HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2024-5459 - Permit ApplicationPrint Form Worksheet for Combo Building & Solar Permit Application oF� Comm] esidential City of Newport Beach - Building Division NOTE: PLAN CHECK FEES DUE AT TIME OF SUBMITTAI 5,._n, wilding r Grading r-Drainage r- Elec r Mech - v F Plum Cu vd Cut F_Cu Yd pill F_ Address (Not address) F_ Flood r' Fire r Liq r- Landsll'ide FN/A Floor Suite No /Project /rmailing Description of Work�L-iy; Use TW--/L,ConstType (/ j / �J�'t�" i,rc GG # StoriesFT # Units (if Res) /v/ 2, T'� Valuation $ Material/Labor yi-S7� New/Add SF�— er SF �f11J �W Garage/New/Add �— OWNER'S NAME Gt�fC:- �/L(i'r'/L�/l i(Ph�(/ ji •Fiat Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address y�x.. city State n Ci //`Z--� ,`��,�- ae L fa Zip >> L?.'-! 7 Telephone `/ T�'4�Z.E; APPLICANT'S NAME Last jLt-"etX First i1't y Applicant's Address Applicant's E-mail Address L,/ c fC 'A �,t v"': (."cif-/�.t,� • C'�y�t� City L y6i 'x'A l'�C 4iC' State ZipF/ Z Telephone ��� — 'L ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME Last 1_2-,li/✓6'if'1z—/ First R/Z;i-)y LicN Architect/Designer's Address Architect/Designer's E-mail Address City State Zip TelephoneF_ ENGINEER'S NAME Last �— First F__— Lic. No.1 Engineer's Address Engineer's E-mail Address City � State F_— Zip F— Telephoned CONTRACTOR'S NAME/COMPANY K) i`k)O `& C q,6\ C c�,_nk, Lic. No. 50� ZZI J--CIass� Contractor's Address Contractor's E-mail Address City Slate �— `` Zip �— TelephoneI y 11F S 1 CL{ SETBACKS REAR SETBACKS FRONT PERMIT NO. C7 SETBACKS LEFT SETBACKS RIGHT PLAN CHECK USE ZONE DEVELOPMENT NO PLAN CHECK FEES $