HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2009-0888 - Calcs2106 Ma re i- Dr CovER SHEETirV or- zo STRUCTURAL CALCULA 1 IoN.7. for: T+91444 t E.v.LNEE R ..a J.F),'M SON, 71NG ENGINEER 2005 YACHT PAbX TE PROJECT No.:. -69 eT.P Anderson CONSULTING ENGINEER Amik 2005 Yacht Resolute Job No.G Newport Beach, CA 92660 Date: tt t7�o>3 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 Design by: -IPA 949.644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 Sheet No.: ✓7 ..w_e ']. t�7©C ;jNlt4fzG.oc12�S": AjC—W(aip►2T 1'�e'�4CN L"vE, r r\tnrzu I 1.1ou L0 C'ATJ bK3 i W/ sel%mtc- Ctckr sj Pt w.Aa 1 sr! yacca too : --- _------ ---- _ U1 �T_1? A-riclarson CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Job No6"ea k208 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Date: S - S'-fig Civil Engineer Lie. 18972 Design by: S PA 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 Sheet No.: 3 %3®G %. From: Map of 2306 Margaret Dr Newport Beach, CA by MapQuest 03/10/2008 19:17 #038 P.0040 http://www.mapgnest.com/maps/2106+Margaret+Pr+Newport+Bea... All rights reserved. Usa subject tg License/Convright Mao Legend Directions and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usablllty or expedPoousneas. You assume all risk of use. Mappuest and its suppliers shall not be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Termee 1 of 1 3/10/2008 7:50 PM From: 03/ 10/2008 19:18 #038 P .005- Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step (Geoc... httpt://stevemorso.org/jeaVlatlon.php?cookro=8chidden=&doextra=&t.., Converting Addresses to/from Latitude/Longitude in One Step Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco Batch Mode, Deg/ 4W$ec to Decimal ) Frequently Asked duestions I My'OtBer Webpages' address V306 —Margaret Dr. City Newport Beach state PA zip 2663 �— country I United States Determine Latitude/.Longitude '0 latitude longitude above values must be in decimal de(errttitte Address Takes a while, be patient .624585 i-117.914005 0 3T 28.506" I!-117* 54' 50.418" decimal Codex 133 624487 11-1177..914256 4 Ilatitude r =11- -- --= ' d rain - see 33 # 37' 28.1532" l-117A 54' 51.3216"1 2306 Margaret Dr, Newport Beach CA 92663 �from �yahoo 4lahtude longttude --- == dectmal 133 625592 ii 117.915407 deg min sec 33 A 37' 32 1312" 117® 54' 55 465211�j 2306 Margaret Dr, Newport Beach, CA 926 -- 63-5433 terraserver failed to return a result from tbeglri ilatttude longitude„ decunal — -- � i33.624487 -._ 4 117.914256 i deg _rnin_sec-133® 37 28.1532 � -1170 54' 51.3216" 2306 Margaret Dr, NEWPOPT BEACH, CA 92663 Data presented here comes from the following websites: 1 of 3/10/2008 7:09 PM From: 03/10/2008 19:19 #038 P.00& Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33.624585 Longitude =-117.914005 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa =1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.821 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.679 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33.624585 Longitude =-117.914006 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and 81 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.821 (Ss, Site Class B) 1.0 0.679 (S1, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33.624585 Longitude =-117.914005 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SM1 SMs = FaSs and SM1 = FVS1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.5 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.821 (SMs, Site Class D) 1.0 1.018 (SM1, Site Class D) From: 03/10/2008 19:19 #038 P.007 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 33.624585 Longitude =-117,914005 SDs = 2/3 x SMs and SD1 = 2/3 x SM1 Site Class D - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.5 Period Sa r �" (sec) (g) 0.2 1.214 (SDs, Site Class D) 1.0 0.679 (SD1, Site Class D) -T cT_E t►a,raeM'E WrI F 6 ohs CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Job No ; G G t b 1% Newport Beach, CA.92660 Date: t1— 7 -y ___LIYOIbO.JJ.Y _ N ew -az ., a✓ 6 s t� � w IT 1 FLOMIfZ /'ch 'S7 �K c'cUaw�L 1Rm{� M1 Qi oF LL 2o 0 �S LL •s TR DL L4•o__tSF= F�cr LL 4c�.o psG� oL 4.5, _sr, 4•S _ �. 3 •� ��• =12 ,o Fsr- Vee.V. W.p. 9E)caT&%)* #2..m f')tp Cs s� 1; zl4 4 2sT" v PASp '7 x 1•l X d tS7 .144 G-2 Ac3e.E 7-05 vK -StopL-4" 4-1b 'boo M �{ vAcf3t F's C' = 11 •S Fsem sFv f2 % Stirr io,u 195� q"htt� �,-owtD �02 (R-tt� S�RP✓� "0 1Mv luiuu Loon-o l�•S Xl`� 5 ��6?#%i �� "^« Kati 'FO>J 200-3�0 �GlsWte(co�lsr2nls J- eT.P. Azldex•sors CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Job No.: ..rA C.=I Z 0.0 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Date:— — t T-b g Civil Engineer Lic. 1118972 Design by: -1 PAC 949.644.1618 eax 949.759.1764 Sheet No.; t( u.� w 1 17 L Z. x rk es z w -thr ra j I Aox1 Zx s �?4 ttk 24-1/ 2,. D z 12110 1 &Vt, g=%74,.3 ?_ 4,57 �.S 13.5" $ 71 `SZ,1 h 17o a,J`SK g x 4.17 -} I. S7 -z #4M 5' >E S •,' X ! 2 -- . S x 17n x S.7 y+ USIE ,114.-A t4' Lev S-- -2-a.L �T_P AXIACler80I'1 CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lie. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 9�l .2 u 12 *'- X L, S' z 1L6S L1 � x %4S f2,�� %2�[ot1�13 L s� Job No.:Cadmtz..dg Date: it —17 — t%% Design by: a PA. Sheet No.: 12-- �i z l 5Aq I-V L Is i s % 312.ttl=_7a� 9 7 X VL W 1: 22 X * t;+ 10L I Sep —FPS PL p� -22 '0x% -tom k0o L, o z 2a5 tt a• �G 210 — `,S-7 j13 3 rV L=.V6 11 ISgL = , S USE 5 lq x tS Lit L. 5 a t9_71u3 cT.P..A-xC1EWsoxA. CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644.1618 Fax 949.759.1764 1--ro� �ta� i�•i }nt3 Job No.: LL - 110 2. Date: \1 - 17-o8 Design by: 3 PA Sheet No.: 0'; Foaz lto" B e = l 2? Kb1 USE 2>c to e LO S : 7Jt• W- � zi Bye t� F&9 rlo' S p z 5b LL RF fit= Lern� (AL Sal (E;d 4 195e �,cti ��o &A 51Ai^ K A,M i70 L aR> 1 G o i19t. aT.P..Aiidar'soxn. CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. & 8972 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 Job No.: C.G • Date: t - 17 Design by: Sheet No.: S " C-4 t—r . 1M "4 ota rra c . fZtxs w �2 t�a,2 9 e le Ndwp P= Gx'z+� L++ u IL i1 sC 312 x << g Lt1L G2�25 rlkJ I� 22 z d 3•f-.�cwa e.go WL U VI 1,, r.,.tyC l0 Z �T.I? Ax1de]0SOTl CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 1 1 7 Job No.: 1Lp8 Date: 1 —iS—o4 Design :—► Sheet No,: CT.P Anderson CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Job No.: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Date: IC - S' 04 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 Design by: 949.644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 Sheet No.: S�tsM�e, l-pf+r•ps ��' P � � td pu.N,s we R, �pf�G• �awys 2 . Fi:oocr. i+ t'L 1 l�L LDS t,Ltc �a A L>_CQaW Uj 04it. ti Coo � .Q T l4 �' �--� 2' G a tL� x 3 to = 3 •,� t� VV FL6oa'l" 4t8 (M+aie s �4A Si z+s�` � (�tJi7E SQcec6 D!� Job No.: -, Data' it S7 - O B _ Design by. --i F&A + ' , Lv — Sheet No.:-17 Lwa A-,..` 7x .2 s 2zlaX..lq CY. 375_• Zj••2 aR 3 rkittecr tR;...1$ .. J$ uitttL ... ........ ......... x 375 QL Li t V r26z:._IrSN'_. A-M Low face w. lv -s Lo&o,c3 -- L JN L ZI + �Z `14 fZ Y .24 -i�\.c = 3.73 K 3.7 �{.bea(i jjf2bOQ !� a S.? 3V 4u0 3 r 31i, U1a76af!- 9'uQPa✓sT �Ro.0 Ww�u. o!J �.3 '�. 3' - �` l�ev6. �i set �/ i< as ILL CAUSt Y. "t-MCip, 03/ 5b-la C CT_P. Ax]Cj6x'SOYl CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lie. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 QO -� tsp LL ETCd5Aj S, v., . Job No.: C.- t2�$ Date: l— Lo Design by: 4 P A Sheet No.: �$ kwx )) tz' �► Ja2.14 'A1ia= 1.?�` Gkt614 M: 1•7)t72tij2.Z"' USE NTDu 2-SuS?Li =` `l x In f 1.;3 l Ctkp = 3 tausC tss I. 3` eAMA B0 3'A VL xX%z Lt136 !3 *:8-44 T A % FM, +�cS. lttio Uj 7w USE t�DU 2 �� �xi•�2.3 ft ftSb va J.P. Aridarsora. CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. t 8972 949.644A 618 FAx 949.759.1764 Job No.: G C -L24)8 Date: It 17— o® Design by: E' Sheet No.: ! 9 L, 'PaftP wt.3,t3 \ pier k �. t5'oc, x �,zr � ► .8 , �3 z 1�+ j2 Cza l4� 3- 10 X lAl'uartiit. 4 ¢s['t� bJ l2x -3+i l6d # 57b /, Wit?• w 14/, >c 4 AS/ 5q tq) i � 730 1Za32 Gtu*5S 3 --4 2j�kta" pasC4P rr, hK (R 14 Y. k y.tQ =. 14 94 aq- x .9 -A to - Pr 5 �•' OP CT.P_ A 71Aae0+80Z1. CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Uc. 1118972 949.644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 Job No.:IZ4 - tLb & Date: tk" 0 -o& Design by: a l' A Sheet No.: l2 n� �1 o Q� i2 W�rB.�oNT. FT• .'3 R13 A -S yl�ryY �7z CE S�-fcC�' qb-7 `1 2 k At /3 �" cn 5cbS� V pia '�I"�•n Sir �z 12� I)D WV. 4r41..:Y41a&0,% CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 3 BCI® 5000 1.7 Me 60001.7 BCIe 65001.8 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 5 VERSAA AM° BCIe 60 2.0 BCI® 90 2.0 2.02800 ills" \ r 9 /2' 7 x x 1Ve•I 91l 3/8" 1117/ax 3/8x 11r/e"✓ 3/8^ 14 "s 3/8" 16" ,;.. 5to" 3/e" 11 r/a' 14" 14" 16" " �" 'i 120 2" 2ehe" 29/,e" Otte" 3'/2" 1314", 251e * --Product may not be available. Ch , with su er or Boise representative for availability. Scope: This work includes the complete furnishing and installation of all BCI® Joists as shown on the drawings, herein specified and necessary to complete the work. Materials: BCI° Joists shall be manu- factured by Boise Engineered Wood Products with oriented strand board webs, VERSA -LAMB laminated veneer lumber flanges and waterproof, structural adhesives. Joist webs shall be graded Structural I Exposure 1 by an agency listed by a model code evaluation service. Strands on the ,tolayers of the web panels shall be oriented vertically in the joist. The web 'Panels shall be glued together to form a continuous web member. The web panels shall be machined to fit into a groove in the center of the wide face of the flange members so as to form a pressed glue joint at that junction. =m Spedrw Guide Design: The BCI° Joists shall be sized and detailed to fit the dimensions and loads indicated on the plans. AM designs shall be in accordance with allowable values and section properties developed in accordance with ASTM D5055 and listed in the governing code evaluation service's report. Drawing: Additional drawings showing layout and detail necessary for determining fit and placement in the building are (are not) to be provided by the supplier. Fabrication: The BCI® Joists and section properties shall be manufactured in a plant evaluated for fabrication by the governing code evaluation service and under the supervision of a third -party inspection agency listed by the corresponding evaluation service. VERSA-" BOISE 2.03100 GLULAMTm T ,i 5'/2" 4t/o2x to 24" x 5 � � 3'l , 04', 7' 3'le , 3112 ,5'1e" 5'/2", 634", 63d", ll� 4`7£ Storage and Installation: The BCM Joists; If stored prior to erection, shall be stored in a vertical and level position and protected from the weather. They shall be handled with care so they are not damaged. The BCI° Joists are to be installed in accordance with the plans and the Boise Engineered Wood Products Installation Guide. Temporary construction loads which cause stresses beyond design limits are not permitted. Erection bracing shall be provided to keep the BCI° Joists straight and plumb as required and to assure adequate lateral support for the individual BCI° Joists and the entire system until the sheathing material has been applied. Codes: The BCI° Joists shall be evaluated by a model code evaluation service. June 20M r5 EE Fart I aIc. (- -L6W Lis f o,; z �7/ FS 52'P5,F B ® 001.8 Series 29/16if ange Width �117 /8' 14"T — 16'r BCI® BCI® BCI® ` BCI® 6500 1.8 500'1 a Arun i s Arun I o 6: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16` 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Western Specifier Guide 152' 153 124: 142 103 133 85 ^ 125 123.1 72 117 104- 61 110 88 52- 99 76 _ . 45 89 _--265- 302' —� -- 235`' 212 - 192 - 176- 163!` 151: 141 132 - 124s 117 117 101 111' 87 106' 76 100 50 88 66 96 44 80 58 92 52 84 1 46' 77-° 41 72 i f BCI®' 60 2.0 Series 21/16" Flange Width 117/8e 14" BCI® BCI® 602.0 602.0 50: Live ' Total x Live Total Live Load Load !Load Load Load> - 366 _ - 366 - 314 314 275 275 244 244 220 ' 220 200 - - T 200 169 ^169 149 157 - 157 123 146 ! 146. 103 137 --` 137 87 129 125 129- 74 122 106 122 - 63 _ 115 ! 92 115 55 110 79 110 105 48 96 ' 69 104' 92 42 84 60 100' 81. 53 95 r 71 47 91 63 42 84:- 56 __. 50 45 C. It's tl featt that seer fact, uses than coml E Now and I your SYS' probl ceifir SIMF meat framl Bois( SIMF costs 11, 1 ticl- OWL) 1 8 Seri- - - j "" e ' "i;/16" �Flango �Odth s r "i4/112 OU1' 14" _-Cj ` 6500 1.8 16" BC' 6500 1 Live 1 road 1 Dead Load 1 4/12 or 4/12 to U/12 to _7 4j"I'l 8/12 i 4112 dtl2 5M2 4/i2 4/12 1 —IPlfl Less 8/12 12112 r LL to 8/12 to �12 or Less to 8/12 to 12/12 or to Less 8/12 2� 10 29.1" V 1 22'41 12" 2 - 15 -- ----- --io;—, '0� 2' _10. 8 2M` 264' 26'.2" 24%9` U-1111 32'4" 32'-l" 30'5` 29'��,,); 28'-2" �3T�Frt 351 0 30 10 23--11" �2'-fr- 9V,2" 21Y-F F2 27 '-0" 2M" 32 '-5` O.C. Snow 30 15 23'-0' 21 '-T' 20'- 1` ' U-11" 27'-4" 25-9' 23;_lV'­ 311-VI 29 17.9 34-5" 32-Y 40 fit 2 1 -.10" W -11" 19, _9 2511 24-101. 23*-V' 29',b" 4 28' 26,19, 32-S' 3V4" 40 15 21'-5' 20�4" 181-111, 25A` XZ' 2Z-6.1 27M" 25'-7 31 -511 30t-511 50 10 20'14` 19!.4" 24A" I 27W W-Y 24'-Il" jiY-Z' 29-4' 50- 15 20'-2- IM�I, 24'-0"' n 74Y' 26W 24-4 '28tu11 .1 281-51' Non- Snow l2s% 20 - Roo 10 11,16 2,3'41" 22'-S" 224" 214' _�T-F 1 20'-11" 191-811 281,5" 26-1111 26.10' 25W 24.11" 30' 'T W-611 1 I 2610" 264' W-Y" 6- 3" -1 Olt U4' 331-ill, 1111-101, 21�7` 18 V_' 25'�V 24-A" 22'-V 29 . -31 2T•5 25'.2" 32.4" 301-Y 25 25 10 15 fl 2014." 275, W-V 2 -V W.00 32-2- 16" 1 - I ­ - _5 . - 251-9' - - I I I 24%3 - -1 ­ 22-9 294 2r- I 1_ 1 2 - _3O O.C. 21-W 201-7. 19I_2I 26-10" 24'-V - -- - - - 22'-10" - 29'-51' 27' - - 10" 2V_O 3i�ll' 30'.91' Snow 30 15 -10" 191-r- MY 24 1 -9. 2TA" 264" 30,0" 291-V 23-�_ 6" 221-6", 21'-3" 261 9' 2 281-7?' 281-211-, 40 15 21 20'-5' 26_51 2 2i I -1 Non- L 20 j 10_- 226' lm'-2t, 25�2" 23-�' 30W ZU-6, 2U-U" T-V 31W, Snow 12M/o 20 1 Hio 15 VmF 20'-G' 18.41t 2T-9 2T-91 — 21�11" 28'.IUI 27T- It a4l 29'-11" 1 20 20'-311 lat-011 1 171-6" -wg' 24'-29 22'4` 29-9" 41,-6 I 26'-9l 2T-80 30'-2'l 28.5" 25 10 2T.4717--m-2-7 25'.4" 24'0" 281-111, 30'-20 _29�F_ 19.2" 25 15 2V4'7 lF9' R 2- F 22T79-7 I - 27'-2" 25.11" 1 240" O.C. 30 10 20-'4' 19.44 itity, 241­31 23T' 27� 3j, - - - 261,2" 24',6' W41 281-7" Snow 19'RI ITY-, IT. it, 23-3" 21 294" 26-7I 25'.0- 231._2�; 2_T4'_- _26!-_V 115% 40, 4 10 161- - 22'A" 21�2!� 2660i"- 24 '-4" t 24 V` IA - 2 11 51 r L 11 r I -54 . . t� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WO. Non- 20 10 ' 204T 19�&l 18,3" 2,V-9' 234' 28-? 26-7" W 8" 1 It 29,-5' Snow 126% 20 '15 19141 I8,_61 171.. 22 204' 261-81, 511, 231-2I 281-111, 2741 1 U= 18=91 171T' 16,11, It 22'-4P 20'-1111 lq-r 251.Y 23'-1011 21'-11" 26'_11" 26'-0" 25 25 10 15 W-T' 1 1T-9" 1 JW-5" 22T' 22-3l 21-4t 20'.&' _26-.0-1 1 26-4!t _22F.—T 231-7 - 27 10" 27.3- 24' - 24I��_ Z37 �Jjtl 30 10 ISM- fT-_lW i�-e 22W 21'4' I9'-10P 24.4 23.1I" j 22W" _26-0" 264" Snow 30 is 181-11, mv 15y,*- iv_r- zo,_e 18,.10u 22._1e­-22'-4ti-1 21',S" 24'-1 6" 23!-11" 115% 110 fO TT-l- W-F 15-4- 20W l9q, 18'�6` 2V-9t' 2j'-!iIl _214, 2T-W 2Z-11" 40 16 1841 1 W-T' 171­9"__ 'I 2 - 0 1 8" 4 20'' - - 191.3-' 21'-7" W-1)" 50 10 15-10" 15'-2"! W-5-0, W-F I IT-O" > 19-V 16, 15!-V lst� ;v 14� jr-Tl IV-gl' Lf-11" 47* W118f.RrI Wmvem S"ciller Guide { yIj Yi3 rr.`e'wpwar Versa -Lam & Versa -Rim Products Nail Size: Versa -Rim WAG") e: Versa -Rim Plus 1sAs') DF Versa -Lem (14'4') DF Versa -Lam (31/s'j All Products O.G. 1lncheal End :. finches] O.C. , [Inches]:' End [Inches) Oc. ,. linnhesl End... [Incheal'. OC [1=41 End pechesj O.G. End . [Incheet. pnchesl ad Box 3 11A 3:1 11/z s 2 1.. 2 :.Yz 2 :: 1/2<. so Common 4 3 3" 2 - 3 2; 2- 1 2 i 1 lod & 12d Box:' 4 ..�.:<..3 3` -. 2 3 2 2 - 1 2 1' 16dBox �--- 4." 3 3.' 2 -- -.3 2- 2 1 2 '. 1 10d&'12d Common 6 4 4 �3 4 3 2 2 2 ,.._ 2 i6d Sinker 6 '... 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 i 2 '. -...16dCommon,: 6 `..4 6.. 4 6 3 2 :.. 2 2 Simpson A35FI Use, Simpson LTP4 ' ed x 11/21 Nalls • If more than one row of nails is used, the rows must be offset at. least Yz inch. i l4> 3/4 713/4 13/4 51/z- _ 2.7all 3 1829 2246 24.3 ( 371* 71/4 4.2 30 6 5994' 115.4 -./4 9 /4A 9119 4.3 3159 6304:. 125.0 `14' 111/4 - SA 3741 8675; 207.6�/4 117/s &3 3948 960Er 244.2:'/4 14 6.3 4655 13112: 400.2" 16 7.2 532o 168744 597.3' lit 8.1 5986 21079 850,5:: 2800 Fb DF 25/8I: 25/a.' 2518 26/8 51/2 71/4 9114. 91/2 : 3.7 - 4.9 ". 6.2 t 6.4 2743 3618 4613 4738 3368s 5675'. 8991'- 9455. 36.4r 83.4- 173.1 `. 187,15 25/0 2616 11114. 117/8 7.6 - 8.0 5841 5923 13013: 14412c 311.5: 36&3' 25/al 14 9.4 6983 19669::' 600.3 26/8, 16 10.6 7980 25311 896,0 2518t 18 12.1 -,8978 31618: 1275.8r 31/2-. 51/2 4.9 3658 4490` 48.5= 311 71/4 6.5 `.4821 7566 111.1- 2800 Fb DF 3112 , 91/4 8.3 6151 11988 230,13 31/2: 91/2 - 8.5 %: 6318 1260f; ., 250.1: 31/2 111/4- 10.1 7481 1735fi `,415.3, 31/2' 111/e 1 10.7 1 7897 /9215': 488.4. 31/2 16 14.4 ' 10640 '33748- 00,3 1194.7 3112: 18- - 16.2 11970 42167' 1701.0. 31/2: 211 18.0 ': ` 13300 51440' 2333.3 51/a: 5114 7.1 '5287 6169:.,: ` 63.3.... 51/4 51/2 - 7.4 5486 6785' 72.8' 2800 Fb DF 61/4. 7114 9.8 7232 11350 166.7- 51/4r 91/4 12.5 9227 17982: 346.3: _51/4: 91/2.. ' 12.8 -.A76 18911- 375,1. - 51/4 111/4. - 15.2 11222 26026 622.9'. 5114: 117/e 16.0 11846 28824 732.5'-. 51/4- 14 18.9 ' 13965 39337: 1200.5> 51/4 16 21.6 - 15960 50622: 1792.0' - 51/4. -.18.- 24.3- <17955 63236 2551;5. 5114 20: 27.0 19050 771601 3500.0` 7 117/8 21.4 :15794 38432 916.8 2800 Fb DF 7" 14 25.2 18620 52449 1600.7 7 16 28.8 21280 67497 2389.3 7 18 32A 23940 84315 3402.0 7 20 - 36.0 26600 102881 4666.7 Nailing Parallel to Glue Lines (Narrow Face) Nailing Perpendicular to Glue Lines (Wide Face) 1. This value cannot be increased for load duration. 2. This value is based on a normal load duration (100%) and may be increased for other load durations. 3. Multiply this value by (121d)119, where d = member depth [in]. 4. Stress applied perpendicular to the gluelines (beam orientation). 5. Multiply this value by (41)1re, where L = member length [ft]. Use L = 4 for members less than four feet long. 6. Stress applied parallel to the gluelines (beam orientation). • These design properties are limited to dry conditions of use where the maximum moisture content of the material will not exceed 121/2%. • Fastener values are as provided in the National Design Specificadorr'for sawn lumber with a specific gravity of 0.50. JST(4 r e. ! t-y eT_1? _^1 c!Lersoxn CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949,644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 XZ00- OF) �5 2306 magare-Or Job No.: a G 8 Date: 9 1- 0 ty Design by: Sheet No.: `vt-T3� 5'Pl-- PMM Wood < I A_rnr fs^ Ca -, FF' I information and combining separate G and t tables into a single table tha rigidity -through -the -thickness, Gt, for all wood structural panels, not ju second change is new values for oriented strand board based on values in publication on APA Performance -Rated Structural -Use Panels. The value by the industry for all products meeting the criteria of either Voluntary A PS I or PS2, both of which are referenced standards in the IBC. The third m inclusion of the en values for 14-Ga x 2 inch staples which are based o equations in APA Lab Report RR-138. APA Lab Report RR-138 is the soul the four -term equation. The APA report describes the original derivatic original equations for the development of the e„ values. Including the appr the 2006 IBC makes the equations useable and reduces the possibility : calculation process. It also provides a forum for changes to these values in f the code if necessary. 2305.3.3 Construction. In the 2003 IBC, Section 2305.2.4 contained informa diaphragms and shear walls as well as information common to both. requirements in Section 2305.2.4 belong under Section 2305.3 instead of Section 2305.3.3 pertaining to construction of shear walls was added to d clarification. The reference to panels of 1/4-inch thickness applies to s because the shear -wall tables have values for 1/4-inch sheathing, but the d do not. Therefore, this language was relocated under Section 2305.3.3 in th 2305.3.4 Shear wail aspect ratios. Table 2305.3.4 Iimits the height to width ratio framed shear walls. The height -to -width ratio for single/sheathed shear w; 2:1 in accordance with the NEHRP Provisions. Limits for fiberboard walls are also shown in the table. Wood structural are limited to 2:1 for seismic loads and 31/2:1 for other loads such as will were added to the 2003 IBC. For seismic loads, footnote "a" allows shear greater than 2:1 but not exceeding 311,:1, provided the allowable shea 2306.4.1 is multiplied by 2w/h, Table 23-2 shows the factor 2, Table 23-2. I{eduction factors 2rv/h 3Fi,-,a s 1 i:'t tW " -1-L1 Fe Pr 'r, w The code change that resulted in the 2w1h adjustment is based on a re NEHRP Provisions. Many tests were conducted regarding the performam wall segments with narrow aspect ratios. The tests demonstrated that narrow aspect ratios significantly affect stiffness and capacity when the as 2:1. However, this does not preclude the use of narrow segments, provide stiffness effects are properly accounted for in the design. The 2w/h adjust review of the shear wall test data and represents a conservative adjustmel shear design values for wood -framed shear walls. The maximum aspect 1 is maintained to ensure constructability and effective installation of hold 492 2006 IBC Handbook z i� o� co g LM x0 x0 +I x0 a°. miyl[�. CFj °�XX C�Cj LM`y ku0 ' $x0 r 0) LIA IL !6 yy� � N c vs �3 A�t7D LL 0 O O A _.z C-4 9 LU LU .p co u, z ar/ = O O ryeVw do Lw 5 'Nor pp O Lu Mu° w jLau 10 0 uj a w � z O u- Q. m 2 z � N z ie z ±� 0 :3 LO v a a z O `-1 P- vS U 0 p ' 0 0 1�LP 2 U J ig CA Z. V T V LU O i. w N 1 w .o i O a cl Q d :O wry qq a wQ c7 b LL O to O i y� w ul ISo y 2 Z C w Gil Q a 0 A Q , a a. a ALLOWABLE OUT OF PLANE LOADS (PSF)t�3 model Width Axial Load (Ibs)=,^ - Nominal H0 able Panel(f art) 12"wide 1000 195 140 100 4000 145 100 -70 7500 85 50 25 15"wide 1000 160 125 - 100 4000 130 95 70 7500 90 65 45 18"wide 7600 300 210 155 21"Wide 7600 255 180 130 24" wide 7500 265 190 135 1. Loads shown am at ABU level in pounds per square foot (psi) of wall with no further Increase In load and are applicable to either the ASO Basic or Alternate Basic load combinations. 2. Axial load denotes maximum gravity load permitted on entire panel acting in combination with the out4-plane load. 3. Load considers a deflection limit of b/240. 4. Allowable out -of -plane loads for the 12 and 15 Inch walls may be Ilneady Interpolated between the most loads shown. Given: 199711BC, Seismic, 2500 psi Concrete Shear Load = 2500 lbs. Axial = 4000 lbs. S/SSW Wall Height Required: B'-6" =102' I I f O:S AXIAL CAPACITIES ON CONCRETE Model empress an Capacity s. with" No Laterat Laadi20 Width NomluenHeight0f, at) 10 -- 12"wide m 20200 16300 13700 11100 15" wide Moo 21000 19200 Moo 18'wide 42500 36000 31400 27000 21'wide 43700 -36800 30300 25100 24'wide 51600 42900 36900 31100 i. Compression capacityis lesser of wall buckling capacity or 2500 psi uniform concrete bearing, 2. Compression capacity of wail assumes Concentric loading with no lateral loads present. See allowable In -plane or out -of -plane shear load tables for combined lateral and axial loin ing.conditions. . 3. Capacities do not include the 4/3 also] stress increase and therefore are applicable to either the ASO Basic or Alternate Basic load combinations. Interpolate (See table on page 35): S/SSW18x8X Vt = 2720 lbs., ht = 97' S/SSW18x9X V2=2385lbs.,h2=109' Equation: V /V1--'V2 9 allow ' \ 4t . h2) (hieauired - hi) * Vt 2720 lbs. � 2385 lbs. Vallow = ( 97" -109" (102" - 97") + 2720 lbs. = 2580 lbs. @ 102" Vallow = 2680 lbs. > 2500 lbs. OK ➢)) Use S/SSW18xgX N =102" ECG 38 CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644,1618 FAx 949.759.1764 10 Job No.: ate' g Date: Design by: J'PA Sheet No.: —Ib cT.T? Ax]_darsora CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 Job No.: _ Date; — Design by: Sheet No.: cT.7P Aa1CLOVIsora CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAx 949.759.1764 Job No.: Date: Design by: Sheet No.: J.P Ar'i_derson CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute ,lot No.: Date: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lie. # 8972 Design o.: : Sheet No. 949.644.1618 rnx 949.759.1764 ti_ T.P. A11CL49T SOYl CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644,1618 FAx 949.759.1764 Job No.: Data: Design by: Sheet No,: ��_J---- eT.P..Ax�.dersoxa CONSULTING ENGINEER 2005 Yacht Resolute Newport Beach, CA 92660 Civil Engineer Lic. # 8972 949.644.1618 FAX 949.759.1764 Job No.: Date: Design by: Sheet No.: —��