HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2022-0897 - SoilsENGINEERS + GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS July 15, 2024 J.N.20-450 NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1 Corporate Plaza, Suite 110 Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Ms. Nanci Glass Subject: Final Soils Report, Geotechnical Observations and Testing, Additional Grading, Foundation Excavations, Slab Subgrades and Utility Trench and Retaining Wall Backfdl, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California References: See Attached List Dear Ms. Glass: Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is submitting herewith a summary of our observations of foundation excavations for the site structures, and our observations and test results pertaining to additional grading, slab subgrade soils, and placement and compaction of backfill behind retaining walls and within utility trenches located in landscape areas, and under proposed slabs within the subject site. Representatives from our firm performed on -call field density testing and field observations at the request of the project superintendent during post -grade operations. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Additional Gradint= During rough grading, along the easterly side of the lot, overexcavation only extended to 5 feet outside of the garage footprint. The area between the overexcavation and the toe of slope was removed to bedrock during the excavation for the retaining wall. After construction of the wall, approximately 1 foot of onsite soils was placed as engineered fill. Foundation Excavation Observations Excavations of footing trenches for the residence and site structures were probed and observed to be excavated into engineered fill or competent bedrock per the foundation plans and the recommendations presented in our reference reports. The caisson excavations for the pool and spa were founded into Offices Strategically Positioned Throughout Southern California ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 3186 Airway Avenue, Suite K, Costa Mesa, California 92626 T: 714.549,8921 F: 714.549.1438 For more information visit us online at wvoe oetramme.com NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach July 15, 2024 J.N.20-450 Page 2 competent bedrock as per plan. The top of slope retaining wall caissons were excavated to minimum depths as per plan. Caisson drilling operations were observed on a part time basis by representatives of our firm. Utility Trench Backfill 1. Backfill of interior and exterior trenches consisted of onsite soils placed above select sand bedding. The sand bedding placed above utility lines was jetted and varied from approximately 6 inches to 2 feet in depth. Backfill materials were moisture conditioned, as necessary, to achieve optimum or above optimum moisture conditions prior to and/or during placement, and then compacted in 6- to 8-inch lifts with a pneumatic tamper to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent (based on ASTM D 1557). 2. Exterior trench backfill consisted of sewer, water, area drain, gas, and a common (joint) trench containing electric, gas, telephone and data lines. The approximate maximum depth of soil backfill placed over bedding sand for the various trenches was approximately 3 feet in the sewer trench excavation. 3. Utility trench backfills, where probed and/or tested, are considered to have been placed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the referenced reports. Retaining Wall Subdrains and Backfill Placement 1. Pipe and gravel subdrain systems were placed behind the site retaining walls prior to the walls being backfilled. The subdrain systems consisted of 4-inch-diameter SDR-35 perforated pipes embedded in one cubic foot per linear foot of %-inch, open -graded gravel wrapped in filter fabric. 2. The maximum depth of fill placed behind the side yard walls is approximately 4 feet. The lower backfill zone consists of 3/4-inch gravel with the maximum upper 1-foot zone consisting of onsite soils. Geo- fabric was placed along the backcut and over the gravel prior to the placement of the onsite soils to reduce the potential for the infiltration of materials into the gravel. The gravel was compacted by a pneumatic tamper every 2 to 3 vertical feet. The rear yard retaining wall was backfilled with approximately 2 feet of import soils. The onsite and import soils and were placed in approximately 4- to 6-inch lifts, watered or air dried as necessary to achieve optimum or above moisture content, and compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the applicable laboratory maximum dry density in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 1557. Retaining wall backfills, where probed and/or tested, are considered to have been placed in general accordance with the recommendations presented in the reference reports. Slab Subgrades Due to the amount of time that had elapsed since the completion of rough grading, and due to disturbance during construction activities, the surficial subgrade soils of the slabs were moisture conditioned to achieve optimum or above optimum moisture content and then compacted in -place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the applicable laboratory maximum dry density in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D 1557. These subgrade soils were tested prior to concrete placement and are PETRA SOLID AS A RUCK GEOSCIENCES- NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION July 15, 2024 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 3 considered acceptable from a geotechnical point of view. The subgrade soils were also pre -watered as per our recommendations (References). Field and Laboratory Testing 1. Field density tests results for additional grading, trench and retaining wall backfills and slab subgrades are summarized in Table I, and approximate test locations are shown on the accompanying Density Test Location Map (Figure 1). Field density tests were taken with a Nuclear Gauge (ASTM D 6938). 2. Field density tests were taken at vertical intervals of 1 to 2 feet. 3. The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture values for the most prominent onsite soils (Soil Types A and B) were determined according to Test Method ASTM D 1557 and are listed in Table IL CONCLUSIONS Footing trench excavations for the residence and site structures were observed to have been founded into engineered fill or bedrock materials. The pool and spa caissons were founded in competent bedrock materials. The top of slope wall caissons were excavated to minimum depths as per plan. In addition, where observed and tested, retaining wall and utility trench backfill and slab subgrade soils as discussed in this report were found to be in general compliance with our recommendations and the grading codes of the City of Newport Beach, California. The completed work within this firm's purview to the extent observed, as discussed herein, has been reviewed and is considered adequate from a geotechnical perspective. REPORT LIMITATIONS Representatives of Petra were present on -site on an on -call basis during post -grading operations for the purpose of providing the owner's representative with professional opinions and recommendations. These opinions and recommendations were developed based on field observation and selective testing of the contractor's work. Our scope of services during this project did not include supervision or direction of the contractor, his personnel or his subcontractors. As documented in this report, our observations and testing did not reveal any obvious deviations from the recommendations provided in the referenced geotechnical reports; however, Petra does not in any way guarantee the contractor's work, nor do our services relieve the contractor (or any subcontractors) of their liability should any defects subsequently be discovered in their work product. Based on our findings, this report was prepared in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering practices, and no warranty is implied nor made. PETRA SOLID ASA RUCK GEOSCIENCES- NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach July 15, 2024 J.N.20-450 Page 4 This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for the project. Please call if you have any questions pertaining to this report. Respectfully submitted, PET El CIENCES, INC. k Don Obert Associate Engineer RGE 2872 SM/DO/kb Attachments: Table I — Field Density Test Summary Table II — Laboratory Optimum Moisture and Maximum Dry Density Test Data Figure 1 — Density Test Location Map W IM2025UW nWI"5au<yae M4M Sao rim1 W, aymc PETRA SOLID ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES- NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach REFERENCES July 15,2024 J.N.20-450 Page 5 1. Geotechnical Investigation Report, Proposed Single -Family Residence, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20-450, dated July 20, 2021. 2. Response to Geotechnical Report Review Checklist by the City of Newport Beach, Community Development Department — Building Division, dated April 11, 2022, for Proposed Single -Family Residence, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20-450, dated June 10, 2022. 3. Geotechnical Comments, Top of Slope Deepened Footings, Proposed Single Family Residence, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20-450, dated July 12, 2022. 4. Interim Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Proposed Single -Family Residence, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20450, dated October 21, 2022. 5. Supplemental Geotechnical Design Recommendations for Proposed Caisson Supported Pool and Spa, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20-450, dated April 7, 2023. 6. Geotechnical Commentary on Alternative Construction Approach, Proposed Easterly Retaining Wall, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California; report by Petra Geosciences, Inc., J.N. 20-450; dated January 18, 2024. d�PETRA SOLID ASARUCK GEOSCIENCES'"` NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /NewportBeach TABLE Field Density Test Summary July 15, 2024 J.N.20-450 Date of Test Test No. Location Depth* (ft.) Moist. % Unit Wt. pbs./eu.fr.) % Rel. Comp. Soil T e 11/1/2022 I -SG Building Pad 0.0 13.4 114.4 92 B ll/l/2022 1-IT Interior 0.5 13.6 113.7 92 B 1/10/2023 1-RW Rear Yard 1.0 12.5 114.0 92 B 1/10/2023 2-RW Rear Yard 0.0 12.1 114.8 93 B 4/10/2024 3-RW Side Yard 0.0 20.7 93.1 92 A 4/10/2024 4-RW Side Yard 0.0 21.4 92.7 92 A 4/20/2024 2-SG Driveway 0.0 21.9 92.3 91 A 4/20/2024 3-SG Entry 0.0 22.1 93.2 92 A 4/20/2024 4-SG Rear Yard 0.0 22.4 92.5 92 A 4/25/2024 5-RW Side Yard 0.0 20.9 92.3 91 A 4/26/2024 I-G Exterior 0.0 21.3 92.1 91 A 4/26/2024 5-SG Side Yard 0.0 21.7 92.2 91 A 5/l/2024 6-RW Side Yard 0.0 21.4 91.3 90 A 5/14/2024 1-1 Exterior 0.5 21.5 93.3 92 A 5/17/2024 I-S Exterior 1.5 20.9 92.0 91 A 5/17/2024 2-S Exterior 0.5 21.I 92.9 92 A 5/17/2024 1-W Exterior 0.5 21.6 93.8 93 A 5/17/2024 I -AD Exterior 0.5 22.1 93.0 92 A 5/29/2024 6-SG Driveway 0.0 22.7 92.6 92 A SG - SUBGRADE IT - INTERIOR TRENCH G - GAS S - SEWER W - WATER J - JOINT (ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TV, GAS) AD - AREA DRAIN * - DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADE llpftp P E T R A SOLO ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES'" NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach TABLE II Laboratory Optimum Moisture and Maximum Dry Density Test Data July 15, 2024 J.N. 20-417 Soil Type Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry Density (%) (Cf) A Silty Clay (CL) 19.5 101.0 B — Silty Sand (SM) 10.0 124.0 PETRASOLID ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES" o (A w Z m LL C w O C N O Q o LLJ-��a u cn u -j U N OQ"wa ~ W m o in w "' " Om� Q � w U i F y W� w Z LL w ° - _ U o _ I I 1 I K N p i3p�.rC K n^ -I K X44 N 4 P Qr L III i X i-S U I d-21 771 .M I. 0 d I X y I U T 4 X 5 N Lj � C7 p i5 m O 0 n o � m ,III p a o 'U o N W O1 Z a o E -L N N N C w E o o i0 c `o oI'm r a Q a d m Q s i7 a y 3>: » fn m o Q LL d ' m X m I OW- m ENGINEERS + GEOLOGISTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1 Corporate Plaza, Suite 110 Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Ms. Nanci Glass Subject: Interim Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Proposed Single -Family Residence, 1601 Bay Cliff Circle, Lot 24, Tract No. 7247, Corona Del Mar Area, Newport Beach, California References: See Attached List Dear Ms. Glass: Petra Geosciences, Inc. (Petra) is submitting herewith a summary of the observation and testing services provided by this firm during rough grading operations within the subject site. Conclusions relative to the suitability of the grading for the planned structures, and foundation design recommendations for the proposed residence and other site improvements, are included herein. The purpose of this phase of grading was to develop an engineered fill pad for the construction of a single- family residence and associated hardscape features. The pool and spa were not included during this phase of grading, and grading along the easterly side of the lot was limited to approximately 5 feet beyond the proposed garage footprint (see Figure 1, attached). Grading began on September 14, 2022 and was completed on October 14, 2022. A second phase of grading is planned for a later date to bring the remaining areas of the site to proposed grade with engineered fill. A final geotechnical report presenting our observations and testing will be provided in the future at the completion of rough grading. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Site Clearing Structural materials associated with the previous residential structure were removed from the site. Clearing operations also included the removal of previous structural features, such as concrete walkways, patios and block walls, as well as landscape vegetation. Trees and large shrubs, where removed, were grubbed out to include their stumps and major root systems. Offices Strategically Positioned Throughout Southern California ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 3186 Airway Avenue, Suite K, Costa Mesa, California 92626 T: 714. 549. 8921 F. 714.668-3770 For more information visit us online at www.oetra-,ne.com X908 VSV /7oS S33N313SO30 tlM13d -laodai sfgi 3o puo agl it, g algvI ui paptnoxd aau sllnsw lsol aq j •(1 'ON 03u3x330g) lrItAtlOu luafwaga pus satlsualauM113 ODU33UIOna nagl autuualap of iap.to ut apua pud gstwd Beau poutulgo sluualuw pros altsuo 3o soldwus uo pauuo3.tad ,flsnotnatd aaam sisal kiolu.toqul luianaS uusa,L Ajojuioqvq -gouag ltodmoN3o ij!D otpjo opoD OuiptuD aqi puu suodw poouojopi .wo 3o suotlupuaunuoow aqi gitm aaumidwoo lunuoS to patuzodtad sum 101 ioafgns aqi tttglim luawaoupd IpA '9 Tsai A41suop goua io3 alquoilddu sum I o14uZ ttt poluasaid anion /4!su3p wnunxuw Xioluiogul otpjj gututuualop io; sisuq aqi ssm plug aql ui sluualuw ql uo 3o uotiuogtsssl0 altiaul puu punstA '1993 Z of 13o slunaalut Iuatl.tan lu ua3lui aaam sisal "4zsuap p[atd 'b I aatl2td uuld alts posoloua aqi uo palotdop axe sisal fltsuap plag atpjo suoiiuool aiututxozddu puu `y apqus ui poziceutwns aau slinsw isol '(8£69 Q YtUSV) spogiaw ru310nu kq pouuo3tad wom sisal lualuoo aanlstow put: A4!suap plaid -luawaauld IIg Suunp pauuojjad atom 5utisal ,iitsuap plag puu suofiueaasgp '3333 L flaluuttxoiddu st pud Sutpltnq aql ssoaou poould IIg3o gldap wnunxuw QU 'LSSI Q poglalni lsas WISV gltm a3uup.too0u ut kitsuap /lap wnwfxsw /Uoluaoqul o19uogddu agi3o luooxad 06 3o uotioudwo0 antlulaa utnunutw u of poloudwoo puu slualuoo oinistow wntutldo anoqu io iu anatgau of kmssaaau su pauotltpuoa aanlstow `s8tl jottli-goui-9 of -V (Ialowrxolddu w poould aiam sgos aq_L 'Z •sltos ltodun puu nits-uo;o poistsuoo ails laaCgns aqi utgltm poould sluualuw II3 aq.L -i misa jL pae luamaaula Jig -soinlonns outl ,iitadojd luooufpu3o uotloaloid aqi of uant2 sum uotlui0pfsuo0 `.tanamoq taut[ fl.tadojd of awl klaadoid Xloluwtxoiddu wag papuaixa uotiaudwoaai puu uotiunuoxazaeo 3o sltunl IuiuorttOH 'LSSI O POIDOW IS31 YUSH qpm aauuptoaau to ,iltsuap Iap utntmxuw Qoiuxoqul alquatlddu ay 3o luoond 06 3o uotlaudwoo anfluloi wnuntnw u of aould ui paioudw000i uagl puu `umtupdo uutll iaiva.t8 AllgStls sum lugl lualuoa axnlstow uuo;tun t: anatgou of pauotltpuoa oinistow `sagout 93o gldop u of pagueos lsig wom saoulws wolloq posodxa atpl `IIg pataaut;lua su sitos pal9n00x0.taeo agl2utouldw of loud 'TIg paaaatnllua se poouldw uogl puu 11g palaudwoa palloquoo luaiadwoo of panowaa sum Iig 2utistx3 3o 1333 S aaddn agl `spuuaiuw ltos putogtns olyq!nsun osagl3o ivawalnos putluaaa;;tp 3saanpu3o slaa33a aql of onp iuowdolanap Iutluaptsai posodoid atpl of sso4stp 3o lufluolod agl aonpaz of aapio to `3103atagZ 'Ilg puuotl?ppu ao saanloluls mau 3o laoddns aqi xo3 olqulznsun oq of ponpfsuoo atom sp poptu Ifos osogl 3o laa3 S zaddn aql `(1 'ON oouojojog) olts agl3o uotluSlISOnuf psatugaaloao ino uo posug •3013jins punoa Supsfxa aqi moloq laa3 S'£l of 5'9 ,ilaiuunxotddu wo.g gldop w oSuua psd otp utgltm sluualuw ltg Supstxg uofluau a.td punoa0 Z aRud OSb-OZ'N'f yovag;todntax/alo(zDff DdvglogI ZZOZ `I Z xagolo0 MOI LDfIH.I.SK03 MOS'IOHOIK NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle I Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Regulatory Compliance Removals, overexcavation, processing of exposed surfaces, and placement of engineered fill under the purview of this report have been completed under the part-time observation of, and with selective testing by Petra and are found to be in general compliance with the recommendations provided in the reference report and the grading codes of the City of Newport Beach, California. The completed work within this firm's purview has been reviewed and is considered to be in compliance with project specifications. It is our opinion that the as -graded condition of the subject lot and the proposed building construction will not have an adverse effect on the geologic stability of adjacent properties. Post -Grading Considerations Site Drainage Positive drainage devices such as sloped concrete flatwork, graded swales and area drains should be provided around the new construction to collect and direct all water to a suitable discharge area. Neither rain nor excess irrigation water should be allowed to collect or pond against building foundations. The owner is advised that the drainage system should be properly maintained throughout the life of the proposed development. The purpose of this drainage system will be to reduce water infiltration into the subgrade soils and to direct surface water away from building foundations, and walls. The following recommendations should be implemented during construction 1. Area drains should be installed within all planter and landscape areas that are located within 10 feet of building foundations to reduce excessive infiltration of water into the foundation soils. Per the 2019 CBC, the ground surfaces of planter and landscape areas that are located within 10 feet of building foundations should be sloped at a minimum gradient of 5 percent away from the foundations and towards the nearest area drains. The ground surfaces of planter and landscape areas that are located more than 10 feet away from building foundations may be sloped at a minimum gradient of 2 percent away from the foundations and towards the nearest area drains. 2. Per the 2019 CBC, concrete flatwork surfaces that are located within 10 feet of building foundations should be inclined at a minimum gradient of 2 percent away from the building foundations and towards the nearest area drains. Concrete flatwork surfaces that are located more than 10 feet away from building foundations may be sloped at a minimum gradient of 1 percent away from the foundations and towards the nearest area drains. A watering program should be implemented for the landscaped areas that maintain a uniform, near optimum moisture condition in the soils. Overwatering and subsequent saturation of the soils may cause excessive soil expansion (heave) or settlement and should thus be avoided. On the other hand, allowing the soils to dry out may cause excessive soil shrinkage. As an alternative to a conventional irrigation system, drip irrigation is strongly recommended for all planter areas. The owner is advised that all irrigation and drainage devices should be properly maintained throughout the lifetime of the development. It PETRA SOLID ASA ROCK NaaN V SV anus 33NMOS030 VSU.L3d pus `arn;stow wnunldo anoqu ,(Rifts ro of iunbo si Iugl luawoo arn;stow uuoj!un u amigos oI ,(nss000u su paup nu ro paralsm `ssouxaiq; m sagom 9 ,(Ialeunxordds uugl raleaA ou sgrl m pooeld aq pinogs sluiraluw Ip.I)louq gouarl `aro;aragl `sanbrugoal SucuaCpue guipooi3 ,(q ,(lalenbopu pogisuop oq louueo silos apsup quoorad 06 3o uorloudwoo OAIIular wnunmw a of poloudmoo oq pinogs Ilg3loeq gouarl 61t1?In Iid 11"aeg gaua-i,L 9!lfl •alts slgl IT papuawwooar IOU sl uollujlp3uI suleiQ gauaiy ssalwonog ,(sm ,iue uj poiallu si adols pus ped ftippnq Ianal paps2 aql uo 32euIerp uagm dolanap uen swolgord luilualod lsgl postnpu aq pinogs sumo oqs -(,fuu 3i) swals,(s uoiluOun 2upleal;o nudw puu `101Iu00 Iuapor `sumsinoid Iolluoo unison puu 32lumsrp 3o aria agI apnpm pinogs legl paleinm aq pinogs uieBoid aouumlwum adols luauuuuad y •ooueuuodrad adols of Iuluounrlop oslu si lno /up of silos agl;Immolle `puuq raglo oql up ,poplonu oq pinogs sllos adols agl3o umisrnles luonbasgns pue Suuolem-rang -9 -Is1201032 Omaaomsua ro raamfua silos aql wog Ienoidde loud Inoglim pamolle aq Iou pinogs sagouarl m sauil iolWids3o uotlon4suoD -,(Iuo ooe3rns agI it, palonr;suoo oq pinogs ,(aql `palonrlsuoo oq of are sums,(s umluslu[ 3I •sajoods lueld aar3-aouuu3lmuw,(lanilelar puu Iuelsisar-lgBnorp `palooi-chap e gpim padeospuel aq pinogs It `padeospuel aq of sl adols Iernluu dmpuaosop agI3I 'b -(,(ue 3i) swals,(s uolluSun gm}leal 3o Hadar puu lo4uoo luopoi `suoisinoid lorluoo uotsora puu ogumurp 3o area aqI apnlom Isnw oouuualmew odols radoaj •popg!m aq pinogs umBord ammuolmew odols luouuuuad d •£ •sllem $mmular ro silem )Ioolq mou 3o uogonilsuon of anp puu `iig ;o luowoould ro/puu suoileneoxo of anp parags oq ueo aSemerQ -,Cum ,(ue m parade si sadols pus ped lanai papeB aqI uo aduulsrp uagm dolaeap uea swalgord Ieiluolod Iugl pasinpe si sumo agL 'Z •uaru psd lanai agl wog Ompmosop odols 3o dol aqI iluolu polonulsuoo aq pinogs uuoq quea paloedwoo y • I :molaq poluasaid are sumlepuawwooar pus sluowwoo luuoilippV uagearagl pamulmuw pue adols SuIpuaasap pruA rear agl3o dol aqI Ie ped aqI uo palonr;suon are suoisinord 32 murp alenbopu legl papinord os mewar Il!m puu olquls (ilulogms pue ,flssoA gloq oq of paloadxo are odols lsrnleu pus sadols lIg dm;sixa agI, aaueua;u!vw pae u! saspueZ a olS b a$ed OSb-OZ ' N'f govag;aodniaV / ata qD f!ID dng l o97 ZZOZ `IZ ragolop NoILDfIHLSNoD NoS'IOHaIK NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle/ Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 5 then mechanically compacted in -place to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. A representative of the project geotechnical consultant should probe and test the backfills to document that adequate compaction has been achieved. For shallow trenches where pipe may be damaged by mechanical compaction equipment, such as under the building floor slab, imported clean sand exhibiting a sand equivalent value (SE) of 30 or greater may be utilized. The sand backfill materials should be watered to achieve near optimum moisture conditions and then tamped in place. No specific relative compaction will be required; however, observation, probing, and, if deemed necessary, testing should be performed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant to document that the sand backfill is adequately compacted and will not be subject to excessive settlement. Where utility trenches enter the footprint of the building, they should be backfilled through their entire depths with on -site fill materials, sand -cement slurry or concrete rather than with any sand or gravel shading. This "plug" of less- or non -permeable materials will reduce the potential for water to migrate through the backfilled trenches from outside of the building to the areas beneath the foundations and floor slabs. If clean, imported sand is to be used for backfill of exterior utility trenches, it is recommended that the upper 12 inches of trench backfill materials consist of properly compacted on -site soil materials. This is to reduce infiltration of irrigation and rainwater into granular trench backfill materials. Where an interior or exterior utility trench is proposed parallel to a building footing, the bottom of the trench should not be located below a 1:1 plane projected downward from the outside bottom edge of the adjacent footing. Where this condition exists, the adjacent footing should be deepened such that the bottom of the utility trench is located above the 1:1 projection. Foundation Design Considerations Near -Fault Site Determination Based on our review of the referenced geologic maps and literature, no active faults are known to project through the property. Furthermore, the site does not lie within the boundaries of an "Earthquake Fault Zone" as defined by the State of California in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (CGS, 2018). The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (AP Act) defines an active fault as one that "has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years)." The main objective of the AP Act is to prevent the construction of dwellings on top of active faults that could displace the ground surface resulting in loss of life and property. IVPETRA SOLID ASA ROCK nobs VSVOnos S30NMOS035 � VU13d / •sougapinS g'ZI 313lljV `9l-L 9DSV uo paseq oAjno `sD `luatarllaoo asuodsoi oiwsios oq;;orulsuoo of paimbal sia;aun ied sapinojd `I olqul, `a14e1 Sutmollo3 aqZ •al!s;oafgns aql of pouSisss uaaq seq (asumgos QdHSO/V9S lad su I!oS 33!lS-Q) O sss10 al!S `I-£'OZ a1qul `9I-L HDSV IMM aauspj000s ui `gons sV 'bZ sum lunoa mo14 uoi;eganad pjepue;S aSejane ag1 'ampaoojd Z'b'OZ alalljV `9I-L gOSV aq; woj3;aa3 001 .zaddn aq; joj olgaailddu sselo arcs agl olewilso of pazill;n wom Suuoq daap aql woj3 slunoo molg'S'b091 a1gs.L `O$D 6IOZ ql!m oouspjooae ui Swpl!nq posodojd aql of poOisse sum I[3o faoSolso )Isu atwstas V •silos alts•lo (;aa3 001 ilalewixojddu) sjalow OC joddn aq; utgMm `O£sA `A4taolan anew jeags malls -dams oSejane Suilslnolsa jo3 ajnp000jd popuawwoow 91-L 93SV ag; pue luawa.msuaw;aanp mp uo spuadop uoil!w3ap ssalo alis agl, -pannbal ajs ssalo a;Is 30 02polmou7i pus ,iIoSaleo 3lsu aiwsias `aprgtSuol puu apnlilsl alts `suoiVoilddu jalndwoo anoge aip uru oZ 11ne3 arp 3o uopoafojd aosdjns of ague;sip aq; pue opn;iugew a)lanbquea agl olewpso of pasn si `/ant;aejalui/spjazuq/Ao -s sn-a�en gltsa//:s uq `olisgam loos pjezuH Pac3!ufl (SOSfl) ,fanjnS lux2oloaO palelS pol!ufl aq; `uoileoildde jalndwoo puooas aU •sjalawujed nohow punoa agl a;elnoleo of pasn st jo's ewatws!as//:s g `oj!sgam loot sduW uSisoU oiwsioS QdHSO/VdS aql `(QdHSO) Inawdolan30 ueuu 0;aosVSuaautpus Sul ,ueiuSug lejnloru;S Xq padolanap /Siluiof sum go!gm `uoilso1ldds ia;ndwoa lsig aq; `,S1leogtoadS suoi;satldde jalndwoo oml pasn am `loofojd sigl jo; milaods asuodsoi uoilajol000e uSisop arp longsuoo o; .ixu aoou sjalowund mp glim wsal uSlsap aq; apceoid of •soutlapmS apoo arp uo pasuq sa;ts utelcao jo3 padolanap aq ueo wruloods osuodsaj uSisop s `X1ani;ewagV -sisXlsus uoilow punoA ogpods-al!s ag; wolj pouiumlap aq Xuw goigm uoilajol000s punojS 3o uoi;aun3 s aje sSutplmq pus sajnlon ns uagl Isa uo speol mpnbglaug saalawnjed lsa(l almstaS I'b' I i uog3QS `91-L dDSV giro+ aouepj000e ui al!S llnug-leaN a se pojop!suoo aq pinogs ails oql `gans sV •jeax jad gauq b0'0 uugl jaleajS 11ns3 ag; Suole alai dtls a glim S;naAa jaSjel jo L apn;tuSew a Sutonpojd jo algedea si gatgm `walsXs;lnu; sigl;o uoiloofojd ooe3.ms acp woij (unl Si) salilu 9'6 uugl ssa13o aaus;sip u le paleool si a;ts;aafgns aqZ slapow norlow punorS ogl3o luouodwoo wnunuiw oilsiumuolap aql of jo;ngtjluoo /iluofaw ag; si `ojo;ajagl `pus suoi;ow punoB alis ajanas ;sow alp ale13u35 ,Slgegojd P1nom `alts alp jo mmq;nos saliw Z' £ Xlalawtxoidds paisool `llnej poomalSul- lcodmalsl aql `uiwo3!IuDjo duW AunlloV llned SOD OIOZ jo/pue alisgom 1001 pjezuH Pag!ufl SOSfl oql of Suipj000e Imp polou oq Plnogs ;i `janamoH 9 aSed OSb-OZ'N'f yonag7dodala)V/ aloe?jf1:) dvg 1091 ZZOZ `I Z jagolo0 NOI LOf12LLSMOL) NOS'IOnjIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle/Newport Beach TABLE 1 Seismic Design Parameters October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 7 Ground Motion Parameters Specific Reference Parameter Value Uni t Site Latitude (North) 33.6061 ° Site Longitude (West) - -117. 8429 ° Site Class Definition Section 1613.2.2 0), Chapter 20 (2) D (4) - Assumed Seismic Risk Category Table 1604.5 (') I1 - Ma - Earthquake Magnitude USGS Unified Hazard Tool (3) 7.1 (3) R — Distance to Surface Projection of Fault USGS Unified Hazard Tool (3) 5.110) km Ss - Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Figure 1613.2.1(1) to 1.319 td> g Short Period 0.2 second St -Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Figure 1613.2.1(2) 0) 0.468 (o g Long Period 1.0 second Fa — Short Period (0.2 second) Site Coefficient Table 1613.2.3(1) (') 1 (4) - Fy — Long Period (1.0 second) Site Coefficient Table 1613.2.3(2) (') Null (4) - SMs— MCER Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter Equation 16-36 0) 1.319 (4) g Adjusted for Site Class Effect 0.2 second Sm, - MCER Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter Equation 16-37 0) Null (4) g Adjusted for Site Class Effect 1.0 second Sus - Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2-s Equation 16-38 (') 0.879 ta> 9 SDt - Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-s Equation 16-39 (') Null (4) g To = 0.2 SDI/ SDs Section 11.4.6 (2) Null s Ts_ SDJ SDs Section 11.4.6 (2) Null s TL- Long Period Transition Period Figure 22-14 (2) 8 (4) s PGA - Peak Ground Acceleration at MCEc O Figure 22-9 (2) 0.572(4) g FpGA - Site Coefficient Adjusted for Site Class Effect R) Table 11.8-1 R) 1.1 (4) - PGAM —Peak Ground Acceleration (2) Equation 11.8-1 tZ> 0.63t^) g Adjusted for Site Class Effect Design PGA = (2/3 PGAM) - Slope Stability (t) Similar to Eqs. 16-38 & 16-39 (2) 0.420 g Design PGA = (0.4 SDs) — Short Retaining Walls () Equation 11.4-5 (2) 0.352 g CRs - Short Period Risk Coefficient Figure 22-18A (2) 0.915 (4) - CRt - Long Period Risk Coefficient Figure 22-19A t2) 0.924 (o - SDC - Seismic Design Category (D Section 1613.2.5 t') Null (4) - References: 0) California Building Code (CBC), 2019, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume I and B. o) American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE/SEI), 2016, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Standards 7-16. 0) USGS Unified Hazard Tool - httos://eartbquake.mgs.mov/bmuds/interactive/ (4) SEI/OSHPD Seismic Design Map Application—httns://seismicmal)s.org Related References: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2015, NEHERP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended Seismic Provision for New Building and Other Structures EMA P-1050 . Notes: ' PGA Calculated at the MCE return period of 2475 years (2 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years). t PGA Calculated at the Design Level of/, of MCE; approximately equivalent to a return period of 475 years (10 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years). PGA Calculated for short, stubby retaining walls with an infinitesimal (zero) fundamental period. I The designation provided herein may be superseded by the structural engineer in accordance with Section 1613.2.5.1, if applicable. ® PECIENCES'"°- SOLIDAS A ROCK JI.70a tl SV al705 S30N31 OS030 113d lugl paptnoad Z'0 < IS glim IloS 33t1S-Q ssulD alts uo sainlon.gs io; pannbaa lou si sts,Cluuu pluzuq uopow punoig ogtaads-alas V 'P.oS d3IlS-Q ssulO oltS u uppm aq of paaaptsuoo si alis laafgns aqp `utaaaq pawls sV -aanp000id 3-Ig aql ut pasn st will anlno (Z- sg) pouad — puatarglaoD asuodsa-j oiwspS 3o uoilon4suoo xo3 I olquL u< Paptnoid st `-1Z `pouad uotltsuwil, pouad 2?110r1 3o onlwn OLD puu spuoaas 059'0 01 paluurrpsD st `sZ `pouad uotltsuuiL utuwoQ i1t0013A luups11033o onlwn aql `sluawala p uriloruls 3o uSisap otwstas io3 posit oq pogpaw (37g) oojo3 lujalu I pualuntnbg Dill PlnogS poglalnl aa]O J Iw.ralwZ laalwAw g — uotssnostQ iaautfua luinlorms loafold agl;o uotlonstp aql lu `soS 3o anlwn aql (£ puu W29Jw0 Jsu s,amlorms (Z 1(l)S'Z'£l9l algu.L `ggg 6I0Z (I :uo posuq paatssu oq pinogs krogapwo atsop otwstas `law lou On suotltpuoo q osagl3o aaow io Otto aragm suotl!Puoo io3;will st 91-L goSV 3o uotlulaidiolut inp •law Diu s ujq utp agl;o tpt u antpwlai puw tat`—luaao�so—i atwstas 131� air4—a s 3o popad l 4mmuepurg Futwaouoo sluawannbaa q IIu lug; POP!Aoxd auolu (l)S'Z'£I9l olqul woi; pautuualop oq of kio2alwa u21sap atwstas;till smollu I'S'Z'£191 uotlaaS `DU 6IOZ agl `9L'0 mgl ssal st `IS `pouad puoaas — I lu iolawurud uotpuaaloonu osuodsoi luilaads paddww aql ajagm suotpTitoo zo3 -I alqul ut .,Ilnu„ su papuatsap oslu st `DQs `.QoSo wD uStsaa atwstas agp;till alou asuald o alwD tsaQ atwstas — uotssnosta -iaautguo Iulrgoruls loofoid agl,iq palunluna oq pinogs suollr1twtl nagl puu sagouoaddw atsop osagZ -parwo3.rad st sts,ilwuw spruzeq atwstas ogtaads-alas u31 poutulgo On will asogl twill luotwou000 aiow oq you Xuw ao Xvw;will sllnsaz aptnoxd of poloadxo aw `spogpaw aaglo 2uouis `axnp000zd u$tsoU pogtldu IS puu arnpaaord (VM-1) stsilurrV irolstH asuodsa-g juau1l `aanp000ad (VSHIM) stsX[uuV umiloads asuodsoN lupoIN `oinp000id (37g) ooio3 luaalw'I pualwntnbg opnlout gotgm `sagouoiddu atsap anuwu.callw asagl `alts ogtoads fuw io3 •sts,Cluuu pauzuq atwstas ogtoads-apis w 3o nail ut 9I-L ggSV Putt Ogg 6IOZ Xq polltuuod an: sagouoiddu u5tsop 3o ,Iqauun w `Opts aqp io3 poliodw st anlwn ,Ilnu„ u aaagm suotlipuoo and I olqul oas `sialatimmd atwstas pouad Suol;o uotlwutw.rapap ut `.Cllsow pnq `pouad hogs 3o uotluutuualap ut ommgos QdHSO/VgS 'Rutsn lndpno are pwgp sonlun ,dlnu„ a p Cq pa11puopt/pagtats st luawannbai stq,L -pouuo3zad aq of stsXluuu asuodsai atwstas agtaads -Opts u sannbal fHwotd/�j DHH 61 OZ aql `asuodsoi alts azt ralouasgo Xlapwnbopu lou ,Cma umrloods asuodsoi udtsap pagtoads-opoo aril a.ragm `soouulsumouo asogl iapufl vwds a3tl paludtatluw sit 3uunp Suplugs punoiS Ouoils aouauadxo of poloodxo st ails aql `Suplugs punoB xo fuw3o soomos aql of alts arA3o tpturtxoad puu `uop13u2tsap ltoS 33tpS-Q ssulD altS fq paw3ap su `silos ooujinsgns ogl;o sotlsuapauauga aqp of Autmp lwaaua0 - uotssnasid g 050,1 OSb-OZ 't\Cf yonag podMa1r / al o.qd ff!1:) dvg 1091 ZZOZ `IZ iagola0 AmOLLOfMISNOD NosriOnJIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle / Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 9 the Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs, is determined in accordance with ASCE 7-16, Article 12.8 and structural design is performed in accordance with Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) procedure. Footing Setbacks from Descending Slopes Based on the total height of the southerly adjacent slope (approximately 165 feet), a 40 foot horizontal structural setback between the outside bottom edge of the proposed residence footings or any side yard retaining wall footings and the face of the southerly adjacent descending slope will be required to conform to the minimum requirements of Figure 1808.7.1 of the 2019 CBC, Chapter 18, Division I. Section 1808.7.2 and Figure 1808.7.1 of the 2019 CBC. Similarly, based on the total height of the westerly adjacent slope (approximately 20 feet), a 7 foot horizontal structural setback between the outside bottom edge of the proposed residence footings or any backyard retaining wall footings and the face of the westerly adjacent descending slope will be required to conform to the same minimum requirements. In addition, a slope creep condition developing to a depth of approximately 7.5 feet deep can be anticipated on the southerly descending side yard slope, and approximately 4.5 feet deep on the westerly descending back yard slope. On the basis of these anticipated conditions, and depending on the siting of the proposed residence and other exterior structures proposed along the top of these descending slopes, deepened footings or caissons may be required to support these structures in order to reduce the potential adverse effects of slope creep. Therefore, footings for any buildings or retaining walls proposed near the top of the adjacent westerly descending slope should be founded at a depth that will provide a minimum footing setback of at least 12 feet measured along a horizontal line projected from the outside bottom edges of the footings to the daylight contact with the slope face in order to extend the footings below the creep zone. For buildings or retaining walls proposed near the top of the adjacent southerly descending slope, the CBC 11/3 minimum setback of 40 horizontal feet between the outside bottom edge of the proposed residence footings or side yard retaining wall footings and the face of the southerly adjacent descending slope will be the governing criterion. Although no specific foundation setback requirements are required for garden walls, planters, and decking or patios within the rear yard, any structures proposed in close proximity of the rear yard slope may be subject to future vertical and lateral movements due to slope creep and soil heave and contraction. Therefore, structures that are located along the top of the descending slope should be supported on deepened foundations. Recommendations for these deepened foundations are provided in subsequent sections of this report. PET" SOLID AS A ROCK S3aN31OS030 N7oa V SV a17GS V113d usgl ssol oq of poloodxo si luawalllas Ietluaiajj!Q •you! z/, 3o iapio ayl uo oq of paloadxo si spuol poludtotlue mp iapun s2uiloo3 3yl3o luouial pas oquis lslol `anoqu pap!noid sonlun Suuuoq alqumolle oql uo posug lnamalllas 3UqOOA paleml;sg -uodai styl3o suotloos Sutmollo3 ayl u! poluosoid axe suotlupuno3 2tn j!nq 3o uotlanrlsuoo puu aisap io; suotlrpuotumooi ogloadS -ainlonils pasodoid aql io3 poi!nboi aq II!m sagaw ZI 3o ssooxo ut syldap Sulloo3 `Dg3 6I OZ oyl jo sluamannboi wnwtutw ayl yl!m Xjduioo of put, sl!os anlsuudxa Xlalriapow3o sloadla osianpt, aql oonpoi of `axo3aiaq , -anlsuudxo ,ilaleaapoui are sI!os al!s-uo `sSulloo3 chap -qau!-ZI iq3 anlrn aisop u apnlout satl!osdso Suut,aq pos alqumollu papuowwooar anoge alp gSnoyllV •saoxo3 otwslas pus pulm uotlexnp lxogs xo3 pr!gl-auo Xq posraioui aq Aw puu `sprol anti pue pulp gloq sopnlout onlrn Sutivaq alqumollu popuawwoow ayZ -loo3 aisnbs xad spunod 005`Z 3o anlrn wnunxew u of `glptm 3o loo; luuot;tppu gosa io3 luomad 01 Cq puu yldap 3o lo03 Iruotl!PPu goua ro3 luaoiad OZ Xq pasmiout aq Aw onlun stgZ -3pu12 Isug luaosCps;somol a p molaq sagaut ZI 3o gldap wnunu!w s lu p3puno3 sSulloo3 snonutluoo jo uStsop xo; paztltln aq few loo; axunbs iod spunod OOS` 13o S4!ouduo Sulmaq pos olqumollu UV s upoo3 snonuguo5 ,s33103 otwstas puu pu!m uotlump Boys xo3 pnyl-auo .fq poseaiout aq fuw PUB `speol any puu prop gloq sapnlou! onlsn Sulxuoq alqumolle papuowwoow oq_j •lo03 arenbs iad spunod OOS`Z3o onlrn wnugxew u of `cpp!m jo lo03 leuop!ppe gala io3 luaaiod OI Cq pup yldaP3o 1oo31uuoll!pps goea iod luaoiad OZ ,Cq posuarout aq Xuw anlun stgd, 'all `sianoa oqud `sloop (.cols-pu000s `Suugxano ;ooi su sam4ua3 gons 3o lioddns xo3 pasn are puu wals,Ss quls ayl3o pud s lou air luyl s&HIOc3 psd io; apsiS Ieug luaoefpu lsamol a p molaq sagout ZI do gldop wnwtutw u lu popuno3 s2utloo3 limbs-qou!-bZ polulost 3o aisap io3 pozlllln oq Xuw lo03 aisnbs rod spunod OOS`l 3o I!ovdeo Suueaq I!os alqumolle UV s UI sagtas ej Nuvag 11oS algsmollV aausislsag Iuain-I pus luawalllas palsmgsR !ar eR SuLivag algsmollV •sluawanoidun pasodoid uo anroq pos puu daaio adols 3o slo333a Ipu aluSll!w XIaloldwoo of olq!sua; paiap!suoo lou s! 1! `ol!s loafgns agl ylsauaq IIg agl;o amleu antsuedxa ,i13juiapoui mp PUB I1ij Sutlstxo 3o sgldap aql of anp lsgl polou aq pinogs li -ugllosrluoo puu uotsuudxa I!os ,iq pasnuo sluawanom of anp ssaxlslp io3 Irpualod mp oonpai dlaq of slu!oI palamop io suollrirdas antl!sod iayl!a put, slmoCluawanow `saSpa paua1olyl `luawaaxo3utar gllm pauSlsap aq osle pinogs sluawanoidw! xoualxa aye Oi ;)Bud OSb-OZ'Nf yonag1-todKaMlajaqDff!jj fng[o97 ZZOZ `IZ iagolop NOILYR USN103 MOSJOHDIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 11 1/4 inch over a horizontal span of 40 feet. The majority of settlement is likely to take place as footing loads are applied or shortly thereafter. Lateral Resistance A passive earth pressure of 200 pounds per square foot per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 2,000 pounds per square foot, may be used to determine lateral bearing resistance for footings. In addition, a coefficient of friction of 0.30 times the dead load forces may be used between concrete and the supporting soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. The above values may be increased by one-third when designing for transient wind or seismic forces. It should be noted that the above values are based on the condition where footings are cast in direct contact with compacted fill or competent native soils. In cases where the footing sides are formed, all backfill placed against the footings upon removal of forms should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the applicable maximum dry density. Guidelines for Footings and Slabs on -Grade Design and Construction The results of our laboratory tests performed on representative samples of near -surface soils within the site collected during our subsurface investigation, indicate that these materials predominantly exhibit expansion indices that range from 51 to 90. As such, the site soils are classified as "expansive" as defined in Section 1803.5.3 of the 2019 California Building Code (2019 CBC). The design of foundations and slabs on -ground should therefore be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Sections 1808.6.1 and 1808.6.2 of the 2019 CBC. General Briefly, Section 1808.6.1 of the 2019 CBC requires that foundations placed on or within the active zone of expansive soils shall be designed to resist differential volume changes and to prevent structural damage to the supported structure. Section 1808.6.2 of the 2019 CBC requires that non -prestressed slabs on -grade or mat foundations constructed on expansive soils be designed in accordance with WRIICRSI Design of Slab - on -Ground Foundations. The 2019 CBC also requires that post -tensioned slabs on -grade or mat foundations placed on expansive soils be designed in accordance with PTIDC10.5, "Standard Requirements for Design of Shallow Post -Tensioned Concrete Foundation on Expansive Soils ", with the provision that the analyses used to determination of moments, shears and deflections are performed accordingly. It should be noted that, under certain conditions, the 2019 CBC allows for alternative, rational methods of analysis and design of such slabs provided that these methods account for soil -structure interaction, the deformed shape of the soil support, plate or stiffened plate action of the slab, as well as both center lift and edge lift conditions. *PETRA SOLID ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES- momtl Stl OnOS S33N310S030 tlM13d aql ,Cq pazlllln aq zb jo xapui 4lalpsuld anpaaga uu lugl popuamimmi st lt'hummns ul •(uotlsotlgnd MI agl3o 6 am2i3 aad) xoput dltopsuld anpoopo otp jo anlsn aql anrwlalap of rapao ut Z, I jo joing s ,Sq paildillnw aq `uioioq poptnold su 'xaput j4toilseld palqi?tam aql lugl popuawwooai si It 'silos arts-uo aql jo 14iBuasls aetssazdwoo pauguooun paluurplso agl;o uotlszaptsuoo ut pus `spud Sutplmq lanal uo palorulsuoo 09 ll!m ftPllnq oql onutS •sluualum looapaq io ltos 8utltoddns agl3o gl8ua.4s antssaidwoo pauguooun all pus puno B Outdols jo sloapa agl aoj olusuadwoo lugl szolooj uogoanoo ,fq (pagdtllnw) pagtpow aq pinogs olis Outplmq goua;o xopm ,iliopssld palgS!om oql lugl soluls not otlgnd r" aqL -alts loofgns aql roj pawnsss oq use S £;o xoput ,iltntlssld poll3tam u 'uuij ino ,iq 8utlsal ddoluroqul luaoaz agl uo passg •olis Suipllnq agl jo looj SI .raddn agl utgptm Outlstxo sia,Cul pos snotvun agl jo xoput ,Cltotlssld polgStom all uo possq axs uotluotlgnd raM aql ut pautllno saanp000ad aisop aq j -«suotlspuno3 punoiD-uo-qulS 3o atsaQ„ uopsoggnd (ldys) olnitlsul luaw3oro3ma'l an% agl;o uotltpa lsalul agl gltm aouspa000s ut poustsop aq pinogs sluualum antsusdxo uo pololulsuoo suopupunoj apl3A-uo -gsls possagsoid-uou lugl sagtnads 39D 61OZ agljo Z-9-8081 uotlnaS 'antsuudxa paiaptsuoo a.1u lugl silos iod 'XID 61OZ aql JO E'S'£08I uotlnaS aad antsuudxo paaapisuoo oq pinogs sltos altsuo 'anogs paluls sd mals S opuig-no-qulS IuaopaaeuoO -s;uawadtnbad apoo Sutppnq Ivool dq pa;v;atp sv vtda;rda u&sap wnurtutw o; uaet8 aq osly pinogs uot;vdaptsuoj 'ddvssaoau pawaap sv (spvol patlddv `S,a) sao.rof louta;xa sn liana sv '(uotsuvdxa puv a&nlutdgs 1vwdaq; "2•a) saotof a;a touoo lnuda;ut dof jun000v o; Sutovds pun azts 'addi;uawaa.Iofuta r puv suotsuawrp 8ut;oof puv gvls of s;uow;snlpv a;yudodddv ayvw pinogs moutgua Itnto do/puv ;aa;tyadv '.taout8ua Ivan;and;s ;oafodd ayI '';uau&pnl puv aauauadxa 'sasdlvuv 2uu9au!2ua Ivdn;and;s dof;uawaonldad so pan.gsuoa aq ;ou pinorts day; 'danamog 'suot;tpuoo ttos pa;vdtat;uv ay; dapun aauvwdofdad a;vnbapv anatgan o; sautloptn8 ddvutmgadd sv dluo papua;ut puv pasvq-aauvwdofdad a.m utaday paptaodd;uawaadofutad puv uotsuawtp dof suot;sa88ns ay;;vq; pa;ou aq osly pinogs;I 1uawal;1as a.ns;nf pun sat;st za;avdyya sptos ut dppgz um fo s;aaffa lnt;ua;od lIv a;vutmzla Clant;tsod jou op dllvdaua8 ,fail; 'ssad;stp do/puy ;uamanom not;an4moo-;sod aanpad o; punof uaaq sari vautlap a asay; g;rna aouvpdoaay ut pawdofdad uot;and Lvuoa g2nogllV'suot;tpuoo llos dyl7mis yi!m S;aaCodduo mdb(Sn(; fo aauatdadxa snotaadd ay; fo stsvq ay; uo padolaeap uaaq anvtl s glaptn$ asays ';uawaluas pun anyaq lyl;uadafftp pun Iv;ol wd0;-8u01 pun -;cloys a gssaoxa sv yons sltos aps, aq; fo do:nvgaq Iv;uawtd;ap ay; 'adofaday; pun uoptsodmoo 'atdgvf ut di111gz ti nwA fo slaaffa aq; 8utanpad dof padappmoo aq dnw puv suot;tpuoa Itos anogv ay; uo posvq adv xollof;vq; sautloptn2 uot;on4suoo puy u$tsap atgl Zl 32M OSb-OZ 'N'f yang;dodmaV / atadt') f ilj dvg 1091 ZZOZ `IZ tagoln0 NOI.L MUSNOD NOS'IOMIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 13 project structural engineer to design slabs on -ground with an interior grade beam system in accordance with the WRI publication. Alternatively, the following parameters may be used for design as appropriate: gallow = 1,500 psf em = 8.5 feet for center lift em = 4.2 feet for edge lift Y. = 0.45 inches for center lift yin = 0.85 inches for edge lift Footings 1. Exterior continuous footings supporting one- and two-story structures should be founded at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. Interior continuous footings may be founded at a minimum depth of 15 inches below the top of the adjacent finish floor slabs. 2. In accordance with Table 1809.7 of 2019 CBC for light -frame construction, all continuous footings should have minimum width of 12 inches for one- and two-story construction. We recommend all continuous footings should be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 4 bars, two top and two bottom. 3. A minimum 12-inch-wide grade beam founded at the same depth as adjacent footings should be provided across garage entrances or similar openings (such as large doors or bay windows). The grade beam should be reinforced in a similar manner as provided above. Interior isolated pad footings, if required, should be a minimum of 24 inches square and founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the bottoms of the adjacent floor slabs. Pad footings should be reinforced with a No. 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on centers, both ways, placed near the bottoms of the footings. Exterior isolated pad footings intended for support of roof overhangs such as second -story decks, patio covers and similar construction should be a minimum of 24 inches square, and founded at a minimum depth of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. The pad footings should be reinforced with No. 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on centers, both ways, placed near the bottoms of the footings. Exterior isolated pad footings should be connected to adjacent pad and/or continuous footings via tie beams in at least two perpendicular directions. 6. The spacing and layout of the interior concrete grade beam system required below floor slabs should be determined by the project architect or structural engineer in accordance with the WRI publication using the effective plasticity index value provided previously. The minimum footing dimensions and reinforcement recommended herein may be modified (increased or decreased subject to the constraints of Chapter 18 of the 2019 CBC) by the structural engineer responsible for foundation design based on his/her calculations and engineering experience and judgment. PETRA SOLIOASAROCK GEOSCIENCES'" Hoaa r sr anos 33N31OS030 V5UJ.3d •lum2pnf puu oououadxo SuuaautSua `suollulnolpa aaq/sty uo pasuq uStsop not;upuno; ao3 algtsuodsaa aaauiOua [ean;on4s oql Sq (posuaaoop ao poseaaom) pagtpow aq Xvw squ[s aoog Stuplmq ao; tnaaaq popuawwooaa luawaoaop w pus suotsuounp wntututw atll, •S -apuaSgns otp olut sogout g I �lajmuixojddo 3o q;dap u of olualauad pinogs a inlstow sill, quoluoo aan;siow wnugpdo aql sawi; c• I isuol pp si wi p lualuoo aaTustow u an0tg00 of paaaluMaad aq pinogs sgels aoog sacs Sutntl Molaq silos apsaSgns oql `alaaauoo Sutopld of aoud 'b 'SnUOA0a aoog aetlzsuas aanlstow gltM utsuano oq gills aSuapS oql pinogs `anoqu Z wall ut papnoad put[p op aultuns `quls aSwO oql Molaq aapas;ai iodsn aanlstow u3o;uowaasld of uaetS oq pinogs not;szaptsuoj •s;utof ouuld paum pom tluM paaalapnb aq p[nogs squls ioog oftuO `gouao aSpjuugs 3o uoutl5tdoad agl loaluoo of geualsw lutof uotsuedxo ga3 wntutww-gout-% Sutsn poutulutuw not;piudos antltsod u ql!m s2utloo3 [[um luoosfps woal XIaluapdos pa.Tnod aq oslu pinogs squls aSuae>) -squls aoog uaw Sutntl sTs aauuuw asltwts p ut paoao3ut01 puu 3jou p sagaut b wnuatutw u oq p[noqs squ[s aoog aSuauO •f ;uamaovld a;adauoo 8utdnp dap maad dodve ay; fo 8utdnjoundluaeadd of ua-yvj aq o; paau osjv pjnom sda;s jvuop!ppy'Sutdno gels tudoftun adnsua of ssaaodd not;on omoo ayt astndadns pun 8utdno fo spoyyaw ant;vuda;jv dof suottvpualuwoaad apteodd pinogs uot;ond;suoo pun 0"isap gels ut aouatdadxa yjtm doautSua spuajvw pabCtivnb y 'rfltudofiun wino gvjs aladauoo aqz ;vq; a msuo o; poluatuajdtut aq tsnut spoylaw 8utdna aavudodddv pa;lotto st dodul puns qql fi `daeamoH •dapdvyad dodve all; uo d1loagp paavld st a;adouoa ay; ft poonpad aq pjnoo gnjs apadauoo aq1 o;ut uotsndFut adn;stow dof pt1uojod ay; `adnsvatu anj1uanadd v slr •s8utdaaoo doolf aetltsuas-adn;stotu ;avdzut dfjasdaepv pjnoo Ivtjl adnjgotu ssaoxa fo luatudv4ua dof aavjd v sv (puns gut;polq) gvls ayt mojaq dadvl puns aip mate spdarlxa atadouoa puv sjvuotssafodd jvatuyaaloa8 `sdatBtsap gvls atuos `anal 1uasadd aqj IV ,aapis;ai aodpn aanlstow Itw-0 i oql Molaq paauld aq pinogs 3[uaiq Kxe[l[dso ag1, 'gnats b 'oN u gSnonll sassed Imp Ieuolump luawad o l uugl aaow lou Sututsluoo ouols pagsnao ao lansaS 30 sagaut b 3o umuqutw s;o Sutlstsuoo )[paaq ,Snjjzduo ipm utuliopun aq oslp pinoqs pis aoog olonuoo paau Sut°tl aqp `DHD 6IOZ aql JO I'I'L061 uotlooS gltM fldwoo oL •ousagwaw oq; 3o luawaoeld aql of aoud ooejms pud oql ssoaou puns 3o osanoo Sutlanal 310141-gout-1 p Smauld uagl puu q3m [uuotltppe uu apsaS pagstw3 pud aql SuuaMol of uantS aq pinogs uotleaaptsuoo `SutpuaS ,Sq panatgou aq louuso ooulans gpoows p31 •suotsna[oad dapgs ,fue lnogl!m gloows popuaS uaaq suq lugl aou3ans pud u uo paauld oq pinogs ouuagwaw agp `saanlound ao3 [utlualod atp aonpaa oZ •olaaauoo atp jo Suuno uuo;tun alowoad of ousagwaw aql aaeo poou[d oq pinogs puns uualo 3o sagaut Z;seal pu puu `paluas aq pinogs aupagwaw oql utgltM sdul I[d '(pua[untnba ao `deaAk ®oSalS (Vpxen[) MolloA SblsnH su gons) saapaulaa aodsn ao3 SbL i3 WIS V PUL' 96d YUS`d3o sluowaunbaa wnwtutw agl spaaw lugp auwgwaw m3alo clod ao aual,iglc)Xlod 3lotgp-Itw-Ol wnuntnw v 3o Sutlstsuoo aapmaa aodsn aanlstow p gptM tnplaapun aq pinogs SmaaAoa aoog get;tsuas aanlstow OA1333J of spaau pup squls aoog alaaouoo uan Sutnt'I 'Z -Siussaoau pawaap su `(spool patldds `•S•a) saoao31puialxo su llom su (uotsupdxa puu oBuTmags `leuuogl S a) sooao3 apaaauoa [suaalm aoj jun000u of paau Sutapds puu azts `odf4luawaoio;utaa `uotsuounp qp[S -q;dop-ptw auou luamaould paatsop oqp aansua op 3[auq ao snsgo apaaouoo uo palToddns aq p[nogs luawaoaolutaa geIs IIV •s SsM gloq `aaluaaS ao OZ3o (Id) xoptn tltogsuld amloppo uu gltM silos opuaSgns io3 saaluoo uo sogom SI tunuuxpw u poouds sauq £ 'oN wnwtuiw u gltM pooaojutaa puu lotgl sagaut b wnunutw u aq pinogs squls aoog olaaouoD • [ sgslS too[-4 u!ppff b[ ooud OSb-OZ 'N'f govag ldodmajl/ ajo-gD ffi1:) dvg 1091 ZZOZ `I Z aagolo0 NOLLafildLSN03 mOS'IOHDIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle/Newport Beach J.N.20-450 Page 15 Deepened Foundations As described previously, a slope creep condition developing to a depth of approximately 4.5 feet and 7.5 feet can be anticipated for the westerly and southerly adjacent descending slopes, respectively. Additionally, due to the height of the adjacent southerly descending slope, a minimum footing setback of 40 feet is required by the 2019 CBC. On the basis of this anticipated condition, the proposed residence foundations closest to these slopes may need to be deepened to achieve these setbacks. The use of cast -in - place caissons may be considered to address this issue. Recommendations for caissons are provided below: Caisson Capacity: End bearing capacity and skin friction may be combined to determine allowable caisson capacities provided the minimum caisson diameter is 24 inches. An allowable end bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used for caissons embedded at least 15 into competent earth materials. A value of 175 pounds per square foot may be used to determine the skin friction between the concrete and the surrounding earth materials; however, when calculating skin friction, the upper portions of the caissons located within the creep zone (upper 4.5 feet for the westerly slope and 7.5 feet for the southerly slope) should be ignored. 2. Passive Resistance for Caissons: A passive earth pressure of 300 pounds per foot of caisson width per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 3,000 pounds per square foot may be used to determine lateral resistance for caissons founded a minimum of 15 feet into competent earth materials; however, lateral resistance should be ignored for the upper portions of the caissons located within the creep zone (upper 4.5 feet for the westerly slope and 7.5 feet for the southerly slope). 3. Lateral Loading: To compensate for potential creep forces, the caissons should be designed to resist a lateral load imposed by creep affected slope materials. This lateral load should be assumed to be equal to 1,000 pounds per foot of embedment in the creep zone (upper 4.5 feet for the westerly slope and 7.5 feet for the southerly slope). The reason that the creep force provided is independent of caisson diameter is that we compensate for this effect by limiting the caisson spacing to a maximum of six caisson diameters, center to center (see item viii). In other words, if 18-inch caissons were used, the maximum spacing would be 9 feet, center to center, while 24-inch caissons would have a maximum spacing of 12 feet, center to center. The creep forces acting on 18-inch caissons spaced 9 feet are considered to be equivalent to the creep forces acting on 24-inch caissons spaced 12 feet. If the grade beams are constructed below grade and within the creep zone, an active earth pressure equivalent to a fluid having a density of 46 pounds per cubic foot should be assumed to be acting on these grade beams. However, wall stems and other structural elements constructed on top of the grade beams and above the creep prone soils will not be subject to creep forces. Our recommendations to limit the maximum spacing of the caissons to six caisson diameters, center to center, will create an arching effect between the piles and reduce the potential for slope creep to adversely affect any structures located behind the caissons. 4. Point of Fixity: The point of fixity for the caissons should be determined by the project structural engineer. However, as an approximation, the point of fixity may be assumed at a depth equal to the depth of the creep zone plus two times the caisson diameter. ftPETNRA SOUO ASA ROCK Naas v sr OWE S30NMOS030 113d ,ilisuap ,Sap mnunxuui jo imond 06 Isual Ip of palopdwoo ale ,Sag[ ssalun seal¢ optjS-uo-quls ui pooeld aq lou pinogs sagouaal,Slilun pue SugOOJ wo.g paAlaap slios pa;enpoxg •alalouoo jo lummuld aqI of loud paAowal aq p[nogs silgap uogonalsuoo ,Sue 1o/pue slpualew pauagos-aanlsiow ao pagSnols `osool IiV aapnbs pup [anal `;eau powumn aq pinoqs suoupAuoxa aqy •luawaoao3uiaa 10 suvo33o Iuawaopld alp of loud pauuogaad aq pinoqs suoileAlasgo osoq_L •sluualpw Iualadwoo olui palenpoxo uaaq anpq ,iagl Imp JS InA of lapl[nsaoo [palugaaloaS Iaafold 3gl3o 3A14p;u3saadaa o, ,Sq paAlasgo oq pinoqs SU014CAeaxa uoilppuno3 IiV suogpnias90 uoi;epunos -pa;isodop si alalauoo aqI so umpapglim S[mols pup alaaouoo gsa13 ui pasaawun ,Sllenatluoo aq pinoqs adid aauall ag13o puo aamol aqZ •saloq pallup 3o sllpmopis lip 3o uoisola 10 Suilnoos so Ilom so `olalouoo alp JO u0ile5al23s ;uanald of [ip3 aa13 01 pamollp lou pup poglaw aiwcm aqI ,Sq paoeld oq pinogs alaaouoD :Iuawaoeld alaaouoo •0 [ -alalouoo 5uunod of loud sugap uoilon 4suoo ,iue pue sluualpm asoo13o palealo oq osle pinoqs soloq pallup aqZ ,aaaUI2ua [elnlonlls loofoad agl ,Sq pouiuualap sluawpagwa umwiuim XjiaaA of luellnsuoo leoiwlooloa2i Iaafold oql jo anilpluasaadaa u ,iq poAlasgo oq pinoqs suoiluApoxa uossieo I[d :suoiluAlos4O leoiugo3loa0 -6 •sa3103 [elalpl Isisaa o; alalauoo aqI Suivagl.Sualls of plpsaa glim laauiouo 1pinlonlls loofoad agl,iq pauiuualop oq pinogs suossipaao3luauiaalo3uiag quawaol03uiag •g -Supoo3 aouapisal agl jo auilialuao agl of puodsauoo pinoqs suossieo oql jo souivaluao agl `5uipeol oilluaooa IuaAaad oZ :l[eAk asnOH of anilplo- suoilpoo7 uossieo •odols Suipuaosop ,Slaaglnos Iuaoefpe aql jo aoe3 aqI pup suossiva aglgo so2po wouoq apislno aqI uaamlaq pameluipw aae;aa3 017 [spa[ it, pap ado[s Ruiwaoqpueaag3apa olu3 wloq apislno aql womlaq pouipluipw alp Iaa3 ZI Iseal it, 3o s1mclps 1pluozuoq wnuvuiw Ipgl qons ggnouo daap aq pinoqs gldap 1plol oLLL •Iaa3 S I Iseal To do gldap wnwiuiw u anpq pinoqs suossipo aqI `1agllnq •laluoo of aawao `saalauipip uossieo xis paaaxa lou pinoqs suossiea uaamlaq Ouioeds mnuiixew `uoil!PPe uI •llemapis of Ilpmapis `saalauieip uossiea oml aq pinoqs suossiea uaamlaq Sum,& lealo alnmw[w `.IaAwAoH '2uippo[ lelalpl pue spool llem [plol uo paseq jogm2ua [elnlonlls Iaafold aqI Sq pauiuuolap aq pinoqs Suioeds pue gldop uossroD uiop S pue WPC[ UOSSieD •9 •,tliouduo paumumop algemo[[e agl3o luaalad SS paaaxa Iou pinoqs ,Slioedeo gi[dn olqumolIV -anoge poquosap se jig guipunouns ag1 pue uossipa alalauoa aq; uaamlaq uoil0U3 ui�[s all of lenbo soolo3 U!Idn Isisaa of paaapisuoo oq Suw suossieD :gi. n -s 91 02od Ogf-OZ'N'f govag;aodaaaN1 aloe?Df1D dvg lo91 ZZOZ `IZ logol00 A[0L13fidISM03 MOS'IOM)IN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 17 General Corrosivity Screening As a screening level study, limited chemical and electrical tests were performed on samples considered representative of the onsite soils to identify potential corrosive characteristics of these soils. The common indicators associated with soil corrosivity include water-soluble sulfate and chloride levels, pH (a measure of acidity), and minimum electrical resistivity. It should be noted that Petra does not practice corrosion engineering, therefore, the test results, opinion and engineering judgment provided herein should be considered as general guidelines only. Additional analyses would be warranted, especially, for cases where buried metallic building materials (such as copper and cast or ductile iron pipes) in contact with site soils are planned for the project. In many cases, the project geotechnical engineer may not be informed of these choices. Therefore, for conditions where such elements are considered, we recommend that other, relevant project design professionals (e.g., the architect, landscape architect, civil and/or structural engineer) also consider recommending a qualified corrosion engineer to conduct additional sampling and testing of near -surface soils during the final stages of site grading to provide a complete assessment of soil corrosivity. Recommendations to mitigate the detrimental effects of corrosive soils on buried metallic and other building materials that may be exposed to corrosive soils should be provided by the corrosion engineer as deemed appropriate. to general, a soil's water-soluble sulfate levels and pH relate to the potential for concrete degradation; water-soluble chlorides in soils impact ferrous metals embedded or encased in concrete, e.g., reinforcing steel; and electrical resistivity is a measure of a soil's corrosion potential to a variety of buried metals used in the building industry, such as copper tubing and cast or ductile iron pipes. Table 2, below, presents a single value of individual test results with an interpretation of current code indicators and guidelines that are commonly used in this industry. The table includes the code -related classifications of the soils as they relate to the various tests, as well as a general recommendation for possible mitigation measures in view of the potential adverse impact on various components of the proposed structures in direct contact with site soils. The guidelines provided herein should be evaluated and confirmed, or modified, in their entirety by the project structural engineer, corrosion engineer and/or the contractor responsible for concrete placement for structural concrete used in exterior and interior footings, interior slabs on -ground, garage slabs, wall foundations and concrete exposed to weather such as driveways, patios, porches, walkways, ramps, steps, curbs, etc. PETFM GEOSCIENCES'"` SOLO ASA ROCK N70a tl SV al7os BONMOSOM) VSUJ.3d psgl Suixapisuoa `aanamoH'suoilipuoo gpoq and molag papinoad on sainssoid glmo Isoi-ls pus antlas `uossaI sigl lo3 'jjLgoLq and pasn an slutaapum aslnusaS papcodwi io spos apis-uo aagpgm uo luapuadap aq Ipm agp uiglim papgnilsuoo oq of slism Suiutmw /ius do uSisop and pazgipn aq op sainssoid gpluo lsaj-pu pus antl'JV sa.mssald gl.red;sag-;V pus ampaV .tailxsa paluasoid ptodal sigldo uoiloas ,,suoilspuno3 pouodaaQ„ aql to papinoid suoilspuomwooai aqp qpm oousp.rooas ui pajo ulsuoo pus pauSisap aq pinogs suossieo pus sSuilood pauadaaQ 'daa.lo odols do sloadda osmpu lsilualod aqp aonpat pus sluamaunbai DE[:) wnwimw paaw of iapio UT suossiso to sSuilood pouadaap .taglio uo polioddns oq pinogs odois pas/i apis Suipuoosop ,iliaglnos ogldo dol agpdo load Ob uiglim ao adols pmX )losq Suipuaosap ,ilaalsom agldo dol ogldo load Zl mgpim posodoid sllsm Suiuislag sa oiS uipuaasaa;uaas,pV aq;Io dojL Nuoig uoi;ana;saoD 'sagaui ZT usgl ssol si Suilood aqp do dol aql iano aanoa Iios do ssauaiaigl aql atagm.m `aliompsii 3p013uo3glim paaanoo aq lou ilim sSuilood agp aaagm swue ui paiouSi aq pinogs spos ogldo sogoui g aaddn agldo oouslsiso.t aql `aouslsisai anissud Suilslnolso uagm `zanamoq `.sSuipood Suipltnq iod �Isnoinaid papinoid sanlsn aOuslsisaa lstalul pus Suiauoq oql glim aousptone ui pauSisop aq Suw (adols p.ts/i ruai pajsam aqp iq3 load Zl) odols Suipuaasap piLS apis ilxaglnos agldo do; aql mold (uyaluo josglas £/H DqD aqp laaut ol) laad 04 Issal pu pus `punoiS ianal uo pasodoxd slism Suimulai zod SSuiloo3 puno.t01aeaZ uo uoi;a►u;suoa suoi;spuammoaag u TsaQ ps i� mais;ag slu=p olonuoo luauaundda pue suds/stood Smunuims of ,iiluogiaads sagdda ZD uoguogissela omsodxg 'q „Ouuaamsug uoiso=Djo joogpuaH„ `oiUago�j ,a onoid £ E'61 uonaaS 'VI-8I £ IDV 'Z £'61 uo?laaS 'ill-8I £ IDV 'I :SOJOR IaawOna ❑oiso.n0a a;lnSUOD EanTsovoD wo-unp (6b9 IaD) /Siawwlx3 06b !l!nTlslsag Oqui luawao/msm : w5iaad/se s VZO mdd £8£ ZZb Ise FOOg'Zya Z apuolgD olgnloS luawao I ad,id io polppolti (SIw d-I ac]A.L amis)➢V 90'8 Et9 [s� 1CialsIapOln! Hd Isd 005`Z=od'u!w i0S % 60'0 salsjInS nS old gnlOS suouepuammoaag Iaaana0 UOOIO rssela s;insag;say ;say sllnsag SuivaaaaS ,ClielSOIJOJ poS Z d'IHVI s I aSsd OSb-OZ 'N'f yooag l.todniaMl ala-gjffy:) dog log[ ZZOZ `IZ aagoloO N0I13IRI.LSMOD NOS'IOUDIN N]ICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle / Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 19 the onsite earth materials have a medium expansion potential, it is our recommendation that imported granular materials be used for backfilling behind the retaining walls as described in the following sections. 1. On -Site Soils Used for Backfill If on -site soils are used as backfill, active earth pressures equivalent to fluids having densities of 46 and 76 pounds per cubic foot should be used for design of cantilevered walls retaining a level backfill and ascending 2:1 backfill, respectively. For walls that are restrained at the top, at -rest earth pressures of 69 and 110 pounds per cubic foot (equivalent fluid pressures) should be used. The above values are for retaining walls that have been supplied with a proper subdrain system (see Figure RW-1). All walls should be designed to support any adjacent structural surcharge loads imposed by other nearby walls or footings in addition to the above recommended active and at -rest earth pressures. 2. Imported Sand, Pea Gravel or Rock Used for Wall Backfill Where imported clean sand exhibiting a sand equivalent value (SE) of 30 or greater, or pea gravel or crushed rock are be used for wall backfill, the lateral earth pressures may be reduced provided these granular backfill materials extend behind the walls to a minimum horizontal distance equal to one-half the wall height. In addition, the sand, pea gravel or rock backfill materials should extend behind the walls to a minimum horizontal distance of 2 feet at the base of the wall or to a horizontal distance equal to the heel width of the footing, whichever is greater (see Figures RW-2 and RW-3). For the above conditions, cantilevered walls retaining a level backfill and ascending 2:1 backfill may be designed to resist active earth pressures equivalent to fluids having densities of 30 and 41 pounds per cubic foot, respectively. For walls that are restrained at the top, at -rest earth pressures equivalent to fluids having densities of 45 and 62 pounds per cubic foot are recommended for design of restrained walls supporting a level backfill and ascending 2:1 backfill, respectively. These values are also for retaining walls supplied with a proper subdrain system. Furthermore, as with native soil backfill, the walls should be designed to support any adjacent structural surcharge loads imposed by other nearby walls or footings in addition to the recommended active and at -rest earth pressures. Earthquake Loads Retaining Walls Note 1 of Section 1803.5.12 of the 2019 CBC indicates that the dynamic seismic lateral earth pressures on foundation walls and retaining walls supporting more than 6 feet of backfill height due to design earthquake ground motions be determined. Per Section 1613.1 of the 2019 CBC, structures shall be designed and constructed to resist the effects of earthquake motions in accordance with ASCE 7. More specifically, Equation 11.4-5 of ASCE 7-16 provides the design peak ground acceleration (PGA) as follows: Where: PGA = S. = SDs [0.4 + 0.6 (T/To)] S,, is the spectral response acceleration, SDs, is design, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration at short periods, T, is the fundamental period of the building, To, is taken as 0.2 Sol/SDs, and SDI, is the design, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration at a period of 1 second. aPPETRA SOLID ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES— xaou vsnanos s33N31aso3'J 3 tll�1d luauodmo� (atmstaS) atmen,ca sill Iu 3310j IuellnsaZl luauodmo� antlay :smollo; su si sllum jo sod/Cl gloq l03 puol Iulalul atmsios aql jo uotlnq!gstp atll, •IgStaq Ilum pouiulal = H alagm `Ilum agl3o osuq alp anoqu H£'0 IL paumssu oq XeLu puol atllrSlaS agl `(bIOZ/8U£ POSIA01) S'£081 DUD 'oN iogod apoD Stnpltng gauag IlodmaNlo �ItD lad 'palulnoluo sum jod 9.81 do anluA y •salnlomus Sututulai putgaq suotltpuoa pAal 103 uoilunbo oqujO-agououoW ui pasn sum onpA stgl, '$9L I'0 = (SZS £-O) (5'0) _ (eu) z/, = qj `d olgLl to paluasald ails siyl loj SZS £'O 3o anlun dOd aql 2utsn `sngl -uotlulalaaou punoA )lead ogl3o Slut{ of Iunba aq of pamnssu aq Xutu sllum 8mululal lanaltluua lo•I qj onluA uotlulalaoau puno.g Iuluozuoq aqI `(900Z '-oaf s:podag IuatugaaloaO3o uoiluludald otg io3 IunuLW s3l1oAk otlgnd jo luatulredaQ salaSud so 13o ilunoD agl m013 sIMAN mutulMdlanaltluu0 •ItlStaq llum pamulal = H 313gm `Ilum oql jo asuq atll aAoqu H£•() Iv paumssu oq ,CFw puol atmSlaS agl `071OZ/8I/£ PasiAal) S'COS I DUD 'oN Aotlod apoD Suiplmg gouag It0dm3N JO fq!D lad •palulnoluo sum;od V-9£;o anJUA V -salnlonlis Sututulal putgaq suoilipuoa IaAal l03 uoilunba og72j0-3gououow u! pasn sum anluA sttly '266Z'0 = (SZS£'0) (58'0) _ (VOcl) x 58'0 = qal `gauag ItodmoN Io f4!0 aqI Cq pamollu su 58'030lolau3 uotlonpal u puu I algt,,L ut paluasald alts sttp l03 SZS£'O3o onluA VD(I oql Sutsfl slluM pautullsag •alts sttR l03 SZSf'0 st anluA stgl `Modal sup ut latllua paluasald I algtl mold suS b'0 = d'Jd splat,f uotlunba anoqu ut olaz glzm Z Sutlunbo `al03alatu onz su u03lul aq uuo Ilum ,S.mosum `I1ogs u Io pouad Iuluaumpun; aqI `guns sy •,ilantlaadsal `spuoaas I p puu I of asola , 13n st SutPltnq `olzlonp ,ilantlulal `,Siols-ouo u pue ,ilols-u3j u 3o pound luluaumputt} agl `uosuudtuoo l03 -luunsaltugut st Outdurep ou suq Iugl Ilum Sututulal f mosum `hogs ,ClaAtlulol u 3o pouad luluaurupun3 aqI, OZ aSud OS17-OZ 'N'f yanag podmaN l ap gDfflj dvg log[ ZZ.OZ `I Z lagolo0 N0113fiHISN103 MOS'IOMIN NItHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 21 All structural calculations and details for retaining walls should be provided to this firm for verification purposes prior to grading and construction phases. Subdrainage Perforated pipe and gravel subdrains should be installed behind all basement and retaining walls to prevent entrapment of water in the backfill (see Figures RW-1 through RW-3). Perforated pipe should consist of 4- inch-minimum diameter PVC Schedule 40, or SDR-35, with the perforations laid down. The pipe should be encased in a 1-foot-wide column of/4-inch to 1%-inch open -graded gravel. If on -site soils are used as backfill, the open -graded gravel should extend above the wall footings to a minimum height equal to one- third the wall height or to a minimum height of 1.5 feet above the footing, whichever is greater. If imported sand, pea gravel, or crushed rock is used as backfill, subdrain details shown on Figures RW-2 and RW-3 should be utilized. The open -graded gravel should be completely wrapped in filter fabric consisting of Mirafi 140N or equivalent. Solid outlet pipes should be connected to the subdrains and then routed to a suitable area for discharge of accumulated water. If a limited area exists behind the walls for installation of a pipe and gravel subdrain, a geotextile drain mat such as Mirafi Miradrain, or equivalent, can be used in lieu of drainage gravel. The drain mat should extend the full height and lengths of the walls and the filter fabric side of the drain mat should be placed up against the backcut. The perforated pipe drain line placed at the bottom of the drain mat should consist of 4-inch minimum diameter PVC Schedule 40 or SDR-35. The filter fabric on the drain mat should be peeled back and then wrapped around the drain line. Waterproofin¢ The portions of retaining walls supporting backfill should be coated with an approved waterproofing compound or covered with a similar material to inhibit infiltration of moisture through the walls. Wall Backfill Recommended active and at -rest earth pressures for design of retaining walls are based on the physical and mechanical properties of the on -site soil materials. On -site soil materials may be difficult to compact when placed in the relatively confined areas located between the walls and temporary backcut slopes. Therefore, to facilitate compaction of the backfill, consideration should be given to using pea gravel or crushed rock behind the proposed retaining walls. For this condition, the reduced active and at -rest pressures provided previously for sand, pea gravel, or crushed rock backfill may be considered in wall design provided they are installed as shown on Figures RW-2 and RW-3. PETNRA SOLID ASA ROCK S30NMOS030 Haoa vsvanus VV13d 3o sluA.ralut luluozuog le put iatuoa goua It' sllum 3loolq aqI ut pap!Aoid aq oslu pinoqs (sputof uotlorunuoo) suotlurudas antlzsod `uotsuudxo ro/pue luawaluos Iuiluaaa33tp 3o sloogo olgtssod oql of polulai 2utlotao ,fllg2tsun ro3 Ittluolod aqI oonpai op aapio ul •wouoq oml pus dol oAU `saeq i, -olsl ing3 3o wnunutw a llltm paoro3rrtaz aq oslu pinogs silutloo3 ag1, -apwB luug luooufpe isamol agp molaq sogout 81 3o gldop wnurtutw e pu pappogwa aq pinogs s3ulloo3 llem agl `wnwtutw a ss `aanamog •s2utloo3 2utpltnq Jq3 , Isnotnaad papiAotd sanleA aoutlstsar iuzalul pue 2ut.reaq agl glum ooutpi000t ut poajsop aq,fuw `(adols 2utpuoosop pre i rtat ivapsam agl jo dol aql woi3 1333 ZI) adols 2utpuaosap pau,f apts ,fuaglnos aql jo dol aip wor31aa3 OZ Isual It puu `punoa heal uo posodoid sllum loolq ,fwosuw (2ututulai-mu) 2utpuuls-a3g iq3 s2utlood puno.rO lana-I uo nogan i1suoj SJJUM )laolg AauoseN juellnsuoo luotugoalo32 loafoad 31:[13o aAtluluosaidai t ,fq paptnoad aq pinogs IITAoeq 30 luawaould puu `swals,fs a22utsipgns otp 3o uoqullulsut `suotlsneoxa acid puu 2utlog3 oql 3o uotluA.rasgo `suotleAtaxo Inolouq 2utpnlow `uotlongsuoo ilum 2unuulai gptm paletoossu sosugd uotlonllsuoo puu 2utpur2 lld unsay pue noyen rasgp lealagaa;oaO -asodun ,fuw luualuw aAiluu;o duo iojotgl s lugl amssard lu.ralul luuotltppt aqI .ro3 oleudoiddu si aisop Ilum ogl3t wulraost of pannboi oq ,fuw .taaut2u3 Itrnion.gs poofoid agl glzm uotlullnsuoo `(suosew is po ro 2utluuld j03) paxtsop st duo lojotgp e 3I.111 louq aql olut 2utlu4auad wog saw3luanard of 5looi jo lanuB pal todun aql pue pos aqI uaamlaq paould aq pinogs `pualunlnb3 Jo Not7l geiiN su gons ouqu3 lalpd '4os olts-uo 3o sagaut 8I of ZI Isuol It glum podduo oq pinogs illmouq )loon ro iaARA `puts pauodug `lltglouq aqI olut rapum ootjins jo uotpunlgtrt poanp aqI ao3 letlualod agl aonpai oZ panatgou st uotloudwo3 jo as op aptnbapu uu lugl autuualop of llrg3loeq oql ogord puu somp000ad llgalotq aqI oArasgo pinogs luullnsuoo luatugoaloo2 loofoid oql jo aAtleluasoidoi V -aould olut palulgtA xo poduxul ,(lleotutgoaw uagl pue `popoog you pnq pauam ,ilg2noiogl `sgtl 3jotgl-loo3 -£ oI -Z ,flaluurtxozddu ut paotld aq pinogs lanur2 aqI `llgxouq io3 pasn st 13oi ro lanus2 ead poltodwt 3I -uotloedwoo alunbopu ,f3uaA of llt!louq Ilum oql Isal puu sampaooid llg)louq aqI otuosgo pinogs luellnsuoo luotugoapoa2 loofoad Pip jo oAptluasaadw V -paptone aq pinogs sluualuw llg)loeq agl jo 2wuaf ro 2utpoo13 quoo.tad 063o uotlosdwoo amMoi wnunutw u of could ut poloudwoo ,flltotuugoaw uogl puu `suotlipuoo airgstow wnwtldo luau anatgos op ,frussooau su paralum `s13t1 wnurptuw liotgl-gout-s oI -9 ,ilaluwzxoaddu in pooeld aq pinogs sluualuw IlS)louq agp `sllum 2ututulaa posodoid oql putgaq llgxauq su pasn ace (aaltaa2 ro O£ 30 lualuntnbg puuS t glum) puns paltodun jo sluualew duos altsuo agl aragAk ZZ a2td OSb-OZ'N'f yonagliodKaV/ala.v:) ffyD,fng log[ ZZOZ `IZ logoloo NOILDAHISMOO MOS'IOH:)IN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 23 approximately 20 to 25 feet. The separations should be provided in the blocks and not extend through the footings. The footings should be poured monolithically with continuous rebars to serve as effective "grade beams" below the walls. Construction Along the Tops of Adjacent Descending Slopes As described previously, a slope creep condition developing to a depth of approximately 4.5 and 7.5 feet deep can be anticipated for the westerly rear and southerly side yard -descending slopes, respectively. On the basis of this anticipated condition, any block wall sections proposed within 12 feet of the top of the westerly rear yard descending slope or within 20 feet of the top of the southerly side yard slope should be supported on either deepened footings or caissons in order to reduce the potential adverse effects of slope creep. Recommendations for deepened footings and caissons are provided below: Deepened Footings: Footings for any walls proposed near the tops of the adjacent westerly and southerly descending slopes should be founded at a depth that will provide a minimum footing setback of at least 12 and 20 feet, respectively measured along a horizontal line projected from the outside bottom edges of the footings to the daylight contact with the slope face in order to extend the footings below the creep zone. It should be noted that additional footing depths may be required to resist the potential creep forces and to achieve the necessary passive resistance against lateral movement as determined by the project structural engineer based on the soil parameters provided below: Footings for walls at the above recommended minimum setbacks may be designed using the allowable bearing values recommended previously for building footings founded in engineered fill; however, when calculating passive resistance, the passive earth pressure should be reduced to 120 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, to a maximum value of 1,200 pounds per square foot. In addition, the lateral resistance should be ignored for the upper portions of the wall footings located within the creep zone (upper 4.5 feet for the westerly slope and 7.5 feet for the southerly slope). 2. Cast -In -Place Caissons: In lieu of deepened conventional footings, cast -in -place concrete caissons and grade beams may be used to support the wall sections proposed near the top of the rear yard descending slope. Specific design recommendations for the caissons and grade beams are provided below: i. Grade Beam Embedment: Since the grade beams will be supported by caissons, the tops of the grade beams may be located near the ground surface. No specific setback will be required between the outside bottom edges of the grade beams and slope face. ii. Lateral Resistance for Grade Beams: Due to downward and outward movement of the surficial soils within the creep zone, lateral resistance and bearing capacity should be ignored in design of the grade beams. iii. Caisson Capacity: End bearing capacity and skin friction may be combined to determine allowable caisson capacities provided the minimum caisson diameter is 24 inches. An allowable end bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used for caissons embedded at least 15 into competent earth materials. A value of 175 pounds per square foot may be used to determine the skin friction between the concrete and the surrounding earth materials; however, when calculating PETRA SOUR AS A ROCK GEOSCIENCES- X30H vsvanas 533N31OS03'J VILLM -so3rO3 leralel lsisar of alamu03 ail; 2u1u3Wu3r4s of preSar glint maufsuo lsrnlonrls looford aql Xq pauiuualap aq pinogs suossieo ro3luawaoro3uia-I quawaaro3uia-I •x 'ilbm ogl3o ouilraluaa agl of puodsauoo pinogs suossmo agl3o saui1 jalua3 aql `Suipeol oulm000 luanard oZ :llbhl o; anflela�I suoflsao7 uossfbD xf -odols Suipuaasop Xjraq;nos oql ro3 laa3 OZ pus adols Suipuaasop Clralsom luaosfps agl3o aob3 aql pue suossfeo agl3o saSpo wouoq opfs;no oq; uaaM;aq pauielufaw are loa3 ZI issal it, 3o s1mclios le;uoziroq wnunuiw ;bill Bons gSnoua chap aq pinogs q;dap le;ol aq_I, uojuaA si ranagoigM `auoz doom aq; Moloq laa3 q ro sralaump uossieo oMl lssal lb 3o gldap wnwiuiiu a aAeq pinogs suossmo aql `raq and •raluoo o; raluoo `sralaursip uossiba xis paaaxa ;ou pinogs suossfea u33Au3q 5UI3ed5 umwixew `uoilipps ul 'pbmapfs o; Ilumapfs `sralouisip uossfea oMl aq pinogs suossieo uaaMlaq Swabds real3 wnwiUiw `raA3MOH 'Owpeol lwalsl pue speol IIEM p?lol uo poseq raauifto lernlawls loofwd oql Cq paufuualap aq pinogs Suioeds pub gldap uossiRD mob S puu ip aQ uossfsD-fgA • iliaeduo praMUMop algamolle ail;3o luaarad SS paaaxa lou pinogs X4f3adea }Pldn olqumolIV -anoge paquosop se jig Saipunouns agl pub uosswo alaaauoo oql uaaMlaq uor;a.0 upls oql o; lunbo saaio3;3fldn;sfsw of pampfsuoa oq Xbw suossiRD :gi�jl •nA •aa;auruip uossiso oql sawil oMl snld auoz daaro agl3o q;dap oql of Isnba gldop e;e pawnsss aq Aw,f;fxg3o luiod oql `UOilumixOrdds ue Se `ranaMOH •raaufSua le.inlanrls loaford aql Xq pauiuua;ap oq pinogs suossiea ail; ro3 ilfxi33o;ufod aqI f3n33o lufod '!A 'saossfs3 mil pufgoq pole3ol sarnlonuls ,fus 13a33s Xlosranpe of doom adols ao3 Isfgualod oql ompw put, solid ail; uaaMlaq 1aa33a Suigwu up oleos II!M `.ia;uaa of as;uaa `sralauiefp uossfb3 xis of suossiea agl3o Sui3eds umwixaw aql liunl of suoilapuaunuo3ar m0 -sa3ro3 doom of loofgns oq lou II?M slfos auoid daara agl anogs pus suieaq aphis ogl3o dol uo palOri4suo3 sluawala Iuan43n4s raylo pus swats llWA `ranaMOH "sursaq opuA asogl uo Suflas aq of pawnsss oq pinogs loo3 oigno rod spunod 9b3o ,�lisuap b Suineq ping e of luafenfnbo omssoid gpLo anilos ue `auoz doom ail; wMIYA pus apsiS Molaq palonrlsuoo are sureaq apt,12 agl3I'loa3 ZI paosds suossfs3 goui-qZ uo Supe some j daara oql of lualaninba aq of pampfsuoa are 4333 6 paasds suossisa goui-gI uo Suiloe s3oro3 daara agZ -raluao o; raluoo `laa3 ZI 3o Suiosds wnwfxew a oAeq pinoM suossfea gauf-qZ 3IIgM `r311193 0l r011103 `;aa3 6 aq pinoM Smobds umwfxaw oq; `pasn araM suossisa gouf-81 3f sproM raglo uI '(fi!A waif aas) ralua3 0l 1911193 `sralaurefp Uossfs3 3as 3o wnwixew e of Suiosds uossiba oql Swlfunl Cq loa33a sigl ro3 olasmdum ant lbgl si ralaureip uossmo 3o luapuadapui si papinoid aoro3 doom oql Imp uosear aqZ -(adols Xlraq;nos aql io31aa3 S'L pug adols ,fua;saM agl 1g3laa; S'b raddn) auoz daara agl of luampagwa3o;oo3 rod spunod 000`I of lanbo oq of pawnsss aq pinogs peal Ieralsl sig1 -sluualaw odols pa;oa33e daara ,Cq posodun psol leralsl u lsisar of pauSisop aq pinogs suossisa ail; `sooro3 doom lugualod ro3 olbsuodwoo oZ uipsoIu Isralb'I •A -(adols Xlraglnos aql rq3 laa3 S'L pus odols Xlralsom aql iq3 loa3 S-b raddn) auoz doom alp TgliM pa;eool suossiea agl3o suoiliod raddn agl ro3 parouSi aq pinogs aaus;sisai Ismpl `ranaMog `.sleualaw glrea ;uolodwoo oluf ;aa3 S1 3o wnwiuiw a popung3 suossibo m3 331s;sis01 juniq aufuuolop of pasn aq Xuw log3 arenbs rod spunod 000`£ 3o anlbA wnunxbw a of `gldap 3o;oq3 rod glpiM uossiso3o loo3 rad spunod 00£3o amssard glisa anissed y :suossfUD ro3 a3uslsisa'I anfssad 'Af •paroOi oq pinogs (adols ,flrag;nos oql rq3 laa3 S-L pup adols Xlralsom mp ro3;aa3 S'b raddn) auoz daara aql uiglfM poleool suossisa agl3o suofliod raddn oql `um ou3 uf3ls bZ aSbd OSb-OZ'N'f govag 1dodnaaN1 alo.efDf1D dvg log[ ZZOZ `IZ ragola0 M0113fIRISKOD NOS'IOHDIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle I Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 25 xi. Geotechnical Observations: All caisson excavations should be observed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant to verify minimum embedments determined by the project structural engineer. The drilled holes should also be cleared of loose materials and any construction debris prior to pouring concrete. xii. Concrete Placement: Concrete should be placed by the tremie method and not allowed to free fall to prevent segregation of the concrete, as well as scouring or erosion of the sidewalls of drilled holes. The lower end of the tremie pipe should be continually immersed in fresh concrete and slowly withdrawn as the concrete is deposited. Planter Walls Low -height planter walls should be supported by continuous concrete footings constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented previously for masonry block wall footings. Swimming Pool and Spa Recommendations General Comments Past history has shown that pools, spas, and similar structures and their associated decking constructed in close proximity to descending slopes commonly suffer distress in the form of cracking, lifting, horizontal separations and tilting. Consequently, it is our professional opinion that the proposed pool, if constructed near the descending slope, may experience some level of distress unless measures are taken to reduce the potential for the adverse effects of movement. The pool recommendations that follow are considered suitable to reduce the potential for future movement or distress of this structure should it be constructed near the existing rear yard descending slope; however, these recommendations should be followed in acknowledgment of the risks involved in the proposed construction adjacent to a slope. These recommendations are intended to reduce the detrimental effects of slope creep. However, it should be understood that a certain amount of cracking, as well as horizontal and vertical movement of pool and spa decking, may occur. Although a certain amount of movement may occur, it is our opinion that construction of the pool and spa will not have any adverse impact on the adjacent slope or properties provided that they are designed and constructed in accordance with our recommendations. Structural Considerations Given the proposed pool and spa will be located near the top of a descending fill over natural slope and underlain by varying amounts of moderately expansive engineered fill, the pool should be designed to meet the setback requirements and minimum earth pressures prescribed by the building code and as provided below. In addition, the pool and spa should be constructed with "hardened" shells. That is, they are designed with a shallow rigid mat type foundation system. This would likely result in a thickened pool and spa shells approximately 12-inches thick, with double curtain walls of reinforcing bars. O PETRA SOLID ASAROCK NaoN vsvailas S3ON313SO30 113d 0 6 oq pinom 2utouds wnunxuw agl `pasn aiam suosstua gaut-gI 3t `spzom iPglo ul •(ntn waft Pas) laluao of Jaluao `sialounup uosszuo xis 3o wnunxuw u of 2utouds uossteo agl 2utitw!l ,Cq loadla still zo3 olusuadwoo am lugl st aalawutp uosstuo 3o luapuadaput si paptnoid aozo3 daaaa oql legl nos gal oU -(odols ,ilaaglnos agi 103 laa3 S'L put, adols tIjojsam oql xo; laa3 5•p zaddn) auoz daaia aql ut luawpagwa 3o loo3 lad spunod 000`I of lunbo oq of pownssu aq pinogs pool Itualul sags •sluualuw odols poloogE doajo ,fq pasodun pool lu.zalul u lstsai of pau2tsap oq pinogs lood agl;o sopts odols agl 2uolu suosswo 3o moi aptslno agl `saaaoj down lutlualod io3 alusuadwoa o1 : utptto•I luzalu-I -(adols ,flaaglnos Pill1oj jooj S'L puu odols SIzaisam aql io3 looj S•p jaddu) auoz daala oqi utgltm poittool suosstea aql jo suotliod iaddn oql io3 paiou2t aq pinogs aouelszsai luaalul `millind •suotp!Puoo Itos 2wdolsumop of onp loo3 aaenbs lad spunod 000`£3o anlun wnwlxuw u of `gldop uosstua 3o loo3 iad zalaunatp uossteo 3o loo3 aad spunod 00£ of poonpaa oq pinogs amssoid gjwo antssud mp `food oql jo sopts adols Pill2uole suosstuo jo moi aptslno aql io3 `lanamoq `Nowpaq lualadwoo olut laa3 S io sialawutp uosstua oml iagpta;o ialua.z2 agl lsual iu poppogwa putt `sluualuw glzua lualadwoo olut laa3 SI 3o tununutw a popuno3 suosstuo .zo3 aouulstsaa Itualul aumuolop of pasn aq ,fuw loo3 azunbs .zad spunod 000`S 3o onlun umunxuw a of `gldap 3o loo3 iod glptm uosstua 3o loo3 aad spunod OOS 3o amssaad guua Pntssed y :suosstug .zo3 Pauelstsag anzssud 'Z -pwou2t oq pinogs (odols fliogjnos agl jo3 laa3 S'L put, adols ,fualsam agl ao3 iaaj S•17 ioddn) auoz dowo agl unp!m poluool suosstua z)tp jo suotlaod aaddn agl `uotlou3 unls 2utlulnoluo uagm `iPna,mog `.slutialuw glauo 2utpunouns agl putt Pla.touoo aql uaamiaq uorlou3 unls agl autuualap of pasn oq ,Cuw loo; aiunbs iod spunod SL I 3o anp;e d -jooipaq lualadwoo olut laal S ao sialawetp uosstua ow iaglta 3o i3lu3A Pill iseal le pappagwa puu sluualuw glrea lualadwoa olw SI lsual it pappagwa suosstua io3 posit aq ,iuw loo3 wunbs iad spunod 000`Z 3o ,iltouduo 2uuvaq pua alqumollu uy •sagout bZ st jolawutp uosstua wnwagw Pgl paptnoid satliouduo uosstua algemollu autuuolop of pautgwoa aq ,fuw uotlot.g uols pue ,fitouduo 2uuuaq pug tau uD uosstuD • I molaq papnoad all saanle33 30p3 dfltwiut„ gltm uds puu lood u io3 suouupuawwoow uotlormsuoo put, u2tsap uossteg 'DUO 61 OZ og13o sluawaitnboi jouglas wnunutw oql gltm Xldwoo puu auoz daaio lugualod oql molaq suotlupuno3 oql pualxa of popualut st )Iouglas popuawwooaa stg,I, •sadols 2wpuaosap luaoefpe oql jo oou3 agl putt udsAood agl3o suotlupuno3 oql jo o2pa woaoq aptslno agl uoamlaq laa3 OZ iml lu3o )loughs u puaww000i am -s2wpltnq uo; ilouglas agl3Teq ouo of lunba aq ,few slood jo3 Nouglas agl Will saleatput gotgm DUD 61OZ 3g13o £'L'SOS I uotlaaS •uds puu food posodoid oql jo ,iltutatn oql ut opus 2utlswa molaq laa3 Si 3o aapio agl no oq of polutupso si 3looapag •food agi jo f4guuotloun3 oilaglsou agl no loaga osianpu sit putt luawaplas lutivaaajjtp of poloofgns aq of lood oql lo3 lutluolod agl aonpoi ,Ijuiluulsgns of looapoq lualadwoa olut pappagwa suosstua ,iq pol.ioddns aq Ilags lood „pouopsuq„ agl lugl papuawwooaz st 1! `Y'I2utpi000y •luowoll;as puno.z2 1outw uana Xq postwoidwoo aq ,fuw sa2po ,,,iltugut„ su gons saanlea3 lood oilaglsau jo ,ilgeuotloun3 oql lugs 2wputtisaapun jail; nj ino st 11 •olts aql zo3 paitsop st land od,f; «a2pa ,iltugut„ uu will 2utpuulsiapun mo si 11 9Z a2ud OSb-OZ 'mf ztanag podaaajv/ aladtDflD duff 1091 ZZOZ `IZ lagola0 AIOIL3fI`dLSKO3 AIOS'IOHDIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle / Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 27 feet, center to center, while 24-inch caissons would have a maximum spacing of 12 feet, center to center. The creep forces acting on 18-inch caissons spaced 9 feet are considered to be equivalent to the creep forces acting on 24-inch caissons spaced 12 feet. Our recommendations to limit the maximum spacing of the caissons to six caisson diameters, center to center, will create an arching effect between the caissons and reduce the potential for slope creep to adversely affect any structures located behind the caissons. 4. Point of Fixity: The point of fixity for the caissons should be determined by the project structural engineer. However, as an approximation, the point of fixity may be assumed at a depth equal to the depth of the creep zone plus two times the caisson diameter. 5. Uplift: Caissons may be considered to resist uplift forces equal to the skin friction between the concrete caisson and the surrounding fill as described above. Allowable uplift capacity should not exceed 55 percent of the allowable downward capacity. 6. Caisson Depth and Spacing: Caisson depth and spacing should be determined by the project structural engineer based on total loads and lateral loading. However, minimum clear spacing between caissons should be two caisson diameters, sidewall to sidewall. In addition, for the outer row of caissons closest to the top of the adjacent descending slope, maximum spacing between caissons should not exceed six caisson diameters, center to center. Further, the caissons should be embedded at least the greater of either two drilled pier diameters or 5 feet into competent bedrock. The total depth should be deep enough such that minimum horizontal setbacks of at least 12 feet are maintained between the outside bottom edges of the caissons and the face of the adjacent westerly descending slope and at least 20 feet are maintained between the outside bottom edges of the caissons and the face of the adjacent southerly descending slope. Reinforcement: Reinforcement for caissons should be determined by the project structural engineer with regard to strengthening the concrete to resist lateral forces. 8. Geotechnical Observations: All caisson excavations should be observed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant to verify minimum embedments determined by the project structural engineer. The drilled holes should also be cleared of loose materials and any construction debris prior to pouring concrete. 9. Concrete Placement: Concrete should be placed by the tremie method and not allowed to free fall to prevent segregation of the concrete, as well as scouring or erosion of the sidewalls of drilled holes. The lower end of the tremie pipe should be continually immersed in fresh concrete and slowly withdrawn as the concrete is deposited. Allowable Bearing and Settlement The pool shell is expected to be founded in engineered fill. Therefore, the pool shell may be designed using an allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot. Based on our subsurface exploration (Reference), and our review of the previous geotechnical reports of rough grading, it is anticipated that the area of the proposed swimming pool is underlain by approximately 15 feet of engineered fill as measured from existing grade. However, provided that the pool is supported by caissons founded in competent bedrock underlying the fill, the magnitudes of the total and differential settlement estimates for the proposed PETRA SOLID ASA ROCK GEOSCIENCES'- N7oN vsvanos S30N310SO30 /a 'JUPipux2 [ua[IIOA S IL UIEwa] X72W S[IEmPPIS UOIIEAUOxa food oql `sluualuw asail jo soilslxalauxuga luoisXild poludmiluu aql uo pasug -spualuw l[g paxaaui2ua lualadwoo asodxa of poloadxa si uo]lunuoxa [ood PILL uo!IuAuoxg uxo waZ3o i[!qulS -luaaxad 13o luoipuB umunu!w u it, po[[ulsui oq pinogs suoiloas adid Iollno pgos puu adid paluxopod oql `moil !4inux2 anilisod u axnsua of -ovals fs muip uuols locals luaanCpu ail) of pauollno oq p[nogs adid a2xugos!p oqy •uoiluinlus Iios [u!agxns puu uoisoia odols 3xnin3 u! l[nsai p[noo sigl su sadols luaaufpu agl;o aou3 aql oluo polnoi oq lou pings sadid aq,L -Iu!od a2xug3s!p alqulms u of palnox axu lugl sadid pilos Ot olnpagoS DAd xo 9£-2IQS taloump-pm-V of poloauuoo aq p[nogs sadid poluiopid oql -umop suoipuxopod ail il[m piu[ aq pings puu lanux2 popux2-uado agl3o sogau! Z ,i[aluwixoxddu Xq uiulxapun aq p[nois sadid polu.iojjod ai L -lunba xo `NObI gwBAl3o is!suoo p[nogs ouqu3 ial[1d 'auquj jollg gl!m podduxm /ilala[dwoo [aAux2 popux2-uodo goui-z/,I of -v/E3o lsisuoa p[nogs sadid paluzodiad ail punoiu poou[d [anua0 'Ob olnpogoS DAd xo s£-d(IS xalatamp qou!-q 3o lsisuoa p[nogs sadid uiuxpgns poluxo3xad oLU moilunuaxa food oql jo sliud Isadoap ail ssoxou polunuaxa sogouaxl goui-ZI �g goui-ZI u! polpsu! oq p[nogs suiuxpgns IoAux2 puu adid poluxopad `sadols Pijo suaxu Pql ui xalum 2u Va[ 3o uopu[nwnoau alq!ssod ail luaAwd of aapio ui `axo3axogL 'Vol 2uigwn[d palaalopun uu 3o IUOAO agl u! adols aql of ss34s1P3o A4![!q!ssod u s! Pimp `sadols 2uipuaasop pxu.f ap!s puu xuax ail of food ogl;o i4!unxoid Pill of anQ a uurexpgnS -saxnssaxd gliuo [uxalu[ anoqu oql of uo!I!ppu ui saxnloni4s xo s2upoo3luaourpu Xuu Xq posodun saxnssaxd a2xugoxns [uxalul Isisax of pou2isap aq os[u p[nogs slum [ood 'sl[um [ood ag13o aou3.ms xauui aqI uo 2upoe si lugl (aou3.ms punox2 aqI molaq laa3 ut gldop luo!IIaA agl slunbo „H„ wogm) lo03 axenbs xad spunod Hb793o axnssaxd ql mo [uxalul u 2uisn pau2is3p nq p[nogs slum aqI `Uollipuoo uual-2uol s!ql log 'laoddns Iios ou si axail puu adols luaaufpu aqI pxumol Xumu sdaaxa i!os aqI goigm ui uoilipuoo uual 2uol [upolod aqI xo3 puu `s[lum Pill jo aaudans xalno aqI ❑o Suilau si lugl lo03 oiqno xad spunod OOI 3o )4!suap u 2uinuq ping u of Iualumnba axnssoid [uxalul u SmI laxa oq jpAA Iios aqI goigm M uoilipuoo uual liogs aqI gloq xo3 pouOisop aq p[nogs food agl3o sllum 2uipuuls aa.g ,ivaglnos puu Xpolsom aq L sItum food oql jo aau_Ixns iolno aqI uo 2uilou st Ioo3 aigna iod spunod OO I 3o ,flisuap u 2uiAuq ping u oI lua[ueinbo Pxnssaxd glrea uu Iugl 2uiwnssu pouOisop oq p[nogs sllum food oq_I, saxnssaxd glxud luxalu7 '(sasodrnd u8tsap .tof waz of jvnba aq of Yapnl!u2vw juautajjjas aqj 2uuaptsuoo '2'a) jood ayj fo uStnap ayj ut juautajjjas Sut.tou%t taau.Rua u8tsap ayj yl!m ajgvj.tofwoo am am `aatjoadstad jvotugoajoa2 v zuotf ,fj2utptO3.?V 'food Pill 3o uOisap ail 2uunp uoiluxapisuoo xo3 luuogiaisui .a.i `a[q!2i2au oq of paxap!suoa wu food 8Z a2ud OSb-OZ'AI'f yavag MOdmidIVI NO-UfD dvg 1091 ZZOZ `IZ xogolo0 A!OI,LOflHISMOO NOS'IOMIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N.20-450 Page 29 The temporary sidewalls are expected to remain stable during construction of the pool; however, the temporary excavation sidewalls should be observed by a representative of the project geotechnical consultant for any evidence of potential instability. Depending upon the results of these observations, revised sidewall slope configurations may be necessary and forming of the pool walls may be necessary. Temporary Access Ramps It is essential that all backfill placed within temporary access ramps extending into the pool excavation be compacted per project specifications and tested. This will reduce the potential for excessive settlement of the backfill and subsequent damage to pool decking or other structures placed on the backfill. Pool Bottom It is expected that the swimming pool bottom will rest entirely on engineered fill. Therefore, care should be taken while excavating these structures to prevent disturbance of subgrade soils exposed at grade in the pool and spa bottom. Pool Decking Pool decking should be constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the "Exterior Concrete Flatwork" section of the Reference report. Plumbing Fixtures Leakage from the swimming pool or from any of the appurtenant plumbing could create adverse saturated conditions of the surrounding subgrade soils. Localized areas of oversaturation can lead to differential expansion (heave) of the subgrade soils and subsequent raising and shifting of concrete flatwork. Therefore, it is essential that all plumbing and pool fixtures be absolutely leak -free. For similar reasons, drainage from pool deck areas should be directed to local area drains and/or graded earth swales designed to carry runoff water to a suitable discharge point. EXTERIOR CONCRETE FLATWORK General Near -surface compacted fill soils within the site are variable in expansion behavior and are expected to exhibit medium expansion potential. For this reason, we recommend that all exterior concrete flatwork such as sidewalks, patio slabs, large decorative slabs, concrete subslabs that will be covered with decorative pavers, private vehicular driveways and/or access roads within the site be designed by the project architect and/or structural engineer with consideration given to mitigating the potential cracking and uplift that can develop in soils exhibiting expansion index values that fall in the medium category. PETRASOLID AS A HOCK GEOSCIENCES- NJOtl tl SV arms S33NMOSOM 119d •sitos amisuudxo ui dolamap Iluo Imp sa3lo3 8ildn of papuiai allompull agl 3o 3uplouio puanbasgns put' puamamoul iupuozuoq put' It'otplaA l03 iuiluolod oql oonpoi of papualui si sualu poduospuul of puaot'fpu uouonllsuoa aiiompull ui uoisnlow wuoq aOpg -saaulans quis gsiug all jo sdol aqp moloq saqoui g puapx) `gpim sogoui g of 9 aq pinogs sun7aq oOpg -squis aqp lapun lalum;o uoiluinulnoou put' not;ulgl-lui aAISSaax) IU)A)ld o; (so3pa paualloiq;) smuaq ailpo 3o asn aq; o; uaAis aq uoi;ulapisuoo pugp popuaulmoaal st li '3uiduospuul fq palaploq aq of alu ailomp g olalouoa 3o sa3pa lapno oq; alagjA smeag1a ppg ddvssaoau pawaap sv saodof (spvoj paijddv ' 8 a) jvudajxa puv (jvwdayj pun aSvajuzdys -S-a) jvudajuz madouoo dof jun000v op 8ut.avds pun azzs 'addj juawaodofwad ui s;uaugsnlpn ajz udodddv aapw pjnoys daau:8ua jvdnjondjs dolpuv jmzo `joapyodv joafodd aV •suozjlpuoo 1zos pajvdzozjuv dof aouvwofdad ajvnbapv aeazyov of sauyapm8 sv papuajuz adv uzaday papuodd suozjvpuawwooad juawaodofuzad ay,Z -s(lt'm gpoq'slapuoo uo sagoui 81 poouds sluq £ •otgjo uinunuim u gpim paalo3uial aq pinogs sa3ult'3 alunild op ssaaoe lo3 sno la3uossud 3o asn aql lo3 pauamp oq Ipm lt'gl sXrmoAup a;uAud pUt' S1aAt'd aAlpt'ioaap tpim palamoa aq op squlsgns olaiauoo `squls antlm000p o2ml 'squls AX4-oiled 's,fumailum olalouoo IIV luamamo;ula- •Ssai 10;aa3 01 ,Slang spuiof uoisuudxo to spuiof uoiloagsuoa gpim popimoid puu aioigp sagoui s psuol lu aq osp pinogs sa3t'lu3 alumud op ssoom lo3 slug la3uassud 3o asn aql lo3 p aisop oq 1pm pugp s,fumamup apt'mud -SSoj to laa3 9 ,Slam) slumf umsuudxa to sluiof uotponilsuoa gpim papiAold puu alotgp sagoui s psual ju aq pings siaAnd ami;uloaap gpim p)1)Aoo aq of squlsgns apalauoa puu squis amt;uloaap 031u1 'squls )dip-otpt'd 's,iu"um alaiauoo `3uiaioulo Xllg3isun 3o luiluapod aqp aanpai od, aias S;mop puu ssauataigjL •posn oq pinoo u3isap amipt'Alasuoa ssai pugmamos u pugp apupaip ,SWU palulaua3 slinsol psap a p ')nod a;alauoo aq; o; aoud 3uilsap puu 3uildnms uogr3gilaA lo3 olnpagas ;aafold a p ut pamoiiu aq Ipm oulg;uoiolWns;l 'apuudolddu paulaap su;uulinsuoa aduospuul lo/puu laaui3ua iullgonlps 'loaligore loofold aql , q uoislmal puu matmal op paafgns an puu swnuliutul se palapisuoo oq pinogs mollo3 Imp soutlapin3 aq I OE a3t'd OSb-OZ 'N'f yovag jdodmalVI ajodz:) ffzjj dvg log[ ZZOZ'IZ lagola0 NOIlDfl'dISK03 NOS'IOHDIK NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle / Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 31 Subgrade Preparation Compaction To reduce the potential for distress to concrete flatwork, the subgrade soils below concrete flatwork areas to a minimum depth of 15 inches (or deeper, as either prescribed elsewhere in this report or determined in the field) should be moisture conditioned to at least equal to, or slightly greater than, the optimum moisture content and then compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. Where concrete public roads, concrete segments of roads and/or concrete access driveways are proposed, the upper 6 inches of subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction. Pre -Moistening As a further measure to reduce the potential for concrete flatwork cracking, subgrade soils should be thoroughly moistened prior to placing concrete. The moisture content of the soils should be at least 1.2 times the optimum moisture content and penetrate to a minimum depth of 15 inches into the subgrade. Therefore, moisture conditioning should be achieved with sprinklers or a light spray applied to the subgrade over a period of few to several days just prior to pouring concrete. Pre -watering of the soils is intended to promote uniform curing of the concrete, reduce the development of shrinkage cracks and reduce the potential for differential expansion pressure on freshly poured flatwork. A representative of the project geotechnical consultant should observe and verify the density and moisture content of the soils, and the depth of moisture penetration prior to pouring concrete. Drainage Drainage from patios and other flatwork areas should be directed to local area drains and/or graded earth swales designed to carry runoff water to the adjacent streets or other approved drainage structures. The concrete flatwork should be sloped at a minimum gradient as discussed earlier in the Site Drainage section of this report, or as prescribed by project civil engineer or local codes, away from building foundations, retaining walls, masonry garden walls and slope areas. Tree Wells Tree wells are not recommended in concrete flatwork areas since they introduce excessive water into the subgrade soils and allow root invasion, both of which can cause heaving and cracking of the flatwork. wftPETFM SOLI AS A ROCK 30 xaoadsdmvas AMU 3d puE [uluoZ[xoq xoipm, OupJloun jo lunowu uielxaa u `suopupuawwoow osagl;o ualt,luawoldwt aql glzm uana lugl umogs suq aouatiadxo xno `doaxa odols puE s[tos anzsuudxa 3o sloa33a agI wox3 Opnl[nsaa saxnlowls 3o ssaxlszP xo3 luilualod aql aonpax of popualut on, Ixodax stgl w paptnoxd suotlt,puowwooax oql ggnogl[v *suoxu asagl uz palanxlsuoa axe lt,gl JxomlEl[ alaxauoa puu stlum OutuzElax `sllum loolq ,S.wosEw `stood su saxn4om4s Bons of 2uillp puE ssaxlstp osnuo fLw `uxnl ut `Iuawanow pxumumop puE pxum;no amssaAwd stq L •(daaxo odols) sadols Ouipuaosap of igwtxoxd asola ut xo uo popt,aol slLpolm Imogins agl3o luawanou pxumumop puE pxEmino 0ntss3p9oad osnuo salo,Co osagl `uoilzppu ul -glSuaals xt,ags puu )rlzsuap ui ssol u sosnuo uotlauxluoo puE uotsut,dxo 3o alo,fo palzadoi szgl `sluoluoo axnlstow ap}l ut suogU.i a luuosuos jo l[nsax E su `aao3aaagl ,asuaxaap slualuoo axpgstow nagl su IOExluoa oslu Inq `asuaxow slualuoo axpuszow xtagl su puudxa Sluo lou s[tos antsuudxg 'suaxE asagl ut polonxlsuoo saxnlEal advospiuq of Suunlaux3 put, ssaxlstp sasnt,o `palaulsax st Iuawanow agl;z `xo sum paduospxEq;o Iuawanow [uxalel puu pxt,mdn ue sasnuo anuaq stg l -anuaq puu puudxo of s1zos anzsuudxa aip sasnt,a `wnl ut `gwgm `axn stow jo lunouE antssaaxa uE q.iosgt, of pual silos anzsuudxa agl `llu3uux puu `suds `uotlE?un admspuul se sawnos gans Xq s[tos anzsuudxa of paonpoxluz sz xalEm uap[M Iuawanow [t,xalE[ puu `anuaq `Iuaualllas su gans saSuEgo awnlon uxpal-Suo[ 3o IunouE mulpao E o2iopun of [ugualod agl I!9zgxo Clquvt,nut slEualEw asagl `uoilzsodwoa luaxaqut xpagl of ona •s[uiialuw l[pg anzsuudxa ,C[alt,xapow Xq utuliopun st olts aqI `lpodai spgl ut ,f[snoiAwd pauoiluow sd ddaH3 ad0'IS C[Kv NIOISN vJx3 MOS do ,L33333 Mal-Dmoq •s[lum ,Sxuoma adols 3o-dol io3 su xauuuw xt,pwts u ut suosszuo xo suotlEpungj pouodaap uo polpoddns aq Cuw samlom4s asagl •sluawanow [ExaIEI puE [E011pan axf4n3 01103Cgns aq Xrw adols ftpuaosap pxE,f xuax agl mou io utglzm posodoxd sluawanoidwl sa olS ulpuaasa(l)aaae,pvJo dOJL BU01Vu043nalsno0 sdutloo; oql jo wolpoq aqI mau `s,fum gloq `sxaluoo uo sagout g 13o umunxuw u ponds sxuq b •oM gltm powojutax aq p[nogs sgutloo3 pud altgm `uolloq omI puu dol oml `sxuq q ,oX xno3 gltm p3oxo3uzax aq p[nogs sSuloo3 snonutluo0 -apuxg Iuaat,fpu luu31samol aqI molaq sagoui g 13o wnwtuzw u It, papuno3 aq p[nogs sgutloo3 aqZ •sgutloo3 pud xo s4wlool snonutluoo ,iq paixoddns aq ,Cuw adols Opnpuoosop pxu,C aPzs ,Clxaglnos ag13o dot aql wox3 Xumt,laa3 oZ xo odols dutpuaasap pxu,i xt,ax flxalsam agl3o doI app wox3 XR/AO laa3 ZI palt,001 axu lugl 'ala s33vidaig `sanoagxuq `sild oig `saxn4ua3 xalum su gans saxn4ua3 xoopino punol0 [anal ao aotlanalsuoO saxnluaA .000pino .paglo Z£ a2ud OSb-OZ Wf yovag uod,naN/ ala.gDff!13 ,fvg I o91 ZZOZ `IZ xagoloo MOLL YMISMOD NiOS'IOHOINi NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION October 21, 2022 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach J.N. 20-450 Page 33 vertical movements is unavoidable and can be anticipated during the lifetime of the proposed development. The homeowner should be made fully aware that the property is underlain by expansive soils and that these soils will cause the concerns noted above. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Should any new structures or improvements be proposed at any time in the future other than those shown on the enclosed grading plan and discussed herein, our firm should be notified so that we may provide design recommendations. Design recommendations are particularly critical for any new improvements that may be proposed on or near descending slopes, and in areas where they may interfere with the proposed permanent drainage facilities. Potential problems can develop when drainage on the pad is altered in any way (i.e., excavations or placement of fills associated with construction of new walkways, patios, block walls and planters). Therefore, it is recommended that we be engaged to review the final design drawings, specifications and grading plan prior to any new construction. If we are not given the opportunity to review these documents with respect to the geotechnical aspects of new construction and grading, it should not be assumed that the recommendations provided herein are wholly or in part applicable to the new construction or grading. POST -GRADING OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Our firm should be notified at the appropriate times in order that we may provide the following observation and testing services during the various phases of post grading construction: 1. Building Construction • Observe footing trenches when first excavated to verify competent soil bearing conditions. • Re -observe footing trenches, if necessary, if trenches are found to contain a significant accumulation of loose, saturated or otherwise compressible soils. • Observe and test subgrade soils below slab areas to evaluate moisture content and penetration. 2. Masonry Block Walls and Retaining Walls • Observe caisson excavations. • Observe footing trenches when first excavated to verify competent soil bearing conditions. • Re -observe footing trenches, if necessary, if trenches are found to contain significant slough, saturated or compressible soils. • Observe the subdrain systems installed behind the retaining walls. • Observe and perform field density testing of retaining wall backfill. 70 PETRA SOLID ASA HOCK GEOSCIENCES- Haoa VSNOROS S3aN310SO30 V113d -patldun io passaadxa si 44uauum ON -saot;ouid Suuaauioua luuotssojoid pa;d000u ,illuaauai? q;tm aouuuuo;uoo ut poiudaid aiam uug mo Cq yodaa paouonjol oq; utq;zm pun utanq pa;uasaad suot;upuouiumai puu suotsnlouoo aq;`sSutpug ano uo pasug -Ionpoid 3pom naq; ut paiaAoastp oq ,fguanbosgns s;oajop ,fuu pinogs ,C;tltqutl nag;3o (slo;ouquoo-qns ,Cuu ao) io;anquoa ag; aAatlal saot,vas zno op iou `liom s,jo;ot,quoo ag; aa;uniuni? ,Cum ,fuu ut IOU coop ua;ad `ianamoq `.uug mo Xq uodai luotugoa1002 paouaia3al aq; ut paptnoad suopupuauwutooai aq; uio.g suot;utnap snotAgo Xuu Iuanai IOU ptp 31Hls3; pun suotluAiasgo m0 -sao;ona;uoogns sty to lauuosaad stq `xo;au.quoo aq; 3o uot;oanp ao uotstAiadns opnlout 7ou pzp Ioafoid sup Outmp sooiAlos 3o odoos tn0 -31iom s,io;ouquoo aqI JO Bul;sa; ant;aalas puu suotluAiasgo plug uo posuq podolanap aiam suot;upuamawooaj puu suotutdo OSOU T soot;upuacuwooat puu suotutdo luuotssojoid g;tm aAllu;uosaidai s,aaumo agI i?utptAoad 3o asodand aqI io3 stsuq papaou-so `lluo-uo uu uo suot;niodo Outputs Suunp ops-uo;uosoid sum uilad 3o ant;u;uasaidal d SmoliVZu lIHOJHH .uuld ButpuB 3ut,fuudut000u aqI uo umogs soptB aqI puoXaq So 3Aoqu su Ilam sn `suogrAuoxa ,Cseaodma; ul poould aq o; llg fuu put, sapuB posodoad o; paould IIg jo i?utlsa; X4zsuap plag uuo3zad puu aA13sgo mpuOluuotltPPb utPEjD-a, '9 •uot;ua;auad a.tn;stom puu `;ua;uoo aan;stom `,iltsuap plag ;uamnaop o; suaau 3I1oming a;a.touoo puu uds molaq sltos apus2gns ;sa; puu oAzasgO uot;onalsuo0 3Iiom;u13 a;aiouoD - S •llg)Ionq goua-I ,f;tlt;n 3o Out;sa; ,�4tsuap plug uuo3.tad puu oAias40 Ilgxaug gouaxs titlfl 'b suotltpuoo Sm oq ltos;ua;admoo �uaA O; soot;uAuoxo uds puu lood anaasg0 •suotlnnuoxa uosstuo aAi3s40 E S pun IOOd uzutunA',S '£ b£ aSud OSb-OZ'N'f zimag podeaaM/ aponD.fzjD dvg logi ZZOZ `IZ iagolo0 mollOfimsmOO XosrloHal i NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Page 35 This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Please call if you have any questions pertaining to this report. Respectfully submitted, PETI E CIENCES, INC. Don Obert Associate Engineer RGE 2872 a"WITSMITIM Darrel Roberts Principal Geologist CEG 1972 Attachments: Table A — Field Density Test Results Table B — Laboratory Data Summary Figures RW-1 through RW-3 —Retaining Wall Details Figure 1 — Density Test Location Plan W.=20.2025\2020\40M"5044poma 0450200 Rough Grade Rupon.docx 30 PETRA GEOSCIENCES1X6 SOLID AS A ROCK xaaa nsnanos 530N310SO3t) VU13d V 'ZZOZ `ZI Xlnf PaluP `0Sb-0Z 'N'f `'auI `s03ual3so30 uilad Xq lTodoi `.uTu.To3TIuD `gauag lTodmoN ` ojV lull lac[ uuol0D `LbZL 'ON lauaZ `bZ IO'l `0101TD d3113 Xug I09I `aouap!sag fl!wu3 al`dmS posodoid `sSupood pauadaac[ odolS 3o doy `sluammo0 Iuaiug304030 •£ "ZZOZ `0I ounf polup `05b-0Z 'N'f "oul `saouopsoa0 u lad Xq lTodaa `.uluTo3HuD `gauag Iaodma1l `uaTd xqN lac[ uuoxo0 `LbZL 'oN 1310-11 `bZ to I `01311D flllD /,ug 1091 `aauaptsa'I Xj!tuu3-ajSutS posodOld 103 `ZZOZ `I I II3dV palup `uolsinic[ 2Tnpling — luou4ndac[ luamdolanac[ f4!ununno0 `gauag uodmaN;o fl!D agl Sq lsgjoag3 mainag uodag luaiugaaloa0 of osuodsag .Z 'IZOZ `OZ ,�Inf PaluP `05b-0Z'N'f aul `saauatasoa0 uRad .Cq podaa `.umiopluD `gauag laodmaN `uaj; xuW lac[ uuozoD `LbZL 'ON IOUTZ bZ lo'I `aloi?D33IID fug 1091 `aou3pisa21 ,�IluTud-aliiuiS posodoid `podo'd uoTlu5TlsanTTl lu3iug3aloa0 'I 9£ a2ud OSb-0Z'N'f ilavag jjodaaaN1dvg log[ ZZOZ `IZ mgolo0 NOI.LOflIdISNOD NOSIOHOIN NICHOLSON CONSTRUCTION 1601 Bay Cliff Circle /Newport Beach TABLE A Field Density Test Results October 21, 2022 J.N. 20-450 Date of Test Test No. Location Depth* ft. Moisture % Unit Wt. lbs./cu.ft. % Rel. Comp. Soil Type 9/14/2022 1 Building Pad 6.0 21.7 92.7 92 A 9/15/2022 2 Building Pad 4.0 21.9 93.2 92 A 9/16/2022 3 Building Pad 2.0 21.1 94.0 93 A 9/19/2022 4 Building Pad 1.0 22.1 91.6 91 A 9/19/2022 5 Building Pad 5.0 22.2 92.0 91 A 9/20/2022 6 Building Pad 3.0 21.8 92.5 92 A 9/20/2022 7 Building Pad 1.0 21.7 93.1 92 A 9/20/2022 8 Building Pad 4.0 22.4 92.3 91 A 9/21/2022 9 Driveway 2.0 21.9 92.7 92 A 9/22/2022 10 Driveway 1.0 21.2 94.2 93 A 9/30/2022 11 Building Pad 0.0 21.4 94.3 93 A 10/02/2022 12 Building Pad 0.0 12.6 114.9 93 B 10/04/2022 13 Building Pad 0.0 12.9 114.3 92 B 10/05/2022 14 Building Pad FP 12.1 115.4 93 10/14/2022 15 Building Pad 4.0 22.4 92.9 92 10/14/2022 16 Building Pad 2.0 22.0 92.6 92 JA 10/14/2022 17 Building Pad FP 21.7 94.1 93 * Depth below finish grade FP- Finish Pad If PETNRA SOLID AS A ROCK z 3 b o z o � ° ° a e � a a a a H H H y H H H H N n m m rn d d o 0 w W W U N N U m � A 3 do n z n o � A n � ret O 'V e ti 3 A 3 isY i.y k O � C k coo `� Q• = W H F u aq C Vl O O S 00 00 � o x 0 w 0o O 3 NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL / Sloped or level ground surface 7777/ v '7 w 14 Compacted on -site soil P N L{. * ` Recommended backcut* `, Waterproofing compound N w o o ao Install subdram system a 111 h/ Ns.° ° e ° Minimum 12-inch-wide column of 3/4" - 1 1/2" Q o o a H/3 /open graded gravel wrapped in fitter fabric. Filter fabric (should consist of oe�l Mirafi 140N or equivalent) ©o o 4 inch perforated pipe. Perforated pipe should consist of 4" diameter ABS SDR-35 or PVC Schedule 40 or approved equivalent with the perforations laid down. Pipe should be laid on at least 2 inches of open -graded gravel. v * Vertical height (h) and slope angle of backcut per soils report. Based on geologic conditions, configuration of backcut may require revisions (i.e. reduced vertical height, revised slope angle, etc.) I` PETRA I RETAINING WALL BACKFILL I FIGURE RW-1 I AND SUBDRAIN DETAILS Z mu aunow I SIIV.L3aNivuaens aNV I V813d 111=1)IOVS IIVM ONINIV13H 'JeIB916 Si JOAOL40!qM 'ftlool eql 10 qP!M JE)aq aql of lenbe eouqslp iquozlioq 8 ol Jo,z 10 goualsp -ulw e ol pueWa pinoqs slepoleaw ll!m3L-q 9AIsuedxe-uou aql 'IlEm )o aseq IV Z I�F--uiw,g �w jamb peppjb-undo 10 saqoui Z IS891 le uo plal aq pinotis adild umOP P1131 Su011ejopad. aql t4l!m juepAinbe P9AojddR jo op oln PaPs - OAd JO 5C-)J(18 SOV J919uMPA7 10 ls!suO* N pinoqs adid papopej'adid polpioped you! 17 '(jUOjl2Ainbe JO NOV I P"M jo ISISUOD pinoqs) oijqej jeRizi, -ojjqe jeg ui paddeim JOABJ6 POPBJ6 UadO ,.EIL I, ,v/clo Ploollad loojopnoL, walsf,s uiejpqns lielsul punodwoo bugooidialem U H ,00<3s,pues A pgljodLLji amsuedxa-uON (A*p.z0 , - -- deo pos @Ageu ails-up aoe;Jns punoj6 (anal jo padojS <�, imm3ve aNVS a31HOdWl IMPORTED GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCK BACKFILL M Sloped or level ground surface On -site native soil cap (12" thick) "cac v...." a is, w'rc P.. iaivc backfill materials should extend to a min. distance of 2' or to a horizontal distance equal to the heel width of the footing, whichever is greater. lit PETRA I RETAINING WALL BACKFILL I FIGURE RW-3 I AND SUBDRAIN DETAILS