HomeMy WebLinkAboutP2021-0488 - PermitsrEW PORT City of Newport Beach 9 Community Development Department- Building Division 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 S Permit Counter Phone: 949 718-1888 newportbeachca.gov/civic `9<;FonN�P Combination Type - Work Class - Other �1111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111� 11COMB Permit : P2021 -0488 Plan Check No: Issued Date : 10114/2021 Final Date: 0510912022 Permit Status: Final Inspection Area : PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address: 4094 RIVOLI Legal Desc : Description: MFR WATER HEATER C/O Owner: Contractor : SCOTT PLUMBING INC Architect Address : Address : 10765 LAUREL AVE Address SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 Phone: Phone: (562)944-9793 Phone: Con State Lic : 813415 State Lic: Lic Expire : 10/31/2024 Applicant: SCOTT PLUMBING INC Bus Lic : BT30083102 Engineer Address : 10765 LAUREL AVE Bus Lic Expire : 11/30/2024 Address SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 Phone: (562) 944-9793 Workers' Compensation Insurance Phone: Carrier: PALOMAR SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Owner/Builder : Policy No: PSIC0701232901 Designer: Address : W. C. Expire : 11/1/2024 Address Phone: Phone: Code Edition : Fire Sprinklers : NO Construction Valuation : $0.00 Type of Construction : Fire Hazard Zone : NO Added/New/Ti sq. ft. Bldg : 0 Occupancy Groups : No of Units : 0 Alteration sq. ft. Bldg : 0 Bldg Height: No of Stories : Add/New sq. ft. Garage: 0 TOTAL sq. ft. 0 Building Setbacks Flood Zone: Use Zone PROCESSED BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: nil ILI�F ��. ��1 I u. a1e0 (apOp IIA10 :38fi1VNS15 �"Jrvf 03n551AJNVdl1]]O N011110W30a3SOdOHd Z!y1 �S!� E/ io31b71dIlH3J Ol 319V]IlddVIONSINOIIVDIAIlONSO1S38SV ! 7VN11111NH3d OINOtTI 1 a9GN3- X311WH3d NOI1V:)H IlON SOIS39SV a3111 W 9ns 31n' aWOV aNV Ob 3111110 S91HVd SN0uvin038 AlNO 3sn 3JI3d0 HOd I 1VH3033 d030OJ H11M 37NVIldAO] dO NOII"V1J30 A9 31Va NOIl]V - - - - aweN s,lua6V pazuoylnV uo s iauMO Ayaaad Wild waoV pazuoylnV uo uaump Ausawd;o aunleuol 'sesod.wd uopoadsw uol Auadwd pa!;!luapl-anoga aql value oI Alunoo uo Allo slgl;o sanpeluesaudau azuoglne 1 uoponulsuoo Dwppnq al 6upeleu smel Blois pue seoueu!puo Alunoo pue A110 algeOpdde lie 4llm Aldwoo of 9eu6e I loauuoo si pap!Aoud aney I uopewuo;ul eql pue uopeolldde sly) pest aney I ;legeq s,jaumo Apadwd a4I uo loe o) pezluoullne uo uaumo Aluadad eql we 1 :6ulmop0; a4l;o 4oeo o) Appeo I 'molaq aunleu6ls Aw A ssauppV s Japual aweN s )apue L60£ uOROGS) penss! sl 1!wued slgl ulolym uo; pom egl;o aouewuoyad aq1 uo; Aoua6e 6u!pual uo!lomisuoo a sl auagl leyl AunOad;o Alleuad uapun mike Agala4 AON39V 914101431 NOLLOn1:11SN00 ONIUMV03N NOIIVHV'133, Gle(3 wBollddV;o aunleu6! 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