HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2021-2712 - Misc (3)CERTIFICATION Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Irrigation Audit Project Name: 1459 Galaxy Road Residence Address: 1459 Galaxy Road City, State Newport Beach, CA This is to acknowledge that an irrigation audit has been performed in accordance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Components of the irrigation system were inspected for their installation and operation and found to be acceptable, as is generally found in similar irrigation projects. The audit results found that the contractor met the criteria and irrigation specifications of the approved Landscape Documentation Package. The Estimated Total Water Use calculated for the irrigation system meets the Maximum Applied Water Allowance requirement and will continue to do so as long as the irrigation system is properly maintained and managed. Signature! J Vv Date: December 13, 2023 Name (print): Wayne Graf Phone: 760-579-9611 cell Email: grafirrigation@cox.net Certification ID #: 41834 Certified Lanoscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA) Certified Landscape Water Manager (CLWM) Company: Graf Irrigation Services Title: Owner Address: 228 Monarch Way, Oceanside, CA 92057 Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Irrigation Audit Project: 11459 Galaxy Drive Controller Date: 12/12/23 Address: 11459 Galaxy Drive /� QQ�� p A`-'� D Auditor: Wayne Graf City,State: Newport Beach, CA CLIA # 141834 Page 1 1 of 1 6 Water Source Data and Equipment Verification Water source: I X jPotable I lReclaimed I lWell I jPond Other Water Meter or I Manufacturer: I Mueller Systems I Model SSR Size: 1 1 lin. Sub -Meter Iserial Number: 1 2200045001 1 units: I cu ft Backflow: Manufacturer: I Febco I Model 765 Size: 3/4 in. Serial Number: I HE82427 Controllers: Manufacturer: Rainbird Model: ESP-TM2 Serial Number: Mounting: X Wall Pedestal Other Programs: 4 Start Times: 4 Schedule Options: X Custom Days of the Week X llnterval X Odd/Even Percent Adjust: By Station X lGlobal X By Program By Month I X Weather Sensor Rain/Weather Options in use: Central Control YeWXN Smart Controller X Ye 2-Wire Option Ye Cycle/Soak Ye Rain Delay Ye Weather Sensors X Ye Flow Monitoring Ye Master Valves I X IYes I jNo Radio Remote I IYes I X INo Manufacturer: JRainbird Model: JWR2 ISerial Number: lsoilMoisture [Manufacturer: (none Model: I ISerial Number: topeful jazlllIaaj u014e;s ;sal jaulej;s;amse8 a;oway olpey aosuas ain;slow I!os d 'A idea/sAosuaS iaq;eaM losuas mol j d / saA1eA Ja;seW d (s)anleA uol;elosl ajnsopu3 dwnd Aa;soog dwnd Ja;soog ainsol3u3 mol DES ja;l!d dlap aq; le pap!Aad sl uol;eln2ai ainssald jo;elnSay ainssaJd aaule„s @AM d / molljae8 ja;aw-qnS uol;eouil d / / (azanos) ja;@A je;eM (s) euua;uV wapow uo!;eolunwwoD ainsolou3 aallo„uoD Sulpunojg jalloi;uoD d A / / sialloi;uoD leul3 pawwea8oad uolleaado uol;elle;sul luauodwo:) alge:)IlddV ION ( Jo VN) I1ej (X Jo j) ssed (d JO A) uoijeaado pue uoilepelsul sluauodwo:) al!S 9 }o Z a2ed b£STb #VIID a �/ a � V VD'gaea8;iodmaN :a;e;S'A;!3 leig auAeM :ao;IpnV 9AlJ4 Axeleg 6SK :ssaippV £Z/ZT/ZT :a;ed aAljd Axeleg 6SbT I :PafoJd ;lpnd uoi;egiaai a:)ueufpap adeaspuel Iu91a(}13 aaIeM Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Irrigation Audit Project: 11459 Galaxy Drive Controller Date: 12/12/23 Address: 11459 Galaxy Drive ^ o D h10C D Auditor: Wayne Graf City,State: Newport Beach, CA CILIA # 141834 Page 3 1 of 1 6 Irrigation Schedule - ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD Start Times Days On Program 1 2 3 4 Su M T W Th I F I Sa Odd Even Interval A-1 5a 12p 5p X X X X X X X ProgramStation Run Times by Start Times Days On ram 1 2 3 4 Su M T W Th F Sa Odd EvenInterval -1 M 6a 1p 6pI X X X X X I X I X ProgramStation Run Times by EMMMEOMM NOTE: ADJUST IRRIGATION SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD TO MEET THE WELO REQUIREMENTS d d d d d d d d d 1VNI3 josuaS ain3sloA pos /' / A /` /` /` /' /' - teal aulldlj4 - - - - - uollellelsul Ja:11lw3 /' /A /` /` /' /' - anleA Ala -I HIV /' /' /` A / - anleA4snlj /' /' /' / / / / / uol;eln2aa ainssaJd /` /` /' /' /A /A 'A / - aalllj duo - joleolpul dud / / / / /` /' / - uoRellelsul aulldli-d - uogoa}o'd a2jnS/2ulpunoag a-0M Z - Japooat aJIM-Z algeg ajIM-Z / Neal alzzoN A Meal japluljds /A /' A 1A /A / A Neal @did le a;el / /. /` /` /' /' /` P P jeal adld aullulM 'A - 'A / /4 A /` /` A Ja}eAA 2ulpue4S / A /` /` /' /' 'A }lounb /. Aejdsjano / /` /` /' /` /' /' /' /. ainssaJd mol P /` /` /A /` /A ajnssaJd AH / aSeuleJO peaH mol 1A Ja33lwa/alzzou pa22olD /. luawu2lle aje AejdS sja111w3/sjalggn8/salzzoN T:)aJao:) A salzzoN uollelldp@Jd PagDleA (pea4-of-Peaq) 2upeds japluuds sjasu/sjahjuudS pgooug uollellelsul jasiU/jahlupdS /' /A / /A / / A 1A A jEal amen /` /` /' 'A / A / /' /' aolldSaalMlooidaaleM anleA jaldnoD pinlo OI xo8 aAleA /A /' uol;elle+sul xog @Alen gel OI @AleA ,A A /' / /' /` /` /` /` uol4endo aAleA uo'TelleIsul amen (IO O Cl (I O O ClUSA (O'sA'9'u's) adAl uol;e2lajl d d d d d d d d 1 (Jg'1l'd'1)adAl�ueId b9 £9 Z8 T9 sV bV £V ZV TV alge:)liddV ;ON ( Jo VN) Ilej (j Jo X) ssed (d �o�) uoljejado pue uollellelsul 9 to b a2ed bESTb # VIIJ � / 8 � V Vo 'peaq ljodmaN :a;e;s'Ajlo leig ouAeM :jo;lpnV anljt Axeleg 65bT :ssajp- EZ/ZT/ZT :alet Jajla;uog @nut Axeleg 6SbT :PafoJd 1ipnd uof;e2(fal aDueuip to ade:)spuel Iu81:)(H3 Ja;eM Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Irrigation Audit Project: 11459 Galaxy Drive Controller Date: 12/12/23 Address: 11459 Galaxy Drive n h1 Auditor: lWayne Graf City,State: I Newport Beach, CA CLIA # 141834 Page 1 5 1 of 1 6 Hydrozone Table Controller Hydrozone Irrigation Plant Hydrozone o� # # Type* Method** Factor (PF) Area (sq.ft.) A&B 1 LWU DRIP 0.2 957.0 44.2% A&B 2 LWU DRIP 0.2 174.0 8.0% A&B 3 LWU DRIP 0.2 37.0 1.7% A&B 4 LWU DRIP 0.2 39.0 1.8% A&B 5 LWU DRIP 0.2 267.0 12.3% A&B 6 LWU DRIP 0.2 78.0 3.6% A&B 7 LWU DRIP 0.2 200.0 9.2% A&B 8 LWU DRIP 0.2 85.0 3.9% A&B 9 LWU DRIP 0.2 5.0 0.2% A&B 10 HWU TURF ROTATOR 0.8 322.0 14.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0°% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0°% Total 2,164.0 100.0% Hydrozone* VLWU = very low water use LWU = low water use MWU = moderate water use HWU = high water use Irrigation Method** MS = micro -spray 5 = spray MSR = multi -stream rotator R = rotor B = bubbler D = drip 0 = other Special Landscape Area (sq. ft.) Recycled Pool 659 Spa Fountain Other Total 659 s;uawa.gnbai 013M WjIM sallduaoa pue bMdW of Ienba ao ueqi ssal sI nM13 TS'O = (J+V)/(a+8) ivil ap m a;!s 9E'O = NMI]) iVl3 aOelaAV £08'Z = (D+V) eajv lelol bbT'Z = (V) ealV lelol Z£b'T = (4+q) eajv x dVl3 lelol ELL = (9) eaiV x dVl3 lelol sle3ol seaiV adeospuelllV sle3ol seaiV adeospuelleln3ad SN011tlln:)ivo AV13 T8'O a8ea8ntl (31) Aaua!a1471 u011e;3uJl OL I (Alb) sauozoapAH £bL'T S (tlMVW) aDuennollV ja;eM pallddV wnwlxelA! SS-0 AV13 aIIS £O£'Ob lejol (nM13) asn Ja;eM lelol pa;eLu4s3 oss'ST 6S9 6S9 sle3ol OSS'81 6S9 699 00-T VlS seaay adeaspuel le!aadS £SL'TZ ELL bbT'Z sle3ol SO'8 31lel01 0 0 00'0 TS6'8 ST£ ZO£ SO'T 9L'O USA 8'0 d1HiS i21n1 OT nMH S£ T S SZ'O TS'O dIU(I Z'O 6 nMl 16S TZ SS SZ'O T8'O dIHO Z'O 8 nMl 06£'T 6b ON SZ'O TS'O dIUO Z'0 L nMl ZbS 6T 8L SZ'O T8'O dI'd (I Z'O 9 nMl 9S8'T 99 L9Z SZ'O TS'O dIUG Z'O S nMl TLZ OT 6£ SZ'O TS'O dI8CI Z'O b nMl LSZ 6 L£ SZ'O TS'O d121O Z'O £ nMl 60Z`T £b bLT SZ'O TS'O dINO Z'O Z nMl T59`9 9EZ LS6 SZ'O TS'O dIUCI Z'0 T nMl nMl3 tll x itll3 easy adeaspue3 itl13 1 31 1 adAl jjI id (e) auozolpAH seaJe I MuaplsaJ-uou J01 S17'0 -JV13 auozapAq goea joj eajV adeospuel - eajV seaae Iel;uaplsaJ Jo; SS•0 - 3V13 Anualu 43 uol;egwl/Jo;oei lueld - iVl3 4 bs ul ease adeaspuel lelol -VlS '13 •bs jad suolle50; Jo;nel uo1sJanu00 - Z9'O ll'bs-sear auozoapAq Ile jo adeaspuel le;o; -Vl a;ei uo1.jejldsue„odeA3 - 013 ((V1Sx(iV13-T))+0nx itll3))(Z9'0)(013) = VMVA eajtl x 3V13 x Z9'O x 013 = (p) nM13 TL'0 AejdS peaqJanp 9L'0 sjo;e;o8 9L'o vo;o8 O'T - L'O as0 Ja;eM 421H TS'O sjalggn8 9'0-VO as0JaleMa;ejapoly Wo aaepnsgn5/d1j0 £'O-Z'O as0aa;eMMol 007 adldlaIIH T'0-0'0 asnja;eMMolAaaA 6 (q) poy;al Y uol3eeuil J0476i lueld - id (e) Aao8a;e0 auozoapAH b'St7 13 uopea!dsuea3odeA3 aDuaaa}aa suo13eln:)le3 nM13 pue V/"VW 9 1 }o 9 a;3ed b£STb # VIIJ / 8 Q V VJ`q�ea8 ;aocmGN :a;e;S' A lejE) auAeAr� io;!pnV aA1l(jAxele9 6SbT :ssajp £Z/ZT/ZT :@;eal ialloiluoz) aAljd AxeIED 6S17T :;oafo�d jjpnd uollegiiii a�ueulpl0 adempuel luOIDI}}3191eM Appendix E LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION I hereby certify that: (1) 1 am a professional appropriately licensed in the State of California to provide professional landscape design services. (2) The landscape project for the property located at 1459 GALAXY DR (provide street address or parcel number(s)) was installed by me or under my supervision. (3) The landscaping for the identified property has been installed in substantial conformance with the approved Landscape Documentation Package and complies with the requirements of the City of Newport Beach Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 14.17) and the City of Newport Beach Standards for Implementation of the City of Newport Beach Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance for the efficient use of water in the landscape. (4) The following elements are attached hereto: a. Irrigation scheduling parameters used to set the controller; b. Landscape and irrigation maintenance schedule; c. Irrigation audit report; and d. Soil analysis report, if not submitted with Landscape Documentation Package, and documentation verifying implementation of the soil report recommendations. (5) The site installation complies with the following: a. The required irrigation system has been installed according to approved plans and specifications and if applicable, any prior approved irrigation system alternatives. X Yes No b. Sprinklers comply with ASABE/ICC 802-2014 Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler & Emitter Standard. X Yes No (6) The information I have provided in this Landscape Installation Certificate of Completion is true and correct and is hereby submitted in compliance with the City of Newport Beach Design Standards for Implementation of the City of Newport Beach Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. 33 tl� ssaappy' I!ew-3 WOO,ss3i Jj ij 184NVMJ5NVMJ aagwnN 9suaoi-1 6Ltb9i76 ajea 03-C G-Z G (aieudoaddy 11) dweiS s,Ieuoissa;oad ubisaa adeospue� 899Z6 yO 'goea9 auogdalal b£b 6-9M-b 6Z ssaappy 9ZEL X08 Od am�eu6is J�JI!11, aweN iuud ss3iHHn9 '0 NVAH