HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2020-1937 - PermitsCity of N�wport Beach - Building Division 100 Civic Cehjer Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Permit Count r Phone (949)644-3288 Inspection Re uests Phone (949)644-3255 Combinatio Type - SFP ELEC MECH PLUM Job Address: 2000 PORT CARD[ Description: SFR - REPLACE E Legal Desc.: N TR 6623 LOT 13 Owner: CHANG DERRICK I Address: 2000 PORT CARDII NEWPORT BEACH Phone: 310.806-5898 Applicant: HAMPTON CRAIG Address: 46 MALLARD CT MAGALIA CA 9595 Phone: 949-209-8883 Code Edit : 2010 Type of Construction: V-B Occupancy Group: R3/U Added /New sq.ft. Bldg: Added /New sq. ft. Garage: No of Stories: 2 No of Units : 1 Bldg Height: 0 Bldg Sprinklers: N Building Permit Fee: $0, Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Overtime Plan Ck: $0, Investigation Fee: $0. Record Management: $27 Energy Compliance: $0 CA Seismic Safety: $0 Disabled Access : $0 Hazardous Mat $0 Building Green Fee : $0 iiiiiliigglll COMB Permit: X2020-1937 Project No : 2670-2013 Issued Date: 0813112020 Inspection Area : 4 S 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION. PROJECTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY 0910112023 OR PERMIT WILL BE INVALID :on Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No work on Sundays or HolWays F PL NB PIRED PERMITS X2016-03161X2014-04361X2013-3154 (REMODELIGAR CONVIHANDRAILSIBATHROOMS) 10�� o ANNE Contractor: OWNERIBLDR Architect: 7_0i ` PL Address: CHANG DERRICK Address: _..II�p99 CA 92660 TOTAL FEE : $1,897.00 PROCESSED BY: ZONING APPROVAL: GRADING APPROVAL: Phone: 310-806-5898 Phone Con State Lic: OIB Engineer: Lic Expire: Address: Bus Lic: Lic Exp Date: Phone: Worker's Compensation Insurance Carrier. Policy No: Expire: Building Setbacks Excise Tax: Additional Fee: Grading Bonds Fee: Grading PC Consultant Grading Permit Fee: Grading PC Fee: WQ Insp. Fee: Electrical %: Mechanical %: Plumbing %,� Rear: I Front: I Left: I Right: I Parking Spa $0.00 $1,870.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 State Lic: FORBES DALE L 1800 E 16TH ST SANTA ANA CA 92701 714-B35-2800 State Li¢C-0304[7 Designer: HAMPTON CRAIG Address: 46 MALLARD CT MAGALIA CA 95954 Phone: 949-209-8883 Special Conditions Planning Department - Plan check Fee: Fair Share SJH Trans In -lieu Housing Fee : Public Works Department - Park Dedication : $0.00 P/W Plan Check : $0.00 San Dist: $0.00 NMUSD Fee: $0.00 Plan Check Fee : $0.00 Fire Department $0.00 Fire Inspection: $0.00 Fire Plan Rev $0.00 Demolition Fee $0.00 Building Dept Adm General Service Refund Deposit Grading Bond: e e ° 93'] ° c$4h19° $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : $1.897.00 PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: PLAN CHECK BY: APPROVAL TO ISSUE: OWNER -BUILDS DECLARATION I hereby affirm undr penalty of perjury that[ am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law forthe reasons) indicated belowby the:checkmark(s) I have placed next to the.. applicable items) (Section 7031.5, Busin..s and Professions Code:. Any city or county that requires a.pennit to construct, alter, improve,,demolish, orrepair any structure,: prior toits issuance. also requires the .appiicant for the permit to file a sign. . statement that he or sheis licensedpursuant to the provisions. of the Contractom' State License _Law .(chapter '9:(commencing ; with Section 7000) of Division 3:of the. Business and Professions Code) or it, r he or she is exempt .from .11censure andthe basisfor the alleged exemption. Anyviolation of Section 7031.5:by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more. man five hunt ed dollars.($500).. J 1, as: owner of the p party, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do () all of or (, portions of the work, and the stmeture.Is.not intended Or offered for sale (Section 7044, 3usiness and Professi< s code: Tile Contractors' State License. Law does not apply to an owner of Property who, through employees' or personal effort, builds or improves the property, provided that the mprovements are not_, ,ended or offered for sale. If, however, the building Or Improvement is sold within oneyear of completion, the Owner -Builder will have the burden:of proving that it was not builtor ved for the purppr : of sale). as owner of the p ;party, am exclusively contracting with licensed. Contractors to. construct the project (Section 7044,_ Business and Professions Code:. The Contractors' State License Law does not ly to an Owner Of pn.:erty whobuilds or. improves thereon, and who contracts. forthe: projects with a licensed Contractor pursuant to the Contractors' State License. Law)'. 1 am exempt from li ansure under the. Contractors' State License Law for the following reason: ly my signature below acknowledge that,.. except for my personal residence in which l must. have residedfor at leastone year poor to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legall ;ell a. struct re that I h s built as an owner -builder if it has San p structed in Its entirety by licensed contractors. b understand that copy of the applicable law, Section 7044 of the Business and 'mfessions Go.l s a, ;tableupon request when this appli In S ittedor at the following !Web 'site;http:/I w .leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html. i�g'lature of Pmperb' C net or Authorized Agent-4 Y` 1X Date .i(.ENSEL, CCNT.Z7 :TOR'S DECLARATION Cr -ereby affirm under p:ally of perjury that I,am licensed under provisions of ,hapter 9.(commencing with.Section 7000);ofDivision 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in fullforce no effect. License CI. s License No .Date. ContractorSignature VORKERS' GUMPE-SATION.DECLARATION IAr.NING:FAILra CSEc .EWORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES. AND CML FINES, UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE sT OF COMPENSATION,1. :RAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. `ereby affi-r- Irde-pc -ally of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will mai rain a certificate Ofconsentto self -insure for workers' compensation, issued by the .Director of Industrial Relations as ;provided'. for by Section 3700 :of the Labor Code, for the ^rormance of the wore rorwhich this permit is issued, Policy No. I have.ard wi" m3in in workers' compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700: of the Labor Code,. for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensatior surance Gal I ,r an.. pr.cy number are: ,Policy Number Expiration Date of Agent _ .. certify that In: the p,: formance of the work'. for which this permit is issued, I shall notemploy any person in any manner so as to: become: subject to the workera' t, if[ should become- ubjeatto the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, 1,-shall fodhwith comply withthose, provisions. Compensation laws of California, and nature of Applicant _ CLARATION REGA:.7ING CONSTRUCTION. LENDING:AGENCY Date_ ineby affirm under pe ally of perjury that there is arconstruction lending agency for the performance of the for which this permit Is Issued (Section 3097„ Civil Code).. Ider's Name Lender's. Address my signature'ce below, rtlfy4o each. of the following: I am the property , ,er or authorized to act on the. property owner's: behalf. I. have read this apt, nation and the information I have provided is correct. I agree to comply v i all applicablecity and county ordinancesand state laws relating to building construction. I authorize repmSer Alvesof this city or county to e t -�,ry�a v - nhfled'.propertyfor inspection purposes. / nature OfProperty C. nor crAuthorized Agent 'nt Property Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name r Yt-r Gwr REGULATIONS -PART SUBMITTEO ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION TO Y A BESTOS, NOTIFIC�.pITIO,N IS/NOTAPPLICABLE TO C10OCCUIPANCYISSUEO �'�PRO .!— rMOLITI UrVI'A �( ^