HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2021-3176 - Misc (5)�2s 1 opal CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNHYDEVELOP1VjjnWDEPAR rfEN-r IffUn DING DIVMoN Cttdut¢* 1 W CMc Caber D6 e [ P.O. -Bmc 17W ( Newport Beach, CA 82558-8 1 s - - -tea"'" 4av1(949}s44-3 — FIRE SPP-WKLER NFPA 13D ST'STENI ROUGH INSPECTION CHECKLyS'T --- YES C�ucfcn aria Lorin nra - a. Drain twe- — b- Baddbw derrice (fie dw=k) c- Bea ❑ d- arspecbys test wake e_ Riser stmd per appmyed €jana Q 2- - Pressse Tek - a- 5ys€emtsf5dat Of� P-es - fix 2 heirs Elb_ PrgsEWe-gauge awed ❑ 3- 9 - ca:r Ems MW not be arstaffed az 5re fEtbr s afar to fhe frffrigs E+erre cerrrenfed cr ice (�rrr�vtest Dh=l - -- -- - - aInStdadon and sf a of temporary test Pkigs El 4 ftiW b- Hangem per Wwargoyement r- Ap CPVC p9wQ 41al be r=RW by pWSCFM %fla fMW been cutfied by ffte max&actLjw for wmWaffon ❑ of CPVC ppwv a PiPQV Pmtacted fru'o damage Beg a- g hsWed per mde ❑ b- Baxes astaled at primer bce;M, - b ❑ NOTE CF'VC pLz� pipe h � garage sna6 not be used. SoMAJers drat are kited as `QLack Resnansa` of 'Residerd ar MEZe be rid. - - CORRECTIONS AND NOTES- F'iRE SPPtNI0-ER NFPA 13D SYSTEM ROUGH WSPECTION APPftOvED:} PERMFF -.. / 0'L 2 BY: M A I Sj /E /%O A% DATE• C / / —D`/d% c-h cT�� �JohO— ZZOtd :C1altoi3rirlH ZVFIR3 W315AS €3ELVcj4t$ N3"'NN�'s4d S 32383 El - El ,.mod radc.�d 6umot}s � IE �� aar�d 6u�d0 "L �L oil -' Pue y 'O1 El 5FF31SA8 i = _ laq fxw PG;xp= PqsDd -» ■ i SPEN -• e afm5 _ -_ _p - - = F •Va fxm ■ e' ). _ •: - md pnm=- _ - i szjs _ - IwM Q f EE ►. 1 ... ti o 6 -� Oh 0 - 2,Z.01f --7 �,ti rbd 9 1 lE.(5 7/12/24, 2:42 PM 1 ca9b443e-aae5-42a1-aa62-7c6d6167da57.jpg(2016-2688) � CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING 3300 Newport Boulevard o DIVISION www.new o be@ BOX 17681 v 1(Newport Beach, CA 92656 rtbeachca. ov�(ggg)6gq-3275 SETBACKS AND TOP OF SLAB/FLOOR ELEVATION CERTIFICATE .,a. °'c structure is located properly on site per the approved drawings, This certificate also verifies the top of slab/floor elevation noted on the approved drawings. After the top of slab/floor elevation is verified to match the elevation specified on the approved drawings, the contractor and inspector can measure the height of the structure to the top of slab/floor to verify that it is equal or less than the dimension shown on building sections and elevations. This form must be filled out by a registered surveyor or civil engineer authorized to perform surveys. The survey must be done after the concrete forms are in place or preferable after the concrete slab is poured or raised floor is built, but prior to starting wall framing. Engineer/Surveyor's Name Michael A. Forkert License # LS 5662 Engineer/Surveyor's Address 22311 BrookhUrst St, Ste 203, H.B. CA 92646 Job Address 231 Opal Avenue Setbacks: Sketch a site plan and specify surveyed setbacks (use back page). ' Top of slab/floor elevation: 9.00, * If slab/floor elevation varies, sketch a plan or section through slab on the back page and specify the elevations. Use same datum used in the survey of record. I certify that the setbacks are ®, are not ❑, per City approved plans. Describe any deviations from plans: I certify that top of slab/floor elevadon(s) is®, is not ❑, ay,�N an deviations from plans: .D n_ F.rawings. Describe 11/04/2022 Date Fom s/Sabacks cITopofSlabElevationCen. h ---------•-- ... ... =-aaeu- zai-aati2-7c6d6167da57.jpg 1/2 Z2 6 . LgePL9 (999Zx9LOZ) 6dPLgePL9L9P90L Z9ee-LeZb-gaee-a£bb96ea Z/Z 6df g9LaagqOZ Le1-9eo6-08£YpoBb-ieega09q/0oZ0000000/sapjpopeoldn/n06jaua/pojd—Ao6Jeue/no6'eogoeagliodmou'swp/:sdgq ~ 9 T Wd lb:Z 1OWL (8£9Z•9lOZ) 6df'g9LaabgOZlel-9eo6-o8£h po8b-lee9a09q CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 BUILDING HEIGHT CERTIFICATION Project Street Address: 231 Opal Avenue Building Permit Number(s): X2021-3176 As the surveyor of record for the project at the above address, I hereby certify that 1 ti,,_e_rev ;ewed the City Newport eac approved plan and original topographic survey and based the elevations listed below on those plans. Elevations shall include an allowance for roofing material thickness if not yet installed. Provide each critical ridge and flat roof, or roof deck railing elevations indicated on the approved plans. Use the format below on the back of this form if additional space is necessary or further explanation is needed. Provide original copy to the inspector before roof framing inspection. All elevation points are based on: O NAVD88 O NGVD29 O Assumed Please provide the following elevation information for the highest roof ridges, flat roofs, or parapets/guardrails. Additional elevation points may be requested by the Building Inspector. RIDGES (3:I2 slope or greater) 1. Approved elevation point of ridge is 38.00' and actual elevation point is 37,83' 2. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of ridge is and actual elevation point is FLAT ROOFS, PARAPETS AND GUARDRAILS I. Approved elevation point of Flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 2. Approved elevation point of flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is 3. Approved elevation point of Flat roof or parapet is and actual elevation point is I certify that the above height measurements are correct and the above project: OIS in compliance with the City -approved plans. O IS NOT m Ila9vR1®" he City -approved plans (Provide explanation). �5 E� A. a 9G Please describe any de rpltom the! roved plans on the back of this form. 5/12/2023 Surveyor or ineer's" ureandsea] (Wetstam� iaaatFt o ,,;.°a Date s License number of 33965 or lower F..a Building Height Cenifi,,iun I I/02/16 7/12/24, 2:39 PM ba9lac20-5969-4b07-b2b8-b38a2b895a77.jpg (2016.2688) C ex O R N E R RECORD DocumentAgencyinNumber2022-0762 City of NEWPORT BEACH California County of ORANGE Brief Legal Description LOT 9. RI nrk to CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. Government Corner❑ Control ❑Elevation — + — Meander ❑ Property ® Units Metric El U.S. Survey Foot Rancho ElOther ❑ Horizontal Datum L Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey_ 11-30—Vertical Datum El Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 El Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref: ® 8765(d) ❑ 8771 ❑ 8773 ❑ Other. Comer/ 0 Left as found ❑ Established Monument: ❑ Rebuilt ❑ Pre -Construction ❑ Found and tagged ® Reestablished ® Referenced ❑ Post -Construction Narrative of comer identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed 0 See sheet #2 for description (s): Received Mar 222022 st Check OC Survey SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Comer Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surve ors' Act on MARCH 3 2022 Signed �--�f 9:* J —! P.L.S. No. 5662 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Comer Record was received and examined and County Surveyor's Comment BPELSG-2016 P.L.S. or R.C.E. No. Page f of https:Hlms.newportbeachca.gov/energov_prod/energov/UploadedFiles/0000000200/ba91 ac20-5969-4b07-b2b8-b38a2b895a77.jpg 1/2 Z/Z 6df LLe96ggZe8£q-9gZq-LOqY6969-OZoe L6eq/o0Z0000000/sal!jPapeo!dn/^oo,aua/pold—no6jaue/no6'eogoeagljodmou'sw!//:sduy (999Zx9LOZ)6df.21e96ggZe8Eq-8gZq-LOqb-6969-OZoe L6eq Wd 6£Z'bZ/Z L/L CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. oBUILDING 68 DIVISION ewport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www newportbeachca Qov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Projec Report t Address: 231 Opal Ave, Newport Beach Report Date: 07/16/2024 CNB Inspector Name: Building Owner Name: Owners Mailing Address (if different from site); Owners Telephone #: Full Name of Structural Observer SO U O Or asll A IdoQvgouvisgroup.com SO Telephone #: (949)521-4372 PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS OBSERVED FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMES DIAPHRAGMS check ap lical INDICATE LOCATIONS ❑ Conventional ❑ Concrete (Floor/Roof) Footin s 8 Slab El Steel ❑ Concrete OBSERVED ❑ Mat Foundation, ❑ Masonry ❑concrete Prestressed Concrete ❑ Steel Deck Observation exterior & interior framing are ❑ Caissons, Piles, ❑ Wood or Manuf. ❑ Masonry Grade Beams ❑ Wood complete done is okay to finals. Shear Panels ❑ Other: ❑Other: ❑ Other: ❑Other: ❑ ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: "No Deficiencies" 76 FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The strurruro I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under MY responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. i CNB Permit #: x2021-3176 CNB Plan Check #: SO License / Reg. #: C052030 07/16/2024 ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. were i No. C052030 Exp. 12/31/24 07/16/2024 I ATE STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Forms\StvcnvelObscrvetiavR.sport&L,strucnoos Gouvisengineering ' [t]AEI L�(LY7a �r0 tl�l ifl[. July 16, 2024 Mark Rosene Thomas James Homes 26880 Aliso Viejo Pkwy., Suite 100 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Re: Thomas James Homes - Orange County (Woodley) GECG Job # 65861 Address: 231 Opal Ave, Newport Beach/Balboa Island, Permit # X2021-3176 Structural Observation Report/Interior & Exterior Framing Dear Mr. Rosene, This letter advises that we have observed the structural requirements that are visible during construction at the time of our site visit. Gouvis Engineering believes that the as -built construction at the time of our visit (except items noted on field notes) is in general conformance with our structural plans and relevant correspondence issued by our office relating to the above -referenced dwelling. We observed the building in its framed condition prior to the installation of drywall and stucco. We observed the visual and accessible structural requirements. This report is understood to be an expression of professional opinion by this engineer, which is based on his best knowledge, information, and beliefs. As such, it consists of a report for only structural elements (as above outlined) and is neither a guarantee nor a warranty, expressed or implied for other trades or requirements of the subject dwelling. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully Submitted: GOUVIS ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP, INC. t4o4oa Basil A A#mmar Luu Do Vice President, Field Operations Project Manager - Field 949.752.1612 15 Studebaker Irvine, CA 92618 www.90uvisgroup.Com Palm Springs, CA Pleasanton, CA Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam SEW Pp _ !� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachea.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 Project Address; Structural Observation Report Report Dale: (( CNB Inspector Name: �`' e ew fi0rr %Z Building Owner Name: Owner's Mailing A dress (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: SO Telephone #: PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTR nun rnunlor TIn. o CNB Permit #: CNB Plan Check #: SO License / Reg. #: FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS FRAMFD,MS n nN n�.avm INDICATE LOCATIONS) uvnns DATE �. Conventional ❑Concrete f) OBSERVED OBSERVED Footin s & Slab ❑Steel° 65C�rva-lo Mat Foundation, Concrete ❑ Masonry ❑ ConcretPrestressed AwA-rr AoCaissons, Piles. Beams ❑ Wood or Manuf. Shear PanelsOther. ❑ MasonryGrade ❑Other.liCtq, ^❑Other: .ZDa Ic �rTCbC n ----------•---.�....•�.+�� nrvmuvcu ANU VVI I ROUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the approve all I oeaare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1 1 am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be In responsible charge of the structural observation; j 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure Is In general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. ❑ REPORT J ON ATTACHED PAGES. were s I AMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BY AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. f.,mn �vuv'iwalU�ew�Rmun&Im,unam Job Number:65861 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachcagov 1 (949) 644-3200 Structural Observation Report Project Address: Report Date: 213 Opal, 8th February 2023 CNB Inspector Name: Building Owner Name: TJH Builder LLC Owners Mailing Address (if different from site); Owner's Telephone #: Full Name of Structural Observer (SO)Basnifianniad PLEASE INDICATE STRUCTUR FOUNDATIONS SHEAR WALLS ❑ Conventional Footings & Slab ❑ Mat Foundation, Prestressed Concre ❑ Caissons, Piles, Grade Beams ❑ Other: ❑ Concrete ❑ Masonry X Wood orManuf. Shear Panels ❑ Other: SO E-mail ELEMENTS AND CONNECTION FRAMES DIAPHRAG (Floor/Roi ❑ Steel ❑ Concrete ❑ Concrete I ❑ Steel Deck ❑ Masonry I X Wood ❑ Other: 1 ❑ Other: IN ITEMS CHECKED ABOVE ARE APPROVED AND WITHOUT DEFICIENCIES. ❑ OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES AND COMMENTS: No ❑ FINAL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT: The structure generally complies with the anornve CNB Permit#: CNB Plan Check #: SO Telephone M So.. 797410 C052030 OBSERVED (check applicable boxes) >I INDICATE LOCATION(S) DATE OBSERVED OBSERVE Observed 3rd Floor 02/08/23 ❑ REPORT CONTINUED ON ATTACHED PAGES. I and all observed I declare that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge: 1. I am the licensed design professional retained by the owner to be in responsible charge of the structural observation; 2. I, or another licensed design professional whom I have designated above and is under my responsible charge, have performed the required site visits at each significant construction stage to verify that the structure is in general conformance with the approved construction documents; 3. 1 understand that all deficiencies which I have documented must be corrected, prior to final acceptance of the structural systems by the City of Newport Beach, Building Division. m�a 02/08/2023 STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION DOES NOT WAIVE ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING INSPECTION BYAUTHOR¢ED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. eom��swrn,,,ionser�no�neoon&wwm�a� ENGINEERS t GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIEN_'--- April 5, 2024 THOMAS JAMES HOMES J.N. 22-145 26880 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Suite 100 -T- I N Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. Mark Rosene Subject: Geotechnical Observations and Testing, Final Soils Report of Foundation Excavations, Slab Snbvradec and Utility Trench and taining Wall aC 231 Opal Avenue, Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California References: See Attached List Dear Mr. Rosene: Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is submitting herewith a summary of our observations of foundation excavations for site structures, and our observations and test results pertaining to slab subgrade soils, and placement and compaction of backfill behind retaining walls and within utility trenches located in landscape areas, and under slabs within the subject site. Representatives from our firm performed on -call field density testing and field observations at the request of the project superintendent during post -grade operations. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Foundation Excavation Observations Excavations of footing trenches for the residence and site structures were observed and found to be excavated into engineered fill per the foundation plans and the recommendations presented in our reference reports. Utility Trench Backfill 1. Backfill of interior and exterior trenches consisted of onsite soils placed above select sand bedding. The sand bedding placed above utility lines was jetted and varied from approximately 6 inches to 2 feet in depth. Backfill materials were moisture conditioned, as necessary, to achieve optimum or above Optimum moisture conditions prior to and/or during placement, and then compacted in 6- to 8-inch lifts with a pneumatic tamper to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent (based on ASTM D 1557). 2. Exterior trench backfill under the observation and testing of Petra consisted of sewer, water, area drain, and a common (joint) trench containing electric, telephone and data lines. The approximate maximum depth of soil backfill placed over bedding sand for the various trenches was approximately 3 feet in the sewer trench excavation. Offices Strategically Positioned Throughout Southern California ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 3186 Airway Avenue, Swte K. Costa Mesa. California 92626 T 714. 549,3921 F. 714 549 1438 For mare mformaion wsd us ariwe at www.oetra_l, com S30N310S030 raoausvonos �l13d 0 suollupuaunu000i ino glim aauegdmoa luaau3S ui aq of puno; aaam liodaa sap ui passnaslp su silos apuaBgns gsls Pim Ili3?Ioeg lieM Buiuizlaa pue gauaal f4lllln palsal pue paniasgo aaagm `uoillppt, uI 'IlS PaaaauiBua olui popuno; uaaq anuq of panaasgo aaam saaigotuls alis put, aauapisaa aql ao3 suout,nuaxa gouaal 2ulloo3 suolsnzouoa 'II aigul In palsal aae pue L991 Q WISV Poq;ayq 1831 o; Buipioaas pauiuua;ap azam (g pue V sa(mZ pos) silos a;isuo;uouiuioid;soui agl ao; sanlue aanlslom umunldo pue Ai!suop ,Cap ummlxem ,tmluaoqul oU '£ •1333 Z of 13o sit,vaalul luauaae lu uaalt,l aaam sisal ,(usuap plaid 'Z '(8£69 Q WISV) aBnBD aealanN a glim ua)lul aaam slsal Clisuap plo13 '(I aan213) &W uollt,00-I Isal flisuaQ Suauudmooau aqi uo umogs aae suolluaoi lsal alumlxoaddt, pue `I alge,L ui pazuuununs are sopuiBgns quls puu slig loeq llum Buiululaa pub gouaai aql ao; sllnsaa sisai Ailsuop plai3 upsal Ajolujoqul pus plald •suogi?puaunuooaa ono aad se paaalum-aid oslu aaam silos opmBgns aqI main 3o luiod Iuaiugaalo38 u wog algeldaaou paaaplsuoo On put, ivamaould aiaaouoo of aoud palsal aaam silos opuaBgns asagl 'LSSi Q Pogiow Isa,L WJ'SV glim aaut,paoaau Iumaua8 ul faimp Sap umuaxem faolt,aoqul alquollddu aql jo luooaad 06 3o uopoudmo anilelaa umunuim a of oaeid-ul paloudmoa uagl puu lualuoa aanlsiom mnmudo anoqu ao umunido anaigau of pouollipuoo aanlslom aaam squls agi;o silos apt,aBgns Imoi_ims agI `salliniiau uoilonalsuoa Buunp aouuganlslp of anp puu gut pmB gSnoi;o uoiialdmoo aqI aouis pasdula puq lugs mul;o lunome aqi of anQ s;)pu,-tffq-nSqvlS •sliodai aauaaa;aa aql III paluosaid suoilupuaumioaaa aqi glim aout,pa000t, ui paauld uaaq anuq of paaapisuoo axe puu palsal io/puu pagoad aaagm slinauq lium Buiuiulag .£ .� 'LSSI QPoglab�i Isa,L WLSV giim aaut,pa000u Iuaaua8 ul Alisuap SLIP mnmixum fuoleaoqul alquallddu agi;o ivamad 06 3o uoyaudmoo aellulaa umunalm u of paioudmoo puu `lualuoa aanlsiom mnunldo auau anaigae of faussooau su poop ale ao paaalum `s1311 gaul-9 of -1, flolt,mixoiddu ul paauld aaam silos lli3 Olu silos alisuo 3o laa3 Z [fialuuaxoaddu si sllum Buimelaa 6aluo oql puigaq paauld IIg 3o gldap mnmixum aqI 'Z •auqu; aajjg ui pnddt,am IanujB `goui-b/, jo looj suouil i3d iooj oigna I mnunulm u ui pappagma sadid paluao;aad S£-2IQS aalameip-gaui-1, 3o paisisuoo smals4s uivapgns aqI silos alisuo gllm pallijlouq Suiaq sllem aql of aoud sllum Buiulelaa XAua aqi puigaq paauld aaam smals4s uleapgns IaeuaB puu odld ' I ;uamaauld [jP-3vg puu su►uapgnS HUM umlu;ag •sliodaa paouaaa;aa aqI ui paluasaad suoilupuauauooaa aqi glim aauupa000u Iuaau38 ui paauld uaaq anuq of paaaplsuoo aau palsal ao/pue pagoad aaagm sIIjRauq gouaal Sviilfl '£ Z aBed Sbi ZZ 'N'f puvlsl voqlvg / anuaay lvdo 1 £Z bZOZ `S IudV S�MOH S3WVf SVWOHL THOMAS JAMES HOMES 231 Opal Avenue /Balboa Island April 5, 2024 J.N. 22-145 Page 3 and the grading codes of the City of Newport Beach, California. The completed work within this firm's purview to the extent observed, as discussed herein, has been reviewed and is considered adequate from a geotechnical perspective. REPORT LIMITATIONS Representatives of Petra were present on -site on an on -call basis during post -grading operations for the purpose of providing the owner's representative with professional opinions and recommendations. These opinions and recommendations were developed based on field observation and selective testing of the nontractor's work. Our scope of am vicm during this project d1V not me u e supervision or direction of the contractor, his personnel or his subcontractors. As documented in this report, our observations and testing did not reveal any obvious deviations from the recommendations provided in the referenced geotechnical reports; however, Petra does not in any way guarantee the contractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor (or any subcontractors) of their liability should any defects subsequently be discovered in their work product. Based on our findings, this report was prepared in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering practices, and no warranty is implied nor made. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for the project. Please call if you have any questions pertaining to this report. Respectfully submitted, PETRA GEOSCIENCES, INC. Siamak Jafroudi, PhD Senior Principal Engineer GE 2024 SM/SJ/lv Attachments: References Table I — Field Density Test Summary Table II — Laboratory Optimum Moisture and Maximum Dry Density Test Data Figure 1 — Density Test Location Map W 12020-202 022\100122-145I p. W 1451. F-1 Soils Repmld PETRA GEOSCIENCES'- SOLID AS A ROCK N30Y V SV 0170S S33N310S030 �� •Vd13d '£ZOZ `8 finf PaIuP `SbI-ZZ 'N'f `83aualosoa0 ualad Xq liodaz `.uilUoj!juD `gaeog Ixodma1l `puulsl uogleg `anuany ludo I £Z `aouaplsa-1 fillun3-al2ulS posodoid `2ulpu g g2noHjo liodag luolugooloa0 -£ 'ZZOZ `6Z ludy palep `Sb I-ZZ 'N'f `saaualasoa0 euad Xq liodaz :eiuxo311uD `gouag luodmaN `puulsl uoglug `anuany fed0 I£Z `oouaplsD-d iUolS-oaiiU opeuJ-ly posodozd xo3 `IZOZ `bZ .iaquianoN palep `uoisinia 2uipling — luougaedaQ luawdolanaQ �I!ununuoD `gauag uodmaN 3o AaiD agl fq Is!Roago malna,dpods-1 leolugaaloog of asuodsag puu `pi000-d jo luminsuoD luotugooloa0 ul a2uugD jo aoiloN •Z I ZOZ `L iaquialdoS poluP `9080IZ loafozd `oul `luolugaaloa.,) aniluziD Xq lzodai `ya `gauag laodmapl `anuany judo I£Z `oouoplsa l ,4olS-oa qj aprjg-IV pasodoid `uolle2usanul 2uu3aul2ug leonuloaloa0 fiuulunlaad 'I b a2ud 541-ZZ 'N'f punlsl noging / anuany IndO I £Z bZOZ `S IPdy SNWOH SaNlyf svwoHl THOMAS JAMES HOMES 231 Opal Avenue /Balboa Island TABLE Field Density Test Summary April 5, 2024 J.N. 22-145 of t Test No. Location Depth* ft. Moist. %) Unit Wt. bs./cu.ft. % Rel. Comp. Soil T e 022 1-SG Building Pad 0.0 1 L4 124.7 94 B 022 1-IT Building Pad 1.0 11.2 123.1 93 B 023 1-S Exterior 1.5 9.1 100.7 93 A 023 2-S Exterior 0.0 8.7 100.4 93 A 23 k3/07/2O24 1-W Exterior 0.5 8.9 101.3 94 A 023 1-1 Exterior 0.5 9.3 100.8 93 A 024 2-SG Driveway 0.0 9.6 99.4 92 A 024 1-AD Side Yard 0.0 9.9 99.5 92 q 024 1-RW Front Entry 0.0 8.7 100.4 93 A 24 3-SG Front Entry 0.0 9.3 100.3 93 A NG - SUBGRADE S - SEWER W - WATER J - JOINT (ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, GAS) AD - AREA DRAIN RW - RETAINING WALL * - DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADE PETRA GEOSCIENCES'" SOCIO AS A ROCK xooevavon0S S30N313S030 / Vl� 13d �` uodwl, 0'6 (as) PUBS — H Sol FEilisuao O L WS) PUBS— V w�xey� %) aan;sloy� wnwpdp11 aGjL IIoS e;eQ;sajL j4IsuaQ,GQ wniulxzW puu aan;s►oW wnwpdp Cao;eaogej H arl9v L Sti'ZZ'IQ'f puvyslvogtvg/anuaaylvd0 [FZ bZOZ `S IudV S3 wOH Sawvr SVWOH.I ENGINEERS + GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS July 8, 2022 J.N. 22-145 THOMAS JAMES HOMES 26880 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Suite 100 G Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. Mark Rosene ReportSubject: Geotechnicat of xohg11 urading, Proposed Single -Family Residence, 231 Opal Avenue, Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California References: 1) Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed At -Grade Three -Story Residence, 231 Opal Avenue, Newport Beach, CA; report by Creative Geotechnical, Inc., Project 210806, dated September 7, 2021. 2) Notice of Change in Geotechnical Consultant of Record, and Response to Geotechnical Report Review Checklist by the City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department — Building Division, dated November 24, 2021, for Proposed At -Grade Three - Story Residence, 231 Opal Avenue, Balboa Island, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., dated April 29, 2022 (J.N. 22-145). Dear Mr. Rosene: Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is submitting herewith a summary of the observation and testing services provided by this firm during rough grading operations within the subject site. Conclusions relative to the suitability of the grading for the planned structures, and foundation design recommendations for the proposed residences and other site improvements, are included herein. The purpose of the grading was to develop an engineered fill pad for the construction of a single-family residence and associated hardscape features. Grading began on June 28, 2022 and was completed on July 1, 2022. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Site Clearing Structural materials associated with the previous residential structure were removed from the site. Clearing operations also included the removal of previous structural features, such as concrete walkways, patios and block walls, as well as landscape vegetation. Trees and large shrubs, where removed, were grubbed out to include their stumps and major root systems. Offices Strategically Positioned Throughout Southern California ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 3186 Airway Avenue, Suite K, Costa Mesa, California 92626 T: 714.549.8921 F: 714.668-3770 For more information visit us online at www oetra-inc oom A30H V SV 01709 S33N310S030 VU13d -laodaa s?gl;o pug agl It g aigley u? pap?noad ON sljnsaa agl pule pauugjaad sisal agy '�C AT40le lua?mago pule so?lsualoealega �uuaau?2ua a?aql au?maaTap of aapao u? apuaS ped gs?ug aleau pau?lelgo sjuuamum j?os al?suo jo sajdmus uo pouuo3aad ijsno?naad azam sisal 6aolleao(Ile1 jleaanaS urasa,L oluaoge7 -gouag laodmoMjo 641:) ogl,jo apo:) 9uipino agl puu slaodga poouaaa3aa ano 3o suo?lupuauuuoaai agl ajl?m aouugdmoo 11:13ua3 ui pauuol.7ad sum To] log fgns aqT u?gl?m luomaould II?d '9 Tsai ,iljsuop golea ao; ajgea?jddu sum j olgley u? paluosaad anjue ,il?suap umm?xem faoluaoquj oql;? 5u?u?uualap ao3 s?suq agl sum plug agl ul sluualum gl-m3 3o uo?Tuag?ssujo aj?Tael pule juns?n 'S 'loaf Z of i 3o slunaalu? jua?laan IT?ua3jel azam sisal !.l?suap p1313 'ti •j aanB?3 mid ails posolouo agl uo palo?dap on sisal LT?suap plag agl;o suo?muaoi aleuuxoaddle puu `V alquy u? paz?aeuzums gale sllnsaa Tsay (g£69 Q Y�TLSV) spoglam auolonu 6q pauuo�jaad aaam sisal Tualuoa aims?out pue !l?suop pia?3'luomaould jig duunp pauuolaad azam 2u?ls3l ,(l?suap piag puu suo?llenaasg0 '£ •laa3 q f Qlum?xoaddu si pled $ulpT?nq vqj ssoaae paould 11Tj jo gldop umut?xum agy 'LSS T Q poglow lsay WISV iil?m oouupa000u u? Al?suop Cap mnunxuuz �iaoluaogel alquoalddu ogl;o Tuaaiad 06 3o uollaudmoo an?lujaa uanugu?m u of palmdmon puu slualuoo aanlsiom mnm?ldo aeoqu ao lu ana?gau of ,taussaaau su pauo?l?puoo DIMs?om `sgq 3j3?gl-gou?-9 of -b flolucu?xoaddu ut paauld aaam sl?os aqy 'Z 'sl?os laodml puu al?s-uo;o paTscsuoa of?s loafgns gill u?gpm pooeld sjuuolum jig aqy ' T upsaji, pug luaiaaasld MA 'saanmonals cull flaadoad luooufpu 3o uopooload oql oT uan18 sum uoiluaap?suoa `aaegmoq `.cull findoad of ou?i ,(laadoad Cjomu xoaddle Lmg popualxo uo?loledmooaa puu uo?leneaxaaano 3o sT?m?j aauupaoaou u? Al?suop Cap umm?xum u fjoluaoqui alquaildd ieluozuoH 'LSSi Q PogloY�j TsoL W LSd Til?m 041 ,jo luaoaad 06 3o uoiloudmoo an?Tujaa ummiu?m le of ooeld ui palaudmooaa uagl puu `umua?Tdo uugl aaleaao �Ilq$Ils sum legl luoluoo aanls?om uuo3mn u anaigau of pauoilipuoo gams?om `sogoui 93o gldop e of paguuos Tsn-1 aaam sa3u3ans mouoq posodxa oql `lllg paaaau13ua su spos palueuaxaaano 3111 Sumuldaa of aoud -silos luolodmoo of apeaS Ou?ls?xo molaq Taaj £;o gldap mnmpuim 13 of paeomaa sum punoaB Su?ls?xa 0111 sluamanoadmi ails aouolxo puu suo?Tupuno; jeanlonmis posodoad agT ao3 laoddns uuoj!un klae?lulaa puu aiglel?ns ap?noad of aapao u? `aao�jaaagy 'sou?l Al?I?ln puu suo?Tlepuno; sit puu aauap?saa 4u?Ts?xa agl;o uo?l?jomap aqT Bump poganls?p Aj1gBT sum aau;ans punoa� �u.1s?x0 agy uoyuau gad pano►O Z 35ud uv s v vdOI£Z StiT-ZZ'N'f P 17 vo 4117/ onuan f�l ZZOZ `S Kinf SXTOH SdNTVf SVNTOHI THOMAS JAMES HOMES July 8, 2022 231 Opal Avenue /Balboa Island J.N. 22-145 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Regulatory Compliance Removals, overexcavation, processing of exposed surfaces, and placement of engineered fill under the Purview of this report have been completed under the part-time observation of, and with selective testing by Petra and are found to be in general compliance with the recommendations provided in the reference report and the grading codes of the City of Newport Beach, California. The completed work within this firm's purview has been reviewed and is considered to be in compliance with project specifications. It is our opinion that the as -graded condition of the subject lot and the proposed building construction will not have an adverse effect on the geologic stability of adjacent properties. Post -Grading Considerations Geotechnical design and construction recommendations for foundations, site walls, concrete flatwork, site drainage, and utility trench backfill, that were provided in the reference reports are still considered valid and should be implemented in the design and construction of the proposed structures and improvements. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Should any new structures or improvements be proposed at any time in the future other than those shown on the enclosed grading plan and discussed herein, our firm should be notified so that we may provide design recommendations. Design recommendations are particularly critical for any new improvements that may be proposed on or near descending slopes, and in areas where they may interfere with the proposed permanent drainage facilities. Potential problems can develop when drainage on the pad is altered in any way (i.e., excavations or placement of fills associated with construction of new walkways, patios, block walls and planters). Therefore, it is recommended that we be engaged to review the final design drawings, specifications and grading plan prior to any new construction. If we are not given the opportunity to review these documents with respect to the geotechnical aspects of new construction and grading, we can take no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations presented herein. POST -GRADING OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Our firm should be notified at the appropriate times in order that we may provide the following observation and testing services during the various phases of post grading construction: ffitoo PETRA SOLID AS A ROCK 53aN310S030 M70H V SV al7os V U13d ;anpozd Ajom nag; ul pazanoaslp oq Alluonbosgns slaa;OP AM pinogs Xllllqull zlagi jo (sJolauzluoa-qns iuu io) zo;aualuoa aq; anailai Soolnzas mo op jou `Strom s,iolasxluoa oql aa;usiun l ism iuu UT IOU saop salad zanamog `.uug mo fq liodaz lualugaa;oag pomajoJol agl ul papinozd suopupuaunuoaaz aq; urog suouElnap snoingo ,iuu luanax;ou pip Su[lsa; pus suollu,uasgo .mo •sioloszluoogns slq zo louuosiad slq `xo mIxtoo agl 3o uol;oazlp zo uolslnzadns opnloul lou pip lo3foid slgl oupp scam lasso adoas mO 'Slzom s,io;aenuoa aql d;aalas puu suouuniasgo plug uo possq podolanap aiam suol;spuoulmooaz pus suouudo osogy 3o Surlsal an 'suol;upuaumroaaz pus suoundo luuolssa;ozd gllm anusluasazdas s,aaumo ag; Sulpinosd;o asodmd agl xo3 slsuq popaau-su `Ilua-uo uu uo suol;undo Sulpuo guunp olls-uo luosazd sum uAQd 3o anl;u;uosaxdoi V SNOIIVIIWlrl lHoagn -uuld gulptB 2ul Wuduc000u agl uo umogs sapuJ2 ag; puoAaq io anoqu su Ilam su suollueu3x3 AuSoduial ul poould oq of pg fuu puu sapid$ pasodoxd of paauld lll3 30 �Upsal ,i;lsuop plug uuo3zad puu ansasgO • ulp'JD luuol;IPPH ulPUID-0 a S •uoiluzlauod amistoui puu `lua;uoa amismu[ `6llsuap plug luaunoop o; SUOR Suom;ug a;aiauoa moloq silos apu.12gns ;sal puu anzasgO uol;axulsuoO laom;u13 3l3x3u00 'l, •lig3iouq gouail ,fllflln3o Supsol ,ulsuop plag uuo3zad puu a uasgO • lli3Sloug gauaiy Illifl 'f •Il3Slouq llum gululu;ax;o Suilsal ,Sllsuap platg uuo3xad puu aniasgO • -sllum Sulululaz oql pulgaq pollulsul suxa;s, S uluapgns ag; aniasgo -silos olglssaidwoo zo Palumlus `q'Bnols ;uuoglu2ls ululuoo of puno3 are sagauaz; 3l `1�113sso3ou;l sagauail Bulloo; a,uasgo-ag •suolllpuoa guuuaq llos lualaduzoo ,Alan of Pa;unuaxa lszg uogm sagouaal iiupoo3 an osgO slluAA ulululou puu sllulrl Xoolg osulnl 'Z •ugl;uilauad puu ;ualuoo aanlslout alunluna o; suazu gsls moloq silos op-ej2gns ;sa; puu anaasgo • sllos olglssojdutoo aslmaaglo zo palum;us `asoo13o uol;ulnuxnaou ;uu3glu3ls u ulu;uoa g; pung3 am sogauo4 31 `kmssaoou 31 sogauail 2ul;oo; aniasgo-ag • suolllpuoo 2uuuaq Ilos luoladmoo Ajlcan o; pa;unuaxa;s-1g uagm sagauaij �m;ool anzasgO • uoilonilswo ulpling ' I h aBud puvls7 voglvg l anuanV lvd0 I £Z Sbl-ZZ 'N'f SAWOH sawvr SVNOH.L ZZOZ `S flnf THOMAS JAMES HOMES 231 Opal Avenue /Balboa Island July 8, 2022 J.N. 22-145 Page 5 Based on our findings, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein and within the referenced report by our firm were prepared in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering practices. No warranty is expressed or implied. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Please call if you have any questions pertaining to this report. Respectfully submitted, I !" Don Obert Associate Engineer RGE 2872 SM/DO/DR/ly Attachments: Table A — Field Density Test Results Table B — Laboratory Data Summary Figure 1 — Density Test Location Plan MUM 2025UO22N I WM-145 cpns�-145200 Rouh Gmde Reod.&u t PETRA GEOSCIENCES" Darrel Roberts Principal Geologist CEG 1972 SOLID AS A ROCK • Mood V sV 0770S 3ON310S03`0 VSU13d pEd gs!u!d — d.d apein gsl.uu tiolaq g7d3Q „ g 96 Z'8Zi b'6 dd pEd 8u!pling 9 ZZOZ/IO/L g 96 6'LZi I'01 O'i pudOulpl?ng S ZZOZ/0£/9 V £6 9'001 £'8 0'Z pEd Ruiplmg b ZZOZ/6Z/9 y b6 £'10I 9'L 0'£ podsuipling £ ZZOZ/8Z/9 y 56 870I I'8 07 pEd 2utpl!ng Z ZZOZ/8Z/9 V b6 6'I0I b'8 0'£ p Vuiplmg I ZZOZ/8Z/9 a j, (<os moR ''IOU% (7Tn3/'sq 'ah137nR %) aanlsioLll ('33) �g1daQ ou8ao7 n olsl ISas Isad, 3° 03eQ salnsag asa jL ApuaQ pIalg V I'I$V,L Sbi-ZZ 'N'f puvlsl voglvg/ anuanylvd0 I£Z ZZOZ `8 finf SAWOH SaIVf SVWOHZ eyi /3| / \ / }k{ r \)]a r Jf/ ƒ Jj— e _ E # ■ \ ! .= E j }a e� ;)} p fk� K k)� !{ )} / ƒ� <� O O X X. N d (p CD r r o Rzt N N O Z O O T N D CCD a � 0 0 Z3 CD V 9�a �I N x r y If 1 I � nzu � r y— T' I e p _ � 8 j OPAL AVENUE From: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVIL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM Forkert Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 22311 Brookhurst Street, Ste 203 Huntinq on Beach, CA 9264ri ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION GPC No.: 2757-2021 Tract/Subdivision/Lot No. Project Names: 231 Opal Avenue Owner/Developer: Thomas James Homes Date: April 29, 2024 Rough: _Final: X Type of Project: Notes: — Tract: Drainage Single Family Residence _ Commercial x Other — Industrial Yardage for Project: Notes: 103 Cut: _ Borrow: 0 Fill: _ Export: I hereby approve the grading for this project in accordance with my responsibilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhibit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices. The grading has been completed: X_ in conformance with, changes to the approved grading plan. with the following Description of Changes: QROFESS/O� — �p M. — Company: Forkert Engineering $Surveying, Inc. � �.T° s RG EGc Name: Thomas M. Ruiz NO.58627 A (Pont) {r -31-2 License No.: RCE 58627 IVk (RCE/LS) �� OF CA��F U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OMB Control No. 1660-0008 Federal Emergency Management Agency Expiration Date: 06/30/2026 National Flood Insurance Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT: MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTRUCTION PAGES 1-11 Copy all pages of this Elevation Certifirnfa .. H �u f„ -- - -••--• t P i UV111111U111Ly uniuui, ty insurance SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION agent/company, and (3) building owner. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE At - Building Owner's Name: Matthew Ampolsky Trust Policy Number: A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No.: Company NAIC Number: 231 Opal Avenue City: Newport Beach State: CA ZIP Code: 92662 A3. Property Description (e.g., Lot and Block Numbers or Legal Description) and/or Tax Parcel Number: Lot 9, Block 10 of Resubdivision of Balboa Island Section One M.M. Book 6, Page 30, APN: 050-072-05 A4. Building Use (e.g., Residential, Non -Residential, Addition, Accessory,etc.: Residential A5. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. 33-36-27.17N Long. 11 7-53-45.45W Horiz. Datum: ❑ NAD 1927 ❑x NAD 1983 ❑ WGS 84 A6. Attach at least two and when possible four clear color photographs (one for each side) of the building (see Form pages 7 and 8). AT Building Diagram Number: 1 B A8. For a building with a crawlspace or enclosure(s): a) Square footage of crawlspace or enclosure(s): N/A sq. ft. b) Is there at least one permanent flood opening on two different sides of each enclosed area? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑X N/A c) Enter number of permanent flood openings in the crawlspace or enclosure(s) within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade: Non -engineered flood openings: Engineered flood openings: d) Total net open area of non -engineered flood openings in A8.c: sq. in. e) Total rated area of engineered flood openings in A8.c (attach documentation - see Instructions): sq. ft. f) Sum of A8.d and A8.e rated area (if applicable - see Instructions): _ N/A sq, ft. A9. For a building with an attached garage: a) Square footage of attached garage: 382 sq. ft. b) Is there at least one permanent flood opening on two different sides of the attached garage? ❑x Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A c) Enter number of permanent flood openings in the attached garage within 1.0 foot above adjacent grade: Non -engineered flood openings: 4 Engineered flood openings: d) Total net open area of non -engineered flood openings in A9.c: 432 sq. in. e) Total rated area of engineered flood openings in A9.c (attach documentation -see Instructions): sq. ft. f) Sum of A9.d and A9.e rated area (if applicable - see Instructions): N/A sq. ft. SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1.a. NFIP Community Name: Newport Beach B1.b. NFIP Community Identification Number: 060227 B2. County Name: Orange B3. State: CA B4. Map/Panel No.: 06059C0382 B5. Suffix: K B6. FIRM Index Date: 03/21/2019 B7. FIRM Panel Effective/Revised Date: 03/21/2019 B8. Flood Zone(s): AO B9. Base Flood Elevation(s) (BFE) (Zone AO, use Base Flood Depth): 1.0 B10. Indicate the source of the BFE data or Base Flood Depth entered in Item B9: ❑ FIS ❑X FIRM ❑ Community Determined ❑ Other: B11. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Item B9: ❑ NGVD 1929 X NAVD 1988 ❑ Other/Source: B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? ❑ Yes ❑x No Designation Date: ❑ CBRS ❑ OPA B13. Is the building located seaward of the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA)? ❑ Yes ❑x No EMA Form FF-206-FY-22-152 (formerly 086-0-33) (8/23) Form Page 2 of 8 g;0 £ abed LWO j (£Z/8) (££-0-980 4I18wJo;) Z9L-ZZ-AA-90Z-dd WJOd VW3d -ja;aw ouloala ayl si buplinq ay; saoyuas sey;;uawdinbe Isamol aq1- aZ0 :(s;uawyoege Rue so uogdu0sap pue Ia ZO gad uoa,) s;uawwo0ew jaumo 6wpllnq (g) pue 'duedwo0gua6e aomnsw (Z)'lei0Lp Hlunwwoo (I.) jo; sivawyoege lie pue aleo4pa0 uopenal3 s!yl sO sabed Ile MOO a�a ea bZOZ/9L/40:e1e0 I v� ain;eu6!S H L S a0eld L. �1 6�\"1V0 dp'��,,.. J ��' `��,b��t woo'6uuaou!buepaMio;@@4"!w:I!ew3 6ZZ 'lx3 £6L9-£96(4LL) auo4d9lal L/ a Z999'ON \J \,. 949Z6 :aPOD &Z y0 aleiS yaeag uo;6upunH :A!O £OZ alS 7S lsmy>foa8 6 LEZZ asaIPPV O 60y'0uI '6u!/�an�nS g 6uuaaw6u3 �a�l�oj :aweN duedwo0 VNVI Z999 Sl :jagwnN 9su8011 }lalpoj 'V laeyollry aweN spay!ya0 ease sluawwo0 ay; w aquosap pue sluawpelle sl ajay �0ay0 ON ❑ saA ® ejodanms puel pasuawl e Rq papinoid V uopoaS w spnll6uol pue apnll;el ejaAA Y004 uo140as 'apo0 's *n 84 uapun luawuosudwl jo euy ifq algegstund aq few luawa;e;s es/ej due legl puelsuapun l algepene e;ep eql lajdualui of suoga;seq dw s;uaseudaj a7eoglua0 sup uo uogewaojw eqj xqs Apuao / uopew0sw uogenala /yiyaa of Mel a;els !q Pa71Jo4;ne p94iy0ie io 'aaaui6ue 'jolatins puel e /q pa!ees pue pau61s aq of si uoileog4jao siyl NOI1VOIAMI3010311H021V NO 'N33NIDNI3 `210A3 uns—O N01103S sialaw ❑ leei ❑ V/N :uoddns leinpnils buipnlow 'snels Jo �09p payoege 10 uogenala lsaM01 le OVl Payslul j (y sialaw Ise; ® 96'9 Payslwj ® IeinleN Q :6uipl!nq of ixau (°JVH) apeJ9Iua0e(pV 1s9461H (6 sialaw leas ® vg Payslu!j ® IejneN :6wpllnq ol;xau (OVl) apejO luaoefpV;samol sialaw ❑ ;aas ® vol, :(ease s;uawwo0 Cl uogOaS ul uope0OI pue 3giry so ed,y aquosap) 6uipl!nq ay; bu!owas (3glry) luawdlnb3 pue lNawyOelnl so uogenala lsaMOl (a sialaw ❑ leas ® Z6-9 :(gels to dol) 96eieb payoeuV (p sialaw leas ❑ V/N :(suogonilsul aas) jagwaw lein;awls ieluozuoy;samol ay;;o wopog (o sialaw ❑ laes ® go'Si. :(suo!lonilsul aas) lo0g jay6!y lxau ay; so dot (q sialaw ❑ leas ® 0.6 :(joog ainso!oue io 'eoedslmw0 'luawaseq 6u!p lout) joog wogoq lO dol (e :pasn luawainseew ayl �oay0 ease sluawwo0 O uog0as ay; w jo;0e; uo!sjanuo0 ay; sO aomos ay; aquosap 'sal. 11 ON ® sal. ❑ Lpasn joloes uolsJanuo0 '3 jg ayl io; pasn;eyl se awes ay; aq lsnw suol;ena!a 6ulpi!nq jos pasn wnle0 :Ja430 ❑ 986L OAVN ® 6Z61 OADN ❑ molaq (y y6nojyl (e swall ul suogenala ay; jos pasn wniep uogenala a;e0!pw 880AVN 9861= u01;en913 :wnlea leo!1r9A OL-9 L-£8N :Pazgl;n vewyouae sialaw jalue'Rluo oola oliand ui'LV wall ui pag!0ads wei6e10 6u!plmg ay; o; 6up000e molaq y—e'ZO swell alaldwo0 66V 'OVRiV 'HVRiV'0£V—LV1iJv '3VAIV 'V18V ''dV '(3d9 411m) A '0£A—LA '3A '(3Ae 411m) V '0V 'HV '3V '0£V—LV sauoZ — suol;en913 'ZO aleldwoo si buwpi!nq eql to uogonilsuoo uaym paj!nbei aq plm a;eogpeo u01lena13 Mau V. uogonjisuo0 paysiulj ®,uol;one;suo0 japun 6u!ppng ❑ ,s6wmejp uol;onj;suo0 ❑ '.uo paseq aye SUOIJEA919 6ulppng 'LO G" (0 mintam A3Aim) NOI1tlWNOdNI NOLL"313 DNI01111e — 0 N01103S :jagwnN OIVN Ruedwo0 Z99Z6 aPOO dIZ y0 alelS 4oea8 ljodmaN :CIO uagwnN 60110d anuanV IedO LEZ ON xog pue alno'd O d Jo ( ON *6p!g jo/pue'almS 'lwn ;dV 6wpnpw) ssauppV leads bu!pimg 3Sn ANVdWOO 3ONvdnSNI NOd Ll-t SaE)Vd NouonillSNI NO SNOuonM1SNl 3H1 MOIIOj ism :11SIVINOM 31V013112130 NOUVn313 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT: MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTRUCTION PAGES 1.11 FBuildingtreet Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No.: FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Avenueport Beach State: CA Policy Number: — — _ ZIP Code: 92662 Company NAIC Number: SECTION E—BUILDING MEASUREMENT INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) -------------- FOR ZONE AO, ZONE AR/AO, AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO, AR/AO, and A (without BFE), complete Items El—E5. For Items El—E4, use natural grade, if available. If the Certificate is intended to support a Letter of Map Change request, complete Sections A, B, and C. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. Building measurements are based on: ❑ Construction Drawings* ❑ Building Under Construction* 0 Finished Construction *A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. El. Provide measurements (C.2.a in applicable Building Diagram) for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the measurement is above or below the natural HAG and the LAG. a) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is: ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑above or El below the HAG. b) Top of bottom floor (including basement, crawlspace, or enclosure) is: ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑above or El below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-9 with permanent flood openings provided in Section A Items 8 and/or 9 (see pages 1-2 of Instructions), the next higher floor (C2.b in applicable Building Diagram) of the building is: ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E3. Attached garage (top of slab) is: ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is: ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑above or ❑below the HAG. E5. Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F — PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and E for Zone A (without BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge ❑ Check here if attachments and describe in the Comments area. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative Name: Address: City: Telephone: Signature: Comments: Ext.: Email: Date: State: ZIP Code: FEMA Form FF-206-FY-22-152 (formerly 086-0-33) (8/23) Form Page 4 of 8 810 9 06ed wood (£Z/8) (££-0-980 Aljewjol) Z9L-ZZ-Ad-90Z-dd wJod VW3d (H Jo '3 '(1 '9 'V SUOII39S u! uo!}ewJo)ul oploeds of suo!loajioo pue :sluowyoege /ue to uopduosap :a'Z0 jad 'uopeool pue luawd!nbe to odly 6ulpnlou!) sluawwo0 VZOZ/9L/b :91e0 :am;eu6ls 099Z6 :apo0 dlZ V0 :91e1S yoeag IJO aN :A4p jn 1a)ua0 o!nl0 00 L :ssa'PPV AO 'eoyoeegpo mou elyoslgnlw :liew3 :-P(3 9LZ£-749-6176 :auoydelal — :aweN /Il!unwwo0 dldN iaaul u31e louud :911!1 e)yos!gn){ esspay� :aweN s,le!oplp leoo-1 uo!;oas sly;10 ease s;uawwo0 ay; W suogoawoo oypeds pap!noid osle aneq; 'algeol;dde j! '06pa;mouH Aw jo;seq ay; o;;oaijoo s!;!;ey; Aj!yao pue J uogoaS Lq uogeuuojuql ay; pa;aldwoo aney; 'ejaq u6ls;snw o uogoaS ul uopewUolui sap!noid oym lelo6;o leool ayl 'eaje sluawwo0 ay} ui aquosap pue uolleluawnaop yoene 'seA lI ON[] saA ❑ �penss! aouePeA ' I! 0 880nVN :wn1e0 sialow ❑ laal X❑ 0'6 :jagwaw leinlonils leluozuoy Isamol jo loog }samol ay1 jol }uawannbai (OV auoZ ui yldap jo) uo!lenala wnw!u!w s,fi4lunwwo0 'q'Olo :wnle0 sialaw ❑ lael 0 0, L :al!s bu!ppnq ay; }e 6u!Poo610 (OV auoZ ul yldap jo) 3d8 'e'OLo :wn;e0 sialow ❑ laal ❑ :jagwew lemlonj;s leluozuoy lsamol;l!nq-se to wogoq to uollenal3 -q-6o 880AVN :wnwo sialow ❑ 1001 ❑x 0'6 6u!pllnq ay; to (luawaseq 6u!Pnpu!) poop;samol }I!nq-se to uollenal3 'e'60 }uewanadwl !equelsgnS ❑ uol;onulsuo0 maN ❑ :jol panssl uaaq sey;!wjed sly} '80 :panssl {ouednooO/aouepdwoo to 91eoW80 a)e0 'Lo ZZOZ/q L/90 :panssl l!wjed a)e0 '90 9L C-LZOZX uagwnN llwUad sasodmd }uawa6euew weldpoo8 f(;!unwwoo jol papinad s! (; l 0-90 swell) uopeuuolul 6wmopol ayl X❑ 'H pue 3'9'V suopoaS w uopeuuolul ay) o; suopoawoo o;loads soquosap lelowo leool ay;'o uogoaS to ease sluawwo0 ay} ul ❑ 90 '40 '£o sasodind ooueinsu! col H uolloaS palaldwoo leloL40 leool V ❑ -q Zo OV auoZ ul paleool bulPllnq a jol pa}aldwoo s! 93 wa;! uaym Jo'OVrdV auoZ Jo 'OV auoZ'(3d8 a lnoy;lm) V auoZ ul paleool bu!pllnq a jol 3 uogoaS pa;aldwoo le!o o leool y El'e'Zo (-molaq eaje sluawwoO 941 w e}ep uollenala ayl to alep pue somos ayl aleo!pul) uopewjo}uj uollenala dllliao of mel a;els Aq pezpoylne si oym loa;!431e JO 5aau!6ua 'jo%anms posuaop a Aq poleas pue p9u6ls uaaq sey leg} uope;uawnoop jegIO wml ua51e1 sem 0 uogoaS ut uopew�olu! ayl ❑ Lo :uaym molaq u61s pue (s)w91! algeogdde ay1 alaldwoo 'a;eopia0 uollen913 sly} to H JO 'o '3 '0 '9 'V uolloaS a;aldwoo ueo aoueulpio }uawa6euew u!eldpoog s,lq!unwwoo eqI Jals!u!wpe 01 aouewpio jo mal Aq pezuoylne si oym 1el0140 leaol ayl 1VI01dd0 AlINI1WW00 ?l03 :jegwnN OWN Auedwoo I Z99Z6 'apo0 dlZ NOIIVWZIOdNI A11Nf1WW00 — 0 N01103S V0 :a1e1S yoea8;uodmaN :/ll0 uagwnN Ao!Iod anueAV IedO 16Z 3Sn ANVdW00 30Nniiml NOd :'ON xoe pue alnoa 'O d JO ('oN '6plS jo!pue 'alms ';!un "1dV bulpnpw) ssajppV 100JIS 6u!plmg L6-L S3QVd N0110nHISNl NO SNouonNISNl 3H1 MOIIOj 1SnW :1NVINOdWl 31V013112130 NOIIVAB13 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT: MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTRUCTION PAutzs 1-11 lding Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No.: Opal Avenuey: FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE Policy Number: [231 Newport Beach _State: CA Code: 92662 _ZIP _ Company NAIC Number: SECTION H - BUILDING'S FIRST FLOOR HEIGHT INFORMATION FOR ALL ZONES (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) (FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES ONLY) The property owner, owner's authorized representative, or local floodplain management official may complete Section H for all flood zones to determine the building's first floor height for insurance purposes. Sections A, B, and I must also be completed. Enter heights to the nearest tenth of a foot (nearest tenth of a meter in Puerto Rico). Reference the Foundation Type Diagrams (at the end of Section H Instructions) and the appropriate Building Diagrams (at the end of Section I Instructions) to complete this section. H1. Provide the height of the top of the floor (as indicated in Foundation Type Diagrams) above the Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG): a) For Building Diagrams 1A, 1B, 3, and 5-8. Top of bottom ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above the LAG floor (include above -grade floors only for buildings with ----crawlspacub or c osurefloors) is: b) For Building Diagrams 2A, 2B, 4, and 6-9. Top of next ❑ feet ❑ meters ❑ above the LAG higher floor (i.e., the floor above basement, crawlspace, or enclosure floor) is: H2. Is all Machinery and Equipment servicing the building (as listed in Item H2 instructions) elevated to or above the floor indicated by the H2 arrow (shown in the Foundation Type Diagrams at end of Section H instructions) for the appropriate Building Diagram? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION I - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, and H must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, and H are correct to the best of my knowledge. Note: If the local floodplain management official completed Section H, they should indicate in Item G2.b and sign Section G. ❑ Check here if attachments are provided (including required photos) and describe each attachment in the Comments area. Property Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative Name: Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Telephone: Ext.: Email: Signature: - Date: Comments: PPRAA 104 tiormeny uac-u-33) (8/23) Form Page 6 of 8 910 1 abed wood (£Z/9) (££-0-990 fljawo;) Z9l-ZZ-Ad-90Z-dd wJOj tlW3d oml ologd 1eal0 aup ologd 1e910 o-� oml olOgd au0 ologd 77 f4jadoid }o isoN :uogde0 oml ologd Alladoid jo luoud :uollde0 auO ologd -6V PUB gy suolloaS ul paleolpul Se 'sluaA JO sbuiuedo pooh anlleluasaUdaj to gdei6oloyd do-asop auo lseal le epnlow 'juasaid aje sbuluado poog uagM'uollepuno} agl mogs lsnw sgdeJ6ologd „ malty aplS llal„ Jo „'malty GPIs lgbRi- malA Jeab„ ,; malty luou j„ pue Uomel alep agl gllm sgdei6ologd lie ylluopl '(s9snogmoi/s9snogumoj;o sainloid Moeq pue lual 831el of alge aq /luo Am 'aldwexa iol) 6uIPl!nq agl to apls goes 6ulmogs sgdej6ologd cool alglssod uagm pue oml lseal le molaq gasul :suogonjlsul aagwnN OWN Auedwo0 Z99Z6 WOO dlZ yO :alelS gaeag podmaN :40 :jagwnN A011od anuany led0 L£Z 3Sn ANtldW00 30NVNnSNI 210d :'ON xog pue alnoa 'O'd JO (ON -6plg io/pue'alins ylun `ldy 6uipnpul) ssajppy laaAS 6ulplmg gy well jol suogon-0sul eas SHd"001OHd EMaime 1, V L S29Vd Nouou1SNl NO SNou3nN1SNl 3Hl MOIl03 1snW :INViNOdWl 31`d013112130 NOIIVA313 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT: MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON INSTRUCTION PAGES 1.11 BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHS Continuation Page Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box No.: FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE 231 Opal Avenue City: Newport Beach Policy Number: State: CA ZIP Code: 92662 Company NAIC Number: Insert the third and fourth photographs below. Identify all photographs with the date taken and "Front View," "Rear View," 'Right Side View," or "Left Side View." When flood openings are present, include at least one close-up photograph of representative flood openings or vents, as indicated in Sections A8 and Ag. Photo Three Photo Three Caption: EASTERLY SIDE VIEW LOOK SOUTHERLY Photo Four Photo Four Caption: WESTERLY SIDE ELECTRIC PANEL LOOK SOUTHERLY Clear Photo Three Clear Photo Four FEMA Form FF-206-FY-22-152 (formerly 086-0-33) (8/23) Form Page 8 of 8 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH k� Community Development Department I Building Division � 100 Civic Center Dr.I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 .. F www newoortbeachca cov 1 (949) 644-3200 CALGREEN DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: ( f? CAL PERMIT NO.:_l< "ZO Z J - 3 J `70 THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. ONE COPY OF THIS FORM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FINAL INSPECTION AND ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING OWNER AS PART OF THE C GREEN CERTIFICATION PACKAGE. AL The following section shall be completed by a person with overall responsibility for the planning and design portion of the project. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONS PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) Franchise Hauler for Construction/Demolition Waste (65% min. reuse of nonhazardous waste) �\ VOC Contents Limitation Formaldehyde Emissions Limitation T-24 Energy Certificate of Installations (Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb.) IT-24 Energy Certificate of Verifications or Acceptance ( Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mech., Plumb., HERS) 'Operations and Maintenance Manual MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL (RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY) I certify that the moisture content of the wall and floor framing is less than 19 percent as determined in accordance with Section 4.505.3 of CAL Green prior to being enclosed. DECLARATION STATEMENT • 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided is true and correct. • 1 certify that the installed measures, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conform to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcing agency. Responsible Person's Name: Date Signed: ZZ Notes Signature: Forms\CALGreen Documentation Compliance Cert Form 1-2017 PROJECT STATUS REPORT Effective 07/12/2024 14:27 1 of GENERAL INFORMATION " "- "" —YVr r-W11- gelMiCare or compliance (Document Lists Required Energy Features) Certificate Type Compliance ✓ Registered Form CF1R-PRF-01 Registered Date 1 2024-05-1714:06:51 Registration 221-P010239739E-000-000-0000000-0000 Number CF21R INFORMATION - Certificate of Installation (Documents the proper installation of required ar,,m, System Form Registered Date ---- v_; Registration Number CF2R-ENV-01-E Fenestration 2024-05-23 221-P010239739E-000-001-E01001A-0000 Installation 14:25:59 Louis Romo (Thomas James Capital Homes) CF2R-ENV-03-E 2024-05-23 221-P010239739E-000-001-E03001A-0000 Insulation Installation 14:28:04 Louis Romo (Thomas James Capital Homes) CF2R-LTG-01-E 2024-05-23 221-P010239739E-000-001-L01001A-0000 Lighting 14:31:00 Louis Romo (Thomas James Capital Homes) CF2R-MCH-01-E Space Conditioning 2024-05-28 221-P010239739E-000-001-M01001B-0000 Systems, Ducts and 08:20:57 Louis Romo Fans (Thomas James Capital Homes) System 1: CF2R-MCH-20-H 2O24-05-28 221-PO10239739E-000-001-M200016-0000 Location 1 Duct Leakage 08:20:57 Louis Romo (Thomas James Capital Homes) CA Building Energy Efficiency StandardsHERS Provides CalCERTS Inc. 2019 Residential Compliance Dec 2019 aouelldW 03 Ie1luapl50216 L6Z spiepums 6auaiaua 66jau3 6ulpl!ng VO 6lOZ nad 'aul Sjb301e0:lepin0Jd S83H Sld (leoos sia;ea Sa3H) £EZE: LZ (lsneyx3 leolueyoaW Ie00�) L ue3 lsneyx3 sslol (b009LOZOO) M 4S LZ SO bZOZ H ZE HOWa£dO VZEW-Vd oOZEW-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ (1eooS sJalea Sa3H) LZ:ZE: LZ (AN PUB OVI) (b009LOZOO) sialu!M uma4s LZ-SO-bZOZ H-LZ-HOW'aEdO OLZW EIMOLZW-L00-000-36£LKZOMd-LZZ (1eooS sialea Sa3H) 9VZE4Z (;uawd!nb3 pa;ea) L wa;sAs (4009LOZOO) sla;ulM UMeyS LZ-90-17ZOZ H-9Z-HOW-a£d0 09ZW-EIL009ZW-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ ------------------ (leoos sialga S83H) gO:ZE: LZ (06jego Weia6ulaa) L wa;sAs (4009LOZOO) sJalu!M UMB4S LZ-SO-bZOZ H-SZ-HOW'a£dO OSZW-SL00SZW-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ (!egos sialea S13H) OO:Z£: LZ (Mow!V) L u011e30-1 (700910ZOO) sialwM uMeyS LZ-SO-bZOZ H-CZ-HOW-aEdO :L walsls O£ZW-gL00EZW-L00-000-36£L6£ZOLOd-LZZ (!eooS slelea Sa3H) £S LE: (a6e)leaq;ond) L uoge00� (b009LOZOO) SIBIU. uMeys LZ-SO-bZOZ H-OZ-HOW-a£dO :L wals6S OOZW-gL000ZW-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ jegwnN u0113Mgs16ea alga pwg!6ea w,od weLsFs (sainseaW Sa3H to u01leoguan ayl s;uawnooa) uol;eoguan 10 a;eDpjaO - N0I1NWaOdNI aEdO pannbai aq /ew a LdO PaSlnaJ V -uoge04uan S83H pannbai �apag ayl 4l!M Aldwoo louueo wa;slS ayl -Papuawwooal sl u013ewjyuoo /oua6e 1! 3!Pa�o aoue!1dwo0 aouew�o�ad of pawlel0 aq louueo a33 Jo a33S wnw!u!w ueyl fuolepuew wal uo!;dwax3 (L welsAs - LO-HOW--dZdO ;uawaoiolul -powlelo uaaq sey Amogla uel wa;sAs 10 uo!leoyuan Sa3H 'uan Sa3H pai!nbei aLdO pas!naj Vuo!leo3 (lo ay; ql!M Aldwoo;ouueo walsAs ay;1! 1!PgJ0 pan aoue!1dwo0 a0uewjoyad coolf paw!eaq lou;ouue0 833 10 a33S wnwiuiw Alol uey; lijagwojl oild a xg (I wels/S a L,0-HOMNZdO luo;epuew wool uopdwaxl ( L ;uawaaolu3 -Paw!e!0 uaaq sey Molp!e walsRs to uoge0;uan Sa3H (sawoH lel!deO sewer sewoyl) LOW14 swelsAS o!ellOA0104d owoa s!n0q EZ-SO-bZOZ 3-L0-9Ad-aZd0 0000-VLOOLOA-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ (sawoH lepdeO sewer sewoyl) Lb Z£:bL uonnquls!d SMH OS owoa s!no-i £Z-SO-bZOZ 3-Z0-g"ld-aZ3O 0000-VLOOZ09-L00-000-36EL6EZOLOd-LZZ ( sawoH lel!deO sewer sewoyl) L50Z:80 ;sneyxl leo!uey0a!ry !e0o-! L ued lsneyx3 owoa slno-1 0000-VLOoZ£W-L00-000-36EL6EZOLOd-LZZ 8Z-SO-bZOZ H-ZE-HOW aZ3O (sawoH le;!deO sewer sewoyl) LS:OZ:gO AN Pue OVI owoa s!n0-I ez-SO-bZOZ H-LZ-HOW'aZdO 0000-9LOOLZW-L00-000-36EL6EZOLOd-LZZ (sawoH lel!doo sewer sewoyl) LS:OZ:80 ;uawdmb3 Palea L wa;s/S owoa s!no-1 8Z-90-VZOZ H-9Z-HOW-N&IO 0000-gL009ZW-L00-000-36EL6EZOLOd-LZZ (sawoH lelldeO sewer sewoyl) L9:OZ:80 a6�eyO lue�a6ulaa L wolsfs r owoa s!no-I 8Z-90-17ZOZ H SZ HOW aZdO 0000-gL00SZW-L00-000-36EL6EZOLOd-LZZ (sawoH lel!deO sewer sewoyl) LS:OZ:80 MOLUM L uo!le00� owoa s!no-I 9Z-90 bZOZ H £Z HOW aZdO : L wa;s Is 0000-gL00EZW-L00-000-36£L6EZOLOd-LZZ GZ:bL bZOZ/ZL/LO an!179$3 (Z 10 Z a6ed) 1110d3a SfLLtl1S 103POad oul 'Sla3Olu3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT n BUILDING DIVISION U 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 cy p www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 �IFO� CONTRACTOR/PROPERTY OWNER SELF -CERTIFICATION DECLARATION FOR PLUMBING FIXTURE REPLACEMENT Project Address: O Date: `//L ti J Permit #: X Z O "2-1 I ne rollowing Is to be completed by the California licensed contractor or owner, participating in the City of Newport Beach Self -Certification Program. Please type or print. Installer's Name:%5A{' License No (if applicable) ICI p � 7i I Installer's Mailing Address [C,3s n//)rmcH �j �� jt j�� Phone#(required): 94;) 790 ?ocr6 Installer's Email: O�SGPD(uvrthl�lo,I9 �cjhta,I) (.on, FAX#: Installer I certify that the installation is in compliance with applicable code requirements. I further affirm that I have reviewed and understand the requirements of the applicable 2013 California Green Code and Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 301.1.1 and that all self -certification reports submitted will be based on the code requirements contained therein. I declare that all plumbing fixtures subject to the NBMC 301.1.1 has been replaced meeting the low flow requirements Kitchen faucets: 1.5 gal/minute at 60 psi Shower heads: 2.0 gal/minute at 80 psi Water closet: 1.28 gal/flush Faucets: maximum flow rate of 1.5 gal/minute at 60 psi, F and minimum 0.8 gal/minute at 20 psi Installers Signature —ice Date Property Owner (Required) As the property owner of the project address noted above, I have read, understand and agree to participate in the Plumbing Fixture Replacement Self -Certification Program. I further understand that by participating in this program, the plumbing system will not be inspected by a City of Newport Beach Building Inspector during construction or after installation unless requested. The B 1 ing Div' ion may request and reserves the right to verify code compliance after the installa ' e. Property "ner's Signature �i ` PA n Date Pnnt Name S Email This form must be completed and returned to the City of Newport Beach, Building Division, for a final approval of the combination permit. Please return this form to the Building Division by mail or fax. Please mail to: City of Newport Beach Phone: (949) 718-1888 Community Development Department Fax #: (949) 644-3250 Building Division P. O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 FoonslContractor-OwnerSelf-CertDeclambon-Plumbing Fixture Replacement 08/11/16 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION CUSTOMER NAME: Thomas James Homes DATE: 5/28/2024 ADDRESS (EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION):_ 231 Opal Ave, CITY: Newport Beach STATE: CA ZIP: 92662 TYPE OF EQUIPMENT, SYSTEM, INSTALLATION: Elvoron H R ® HALL DOORS COMPLY 3X5 CODE (ELEVATORS WITH SWING TYPE DOOR) ® OWNERICONTRACTOR IS SATISFIED WITH THE LOOK & OPERATION OF THE ELEVATOR/DUMBWAITER ® KEYS RECEIVED: YES ❑ NO ® NUMBER OF KEYS ® EEN PERFORMED Emergency Battery Lowering - System operation has been demonstrated. ® A FULL SET OF PRINTS HAS B Fry LEFT INCONTgOLlFg ® COMPLETION PHOTOS TAKEN ® OPTIONAL PLANNED MAINTENANCE AVAILABILITY EXPLAINED ® EMERGENCY BATTERY LOWERING EXPLAINED FOR USE IN POWER OUTAGE ❑ REQUEST FOR INSTALL eTION OR EQUIPtti ti rtier rF The following field/shop changes to the P.O./Contract are requested. We agree that McKinley Equipment will modify the P.OJContract and invoice these changes for time and materials. N/A (NOTE: EQUIPMENTWILL BE RELEASED FOR OPERATION UPON FINAL PAYMENT ONLY.) FINAL PAYMENT OWED: ❑ YES ® NO AMOUNT RECEIVED: I Customer Name: Thomas James Homes 5/28/2024 Representative Name(PriM Danny Patterson ride: Contractor _-. CustomerRepresenta6veSignalure 949-813-2522 - McKday Represearaeve SigrraNre dpatterson @tihusaxom End lkerPhone. End UserE-msa. m?nnleq e LCVATpp GOPIPp11AT10N 17611 Armstrong Avenue • Irvine, California 92514-5760 (949) 251 9222 • (800) 229-7275 * FAX (949) 250-7301