 1630000 x 6 . 10110,000 Plan C i 2354000 x 6 . 1,410,000 Total Project Revenue f 286106000 STATE"OT OF ASS WTI0MS, continued. Ail Morning Canyma Read (10) Affordable Unit Priclnq; The affordable unit was considered to replace Plan A in all scenarios. unit priclnq was based upon Income Information Provided by Robert P. Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator, City of Newport Beach. Because the designated affordable unit is a 2-badroom condominium, the income level for A 3-person household was considered relevant for potential occupancy. Based upon industry standards, a maximum of 33 percent of the household's gross income can be alloostsd towards housing debt service. Typical financing terms for residential units are assumed as follows: 10 percent down; 13.5 percent fatal 30- year amortization. Both low end moderate income levels were analyt@d the resulting Affordable Unit Pricing used are as follows: Low-income unit S 62,500 Moderate -Income unit : 97,000 (11) Affordable Rental Rates: Rental Rates were also based upon allowable monthly expense information provided by Robert P. Lenard, City of Newport Beach. These figures for a 3-person household are as follows: Low-income Unit f S85 Moderate-Incoee Unit i 910 (12) Provision of ff- ite Affordable nit: The following additional assumptions have been incorporated into the analysis, providing low- or moderate -income units at an off -site location. The average sales price for two -or -lass -bedroom units for sales which occured since the last MLS listing book was used as the purchase price of the off -site units. Absorptions It has boon assumed that the oft -sit@ unit will be purchased in the nineth month and sold in the eleventh month. (13) Annual Cash now, The estimated annual Cash flow from renting out the affordable units incorporates the following annual expensess Taxes S 11600 Insurance 400 Expenses 20000 Subtotal S 40200 Debt Service 13,944 • Total S 200144 • tBD.OS loen-to-value, 13.311; 30-year Mortlastion) Low Moderate Per Unit Annual Cash Flow (Renting for 10 years) (513,124] 169,2241 (14) A!sidua1.Values The residual value of an affordable unit at the and of the loth yes; is based upon an annual 5.0 percent escalation factor less the remaining loan balance at that times S 239,1SO - S 1108047 : 126,143 I I I Set W MT M S1[SIKOIAL WWII ACTIVITY (as of 1eavNLeT Is, 19131 AVPACI SAM ►Alec AV[AACf PAYS ON MANKI1 ACTIVI 1ISTtacs Wart !Into Lost em p pool, since Last L1stlng Moti Veer.to.0ote since test coup sock Since Last Llsting sack Tear.to-Oat• Averego Listing ►else Average Dons on Market ft !re ro Yt+o of tee• gea e.e 4l g00 { 1 . T {S! 000 { 176,000 { , 1S e 12! 1!l { 20f,100 100 All Aasiaential ! 140,900 S ))4,400 { 2111,300 Its 1 » 142 { 703,e00 1a! is 91 Alto 0161Tlct 12 ! 166,100 S 246,700 { 404,100 172 197 { 117,100 1T1 All Aoslsentiol { 240,900 { 7l41400 { 1S10300 10 its 142 { 141,600 10! SOVrte1 MYltiPle Listing Seek . VOlual 44 (November 18, 1987)1 *elhrt Mafbar/cost• Noee guard of Realtors. 0 � AWARY Or OMENT LISTINSS (As of November 15, 1963) Oiatrlct No. 12 Price Per Address Oedrooss / Bath$ Square feet Listing Price Square Foot 733 Avocado and Pacific S 199,500 -- Coast Highway 2 / 2 -- S 230,000 -- 7 Crest Circle 3 / 2.3 -- 329 Dahlia Place 2 / 2 -- S 230,000 -- 310 Poinsettia Avenue 3 / 2 -- S 251,900 -- S12 Poinsettia Avenue 2 / 2 •- S S 251,900 235,000 -- -- 4 Canyon Lane 3 / 2.3 3 / 2.5 -- 1,377 S 265,000 S 146.04 409 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2 -- S 249,900 •- S10.3 Poinsettia Avenue S 249,900 -- 512.3 Poinsettia Avenue 3 / 2 2 -- 1,917 S 273,000 S 143.43 •43 Oeechcomber and Narquerlte 2 / 1,367 S 20$,000 S 179.36 407 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.3 S 290,000 -- 1 Curl 3 / 2.3 3 / 2.3 -- 1,427 S 292,500 S 204.96 403 Poppy Avenue 3 / 2.3 1,603 S 295.000 S 164.03 403 Poppy Avenue Sources Multiple Listing Oook . Volume 44 (November 16, 1933); Newport Harbor/Costs Mess Bosrd of Realtors. :duty or RiCEMT :ALES (As of November 13, 1903) District No. 12 d &OM / laths Listing Rice Wrier Date of sale Add:sss 773 614 1017 703 )a w MoCtdo Averaie Larlapra gF4Mtl! LabDur Msrlgold Avenue P=Word Place 2 / 1.75 1 / 1 2 / 1 7 / � / 1 3 / 4 f 17A,0D0 225,000 25,000 +� iN,000 1",l00 f WA 220,OW WA 213,ODp 21Q,000 !h,laJ In factor 06/l0/13 In facia ��� 01/13/13 0 WA Room �-214t 225 / Soutt+ss Multiple Listing Book - Volume4d (M��t 160 1963)i fMr�rt tlaraaa/Costs Mao board of Raaltors. • 0 MatP C. r KOtM10t at On"ATI.Jurm r UNIT Irl sat. I er+llt• *"lapvs (w wn o! c"truttlon lNrtln0 Tatal 0w"lapwIt Out+tt101n4 Gr011t Ogvejo er,s coh Flap C"flt<,tsd (4'lt! 01"10PO S sra+tt hrot+t tr+th Dr�laAunt 1ct1.1t! tsr_ U _wt• Orr 1�Isi+Ct_ 1 Ooar4 Iv�VCotswc+ t 19114OTJ t u.C7A 1 I,is7,�fi1 ti Mr.11• ! als 1 A S (f7D.0001 1 1SO,OW t •0• t -0. Orsu�ctlem t Vm.= TT 1�t,m ul,m .0. 7M,ll : .a t77r 2.I UT, A -6 194.OU0 A• A 4� 1fJ,a% 1Q,+� .0., � .0. ifl,l00 •l.1fi 1[S,))i ts7.134 .0. Z. w,If>Q land 4L7.t!( liT,1U1M,143�, MOm A 1,13;7,= Aa •�• .0. Ul,WO 11,ST1 11G,S'!f 110,fr! 1� lOO,tf'T -O• A f90,000 •0- A Al. 1f0, 7 U,» iT?,1t17 • N$A trrrhMM • O� ASU GnstrAm'A t LfO.� u.MT Iri,MT A sT,lss l,lQ),!M �.� rA,000 •0. A !W (2) mm a Wdu .0• ■ Stu (1) PLO .Ow u. ia,ws A. -0. ,00° '�" •0. (11 1Kr C -0. •0• u Stu it) no a ti Ic m 10,131 .4• oal,Ke ro,m a20.OfA 1h0.000 (t) Fl.t C ,� .0• * Ssu (1) non O wd x.� Oq, 000 A t7o,Ono 4. •0. M Flom c .a• 13 TW (t) Flr 0 No � A ���) .0. M.O0o W,149 .o1.lSt 30,2" -a 11) Flo C •0. '0' � IA Sou (11 ►la 0 wd ,� ,0. .0. MOM 40.000 til,lSl 420.000 '¢ il) Flom C •0. 'a a. u SOU (1) no 0 ame A-._�.r..0. a2q.00D AM,= �-�• 1110111 A7.MS � L� Tabs list TV9411111 A elm" "Of f!"+ C 43" F LR* ftiMlt W LSO-IMM9 tlrlt rot "is / on -fit. 1ala1 owelow of ww" of carstr,xilon FIWCIAG DMIOPn►4 Wtstri" boas omloWls CwUitrlta4 D►wlovrt't aontr oMtaa.npt wt[ritf Lind Copts Costs Coats om aatsa7 airs Sow Cash slop 9*4tf lodtt ►root t+opst�t 1 1400ro LwvcMwr''" Css+ttution ! triO,ODo 1 1»,aoo f u,o7i f l.if7.af) f xv.AM 1 44 f f .4% 3 -a MAW ?,in 161,4r7 Ii3.M a. f;s,tl4 -4 r70,ox .G .a .a ts+,soo a.QK W'4% 343,*% .4 Al,ul •a -a it70,otu a -8 1»,aw 1. FM 165,YM W,)% -a 02.14V A .4 f9.Ow f •0- 1",wa 1.7M U7,1% 147,1% -Q W.to A .a 170,ow � .a UM./oo I'm 1i1,071 1w,077 .8. 1,02f,JM 1'l 'am 7 A l"'aw 11,979 110,1►i1 110's" .4 1,>< 'I" .4 •6 iri0.Wo i New ur Moog .4 lri.6o0 17, XI2 a -a M,ow A •� 0+04pto CVUU %Ctlon / fdl (2) Plan A WOM .4 1!/,)OD 17,N1 11a,f1i .4 >f1,03 1,3MD,aM >Ix1,lOo 4)6 f'10,0➢o to "1] (1) Flip I nd (1) Plan c .a .a• ls,ofa tf,alo .a �a,�oo m,m slo,ano .a !lo,Om .0. .o. 11 Stu (1) p1n II and (1) Plan C -¢ -4 10,92f 30,!?f -a 40,4" xw.o" 4i,000 .1>• 1lO.00O .a .a U son (1) Flan a ano (1) Plan C •a -a s,ft• f,i11 •�• ui,aa Ut,�fl n0,a[la .D. f)O,floo .o• .a 0 fall (1) Ilan f and (1) plat+ C •�6 -D` l,>� 1.ibR1 -a 111,tT1 A t36.�0 >ni,7�N W,ril 1Qi,7�1f .0. la fall {1) Flan I ane (s) rim c .a .o• .a. .a. .� .a. .a a'o,oao aon,000 mint a7o,ox, .o• • is fall (1) Olin 0 nd (1) Ilan C «a -a A A• -a .Or A• 4W.Mo w i0D.m0 •� ?I).i71 hi,K1 WTX3 �l} ►.a•.aoo 1 m w l,s> ,a f0° !�'_� i 1 m° 1*c se 1a.t >t la+rac tarntallo 1 Coppr*f. L r MA Ar»t e f INMIC3 T10 0W9*&T9•33CON9 UNITS lee Sale I rw.ttlte T Teal Oe. IN-16 pRizn of Crretnttton fumcirp Orvelopwit Outetrmr+p Oeaa DmlaON'e CoPUSb W D*%V10 ar•s ocKh omlop Activity lane Cats Cost. Costs arty arwr tomlwoo fda Coh flow 144tr [al,str aRoflt rrsa�: 1 Some Lowt earor Csr�atTv�tlon >< lSO,OOD f 1f'e,400 f 43.0% f t,132,4m =,Air f .O. f I�o,000l ! ri0.0[ls f A f A ? -0. w,AOD 2,777 woo 111,R1 .0. X4,113 •Q f A uI,Am 4.0% W'Sm IO.A}f .4 50,631 46 A .4 1",400 S.fli 145,7ia !tl,lflt .O` Il,947 .0. •6 l70,07Xr .8- •O- 3 .0. Ifp, AOO 7.73i 10.196 1Q,11i .4 W' W .4 •0. f'JO.d00 •4 .4 .4 I".4m O'C" im,077 111,071 •4 1,029,237 .4 •4 170.E A •b 7 .4 w,ALtO 11,979 170,11f lic' f .4 1,7AD,l» .O• 44 17o,OG0 .4 •� opoin whotloo 46 u1,aa1 11,7C7 in,�o2 in.tm .4 l,m,tcl .o• .4 17o,om -a 'a 1 Complete Carrtrw:tion I fell (2) PW A Wdta .0. 11/,A00 13,AA* 174,047 .4 11.133 1,]33,IA+1 17s7.Otm .0. trlO.Oda '0. 30 WH (11 pion 0 rd 41) Fir .4 .G• D'm 13,71Q A 404.7" IN,leO AGO.00D .0• f70,O00 •0. -a 11 fill 13) par A awe (1) plan C .0. .0. I%CN A671 .0. 40,3n in,w AXIOM •0. M.000 Z. .!!. 12 fell (1) Fir a one (1) plan C .4 A Can i.073 .a 4111921 lb.171 AaD,sa�1 -4 f7o.Coo •4 .o 13 loll (1) plop to roe 11) Plon C .06 ..a 1,411 1,417 .4 123,rii .a. A20.Otn 21t,{S7 a1,3Ae 2f4,a} •o- !A leis (1) pion O ono (1) eln C •4 .Q .4 .0. 4. A .4 a7p,dQ` Qo,ax 7J1.T4e 4it1,OD0 A 13 sell (1) Plr I ev 41) Plan C .06 .a .a. .o. .a .4 .4 A10,ODD A20,000 .a 221'ue la.cu tTrlals loom ice"_° L L�ij>r l,m._soi s l.mism L ti>t.na.em.s.ea.a� �.�slo.mo sir m u.A s MAN; rstartolle i Co>aant• scams, m UPI.1MtOr[ ta11S too foie / W111to I" wgtq et's MUM N WetrvcUen Flow IN DmIamomt *AstrdlnC oms sal» De+AIma It tat` rub cm+tilbAod 144ty De• IOff'I 96411 •font rwevt uo+tt+ De•elap�rd Rctl•ltr led Cau cats emu om nay al.w 1 It wtd I wvcaoiolw Ovrtrwtlon f f .OW f L9P,40o s O'c" s 1,IS7,•ri S ><3T.111 S .� s 1w.W1 s #W.WL s _ .& 1".4m 2,777 161,6" la.en -C6 wells ft'am -). •0. 3 -a 1WAM AIM W,A% SO^ .0. sn,611 .a .a M.Cm -a. 44 4 A WraDO s.tx 16367fe 10.1m .a at.947 -a .4 fl0.om A. -a s .a 1".aw 147,1% U7.1% -a W,lu -a .a fSO,000 .a .a { A U0.0m 9'en 1O,an !/refill .o. I'D".= M.= a. i A 1u,= 11,sTi 1106911 im," •4 1,met" Me= d • own mwwtfv .Ile 1.90,aw t1,90 177,%R imm -a 1,m,1a .a -a *l e= .a -o. f owileu cerrtr.rtsw fell (2) naft 4 trlti -a 17r.40D 1f,M7 174.M1 41.M1 .0• 1,437,tH IIS,tnQ .a r)O.ow 10 fell (1) n.► s and (1) vim c A A u,001 14.t� -4 44l,R? 1,as.!!d 420,DD0 -4 flO.am .a -a 11 wu (1) ►Un f Md (1) Plan c •0• .a 11,40 11.40 A 401.511 YO.Uf 420,000 12 fall (1) elan D ra 11) Film .0. A 4,1LT Sew 133 iTl.7iL 410.000 -a 1fL,OY70 -0. .o- if foil (1) ►lan i orb (1) rlor C .o` A J,?11 I.I1f .0. 1rT,ili -D. 470,OOD =70,afs .� MIMS 27D.4ri -4 14 sell (1) pim s w (1) PIP c -a -a -a 4. .4 .6 .� 47o.OtlD 410.0D0 IOit,SOS 420.00C .6 U fell 11) ►len D w (1) nor+ c .a -a .a .a. � � � -a' 4", OOD _= -b xv,sm sso. ► !l..�. 1t .m.+r w ^ 1.4�!■sRi l.8. �-_ �"1mD }, °t°,4� I VRA •s a _ ft�aor Tosol�tolla + Cai*+t 1 I ( I near a ,t r D* ' fcfmme: aw rtfMATI-latfatl teael7 rm solo i afr.flt. te�tal ON+Sows ll aatfan N w4tswuan ru+mcly DMID"Oet auutandfnp cra" Ortlava's cuh no CantrIbLA.a !rainy Da IMM19 "dif rrafit �� t nrtn Dmlap pit Attivitr Lrd cmu Carte carts Orr be"ftlarx Sales 1 Aaoord Lowvtomw r canetruottan 1 fl l= i MOW i U,Dsa 1 1,1S7,ala 1 1:1,a11 i -0. i YI2,4M ! A i t170,OD0) i sso.oue i -a 1 -4 t •0- lsl,acc ?,177 141,i77 W.C" .a majis A .4 f 'um .a .a 3 .8. 1Sf,AoD 4,0►i I43,4% 10. % -0. 37T,f11 -a- A f 'mc 40• .rY a .0. IMAM 3.133 11"'m 10.7m .a. R7,Sa7 Al. .0. Ow.cm ! -0. 1"'aw 7."d 167,km 9711M -8- 1do,Sa7 4. 4. M'WO a .D- 17f,am f,i77 149,a77 Won .8. 1,M9,270 -0. 7 -0. IMAGO ll,ST7 110,7" 11c'm .0. 117DO,tff I OWn nartwUng -a lf1,4O 13,lOQ 177,107 1Tl,Ua7 t1 OrYlaw Ow+atmilo" fall (3) r14p A Chits; hwdesa Off-uts il�tt 1lI,aCO 17,au Rf,MT >r,MT .0- 1•a1=,tea 110,000 -8- 190,000 -a -4 10 an (1) Ilw+ a wd (1) Kv c .o. A). "'m tS,fK Al. aw'10e 1,DOf,w axa,000 .a f1D,o0G .a. -b I. On 11) Flom a and (1) ►len i; WI Dff.ilts w4t .Q .a it, sat 11,7+t -� loS,pl 707,t17 317.Q� -o. 7s0,ODD -a •6 1i fall (1) han a wd (1) flw+ C G. -8• S,iil !.W -D• 4ta,77f iIIW azo,000 -� S"10,R>D .0. •� 13 fall (1) plan a and (1) f14P c -D- -a 1 f 00p i, aOC -D• 111 asa -0. a7A,000 JIO. Ui Q t, 11+► J10, is� -4 u fell (1) pir a wb (1) plan c -a -a .a .o. .a .a .a- aso,oco arJ,aoa 1>s,w a7C,D70 ' .a. 13 fell (1) pion f ana (1) Plan c -a .a .4 .D. A. .a .a r7o.am .7v,aGG .a 11t,W 73D.I#t M" f }Sf alb LAAP.dW a7 2Sa �t� Ate f 1 3� .fM i � "2 MAS } 1.t7p.tai �t•10�� 1s.s a 1 tar"ella a COMMY. L IWQAMII VAIN EL" tCtome: M Low -mew wit /N Sall / Off -Site "Ul 0MIOM's lotus" of torstructlen rinrcl►q aimiapt CAs" Crm OrwoUMIs Cwetrleutre ttewiem's month ovolap.a>t Activity Lov Crests cuts Cute 0roll go" saw" Wo Coh flew lWtl /refit horarnt 1 AroerO lerNCw WM Grnetr�silon s meow s 17r,em 6 CAM s 11152,474 s XR'A w 6 .Q t =.Am 1 A l ttrlo,ao0} t tno.0oo = A Ilr,em 2,777 I&I'm la'C" A. he'll! -a A Meow -a .a .o. "*,am 4.006 IA,Aii la,elt .a View 4. .a M.000 A A 1"'400 1,WX I47,37i 1Llju A 02,fe1 -a. -4 M'om % -a L!l,Am 7,m ID'Im K7,Lm A "'w -Q .a Meow i a. L!l,Am D.sn iff,QT! Iw,vn A JAV,m A A Il e= A -a 7 A 1"'a 0 t1,579 170,m 170'r ! .lt• I.M.1f1 46 .a M'om A .a o own lrlrh" A ifl,�oo L%= 177'm 11709M A L,m,lm .4 44 meow A A r comosu cristrimarn I !d1 (2) nen A tf+dtai /Vdwr Off - Ito urdt -a Lo'do a."? )".M7 71,M7 -a 1,442,%1 U0,000 436 rA'a o .a. -a 10 tall 41) na► a lad (1) ►Lan c A A DION 15,M6 1.=.w 490,coo .a Ilo,o00 .a -a 11 tau 41) na,1 me Ili plan C1 "it off-UtA LTU .a .o. 11,149 II,7+t! .a 47i,tst sm,w7 aw.mo -a M.am A. .4 12 Soil Ri} Plan 9 w4 41) na• c -a -o. 6,00 :,OAS .o. 4138M Mew 4Oo.0m .4 Meow la in11 (l) Ilan • rye 111 ply t: -a .a 1.712 1.m A in.w A Aw.000 se,m" 05,11e tsl,att .a H sail 41) nip a a+e (il non C 4. 4). A A AM,= 470,0o0 2f3,1Ie 4120.0 D .a 1! 2r11 (1) na o Aro 41) non t -o. -a -a, -a -o. .a. A uo.ow no,am A 2lf413e 166,1if roru L It .+7r,loo 1?aW�a" �!L?."r 1 Au tan L ;,t.An,tm �_l1W,iY s<+x,,aaa 1 1w 1s.a MMONA CAIN rlDe 1ccY fcf ON MorJAit-IMCwt 1A11t Fee &Dole IL} IOW Ds.11apt 's ftKam or Cwstnxtia, ►lnorcirg D"I psrs.d OAstw+dtn0 Croaa Owalblw 's Contributed Oaalow •s OwAh Do"lopw4 Acti.:tr t,and ttists C�cats Cats 0►ar 1~pe7 WE 141es Cw r1ft W,It7 t0..ltr "Wit puwt I ltoetd Uw'% aMpc* Dsr+atnct:en f tfa.aac s l3f,aoo 6 u,016 ! 1,137,4)6 s 1M,s1f l .ts~ l 302,414 l A f IMgOn) i M,OW -0. 1l1,aC0 2,277 161.4" I&A'C" .0. )N,113 -0. A s' 'WD S .0. I!! AM Off 1Q off . , off -D. soli& ) .o. Q. m, mn -a 1»,aoo s,936 ln,ssl 1f,3,7% -0. i '"T .0- .6 f70.0m s A lsf,am ).)f1 lf7,lff N7,1+6 A W.11) .0. .a f90,O0n .D• A f,f77 la,an Iff.R'r► -0.I.ORf,tp .0. -0. tf0.oM .0. 1Sl,40ti 11,sn 170,T7f 1v'M -M l,>DO.Hf .o. -0. 1150,000 ..0. .p f^I^7 .4 1sl,M(ri 17,+0? f QlaploU ts+sts+stiw� fell (1) plan A wit -a 1Sl,aoo LS,4s7 174,"7 2f,Jls7 .o. 1,a�,+aA 141,0M A 1lO'Wo .D. 10 Stu (I) Ilan I wd 0) rim C .a A 1S,7iS 1S,)ti .a aQ6,tl) fw,nJ a40,00D .a rio,oCo .0. .a U IOU (1) Ilan B wd (1) rla C .4 -� 11,T]f HIM .0. apf,tw lM,1f7 41D,OOG 416 fs0,000 A .a 12 3911 (1) Fir 9 wo (1) ►lon C .a .0. f,0) f.[37 A 4tS,sf3 1)6,M1 470,(MD v loll (I) ►lan s we PLO,C .D. .a. 1'"7 i.ri7 -0. 17f,f01 .4 4n,000 >111.f0f 70t,Sfa yal,iC+r -0. fa 701 (1) FirFir4 rt (U Tian c .0. .a .� .:~ -a .a .0. ao,om no,dno >.6,s1J aao.onc .a is loll (1) plan f end (11 run C rd Mrinwes (11an A) -0. .Q -a .0. .o .�. .J3. lsf,om 11f,000 A >NI,SfI !a),adl /O 43 �1l�OID 1 43~ fW � i f+l >I fT] !11 ltyl�y� 1 it>? MA � �7�11t�0 1 lt7 aflr �� ff anrsal Can rim (xvitth0 a tbae:aLe-lr�o tl,1t ►as tr roots) "$Iasi value (So111% tir unit at ttv w0 or vw tart, Teat) 1 S&ACai tuantalla f Cwcw+.. i 1 I f MA CASHr ! Kuma s s M LOW-lucow MIS Irr sale t wt.ilto e�ntn OrwlaprK kil.lt7 land canotnctun tlnapdro onto 74W Dowlapore 06uunxmg Orr" o..tlaoar'i covelettt's fttwn of D"Igw'4 Casts Cats IM popo7 Mawr "I" COS% 110. i�itt yoleL owl% ftirwt 1 MOWN tanlcaM rcv Can4ttutlr' 1 M,Om 1 13�,4CD ! a3,Olr l.l32.us 1 JoQ.ald ! 436 1 70a,1]I 1 -Q• i Im.ow) 1 MOM _ .a MOM 2,m 141,4m ul,m A 3M.113 .4 .O. M,(IM 3 -4 L!'1,40D 4, M M0.4% 10'aft A. A NO, DOD -4 l"'a D I'm iojx W'SM A Me= 3 A Lwr = 7,7/6 ►L7,lft iil,I% A W.W .a A 17O,Om 46 .4 d -a l7O,sOC l.i77 Mr,O77 "p.m .a 1,01,.27D A -a f3O,ow -& .a 7 A 1».&M 11.377 130.3'f1 110,M .O. 1,3�,gf A M,ODO A .4 • lltrl+tln0 .a 13f,Im L3,3O7 117.3@ 17%IM A 1,3T3,101 46 .a f3O,Oro .a .4. i w COMIthetso+ t le11 (n Flo A tits! Radon (2) Orr-S1ts lltlt4 .O- l"'4 D 13,447 401667 13e,M7 .a 1,3L3.fN ZIC.wOD .0. meow ..D• -a 10 1t11 it) qrn O ord (1) rim c A -a 17,4f 17.00 .O. bT.7il 1,10.0p We= -4 TA,00D u hu (1) Flip • ona (1) Flan cl sell (?} Orf-Site Wu -� -a 13,113 13,113 -a l31,Of7 d"'IM 343,U7 4)6 l30,OD0 -0 4)- 12 Sell (1) Pion O emd (1) rtt#p c .a .a 7,129 7,t2s -a 4u.Al m.w rio.lao A f3o,OaD A .a 13 ru il) Flip rpd n) Ilr+ c A 46. 2,4M 2,4ln A 2n,sn -0- 470.= 1fb.U7 733,317 lf►,M7 .6 14 loll it) Ilan • en4 il) ► or c .a A A ,6 .a A no,ow 424,000 J33,313 ai7.(rm A Lf loll (1) hap O or0 A 4M.OM 400,d1D .a M 3t3 OL,if1 �u i 1' 1� ,4}il■� 1n 713 1 w 3u 1 3A fli 1 3i7 iU L4.L �� f7p��q i 60=1 7.3 f L !Dural 7asrpt4!!a i cower+), ■ Iaprpara Cain r�Or KCIMips flip WIRATC-111COM1 N11ts For salt t Off -Ma TOW Dralwo Is AmUr" of Me11t>t 9"ylapactivity lyd Crstrctlon Corte rlwclnp Ctats Devel" row cuts 06utvdtnD Gross OM14MIS Conts:tulrl Derolap *6 am aowr selu+n Soles Cm% flow [Opts [ally ►toftt iersr: 3 PWI - d Uw%j* erct canetncttor 1 f3D,Dw 1 w,sp0 1 4k3,03e S 1.t32,a3a 1 2D2,am S A S 7D2,Am 1 -a 1(M.cm) 1 MOM 1 .a 1 -a ? .a` 1".4w 7,m l&l,m lu.m A 3is.113 .0. .0. maw .D. .0. -0. l"'am 41'am 3a.rK im,om .o` W71pt .0. A f30.DDD A .� A til,am l,rid 1[S.3)f 10.3% A W.947 -0. .0. vx,= .0. .a 3 -0. L",am 7,lfi 167,iK U7,1% .0. W,lu A A if .MD .a .O •� l",4m 1,cn 1M,077 wan 40. 1,t31f,217 .0. A rA'am .0. .0. 436 L",4m 11,379 lio,m 17009" .4 1,s00,1f! Al. «0. l3D,aa .& .8. I soon Nwh" 45. 3lr.4m 13,SM 117.11R3 111.t02 .ts. 1,m,101 A 1 ca03df cratnrtlon / sell IT) Ilan a Wti; Ilrtlmao (2) Off.sltt Wta A 13t,am U,M7 44,se7 lfr,667 A 3,)f7,11i 230,000 4) rA,cw .0. .0. 30 fall (1) Flen I r,d (1) flan c A A 17,pf ll,cm .0. a0x,3ti lrlp,3p 4?O.ODD A VA,MD A .0. u fall (3) Flan s fro U) Ilan C3 Sell (2) off -site w4ts 4L, A 13,113 13,1t3 A RD.of7 3N,700 614,= A V loll 11) Flan • ab (3) Flip C .0. A L,)33 f,ri3 .0. U3.p7 131,Ori 430,00D A 370,W0 .0. .0. 33 yu 11) Flip B and (1) ►lay c .Q .0. I,Nt+ l,a» .4 131.011 -0. up■DOD 3117,Za1 /12,73I stT,7Y A la loll (1) Flen 9 rid (1) Flan c A .o. A A .Q A .D- alp,ouD r2D,mc ac2.rir a�,OaD .a ri soli (1) flan I and (1) PLAP c A .o. .C. 46 .0. A. .4. a7a,pDP a .Ma .a 1W.732 t37,2+f MRS �� tf a3a C4 IMAM M ? ML !o/ 11,�.1r 3 SL7 fry � 7 1� ttb l Icr ?M � !!0 OA 1" 7M 11.1 1 farm ]arr+.ello S Co�'t• i . i i i i P-W. "NA CA114 flog lttllARi�s IN LB:-2m M 011 hla LOSS. I" D"IgXr Is Waff" N C"tnstlsri Me Inq; DrnlsP 4 OuutndlnQ Guam Ds+wl+pu is CaptlltPAW OMIOMr's month Om )"W4 Actldt7 tow Clots cWta Castro Orw. wpsr Mltr+a fdss ti p rlow tatty lvtty rsstit Pmo wt 1 0=1 d LOWCOlow" o.+atrwUm 1 mlow 1 19914M t a},D>. 1 1.117,4x 1 3o7.ax 1 .Q 1 X2,4x 1 A 1 I s)o.mol 1 rA.om 1 A 1 .Q r -Q 1fr.a) :,m lu,Cn lat.C" .a 31.,lu .a A. P .0m .& -a. A Isom a,t7K mm'"a 40,4w -o. 7J7,R! -a -Q 170.Om -Q .& a .Q 1>t,a3 11.9% 10.3m W."6 .tl. II,1r7 .b A 17D,Dm A .a .4 L".a0 7.1fii 147.ifi ja'm -& 80,14) .4 -Q rA.0m A A 1 A ilr.al 9,6" loan lr.2" .Q 1,o"0230 .o• -a r"'MD .Q 7 .a 13P,a9 u,sty 119,T» 110.Tmr -a 1,10D,1" .o. .o. 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DOD 4=, 211 Memo 1+ wu (1) ri•+ 0.d (1t ►tun c ma ftf RW%Cf (2) 0ttardwv wt (►L.� A) .Q .)6. -a a .a .+o• ua.ocr 4U.0m _r~ &Z,217 W,7rt �IAki >ao.0m i 1�+� IS ►..4 1- .�1�a4?! 7 L' ►M.LL-Ri 1 m !m L UAI- MAMD an.Al cuan rew uwlnp 2 mattete-lnaae UNU ear tw ymm) s (111"t; A*e:lALl Vetur (V:lt% tla 2 antis st tl+r od e* the twrtn /qw) 1 252.266 fe�*w� luentioUo s Carar+7. ~� ____ I I I i rltproavA cae rLot IC111"IOt TWO tow-10cOw W11% FOr Lase Total Oo"lawf'1 bl.&A or Carwtrurtlmt flow lev Drwiarant Oulatardlro Cross OMI"as •a cerrttIbAw Dewlaoer's WrAh Oeralapart Astl*tt7 Lad Oast, Colt oasts bm Moe? Ulwte Was cwti flop Est+ltr Ea,ler ►writ puwt i Mc., 4 lsrrvCo�+oe owetw1an 1 1 IDW MOM s a),o)a s 4,152,431 s 3012,430 s •a s 202,u1 s _a s IM.oco} 1 rA,= _ 46 I",aw ?,Tn la,6" 1616pr .4 )H.11) A _a f .0z .a 1lr,aap 4,0% io^ Lill% .a- l77,411 sx.ax .4 .a •4 llf.40O I'm 165,))6 Iss,))f -a s"'047 .a .a f 'aw 1 _a 1n,a0O 7,7" W7,1% 1L7,1% •a m,la) .a .a M'MD .0. .a .a L",AW l,i77 Won le,Ofl .+a i,@s,2 D .4 .a M.OLC .0. .a 7 .a L".4w U,s" 170,V" 17O,sn .a 1►s0O.1" .a .o. M,am .11. .0. • role mw*uro .a lfr,aco I%= I72.9w 172,xv .o. I'M,= .a .a »o,ow .a .a >' OMlats cmattwum sell 11) riot 5 and (1) ►lar c -a E1f,*w 13,Aa7 174,047 .4. ht,i)) 1,177,7Y 4m.000 4u M'00O A .b 10 loll (1) riot I aid 41) ►tan C .a .a 12,W 32,als .0• w?jII • 20,431 VC.® .V• 1 'mo 4Y ..F U sell 41) plop / " (11 ►tan c .a .a 8.101 61107 _a 611,A) M'7aa 42O,MID .o_ MAC 12 sell (1) Man • and 11) rir c .4 .a !,a» 3,473 .o. XN'%a .� 420.00C I07,713 M7.217 xr?,w .4 u lell 41) P14P r ad (1) rlr C .a .a .0. .a .a .a .a a7v,aoc A".= 422,717 AM,= .o. 14 1@11 111 r<a • ud III rlan c " llery.nce (2) Afrardalf tpit Vian AI .a .a -a .a .a A.. .)6. Au.= 4SI'ma .a an,217 220,*) t0AA3 s 11O.� 11AM b Ll-17.Al LAtf1 t 1.m,1Oi s t.m.1+1 LAE Lt VEMAR Ll In 70 L.& s ro,aoo ZIP IV 1A.m a anusl hart►Ia■ Owt1op Vv 2 La.•I ew units for ton r•srsl 1;2a.Ist1 rinlou: Yalu 06111% 1 tPHS at VW Wd or the I". Jest) s 21I,2M sours. farrlell4 i cam", i 17 SUMMIT . Am COIICLUSI as As evidenced by the preceding Proforsa Cash Flora and as sues erlted below, the estimated rate or return under the twelve scenarios range between 7.3 per- cent and 73.7 percent. The rate of return Improve§ as the arfordebte unit is 186$e4 and when a moderate-incose unit is incorporated into the project rather then a low-income unit. [fTSMATED RAT[ (/ "yURM Moderate -Incase Low-income One Unit: For Sale/On-Site 19.6 x 16.6 Y Two Unitas rot Sale/On-Sits 15.4 S 9.3 x One Unit: For Sale/Off-Site 16.3 % 15.6 x Two Units: for Sale/Off-Site 13.2 X 7.3 x One Units For Lease/On-Site 2).7 % 22.1 % Two Units: For Lease/On-Site 19.6 S 16.0 % It should be noted that these rate$ of return reflect point sstisstes based upon a series of assumption• detailed earlier In this report. The actual rate of return achieved by the development will depend upon to what degree variances from these assumptions are experienced and in what dir@ction ("a" positive or negative) they occur. It is the opinion of Tarantella i Company that it variances do occur, they are sore likely to occur in a negative direction resulting in a reduction of the tat@ of return. The sore aignificent factors which could cause such a result are as follows. (l) a -- sore lengthly absorption patlodi (2) an increase In construction costs, and (l) a reduction in achievable sale prices. There are several sore downside risks than upside potential. For example, it is far mar@ probable that in the midst of An economic recovery period that Interest retest labor costa and construction saterial@ at@ all 11k01y to rise in prlcai thereby, further r reducing potential profit. Yet at the same time, recently rising Intorest rates have substantially &loved housing sales (with a predictable increase in absorption period for new construction), and substantially Suppressed real estate appreciation rate• to below current estimated cost of living price levels. Any anticipated increase in potential Sales prices is @Ntrsoely unlikely. in simple language, the fdownsidso is greater then the •upslde.• Given the risk level associated with this type of development and the aforementioned likely direction of any variances, it is our opinion that the only ressonabls scanarlo to the excluSlon of any affordable units __ on_slts Of off -site. Based upon our experience and knowledge of Speoific development project&, Tarantello i Company has found that most developers Mould not under- take Such a development without an expected rate of return of at least 50 Percent. In summation, in a financial world where high-grade corporate bonds are yielding 12 percent or Gore, with full liquidity and no management require. — ■ents, our most recent experience in the evaluation of development projects for similar clisnte suggests required rates of return in excess of 50 percent CA invested capital over the term of the project. It is evident that none of the previous scsnarlos approach this benchmark, and we strongly recommend that no affordable unit requirement be Imposed upon the 487 Morning canyon Road development. C0rMM69O ERS � MINUTES January 14, 1484 71� • I g r C' of t Beach Pal ULL INDEX A. Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 (Continued Public Hearing) -- Request to subdivider an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-H District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. AND B. Use Permit No. 3075 (Continued Public Hearinq) Request to permit the construction of 4 14 unit residential condominium development locathrl in the R-3-B Diatrict. The proposal also lru.ludes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allrfw portions of the proposed building and deck areas to oncroach 10 feet, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area along Morning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. AND C. Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4 (Discussion) Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 14 unit residential condominium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the imples%entation of the State Law relative to Low -and -Moderate -Income housing within the Coastal Zone. UXATION: Lot 31 Tract No. 1237, located at 467 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Poad and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. ZONE: R-3-B APPLICANTt Rumney Enterprises, Inc. Irvine -9- Item 62 TMT 12079 UP 3075 CDP 4 ALL APPROVED CONDI- TIONALLY �j JP 0 -_ January 19, 1984 MLNUrES OWNER: Same as Applicant i:HCINEEH: Paul Calvo Associnten, Seal !leach The public hearing opened in connection with this item and Mr. Warren .lames, representing the applicant, appeared before the Caas:ission. Mr. .lames stated that since the last hearing he has met with 24 homeowners to further explain the proposed project. tie stated that the homeowners concerns fall into two categories: l) Many did not want any development on the site, which he stated was not feasible! and, 2) Many were concerned with the potential fnr view blockage. Ile ntated that in response to the concern with view blockage, balloons were floated at the peak height of the proposed development. fie stated that the height of the tress were approximately 15 to 20 feet higher than the top of the balloons. Mr. James then requested approval of the propose} project as submitted, with the revision that one affordable unit be provided, rather than two affordable units. Mr. Jerry Esterbrook, resident of 516 De Anza Drive, and President of the Corona Highlands Property Owners Association, appeared before the Comission. Mr. Zaterbrook expressed his concern with the density of the proposed project. Mr. William Laycock, Current Planning Administrator stated that the property is zoned R-3-8 and explained how the buildable acreage was determined. Mr. Eaterbrook stated that there are only two entrances into the neighborhood and expressed his concern that the proposed density of the project will increase the traffic congestion in the area and generate on -street parking problems. tie stated that 14 units situated on less than one-half acre of land, is too dense for the area. He also expressed his concern with the encroachment into the required front yard setback and the height of the proposed project. He stated that the proposed project does not provide a buffer between Itself and the A-1 zoned residential homes in the area. -9- AMWENEEBWANWENNESE14 4F 0 WARES NEU January 19, 1984 City of Newport Beach x r 0 ROU CAU 1 1 L 111 1 1 0�ax In response to cnnrerns expressed by Mr. Citterbrook, (hairman King stated that the property has teen zoned R-3-6 since 1948. lie stated that the proforNl project will be offering for sale units, rather then rental units which currently exist on the property, which will reduce the transient nature of the site. 7tA project also adheres to setbacks which will preserve the environmental sensitivity of the canyon. 11e further stated that the proposed project will inclt,4e eleven quest parking spaces, which will alleviate tk.e concern relating to on -street parking. Tn response to a question posed by Cr misaioner Mcl.nughlin, Mr. l.aycock stated that under the R-3-H zoning, the d*,vnlcper could construct 1 dwoiling unit for every ),SGG square fast of land area, Ir,r a total of 14 dwelling units on the nite. Mr. Zaterbrook expressed his concern that the xoninq on the property dates back to 1948 and stated that because of this older zoning, the proposed project will create a detriment to the currently existing single family residential structures in the area. Mr. Joseph Daniel, attorney representinq several residents of Cameo Highlands, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Daniel stated that they are concerned with the view blockage of the proposed project to many of the homes located on the canyon. He stated that the CCO 's dictate that the trees are to be no higher than 16 feet and he has heard that the proposed project will be at 30 feet. He requested that this item he continued no that the residents in Cameo Highlands may have the opportunity to view the balloons. Chairman King stated that the balloons have been in place for several days for interested mer"re of the coomunity to view. He further stated that at the last public hearing on this item, a resident of Cameo highlands volunteered to organise the neighbors and Meet with the applicant. Mr. Myron Hawley, resident of 508 De Anna Drive, stated that the current winds have disrupted the balloon test. He stated that the proposed project, including the addition of 14 additional ehianeys, will iVact the views of the surrounding area. -10- January 19, 1984 ""JTE S t � ■ r City of Newm t Beach Mr. Hawley further expressed his concern that, the and safety equipment access will be diffict,l1 in a comunity which only has two traffic entrArir.aa, when considering that the 30 toot wide street will be lined with 8 foot wide vehicles. He stated that the proposed project will add additional traffic to the 4rea which can not improve the health, safety and mornla of the existing community. Ile stated that further study is needed of the intent of the toning provisions and that incremental exceptions to the Zoning Code must be stopped. In response to a question posed by Chsirman Xing, Mr. l.aycock stated that the project doeK not +exceed the allowable height limitation. 1!r ■rntod that the project is requestinq n mcxiiflcatto--' to encroach into the front yard setback so that the rear of the project will not encroach into the canyon area. Hs. Donna Franklin, resident of 633 Rockford Road, stated that the proposed project will destroy the sunsets for the residents of the canyon. She expressed her concern that the proposed project will also generate noise which will travel across the canyon. She stated that she was not aware of the balloon test until today and requested that this itrm be continued. Hs. Jean Wagner, resident of Corona Highlands, stated that many of the residents of the area are not aware of the proposed project. She stated that she has never seen a notice posted on the property advising the residents of the area of the public hearing. She stated that the proposed project will generate at least 2 vehicles per unit, not 1.5 vehicles as stated in the staff report. She expressed her concern that the traffic in this area is already impacted and that the proposed project will add to the already dangerous conditions. Comiaissioner !McLaughlin stated that she is a resident of Corona Highlands and that she had received a flyer on Monday at her house, regarding the proposed project. Mr. Lsterbrook stated that because the tern, Negative Declaration was utilized, many of the residents felt as though the City was going to deny the project. -11- January 19, 1984 MINUTES p City of I ,ervvort Bead ZKO In response to a question posed try COmissionar Person, Mr. Laycock explained the public notification procedure which is utilized. He stated that all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property were notified by mail and the adjoining hoa+eovners associations were also notified. He stated that the subject property was posted with the public notice 10 days prior to the public hearing of January 5, 1983. He stated that the term, Negative Declaration, is a required statement by State law. Mr. Robert Gabriele, Assistant City Attorney, stated that the City has since clarified the use of Negative Declaration in nil of the public notices. Ccnunissioner McLaughlin stated that Mr. Munson, a fir_mhur of the Architectural committee, for Corona Highlands, has indicated to hnr that the applicant submitted the proposed plans to the architectural committee one month prior to the last public hearing. Mr. Esterbrook stated that he is Chairman of the Architectural Committee and that he was never made aware that the plans had been submitted. Commissioner Person reiterated that this item was continued from the last public hearing so that the residents of the area could meet with the applicant and further discuss the prnponed project. Further, he stated that the proposed project has been properly noticed so that all interested parties have been informed about the public hearing. Chairman King stated that the applicant has contacted the community associations and agreed to a continuance from the last public hearing. He stated that the applicant has addressed the concerns expressed by many of the residents and has floated balloons on the site for the community to view. He stated that perhaps the problem exists within the community associations and the residents, which have not adequately cosesunicated the proposed project to its members. He stated that a project can not be continued indefinitely. Coeau ssioner Goff stated that the proposed 14 unit residential condominiums development will be providing 32 parking spaces, which is in excess of 2 parking spaces per unit. He stated that the project will be providing more parking than the MinimUM standard. -12- January 19, 1984 MNUTf 5 IC X • • • • iA, 0. Mr. Hugh Milligan, resident of 500 Rockfnrd place, stated that last week he distributed flyers to residents of the area regarding the prcTw.vad project. He stated that approximately 30 residents of the area suet with the developer last Saturday to discuss the proposed project. Fie stated that the developer floated balloons at the height of the proposed project, however, some of the balloons became tangled in the overhead telephone wires. Mr. Milligan expressed his concern that the proposed project may meet all of the requirements of the City regulations, however, he stated that concerns relating to health, aafnty and welfare of adjoining residents must also t,a considered by the City during their deliberations. Mr. H. Ross Miller, resident of 1627 Hey Cliff Circle, stated that he owns an apartment buildiLq in the Corolido Community Association. He stated that he received no notice of the public hearing. lie expressed his concern with the fast moving traffic In the area and stated that the proposed project will only add to the existing problem. He requested that this item be continued so that the affected residents and property owners of the area can also supply their input. Mr. 6sterbrook stated that as President of the Corona Highlands property owners Association, he represents approximately 190 lots. Ile stated that the proposed project is too dense for the area and they are opposed to its approval. Mr. Ted Bush, resident of 508 Seaward Road, expressed his concern with the proposed density and size of the project. He stated that a project of this density will set a precedent for future development in the area. In response to a question posed by Chairman King, Mr. Laycock stated that the density of the proposed project is allowable under the Zoning Code requiremnts for the R-3-8 zone. He stated that other R-3 zoned parcels within the City would also be entitled to the sane density. Ms. Valerie Porlier, resident of 512 seaward Road, stated that the balloons were not in place on Monday, as promised by the applicant. She stated that the -13- NXX C0MAA6SK)PERS • 0 January 19, 1984 p r � mtkff ES a aa 's ° t Beach o =. ZRCK-LICALI INDEX proposed project will generate noise which will adversely impact the canyon residents. She stated that the proposed project will set a precedence for the area and suggested that the property be down zoned in order to preserve the existing residential nature of the area. TENTATIVE XAP OF TRACT NO. 12079 ?lotion K Motion was wade for approval of Tentative Flap of Tract Ayes X X X X No. 12079, subject to the findings and conditions of Absent • Exhibit "A', with the revision to Condition tin. 21 that onn affordable unit shall be provided on -site, which MOTION CARRIED, as follows, FINDINGS: 1. That the asap wets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the Plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. a. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 6. That based on the Information contained in the Negative Declaration, the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental effects, and that the project will not result in significant environmental iWacts. 7. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improveswmnt will not substantially AM avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. -14_ �&Af_.M 17"T • CaM January 19, 1984 M11�liES 7,411 s r Beach � �_ 3Ai: � � � i ROIL CAI IrVD�X 8. The the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements art not likely to caua4 serious public health problems. 9. The the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at largo, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision, 10. That the discharge of water from the proposed subdivision will not result in or aslA to any violation of existing requirements prnscrihod by a California Rnyional water Quality Cont.rt:l Board pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 1300 of the Water Code). CONDITIONS: 1. That a final map be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public works Department. 3. That a standard subdivision agreement and accompanying surety be provided in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements if it is desired to record the final asap or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That each dwelling unit be served with individual water services and sewer laterals to the public water and sower systems unless otherwise approved by the public works Department. 5. That all vehicular access rights to Bast Coast Highway be released and relinquished to the City of Newport Beach. 6. That landscape plans shall be subject to review and approval of the parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the public works Department. -15- January 19, 1984 M1WTES v O s c of Nmpprt Beach INDEX y. That a S foot wide concrete sidewalk to constructed along the Horning Canyon Prond frontage and that the unused drive apron be ralw ved and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk. A 4 foot wide property line concrete sidewalk shall also be constructed along the East Coast highway frontage, including the construction of an aCCAMr ramp at the corner of East Coast Highway and Horning Canyon Road. All work shall be completed under encroachment permits issued by the Public Works Department and the California Department of Transportation. The parkway area along kart Coast Highway shall be landscaped and maintained by the adjoining development. e. That the development have a minimum 24 fmt wide entrance drive unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 9. That no grading shall occur in the area from the top of the slope W2" from the most southeasterly garage wall) to the property line. 10. That no piling, fences or other disruption of the canyon shall occur. 11. That the canyon area shall be kept free of debris during the construction process. 12. That no structural encroachment into the canyons beyond those shown on the plans shall occur without further environmental documentation. 13. Development of the Bile shall be subject to a grading permit to be approved by the Building and Planning Departments. 14. That a grading plan, if required, shall include a complete plan for temporary and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 15. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes, access points to the site, watering, and sweeping program designed to ninisiise impact of haul operations. -16- • MN tE5 • x r r; 3�r p i 4"i January 19, 1984 16. An erosion, siltation and dust control plan, if required, shall be submitted ar4 be suA)ect to the approval of the Building Department and a ropy shall be forwarded to the California Regional Plater Quality Control Board, Santa Ana kegion. 17. The velocity of concentrated run-off from the project shall be evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project design. 18. That grading shall be condicted in accordance with plans prepared by a civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subtaqunnt to the coKiletion of a comprehensive soil arA geologic invaNtigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" gradirsl plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the nuilding Department. 19. Prior to the issuance of the grading permit, the design engineer shall review and state that the discharge of surface runoff from the project will be performed in a manner to assure that increased peak flows from the project will not increase erosion imssediately downstream of the system. This report shall be reviewd and approvwd by the Planning and Building Departsant. 20. That prior to the approval of the Final 'tract flap, the applicant shall pay an in -lieu park dedication fee in accordance with the Park Dedication Ordinance and further that said fee shall be dete mined on the basis of the net increase in dvalling units (8 dtellizgv) . 21. That one (1) of the units to be developed on -site, in conjunction with the proposed project shall be an "affordable unit', salling for no more than three times the County Moderate income, (120% of median) or renting for no mots than thirty (30%) percent of the County Median income at the time of occupancy* 22. That the affordable aaturt of the unit shall be guaranteed for a period of 10 years. -17- J CQMAMSSi0NER5 : . t ; January 19, 1984 HNUTES n 7t • � r t C. V t Beach Motion Ayes Absent Ix 1XI 23. That the affordable housing unit be available for occupancy within 6 months of the occupancy of the first unit. 24. That prior to recordation of the find map, an agreement xhnll be executed that guarantees the provisions of an "affordable unit" on -rite. Said agree -rent ■hall be reviewed by the Planning Director and City Attorney's office, and approved by the city Council. 25. That a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for the on -site imilrover+ents be prepared prior to recording of the final asap with design to be approved by the Public Korkn Department. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sever systems sham to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. USE PERM!T no, 3075 Motion was rude for approval of Use Permit No. 3075, subject to the findings and conditions of Exhibit "A", as follows, which MOTION CARRI®i FINDINGSt 1. That each of the proposed units has been designed as A condominium with separate and individual utility connections. 2. The project complies with all applicable standards plans and zoning requiramnts for now buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval, except for proposed front yard encroachumts, and an over -sized identification sign. 1. The project lot Rise conforms to the Zoning Cods area requiresments in effect at the tiers of approval. -18- �3 .t ROLL CALL 0 January 19, 1984 A"UTE5 CONri ITI ONS t 1. That development shall be in suhxtantial conformance with the approved plot Plan, floor plans, elevationst except as noted below. 2. That two parking spaces shall be provida,1 for each dwelling unit and that the remainder of the parking spaces shall be used for guest parking and shall be so identified. 3. That the design of the propoxed vehicular ramp shall be subject to the Building nepartm,,t approval and that the on Bite parkinq and vehicular circulation shall be subject to the further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. 4. That prior to the occupancy of any unit a qualified acoustical engineer, retained by the City at the applicant,a expense shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the noise impact from East Coast Highway on the project does not exceed 65 db CNEL for outside living areas and the requirements of law for interior spaces. 5. A qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to covowncement of construction activities, and that all work on the site be done in accordance with the City•s Council Policies X-5 and K-6. A report shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Building Department certifying said. 6. That all applicable handicap access and parking standards shall be met in a manner satisfactory to the Building and Public Works Departments. 7. That the proposed & sq.ft. single face identification sign is approved. H. That all mschanical equipment and trash arus shall be screened from adjacent roads and adjoining properties. -20- 56-- CQM .s L � x r- y �. x �so ROLL CALL 0 January 19, 1984 0 9. That all conditions of approval of Tentative flap of Tract No. 12079 shall be fulfilled. 10. That the development shall be in substantial conformance with the revised concept of grading along the northeasterly property line, as shovn on the plan prepared by Harold B. Zook dated December 11, 1983. RPSIDENTIAL COASTAL DWrLOPKLW PERMIT NO. 4 !lotion x Motion was made for the approval of Residentlnl Coastal Ayes X X X X x x Devploptnent Permit No. 4, which WYrION CARkjED. Absent + . . . The Planning CO=ission recessed at 9:00 p.m. and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. • R • -21- MlMA E S MOM r Efm- • 0 January 5, 1984 M NLff ES � r City of Newwt a Beach �peay- � o a LJ��GD�,h A. Tentative_ Map of Tract No. 12079 (Public Hearing) Request to subdivide an existing single lot, c•mtaining .48 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-8 District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. 0 8. Use Permit No. 3075 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the construction of a 14 unit residential condominium development located in the R-3-8 district. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the proposed buildinq and deck areas to encroach 10 feet, and a chimney to encroach 12 feet, into the required 20 foot front yard setback area alone horning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq. ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq. ft. sign in the R-3-9 District. n C. Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4 (Discussion) Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a 14 unit residential condominium development pursuant to the administrative guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to Low -and -Moderate Incosie housing within the coastal Zone. LOCATIONt Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning canyon Road and fast Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. ZONE R-3-S Item 13 W 120 VP 3075 CDP 4 All ,ontinued to Janu- ary 19, 1904 S7 W r 0 January 19, 1984 MNUrE5 x lay S r � i r 2 a x 3 a � � � ! o � � t Beach (+ M 4. The project is consistent with the adopte4 goals and policies of the General Plan, and the Adopted Local Coastal program Land Use plan. �. That adequate on -site parking spaces are available for the proposed residential Condominium development. 6. That the proposed setbacks along Morning Canyon Road are comparable to the existing setbacks of other properties in the area and the proposed building and chimney encroachments into the required front yard setback area, adjacent to Morning Canyon Road will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, corals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative Intent of Title 20 of this Code. 7. That the proposed 8 sq.ft. identification sign adjacent to Morning Canyon Road, will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood and the general welfare of the City, inasmuch as the proposed sign is in character with the established residential neighborhood in which the project is located and that the greater sign area represents only a minor variation to the Cods requirement. 8. That the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use of building applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, psace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and Improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. -14- L �!V �2 m Q City of ROLL cAu January 5, 1984 0 APPLICANT: Rumney Enterprises, Inc., Irvine OWNERi Same as Applicant ENGINEER: Paul Calvo Associates, Seal aaach The public hearing opened in connection with this item and Mr. Warren James, representing the applicant, appeared before the Cossmission. Mr. James briefly described the proposed 14 unit residential condominium development. He stated that they originally had envisioned a 19 unit development at this location, however, after meeting with various members of the community, the plan was redesigned with 14 units. Ito stated that they have :mitigated the impacts of East Coast Highway with a sound barrier, all new construction will to kept outside of the canyon arna, and the elevations along the street follow a low profile. He stated that the proposed development will remove the existing older structures and become an asset to the community. Mr. James referred to Condition No. 21, which requires the development of two affordable units, and stated that they could provide one affordable unit which would satisfy the City's policy. He stated that the Affordable Housing Peasibility Analysis recommends that no affordable unit requirement be imposed upon the project. Planning Director Hewicker stated that the development of the parcel contains a number of constraints, including the setbacks from East Coast Highway, the setbacks from the envirorumntal open space, and the compliance with providing affordable dwelling units within the Coastal Zone. He discussed Council policy P-1, the Mello Gill, and stated that staff has recossanded that 10% or 2 (1.4 rounded up) affordable units be provided in conjunction with this project. However, he stated that when considering that the applicant has reduced the original plan from 19 units, which would have included a density bonus of S affordable units, to 14 units, and further that the applicant has not requested a waiver of the in -lieu park dedication fee, he stated that perhaps in this particular application, the request for one affordable ,dwelling unit may be warranted. -6- AAM I Lb ;i-r January 5, 1984 0 MNUFES .: C � �� � • to xx a ROU iCALI Commissioner Balalis stated that the developer should be given the option of providing the affordable units either on -site or off -site. He stated that on -site affordable units would contain smaller square footage because of econoeic constraints, whereas off -site affordable units could contain more square footage. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis, Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Planning Commission has the authority to recommend to the City Council that the affordable units be provided off -site or within a reasonable distance from the Coastal Zone. However, he stated that the City Council has expressed their concern that the affordable units be provided on -site. Chairman King stated that when considering they existing market values in Corona del Mar, it ►could be more feasible for the affordable units to to provided within the new construction coats of the proposed development. Mr. James stated that they would prefer to provide the affordable unit on -site. However, he stated that as a developer, they would welcome the opportunity to have the flexibility of providing the affordable unit on -site or off -site. Chairman King stated that because the applicant has reduced the density of the project, along with all new construction will be kept outside of the canyon, *and there will not be a waiver of the in -lieu park dedication fee, he stated that he could support the provision for one affordable dwelling unit, rather than two. Mr. Hugh Milligan, resident of 500 Rockford Place in Cameo Highlands, stated that his property is located adjacent to the proposed development. He stated that the site currently maintains 6 rental units, whereas the proposed project will contain 14 ownership units. He expressed his concern that this constitutes a condominium conversion and that his residence will be forced to view 14 units, rather than the existing 6 units. -7- J January 5, 1984 0 NW4UTES .t ;X to- : Planning Director llewicker stated that the proposed development will be more intense than the existing development, which is permitted under the City's General Plan and Zoning Code. He stated that the tens, condominium conversion, does not apply to the proposed project because the project will be demolishing older structures to be replaced with a new project, as opposed to the conversion of the existing structures. Mr. Ted Bush, resident of 508 Seaward Road, referred to the public notice which was sent to the surrounding residents and stated that because the term Negative Declaration was utilized, many of the residents felt as though this application would be denied by the City. Ile atated that there are only two entrances to Corona Highlands and expressed his concern with the additional traffic which will be generated by the proposed project. He also expressed his concern with the proposed density and size of the project. Hs. Valerie Porlier, resident of 512 Seaward Road, stated that the adjacent residents were not contacted by the developer regarding the proposed project. She stated that she contacted Mr. Las Munson, Chairman of the Architectural Cosmiittee for Corona Highlands, which informed her that the proposed project was not in conflict with the CC&R's. She requested that this item be continued in order for the surrounding residents to become more informed with the proposal. Chairman King stated that the applicant has designed the project to preserve a majority of the existing vegetation which will attempt to obscure the proposed structure from the adjacent neighborhood. eta. Porlier stated that the proposed density of the project is not consistent with the adjacent residential neighborhood. She further stated that regardless of the subterranean parking, the proposed project will generate parking and traffic problem for the area. Cosmlasioner ealalia stated that the property is currently toned R-3-8 which would allow the applicant to develop a project consisting of 19 units, which would include a density bonus of 5 affordable units, with up to 47,655 square feet of gross floor area, excluding garages. He state4 that as a cosipromise, the applicant is proposing a 14 unit residential project consisting of 19,167 square feet of gross floor area, excluding garages. planning Director Hewicker concurred. -9- 4r 0 com • Janua 5 r 1 ry , 1984 t � C� ■ ■ • f `� �. Citf Beach' ec ROLL CAU - - - AL OWNER Commissioner Kurlander suggested that a continuance of the application would be helpful for the surrounding neighborhood to become better informed on the items which have been discussed. In response to a question posed by ChairrAn ring, Mr. Janes stated that the proposed plans were submitted to Mr. Los Munson, Chairman of the Architectural Co mittee for Corona Highlands. He stated that Mr. Munson presented the plan to the homeowners association for their input. He stated that the Architectural Comittee did not issue a letter supporting or opposing the proposed project. He further stated that they discussed the proposed plan with the adjacent neighbor, Mr. Harold Zook, who offered input into the proposal and is now in support of the revised proposal. He stated that the project will not excee4 the height limit and will only occupy one-half the length of the property. He reiterated that the proposed project was developed to be compatible and sensitive to the adjacent neighborhood. . s . The Planning Commission recessed at 8155 p.m. and reconvened at 9e05 p.m. In response to a question posed by Mr. Ted Bush, Planning Director Hwicker referred to page 4 of the staff report and stated that the subject property contains slope areas greater than 2il. He than discussed the buildable acreage and dwelling unit density criteria as established in the Newport Beach General Plan. Mr. Milligan stated that he is a member of the Cameo Co■swunity Association and not the Corona Highlands Property Owners Association. He suggested that the camwMty associations work together when projects such as this are proposed. Mr. Milligan expressed his concern that the existing toning in the area is not consistent and asked how the IR-9-0 toning on the parcel could be reduced. Cownissioner Person stated that the Planning Commission does not have the authority or the power to institute a sons change on the property. -9- • . _ COMM69ONERS• M N TES January 5, 1984 n X � a g C� YOfN�YWt Beech raou c�u ir.nx Motion Ix Cosmissioner 9alalis stated that whenever a multi- family zoned parcel is located adjacent to R-1 zoned parcels, problems such as this occur. Mr. Harold Zook, owner of the property located at 483 and 405 Morning Canyon Road, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Zook referred to Page 6 of the staff report and stated that his proposed concept of grading will be incorporated into the applicant's plan. He stated that the proposal also utilizes subterranean parking and will not exceed the height limitation. Therefore, he stated that he is in support of the proposed project. Mr. Reginald Jones, resident of 4316 Shorncrnnt Lane, appeared before the Coamission and stated that he is in favor of the proposed project. Ile stated that he is a member of the Corolido Community Association which encoapasses 24 residences. He stated that he in not aware of any opposition to the proposed plan by any of the members. Mr. James reiterated that Mr. Munson, Chairman of the Architectural Coeesittee for Corona Highlands, presented the proposed plan to the homeowners association. However, he stated that he would concur with a continuance in order to receive additional input from the surrounding residences. Commissioner McLaughlin suggested that Mr. Jerry Esterbrook, President of Corona Highlands Property Owners Association, be contacted by the applicant to present the proposed plan.' Cosmissioner McLaughlin stated that in her opinion, the requirement for 1.4 affordable units should be rounded to 1 unit rather than 2 units, as a policy. She further expressed her concern that additional wording should be included in the public notice which would better inforsi the general public of the term, Negative Declaration. Motion was made to continue this item to the planning Cosesission Meeting of January 19, 1984, so that the applicant can present the proposed plan to the President of the Corona Highlands property owners Association and receive additional input from the surrounding residents. -10- 6 • COM January 5, 1984 7ii City Of Newmt Beach XWOM Comissioner Person stated that he could not support a continuance on this item in that the proposed project substantially. meets the require" nts of the Zoning Code. Further, he stated that the Applicant ha" previously met with the property amers ansocistion and has contacted adjacent neighbors with the proposed plan. Mr. Milligan stated that he would be willing to organize the adjacent neighbors and sat up a meeting with the applicant and the affected associations. Planning Director Newicker suggested that Mr. Milligan also contact Mr. Bill ward, Senior Planner, of the City staff. Ayes X X X X X X Coemissioner McLaughlin`s notion for a continuance of Noes x this item to January 19, 1984, was nor voted on, which MOTION CARRIED. A. Traffic Study (Continued Public Nearing) Request to consider a traffic study to as to allow the construction of a 150000 sq. ft. (net) office building. B. Use Permit No. 3077 (Continued Public Hearin) est to permit the construction of a 15,00o sq. ft. (net office building on property located in the Unclass �iedDistrict which exceeds the basic 32 foot height lin the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation Zone. The proposal ■o includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to ow the use of compact size parking spaces for a po on of the required off-street parking, and the a epta=a of an enviromental document . LOCATYONi parcel 2 of Parc Map Ito. 152-17 (Resubdivision No. 6), located at I100 Newport Center ve, on the southwesterly corner of We Drive and Newport Center Drive, Newport Center. -11- MINUTE S INDEX Item 44 TS AND UP 3077 BOTH AP P RUIED CO_ ;VDI TIONALLY City Council Meeting Februarl 27, 1984 ' Agenda Item No. D-2 CITY GF NEWPORT BEACH TO: City Council FROM: Planning Department SUBJLCT: 'tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 Request to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of land area, into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-A District, and the acceptance of an environmental document. AND Use Permit No. 3075 Request to permit the construction of n fourteen unit residential condrrminium development locate! In the R-3-B District. The proposal also includes a irodifIcetion to the Zoning Code so as to allow portions of the prOPONed building and deck areas to encroach ten feet, and a chimnay to encroach twelve feet, into the required twenty foot front yard setback area along Morning Canyon Road. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the Sign Code permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. AND Residential Coastal Deyelopcient Permit No. 4 Request to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a fourteen unit residential condominium development pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to low- and moderate -income housing within the Coastal zone. LOCATICH: Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Road and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. ZOVE: R-3-H APPLICAHTs Rumney Enterprises, Inc., Irvine dwNIN3 Same as Applicant LNG INEERI Paul Calvo Associates, Seal Beach s ` TO: City Council - 2 Suggested Action Hold hearing; close hearings if desired, approve the Tentative Map of Tract 110. 12079, Use Permit No. 3075, and Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4, with the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval an recommended by the Planning Commiaaionf OR Modify the recommendations of the Planning Commieaion. Background At its meeting of January 19, 1984, the Planning Commission voted (6 Ayes, 1 Absent) to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079, Use Pormlt No. 3075, and Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4. Modifications to the Zoning Code were also approved so as to allow portions of the proposed building and deck areas to encroach ten feet, and a chimney to encroach tvnlve feet, into the required twenty foot front yard setback area along Morning Canyon Roads and to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign rheas the Sign Carle permits a 6 sq.ft. sign in the R-3-B District. The approval also included the requirement of one on -site "::fordable unit" with the affordable ratur,2 of the unit_ guaranteed for a period of ten years. Said applications were approved with the Findings and subject to the conditions of Approval as follows: Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 FINDINGS: 1. That the map Meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans, and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the Plan of subdivision, 2. That the proposed subdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 5. That an Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and that their contents have been considered in the decisions on this project. 6. That based on the information contained in the Negative Declaration, the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental effects, and that the project will not result in significant environmental impacts. 7. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvement will not substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. IN TO: City Council - 3 6. The the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are rot likely to cause serious public health problems. 9. The the design of the Bubdivisinn or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired b7 the public at large, for a:ccse through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. 10. That the discharge of water, from the proposed subdivision will not result in or add to any violat.ir,ti of existing requirements prescribed i,y a California Regional Water duality Control Board pursuant to :ivision 7 (commencing with Section 1300 of the Water Code). CONDITIONS; 1. That a final asap be filed. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 3. That a standard subdivinirrn agreement and accompanying surety be Provided in order to qua rantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements if it is desirnd to record the final map fir obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements. 4. That each dwelling unit be served with individual water services and sewer laterals to the public water and sewer systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department. 5. That all vehicular access rights to East Coast Highway be released and relinquished to the City of Newport beach. 6. That landscape plans shall be sub3ect to review and approval of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the Public Works Department. 7. That a 5 foot wide concrete sidewalk be constructed Along the Morning Canyon Road frontage and that the unused drive apron be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk. A 4 foot wide property line concrete sidewalk shall also be constructed along the East Coast Highway frontage, including the construction of an access ramp at the corner of East Coast Highway and Horning Canyon Road. All work shall be completed under encroachment permits issued by the Public Works Department and the California Department of Transportation. The parkway area along East Coast Highway shall be landscaped and maintained by the adjoining development. S. That the development have a minimum 24 foot wide entrance drive unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 9. That no grading shall occur in the area from the top of the slope (:12" from the most southeasterly garage wall) to the property line. 10. That no piling, fences or other disruption of the canyon shall occur. 0 6 9TO: City Council - 4 11. That the canyon area shall be kept free of debris during the construction process. 12. That no structural encroach.ent into the canyon beyond those shown on the plans shall occur without further environaental documentation. 13. Develc,=ent of the site shall be subject to a grading permit to 1A approved by the building and Planning Departments. 14. That a grading plan, if required, shall include a complete plan fcr temporarl and permanent drainage facilities, to minimize any potential impacts from silt, debris, and other water pollutants. 15. The grading permit shall include, if required, a description of haul routes, access points to the site, watering, and sweeping program designed to minimize impact of haul operations. 16. An erosion, siltation and dust control plan, if required, shall be submitted and be subject to the approval of the Building Department and a copy shall be forwarded to the California Regional :later Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Reqion. 17. The Velocity of concentrated run-off from the project shall he evaluated and erosive velocities controlled as part of the project design. 18. That grading shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepared by a Civil Engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an engineering geologist subsequent to the completion of a cooprehensive soil and geologic investigation of the site. Permanent reproducible copies of the "Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Building Department. 19. Prior to the issuance of the grading permit, the design engineer shall review and state that the discharge of surface runoff frost the project will be performed in a manner to assure that increased peak flows from the project will not increase erosion immediately downstream of the system. This report shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Building Department. 20. That prior to the approval of the Final Tract Hap, the applicant shall pay an in -lieu park dedication fee in accordance with the Park Dedication Ordinance and further that said fee shall be determined on the basis of the net increase in dwelling units (B dwellings). 21. That one (1) of the units to be developed on -site, in conjunction with the proposed project shall be an "affordable unit", selling for no more than three times the County Moderate income, (120% of median) or renting for no more than thirty (30%) percent of the County Median income at the time of occupancy. 22. That the affordable nature of the unit shall be guaranteed for a period of 10 years. TC: City Coil - S 23. That the affordable housing unit be available for occupancy either within 6 months of the occupancy of the first unit. 24. That prior to recordation of the final map, an agreement shall he executed that guarantees the provisions of an "affordable unit" en -site. Said agreement shall be reviewed by the Planning Director and City Attorney's Office, and approved by the City Council. 25. That a master plan of water, sewer and storm drain facilities for they on -site improvements be prepared prior to recording of the final map with design to be approved by the Public Works Department. Any modifications or extensions to the existing storm drain, water and sewer systems shown to be required by the study shall be the responsibility of the developer. USE PEP -MIT NO. 3075 F:NDINGS: I. That each of that proposed units has been denigned as a condcdlinlum with separate and individual utility connections. 2. Tne project complies with all applicable standards plans and zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval, except for proposed front yard encroachments, and an over -sized identification sign. 3. The project lot size conforms to the Zoning Code area requirements in effect at the time of approval. 4. The project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, and the Adopted Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. 5. That adequate on -site parking spaces are available for the proposed residential condominium development. £. That the proposed setbacks along Morning Canyon Road are comparable to the existing setbacks of other properties in the area and the proposed building and chimney encroachments into the rec,-uired front yard setback area, adjacent to Horning Canyon Road will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvewnts in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code. 0 0 TO: City Council - 6 7. That the proposed B sq.ft. identification sign adjacent to Morning Canyon Road, will not under the circu=stances of the particular case, ke detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persona residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use and be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood and the general welfare of the City, :nasmsch as the proposed nign is in character with the established residential neighborhood in which the project is located and that the greater sign area represents only a minor variation to the Code requirement. A. ':'fat the establishment, maintenance or operation of the use of building applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, ccwfart and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. CONDI : Icl;S s 1. tAt develoyment shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans, elevations, except as nottd below. 2. :hat two parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit and that the remainder of the parking spaces shall be used for guest parking and shall be so identified. 3. 'hat the design of the proposed vehicular ramp shall be subject to the Building Department approval and that the on site parking and vehicular circulation shall be subject to the further review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer and the Planning Department. 4. That prior to the occupancy of any unit a qualified acoustical engineer, retained by the City at the applicant's expense shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the noise impact from East Coast Highway on the project does not exceed 65 da CNEL for outside living areas and the requirements of law for interior spaces. S. A qualified archaeologist or paleontologist shall evaluate the site prior to commencement of construction activities, and that all work on the site be done in accordance with the City's Council Policies X-5 and X-6. A report shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Building Department certifying said. 6. That all applicable handicap access and parking standards shall be met in a manner satisfactory to the Building and Public Works Departments. 7. That the proposed S sq.ft, single face identification sign is approved. S. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from adjacent roads and adjoining properties. TO: City Council - 7 9. That all conditions of approval of Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 shall be fulfilled. 10. That the development shall be in substantial conformance with the revised concept of grading along the northeasterly property lire, as shown on the plan prepared by Harold B. Zook dated December 11, 1983. Staff had also reco=ended the approval of these applications inasmuch as the proposed development substantially conforms with all applicable deve:•,pment standards for the R-3-8 District, with the exception of the front yard encroachments and a proposed identification sign discussed below. Front Yard Encroachments In accordance with Section 20.18.020 of the Zoning Code, a minimum twenty foot front yard setback is required for property located in tho R-3-h District. The applicant is proposing to have a portion of the building and deck area encroach ten feet into the required twenty foot front yard setback {Ad)acent to )Morning Canyon Road) on the first and accond floors. In addition, a single chimney is proposed to encroach twelve feet into required twenty foot front yard setback. The Planning Commission had no objections to the propvn«d front yard encroachments inasmuch an the properties northeasterly of the subject property, and within the same block, have a required front yard setback of ter, feet along Morning Canyon Road. A portion of the proposed building maintains a front yard setback of forty-six feet. In addition, the applicant has maintained a substantially greater rear yard setback (six feet required) so as to keep all new construction outside of the canyon area. The rear yard setback varies between 26 ft. and 53± ft. Pro sed Identification Sign in accordance with Section 20.06.050, A.2., signs in the R-3 District are limited to one identification sign not exceeding 6 sq.ft. in area. The proposed development includes an 8 sq.ft. (2 ft. x 4 ft.) single -faced identification sign located on the building facade along Morning Canyon Road. The Commission had no objections to the proposed sign inasmuch as the sign area represents only a minor variation from the Code requirement, and the sign is architecturally compatible with the proposed building and will not be objectionable to surrounding property owners. Consistency with Development Standards Except as noted above, the proposed residential development meets all requirements of the R-3-B District, including density ( 14 dwelling units proposedi 14 dwelling units permitted, based upon one dwelling unit/1500 sq.ft. of land area)i buildable area (1.21 x buildable area proposed, excluding garages; 3 x buildable area, excluding garages, permitted in the R-3-B District); off-street parking (32 parking spaces proposedl only 21 spaces required, based upon 1.5 spaces/dwelling unit)i building height (varies between 27 ft. and 28 ft. average roof heights, which is permitted in the 28/32 Foot Height Limitation District)t yards (sidesi 6 ft, proposed and required; rear: 26 ft. to 53 ft. proposed; 6 ft. required)+ and permitted lot coverage (36% proposed; 60% permitted in the R-3-B District). 0 9 0 0 TO: City Council - 8 The City Council subsequently set this matter for public ho4ring and review. Attached for the information and review of the City Council fire copies of the Plarm;ing Co=ission staff reports prepared for the COMMisslanis meetings of January 19, 1984 and January 5, 19B4, and excerpts of the Planning Commission minutes in conjunction with said applications. F(%Ju•ctfully submitted, PLANT-11IG LEPAx'TMEI8; JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director by WILLIAM Ft. LAYCOCK � Current Planning Administrator N io../kk Attachments for City Council Only: Planning Lcmmission Staff Reports dated 1/19/64 and 1/5/84 with Attachments Excerpts of the Planning Ce=ission Minutes dated 1/19/84 and 1/5/84 i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCIL MEINBERS MINUTES RECilLJIR COUNCIL MEETING do PLACEr Council Chambers ��w 'iF G� �► 7i�►y ' TIME: 7:30 P.M. <^ tm i+► �}' DATE: February 27. 1984 e.,� � r•w� 'p '� � v' INDEX Mayor Hart presented a permaplaqued Certificate of Appreciation to Susan Spiritus In recognition of her service on the Arts Commission. Present x x x x x x A. ROLL GALL. Absent x Notion s B. The reading of the Minutes of the Meeting All Aye ■ of Februa ' 13, I984. was waived. approved as itten and ordered filed. Motion x C. The reading in ull of all ordinances and All Ayes resolutions unde consideration was waived, and the C k was directed to read by titles D. HEARINGS: \theco 1. Mayor Hart opened inued public PD/Towing hearing regarding CERTIFI TE OF PUBLIC (70) CONVEVIENCL AND NECESSITY - RVINE MESA TOHI=. Mewrandum from Executive Assist\-he the City Manager. was presented. Hearing no one wishing to addresCouncil, the public hearing was Motion x Motion was made to deny application for Al 1 Ayes lack of required information as recomended by staff. 2. Mayor Hart opened the public hearing and TMp/Tr City Council review of the TENTATIVE HAP, 12079/ OF TRACT NO.•12079. USE PERMIT NO._3075. U/P 3075 AND &=ENT IAI. COASTAL REyELOPM X Rumaey Entry PEYliIT ii0- _�, requests of RUM EY (88) ENTERPRISES. INC.. Irvine. to subdivide an existing single lot. containing .48 acres of land. into a single lot for the construction of a fourteen unit residential condominium project complying with the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to low -and moderate-incosye housing within the coastal zone; and acceptance of an Environmental Document. The proposal also includes modifications to the Zoning Code relating to setbacks, and to the Sign Code regarding an Identification sign. Property located at 487_Morning Canyon Road and _Fist Coast Highway in Corona -Highlands; Zoned R-3-3. Report from the Planning Departssent. was presented. Volume 38 - Page 54 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH coupm= UMMEn U*urEs .It February 27. 1984 INDEX The City !tanager recommended that a TKp/Tr Condition No. 26 be added. if this 12079 project is approved, regarding Fair Share u/P 3075 allocation for circulation improvements In the City. Discussion ensued with respect to the one affordable unit to be provided with this development. fair share determination* and density in the area. as well as other areas in the City. Warren James. representing the applicant, addressed the Council and stated that _ they had originally proposed to build 19 units on the subject property. but following discussion with the Planning staff, they redesigned the project to 14 units. He stated he felt it was a good plan. and significantly better than what is currently existing on the property. He stated he could not understand the i concern over density. inasmuch as the plan vas prepared in accordance with all City requiresents. and in addition. was approved unanimously by the Planning Commission. With respect to the proposed Fair Share allocation, he stated that it was an unpleasant surprise and he was not aware of the requirement. It was noted by staff that the Fair Share allocation for this project would be $20.972 based on 14 units. Mr. Warren indicated be felt the fee should be assessed on 8 units, rather than 14, inasmuch as 6 units already exist on the property (even though tbey will be desolisbed). In response to Council inquiry. Mr. Warren stated that the average selling price for the units is $230,000, and that the square footage begins at 750 for the smaller units; up to 1.500 sq. ft. for the larger units. Roger Hardacre. President. Cameo Shores Homeowners Association. stated that they, as well as the Shorecliffs Homeowners Association. have not taken a position either for. or against the proposed development. Jerry Easterbrooks, President, Corona Highlands Homeowners Association. 516 De Anza, aubsittwd a petition containing 123 sigsaturss In opposition to the proposed development. Be stated that the sts"twMs repreeeaced 701 of their associstios. He stated that tbey feel Volume 33 - rase 55 _ • rl CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH f G9 9� 7J► � February 27. 1984 IN the project is inconsistent with the predominant single-family residences in their area. and poses a serious safety/traffic threat. Mr. Fsterbrook stated that they would like the City Council to request the Planning Comission to consider the downzoning of any parcel of land in Corona Highlands or its sphere of Influence to no more than 1.5 so as to more fully comply with the nature of their neighborhood. He stated that they would like to see the site improved. but are opposed to the density. In addition, they did not feel consideration was given to the 2 to I slope. The Planning Director stated that if the City Council was desirous in trying to match the proposed development of this site with existing development which is around it. then the Council could apply a coning on the property which would allow a maximum density of 16 to 20 dwelling units per acre and still come close to the multiple -family designation. or the General Plan could be amended with the application of a low. or medium density classification to the property. Dick !Nichols. President. Corona del liar Community Association. addressed the Council and submitted a letter in opposition to the proposed project. He stated that they believe the Council should consider downzoning the subject property. as well as all R3. R33 and 145 properties located on the east side of the Dar to the City. Michael Miller, 468 Serra Drive. addressed the Council in opposition to the development. citing increased traffic, as a result of the project. Hugh H. Milligan, 500 Rockford Place. addressed the Council, and stated he felt the project would disrupt the orderly development of the neighborhood, that it would be an eyesore. block views and lower property values. He also stated that he felt the reference to a "Negative Declaration" mentioned in the public hearing notice should be revised as it could be misleading to the layperson. volre 38 — Pest 56 I2079 D/P 3075 IL/1 i s yr NGwrV:1 a W %me%%we• COUNCIL MEMKM M*WE5 7 0- 0 cps, 7G A 9 � February 27. 1984 INDEX wow■ ■ A tA _ motion All Ayes x She City Attorney advised that there have been recent amendments to the State Subdivision Map Act which requires cities, when considering tentative tract slaps, to apply those zoning ordinances and general plan provisions that were in effect at the time the application for a tentative tract map was submitted. In essence, the City Council has very limited power to rezone a property after a tentative map application has been submitted. However, the City does have the power to disapprove the tentative map if the Council finds. that the project is inconsistent with the zoning ordinances■ or general plan provisions that were in effect at the time the application was submitted. She City Council also has the authority to deny the use permit if it believes that this development is inconsistent, or adverse to the health - safety and welfare of the co=unity. Florence Closlow. 436 Mendoza Terrace, - and Barbara Aune, 1800 Antigua- Property owner in Corona Highlands. addressed the Council and spoke in opposition to the project. Warren isms, representing the applicant, addressed the Council again and stated that their project would not result in an increase in traffic. He also stated that views would not be blocked by the development. only by already existing trees in the area. He reiterated that they had complied with all City requirements and felt the project should be approved. Discussion followed, wherein the City Attorney advised that in addition to the two options outlined earlier in the hearing, the Council still has another alternative whereby, 1f it is felt that the project is not consistent with the general plans conditions can be imposed, such as reduced densities, etc. yollowing consideration, -motion was made - to continue the public hearing to !!arch_ 12, and direct the staff to prepare appropriate findings for denial. ?here being.ao_obj1�ctions..the staff was also directed.to.report back with. sdditiocal information regarding t3 soal in the Imeadiate area asd its img►eet ca the proposed developmaat. volume 38 - Page 57 M/Tr 12079 J/P 3075 is CITY OF NEWPCRT BEACH couku� �eaRs February 27, 1984 Council Member Nanther austoetod a proposed policy be developed with respect to fair Share allocation for circulation improvements, and that this item be considered at a future study session. Mayor Hart opened the public hearing regarding: DRAFT ENVIRONK NTAL IMPACT REPORT - Acceptance of an Environmental Document for Gis[ERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 83-2(a), COASTAL PROGRAM! AMENDMENT NO. 4 AND NO. 599; PLAN AMENDMENT 83-2(a) - Request. to \amend the Land Use, Residential GrovFh, and Recreational Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plano as to redesignate the CORONA DEL M" EFal ART SCHOOL SITE from "Goys t. Educational and Inatitnt4vaal" uses to "Multiple -Family Residential" uses; LOCAL CO AL PROGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 4 - Request to md the Land Use Plan of the Newport Eea Local Coastal Program so as to redesitna a the CORONA DEL. MAR �Y OOL SITE from "Governmental, Educational and Institutioc�al" ses to Multiple -Family Residential" user; AKDC* DQ' No. 599 ORDINM'CE NO. 84-7 - Request to establi h Planned Community Development Stands s and adopt a Planned Community Developma Plan for the development of the RONA DEL MAR EL.D=ARY SCHOOL SITX. The proposal also includes a request to amend portions of Districting Map No. 16. so as to reclassify said property from the Unclassified District to\the Planned Community District; TRA 71C STUDY - Request to consider a traffic study in conjunction with the construction of forty --one residential dwelling units on the CORONA \ELMARSCSOOL SITE; AND COASTAL RESIDENTIAL. DEVELOPMEIT INO. 5 - Request to consider a rest" ential coastal development permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for the residential develop■sat of the CORONA DEL MAR SM psrsuaat is the �taistratiw l Volma 39 -• Pass 53 I CPA 83-2(a) (45) PCA 599 (94) LCP Amndf4 Ord 84-7 Trfc Stdy Coastal Radntl Dr Prm /5 i a lrf 111.�/�i� • r. . City Ccuncil Meet* March 12, 1484 7) : FP010: LGCATLON: ZONE; APPLICANT: C NER: 121CIFIFER: Agenda Item No. D-2 CITY OF 1f1--dMRT BEl,Cti City Council Planning Department Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079 Request to subdivide an existing single lot containing .48 acres of land area into a single lot for residential condominium purposes, on property located in the R-3-11 aintrict, and the acceptance of an environmental document. Al:D lisp Hermit Ho. 3075 Hegt3ent to 1'e mit the ccr,ntruct1an r,f a fourteen unit resirlf;r�tsaI condominium IeveIopment Iccatold In the k-l-Fi District. The proposal ilsn includes a vvrlii icatlon to ttw Zoning Code so as to allcr portions of thf: proposed buildin<j arnci deck acees to encroach ten feet, and a chimney to encroach twelve feet, into the required twenty fcxjt front yard netljnck area along Morning Canyon Road. A modification to the 'loniriq Code is also requested to permit an 8 sq.ft. identification sign where the. Sign Code permits a 5 sq.ft. sign in the F-3-H District. A!-D Ve sidettial Coastal Development Permit Ho. 4 11equeet to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a fourteen unit residential condominium development pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implerj!ntation of the State Law relative to low- and T-oderate-income housing within the Coastal Zone. Lot 3, Tract No. 1237, located at 487 Morning Canyon Road, on the northeasterly corner of Morning Canyon Mad and East Coast Highway, in Corona Highlands. Rumney Enterprises, Inc., Irvine Sa as Applicant Paul Calvo Associaterr, Seal Beach • TO: City Acil - 2. • Suq ested Action Hold hearings close hearing; if desired, approve the Tentative Mop of Tract Ho. 12079, Use Pemit No. 3075, and Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4, with the Fir.dirgs and subject to the Conditions of Approval as recamendr.d by the Planning Cce7aissionr OR Ueny the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079, 1.1me Permit No. 3075, d1ld 111,;idential Coastal Development Permit No. 4 with thu Hndir.gs as set forth in the staff retort. Background At its meeting of January 19, 1984, the Manning Commission voted 16 Ayen, 1 Absent.} to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079, lase Pormtt No. 3075, and Refidential Coastal Development Permit No. 4. Modifications to the zoning Code wr:re also approved so as to allow [xjrtions of the prorwinti(t buildinq and deck areafi to encroach ten feet, and .t chlmney to encroach twr�1vp t!t, into th,: te•yuirer11 twenty foot front yard sothack area along Morninq rneiyc.rl Road; and to permit ,n 6 sy.ft. identification cl(tn where the 5iyn (*#,,I,, parrits a b sq.ft. nigr. in !h(, F-3-t: District. T)lo tpjoroval also incl«d-1 the requirement of (,nt- aei-sit•_• "affordable unit" with t.hrr affordable 11401rp rf the unit guaranteed for -� period of ten years. At rta meeting of February 27, 1984, the City Council voted M Ayes. 1 Absent) to continue the public hearing on this Matter to Its Meting Of March 12, 1984 so as to provide time for staff to prepare appropriate ririctirgs for denial. Said t'indings are set forth in Exhibit "H", and are attache.(! for Council review. Additional Infor*sation Staff has preparr_d the attached information in conjunction with other parcels located in the R-3-1' District in Corona del liar, as requested by the Council. The information consists of the properties in question, the existing land uses, and the size of the parcels. Staff also has attached a map indicating the existin('I residential densities of the subject building site and the adjacent residential properties located in the R-1-8, R-2-B, And R-3-D Districts. Pespe•ctfully 3utmitted, PI-4-NNING DEP. RIXENT JAMES D. HF:JICYER, Director by WIi. IA]M ft. LAYCOCK fir Current Planning Administrator WRL/kk Attachments for City Council Only: Exhibit "B" R-3-11 Parcels in Corona del Mar (including Location Map) Map indicating Residential Densities of Subject Property and Adjacent Residential Properties City Council Staff Report dated 2/27/84 with Attachments EXHIBIT 0V FINDINGS FOR DE21IAL FOR TE2iTATIVE MAP OF TRACT No. 12079, USE PERMIT No. 3075, and RESIDENTIAL COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 4 1. That the environmental docuaerot is complete arul t,an b(ren prepared in ccrpliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State Cvr�A Guidelines and City 1-olicy. 2. That the contents of the enviror *ntal do(C"Iment hnvn }Keen considered on the various decisions on this project. 3. That the Guidelines indicate that environmental documents tyre not required for projects that are denied. 4. The General Plan designation for the parcel that is the suh3ect of the prorr,ced project in multiple -family residential, and the parcel in zoned P-1-B. S. Pursuant to tht! provision« of the I.and rlrnnnrst of r.he General Plan of the City of uewTort Reach, a dF:vIcIrurt.ion of multiple -family residential allcnrs the development of a maximum of fifteen dwelling units per buildable acre. 6. The proposed project contemplates the construction of fourteen dwelling units on .48 buildable acres which translates into a density of approximately twenty-nine dwelling units per buildable acre. 7. While the proposed project is consistent with densities authorized by the Zoning Ordinance. the project is not entirely consistent with the density restrictions proposed by the General Plan. 8. Because of the high density of residential units and the consequent potential for impacts related to traffic, air quality and aesthetics, the establishment, maintenance or operation of the project applied for will, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed uso, and be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood, and the general welfare of the City. 3 is R-3-8 PARCELS ::1 COPJONA DEL MAR Site Description 1. !subject Property 2. Corolido Lots I 3. rirkwood Motel 4. lfarl^ •r View School S. GranL Howald Park 6. Lincoln Inter. School 7. A.red Condonintums H . Car:ynn Crest Condo- minums 9. Big Canyon Reservoir 10. Ftartor Day School 11. Portion of the Pacific View Memorial Park 12, United Methodist Church 13. st.Michael and All Angels Church I 14. Seavlew Lutheran Plaza 15. Seaview Lutheran Church 16. Christ Scientist Church Existing Land Use Dwelling Units thsplaR and Triplex Developcents on each of 24 lots Motel Elementary School Park :r.terpediate School 50 Residential rA'aloniniurns (Approved nisi not constructed) 42 Residential Condominiums Reservoir Site Ray School Cemetery Church Church 100 Elderly Housing Units Church Church 5icn c,f Parcel 21,1'111 sq.ft.or .411 acres Yrcnn 5,9001 sq.ft. to 7,2001 sq.ft. 1.01 Acre 17.111 Acres J.7 Acres 1h.fi9 Acres 3.67 Acres .0 Acres 46.48 Acres 6.54 Acres 15! Acres 3.01 Acres 3.59 Acres 2.156 Acres 1.218 Acres 2.13 Acres -3� 1 /r► r� a. oar "mot I sire *16 �/`. 11% t�o•r 1 `f err u gav- •1 j I s .y r a •/ ��1•r [I Ci to It 64 a -)'A aj � Rl Aci 1•- ° VVv ? aat . V 1 • yt � • R� 08 as 44 %V- t /r 1 ^ r t .&I k 17�1 �'7't1i4i�t' it O. 41 "-s-a I AI Ali �. f } Ao- c r Cps Y OF NEWPORT B&CN COUMGL MEMMM MINUTES \'0 �0\�s\`t'\ lurch 12. 19B4 resident occupying the front unit does not own a vehicle; therefore, there is no need for a parking space. He stated that he owns two compact cars which he parks in the adjacent alley. He stated hat he has never been able to use the g rage for automobile parking because of th heavy traffic on Balboa Boulevard. He tated he felt frustrated not being able o utilize the 120 sq. ft. of livin space. He also commented that he could n t afford to do the changes recoMen ed in Alternative Plans fl and f2 by the lanning Commission. Hearing no hers wishing to address the Council. the%ublic hearing was closed. Motion x motion was made\a sustain the action of All Ayes the Planning scion. with the condition that th development shall be in substantial can rmance with Alternative Plan No. 2, and with additional language a recommended by the City Attorney with egard to Findings No. 2 and 3 as ollows: After the last word i Finding No. 2 - "in that adequate ace exists on site to provide one rking space and access to that space can be taken from the alley to the east of the property." After the last word in Findin No. 3 - "in that there is an acute shortage of on -street parking spaces in the area, and the waive of all of the spaces required unde the zoning code would snake this shortage worse." 2. Mayor Hart opened the continued public hearing and City Council review of the TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 12079. USE PERMIT NO. 3075. AND BFSI 'IL'LL-COASTAL ppyry-OPLM PERMIT _,_4, requests of RUMNF.Y ENIMRPRISFS. INC.. Irvine. to subdivide an existing single lot, containing .48 acres of land, into a single lot for the construction of a fourteen unit residential condominium project complying with the Administrative Culdelines for the Implementation of the State Law relative to low -and modcrate-income housing within the coastal zone; and acceptance of an Environmental Document. The proposal also includes modifications to Volume 38 - Page 68 Variance 1108 THP/Tr 12079/ U/P 3075 Rumney Entrp (88) l'-• 47 CRY OF N E WPORT BACH COUNOL MEMOM March 12. 1984 NOWES the Zoning Code relating to setbacks. and to the Sign Code regarding an identification sign. Prai►nrty located at 481 Morning Canyon Road and Last Crust !highway in Corona Highlands, Zonod Ras. Report from the Planning Department. dated February 27. 1984. was presented. Letter from Corolido Comity Association■ and others. regarding Romney Enterprises. Inc.. was presented. The City Clerk advised that after the agenda was printedo a letter was received frost the Corona del Mar Community Association requesting denial of the proposed project. The City Manager noted that pursuant to Council request of February 27. staff did prepare Findings for Denial for the subject Tentative Map, and a listing and asap on the R3E parcels in Corona del Mar. It was further pointed out that the Fair Stare Allocation for this project based on 14 units would be $20.972 if said developmnt is approved. If the Fair Share Allocation were based on 8 units. the asswnt would be $11,894. Warren James, representing the applicant. addressed the Council and spoke in support of applying the Fair Share Allocation to the net increase of a units. He emphasized that they had designed this project in accordance with City guidelines, and that it had been unanimously approved by the Planning Comission. John Sipple, representing the Corolido Coummity Association, addressed the Council in favor of the project. He stated that they felt it would enhance the neighborhood and upgrade the area. He stated that they also feel any downzoning of the area should be considered separately from this project. Ron Covington. 707 Orchid Avenue, representing the Corona del Mar Cossesnity Association, addressed the Council and stated that they feel the project is much higher in density than the surrounding area; and therefore. volume 38 - Page 69 iitp /Z r 12079/ J/P 3075 CITY OF NEWPORT B&CH COUNCIL MEMBERS wAt Motion Ayes !toes ?lotion Ayes Noes x� x xI xI x�: x J x x I it x x M MUTES March 12. 1984 they are opposed to the development. He stated that they believe the City Council should consider downzoning the area, and all R3. R3S and 11411 properties located on the east side of the Bay in the City. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Maurer, the Planning Director stated that this project is within the City's zoning laws. Harold Zook, owner of 483-485 Morning Canyon Road. addressed the Council in favor of the project. He stated that his property was directly across; the street from the proposed development. that it has been designed in accordance with City regulations; and therefore. it should be approved. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council. the public hearing was closed. The Planning Director pointed out that ono of the Conditionr of Approval of the Tertative Map was that access to the subterranean parking structure must be approved by the City staff. He felt it was Important for the City Cour+cil, as well as the applicant, to understand this condition, inasmuch as the plan will have to be modified because of Elie percentage in grade. Coun+eil Member Agee stated that this project,, even though only 14 units are being proposed. is inconsistent with the current standards of the City's General Plan; and therefore. motion was made CO deny the project. based on the Findings for Dcrial designated as inhibit "8." which notion FA1LM. Motion was made to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12079. Use Permit No. 3075. and Residential Coastal Development Permit No. 4, with the Findings and suU!ect to the Conditlous of Approval as recommended by the Planning Co=Lrrion; .and with the inclusion of a Fair Share Allocation of $11.894 based on the net increase of 8 Volume 38 - Page 70 [Yip/Tr 12079/ JIP 3075