HomeMy WebLinkAboutS2023-0019 - Misc8 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 1 00 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Project Address: 1816 BUTTONSHELLLN. Permit Number: S2023-0019 Inspection Type (s): WELDING Inspection Date (s): 11130/23 (X) Periodic Continuous Ust Tests Made: . ..... ..... Total Inspection Time Each Day: Date: . .... ... ....... .... .... . ..... ...... ... ... Hours: Ust All Items Requiring Correction (include Previously Listed Uncorrected Items): To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the Building Division approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the U.B.C. except as noted above. Special Inspector Signature: Date: Print Full Name; Newport Beach Registration No.: SpecialinspectionRepoa 9.24-15 /.- C 0 'Co 3 41 ref r -2h1?t7E07 #"/ SS-07-e aodayuunoadsupepadS :•oN u011e1is1888 yoeag >,o maN :aweN Ilnd iulJd :aiea :wnpeuft jopaa sul leloadg •anoge pa;ou se pdaoxa ,yg,[7 ay;io suolslAoid dlysuew>jom algaogdde pue suogeolploads 'seulmeip u2lsap panadde uolslnl0 8ulppng ay; y;lm aouepioaoe ul sem papoadsul liom a4;'a8palmoq Aw io isaq ay; of _. ........_ .... ........., ..... ..... ... .... .... .. ....... _.__. __._...... :lswa;I paipajiooun paisll Alsnolnaid apnlaul) uol;oaiio:) 8ulilnboU swell 11V isll :smoN i. t^ if :aiea :Aea yoe3 awil uolpadsul leiol :spew sisal isll _Z"('+/— r"j}A',�.;,1- SL/1'% .- S r /a +nP✓�/ rY4�' ,�/.�'�'r+}.... ..... .................. 311S aor NO 1SOd 1V13W Z 0103019M S31Vld 1V13W Z 03103SdNl snonul;uo0 ( ) JIpolrad (X) £Z/0£/l L '(s) a;ep uol;aadsul E)NI013M `(s) adAl uoliaadsul 6L00-£ZOZS'aagwnN Ilwaad 'N-1113HSN011f19 9m:ssaJppVPa(old 1H0d3a N01133dSNI IVl:)3d5 OOZE-t449 (646) I Ao 'eagaeaq}J0 mau'mmM 999Z6 Vo'yoeeg uodm9N 199LL xog 'O'd I anu0 ualuao olAlo OOl MOiSIAM 9ruazI(1g H3V2tg JLHOdMaN 10 A LIB ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 1816 Buttonshell Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 April 1, 2024 YANCHAR DESIGN & CONSULTING GROUP 26741 Portola Parkway, Suite 1E, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Tel: 949.770.6601 Fax: 949.770.6575 E-mail: info@yanchardesign.com Z dnomo ONIlInSNOO'9 NOISM HVHONVA '4Z0 W'MOINON 'cull Apadoid eq;;e V8P gg ueq; ssel sl dwnd eds ao lood ag; wa; lanai aslou sq;;eq; a;ea;suowep o; paalnbaa sl jaaul6ue leoi;snooe ue Aq;sa; punos a sannbai goea8 }aodm9N 10 AID aql aoua; pooM;oo;-g a Aq pa;eaedes aae salpadad eql •eoueplsaj Alpe;-albuls a osle si q}aou eq; o; A),jedoid;saaeau eql q}Iou aq; o; cull Apedad eq; woj;;aa; b Ala;ewlxadde pa;eool si;uawdlnbe lood eql •aouepisaj Al!we;-916uls a sl Aliadad aql uoi; iaosad;oa,oad 07 'do 'goea8 :podmON ''aa Ilegsuo;;n8 g l,g 6 ;e pa;eool ;uawdinbe lood oq;;o slsAleue leoi;snooe ue pue s;uawainseew plat; pa;aldwoo seq dnoaE) 6uglnsuoo V ubisaa jegoueA'uogonj;suoo So jo;senbaa ag;;V uoi;anpa;ul o'4 bZOZ'L III V auel pagsuoNnB 9L9L 1616 Buttonshell Lane April 1, 2024 2.0 Field Measurements Measurements were made at the site on April 1, 2024 to determine the sound level of the pool equipment. The ambient noise level at the property was dominated by aircraft overflights and local construction activity. The sound level of the pool equipment measured at the southern property line was 54.7 dBA. Therefore, the equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. A Soft dB Piccolo -II Integrating Sound Level Meter, Serial Number P0219050803 and CEL Instruments Model CEL-284/2 Calibrator, Serial Number 4/09023134, were used for the measurements. Respectfully submitted, Yanchar Design & Consulting Group Carl J. Yanchar President YANCHAR DESIGN & CONSULTING GROUP 3 17 eaem=_o«__ _O! B io3mUd �Im�A�2r� _,. . \� 27 , C y & \ � / mz'L wV _,___ m.