HomeMy WebLinkAbout1511, 15, 21, 25, 31, 41, 45, 51, 55 Bruinbark Ln - Permits found in onbaseI COUNT' OF ORANGE , CERTIFICATE OF USE AND OCCUPANCY I-[[ r COpY ADDRESSI 511 1 r CL r Bldg. Permit No, Group Lot Block Tract ' Use: Condo Ill th i _ r ISSUED TO ON OWNER: TttyPgfr%rA }:seal F kt-411-0 Seril4cac i1 The building described herein has been inspected and found to comply with the provisions of all County of Orange Ordinances applicable thereto. t THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT AND MUST BE GIVEN TO THE LEGAL OWNER OR PURCHASER. 3 Mail To: F.G. Mc LELLAN, JR. j r Manager Investors Real Estate gervfce.3 t; Environmental Management Agency ; 2790 ciarbor Blvd. i,�210 P.O. Box 4048 (%OSto Mesa, California 92626 400 Civic Center Drive West SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 42702 I F 0250.138.1 —� i APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF USE & OCCUPANi,Y CQUNTY OF ORANGE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY REGULATION P.O. BOX 4048, SANTA ANA, CA 9270?_ REGIONAL OFFICE , ��"�1� CENTRAL OFFICE 26052 GETTY DRIVE 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA. 92677 SANTA ANA, CA. 714.831-2610/;6// 151je /521 %452 714-834.2626 ,r .ADDRESSEW JIN DESCRIPTION OF WORK ADO ❑ ALTER E) REPAIR ❑ DEMOLISHAREA 2E p J. `' •' ` T! . O>�- NO. OF FAMILIES SQ. Fr.-!� OWNER /1C y !/ 1��' Cl i)n -S (= ot�ORIES /Y y� PHONE PROPOSED USEOF- STRUCTURE i2" N STRUCTURE .+1vsY ADDRESS �c.� yAL� A A � !/-•-} �J/�/ % CITY , /1dz-1ZIP 92-62LifGs _ ARCHITECT Ot- l PHONE ] ENGINEER-- / • _ '�_ __ �/ / n. ry CONSTRUCTION _ LENDER NAME — , j�� ❑ UNKNOWN ��L, ADDRESS �(� �, 1 ` *� � �, /{ BRANCH PHONE��y(( CONTRACTOR 'j 7I ADDRESS / J% A + SI!a? - �� �� c,�_ - t- GRADING PRE. P.C. ' ^ � ADDRESS �. 7 ( , _,. / --yyam- • -� /�' -- (��.lCf� ..; - l ,i�.sY. tcL_ 4 FEES VALUATIONS f B. PT C�-j f FEE "ram �., CERTIFICATE FOR REGULATION PERMIT s r---�74 / Contractors OCCUPANCY TYPE OF �:7 / GROUP CONSTRUCTION certify that the following Contr. Lic. No. ___ _.- >� ____-- _ __ and PL l HEG PERMIT I Classification _________—__ _______ _______ is in full force and effect. APPROV - .Workman's Compensation Insurance Certlf on file v rifted by 7 - Expiration date l -_---• `' RAD N PER Ep"U UGH G ADING O.'`� ____ YES NowOU GraQlil Approved Other Applicants .I hereby certify I am exempt from Sec. 7031.5 of the Business and Professional APPROVALS DATE INSPECTOR'S SIG. Code, Div. 3, Chap. 9, Contractor's License Law under the following section: 0 Owner (Sect 7044). Or FOUNDATION: LOCATION ❑ i•� 11 Minor Work under $100 (sect 7048), Ot REINFORCED A M ^K 0 Employee working for wages only (sect 7053, Or SLAB: REINF. ❑ 0 OTHER: ---- _.. --- - MEMBRANE ❑ ' Certification of Exemption from Sect 38W of the California Labor Code, Article 3, UNDERPINNING Construction Permit: MASONRY: 0 The permit is for One Hundred Dollars ($100) or less. BOND BEAM ❑ 0 I certify that in the performance of the work for which the permit is issued FIREPLACE shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become/ subject to ns C, the WorkmeomI :ens:ilion laws of Califorma IE ROOF" SIATING d , If, after making su: tr cerNhaihon I. appllr nn} ,, t,,, , , � ,� ; ! , �.�„rif• - _-- _---- ! '' I subject b) th, �, ,,,.r t „• 1.: " applicant S',d11 1, ;, ,. :. ;{ ._� t s"wt 01 this p rlmt shag be deemed revoked. INsuLAT:oN ) "' /r.rJ hereby acknowledge and state that the information I have provided is correct 1SOUND UNF RGY) both on the permit and this certificate and agree to comply with all County LATH rd• n sand ate laws regu.iat igg building cons cti EXTERIOR y . LATH ❑ DRYWALL (A II ants S nature) INTERIOR J j �• f ^� V ZONING REGULATIONS ` PLASTER BROWN COAT LEGAL T� C BLOCK LOT � DEtXRIFrnON b FINAL B BUILDING f (PLEASE ATTACH METES AND BOUNDS) FINAL ZONING r :l•7r f� p/� f ZONE affx/[ �T / 1^fiw VARIANCE NO.(jP Ae 3-45- REMARKS / / e BUILDING SETBACK C/L ST. PROPERTY UNE 4Ae / N SIDE YARD. RIGHT EAVE PROJECTION �y `� , `rO SIDE YARD. LEFT �1 EAVE PROJECTION REAR YARD (TO P/L) .2.5/ STRE WIDTH _-fe PARKING SPACE REQUIRED/ O YIDEO orlo%f MISC.Tr / �i�.JC�10r yA/1 c��c..IcR. 'lc A� a. 9P,00.v�I)J� A.P- 1/47 - .i Z2 V -/ -e /,o DIST. NO. ter„ .4 ZONING APPROVED 17 VALIDATION 1 )AN 19'79 84 799 820.00 + 1 531.05 + 119 351.05 CASHIER DATE PERMIT NO. PERMIT FEE CODE PLAN CHECK TOTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Use Indelible pencil or ball point pen and PRINT F0250-28.2 (R 2/78) Otherwise, fill out form with typewriter. .;� Ji,: ,., ,; �, T:FaJJr ;rl.u, forlr.fr.tratton co.!i• YES 1. Projc; is cr.: f fnr;.s to 1'$F:$f.!ilF'iR'r S]'/1!;ll:lfiDti � J �1th S�rc1.,J F.. �gvlrc-c•t.l; t LI p. Yl +ui s T:. r., c't't!•itlnn In:niTstfon capaclt ,[': t APJ'I:nVj:L, for elec ter.i---%c --� __►III llnit:� kl�t nl:�nce - 5' r.t•`e Cycle CocL Analynfs AI'Ffipi'FD for 6. Yrojc•rt At'F'ft�it•!U f •. '--: -; •. ---.-____-------•--_-... of A/C ` Q REGIONAL- OFFICE APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT CENTRAL OFFICE P.O. BOX 4048 26052 GETTY DROVE COUNTY OF ORANGE 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE We§T LAGUNA N:GUEL. CA 92677 ANTA ANA A 92701 to 7ta-sat-26< GULATION 7ta-1334 2s2s BUILDING ADDRESS _ - -�1= --=--- -- -- ---- -- `G'' y LOT NO. ' TRACT-- f _ --= JV -------- --- TOWN OR AREA j!'�'-f_� —G�1_' '�- ----------- / CONTRACTOR �'[ C=� `1�=�►'f G ` pi l,� _-� NEAREST ADDRESSl��gg ``,, CROSS STREET --------------------------- -- --- - OWNER •�' f -" 1 �J `- U ��_ - --1' - _ --. - -- TEL. r� CITv .?-yJ� NO. �� 1 FOR REGULATION PERtdiT PROPOSED PRESENTCERTtF!CATION Contract � Oassi5caWn USE USA--___--_-_— -- �- I cerbty tha the folto,%ing Contr. lic No. _ � and ' PERhf#T FEES_ - --sin full force and effect. Ylorkmen's ens n tare Certil care on fife venf,ed by --- Expir e: s NO, TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITFM FEE ` Other App'cants t hereby certify I am exempt from Sec 7031 Sot the Business and Professional Code. WATER CLOSET (TOILET) G __—__ __—__------------------ BATH TUB ------- ---- -- .- D v 3, Chap. 9. Contracior is License Law and under the following sec Gore 1 OAner (Sect 7044). or FAnof Yio<k under S100(S cl 7048). or Empkryoe working for wages only (Sect 7053). or O tr e r -- j� __-----------.__._-_--- SHOWERSTALL ---- - - - --- LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) -- CerNf,caf!en of Exempt.on from Sect 3800 of the Cakfomia Labor Code. Artcle 3, — - - --- -- -- - KITCHEN SIN`C DISPOSAL [71/ -- -- -- Ccnsrruction Perrrnl it,e ceim t is for One ltundred Do+iars (S100) or less ,"ARBAGE - LAUNDRY TRAY�tUTO WASH. MACH f j] — ----'!% - -----"-- - - — shallnot Imp! y an m then ,r% any ncema n r s h is for become mess emp'oy any person ,n any manner so as to became subjeCS to the Workmen's Compensation Iahs of Ca1!forn a. - DISHWASHER It. after making such cenificabon the applicant for this permit should become subiw to the Workmen's Compensat on provlsbns of th-) Labor Code,the applicant shall forthwith - _ SERVICE SINK comply v,!h the proVIvons of Sect 3700 or this permit shall be deemed revoked. iherebyack.nowte6geand state that the!nformationlhaveprov+dediscorredbothonthe FLOOR SINK FLOOR DRAIN permtandt'n;scertficateandagreetowmDlywithalt untyOrdrnancesandStatelaws reg r.ng b&id:n< onstr n Date: URINAL nature) Permit No. _ f�A nts Signature ) INSPEC ION RECORD DRINKING FOUNTAIN SAND TRAP (_] INTERCEPTOR f-1 SWIMMING POOL FILTER WATER HEATER — APPROVALS DATE Inspector's Signature WATER SOFTENER GROUND WORK -SOIL ONLY -IL , RES COti1M --- LAWN SPRINKt LR 71 ---- -- - GROUND WORK WITH INATERPIPE " ' GASPIPE TRAILER li00K•UP ROUGH PLUMBING AS SYSTEM LPG r1 GAS PIPING NO. OF OUTLETS NAT. r _ - 0 ALITO. FIRE SPR. SYSTEM WATER HEATER / SEPTIC TANK L 94SEWER SEEPAGE PIT HOUS SEWER (VALUATION) SEPTIC TANK GAS TEST <� • f� SEEPAGE PIT(S) SPRINKLER SYSTEM fi LEACHING FIELD FINAL * 'f PERMIT ISSUANCE 3 .00 UTILITY CO NOTIFIED BUILrUNG PF�$j l;I NUU t BE jj GG�� TOTAL FEE (1 ?, ((✓ REC'D BY PLANS CHECKED BY: VERIFIED BY: VALIDATION PERMIT ISSUANCE APPROVED. 4 ; E 6 - 348t 6Z3 243.21 + 3 - �c►�.ci CODE PLAN CHECK TOTAL r AI!PLICATION FOR %ri`c_CHANICAL Pr-Rr%IIT REGIONAL Of FICE (COUNT Y OF ORANGE ?E4)52 GETTY 0MVE. ENVIRONMENTAr MANAGEMENT AGENCY I-AGU14A NIGUEL, CA 926t, REGULATION 714-831.2610 CENTRAL OFFICE Q P.O. BOX 4043 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST SANTA ANA, CA. 92702 7t4-834-2626 ADDRESS - SS -ii Bruinbaxk_ Lane — Bldg 6 Unit -- -1030_ —_ ,_--- NO, COUNTY (], DEAREST COf1TRACTOR y� �+ AREA ROSS -- - - - -- — -VIlla Htg LAG AA; - OWNER ADDRESS PROPOS USE 0 r� vectors Real tate Service EO PRESEN csidencial-- TYPE OF ,XTURE OR ITE11 PER UNIT FEE EACH CENTRAL FURNACE iNCL. DUCTS & VENTS: _Day__-& Ili_ght - ��, 000 - 10.00 l.1FGR. TYPE BTU LIP TO AND INCLUDING 100.000 BTUj. UP TO AND INCLUDING 500,000 BTU 7.50 UP TO AND INCLUDING 1.000,000 BTU 10.00 UP TO AND INCLUDING 2.000,000 BTU I 15.00 OVER 2,000.000 BTU Ijl 25.00 EACH BOILER OR ABSORPTION UNIT INCL. VENT: SA N,E AS -- ABOVE r.I FGR.----- TYPE BTU ----------- ---------- ---- ------ EACH REFRIGEPATION SYSTErt: - - 1,AFGR. T"{PE BTU UP TO AND INCLUDING 5 H.P. 5.00 UP TO AND INCLUDING 15 H.P. 7.50 UP TO AND INCLUDING 30 H.P. 10.00 JP TO AND INCLUDING 50 H.P. 15.00 OVER 50 H.P. 25.00 SUSPENDED_____ —FLOOR FURNACE _----- HEATER WALL HEAl£R ___ UNIT HEATER DECORATIVE APPLIANCE (INCL. VENT) 5.00 '.1FGR. TYPE BTU EACH ALTERATION REPAIR OR ADDITION TNCL. 00 - CONTROLS, DUCTS, REGISTERS, ETC. 5. wACH COMBAN USTION PRODU_PERMCT T VENT NOT INC LVUED -- 2.00 -- ---- EACH AIR HANDLING UNIT ONCL. DUCTS) — UP TO AND INCLUDING 2,000 CFM 2.00 UP TO AND INCLUDING 10,000 CFM 5.00 OVER 10.000 CFM 10:00 EACH EVAPORATIVE COOLER (COMAIF.RCIAL) 3.00 -- —- .. --- _ - - --- EACH VENTI—LATION -i-AN_ C-ON-NE- C T E D TO A •l,00J\f1 SINGLE OUTLET OR INLET (COMMERCIAL) L EACH VENTILATION FAN CONNECTED TO MORE 4 AO THAN ONE OUTLET OR INLET (COMMERCIAL) VV CHANI ( NCL NFAN EACH HOOD g E C OMMERCIALETYPE)CAL EXHAUST .00 EACH INCINERATOR (DOMESTIC TYPE) 5.00 EACH INCINERATOR (COML. OR INDUS. TYPE) 20.00 INCIDENTAL GAS PIPING 1.75 CNY AN U NO PEC_EIF. ILIQUP.SREDU(LrIS TDBELOw IS 4•00PYF - -- - o _it /. ,L-A BUILDING PERMIT NOt?ZJPLAN Permit Issu ince 3 TOTAL PERMIT FBBY RIFTED CHECKAfF Miralom_ a- Ave.— CrrY TEL. Aanhiem . Calif. NO 528-8 L.ERTIFICATE FOR REGULATION PERMIT 1 Contractors �p�Qf� I certify that the following Contr. tic. No. — 289588 _ and Classification ________...�__.is in full force and effect. s _p Lion Insurance Certificate on hle ve8,Zlb� --_ Expiration date: O _ Other Applicants I heraby certify I am exempt from Sec. 7031.5 Of the Business and Professional Code, Div. 3. Chap 9, Contractor's License Law under the following section: ❑ Owner (Sect 7044), or Minor Work under $100 (sect 7048). or Employee working for wages only (sect 7053, or 13 OTHER _.-----__--_-- _ Certification of Exemption from Sect 38i7) of the California Labor Code, Article 3, Construction Permit', The permit is for One Hundred Dollars ($100) or less. I certify that in the performance of the work for which the permit is issued I all not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workmen's Compensation laws of California. 11, after making such certification the applicant for this permit should become subject to the Workmen's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code. the appli- cant shalt forthwith comply with the provisions of Sect 3700 or this permit shall be deemed revoked I hereby acknowledge and state that the Information I have provided is correct both on the permit and this certificate and agree to comply with all County Ordi noes Slate I regulating 0ding construction. �� —ry(� Date: __ 5 (ApplicantsSignature)Permit No. /// Application � f� Approved By(;� ISK3NATUREI (DATE) INSPECTION APPROVALS 14TE Underground ugh-_ tt Ut' ty Notified 71T,VT 1 r1r.J INSP. SIGNATURE � CASHrER 14 14t�� PERMIT N ,� PERMIT FEE �` CODE �/99•08 DATE PLAN0 Hf I� TOTAL _ REGIONAL OFFICE APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 2605e GETTY DRIVE COUNTY OF ORANGE LAG'Y-4A NIGLIFt. CA 92a77 714-831-2610 EMA — R GULATION CENTRAL OFFICE 4f P.O. COX 4019 l 1, 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST SANTA ANA CA 92701 714-:334.2626 BUILDING ADDRESS G-� l `'�'f 1----- — LOT NO. TRACT S 0�------ TOWN OR AREA <�=; _c_ _r� . �1 �, , CONTRALTO �(;.6z_ NEAREST CROSS STREET �� ADDRESS -�x OWNER_ „� _ _ I _ �F r,I . _ ``' CITY C C:�-• /' ! NO. r% Y ,�v — "� '� PROPOSED — USE USE G-y� �� E C RTIFICATIOF! FOR REGULATION PERMIT Contracio I certify that the fo"owng Conir. Lic No�1--,L_L1C and Classification PERMIT FEES — __— is in full force and effect.:? n's ens 71 yw'�T1,iy Certificale on f,le verified by —_-date:�G — NO. TYPE OF FIXTURE OR ITEM FEE --—___---- Other Applicants I hereby certify I am exempt from Sec 7031,501 the Business and Professional Code. WATER CLOSET (TOILET) — -- -- -- — Div 3, Chap 9, Contractor's License Law and under the following section: 1 Owner (Sect 7044). or liAnor Work under S100 (Sect 704-8). or IEmployee working for wages only (Sect 7053). of _ BATH TUB .-_--..— _ SHOWERSTALL !Other. LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) - - -- -- Certi!tcAl n of Exempt,on from Sect 3800 of the California Labor Code, Article 3. Construction Permit i the perrNI is for One Hundred Dollars 1S100) or !ess. KITCHEN SINK [] GARBAGE DISPOSAL (.) - --- f ce!my that in the performance of the work for which the perm tis issued I shall not employ any person m any manner so as to become s�bjeci to the Workmen's Compensation laws of Cat,fo;roa LAUNDRY TRAY [? AUTO WASH. MACH. ! ] - ------ -- DISHWASHER If, after makmg such cedificaton the applicant for this permit should become subject to the Workmen's Compensation pfov,sions of the Labor Code. the appFcant shall forthwith -- — SERVICE SINK comply with the provisions of Sect 3700 of this permit shall be deemed revoked. Iherebyacknowledge and state tha! tileinfor atonIhaveprovidediscorrectbothonthe Pei andth.sceR,Gcate Com with all County Ordinances and State laws R ' t dg bud �ng con n _-- C _ Da:a: 9- IL 7 2 Signature) Permit No, FLOOR SINK -` -- - FLOOR DRAIN - URINAL/(Applick1s, DRINKING FOUNTAIN INSPPECTIYN RECORD SAND TRAP (] INTERCEPTOR [] SWIMMING POOL FILTER ^ WATER HEATER APPROVALS ATE Inspector's Signature WATER SOFTENER GROUND WOHK-SOIL ON - LAWN SPRINKLERS RES. "' COMM C� C_J GROUND WORK WITH WATERPIPE ,! GASPIPE ; TRAILER HOOK-UP ROUGH PLUMBING GAS SYSTEM LPG • ; NO. OF OUTLETS NAT. [ ' GAS PIPING TO AUTO. FIRE SPR. SYSTEM WATER HEATER MAIN DRAIN SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT HOUSE SEWER (VALUATION) G -' SEWER SEPTIC TANK GAS TEST SEEPAGE PIT(S) SPRINKLER SYSTEM LEACHING FIELD FINAL `? PERMIT ISSUANCE 3 .00 UTILITY CO NOTIFIED ` B IL NG P T NUMBER TOTAL FEE /? 11 REC'D BY PLANS �l CHECKED BY: VERIFIED BY: VALIDATION d A U 8 1 5 1970 PERMIT ISSUANCE APPROVED: 1 CASHIER 4AR 19' 79 DATE 350, 680 PERMIT NO. 13.00 + 3 FEE CODE r PLAN CHECK 13.00 * TOTAL r 1 ilk r ;f W; f A N,il ""A S /\NITArty (:IS r r .iCT 1r. o [,,OX 1200 COST A MESA, C:ALII-01MIA 9262G APPLICAI10,`,' FOR SEWERAGE FACILI] IL:; USE AND CONNECI )()N PEftMIT Oidinartee No. 6 E?f8,Ctive 9 29 J PERMIT VALIDATION �fL— PEIIN11T rJo. Date —.,._--.�..-+.--�_..-«�.---..._._..---.-ram .-��-._ - - _.....�._ .••:3:_ra7+�7^' �.c..�taSt.-.T�::6L=tA_1:2'S'1LX'rlCZi41CAt��' ��: c•JT.:/1 :4�tdC CONNLECI ION CHAfiGf_S Applictini to fill in this aroa only _ - --- --I F Building Address NtjMUL R F I X I UrIE FEE/FIX FEE Bstltwb S 15.00 — — - —_ -- — Tract No. Lot No. _. Laundry I ub or Washer 15.00 Shower 15.00 OWfler �`�L � 1, _lL� ALL ! - ��/i:✓ '� nk, bar 1.50 Sink, Kitchen 15.00 -- - Wash Basin -- - 7.511 — % Address( _LIAA Wash Basin (Sat) 15,00 e- 7i+. Water Closet (Toifel) - 45.00 Telephone Number .��`� /p Bidet 16.00 Dental Units 7.50 nNOCiSSLo By Drinking Fountains 7.50 , Floor Drains 15.00 INDUSTRIAL_ USE CHARGES Intercootois loi Grease, Oil, solids. Esc- 22.50 -- - — -- — --- Cu. Ft. per month per acre in excess of 15,000. Interceptors for Sand, Auto Wash, Etc. 45.00 Rate Is $0.50 per 1,000 cu. ft. per month per acre or any 3_a�indry Tub or Washer (Self Service) 22.60 fraction thereof. Receptors 22.50 (non ad valorem us3r -- double above) $ ,�. Shower, Gang - Par Road 7.50 }� ;,ins.s, llnr-Ccinr•,oreial ! 15.u0 SPECIAL CONOiTIO(:C Sinks, Coinmerciel or Industrial 22.50 r ��� �J- Sinks, Floor _�_.-.- ---- 7.50 -- - -- Sinks, =lushinq Rim Sinks, Service---------------f 22.50 �----- "" Swimrrd:,g Pool Urinals, Pedostal 45.00 Urinals, Stall 15.00 Urinals, Wall 15.00 Urinals, Well Trough 22.50 Connection Charge $ NOTEi A sewer permit I equlred at the Limo of , r� /i Sotilor Rook -up. lJ/� CMF 0706-60 Rev. 7-78 TOTAL CHARGES Connection Charge $Zj n U C>�rge 1 c� Penialties _ Total Due Penalties: Charges are double if connection is made prior to obtaining permit, plus $5.00 a clay. ($25.00 a day for a public corporation). APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT (,(, N, 4 HAIL ( , it ; K-0- COUNTY Or ORANGE C141i It-, C-FIN I (A I tj I OVE li','F'�T OF f 1( ENVIRONWNTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY (i TT I I IV i SA? CA ,2 i f REGULATION 7W 0 ',1 huI L.DINX -4-4,1 AM)RE 1'e5 -i41 'W T EAf 1 0 CONI 11ACI(.'R .,NFif A 7 0 s PROPOSE1) PIRLS[ N1 USE TEIL CIT`11'ze�j 0 PER UNIT I I i single or Multl.l Dowlq r in 6 1 X It (Neo' or Wlocatel) OF 1 Ccaitfa--turs 3 1 Gard �fl 5? I: sil It I (New or Rf-localed) I (mr 1.1 j I h"il I hi".. foll. 'r, Cjklr Lic NoIn addit;('r) t fees shoran above! d III,? Lo%%(-finrj Inspection Workman s cornpefisdtiori Lfisuraiice Cer?,ficate or, f lie VWrified Lv LK,-111,11ion date. -2// `7 :7- Abo,v Fees Cover All Electrial Installations Witri;n NeW or AcOoc,iled D,.%e�linqs E,,ccpT Radiant F'�Iatlriq Doors not ircluklo sefv'(o Otter Applicants I her�'Iiy C0111-i I am e0�rIlt'JI horn 7031 ;i of theuusifiess andProfessional Fl,i,,liani Cetl:nii IrJo ofHeal S 112_� Rooms I Per Room I coile- Div 3 l 9 conit.xiors License Law andc-i the following section tsect io-1-1) of F fixtures 1 20 25 ea Add!l,oj!jl %';,iur Work und.,r $100 fse(A 7018). or ❑ Employee working for viagi-s unly (sect 7053. or 1 20 2`. C-a OLIVOS Ado,lional I C1 OTHER C(ttiticAjion of Exemption trorn Sect 3800 of the California Labor Code. 12 ea Eleclfir,V Appliances or I FaCI0Fy-AJ(.'d SPII-COntalfli?d UflltS (No 2 00 ea I Arlicte 3 Constriction Permit 11 The P01"Ild is for One Hundred Dollars ($100) or less T:fll.,, Clock (No 1 1 25 ea ❑ Icestify thal in W4, performance of the work for which the permil is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become silbiect to r Ictal Vapor Pole Mount 1 25 4tzi I INo I Arld I f4itfures 1 the Workmen's Compensation laws of California If, after making such certification the applicant for this permit should become 25ea S;,vciali �'Quqirnvnt HOUT f, 00 I mspv(.1;on lNo Hours) subl-2t.1 it) III,,- W,:)i1kmeii s Cornpens.ilwri provisions of the Labor Code, the appli- 1200 I Ito if cant shill fuylhwjlh comply w0i the provisions of Sect 3700or this permit shall be deemed revoked I hcr(Asy acknowledge and slat he Information I have provided is correct ! � and 0 an, bolh (it) Incpermit 3nd this agree to comply with all County at Underground Raceway 200 I Resirlentlal 5(qvlC(" I or 2 4 50- 3 00 ea�� -tl 47.— Meter Underground (No 9�3 or rriorc� 4 50. Oid!nanc , �a�jSmle laws latm building construe _�'Cj. o n Dal P_' 5 00 ea Cornweicial Sf,i�ic�- MvIvis 5 00 ea Underground lNo P (Appircanis SicInalt v e) Permit No Vwofli-\%,th Sendsce f1i"'Idcr4W 10 (8) 1500 comnwlcf.il CussIfuction or F.If"'E'red VC)f'. Y) Permanent flolf,, oW,"Lf(,,ATI0!4 APPROVED BY Pedestal f" Ill'. .,I,, H i. 'r, i�)iUNAIUMEj (DATEI Older. List gencialofs. molois, transformers, (See I flETERS LIGHT POWER AC It RFG VOLT PHASE etc ive rat.nq in HP. KW of KVA schedule) I AND SERVICES INSPECTION RECgdD//- APPROVALS DATE I?W.5iGNATURE UNDERGROUND E" Lim ROUGH WIRING A If t.0 FlxfUFLLS F A10 Building Pirmil Insurance 300 3100 SERVICE A-1 TOTAL PERIMT FL;_ ? I WORK -WITS( RELEASE pernill NoinberYg/-777 FINAL APPROVAL n I 00 LAN CHECK FEE UTILITY NOTIFIED L/ VALUATION I E8 16'19 349,104 28821+ CA'j$0 R DAIL VEM111 PLAMil FEE CODE PLAN &q'b.C_ K TOTAL APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT COUNTY OF ORANGE CENTRAL 400 REGIONAL OFFICE ENVIRONMENTAL MJ—NAGEMENT AGENCY PO BIOX 4048 VIC CENTER DRIVE WEST26Ci5? GE71Y OR14E LAGU:IA I`IGL.,Fi.. CA 926?7 REGULATIOL SANTA ANA. CA 92702 )IV 714-A3-25?§ 714--B31.2010 W (10TSI�� AUILDING DDRESS �� 1 ! '- ,S t` Ili_ �J�i� Wit TRACT I ► -LOT NO. COUNTY l NEAREST 7 l AREA (I�SL �L� �• CROSS ST �.{� ;r ' e-., CONTRACTOR? /1.( OWNER ADDRESS E ��~�S?✓ P SEC �/mil/ CITY f NO cfj� s Residental 75; per S1000 PER UNIT FEE of vatuaton or fraction thereof. I CERTIFICATE FOR REGULATION PERMIT Relocatad Dwelling sq. tt t�:C sq ft. { Contract rs 7 Garage sq ft 14 sq ft I certify that the following Co Lic No Z'4� ` 24 ----and Relocated Dwelling (fn 101tion to Class�hcalion ._______—___.t-"1- ------- is in full force and effect. Pie -Lowering Inspection fees shown above) 10.00 Vloikman's Compensation insurance Certificate on file vended by Above Fees Cover All Electrial Inslallations 15,ihin New ____..__._- _ _. Expiration data ------ or Relocated Dwellings Except Radiant Heating Does not — include Service Meier Other Applicants Radiant Ceiling (No of I hereby certify I am exempt born Sec. 7031 5 of the Business and Professional Heat Rooms ! Per Room S 1.50 Code. Div 3, Chap 9. Contractor's license Law under the foilowing section, 1 -- 20 .40 ea 1 ❑ Owner (Sect 7044), or Fixtures Additional 25 ea 1 Q Elinor Work under $tn0 (sect )04B), or 1 — 20 40 ea 0 Emp!oyee working for wages only (sect 7053, or Outlets Additional .25 ea 11 OTHER, --- Electrical Appliances or 5.l)V ea I Certification of Exemption from Sect 3800 of the California Labor Code. Factory -wirer) self-contained units INo ) I Article 3, Construction Permit Time Clock (No. ) 2 00 ea 1 The permit is for One Hundred Dollars (5100) or less. ID I certify that in the performance of the work for which the permit is issued Metal Vapor Pole Mount 1.50 ea I t shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to Fixtures (No. ) Add i Fixtures .30 ea I the Workmen's Compensalion laws of California. Special Equipment (ivt n $25) IF after making such cerhhcaCon the applicant for this permit should become SpeSpe (No. Hours) 1 Hour _ 15 DD subject tome Ylom rken's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, the apph- cial cant shall fo,thwith compty w�lh ;he provisions of Sect 3700 or this permit shall be 1 deemed revoked. I hereby acknowledge and state that the Information I have provided is correct Residential Service I boll, or, the perm nd s cerhhcafe and agree to comply with all County Meter — Underground (No ) 5.00 ea 1 r antes and S t lav r atatmg bu:ldmg consjllr coloon, Commercial Service Meters Underground (No ) 10.00 ea ` (Appl;cVJs Signature) Work -with Service Resdential 15.00 Commercial 20.00 I Construction or Metered pole 10.00 Permanent Pole. Add'I poles on APPLICATION APPROVED BY Pedeslal or Piggy Back (No ) same service 5.00 ea (SIGNATURE) (DATE) Other List generators. motors, transformers, (See I METERS LIGHT POWER AC 6 RFG VOLT PHASE etc. & give rating in HP, KW or KVA schedule) 1 AND ' SERVICES Motors up to & incl. 1 2.00 INSPECTION RECORD 1 to 10 5.00 i 10 to 50 10.00 APPROVALS DATE INSP. SIGNATURE _ 50 to 100 15.00 I UNDERGROUND Over 100 & not over 500 \ 25.00 I — ROUGH WIRING /O I FIXTURES Building Permit Issuance 3.00 3100 SERVICE Permit I WORK -WITH RELEASE Number TOTAL PERMIT r'? FINAL APPROVAL -A Verified FEFf'j By: UTILITY NOTIFIED l 4 Nov 261 ig 365,141 _. 3:00+ 2 3.OU :M CASHIER DATE PERMIT FEE CODE PLAN CHE,CxK TOTAL