HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/28/2024 - Special MeetingCITY OF NEWPORT REACH City Council Meeting Minutes Special Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee May 28, 2024 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER - 4:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Will O'Neill, Mayor Pro Tem Joe Stapleton, Councilmember Brad Avery, Councilmember Noah Blom, Councilmember Robyn Grant, Councilmember Lauren Kleiman, Councilmember Erik Weigand, Finance Committee Member Allen Cashion, Finance Committee Member Nancy Scarbrough Excused: Finance Committee Member William Collopy, Finance Committee Member Keith Curry III. PRESENTATION • Proclamation Recognizing Temple Bat Yahm Mayor O'Neill read the proclamation and presented it to Rabbi Gersh Zylberman, Rabbi Miriam Philips, Cantor Jonathan Grant, Cantor Elisa Waltzman, Executive Director Sue Penn, President Adrienne Cohen, 15t Vice President Matt Cabrera, and other congregation members who shared the history on the naming of Jewish people and gave thanks to Mayor O'Neill and Councilmember Grant for their support and encouragement, the Newport Beach Police Department for providing safety, neighbors of many faiths, founders of Temple Bat Yahm, and God for the opportunity to celebrate their 50th anniversary milestone. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. Review of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget Finance Director Al -Imam and Acting Deputy Finance Director Burguan utilized a presentation to review the principles guiding the budget development, opportunities for public review, summary of all expenditure funds, major fund operating expenditures, general fund revenues and expenditures, primary reasons for a 5.9% General Fund budget growth, program enhancements, key General Fund program enhancements, non -personnel program enhancements, proposed additional staffing changes, changes in total staffing since 2009, General Fund sources and uses, recent changes to the City's pension liability, historical investment, and City's funded status. Mayor O'Neill expressed the importance of effectively managing the unfunded pension liability. In response to his question, Finance Director Al -Imam stated that Ca1PERS is currently at 8.9%. Finance Director Al -Imam continued the presentation and reviewed the employee count, the retirement tiers, and the pension liability paydown strategy. Mayor Pro Tem Stapleton thanked the Finance Committee and staff for their work. Councilmember Grant stated she looks forward to a future Council announcing a fully funded budget and expressed appreciation for the work done on this matter. Mayor O'Neill pointed out that, upon being paid off, the unfunded pension liability amount will become part of the budget. In response to Councilmember Weigand's question, Recreation and Senior Services Director Levin explained that the City's preschool programs will be moved, run as a camp in the summer, expressed support for the contractors who will be running the program, and noted that the part-time hours will be given back to the budget. Volume 66 - Page 99 City of Newport Beach Special Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee May 28, 2024 Councilmember Avery noted the ups and downs on the graph and predicted the same will occur in the future, commended Mayor O'Neill's leadership, emphasized a conservative approach to continue to get the City through inevitable tough spots, and acknowledged the large responsibility of developing sound financial practices to continue providing public services. He expressed being fortunate to be on Council during this period. Finance Committee Member Scarbrough expressed appreciation for the City's leadership and thought the City's finances were going in a the right direction. Jim Mosher inquired about performance metrics and departmental goals, and noted the challenge with understanding the reasoning for fund placement in the budget, especially the Internal Service Funds. Mayor O'Neill announced the next steps and thanked citizen members of the Finance Committee, Mayor Pro Tem Stapleton, Councilmember Blom, and staff. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None V. ADJOURNMENT - 4:40 p.m. The special agenda was posted on the City's website and on the City Hall electronic bulletin board located in the entrance of the City Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive on May 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Will O'Neill Mayor 004w� 4. Leilani I. Brown City Clerk Volume 65 - Page 100