HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP_008CITY OF NEWP ORT BCH COMM lMENNOM 7G„ ro t Ms. s� •o ��, tktw �' qC' �'p ► 7�" 9� ROIL Present Ix Ix Ix 1x I xI xl x Motion x All Ayes ?lotion x All Ayes '[otion All Ayes C. D. REGULAR COi'1CIL MEETItiG PLACE: Council Chambers TIME: 7:30 P.M. DATE: July 23, 1984 ROLL CALL, The reading of the minutes of the Meeting of July 9, 1984 was waived, ,approved as written, and ordered filed. The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed to rtad by titles only. HEARINGS: MINUTES Mayor Haa t opened the public hearing regarding PLANNINC COt 41.%SION AMFXD. L-%-r NO. 608. a request of SIL:. LA_VGS,0::, Newport Bea . to amend the NE7.-.0R PLACE PL.AR;ZDF CO,M.`fUNIT1 DE%TLO?MEET STANDARDS so of to transfer the remaining 4,1X sq. ft. of allowable building area from "General Co=ercial Site 4." to "Professional and Business Offices Site 5." yroperry located at the northwesterly corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Nevpor Place Drive. This proposal also includ\ the acceptance of an Environmental Document and AMENDMENT NO. 8 to the 4E6'P0RT PLXCF. TRAFFIC PHASING PLAID. Report from the Planning DepArtnrnt. was presented. ` Bill. Langston. Applicant, addressed the Council and stated that he was in concurrence with the reco—ndarions set forth in the staff report and wasp, available for questions. Hearing no one else wishing to address the Council. the public hearing was closed. PCA 608 (94) x Motion was ride to adopt Resalutia: NO \ i Res 54-79 54-79 amending the Newport Place ?lammed Community Development Standards and accept the Environmental Document. 2. Public hearing and City Council review of: A. RESURDIVISION NO. 773 - Request of PIAAS}:I AND ARITA. Newport Beach, to resubdivide an existing parcel of land Into a single parcel for residential condominium purposes. and the acceptance of an Environmental Document; AND Volume 38 - Page 230 Resub 773 (84) A�Y OF NEWPORT BRACH COENCI L MEMBERS p .p on1 1 rws July 23. 1984 'P �a MINUTES �. Y INDEX B. USE PERMIT NO. 3091 (REVISED) U/P 3091(R) - Request of 'PULASKI AND (g$} ARI':A, Newport Beach, to permit the construction of a four unit residential condominium development and related garages on property located at 1319 East Bslboa Boulevard, in the R-3 District. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow a reduced width for a proposed parking access drive in conjunction with extra wide garages; AND C. R.£SIDE TIAL_ COASTAL RCD Perm08 DEVELOPME''T PERMIT NO. 8 - Request of PULASKI AND ARITA, Newport Beach. to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compliance for a four unit residential condominium development pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of the State Law relative to lose- and moderate -income housing within the Coastal Zone. Report from the Planning Department, was presented. The City Manager summarized the staff report. noting that this project was before the City Council on May 14, 1984, and referred hack to the Planning Commission at that time. The applicant has revised his previous use permit application, which now confot--.s to the 24/28 foot height limit on the front one-half of the lot. the 28/32 foot height limit on the rear one-half of the lot. and all required building setback requirements, including no garage encroachments in the four -foot easterly side yard as originally proposed. This project was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting of June 21. 1984. In response to Council Member Strauss's inquiry regarding the "infeasibility" to provide loin- or moderate -income housing in connection with this project* reference was made to the Affordable Housing Feasibility Awslys:s ^er.670- td Volume 38 - Page 231 CITY OF NEWPORT B�ACH COMM MEMBERS lop cis of vG rp v, � �9 July 23. 1984 MINUTES Wnry by Tarantello A Company. February S. Resub 773/ 1984. wherein Page I7 states, in part. U/P 3091(R)/ the following: RCD Perm08 "As evidenced by the preceding Proforma Cash Flows and as summarized below, the estimated rate of return under the six scenarios range between (5.9) percent and (41.2) percent).... "in suction. in .i iinancial world where high-grade corporate bonds are yielding 12 percent or more. with full liquidity and no taanage=ent requirements. our most recent experience in the evaluation of development projects for similar clients suggests required rates of return in excess of 50 percent on invested capital over the term of the project. It is evident that none of the previous scenarios approach this benchmark, and we strongly reco=ccnd that no affordable unit requirement be imposed upon the 1317 E. baIboa Boulevard development," Rolly Pulaski, applicant. addressed the Council, and stated that the project was modified in design to meet the conditions that were objected to by the Planning Cocaission. The project eliminates what they consider three substandard dwelling units on a parcel of property which provides no parking, and replaces it with a new development which has the required parking, and a better access to the property than currently exists. John Jenscn. 1303 E. Nalboa Boulevard. addressed the Council in opposition to the project. He stated that he felt four units was too ouch density. and that there would not be adequate parking if each tenant were to hsve two _ automobiles. He pointed cut the location on the map. noting this project was at the narrowest part of the Peninsula. During discussion. it vats brought out that pursuant to the zoning code, seven units could be built on the subject property. Volume 38 - Page 232 CITY OF NEWPORT BIACH COMM MEMEERS Notion Ayes Hoes x� xI xx Y. I x I x MINUTES July 23. 1984 Barney Larks. 1901 Beryl Lane, addressed the Council and expressed his concern over the loss of rental units throughout the City, and the need to provide more senior citizen housing. Dr. Kenneth Cohen. 1313 E. Balboa Boulevard. addressed the Council and stated that he felt four units was too dense for the area and that only two units should be allowed. John Blaich. 2601 Bayshore Drive. addressed the Council and stated he owns property at 1317 E. Balboa Boulevard. adjacent to the subject parcel. which is also zoned R-3. He stated he felt the proposed project was a "good plan" and urged approval. Lillian iamph, 1320 E. ocean Front. addressed the Council in opposition to the project. She stated that, if this project were approved as requested. the owner of 1317 E. Balboa Boulevard, adjacent to the subject parcel. could request a similar type approval and urged the Council to not approve the project. Hearing no others wishing to address the Council. the public hearing was closed. Discussion ensued with respect to the zoning of the subject property, wherein the City Attorney advised that if residents in the community were interested in initiating a zone change an a certain parcel of land. it gust be appealed to the Planning Co=ission and City Council. However, a zone change can also be initiated by the property owner. City Council. or Planning Commission. Council Member Strauss expressed his concern relative to the zoning on the Peninsula. and suggested consideration be given to establishing an ad hoc committee to study the issue. Following comments. motion was made to sustain the recommendation of the Planning Coc=ission to approve the subject applications. There being no objections, the feasibility of down -zoning certain properties on the Peninsula was scheduled for the August 13. 19S4 study session. Volume 38 - Page 233 Resub 773/ U/P 3091(R)/ RCD Perm4'8 ACH Ir1ENUTES ENnFY (d) Removed from the Consent Calendar. (e) Report from Executive .Assistant to the City Manarer regarding RE:TE'TION OF COrSULTPU TS TAU FEVIE'W JOHN 1e'.1i'NF AIRPORT HASTFR PI..v.. 1.VC11. AND Elk. (f) Removed from thc• Consent C:tIeziL:.3 O/C-Juyn Arprt (54) 10. PVBLIC Hr.ARINC SCHFI)III.I.Nr - Atsly _ 3. 1986; ---- (a) RESVBDIVISION No. 773 - Request of Resub 773 PULASKI AND ARiIA. Newport huarh. (84) to resubdivide an existing parcel of land into a single parcel for residential condominium purposes. and the acceptance of ar Environmental Document; AND L'S£ PERMIT NO. 309 l(REVISED) ,- U/P 3091(R)/ Request t)t ruiAsKi mij ARITA. fisdnt1 Prm Newport Beach, to permit a f8 four -unit residential cordominius (88) development and related garages or. property located at 13:r Fast Balboa Boulevard, Falboa Peninsula. in the R-3 District_ The prt.roszl also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as tv allow a rceluced width for a prop t c—d parking arcces drivt• in conjunction with extra tide rarages; AND RFSIDE34"rEAL CUA!-TAI. DF1'FIl'i'`{-YtiT PF&41T NO. S - Request of PVL-%SKL AND ARITA. Neu -port i:each. to consider a Residential Coastal Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project compIi:irre for a four-uuiL residential condominium development pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implemcnr:rrion of the State l -tw Cc lat i1e t41 ltrw- anti nt.t'rra[c-Incnmc• housing within the CLmstal 'Lune. (Report from Planning Department) �. (Er) YRoI't1SE:E1 l'NDE:RCFtOiIND LTILITILS L'tllitir:l/ Dl.TRICT NO. 10 (Vicinity of east llndgr-Q110 Ilalbu.t Boulevard at "I" Street) - (89) To determine whether or not an Underground Utilitirr Pistrict should be formed. (Prport from Public Work%) Volume 38 - PaF4 :-1 ..sa s r- CRY OF NEWPORT BEIRCH April 23. 1984 MUM INDEX (b) Martha Kitts. alleging personal ,\ Kitts Injuries as a result of fall oa roadway on !Barth 13. 19B4 at Washington Street and East Balboa Boulevard. `e(c) John Hernandez for property damage Hernandez as a result of traffic collision with City vehicle on April 9, 1984 on Miramar Drive. \Cynthia (d) A. Luther alleging property Luther damage as a result of broken water lipe by City truck in August, 1983. at`1121 E. Balboa Boulevard. 7. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINTS - For denial and confirmation of the City Clerk's referral to`the claims adjuster: Patric Todd Trevino for damages. Orange Trevino County Superior Court. Case No. 423934. Claim was denied by City Council on October 24, 1983. S. REQUEST TO FILL PERSONNEL VACANCIES: (66) (Report from the City Manager) (a) One Emergency Equipment Dispatcher, Police Department. (b) One Custodial Officer. Police Department. (c) One Building !maintenance Han I, Parks E Recreation Department. (d) One !marine Safety Officer, Marine Department. (e) One Purchasing Clerk I, Finance Department. 9. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS: (a) Report from Parks. Beaches and SMiguel Prk/ Recreation Director regarding PB&R ACCESS TO SAN MICUEL PARK. (62) (Attached - Note: For receipt and file pending Budget Review) (b) Removed from the Consent Calendar. _ 10. PUBLIC _H ARIt+1C_SCH ULIHC --For May 14, _ 1994: (a) APPEAL OF PULASKI AND ARITA FOR U/P 3091/ RESUIlDIVISION NO. 773 AND USE Resub 733 PERMIT NO. 3091 from denial by ($8/84) Planning Cosmissioo on March 22. 1984. on property located at 1319 Volume 38 - Page 122 CRY OF NEWPORT BACH COMM YENNOM s� •o April 23, 1984 YINMES East Balboa Boulevard. A request to resubdivide an existing parcel of land into a single parcel for condominium purposes; also a request to permit the construction of a four unit residential condominium development on property located in the R-3 District, which exceeds the 24 foot basic height limit located in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District on the front one-half of the lot. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the proposed ground floor garages to encroach four feet into the required four foot easterly side yard setback area. Included also is a request to permit the construction of roof top architectural features of an open nature which exceeds the basic height limit. and the approval of Residential Coastal Development Permit. A Negative Declaration has been prepared by the City in connection with the application noted above. (b) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 83-1(c) - Request of HELTZER ENTERPRISES, Los Angeles. for an amendment to the Newport Beach General Plan for property located adjacent to MEDICAL LANE, so as to redesignate said property from "Multiple Family Residential" uses to "Administra- \tive. Professional. and Financial Commercial" uses, and the acceptance of an Environmental Document. This project includes PLANN _NG COMMISSION AMJ:1% Eh? NO. 60I and a TRAFFIC STUDY and CERTIFICATION OF CORRECTION FOR TRACT NO'. 11018. (Report from Planning Department). (c) PLANNING CO? MISSION AMENDMENT NO. 606 - Request'of KOLL CENTER NEWPORT. Newport Beach, to amend the Kull Center Newport Planned Community Development Standards so as to transfer the undeveloped remaining allowable area for office. restaurant and retail uses from "Office Site A" to ;Office Site B." Property located on the easterly and westerly sides of Von Larman Avenue between Birch Street and Mae -Arthur Boulevard; zoned P-C. This project also includes AMF.KDKENT NO. A TO TILE KOLL CVCM Volume 38 — Pase 123 X GPA 83-1(c) (4S) PCA 601/ Tfk Stdy/ Certf Crctn Tr 11018 PCA 606 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEMAND FOR PAYMENT Demand of: Urantello t Company Address: 3931 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 102 Newport Beach, California 92660 In the mount of S 2,000•00 ITEM OF EXPENDITURE Prof ssiOnal services rendered re Balboa Pour Condo - Date Marct, 12, 1984 BUDGET M I AMOUNT mini=$ - 1317 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa I 02-2716-002 TOTAL $2,000.00 Hance Direcior 1..7 r I W r IN Robert P. 4;,A* No - Xwe Pl(wmtng Actrn"trator MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 7% K 9Ftl 'Y,.QF NEWPORT BEACH Beach;Colfornla 0 '63 .&UWA,,lnUR CONDOUNJUM84=SIT JL'a A B vALBOA 40 1 14 - N'4"I's of a report U�tUV OW f@adb vim kendered: eii&ch and Preparation 0 ' " , 1 *1 eadb I *uUft atfvdaN# units ','rithin -the abo, referenced '1f ddevelopment.4 �M�7►i 1 6 Oil 1: JA AL BILL: 'I Y.!. V Retainer; AMOUNT NOW DUE.- A j 2,600J0 :v o �,IL VM imycole. kffinance charge. of 1.1,11.5% per month which Wan wmal percent og !0l ate of 18% is chariaed an ail vait clue accounta, 4� Vflq U^3931 MacArthur Boulev=4 SWts 10 Beach CaUfornla,92660 q ­t..... -A' i OW .1 ►0 appreciate (a oppoirtun(ty to be wrvke'andj�a'forward. qW to• N,�your 'Otronage In the future. w4l !� especquUy submitted, ll-qp I.TARANTELLO & COMPANYrtW'.4t •-;'AA('. J�fh v" VED FOR PAYMEN APPRO q Iehael A. RCUly (Project mover A 4 , By r DkocOf l4n N .1) I v j.: -A" • 4N, - 1% Y `Mr 1P Do a Y46yelopment,! p j ton cuy"cor r'' Mo Mwport '1loutdiietd' R r� '_� IP RES. 1317 a .1 •v_; "Y, 4g r 61 "CCOT "F@ ih.-YGUt" f*qUOSt and 'allt Taia nt al C harflotleft as nY has " PrPMOd- S' f4P0Ft.'*VM1u4t1nq the faissIbIll '8 :or., itrardsblo.,units within the "6ove_refeconced -d @VI00iont Included yin 'the _.fo1Aqwjngt report is' 'an• anol ysto or the 'Subject four4nit Condominita Project With ­ 'the inc-luslo!""or-oni, low- or made f4too'Income - 'U"It.'' w..', j ThQ appropriate --Pficii I.QVSI ".60d � average absorption period-heve basn'L'iSt'losted and thm,,issue.,'*r-'wrsjf rotii'�"'to the developer Won oddre s d. Vs. thank:", You,,!,!Qlr - thIs.,oppio"it-unity -to -be'* ors "i 0 Vice and .1 Oak f orward jo 'jo4p,,, �' continued' psttono a %-, R*qpGctruuy4utNiltt4dP"_ .1. 1 TARANTIELkQ: A'.' COMPANV, �j Vex 0 i,7! 'CAR Yicr dent tv 3.f �,­*­,!j ,Aj� 4'. ""Apo 1urr T r tri s;e. . -44'wl.40" 4• 1 1 ' AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS of ' 1317 E . BALBOA BL VD . ' four Condominium Units BALBOA, CALIFORNIA 1 ' Residential Development Ry= ' ROBERT P. BARMINGTOM ' Submitted To: CITY OF NEVPORI BEACH t02/Oa/84 ' Submitted By; ' TARANIELLO i COMPANY t 1 I STATEME11T Of ASSUMPTIONS 1317 E. Balboa Blvd. (L) Project Cheractarlstics Description sire Unit l 2 Bedroom / 7.5 Beth 2,092 sq.ft. Unit 2 3 Bedroom / 4.5 Bath 7,637 sq.ft. Unit 3 2 Bedroom / 7.5 Bath 10834 sq.ft. Unit 4 2 Bedroom / 2.5 Bath L,896 sq.ft. [2) Land ownershi s At the start of project construction, it is assumed that the land is owned outright by the developers. (3) Land Cost; Provided by the Ownership -- $250,000. (4) Construction Perled: A nine -month construction period hn% peen assumed from commencement of construction to completion of units. (5) Construction Costs: hosed upon the constructltsn Cost Estlmutes supplied by the project architects, Pulaski i Arita (January 25, 1984), as follovs; Construction Costs 1 !b'0,000 The construction costs are assumed to be incurred evenly over the entire cofrstructlon period. W financing ! Prime Rate; The rate charged against the outstanding loon balance is 2.5percent over prime; prime Is assumed to average ll.0 percent. The loan tea was assumed to be 3.0 percent of the construction costs. (7) Repayment of Loan: Based on 100 percent of gross sales. (a) Absorption: An absorption rate of one unit per two months has been Incorporated into the calculations. It has been assumed that the lower Priced units would be absorbed first with sales beginning in the ninth month after commencement of construction. STATEMENT Or ASStAIPTIOIIS, continued. 1317 E. Balboa Blvd. (9) Pticlng of Condominiums; Pricing of the condominium units was hmied upon information supplied by the project architects, Pulaski l Arita, at follows: unit 1 S 360,000 unit 3 S 340,000 Unit 3 S 250,000 Unit 4 S 230,000 (10) Affordable Unit Pricing: The affordable unit was considered to replace Unit 4 In all scenarios. Unit pricing was based upon income Information provided by Robert A. Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator, City of Newport Ifeacrt. Hecause the designated affordable unit It a twn.bedroom condominium, the Income level for a four -person household was consldereci relevant for potential occupancy. Flased upon Industry standards, a aaximum of 33 Percent of the hausaholclls gross Income can be allocated towards housing debt service. Typical financing terms for residential units has been assume($ as follows; 10 percent down; 13.5 percent rate; 36-year amorti- zation. [loth low income and moderate lncOme levels were analyted -- the resulting Affordable Unit Prtcing used In the calculations is as follows: Low-income Unit S 69,500 Moderate -Income Unit S 108,000 (11) Affordable Rental Rates: Rental Rates were based upon Allowable month- ly expense Information provided by Robert P. Lenard, Advance Planning Adalntstrator, City of Newport Beach. These figures for a four -person household are ■s follows: Low -Income Unit S 650 Moderate -Income Unit : 1,011 (17) Provision of Off -Sit• Affordable Units The following additional assumptions have been incorporated into the analysis, providing low- Or moderate -income units at an off -site location. The average sales price for all residential units for sales which occurad since the last MLS listing book was used as the purchase price of the off -site unit%. Absorption; It has been assumed that the off -site unit will be purchased In the ninth month and sold in the eleventh month. Price: It has been assumed that the purchase price of the off -site unit is S186,000. This represents an approximation of the current average residential sales price. 1 1 3 (13) Anrwal Cash Flan: The estimated annual cash flow from renting Gut the affordable units Incorporates the following annual expensas; Taxes i 3,750 Insurence 4d0 Expenses 2.000 Subtotal i 6,150 Debt Service 25,291 • fatal $ 31,441 x (60.0% loan -to -valve, 13.51; 30-year emortlratlun) LOW moderate Per Unit Annual Cash Flow (Renting for 10 years) 1%73,6A11 1519,3031 (la) Residual Value: The residual value of an affordable unit Mt the end of the lath yrdt is basesd upon an annual 5.0 perennt eacalatlan rector less tht tem.tlninq loan balance at that time: f 378,812 - f 218,196 . S 160,616 Sy r4M All of RE! I: Ih 1I A,, 0:1&[' A•"•:�+ �Ai Or )t^.Ir► 11. .ili; AVC$41.[ SA:tS t+AIC( Ar(aA:i CAPS {h riAr[T t.T:II :lSr:hiS 9,1rta ;Ott Since .Ott Sl^if .tl! Since '.aft A+flOrf Afore;* :...�c: '�•: b ^.. lit: , $6Gr rvlt• •Daft :w: 5::• tst:'7 Sao. +aa: t• ', Nv �Iiltnq $rlef �tii ❑r, rar■et ELI 1'to '�: .t .aft $a't;a•t 1 Jtl,)�C 1 .'+,+.'C i ,+i,7:0 .�' .:7 . 1. 1 22.12:C 164 �•eaf 6a:: r ai i 2.a.2:8 1 .04.5-4G 1 3:..$CC .a. .it .44 1 Z20,3J1 114 t;: 4vt::antla: 1 237,!0^ 1 14,t30 1 :A9,51-0 .!tt .ad :42 1 )021l 0 11C 1 Ares C:itrlct 9 1 ]29.IG1 1 3}:,CS)G 1 O7v,600 k7) 73 lAt 1 9t2,lC0 15i 111wit Bever/ �a:•ca Iilt^%� District 10 i a}},,,0 ._ 1 }Gl.300 17. _. 1de 1 Lla,54D 15? `.Mfay7rt �OaCfi/ IOIGoa Pennlni�ltl District 12 1 3Ls,6G0 1 1d7,11UU 1 ))9,000 157 !77 13S 1 SL7,100 32l (:Srond Qsl war) All aesliantl6i 1 V 7,50C 1 :646,500 1 2a9,)^.0 i51 ka4 1A7 1 )di,6:0 1lD st.1:4: wu1:1.119 tlstlr.� too, . Y:;.sa 2 :O2144r, 13, 1/1A)i hfapolt rrfit b`a!". 6f 0e41tbti m = = = = = r = m a = = = = m = m •.—Aat it Cumato .•St+t4'S "Is =I )Inuaty 11, :9141 D1atlict Na. f .. llppatt Mao/balbo* Island pri[f Par s�Crrss 9r',f::�s,ls!•s So.atr root .iti•.•- rricr —..off root �5a2 At:ot 2552 rift• :t"o i575 ,-Ott-!to .V 713 2�a ocal 2�: i,JC7 s :b9„�,^. s 2f9 2i�2 :r0strIt 711 .. f S75,G.J }.7 Si;.:nlr9 312 .. 23f a;;ifns 4/2.5 24t: Ctastrilr $13 2,1a5 i 7lS,",�9 t 129 15.4 oar• Rrrru/ 2/1.5 i,a:4 S 155,000 3 25a c59r810 211 .. t 139,u:0 2Sf2 Yllta Jfi+f 21,4 AyLr Arfnur m IS CO :o",etr 1i. .oet: District No. 10 -. Nfapatt 8esch/Balboa psnnfnsulo 'rl:e For AcIr•tr °o'r:%ot•e+trs SB,ate root Listing Price S7vore root .;S', i..6 to or .r:.t 1 i i .. f !3•.,04U i.enue ?r7 .. f 79i,G00 4:6 a :a:r blvd. !/7 7 ►S! { l.':.00D { l:l 474 ".,gut '.anr •�7 .. { 775,O00 7:: toy e•enuo fi3 .. { 175.000 '.J It:ono )l:.: .. { » :,oac .377 ;GaM 91r0. 7/7 .. { 319,000 ..T1 wife+o: Drl.r, 117 ss? r Street 317 .. 1 y751000 District Mo. 12 -. Carona Del Mar /tict Mat l:�ftss et•rccaa;9at�a S..rft ►tt; A stl-y Plitt S7.srt r4Ct a:y PC; .1 A.t-.e 1/: ta3 { 715,OG0 f 236 3I� ?a'.:a R:a:f 421 _Otsl.:c •.rt r.t < !J, i ?ar,OC? t :39 7CA 1:0:1a a,? 1 75C,UD: 56e StavaTC so, CDs 506 M.c.1C:: 0.1te 75e,07C 901 5rn:castle 512 1,566 S 2E11001. 1 141 1537 bGnr:t 7aa1a yfrrece 312 1.600 f 265,000 1 i66 416 ►Q;Df A.e•we 212 •• 3 us'ooC .036 Sfrt^s^t 512.15 .. 273.000 tit `oDSr l.tlwa 2/1 .. ti 215,000 3101 Ste.lse 2/1 .. 1 115,000 615 Acacia t12 -. 279,900 US statst0 A/2 .. t 259.500 4501 surTf7 Dr:vt 4/2 •- i 2091500 715 :astl•t 4/2.3 .. t 295,000 IrM a►ite 561:1 eat 4/2.5 •- 1 295,000 460 0r $5.0 'ttface 4/3 2,aC^. 1 2991000 3 125 1291 Surrllma all 412.5 .. f 320100D last tiet.ltt W i,eSL ti 325,000 s 175 $00 macrpere /:acf )/2 •• i 125,000 715 ills )/) .. 329,000 10) warclss.as 312 •- 1 135,000 2710 Ialslae :rive W -- f 335,900 631 Cattle 6412118101 Drive 5/2 -- S 347,OW 222 10atspla Avenue 7/1 -• f 345,000 1919 cF'uflaaco Drive 3/2-1 •. 30,3DO a"3 far*e acaa 6/2.5 2,20C 3 301000 1 lit ail Do 5:1e •offs:@ 3/3 -- s 350,900 301 *atclssus 3/2 1,600 f 350,000 1 l9a 250C L12tt*pule ,ant 412.1 7,400 f 340,000 s 150 Soarcal 0.1t1010 zlltlns $aoa - r..wat 2 13an„4r1 1), 19961; rttport Ott oos/cgot a Masa Board Of Aa6ltara District M. f « t tta~t1N1RItrr Is1aT+4 t�Ynt [la'f7US"Bat r,i :tSt:•y psLa $a:n D ::r tr.� :•'+:S ial. rlars'tI• :'LA t•) 1 78:,:IL 1 lk.1L• Dtsttict MD. 10 -- rss.(t+st dWWWS Ilrtdtl ala ;r 2 9a:'rw 3:.C. ) JLlI 6 le!,om 1 1K. if .2 t S) District :2 — MGM 04 ww _ )/:.S S 2A,0[L 1 ?f),Qn 12"24'13 245'al; 1 215,gm :VM6) ua: ..! •1t!tT Due )�) 3 st9,OM S )t:, xtJ +a:CLStia !1? 1 259,%& S ,30,VL 01l:r.'IA �VE11tt� J770 f l'! .9p Val! a: ++Zt:slt Llttlrq tie.. a I1 MW 7 Q'W'4 r: f ,f, ,tilt); wwpost r,atturKats +ass ft4z0 D? teapots SCENARIOS DMI 100DERAT[.1MCDM[ Ur11 for Sol*/On-Sits •:t a; o•htf.�tl•r r;. :`frf.Ltrl '� w•!�• pI wt� �f' Sri _�' _ �'" 'cst� :.�• y =�1� . r��• :�n:r*r'� :orttlUAW �,•,� .r .._ Ft;ti.:t, r•y,1•fT �trf.t i+r:••t ,YA 2 r ,6.. 4. 9i'L" 2.263 t`,777 e}.r27 .r 2'/602 .w .y • +1:,444 ),-10 DE,7;� 56,':i 5 .0. t. 55,sA4 1.756,(tr, d. 6 E+<, + r�7.+� r t), W 6.2'►9 •: .:. l5:, 57; .a .a. .l, I50,UL •'" •+ 95."4 1,310 Y., 77 'r','7• .G. 76•.3.5 .(: .G 25b,C[fi 314 i5,l;1 .:. 1...9: 7)G,:6) .G 'fit• ;:,a,ttll .G I50,:fx; 10 !! •A:: Vdt) ., •r �.?1• 9,2:4 E,1:4 .�., 7J+1.)7J .D- •+- 25G,d[; .0. 12 "'' .rV 9,307 �.C` �^ 7�i.643 •96,66• 15ri f2A .G .;� 15 S•.: Alt : �' .G i,91: 1.9:: .:, :44.774 61.M :9►.178 ;61.m tOTA! S �29D� Itu 176 l_1lt Tn = 1{p Qy6 Tw.Q)6 Li T2?l �m `- F-.- .� LM 77� L3 7I11 261. 7 saw? :sI •rant•:.c 6 :ayrf oplr Cfi.1a :As» r_'I 4ACKARID1 OM[ L07-IM:auf UNIT tar SsItfOft-Site tM A.'4x1 -I or. v -.0 :ve!r �':i ►i•t�,i•r , ;PO^! ._titr�:•s, :tsxL :e,e.at�r't .ydtianr^ xn.:wr't IrY !' �rw,'.J+►• F:t:.:l+ .�It :ALt :At% �aL!1 11r4r a" '11: �.r0 - A:A :L1- r:'b I't.ili (1-:!p pmflt iT; 7J t r 1 2U.Jr i t5.aaa I y ,� t '*t..'.r t ..L.2`,,4 I ..L,r� I .;�f.4c i 75f .. !•,+aa .y" tit,": �Y,7}S r 'r,,it: r --_ [r e7,727 .t :�.�2 r -3. 2x.,W ..� •�. 4 -r t5.44,t 3,r4 y,T;4 M,714 .;w 319,396.C- } .�y e!.LLL 4,2u "11.2 e9,712 -r a49,:d1 -ir r 2%"a � -} 4 .� U.t },:7' W.T11 9C,"2: :St,t<t9 -C. -G- 25f,,'1r, + _0. es,44.t 6,29! a„'41 91,742 ;5C',UL 9i.4N 7.}1( q?,174 Y1,774 .. 144,ms -L t oc'11. 46 -� v :;ry:r.4 :ysr•tL1oN .r :3.44L e,3u 93,e:6 :L,31e -:.. 74e.4ti3 tt,t(1C .�.. ?SU,Ur .� -0. 10 Z. e,(L7 3,447 e,4at .:r 777,510 -0• -(1. 2%.tm G. -a 11 �w•: 1r:: } -o. -r e,r4; t,7a3 .a z4:.?fs s3d,os� tw,uuo .G. 23A,ar� .�. -� 4,C3. 1,031 4.031 -t A3,f^ 25C,tu; -0. -0- 1f ;r:: .►:! 7 -6 -t 4,-.K t,�Al 33',v� xm.:M uc,7x ?SL,(1L .� .� 2,343 2,342 •� 2:0,`.26 -� •� z•L, sL -C• '�^ is 2.34t 2,MA •0. ?.-,::4 -1 )W.OM :47.17t 1C:,�9a 147,14t (177,#A) xnxs 290, 748, sK 1w. "fie 1.L22 S M. w � . 3L,aaV'Zo �L�d'!1 L�� 1L a. �, tac I I u2 " t u • m Sax rx; TVru'1.o i CMm I ogpr)r,s.1 :It. r .t %CNAAIOi ONE MO0EIIA71-31mCOME urlt rot Self/011.S1tt 7.1. ;Iw,S;e! s aa! cf yr '%f1 r.l!:'V, rl'r:: , :f ,t.". j.n,1 .r: a14/.I:'j :,n%% 'v,f..:0i'I : rt r: a!w! 'A •f:9Vfr'1 yy,rr �e.t,..l,,• v �, ---.•7 -s!t - n!s 'w!s -�-rA =r�,� 51:re# A. es 'as* r.s +.-1.11, 11c Al_, t :4,.7r. 3 .t e:.4:4 2.7E: a-,Z' 97,T17 .y �`,L44 5. .. 1,':a &B. 7:4 .t 5 r 0'.444 4.:ri aS,7:2 0,7.. f ..� 15.444 ',i'� l:, •• L.7.": .� 559.w�i .�.✓. .r :'.'[,rfL; i7li ram- r r .� 4 .. 85,4" ). .� J,7.4 hE,714 �. l►9,79d .� :5{,:Lc; 15(.,tm .r .t 5 .1 55,444 �,ict !i,712 !y,71. .,. Idv,VA r ;'.54,:IC; .v,r", .0. .. .'r 55,144 5.277 6,721 Wi.N., -ir 5sq. 1�-p ... ;15L+,1Ii, 251),uL 7 -G 85,a44 f.Z" 4:, 742 4:.74: .w 451.:71 -t 2-c'mc: 2SL, 1 ", +►a .at: r .C. S5,4" 7,S3C 92,776 92,7!4k .r. 70A,343 -r ;:50,J1JC' 2%,177. .a. .� 9 :010:ftt tWtiltl7. .r l5,444 t,l7a :"1,Ela .Z} Sd,:S: �86,i43 734.T.0 ;"s5C,1); ;V.W, S*:: at•S:te 'Alt c: J1 :t:, r:t 3 .t .p. 7.Kie ',!C! •". .a:,:w 451.4m 25C,31r .Sf.7O:: 2soIW. 12 .0. 5,Jl: S,�J 5,7eJ .r Ot.7t9 ;15f..([L; ',ic.Xr -Cr. .. 13 •A:: !:t 2 .r .{� !,i39 !,:}9 .ice 75+,5a: 12:." 34(:.TL ;:5C,7CL; .`-.IL .r .+. ..)71 1,371 46 123.279 5C.w .0. .^ :5 5*11 Jilt 1 .tom .O. S,3l7 ;,)d7 .J� :'.3,?79 .f. l4C,"ni 275,77+ .4,6" 213,334 Wks LMOM s MU"16 I ! 113M. "L M 5l4 M M L 1 M Olso 1i (�L] LyOr]G 2� flL S 114, Source: •atwtt:lc 4 :!vIpwy = = = = = = = m = = = = = = = m = = = P473W I� rtap MDMO: CW LM-1 1 Ual fm sal&wr-uts arc na!t !mtl -At$ a", goct r w 1, -A r if IM ji. - 29r. Q2 50, Lm-, 25C. IL -3. 1.4 M.714 3n.)% r iM.M&) 21C I 7L -0.- %2 0. Ti. &49,job 2 50, 0m] .15C. JM -C- 6 4. e%w sc, n. sc, r. 46. M,en 250,(Wl 2-5r, ul, 1!, 4" —,A 4..142 74C .0. 454.511 2 50, OXI 2 5C. if, -C- s 7,)x r4.174 r7a .0. 1ta.345 :2%,rw, IM I Im B.Pa 0. 26.0% 716,2" YX cm CA. G,tu 1.056 6,:1I9 .0. 724, U7 250,OM'j 2-10, mr, YI t4'.1 46 •C. 5,147 1,10 -0. 741.9651 462.6% 2 -4. CM t 2 $0, OW) 230,0w C. .06 C6 5,42s 5,4:0 5,470 -0. &#?,v74 r— (MAW M. or-O -C. 2 5. La; 5, 4" M.Sll 153.41) 5+0.11a; :25cl0mi 2 5c, xr) 4- 1,-24 1.776 1. 455,;" -S.- 2W, UMI 'X, 7w 4.- 23 St.. 46 y,T45 1,745S6C,��OG2C3,116 at,66f 2A.CIM 7". "G 1W 217 1,27r,3m "739 551 rA, 5 57 24g, 2w.m Uxzw. SCEMARIG: ME MOOERAII•IM00011 tne11 FQT L*$$@ :"t7,rtlor },t {t a/g1•ry iT.1<6 '1 K�'=' ��.t: YfNl i••' awil :•�• ir,�r .'�e,f:LJe: :JlT1CAC •: r�: (•� �C+eT's ylrr. 5a'rs Cash rls 1z.1tT Ez,1h a:.•St iyr:art V.4" t %.�� 1 s- �.s .. 1 a,:w 1 .06•.:k:.:ll., :•s�er't• :%6:f /t:�' 4r.fit. 1 -i 1 .y ' •� �� ara i.Y.� SG,75. 5f, ,. 1z: ; r.,rrl. 2,2a1 A7,T7, l7,-; .a 7•w .a ; 75G,T[) 1Y,rrr. -y .r •� 6 - r V,6i4 3.7r. 5e,71a 'x.•.a -b- J7►,J% �, ; 25C, 0[,G: rr,,- .t S Z. e5,6aa 6,266 09, 71. t9, •:: .p. 40,;:a .0. ; 2SC. =1 7l:,f1l: 6 7 .� d3,646 s,777 ',b,721 r. :. .f 539.829 .,1. ;zw"0 C) ix,rXl .r •r e:,aas 6.21A 91,747 ).,'t; .� c5.,571 :25C,LW,' 254,r11. ! -s;lr Mc•r.i-q aS.wr 7.3%;, 7:,776 77. -a. ,aa )65 .11_ ,'—x.=I T.1 9 :a�1M• :va!T�t3tr: .G. 91,40 0,376 9).819 ..r 134.102 S&A.1E3 :50,mo 'um � :1 llt 7 ;m.mc; 250,OrL i7 .Pit • Mks sagW. 6,617 4,617 6,6:, .11_ s9a.790 .9. ;25C.XCI 250,Wj _r_ .p. •� •Q 6.691 4'o. .w S3l,xv 241,671 )6C,((A ;Zso' SJi 2)0,(XL ••, .� 2.1^2 2,o42 2, aa3 .06 2u,u 7 _0. � 2x.7x) M.Cor 46 ...,7q aw= aII7 t f fs).� nl iOr amw::w r1a (par -UN a w000lat9 - loew trll f4 tar rrisl aeilasl ratua (%Rlltnq tN uatt st t'e W4 of t!• tr*tR rew7 = =-99°3 yC° r Is7 E# rs ® n u? u7 1Ns tfl, 2! 1 l It,X3) 3 lY,',616 ►►;*1a.2 'A$.. r_]o SCFIGARiD: 001 L01•1rC0161 U0111 top 1.00►4 ,-r►t: Yf :0ow. D:An :w I D.t me .rll t' .0.9.--(►••rt ut 1.1 •.y .ar+•! :a/t .:N •.{ :ostt :14► fo; r+(* S.a;n :W- t.ti 1:3.:!Y !7:ttY >T ��SS rr7 }rt _.� .. _,4r, s :��.0 s �•,.,. s k.•f� s iA4,,r.4 s ..•..A y ..�.:; .� 2x,1.; :-. it, :1�r.• '.v�!:.motif I : �:,YG •.}i.� y�,�al 111. "i..'AA, e7.-.- .G. ;oc, ; I*Ac.lb .f- .r 4 E!,4" 3,':: SA,Yl4 m,'.4 .i 171,)9L r ;2x.U: ;x,'ln . . .� 5 i 15. f44 4.26a 84,112 091 %; -G. "t, i,* .C. ; vc-.7A) f .:. m,4" %.-Tv 9C.rl +C :. -r •a.1,i'9 -t ;1`C,7rr; "J:.ur. 1r •� 7 .r S5,4" 4,2% 9:.742 9:,'ti -r fy..'': •�. ;I5G,710; Ix,:IL .r •a- !*,:^ Mu•rtl^O •+ es."4 " 3 x 9;,774 92,^a .G. 744,14: -G` ; I5c.,Jm 210,01V -C. -C- 9 :OK:4t• C9•4tvrtlw .- 15,4u 10 t.t.7 7iX 11 Sol. jnit 2 -S. 311,1fA IL:,4% W.2[U 2y-..Mu) 25C,'m .0. .0. 12 .. -C- 2.'•42 2,942 Z. -- 2N,41) -a. ;nc,=1 M,riv -CL -C. 19 A.! 'Pit 1- o►•t .. .f- :.9'9 2.975 2".4:1 _f W.XE 97.112 1i7.w n.412 r't ►►r:�arra ;l.t 4 1t71KS _ymo ��a t }��i 1 lm >r L� Ln L�� 17? �+� s� am »,at u� >.r� ls•�s +k"Al -.UP rlMP (Osmt! , It LOW . ;PCX" Vnit tot tr+ rosm 21e91�A. nlUM (Ulllfeo Of UAlt bt VV W4 Or US tsrth W,g.. C?,7r'T 15 vatirICATIOM Or CONSTRUCTION COSTS A comparison was made of construction costs for this and three similar beach front projects that re have reviewed. The results are shorn In the table on the following page. The construction costs per square foot for the proposed irrnject at III, [. Balboa Boulevard, ,chile within the range presented on the twTyle, are perhaps somewhat high when compared to the Spinnaker Bay and Morrring Canyon floa,i Projects In particular. Muwever, given the quality of constriction of other residential units In the vicinity of this project, it is pr►sglble trrat such construction costs are justified. COrPIulsON or Costs VON rwo UNIL ►M P110310% .-►wtt .'i. �.tt►%t Lr�tr t�l'r :'r�!ttl;'r 'otal r7r!iJ b7::♦ ar$Lv .win "r1!1.9t:Y 4.n PT;'• ".11 %f :Ylt! Per '.I:' per X:! :91L : A! 'T, '!:. !! i+t :q r1 +er 13:7 t Ba:�a• l..:. ::lT 3 :.19:.::0 S 195.5,n f 25:,Ooo f '11,7:: f .S►,S: 1 a4.i1 fat at sri"refor eat 10 IC:a 2,1L:.:CC 20%:51, 170,000 sf' orntf,g C :95 1,91:,.:: 70:.714 95C,aou ..i5i,a:: 55.i5 r1,21 .1-75 51: :arnatio� t.e*.► a 319: :,519,*7o a►a,?so f.3,33: :.a:4,'L: r: .; IG5.5i .15.1a souttes Ibrantt::: 1 ::►pony 17 SU MA11Y AM CONCLUSIONS As evidenced by the preceding Proforma Cash Flows and as Summarlied below, the estimated rate of return under the six scenarios Tanga between (3, 1 per - Cent and (41.21 percent. As expected, the rate of return improves as the location or the affordable unit is moved offsite and when a moderate.income unit is Incorporated into the project rather then a low -Incase unit. ESTIMATED RATE OF RETt1RM Moderate -income Low.Incomp For Sale / Onsite ( ?4.7) x ( 41.2) iR for Sale / offsite ( os.9) is ( 18.8) x For lease / Onslte 110.21 x (12.3) Y It should be noted that these rates of return reflect point estimates based upon a series of assumptions detailed earlier In this report. the actual rate of return achieved by the 1317 E. Balboa Boulevard development will depend upon to what degree variances from these assumptions are exPerienced and In what direction (i.e., positive or negative) they uccur. It Is the opinion or Tarantella 6 Company that if variances do Occur, they are more likely to occur in a negative direction resulting in a reduction of the rate of return. The more significant factors which could cause such a result are as follows: (1) a more lengthly absorption period; (2) an Increase in construction costs; and (3) a reduction In achievable sale prices. There are several more downside risks than upside potential. For example, it is far more probable that In the midst of an economic recovery period that interest rates, labor costs and construction materials are all likely to rise in price; thereby, further reducing potential profit. Yet at the some time, recently rising interest rates have substantially slowed housing sales (with a predict. able Increase In absorption period for new construction), and Substantially suppressed real estate ■ppreclation rates to below current estimated cost of living price levels. Any anticipated increase in potential sales prices is extremely unlikely, in simple language, the ■downside" is greater than the "upside Given the risk level associated with this type of development and the aforementioned likely direction of any variances, it is our opinion that the only reasonable scenario Is the exclusion of any affordable units __ onsite or offsite. Baser$ upon our experience and knowledge of specific development Projects, Tarantella i Company has found that most developers would not under. take such a development without an expected rate of return of at least 50 percent. In Suamatton, in a financial world where high-grade corporate bonds are Yielding 12 percent or more, with full liquidity and no management require- ments, our most recent experience in the evaluation of development projects for similar clients suggests required rates of return In excess of 50 percent on Invested capital over the term of the project. It is evident that none of the previous scenarios approach this benchmark, and we strongly recommend that no affordable unit requirement be Imposed upon the 1317 E. Balboa Boulevard development. � I 1 1 1 pRELIpCCKARy APPLICATION FOR VIDENTIAL DEMOLITION/CONti7rRSI0N• CITY OF NEr1PORT BEACH PLAWFII+iG DEPARTMENT No. CURRENT PLANNrNG DIVISION Application Rec'd by 3300 Newport Boulevard Hwport Bench, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 630-2219 Applicant (Print) pulas)ci & Arita Phone(71•1) 851-5131 _ !Railing Address 5120 Birch St. :'m rt Beach CA 'O Property Owner Robust P Wazmin on Mailing Address 3090 Pules' Costa Mesa, CA Address of Property Involved 1317 Fast Balboa, BalbMt, CA Phone Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) portion of Ipt S. & Int 9 of block 22 Baiboa Tenet Hook 4Page 20 Misc. MaPs of Qmnge Number of Residential Units Currently Onsite Maximum Number of Residential Units Onsite in the Previous Twelve Months `" Number of Residential Structures Onsite One Description of the Proposed New Develop=ent Con If the structure is being demolished as a public nuisance as defined by the State Health and safety Code or City Ordinance, describe those factors causing the existing residential unit to constitute a nuisance. (Attach additional shuts it ngcessary) OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (I) 6") depose and say that (I ass) urea) the owner W of the propertydiesl• involved in this application. (I) Owt further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (am) knowledge and belief_ - Signature (s) A!/_�+� 1J� NOTE; An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. Do NOT Cr_kJPLET£ APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Date Filed Planning Director Action SG:nma 12/14/82 COASTAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELCPW, COtN.CIL POLICY P-1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AAplication Rec'd by Fee: S PLAMING DEPARTKENT CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 Applicant (Print) Pulaski & Arita nailing Address 5120 Birch Street NLmrt Bench CA Property Owner Prbert P. Warmington Mailing Address 3090 Pullmm Oasts: Mesa, CA Address of Property Involved 1-317 East Balboa, Balboa, CA Phone (714)851-4i31 Phone Legal description of Prd�,erty Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet)Portion of Lot 82 block 22 Balboa Tract ct Doak 4 B10 20 14fsc MaM County of Orange Description -of the Proposed Project Cbndaniniun Oc PI(I'C Number of Units Fbur rwrwrrrrrr!!rrlwflrrrrrrlrlfrlr•!!!•rrw}rrlrfrlw!lrlrwfrr■•■■■■}r}!rf lwwlwrrrr!!!!!rr!!••■!• Please attach a statement indicating the proposed selling price of the units, the anticipated cost of developing the proposed project and any other information that could affect the feasibility of providing low/moderate income units in conjunction with the proposed project. wwlw!lwrrrwwrrrrrrrrrr!!•r!lrrrr■rrlrr•rrrrrls•rrrrr■rs■!r!!■■sr■■!■!rl.....}}.rrlrls}■rrrr■ {I) (MB) I. depose and say that (I am) ws--swe) the ownerW) of the proper '(yes) tnvolved i.i this application. (I) tW) further (:+•rtify, under penalty of perje y, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (=y) four) knowledge and belief. 1011 Signature(s) NO=: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE Hate filed Foo Pd. Receipt No. Planning Director Action Date P.C. Hearing Date C.C. Hearinq Date Appeal P.C. Action Appeal C.C. Action V_` SGsAoa 12/14/82 APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIALLITION/CONVERSION -40 CI11C Or NEimn BEAM Page I of 2 W PLANNING DEPARTMENT CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 640-2218 or 640-2219 Applicant (Print) Pulaski & Arita No. 5- Application Rec'd by J w-_r5 Fee: 5 f000 Mailing Address 5120 Birch Street, Ne%port Beach, CA 9'BGO Property Owner. Robert P. 1l =m ngton Mailing Address 3090 Pullman, Costa Mesa, CA Address of Property Involved 1317 Ehsrt Balboa, Balboa:, CA Phone (714)851--0431 Phone Legal Description of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) o Number of Residential Units Currently Onsite 2 Maxiasum Number of Residential Units Onsite in the Previous Twelve Months Number of Residential Structures Onsite Description of the Proposed Development Gmdaminitm OCKVle-c 2 Number of Residential Units Proposed Four — If proposal is for non-residential use, why is a residelitial use no longer feasible cn this site? (Attach additional sheets if necessary) List of any legal actions involving property owner and/or developer and tenants within previous twelve smiths (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Court Name Court Address Case Number Case Name Tenant(s) involved Description of case List of current tenants (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Tenant Name T _ Date Tenancy Began .t' Residence Address - Phone �:3--5 Business Address - - Phone Mailing Address - Tenant Name! Date Tenancy Began 4 Residence Address Phone Business Address PhonQ hailing Address 1517 19. 191tXxt, IttlIAX1. Tenant Name lAsat Frederick Date Tenancy B2 an 1/1/8'.3 Residence Address Phone 67� lsusiness Address Phone Mailing Address Page 2 of 2 rorner tenants residing in the project in this prt-rious twelve months (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Tenant Name Dates of Tenancy Current Residence Phone Business Address Phone Mailing Address Tenant Name Dates of Tenancy Current Residence Phone Business Address Phone bailing Address Tenant Name Dates of Tenancy Current Residence Phone Business Address Phone Hailing Address OWNER'S AF'F'IDAVIT (I) 0"4 depose and say that (I am) (we===m) the owner(s) of the property(ima9 involved in this application. (I) (s) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the informA tion herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (ew) knowledge and belief. Signature (s) X - 3- NA'; An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. Do NOT CCKPLETE APPLICATION B �i W THIS LINE Date Filed Fee Pd. Planning Diroctor Action Date P.C. Hearing Date C.C. Hearing Date Appeal P.C. Action Appeal C.C. Action Receipt No. SCs nna 10/13/92 ';F,rOKWPORT BEj 3 I foe for L 'scope` of wr% liv I .,ill jOn fM written r )We,q4recJat#.haVbV Me apport.V4L V 41 Woughout .'acceptancii, , I , W arid date gn CWY to vi. offici. �l VI.WJW- rl;r, low. WK IV-11 0 ri 171' E esPec%klUy,8UbMffted, fTARANTELLO ki7OMPA9Y"t"- sun 0 A A �f-4e 0', as Gumned aoo", Wfll IDeXT1000' Ie upon al to lip submit this agreematty 1� we. forward to jlopment;,4, this project. If this Moot$ with your i#we"bld(cited fgl4ednd i! docurh� 0 4y, t !IF 14 ; i Pe 7 1.4 Mr— MINX r4t IOU W.� ID ACcxprjrv.- T., Ail . .✓. . . . . . . . . . . . . . or NEWPORT UUIT Jill i ­f TO -7 4iik ttj s-I I ASA,(; O t 41 a It ne. hf- yik­ k. 2.4 V jrlvo frlws.. W, rip :4)/ - v . 91 t.A Ap 1s : 1'••i���•�+Ji�[!��'����:TSB{Jri;'..'�rjifJ.�l�i}�I`a,,.�.,{��'.T��, �T..,�'r't{�.� �#�jr,i� �f��!�•i'�rrf f.� nlo� o•f Jr"�� � . r• �f ,yt', .1'F ~,�':' •},.'I ::1t .F�. :f�l �` ,� IY�', f y w� .4W han itrg dint[riltatr',ztarI x; #`: �r�'h CITY OF N RT BEACH .�', ; �C � +• . 3300 r EWPO ,t; y' �' ; ' ' r{ ., f +' r t• Nfwpart Boulevard :;►'rrgyy� y ��*'I .�+,y}.sit•! in':i';T ' r'"d �!� ' �;;„�1 r�[• :'"�'• r, t i�/jl�;f, 1Nerwpyy0�r�t ,Beachq CaI[forn(a 92663 � �.#.,�,, • ,,:,: �� ',' jr 4 err. {t"f t ; ; ., r.'. ��; y r.., { . �. �. {�� ���#�% �;�fil�•�.�i �.1 j!I:�r,f•.r r 1� J lR ' �+r• ' r' }�t'�yyf +�( �, },' ,.{�� ' . !<J i • •{•M a '�r4� 1!'. rr r'N .�• ,'.iiil,sl , �•iy J i r4 + , ', +,•Fk f ,••,• it{r:}J�, I�Y1`_ j 17'� 'I:{ 7; `� r-r�ir•• !�•, .'fry T w;•r i�+ 'Y��.. j.�Ylaaik�iiXr(�.'t..::l:'�e ys {lj ,rli1 �j4 r Aq,, y.,. { tjt:q r., ,',.i}�;+•firfrS'N''.�s:�;�.�fi 1�.'1y�fi: ! + trTl�.�r.ii�•.�Tt1!�1'•YjIt'(N;:►:,}'i•j!a�'t�•+-r -r , •r'r - r r . `!'F}••[::r ��,•� ��4 1UB � � i!ni, Ig2;�•J��•1'�]'. �a�3 s!•'�+ It , . are,pleand to -submit thLt cop d ' air, 1' projestianaI services .in connection with the sub ect �ffrnent•far -our returned to arts[gnment• "When frecuted and =;!i;:!•; + +aloof � [s own 'document ill authorize -the preparat[on of. a e� ty ,� trg the tnc housing to the ealboo / ,1131T Past Balboa).3 uleva;.d. "L � '' ti development located at �Zw•��.'f�r�J;{{���'��,]y�twi i,: ,..1 ..';+�7:;�8+, i��t�f�r�:ti (-�'�, �+: ,j-•r�t1:?r:' If'� .r'.,tt:'; S{%, •'•' � ,:. tng ok'f,+l`.�f t.,r !r. ' ; h!' •+ r r %� fir 1 +, r • j �: •���� � r , �+ ►I•+� .{ � ,,. ' jouawutlines the scope of ark, - th time sche k r , , , ` ; • ,r . ,�accomplisle the zs'tudy object No. �J�wttlr, . / e y�el +aon�dj feel appro ate to ,� 'r• �in ert, 111 4S.Z/ e� 1, .l,:l :ifJJf ill 'J'If'.�'i., 1; .`irf,�r Yr)!� +i {' !!:r If i�!„ :.+i i!, �.,k.�. •{�' f r fj� d �`n' y, f]'�+•. �, S (.}� =�f R`• :4S{ w 'i►•►r. 'r.�'t,�t !'r ...:.:,• .1 ..1,{':,rf;ri•I.•.. .IF '�1r. �f �;`+i r .1 ., :•r•. 1 i // �/�Iy�� f 1�j t• %r'�'l'ILA;�:, +, r.;-.i1,rya� CnV,� k•�SRr 4f1�� r' nr,i,Ao OBJ� r� r�iy+,• r;r,,r� ir+� z �S1i r1�iIf ►�lJ�lifl'i�r ��t!�' �+• �' r'�'.'!': h.• fact of W/e asat�nrnfnt is to evaluate J 1 +c•ia r. irlijr�,;t•',Jyit'i septctjted 'cumber aj `a the feasibility of requtrtnA a ispicificaiI r.. fla'dable 'tmtts' within the Balboci"� develop •ore �Jr;• r, k- y,,the analysis will [nclu[e'cardsideration of men •'1' :? .,:..r . •.•1' ' • 1 , � follow i•f�,, +11� ''i�l,.. , 1yli}'�;�,�,1• ;t?' i�,tr! �j�+•' ' ►', r��: ill• r,,,'. . , determinat[ f both the a p� .,, 3 ,r ,,.I,rr:,�'�'"':s;..i • i j ��� � on .o ppropiata cf Ievel and ay t ;r!►:.� j,� t tion , r r erape '+s •�• + ?,J-if{ A4 J •t ' / 1'Y:� y+!1'r•'bt�'1i �%� �av:yr •:r•' : $� ,• 1•+ I :r;i'',r.•.� J�1F JS�rZ ('17+1�.h f.�9Y.�ff }�it7y��+yi ;iiSa J,1��r'S .' 1 }'k.l:l.` r1 iF,►ilj�''.;It'r;�•'<t �(a) b�+ppart for what is is yair return". to the Bevel r o ., . 1 � f}}j���'y � � • t4 a .. ,i.• H , � I this project.' ••7'71?rl��+ii ��'•�LLf �/ r4• }c� �d• r n t ;1,:. f ,) J�,,r „IS r , ':7f{rg•r ,. 1 p'• 7.lit:�`.M►}'.41�i'►;�C+,,Jt' r f;i' r7,•r7.,r},,y,; , aru[deratiari " of •. ocie ''cf f oraiable untt far c� r� . r.F ►� r 'dfvflopmentproftict:''�>'• uavite r offs, ;+Yy} 1�yfJ�'/ gf� �'i�.f Y'� !r r �){i J• �'r� r r. ,�,, y�,✓r{cr '' ' "f j �►i L't.y 'x ' +• IiijSk'r.�r+iryk'i:i'n. j' JJ" L•. rt'i'/ T {i. !a r�.r,, /y+t'I''1''I �jii1',i F iat r •f+' �`•. r,�. CortstdeEr . i{�''G4,., ;.i�t•�' `'� �t ►art:. :;•ic� ' • the appropriate family aiz l4jf(s) based the rum J of be&ooms provided within III file Qitst[1tg atru�ctui'ed�fir .t �:�' 'r.� f►ri r v�'r�iji j;�'JT��it./gN is lY1i�':.'{.'+ •Ja,7J''rr,1� rr..Irrr. r �• ,. r , , ;I, ,y'r r ., . ,, t . r+. :j•t+ rJ.•') •.•(�, _ S. fllifi r �r 4,zy,� ,lu,'t�'1` .}�.., li I I � I_�Yats of the affordable" unit taiue an a' "fir sale" and Mjar tease" i•'�'' `f '4. 11 'iji.'i:fi�bSi.7i0r „',.S ; '.r , f + r r , ,. , .'gip � ''i • R�1,. .I, hl. •t.:' r ,• '• -r '1 i�'��j!/.Y 1'r� !r .4r1 i+• 1 .+ .s I r. L,r .r.r •�.'.aYjl'•'. , + aN rj'' 1'1 �:' •: i� !I',•:. . •.,! 'rf'�1, ``,!!i r � �j �� .: •} �'+ ��' •t•1=y•; !. " .• , ,: < .,r. ^ r ,•! + r .4. i:Y ,�'•'., : ' } .{�:.�r.r ' s .i' ' �W! ;ti! •Y�tJi<! 4 •�f'1i�� �IS�I�rj,,J%jC►!S'{ �9rAVJ [�j ✓ ��1. ti. 1J;'•,.y ;J t: �(��•�/7'epp .''ss ,,1 'd4,Vi?&AKP 'a.rlr I�ta.3rrr4G Db%' j;`jr�`1�•{ir..ir�sl"1J?,iirl;.�!,Jr%r''jf1-f• •.,•rS{,�r,r. • r+' �. r :r.- ...r r .H,+.,r,'r .,t •. • . •J.,.. I,J•s�irja.r y.. • •—,,�',y •;'.'�. ' , s : 'Y;" Jlt` •' ' .+.. .• ' � •'.J�•'ti .. '. tnal written report � wttl be � � f „ � . ' • ., • Prepared and delivered within fourteen (14j days r:s: from receipt of written authorization to proceed. (Four copies of the report wtU bs M ►�tr fumished) hid �S�er .S ., hl t.fy:•j {•f'!.. , %s!.i SFr"• :� � r.•:b M a+^�r t< •'f tJi•� i ' {J•41 .' •. .•'•. �l °:S+ � r r ,. • J ''f' '; `�; �!y,•yr• g i� .,i•'i.t i'r;'A';br f.::, 1.�_. ...y• , r}r ,.rl�• r +•�. + .ey ,'J ,: r '' r''. �,t,�l, <'r' f �r.*�.n.,. pr,7 C: 1,Lr,' .r + fr y e)'r .: t,s:{I.1.,•,�.;�� ,� J. f.'- 1' :•, •,,�, ./ .� t (� t -t. +i�.��{y%�'}+syl f•t` .�rS.�'O' �Nrl�l:Js,rlr+r�Vrir'r�J4�:f{STM`1+Yr�+•Ja�!' rr �rI!'Ll4��IIY'iJ�11'.'•ise?�r.�ri�rf.+.I.!!.f!►ji��'�rii .j.,Y.'1;'.f.:"•.,.ri•iJt:'lir.•1;�6'.t.t!•w+�:R•i, „{ 1 • [1"N,S}ci iiil(r .Arirll January 7, 1983 V It rlu, 10 tinrct `"pqt K-j', ' r s 4'Yil1 Balboa 4 Condominiums 1317 East Balboa Balboa, CA r,;•',�.. . is - ;,'1t, RE: Coastal Residential Development Application Project Information The proposed project is an air space condominium complex located at 1317 East Balboa, Balboa, CA. Within a gated comunity, a total of four units will range in area from 1800 sq. ft. to 2600 sq. ft. The estimated area for the total complex is 8750 sq. ft. of living area and 1500 sq. ft. of garage area, for a total building aroa of 10,250 sq. ft. The cost of the proposed development is estimated below: (Including all consultant and construction costs) 1) Estimated Lana costs.........................2so,000 2) Estimated construction cost: $75/sq.ft. x 100250 sq.ft...... 769,000 Total Development Cost ....................... 1,019,000 The anticipated return on investment by the developer is outlined below: 1) Estimated sales price per unit ...........9..295,000 2) Estimated gross income .000000060000006400010180,000 Total return minus total investment..........161,000 Total percentage of return on investment......................................15.8! The provision of affordable housing units in this condominium complex is not feasible. • 0 V eitelff, ,Arita Of-cQnber 7, 1983 IV C;" , r 11 -'l -�i This letter as authr)rizatian for Pulaski & Arita, Architfrts, to reprewmt me as the cmmer of the foll(nving, prol-vrty: Mat port icon of Im R and tm 9, Block 22 of the Fmstgide addition of Balboa Trnct, 13rx:)k 'l, Nge 20, disc. Taps Craulty of Orange. for the purpose of processing any required permits with the appmpriate goverment agencies. 9RN Robert P. Wanninl;ton to 3090 Pullman Costa Mem, CA xa i M.i�l+th.�r Fs.0 Suits 1{� IwOf+ui dud0l. CA WvW November 30, 1983 Air. Robert P. Lenard Advanced Plaming Administrator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACii 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport B@uch, California 9$60 Dear Mr. Lenard: Pursuant to your request, we are pleased to submit this proposed agreement for our Professional. services in connection with the subject assignment. When executed and returned to us, this document will authorize the preparation of a feasibility study evaluating the inclusion of of fordable hou4ina in the Balboa 4 development located at 1317 East Balboa Boulevard. The following outlines (lie scope of work, the time schedule and feu appropriate to accomplish the sturdy objective. OBJECTIVE The primary objective of the assignment is to evaluate the feasibility of requiring a specified number of affordable units within the Balboa 4 development. More specifically, the analysis will include consideration of the following: (1) A determination of both the approplate price level and average absorption period. (2) SLppurt for what is a "fair return" to the developer of this project. (3) Consideration of one affordable unit awite or of falte of the development project. (4) Consideration of the appropriate family sire(s) based upon the number Of bedrooms provided within the existing structures. (5) Analysts of the affordable unit issue on a "for vale" and "for lease" bast& SCHEDULE The final written report will be prepared and delivered within fourteen (14) days from receipt of written authorization to proceed (Four copies of tite report will be furnished.) CITY OF NEWPORT BE^CH NowmbsP 30, 1993 Paago two PEN Our fee for the scope of services, ad outlined above, wilt be $2,000.00, payable upon delivery of the final written report. We appreciate having the opportwaity to submit this agreement, and we look forward to working with YOU throughout the development of this project. If this meets with your acceptance, please sign and date this document where indicated below and retyrn one copy to our office. Respectfully s.abinitta:d, 1'ARANTELLO & COMPANY Timothy S. Love Vice President APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Date :plalnlu Enclosures C� • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.U. BOX 1768. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 9Z6tr31"+- 9265E-8715 PI.AttMIHG DEPARTmEM (714) 640-2137 May 16, 1984 Mr. Rally Pulaski Pulaski and Arita 5120 Birch street Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Resubdivision 773, Use Permit No. 3091 and Residential Coastal Permit tio. B Dear Mr. Pulaski: At the City Council meeting of May 14, 1984, your appeal was con- sidered and the above referenced permits were referred back to the Planning Coaenission with the understanding that the project is to be redesigned. As I indicated to the Mayor and the memters of the Council, this particular site has a rather long and drawn out history, commencing with a denial by the City of a four unit project in December of 1973, the approval of a resubdivision in 1974, and the denial of a five unit project by the Coastal Commission in 1976. As I further indicated, I do not believe that designing a project which barely fits the requirements of the Ironing ordinance is going to be sufficient to receive an approval. I think it is important that you make contact with the Peninsula Point Association and the property owners immediately adjacent to your site to try to establish some coon idea as to what would be acceptable. In addition, I or any member of my staff would be happy to sit down with you and go over Past projects and indicate to you those features of past projects which were felt to be most acceptable; for example, ocean and boule- vard setbacks, massing of the project, higher intensity on the boulevard, lower intensity on the beach, etc., etc. Once the project has been redesigned, it will be necessary to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission and prepare the staff report. Following Planning Coemission recosraendations, the matter will then be returned to the City Council. If I can be of assistance, please contact me at 640-2137. Very truly yours, 00i -/z " • J rD. HEWICKCR P Director cc$ Mayor Planning Ce mission city !tanager Current Plans Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach JDH/kk E