HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 16037l County of Orange oq �" Planning & Development Services Department t LIFO¢ May 19, 2000 The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300 Newport Beach, California 92660 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 16037 (Vesting) THOMAS B. MATHENN'S DIRrcn OR .On N FLOW141 %l SANTA ANA. CAL11.ORNI MAILING ADDRI•}S PO BOX 401S SANTA ANA. CA 92'412LtlS On May 17, 2000 the Orange County Subdivision Committee approved the above -referenced tentative tract, subject to the findings and conditions in the attached Orange County Subdivision Committee Final Report. The Committee's action conditionally approving this tentative map is valid for a period of three (3) years and will expire on May 17, 2003, The expiration date may be extended for a maximum of five (5) additional years provided a written request is filed with the Director of Planning and Development Services, prior to the expiration date shown above. You are hereby.notified that the fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this project are as described in this approval, as well as the reports and actions accompanying this approval, and that the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest pursuant to -Government Code Section 66020 has begun. You are also on notice that the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 has begun. To avoid unnecessary delays in the recording of this tract map, we suggest that you contact Moe Idris at (714) 834-3470 regarding compliance with all conditions of approval, prior to the filing of the tract map with the County Surveyor. Very truly yours, Ta /An Patrick J. Stanton, Manager Subdivision and Grading Services PJS/mmc Attachment: Final Report w/Map cc: The Keith Companies Page I of 15 FINAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP REPORT DATE: May 17, 2000 SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map No. 16037 (Vesting) SUBDIVIDER: The Irvine Company ENGINEER: The Keith Companies SUBDIVISION SECTION CONTACT: Vic Bellaschi 834-5045 LOCATION: On the westerly and southerly sides ofChambord Road just southerly of Bonita Canyon Road in the Newport Ridge Planned Community. ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 458-153-portions 30 & 55; 120-139-portion 71 PROJECT NO. EP/PP 69938 SUMMARY: Proposes a subdivision of approximately 10.03 acres of land into 34 lots for single'familyresidential development, 3 lots for landscaping/slopes/open space and 5 lots for private streets. Site Development Permit PA 99-0151 was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission on May 10, 2000 and provides for the establishment of 34 lots for single family residential development. NOTIFICATION: All federal, state, and county departments, divisions and agencies having cognizance of the affected area, the City of Newport Beach, Friends of the Irvine Coast, Laguna Canyon Conservancy and all property owners within 300 feet of this property. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY/ZONING COMPLIANCE: Land Use Element: 1B Suburban Residential (.5-18 du/ac) Planned Community: Newport Ridge Planned Community Planning Area 22 Designated for Medium High Density Residential Proposed Density: 3.32 du/ac This project, as conditioned, is consistent with and in conformance with the General Plan and its implementing documents. OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 2 of 15 COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT: The proposed project is covered by Final EIR No. 517 previously certified on February 26, 1991 and the Bonita Canyon EIR previously certified on May 28, 1996. Prior to project approval, the Subdivision Committee must assert that these EIR's are adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA for the proposed project. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The subject property is hilly and sloping undeveloped terrain which is currently being rough graded. DRAINAGE: The subject property is located within the University Park Area Master Plan of Drainage (MPD). No MOD facilities are involved and no MPD fees are required. SOUND CONSIDERATION: This property will be impacted by intrusive noises, generated by both aircraft and traffic. The extent of mitigation required will be determined in connection with the acoustical analysis studies involved in the development of the property. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE: Master Plan of Regional Recreation Facilities There are no regional park dedication requirements of the subject map. Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails There are no riding and hiking trail requirements of the subject map. Master Plan of Local Parks (Local Park Code) The Local Park Code requirement for the subject map is 0.272 net usable acres of park land based upon a proposal to build 34 dwelling units at a gross residential density of 3.32 du/ac (34 du x .008 ac/du). The Local Park Code requirement shall be met by an allocation ofpark land acreage from PM 92-01, the Local Park Implementation Plan for the Newport Ridge Planned Community. Should no Local Park Code acreage credit exist at the time building permits are requested,refundable in -lieu fees shall be paid. Resources Element - Open Space Component There are no open space dedication requirements. `�f '� ► t� �,�L COP TT 16037 Master Plan of Countywide Bikeways Page 3 of 15 No bikeways are identified on the Master Plan of Countywide Bikeways that affect this map. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES: Schools This property is within the boundaries of the Newport Mesa Unified School District. The developer is subject to the provisions of Assembly Bill AB 2926, or other mitigating measures designed to provide for school facilities and/or funding, such as community facilities districts. Facilities Fee Programs This project area is located in a facilities fee program area, as the program is defined in Section 7-9-702, Codified Ordinances of Orange County, for the funding of library service, fire station and sheriff substation facilities. Water/Sewer This project is within the boundaries of the Irvine Ranch Water District. TheDistrict stated in their "will -serve" letter that the District will be capable of providing water and sewage disposal service to this development. Water Quality Control The Irvine Ranch Water District operates in accordance with requirements prescril:ed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. Fire Protection and Safety Existing and proposed fire protection services should be capable of providing an adequate level of fire protection services to this development. This property is located in a high/very high fire hazard area due to wildland exposure. County Service Area (CSA) This property is within the boundaries of County Service Area No. 26. CIRCULATION: Scenic Highway Corridors There are no requirements based upon the Master Plan of Scenic Highways applicable to this map. J�I TT 16037 Access/Highways/Streets/Roads Page 4 of 15 Access to the proposed single family residential development within the subject tentative tract map will be off Chambord Road, a 62 ft. wide private collector street which runs along the subject tentative tract map and connects with Bonita Canyon Road to the northerly and Newport Ridge Drive to the southerly. Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program This project lies within the area of benefit ofthe San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. The subdivider is required to pay SJHTC Major Thoroughfare and Bridge fees in accordance with the adopted program. This project lies within the area of benefit of the Coastal Area Road Improvements and Traffic Signal Fee Program. On August 1, 1995 the Board of Supervisors approved T95-1 (Resolutions 95-560 and 95-561) adopting the CARITS Fee Zone 1 Closing Report which relieves The Irvine Company of the obligation to participate in the CARITS Road Fee Program. Off -Site Fee Program This project will be responsible for participation in fee programs off -site which will involve expenditures in excess of $171,250.00. Accordingly, the provisions of Section 66452.6(a), Subdivision Map Act, do apply to this project. COMMENTS FROM CIVIC GROUPS AND OTHERS NOTIFIED: At the time of this writing, none have been received. DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS OF DESIGN: The subdivider may request deviations from County -approved standard design criteria in accordance with Section 7-9-291 of the Orange County Subdivision Code. In the absence of any approved deviation request or if there is a conflict between the tentative map and the County approved standard design criteria, the Counq approved standard design criteria will prevail. Deviations Requested The subdivider is requesting the following deviations to the Orange County Subdivision Code: Deviation from Standard Plan 1111 (Sidewalk Returns and Curb Radius) to allow the sidewalk returns as shown on the tentative tract map. Traffic Review does not oppose this deviation request. 2. Deviation from Standard Plan 1113 (Cul-De-Sacs) to allow the use of non-standard cul-de-sacs with landscaped islands to be constructed at the end of each cul-de-sac street. Traffic Review does not oppose this deviation request. OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 5 of 15 3. Deviations from Standard Plan 1209 (Depressed Curb Driveway Approach) are as follows: a. To allow the use of depressed driveway approaches as shown on the tentative tract map. Traffic Review does not oppose this deviation request. b. To allow the driveways to be constructed with 3 ft. radius curb returns as shown on the tentative tract map. Traffic Review does not oppose this deviation request provided the minimum driveway widths are 12 feet. 3. Deviation from Standard Plan 1107 (Typical Sections) to allow the following street section for the proposed private street. Proposed Required Street Right -of -Way (ft.) Paving ft. Right -of -Way (fQ Paving ft. "F" Street 54.5 36 56 40 between Chambord Road and "H" Street Traffic Review does not oppose this deviation request since the portion of "F" Street within the subject tentative tract map has no residential frontage. OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE ACTION: Page 6 of 15 Tentative Tract No. 16037 (Vesting) is approved, and the approval includes the listed deviations, the following 22 findings, and is subject to the 27 conditions which follow the findings. Findings: I. That the proposed map is consistent with the Orange County General Plan. II. That the design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the Orange County General Plan. III. That the proposed site is physically suitable for the proposed type of development. IV. That the proposed site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. V. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantial and avoidable injury to fish or wildlife or their habitat. VI. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. VII. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements of record or established by court judgment acquired by the publio•at-large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. VIII. That the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements set forth in the Orange County Subdivision Code, the Orange County Zoning Code and the Newport Ridge Planned Community. IX. That the design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are suitable for the uses proposed, and the subdivision can be developed in compliance with applicable zoning regulations pursuant to Section7-9-254 of the Subdivision Code. X. That the Subdivision Committee has determined that Final EIR 517, previously certified on February 26, 1991, and the Bonita Canyon EIR previously certified on May 28, 1996 satisfy the requirements of CEQA and are approved as Program EIR's for the proposed project based upon the following findings: Based on the Initial Study, it is found that theEIR's serve as Program EIR's for the proposed project; and 2. The approval of the EIR's for the proposed project reflect the independent judgment of the Subdivision Committee. XI. That pursuant to Section 711.4 of the California Fish and Game Code, this project isexempt from the required fees as it has been determined that the required fees have been paid. Receipt No. 01315 for EIR 517 and Receipt No. 19968000607 for the Bonita Canyon EIR. OFFICIAL COM TT 16037 Page 7 of 15 XII. That the proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and, therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effectivesubregional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCPP) Program. XIII. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system of the Irvine Ranch Water District will not result in violations of existing requirements prescribed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. XIV. That the design of the subdivision and its improvements do provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities as specified in Section66473.1 of the Government Code (Subdivision Map Act). XV. That the following determinations apply to fees required by Sections 7-9-700 through 713, Codified Ordinances of Orange County: A. Purpose of fees: Fire protection, paramedic, law enforcement, library, and general County services. B. Use of fees: Construction of new fire station, sheriff substation, library, and general County facilities in newly developing areas which have inadequate service. C. Relationship between use of fees and type of development: Dwelling units and commercial/industrial an structures d their occupants require fire protection, paramedic, law enforcement, library, and general County services. D. Relationship between need for facilities and type of project: Project is located in newly developing area which has inadequate fire protection, paramedic, library services, and sheriff substation and general County facilities. E. Relationship between amount of fees and cost of the portion of the facilities attributable to the development: Fees represent projects pro rata share of the cost of the fire station, sheriff substation, library, and general County facilities. XVI. That because of participation in fee programs for off -site improvements, this project will qualify for consideration under Section 66452.6 of the Subdivision Map Act. XVII. That the deviations from the standards of design set forth in the Subdivision Code were considered and found to be justified based upon the reasons set forth in the Subdivision Committee Report or specific special circumstances which apply. XVIII. That the Local Park Code requirement can be met by an allocation of park lands creditfrom PM 92-01, the park implementation plan for Newport Ridge Planned Community. XIX. That Board Resolution No. 88-267, Report on Proposed Growth Management Plan, was considered and requiring the developer to participate in a County -approved Growth Management Program constitutes an acceptable mitigating circumstance. XX. That the Coastal Area Road Improvements and Traffic Signals Fee Program was considered and requiring the developer to participate in a fee program constitutes an acceptable mitigating circumstance. This condition has been satisfied by the developer. OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 8 of 15 XXI. That the monitoring requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 (AB 3180) will be considered as having been met in that the design of the subject project, the satisfaction of the requirements of the County's building, grading, fire, and other codes and ordinances and the satisfaction of the conditions of approval applied to the project will implement the mitigation measures contained in EIR No. 517. XXII. That the applicant is hereby provided notice that the fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this project are as described in this approval as well as the reports and actions accompanying this approval and that the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 has begun Conditions: Codes (G) (R) (B) (U) (SL) (NA) (G) 1 (for time of performance/type of condition) Grading Permit Recordation Building Permit Use and Occupancy Sale, Lease, or Rental Timing not Specified (S) Standard Condition (SS) Site Specific Condition NOTE: Any improvements required prior to the recordation of a final map shall be completedor the subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the County of Orange guaranteeing the improve- ments. Said agreement shall be accompanied by financial security guaranteeing the installation of the improvements at the time stated in the agreement. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 99-0151 FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT LP LP G PA 99-0151 COND Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall comply with PA Conditions: 7. Drainage Study (GXS) 8A. Drainage Improvements (G)(S) 9. Drainage Offsite (GXS) I IA. 'Fire Hydrants (G)(S) 13C. Fire Access Roads (G)(S) 16. Access Gates (G)(S) 18A. Hazardous Materials (G)(S) 19. Combustible Gas Mitigation (G)(S) 21. Geology Report (GXS) 22. Grading Deviation (GXS) 23. Cross Lot Drainage (G)(S) 28A. Private Landscaping (G)(S) Precise Grading Permit 31. Construction Noise (GXS) 33. Pollutant Runoff (GXS) Precise Grading Permit 34. NPDES Permit (GXS) 37. Previous Conditions of Approval (G)(S) OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 9 of 15 (R) 2. LP LP R PA 99-0151 COND Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map, the subdivider shall comply with PA Conditions: 7. Drainage Study (R)(S) 8A & B. Drainage Improvements (R)(S) 9. Drainage Offsite (RXS) 10. MPD Participation (RXS) 13A,B & D. Fire Access Roads (RXS) 15. Traffic Signal Preemption Devices (R)(S) 23. Cross Lot Drainage (RXS) 27A. Preliminary Landscape Plan (RXS) 37. Previous Conditions of Approval (R)(S) (B) 3. LP LP B PA 99-0151 COND Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall comply with PA Conditions: 10. MPD Participation (BXS) 11B. Fire Hydrants (BXS) 12. Water Availability (B)(S) 14A. Street Markings (BXS) 17. Combustible Construction Letter (B)(S) 18A&B. Hazardous Materials (B)(S) 20. Architectural Building Plans (BXS) 24. Garage (B)(SS) 25. Gas Mitigation 1 (B)(S) 26. Gas Mitigation 2 (B)(S) 27B. Detailed Landscape Plan (B)(S) 29. Light and Glare (BXS) 32. Project Phasing (B)(SS) 33. Pollutant Runoff (B)(S) 35. Garages (BXS) 37. Previous Conditions (B)(S) (U) 4. LP LP U PA 99-0151 COND Prior to the issuance of any final certificates of use and occupancy, the applicant shall comply with PA Conditions: 8B. Drainage Improvements (U)(S) 1 IC. Fire Hydrant Markers (U)(S) 14B. Street Markings (UXS) 27C. Landscaping Installation Certification (U)(SJ 28B&C. Private Landscaping (U)(S) 37. Previous Conditions of Approval (U)(S) OFFICIAL COPNI TT 16037 (B) 5. (S) I BUYER NOTIFICATION PROGRAM LP LP B BUYER NOTII Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential construction, thi with Board of Supervisors Resolution 82-1368 (Buyer Notification Program/ wmcn requires the developer to prepare a map denoting the existing and proposed land uses, arterial highways, and .public facilities within the surrounding area for the approval of the Manager, Current Planning. The map content, display, and distribution shall be in accordance with the Buyer Notification Program guidelines approved by the Board of Supervisors and available at the Development Processing Center. The subject map shall also indicate that the existing commercial use located adjacent to and northwest of the proposed single family residential development may be expanded in size in the future and therefore causing the distance between the commercial building and the proposed single family residences to be reduced. The notification must also note that there are existing pole lights located along the private road abutting the northeast property line of the subject property to be developed, and that illumination from those lights may enter through the windows of the proposed single family residences since those lights may be on throughout the evening/night hours. SPECIAL TAX NOTIFICATION (U) 6. TE BI U SPECIAL TAX NOTIFICATION (S) Prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, the developer shall provide evidence to the Manager, Building Inspection, that the Department of Real Estate has been notified that the project area is within the boundaries of a Community Facilities District (CFD), and will be subject to special taxes for public facilities and/or services. FACILITIES FEE PROGRAMS (R) 7. AP AP R LIBRARY FACILITIES (S) Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the County of Orange to pay development fees for public library facilities as provided in Section 7-9-700 through 7-9-713 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange and Resolution 87-1684. Said agreement shall be accompanied by financial security. This condition may be satisfied by entering into an implementation agreement with the County pursuant to an applicable development agreement, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental and Project Planning. (R) 8. AP AP R FIRE STATION FEES (S) Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the County of Orange to pay development fees for fire station facilities as provided in Sections 7-9-700 through 7-9-713 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange and Board Resolution 87-1684. Said agreement shall be accompanied by financial security. This condition may be satisfied by entering into an implementation agreement with the County pursuant to an applicable development agreement, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental and Project Planning. (R) 9. AP AP R SHERIFF FEES (S) Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the applicant shall enter into a secured agreement with the County of Orange to pay development fees for sheriff substation facilities when an applicable fee program is adopted by the Board of Supervisors, as provided in Sections 7-9-700 through 7-9-713 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange. This condition may be satisfied by entering into an implementation agreement with the County pursuant to an applicable development agreement, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental and Project Planning. CFTiCIAL CC TT 16037 (B) 10. (S) C Page 1 I of 15 AP AP B " tN \ T" Y� .11 GENERAL FACILITIES Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay development fees for general County facilities if an applicable fee program has been adopted by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 7-9-700 through 7-9-713 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange, and such fee program is in effect at the time of issuance of building permits, all in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Environmental and Project Planning. FIRE PROTECTION (R) 11. F F RBU AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (B) A. Prior to the recordation of any final parcel map, a note shall be placed on the map stating (U) that all commercial structures over 6,000 square feet; all multifamily residential structures; (S) all single-family structures exceeding 5,500 square feet; and, all structures exceeding fire department access requirements shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system, in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief (this condition will be satisfied once an SFPA exclusion letter has been processed). B. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the subdivider shall submit plans for any required automatic fire sprinkler system in any structure to the OCFA for review and approval. C. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, this system shall be operational in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (R) 12. F F RG FIRE ACCESS ROADS (G) A. Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Fire (S) Chief for all fire protection access easements and shall dedicate them to the County. B. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the subdivider shall submit and obtain approval of plans for all roads, streets and courts, public or private, from the Fire Chief in consultation with the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services. The plans shall include the plan view, sectional view, and indicate the grade and width of the street or court measured flow line to flow line. All proposed fire apparatus turnarounds shall be approved by the Fire Chief and if needed, clearly marked when a dead-end street exceeds 150 feet or when otherwise required. Applicable CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions which prohibit obstructions such as speed bumps/humps, control gates or other modifications within said easement or access road unless prior approval of the Fire Chief is granted. The cul-de-sacs with center islands shall meet the requirements of OCFA Bulletin No. 6-99. C. Street Signs. A note shall be placed on the fire protection access easement plan indicating that all street/road signs shall be designed and maintained to be either internally or externally illuminated in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (R) 13. F F RB FIRE HAZARD NOTIFICATION (B) A. State Responsibility Areas. Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the subdivider (S) shall place a note on the map meeting the approval of the Fire Chief that the property is in a "(High/Very High) Fire Hazard Area" due to wildland exposure based on State SRA maps. B. Special Fire Protection Area Notification. Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the subdivider shall place a note on the map meeting the approval of the Fire Chief that the OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 12 of 15 property is in a "Special Fire Protection Area" and must meet all requirements for development within the area or file for an exclusion with the Fire Chief. C. Special Fire Protection Area Development. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall meet all requirements for development and construction within a Special Fire Protection Area, including street widths, Class A roof assemblies, fire sprinklers, etc. D. Special Fire Protection Area Conditional Exclusion. Prior to recordation of any final tract map, the subdivider shall place a note on the map meeting the approval of the Fire Chief that the property is "Conditionally Excluded" from a "Special Fire Protection Areas", and shall identify lots/buildings which are subject to construction features. (G) 14. F F GBU FUEL MODIFICATION (B) A. Prior to the issuance of preliminary grading permit, the applicant shall obtain the approval (U) of the Fire Chief, in consultation with the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services, of a (S) conceptual fuel modification plan and program. B. Prior to the issuance of any precise grading permit, the applicant shall obtain the approval of the Fire Chief, in consultation with the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services, of a precise fuel modification plan and program. The plan shall indicate the proposed means of achieving an acceptable level of risk to structures by vegetation. C. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the developer shall have completed, under the supervision of the Fire Chief, that portion of the approved fuel modification plan determined to be necessary by he Fire Chief before the introduction of any combustible materials into the project area. Approval shall be subject to on -site inspection. D. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, the fuel modification shall be installed and completed under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Further, the installed fuel modification plant pallet shall be established to a degree meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. The CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions for maintaining the fuel modification zones including the removal of all dead and dying vegetation subject to triennial inspections. (G) 15. F F G ACCESS GATES (S) Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain the Fire Chiefs approval for the construction of any gate across required fire authority access roads/drives. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0403 for a copy of the "Guidelines for Fire Authority Emergency Access". A fire department turnaround shall be provided at the entrance to the gate. (B) 16. F F B CdMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION LETTER (S) Prior to the issuance of any building permit for combustible -construction, the builder shall submit a letter on company letterhead stating that water for fire fighting purposes and the all weather fire protection access roads shall be in place and operational before any combustible material is placed on -site. Approval shall be subject to an on -site inspection prior to the issuance of a building permit. OFFICIAL COPY TT 16037 Page 13 of 15 V%0.1V"e' s dkri5'OA HARBORS, BEACHES AND PARKS 41 �TN GVroLoR (B) 17. HP CP B LOCAL PARK CODE COMPLIANCE Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential units, other than for -the model homes, an amendment and local park acreage accounting for PM 92-01, the Local Park Implementation Plan for the Newport Ridge Planned Community, shall be submitted to PDSD/Current Planning Services for processing and forwarding for approval by the Orange County Subdivision Committee. INDEMNIFICATION (NA) 18. SG NA NA INDEMNIFICATION (S) Subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Orange, its officers, agents and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the County, its officers, agents or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Subdivision Committee concerning this subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37. The County shall promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. This condition is imposed pursuant to Government Code Section 66474.9(b). LANDSCAPING (G) 19. SG SG/BI GU PRIVATE LANDSCAPING (U) A. Prior to the issuance of any building permits other than for the model homes, the applicant shall (S) prepare a detailed landscape plan for privately maintained areas which includes Lots F, G and H, and any proposed islands in the streets or street cul-de-sacs. The plan shall be certified by a licensed landscape architect or a licensed landscape contractor, as required, as taking into account approved preliminary landscape plan (if any), PDSD Standard Plans, adopted planned community regulations, scenic corridor and specific plan requirements, Grading and Excavation Code erosion control requirements, Subdivision Code, Zoning Code, and conditions of approval, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90-487 (Water Conservation Measures) and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading. B. Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, applicant shall install said landscaping and irrigation system and shall -have a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, certify that it was installed in accordance with the approved plan. The applicant shall furnish said certification, including an irrigation management report for each landscape irrigation system, and any other implementatipn report determined applicable, to the Manager, Building Inspection, prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. U_ FF IGAL COPY TT 16037 NOISE Page 14 of 15 (R) 20. BP BP RGB RESIDENTIAL ACOUSTICAL REPORT (G) All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected (B) noise which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project so as not to exceed a (S) composite interior standard of 45 dBA CNEL in all habitable rooms and a source specific exterior standard of 65 dBA CNEL in outdoor living areas. Evidence prepared by a County -certified acoustical consultant, that these standards will be satisfied in a manner consistent with Zoning Code Section 7-9-137.5, shall be submitted as follows: A. Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map or prior to the issuance of grading permits, as determined by the Manager, Building Permits, the applicant shall submit an acoustical analysis report to the Manager, Building Permits, for approval. The report shall describe in detail the exterior noise environment and preliminary mitigation measures. Acoustical design features to achieve interior noise standards may be included in the report in which case it may also satisfy "B" below. B. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for residential construction, the applicant shall submit an acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards to the Manager, Building Permits, for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures � � tspeci lied in the approved acoustical report have been incorporated into the design of the project. \\��DO(` eAPrior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall show all freestanding acoustical n ��( barriers on the projects plot plan illustrating height, location and construction in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Building Permits. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC (R) 21. TE SG R PRIVATE STREET NOTIFICATION (S) Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the subdivider shall place a note on the map that states: "The private streets constructed within this map shall be owned, operated and maintained by the developer, successors or assigns. The County of Orange shall have no responsibility therefore unless pursuant to appropriate sections of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the said private streets have been accepted into the County Road System by appropriate resolution of the Orange County Board of Supervisors." (R) 22. TE SG R STREET IMPROVEMENTS (S) Prior to the recordation of any final tract map, the subdivider shall design and construct the following improvements in accordance with plans and specifications meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading: A. Streets, street names, signs, striping and stenciling. B. The water distribution system and appurtenances which shall also conform to the applicable laws and adopted regulations enforced by the County Fire Chief. C. Underground utilities (including gas, cable, electrical and telephone), street lights, and mailboxes. OFi=iCiAL CO= TT 16037 Page 15 of 15 (B) 23. TE TE B ROAD FEE PROGRAM (S) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay fees for the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program listed below, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Traffic Engineering. a. San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (G) 24. SG SG G SIGHT DISTANCE (S) Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, adequate sight distance shall be provided at all street intersections per Standard Plan 1117 and at all driveways, in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services; this includes any necessary revisions to the plan such as removing slopes or other encroachments from the Limited Use Area. (B) 25. SG CP B RECORDATION 4' (SS) Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicable portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 15585 shall be recorded in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Current Planning. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (R) 26. SG SG R SLOPE AREA CONVEYANCE (SS) Prior to the recordation of any -final tract map the subdivider shall create a separate lettered lot for the slope area between Lot 6 and "H" Street which shall be conveyed to and maintained by the homeowners association in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services.' (SS) 27. CP NOTIFICATION This condition of approval is intended to give you notice that the fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this project are as described in this approval and the reports and actions accompanying this approval. You are also on notice that the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest pursuant to Government Code Section 66020 has begun. PJS/VB:noM I hereby certify that Tentative Tract Map No. 16037 (Vesting) was approved upon the foregoing conditions by the Orange County Subdivision Committee, on May 17, 2000 and will expire on May 17, 2003. q /f P. J. Stanton, Manager Subdivision and Grading Services Chairperson, Subdivision Committee OFFICIAL COP' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT DATE: May 10, 2000 TO: Orange County Planning Commission FROM: Current Planning Services Division SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Planning Applications PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 for Site Development Permit PROPOSAL: PA99-0151 is for the subdivision and construction of 131 single family detached homes. The proposal includes: three private community recreation areas; two model home complexes; an entry gate complex; and entry monuments. This Planning Application is associated with Vesting Tentative Maps 15855, 15935, 16037 and Tract 15945. The project area is 128 acres. PA00-0029 is for the subdivision and construction of 59 single family detached homes on 26 acres and is adjacent to PA99- 0151. PA00-0029 is associated with Vesting Tentative Map 15934. Both PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 are in Planning Area 22 of the Newport Ridge Planned Community. LOCATION: Planning Area 22 is located southerly of the intersection of Bonita Canyon Road and the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, east of the City of Newport Beach, west of the now closed Coyote Canyon Landfill and north of San Joaquin Reservoir. Fifth Supervisorial District APPLICANT: Irvine Community Development Company STAFF William V. Melton, Project Manager CONTACT: Phone: (714) 834-2541 FAX: (714) 834-4652 SYNOPSIS: Current Planning Services Division recommends Planning Commission approval of PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. BACKGROUND: Planning Applications PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 were originally scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission on April 26, 2000. However, it was brought to the attention to staff that the Notice of Hearing for the April 26, 2000 hearing was not in conformance with notification procedures outlined under Zoning Code Section 7-9-150. Because of this error and on the advice of County Counsel, the Planning Commission scheduled the hearing on the subject proposal to May 10, 2000 so as to allow for proper notification. A new Notice of Hearing was mailed to all persons and agencies that received the original notice plus the persons that should have received a notice for the original hearing date. The proposed projects are located within Planning Area 22 of the Newport Ridge Planned Community (NRPC). This planning area is designated for Medium -High Density Residential development with a OFFICIAL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 2 of 8 density range of 6.5 to 18 dwelling units per acre. The entire Planning Area encompasses approximately 107.2 acres and allows development up to a maximum of 705 residential units. Planning Area 22 was originally within the City of Irvine. The site was designated Planning Area 26B of the City's Bonita Canyon development. By earlier action, the City de -annexed Planning Area 26B in exchange for City annexation of other property owned by the Irvine Company. In 1998 the Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to the NRPC (previously named the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community) which included the addition of Planning Area 22. The majority of Planning Area 22 has been extensively modified by mass grading operations approved in conformance with Tentative Tract Map No. 15585. Grading Permit No. GA 980022 was approved in July 1999 for the creation of large pads to facilitate future residential development and the extension of Chambord, a private community collector street with a 62-foot right-of-way and 40-foot pavement width, to existing Bonita Canyon Road. The Grading Permit also covers the creation of all interior and exterior slopes; construction of a variable sized Loffel wall (up to 25-feet in height) along the eastern project boundary with the closed Coyote Canyon Landfill; and, the master infrastructure and surface drainage improvements. Following completion of the mass -grading operations, the site will.range in elevation from approximately 190-feet along the northern side to 470-feet at the southern boundary. Access to Planning Area 22 is by Chambord, a private street, which will be aligned with the existing Chambord in adjoining Planning Area 21 to the south. This street will form a connection between public roads Bonita Canyon Road to the north and Newport Ridge Drive East to the south. Both ends of Chambord will have gated entries with a card key or guard. The approved multi -family proposal to the north (PA99-0205) has site access before the guarded entry. ` Approval of PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 will allow for the construction of a total of 190 single-family detached homes with related private streets and infrastructure, two model/sales complexes and associated temporary pre -sales trailers, parking areas and sign program, a community gatehouse and three private community recreation facilities. Additionally, the project proposal includes the construction of all community street landscaping and a comprehensive landscaping program for all slope areas created as part of the above referenced grading operation and the required fuel modification zones. Three (3) private community recreational facilities are proposed under PA99-0151. These facilities are within Tract No. 15945 and are for the use of homeowners in both the PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 project boundaries. Private Recreational Facility 41 consists of two -lighted tennis courts, lighted basketball court, tot lot and open turf play field. Parking will be provided on Chambord, with pedestrian access through the park, provided by a series of 6-foot wide sidewalks. Private Recreational Facility 42 includes a swimming pool, 400 square -foot pool equipment/utility room, restrooms and showers, and an approximately 800 square foot community room with restrooms, kitchen and outdoor terrace area. Building heights for the recreation facility structures will range from OFFICIAL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 3 of 8 approximately 17-feet to 21-feet for the portal structure. A trellis arbor has been incorporated into the design of the recreation center to unify the structural elements of the park. Also proposed are a shade structure, turf play area and off-street parking lot for 37 cars, including two handicap spaces. Additional parking will also be available along Chambord. Private Recreational Facility 43 is a small passive community park area and consists of two small turf areas connected by a looping pedestrian sidewalk and a sitting area. The private park will be accessed from a 6-foot wide pedestrian walk, delineated by two 42-inch pilasters at the end of the cul-de-sac of "F" Street. All private park facilities will be landscaped with a combination of informal mixed groves of Pines and Eucalyptus trees with accents of Popular Trees. This program is consistent with the landscape program established throughout the Newport Ridge Planned Community. As part of the project approvals for both site plans, an Alternative Site Development Standard is requested to allow for the minimum driveway length to be 18-feet, rather than the standard of less than 7-feet or greater than 20-feet. Sectional/roll-up type garage doors have been incorporated into the design of the residential units in all instances to compensate for the reduction in driveway length. This request is consistent with County standards, which changed the garage setback from 20 feet to 18 feet, and other projects located throughout the Newport Ridge Planned Community. Specifics for Planning Application PA99-0151 (also see Exhibit 1) PA99-0151 is a Site Development Permit for the construction of 131 single-family detached homes and is being processed concurrently with two Vesting Tentative Tract Maps, 15935 and 16037. These two tracts are referred to as "B" maps, and are subdivisions of an original "A" map, Tentative Tract 15585, that covered all of Planning Area 22. Tentative Tract 15935 is proposed for the development of 97 homes on 36 acres and a model home sales complex. Tentative Tract 16037 is proposed for the development of 34 homes on 10.2 acres and a model home sales complex. Different merchant homebuilders and home designs are proposed in the two tracts. PA99-0151 also proposes the development of three community recreation facilities and the community gatehouse complex, which are located in Tract 15945 (a final tract of tentative tract map no. 15855). Residential lot sizes range from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet with an average lot size of approximately 6,500 square feet. The homes range in size from 2,700 to 3,500 square feet, in one and two-story configurations with a combination of three and four bedrooms and all with two car garages. All residential structures have been designed to be consistent with the Newport Ridge PC Site Development Standards. The residential units have also been designed in accordance with the requirements that no homes be sited within 250-feet from the limits of refuse of the Coyote Canyon Landfill and homes within 1,000-feet of the landfill will be constructed with special foundation shielding. The following table shows the proposed mixture of product types for the 34 lots in TT 16037 and the 97 lots in TT 15935 proposed in PA99-0151: OFFICIAL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 4 of 8 Tract Floor Plan Number Number of Units Number of Stories Max Height (ft) Bedrooms Square footage Garage Spaces TT 16037 1 13 2 28 3 I 2,700 2 2 I 9 2 33 4 3.000 I 2* 3 12 2 32 4 3,200 2* TT 15935 1 19 1 24 3 2,700 2 2 26 2 28 4 3,300 2* 3 27 2 31 3 3.500 2* 4 I 25 I 2 26 1 4 3,500 2* * NOTE: Floor plan includes one tandem garage space to be used for storage only and not counted or sold as an additional garage parking space. Specifics for Planning Application PA00-0029 (also see Exhibit 2) PA00-0029 is a Site Development for the construction of 59 single -family,letached homes on 26 acres; and, is being processed concurrently with Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.15934. The applicant refers to this portion of PA22 as the "lower terrace area". This proposal does not include a separate model home sales complex. The model home sales complex for homes in PA00-0029 is shared with the model complex proposed in Tentative Tract 16037 of PA99-0151. The future homeowners in PA00-0029 also share the three recreation areas and the community gatehouse complex proposed under PA99-0151. Residential lot sizes range from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet with an average lot size of approximately 6,500 square feet. The homes range in size from 2,700 to 3,500 square feet, in one and two-story configurations with a combination of three and four bedrooms and all with two car garages. All residential structures have been designed to be consistent with the Newport Ridge PC Site Development Standards. The residential units have also been designed in accordance with the requirements that no homes be sited within 250-feet from the limits of refuse of the Coyote Canyon Landfill and homes within 1,000-feet of the landfill will be constructed with special foundation shielding. Because of concerns raised by some neighbors regarding current mass grading operations, the overall pad elevations of the PA00-0029 project site has been raised to an elevation approximately 10 to 15 feet higher that previously approved. The change in elevation also eliminates the need for approximately 200,000 cubic yards of additional earthwork associated with the over -excavation and compaction to address geological conditions. t��i 1AL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 5 of 8 The following table shows the proposed mixture of product types for the 59 lots in TT 15934 proposed for PA00-0029 (these are the same product types as is in TT 16037): Floor Plan Number Number of Units Number of Stories Max Height I (feet) Bedrooms Squaze I Footage Garage Spaces 1 18 2 28 3 2,700 2 2 21 2 33 4 3,000 2* 3 20 2 32 4 3,200 2* NOTE: Floor plan includes one tandem garage space to be used for storage and not counted or sold as an additional garage parking space. SURROUNDING LAND USE FOR PA99-0151 and PA00-0029: Direction PA/Zoning Land Use Designation Project Site NRPC PA 22 Med.-High Density Residential North NCPC PA 22 Med.-High Density Residential South NRPC PA21 Med.-High Density Residential East Al General Agricultural West City of Residential Newport Beach CEQA COMPLIANCE: Existing Land Use Vacant, graded Vacant, proposed multi -family Residential urfder development Coyote Canyon Landfill, closed' Single-family dwellings These proposed projects are covered Final EIR 517 for the NCPC previously certified on 2/26/91, and the Bonita Canyon EIR prepared by the City of Irvine, previously certified on 5/28.96 (Exhibit 5). Prior to project approval, these EIRs and addenda must be found adequate to satisfy the requirements of CEQA by the Planning Commission. Appendix A of the Planning Commission Resolutions contain the required CEQA Finding, REFERRAL FOR COMMENT AND PUBLIC NOTICE: A Notice of Hearing was mailed to all owners of record within 300 feet of the subject site. Additionally, a notice was posted at the site, at the 300 N. Flower Building and as required by established public hearing posting procedures. A copy of the planning application and a copy of the proposed cite plan were OFFICIAL COPS' PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 6 of 8 distributed for review and comment to 12 County Divisions, The City of Newport Beach and the Newport Mesa Unified School District. As of the writing of this report, no comments raising substantial planning issues have been received from other County divisions. Where applicable, comments from other divisions have been incorporated in the project's conditions of approval. The City of Newport Beach submitted comments (Exhibit 2) that expressed the City's general desire that these projects comply with City public works and fire department standards. These comments are similar to comments received other proposals in NRPC. The City notes that the City may someday annex both the NRPC and the Newport Coast Planned Community. The proposals in both PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 will be constructed to comply with the County's subdivision code, grading code, building code and fire code. It has been the County's practice that where there is a conflict between City of Newport Beach codes and County codes, the County codes prevail. DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS: In most planned communities, Planning Commission approval of a subdivision for single-family dwellings is not required. However, when Planning Area 22 was added to the NRPC, Condition of Approval No. 46 was also added requires Planning Commission approval of proposal prior to the issuance of grading permits or building permits associated with a "B" tract map. This applies to both single family and multi -family developments. Since these proposals are associated with a `B" tract map, Planning Commission approval is therefore required. Residential construction in Planning Area 22 is subject to gas migration mitigation associated with the closed Coyote Canyon Land Fill. Conditions of Approval for the NRPC prohibit residential structures with 250 feet of the limits of refuse of the landfill; and, special foundation shielding for homes within 1,000 feet of the landfill. All homes proposed in these to projects are outside the 250 feet limit. The special conditions from the NRPC zone change addressing the homes within 1,000 feet are re -applied to these proposals. The modification requested to provide all driveways at a minimum setback length of 18 feet provides for a better project than does the standard for NRPC driveway setback of 7 feet or less, or 20 feet or more. The 18 feet minimum driveway setback is now the County standard and provides additional off-street private guest parking. The standard of 7 feet or less, when used, places a greater demand on the available street parking and reduces the amount of private guest parking at each residential site. The 18-foot setback together with the use of sectional door allows a car to be parked in the driveway without projecting over a sidewalk or into the street. Staff supports the requested modification for the 18 feet driveway length for both projects. PA99-0151 includes two model home sales complexes (one each in TT 15935 and TT 16037) for the different product types. Each model complex provides more than the minimum number of off-street parking spaces. Each model complex provides for a sales information trailer that will be removed when the sales office opens in one of the models. A condition of approval has been applied that regulates time limits, signs and flags. OFFICIAL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 7 of 8 Approval of PA99-0151, PA00-0029 and the multi -fancily project approved under PA99-0205 on April 26, 2000 will complete the development plans in Planning Area 22. Development of these three projects. together with previous approvals in the NRPC, will account for 2,036 of the 2,550 dwelling units permitted in the NRPC. There are only two other planning areas in the NRPC that are currently vacant. Planning Area 15 (which is being developed in conjunction with a portion of Planning Areas 2C and 5 in the Newport Coast PC) was previously approved for 29 units, but has a maximum dwelling unit count of up to 547 dwelling units. Planning Area 12 has a designation of Commercial, but would permit up to 200 dwelling units. Planning Area 12 has no discretionary permit approvals for construction at this time. Staff s review of the two proposals did not identify any issues that have not been addressed in the previous environmental reports or other approved discretionary permits. Conditions of Approval have been applied to address the conditions of approval previously applied to Planning Area 22 when it was incorporated into the NRPC. The major grading for these subdivisions was approved through TT 15585 and is currently underway. The environmental issues concerning preliminary site grading were addressed at that stage. The final grading remaining will be for the individual building pads and the precise grading for the individual homes. The proposal is consistent with applicable site development standards of the NRPC Medium -High Density Residential. The modification request for driveway lengths conforms to the Zoning Code's current driveway length standard. The modification requested is better than or equal to the NRPC driveway length standard. Staff supports the proposals submitted under Planning Application PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 and makes a recommendation as show below. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Planning and Development Services Department/Current Planning Services Div}sion recommends the Planning Commission: a. Receive staff presentation and public testimony as appropriate; b. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution approving PA99-0151 for Site Development Permit subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval; and, c. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution approving PA00-0029 for Site Development Permit subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval. WVM Folder: D/Newport Ridge/PA99.0151(5.10) Respectfully submitted bbvj1 J hn B. Buzas, Manager urrent Planning Services OFFICIAL COPY PDSD Report- May 10, 2000 PA99-0151 and PA00-0029 Page 8 of 8 ATTACHMENTS: A. Dfaft Plannins Commission Resolution for PA99-0151 with Findings (Appendix A) and Conditions of Approval for (Appendix B) B. Draft Planning Commission Resolution for PA00-0029 with Findings (Appendix A) and Conditions of Approval for (Appendix B) EXHIBITS: (NOTE: Exhibits I, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 were previously submitted to the Planning Commission on April 26, 2000 and not included with this staff report. Exhibit 5 has been modified and is resubmitted with this report). 1. Planning Application/Tract Location Map 2. Applicant's Letter of Explanation for PA99-0151 3. Applicant's Letter of Explanation for PA00-0029 4. Comments from the City of Newport Beach 5. Environmental Documentation 6. PA99-0151 Site Plans 7. PA00-0029 Site Plans APPEAL PROCEDURE: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Orange County Planning Commission on PA99-0151 or PA00-0029 to the Board of Supervisors within 15 calendar days of the decision upon submittal of required documents and a filing fee of $760.00, for each Planning Application, filed at the Development Processing Center, 300 N. Flower St., Santa Ana. OFFICIAL COPY 2 Appendix A Findings PA990151 GENERAL PLAN PA990151 That the use or project proposed is consistent with the objectives, policies, and general land uses and programs specified in the General Plan adopted pursuant to the State Planning and Zoning Law. ZONING PA990I51 That the use, activity or improvement(s) proposed, subject to the specified conditions, is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, or specific plan regulations applicable to the property. 3 COMPATIBILITY PA990151 That the location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed use will not create unusual noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable,.detrimgntal, or incompatible with other permitted uses in the vicinity. 4 GENERAL WELFARE PA990151 5 N. That the application will not result in conditions or circumstances contrary to the public health and safety and the general welfare. PUBLIC FACILITIES PA990151 That the approval of the permit application is in compliance with Codified Ordinance Section 7-9-711 regarding public facilities (fire station, library, sheriff, etc.). EIR AND ADDENDUM PA990151 (Custom) Appendix A: OFFICIAL COPY That the decision -maker has determined that Final EIR 517, previously certified on 2/26/91 and addenda; and, the Bonita Canyon EIR, previously certified on 7/8/96 and addendum satisfies the requirements of CEQA and are approved as program EIRs for the proposed projects based upon the following findings: a. Based on the Initial Study, it is found that these EIRs serve as a program EIRs for the proposed projects; and b. The approval of the previously certified EIRs for the proposed projects reflects the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. 7 FISH & GAME - EXEMPT PA990151 That pursuant to Section 711.4 of the California Fish and Game Code, this project is exempt from the required fees as it has been determined that no adverse impacts to wildlife resources will result from the project. NCCP NOT SIGNIFICANT PA990151 That the proposed project will not have a significant unmitigated impact upon Coastal Sage Scrub habitat and therefore, will not preclude the ability to prepare an effective subregional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program. MODELS PA990151 That the operation of the real estate office and associated activities will not conflfct with adjacent and nearby residents. 10 ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT PA990151 STANDARDS 11 That the alternate development standard(s) will result in an equivalent or better project in terms of adverse impacts and public benefits to the immediate and surrounding community. SIGNS PA990151 That the sign and sign structure are designed and located so as not to create a sight distance problem for vehicle or pedestrian traffic. 12 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS PA990151 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR That the subject project lies within the area of benefit of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. In order to find this project consistent with the General Plan and to ensure that the traffic impacts have been adequately mitigated, it is necessary to adopt a condition requiring the developer to participate in the fee program adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Appendix A: Findings - PA990151 OFF 1 C 1 AL L U f Appendix B Conditions of Approval PA990151 CP CP NA BASIC/ZONING REG PA990151 This approval constitutes approval of the proposed project only to the extent that the project complies with the Orange County Zoning Code and any other applicable zoning regulations. Approval does not include any action or finding as to compliance of approval of the project regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. 2 CP CP NA BASIC/TIME LIMIT PA990151 This approval is valid for a period of 24 months from the date of final determination. If the use approved by this action is not established within such period of time, this approval shall be terminated and shall thereafter be null and void. 3 CP CP NA BASIC/PRECISE PLAN PA990151 Except as otherwise provided herein, this permit is approved as a precise plan. If the applicant proposes changes regarding the location or alteration of any use or structure, the applicants hall submit a changed plan to the Director, PDS, for approval. If the Director, PDS, determines that the proposed change complies with the provisions and the spirit and intent of the approval action, and that the action would have been the same for the changed plan as for the approved plot plan, he may approve the changed plan without requiring a new public hearing. 4 CP CP NA BASIC/COMPLIANCE PA990151 Failure to abide by and faithfully comply with any and all conditions attached to this approving action shall constitute grounds for the revocation of said action by the Orange County Planning Commission. 5 CP CP NA BASIC/OBLIGATIONS PA990151 Applicant shall defend at his/her sole expense any action brought against the County because of issuance of this permit. Applicant shall reimburse the County for any court costs and attorneys fees that the County may be required to pay as a result of such action. The County may, at its sole discretion, participate in the defense of any action, but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. OFFICIAL COPY Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Page 1 of 11 6 CP CP NA BASIC/APPEAL EXACTIONS PA990151 Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant is hereby informed that the 90-day approval period in which the applicant may protest the fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this project through the conditions of approval has begun. 7 SG SG RG DRAINAGE STUDY PA990151 Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only) or prior to the issuance of any grading permits, whichever comes first, the following drainage studies shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading: A. A drainage study of the project including diversions, off -site areas that drain onto and/or through the project, and justification of any diversions; and B. When applicable, a drainage study evidencing that proposed drainage patterns will not overload existing storm drains; and C. Detailed drainage studies indicating how the project grading, in conjunction with the drainage conveyance systems including applicable swales, channels, street flows, catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rainfall runoff which may be expected from all storms up to and including the theoretical 100-year flood. 8 SG SG RG DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PA990151 A. Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only) or prior to the issuance of any grading permits, whichever comes first, the dpplicant shall in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading: 1) Design provisions for surface drainage; and 2) Design all necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff; and 3) Dedicate the associated easements to the County of Orange, if determined necessary. B. Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only) or prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, whichever occurs first, said improvements shall be constructed in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Construction. 9 SG SG G DRAINAGE OFFSITE PA990151 Appendix B: Conditions of 151 OFFICIAL COPY Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, and if determined necessary by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, the applicant shall record a letter of consent, from the upstream and/or downstream property owners permitting drainage diversions and/or unnatural concentrations. The form of the letter of consent shall be approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services prior to recordation of the letter. TTM/TPM Approval: SG SG RG DRAINAGE OFFSITE Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map or prior to the issuance of any grading permit, whichever comes first, and if determined necessary by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, the applicant shall record a letter of consent, from the upstream and/or downstream property owners permitting drainage diversions and/or unnatural concentrations. The form of the letter of consent shall be approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services prior to recordation of the letter. '10 SG SG B ZM,: PDPARTICIPATION PA990151 Prior to the issuance of ariy:;building permits, the applicant shall participate in the applicable Master Plan of Drainage in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, including payment of fees and the construction of the necessary facilities. TTM/TPM Approval: SG SG R nbsp;MPD PARTICIPATION Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only), the subdivider shall participate in the applicable Master Plan of Drainage in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, including payment of fees and the construction of the necessary facilities. '11 F F GBU FIRE HYDRANTS PA990151 A. Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall submit a fire hydrant location plan for the review and approval of the Fire Chief. B. Prior to the issuance o f a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief evidence of the on -site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system is private, the system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to issuance of the building permit. Provisions shall be made by the applicant for the repair and maintenance of the system, in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. C. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or drive per the Orange County Fire Authority Standard as approved by the Fire Chief. These markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner. t t72. F F B WATER AVAILABILITY PA990151 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow. The Orange County Fire Authority Water Availability for Fire Protection form shall be signed by the applicable water district and submitted for approval to the Orange County Fire Authority. If sufficient water to meet fire flow requirements is not available, an automatic fire extinguishing system may be required in each structure affected by the insufficient fire flow. lvFFkatn` vui t Appendix B: Conditions 13 F F RG FIRE ACCESS ROADS PA990151 A. Residential: Prior to recordation of a subdivision map, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Fire Chief for all fire protection access easements and shall dedicate them to the County. B. Commercial: Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map or the issuance of any grading permit, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Fire Chief for all fire protection access roads to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of every structure on site. C. Residential and Commercial: Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of plans for all roads, streets and courts, public or private, from the Fire Chief in consultation with the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services. The plans shall include the plan view, sectional view, and indicate the grade and width of the street or court measured flow line to flow line. All proposed fire apparatus turnarounds shall be clearly marked when a dead-end street exceeds 150 feet or when otherwise required. Applicable CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions which prohibit obstructions such as speed bumps/humps, control gates or other modifications within said easement without prior approval of the Fire Chief. D. Street Signs. A note shall be placed on the fire protection access easement plan indicating that all street/road signs shall be designed and maintained to be either internally or externally illuminated in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. `,% 4 F F BU STREET MARKINGS PA990151 A. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans and obtain approval from the Fire Chief for fire lanes on required fire access roads less than 36 feet in width. The plans shall indicate the locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the proposed signage with the height, stroke and color of lettering and the contrasting background color shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief. ` B. Prior to issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance with the approved fire lane plan in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. The CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain a fire lane map and provisions which prohibit parking in the fire lanes. The method of enforcement shall be documented. 15 F F R TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREEMPTION PA990151 Prior to the recordation of the applicable subdivision map, as determined by the Fire Chief in consultation with the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services, the subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the County for the installation of traffic signal preemption equipment for the surrounding controlled intersections. Said agreement shall be accompanied by financial security. 16 F F G ACCESS GATES PA990151 Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain the Fire Chiefs approval for the construction of any gate across required Fire Authority access roads/drives. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0403 for a copy of the "Guidelines for Fire Authority Emergency Access". --—8�m-EK# CoPY Appendix B: Conditions of - PA990151 4of11 'n 17 F F B U11,OMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION LETTER PA990151 Prior to the issuance of a`-,b ilding permit for combustible construction, the builder shall submit a letter to the Fire Chief on company letterhead stating that water for fire -fighting purposes and the all weather fire protection access roads shall be in place and operational before any combustible material is placed on -site. -'•18 F F SGB HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PA990151 A. Prior to the approval of a use/site permit(s), issuance of any grading permits or building permits, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief a list of the quantities of all hazardous, flammable and combustible materials, liquids or gases to be stored, used, or handled on site. These liquids and materials shall be classified according to the Uniform Fire Code using the. "Orange County Fire Authority Chemical Classification Handout". The submittal shall provide a summary sheet listing each hazard class, the total quantity of chemicals stored per class, and the total quantity of chemicals used in that class. All forms of materials are to be converted to units of measure in pounds, gallons, and cubic feet. B. Prior to the issuance of aftuilding permit, the applicant shall contact the Orange County Fire Authority Han dous Materials`Di'sclosure Office at (714) 744-0463 to obtain a "Hazardous Materials Business Information and Chemical Inventory Packet". This shall be completed and submitted to the Fire Chief prior to the issuance of any building permit. 19 F F G COMBUSTIBLE GAS MITIGATION PA990151 Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of the Fire Chief for a combustible gas/methane assessment and mitigation plan. -ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING (1;20;. F F SB PLANS PA990151 Prior to the approval of a site development/use permit or the issuance o4a"b6ilditi9"peiinit, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire Chief as indicated on the OCFA Plan Submittal Criteria form. Call the OCFA at (714) 744-0403 for a copy the Fire Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans prior to submittal. 21 SG SG G GEOLOGY REPORT PA990151 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicaftt shall submit a geotechnical report to the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, for approval. The report shall include the information and be in the form as required by the Grading Manual. OFFICIAL COPY Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Page 5 of 11 22 SG SG G GRADING DEVIATION PA990151 Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, if the applicant submits a grading plan which the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, determines to show a significant deviation from the grading shown on the approved tentative map, specifically with regard to slope heights, slope ratios, pad elevations or pad configuration, the Subdivision Committee shall review the plan for a finding of substantial conformance. If the Subdivision Committee fails to make such a finding, the applicant shall process a revised tentative map; or, if a final map has been recorded, the applicant shall process a new tentative map or a site development permit application per Orange County Zoning Code Sections 7-9-139 and 7- 9-150. Additionally, the applicant shall process a new environmental assessment for determination by the decision making entity. 23 SG SG RG CROSS LOT DRAINAGE PA990151 Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map or prior to the issuance of any grading permit, whichever comes first, and if determined necessary by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, the applicant shall record a letter of consent from the affected property owners permitting offsite grading, cross lot drainage, drainage diversions and/or unnatural concentrations.. The applicant shall obtain approval of the form of the letter of consent from the Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services before recordation of the letter. 24 CP CP B "GARAGE PA990151 (Custom) Prior to the issuance A building permit, the developer-builder/owner shall provide the Manager, Current Planning Services Division for review and approval, a "Notice and Statement of Acknowledgement" that the "swing -in" storage area or tandem storage area interior to the two -car garage or the extra storage space located in a manner depicting a third car garage, does not meet the County definition for a garage space with respect to interior dimensions and provided maneuvering area. Said notice and statement shall be provided to each prospective purchasecprior to the sale of any unit. �. 25 HC BP HC GAS MIGRATION 1 PA990151 (Custom) �"f o Landfill Gas Migration. The landowner, in consultation with the SCAQMD, California Integrated N. Waste Management Board, County Integrated Waste Management Department, and the landfill gas recovery system operator, shall provide for the following backup systems to supplement the landfill t kk. rjo gas recovery system where redundancy is warranted along the project site boundary. Jnstallation of the 0�. perimeter collection system shall be complete prior to issuance of building permits. O� �ti'- y�bb a. Installation of a network of shallow collectors located in the refuse area. This mitigation measure shall be initiated by Orange County Integrated' Waste Management Department as part of the Closure Plan and the applicant shall share in the cost of construction and this mitigation program. b. Installation of multi -depth extraction wells by the landowner located in native soil along the perimeter of the landfill, spaced 50 to 200 feet apart to achieve an overlapping radius of influence and at depths equivalent to the lowest depth of refuse as determined by a qualified landfill specialist. These additional wells shall be designed and located to intercept and collect gas migrating from the interior refuse mass through the substrata. The well spacing shall be designed so that the sphere of influence of each well shall overlap the adjoining well's sphere of influence and thus provide a curtain vacuum that will intercept and collect all gas in the area. The system could be designed to have the necessary controls so that each well or individual collector may be controlled separately. The landowner shal}w��i�l�e�(agdfil��y Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 - U AE ee of operator to integrate the perimeter system with the existing landfill gas recovery system if such integration is feasible without adversely affecting the existing system. Otherwise,'a separate system will be constructed by the landowner. c. if deemed necessary by the Orange County Health Care Agency (acting as the Local Enforcement Agency), installation of passive, physical barriers, at the locations identified in the Geology Report where gas is likely to migrate from the landfill to the project site, shall be implemented by the landowner. The passive barriers shall involve excavating in areas of high transmissibility identified by the geologist, creation of a low permeability cutoff barrier, and backfilling these areas. d. Development of a protocol or other procedure whereby timely and proactive engineering responses to elevated monitoring probe can be implemented. Such system may involve procedures to have blanket approval for the installation of additional extraction wells. Such system shall be the responsibility of the landowner, until such time as the responsibility for the system is assumed by the County or its designee. In those instances where monitoring probes exceed limits after issuance of building permits, landowner shall: 1. Institute, on an interim basis until monitoring probes are within acceptable limits, as defined by the Perimeter Probe Monitoring Program, monitoring at locations closer to structures within 1,000 feet of such probes; and 2. Have prepared (by a landfill gas expert and/or professional engineer) monthly reports on the results of this monitoring and submit all of these reports to the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) with a copy to IWMD.(Implements Mitigation Measure 4.12.1.) $`2p HC NA NA AdAS MIGRATION 2 PA990151 - (Custom) Ongoing Monitoring. Measures shall be implemented in a manner meeting the approval of the Orange County Health Care Agency, acting as the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), to protect the public health and safety, and the environment, including but not limited to, the following: a. Cooperating with Responsible Parties, as defined in Section 20921(b) of the Public Resources Code, in updating a Post -Closure Maintenance Plan, as required under Title 27, Subchapter 4 of the CCR, and appropriate amendments. b. Cooperating with Responsible Parties in other actions necessary and proper to prevent and mitigate any potential public hazard or threatened nuisance from occurring in connection with the development of any houses or buildings within 1,000 feet of the disposal site property boundary as a result of the refuse decomposition. i?:2.7 HP SG/HP/BI RBU 'kJ3 INT LANDSCAPING PA990151 (Custom) OFFICIAL COPY Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Pa 7ofil A. Preliminary Plan - Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map (except maps for financing and conveyance only), the subdivider shall enter into an agreement and post financial security guaranteeing landscape improvements and the maintenance thereof based on a prelimi-nary landscape plan showin, major plant material and uses, and a cost estimate for the landscape improvements. The prelimi-nary - plan and cost estimates shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, in consultation with the Chief, Harbors, Beaches and Parks, Program Management and Coordination. Said plan shall take into account the previously approved landscape plan for, the County Standard Plans for landscape areas, adopted plant palette guides, applicable scenic and specific plan requirements, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90-487 (Water Conservation Measures), and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). '450efailed Plan - Prior to the issuance of any building permits(s), the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan for approval to the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, in consultation with the Chief, Harbors, Beaches and Parks, Program Management and Coordination. Detailed plans shall show the detailed irrigation and landscaping design. C.Installation Certification - Prior to the issuance of final certificates of use and occupancy and the release of the financial security guaranteeing the landscape improvements, the applicant shall install said improvements and have the installation certified by a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, as having been installed in accordance with the approved detailed plans. The applicant shall furnish said certi-fication, including an irrigation management report for each landscape irrigation system, and any other required implementation report determined applicable, to the Manager, Construction, and the Manager, Building Inspection, prior to the issuance of any, certificates of use and occupancy. The applicant shall landscape, equip for irrigation, and improve Lots in accordance with an approved plan as stated below: A. Detailed Plan - Prior to the issuance of any building permit(s), the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan to the Manager, Subdivision anil'Grading for approval, in consultation with the Chief, Harbors, Beaches and Parks, Program Management and Coordination. Detailed plans shall show the detailed irrigation and landscaping design. Said plan shall take into account the County Standard Plans for landscape areas, adopted plant palette guides, applicable scenic and specific plan requirements, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90-487 (Water Conservation Measures), and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). B. Installation Certification - Prior to the issuance of final certificates of use and occupancy and the release of financial security, if any, guaranteeing the landscape improvements, said improvements shall be installed and shall be certified by a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, as having been installed in accordance with the approved detailed plans. The applicant shall furnish said certification, including an irrigation management report for each landscape irrigation system, and any other required implementation report determined applicable, to the Manager, Construction, and the Manager, Building Inspection, prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. 28 SG SG/BI GU PRIVATE LANDSCAPING PA990151 (Custom) A. Prior to the issuance of precise grading permits, the applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape plan for privately maintained areas which shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Grading. The plan shall be certified by a licensed landscape architect or a licensed landscape contractor, as required, as taking into account approved preliminary landscape plan (if any), County Standard Plans, adopted planned community regulations, scenic corridor and specific plan requirements, Grading and Excavation Code erosion control requirements, Subdivision Code, Zoning Code, and conditions of approval, Water Conservation Measures contained in Board Resolution 90- 487 (Water Conservation Measures) and Board Resolution 90-1341 (Water Conservation Implementation Plan). Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Manager, Subdivision and Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Grading. B. Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, applicant shall install said landscaping and irrigation system and shall have a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor, certify that it was installed in accordance with the approved plan. C. Prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, the applicant shall furnish said installation certification, including an irrigation management report for each landscape irrigation system, and any other implementation report determined applicable, to the Manager, Building Inspection Services ` '9 • EP BP B MIGHT AND GLARE PA990151 Prior to issuance of any 1ji' il,�}tig;permit, the applicant shall demonstrate that all exterior lighting has been designed and located so that all direct rays are confined to the property in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, Building Permit Services. 30 CP IOTA NA MODEL HOME SALES PA990151 (Custom) COMPLEXES A. The use approved by this action shall expire three (3) years from the issuance of the temporary certificate of use and occupancy of the sales office in each of the models. Applicant may apply for one (1) one-year extension for this permit. B. The sales/information trailer(s); including signs, flags and parking lot, shall be removed and the site restored within 60 days after the sales office in the model home(s) has been established. C. A maximum of ten (15) on -site pennants are permitted in connection with each model home sales use. D. No sign shall be posted or placed on public or private property advertising or directing people to the development which is the subject of this permit, unless such sign is allowed by all applicable permits and is expressly permitted by written consent of the property owner. It is expressly understood and accepted by the applicant that this condition is applicable to any sign advertising or directing people to the development, regardless of whether the applicant directly posted or placed the sign in question. E. The model home sales offices shall be used solely for the first sale of dwelling units approved for TTs 15934, 15935 and 16037. F. Prior to the issuance of use and occupancy permits for production homes located on the model home street, any temporary trap fencing shall be moved to the back of the sidewalk. G. Any additional conditions of approval of TTs 15934 regarding grading and building permits are applicable to construction of the model homes. H. Two (one each side) Type "N" reflectors shall be installed on all fences located in street right-of- way. I. Within ninety (90) days after the termination of the use of the subject property as a model home complex and •real estate sales office, the applicant shall remove, relocate or revise the parking lot, signs, all temporary fencing, the sales office and the model homes as necessary to comply with the current applicable zoning regulations. Appendix B: 31 BP BP G CONSTRUCTION NOISE PA990151 A. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the project proponent shall produce evidence acceptable to the Manager, Building Permit s Services, that: (1) All construction vehicles or equipment, fixed or mobile, operated within 1,000' of a dwelling shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers. (2) All operations shall comply with Orange County Codified Ordinance Division 6 (Noise Control). (3) Stockpiling and/or vehicle staging areas shall be located as far as practicable from dwellings. B. Notations in the above format, appropriately numbered and included with other notations on the front sheet of the project's permitted grading plans, will be considered as adequate evidence of compliance with this condition. %4132, SG SG B VBROJECT PHASING PA990151 (Custom) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a Tract Phasing Plan to the Manager, PFRD, Construction, Special Projects for approval. The Phasing Plan shall include the Dwelling Unit construction phasing for Tentative Tracts 159'K 15935 and 16037. 33 SG SG GB POLLUTANT RUNOFF PA990151 Prior to issuance of precise grading or building permits, whichever comes first} the applicant shall submit and obtain approval from Manager, Subdivision and Grading, of a Wate; Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used onsite to control predictable pollutant runoff. This WQMP shall identify, at a minimum, the routine, structural and non-structural measures specified in the Countywide NPDES Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) Appendix G. The WQMP shall detail s implementation of BMPs whenever they are applicable to a project, specify the long term maintenance responsibilities (specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessee, etc.);, and, shall reference the location(s) of structural BMPs. 34 SG SG G NPDES PERMIT PA990151 Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit evidence to the Manager, Subdivision and Grading, that the applicant has obtained coverage under the NPDES statewide General Construction Activity Stormwater Permit from the State Water Resources Control Board. OFFICIAL COP Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Page 10 of 11 W I ',6:, CP CP B 4N',R.AGES PA990151 (Custom) Prior to the issuance of aiuilding permit, the developer-builder/owner shall provide the Manager. Current Planning Services Division for review and approval, a "Notice and Statement" form to be given to each prospective purchaser, acknowledgment that the "swing -in" storage area or tandem storage area interior to the two -car garage or the extra storage space located in a manner depicting a third car garage, does not meet the County definition for a garage space with respect to interior dimensions and provided maneuvering area. Said notice and statement shall be provided to each prospective purchaser prior to the sale of any unit. 36 CP NA NA MODEL TYPES PA990151 (Custom) The model types shown on each lot may be changed to a different model type provided that it meets the site development standards and setback requirements. 37 CP RGBU PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF PA990151 (Custom) APPROVAL In addition to the conditions listed above, the following Conditions of Approval of Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 98-87, dated March 17, 1998 are incorporated as additional Conditions of Approval of PA99-0151 and are included as "Attachment A": Conditions: 7, 9, 0, 19, 22, 24 through 27, 29, 30, 34, 43, 45, 47 and 50 through 55, NOTE: for the above conditions, Director, EMA shall mean Director, Planning and Development Services Department; Manager, Land Use Planning shall mean Manager, Current Planning Services Division; and, Manager, Development Services shall mean Manager, Subdivision and Grading Services Division. , Appendix B: Conditions of Approval - PA990151 Page 11 of 11 ATTAc_M=.� A o� ?A 990's' 41� PAO00029 covMZ71ONS U? APPROVn 11 5. G3 GRAZE') ,SAS ADjAC N_T TO PARFS/O? N SPACE 21 _ i I 3? GR Prior to the recorca- - _ - GRAD=NG ADJ ?per io : o= the rs -_nal z=act/pa=cel Map or issuance' o_ the f:=st c=ading pe_-14t for rojects located 4 ediately adjacent to or in clndin c cortiors of -ecional pa=:cs 5� and significant open space corridors, t::e developer - ro•::ee evidence to toe Man age=, Develop.me :: Se ices Davis-lc '_n consultation wit: tie Manager, �a=moors, Beac:es, 6 ?arkS/Progran Plan inc Division, t at a -=aced areas adjacent to or w_t:_n parks and open space will be compatible with :atural 71 land' characteristics' Of the park and open space areas. --<azmen- to achieve the desire. e_ - Sh211 include: 8; a. Smooth and c=adual t=ar-sit_On between graded Slopes and 9� existing grades within the park and open e spacareas 10 using var'-able slopes ratios (2:1-4:1); ' b. Urban Edge T=eatment/Lancscapi--^--c Plan(s) for all graded 11 areas adjacent to open space; and 12 C. Inco=po=acing architectural and design technic -.,es into the project in order to enhance off -site views attained 13. =cm with parks and significant open space. i 14` 6• Il INDEMCT=F7CATION RESPONSIBILITY 15 SD SD R =NDEMNI?=CATION Landowner shall defend at his/her sole expense any action 16brought against the County because of issuence of this permit or, in the alternative, the =elinquishmena of such permit. 17 'Landowner will re, .burse the County for any court costs and attorney's fees which the County may be required by a court to 18 pay as a result of such action. County may, at its sole discretion, participate in the defense of any such action, but 191 such participation shall not relieve landowner of his/her 20 oblications under this condition. 44;�OWTH MANAGE 21i h 22 i 7 T10 GROWTH MANAG'NT (?I?TH DISTRICT) 23� TP CP RB Building permit GROWTH GROWTH MANAG shall be phased in accordance with any 2 4� Board of Supervisors approved growth manage perta, i^_ to th_ -meat phasing plan timely provision of public services and 2" facilities. A valid Board of Supervisors approved development agr_e6tent oe=ta'-_;ng to the property which includes a 2 6' condition.t si_^.g plat-: shall satisfy the require -meats of this condition. r This condition sall_be_noted on the final mat). 27i 28 "Y COND-77:ONS OF APPROVA_, 1 2 NOISE 3 8. N10 CONSTRZICTION NOIS 4 DS DS G Prior to the issuance c'_ zny -zd; ^Q ONST NOISE 5 g- -ng pe—its, appiica.- s^all produce evidence cn the grading pla_ acceptable to - e Ma;_ager, A Development S=_: Vices Divisio: , at• 6 ` a. All construction Vehicles or equipment, fixed or mobile, 7 operated within 1,000 feet 0f a dwelling shall be g equipped wJ th procerl-y operating and maintained muf=lets. - b. All operations shall c0-.,ply with Orange Couay Codified 9 Or3i_^_ance Divisio-. 6 (Noise Co;.trol) . 10 C. Stockpiling and/or vehicle staging areas shall be located 11 as far as -racticable from residential dwellings. Notations in the above format, appropriately nu.^.bered and 12 included with other notations on the front sheet- of grading clans, shall be considered as adequate evidence of compliance 13 with this condition. 14 SPECZAZ CONDITIONS 15 `k&UAL MONZTORZNC; REPORT SPECT1t• 16 An Annual Monitoring 'Report (A223) , shall. be prepared and submitted annually to the County Admimistrative Office 17 Monitoring/Forecast Services Division and the Environmental Management Agency/Advance Planing Division. The submittal of 18 an Aw-R is required for conformance with the Growth Management Program of the Land Use Element of the Orange County General 19 ?!an and the County's Annual Development Monitoring Program (DM?). 20 The Board of Supervisors, in the annual .. adoption of the 21 Development Mon_tori-g Program, may identify a significant imbalance between development projections and planned 22 infrastructure 'or in the proportionate development of residential, commercial and employment land uses. The Board of 23 Supervisors may then defer subdivisions approvals within the Planned Community until• approaches capable of resolving 24 imbalances are proposed to and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The AMR shall be the landowner's opportunity to 25 demo-_strace mitigation measures and implementation strategies which shall ensure adequate infrastructure. for the Planned 26 Community. 27 28 -3- OFFICIAL COP` ATTAC: PVT .+ COi7=T=ONS Or APPROVaL b. Seisaic Shaking. Co-D1 ., Grae_^g O:ci_a_ce and =a ce wi_ he Cra^_e Cou s 11 _ e current ha be red -ec to m z'_Sa-e`the note_t l-e' g Cod, _ .a _sects on wood -came st_ -e -` �ctu_ s. 4 c. Landslides. Table 4.2.H, 5 '%erL-_e0. 2_ Mit_=ation. measures '_cE.^.-: -: --d in --R cl address speci`ic landslides, s :all ' _ be -he above racru__ed so=is/geo1. 6 _ _--- _ _ remed_al craci_g a=.c assoc_= -pad_s sn a' l _e ac^ressed :r dOC"—ent5`.Or the o^^.St i0. e..o^ 7 _=oj__ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -)8, d Co--'Pressible Materials. LOCat1o.^.s Wnere CO:'press•ble materials are e_^.0 OL•.1 terEd S.^_011ld 1.'e removed a.nc =eC C.mpaCteC 1.^. place, __ feasible. _f due to t.^.e e COm?re55ible materials in certain = removal/ recompaction is not feasi_Oca'iCnSble, then surcharge =:lls, mcnitor_'ng and construction of sand drains shall be required. e. Zxpa:sive Soils. Where expansive soils are encountered, these soils shall be u.^.ifornlv distributed over t he project site. Extra --e_nsorcement, pre-soaking of the subg=ade, and with DrOOer fOL•ndaticn design ccmpliance with U ni---O= 2uilding Code and Orange County Grading Ordin&ace) may be required. f• R'-DDa-+''ility. in locations where harder earth and rock materials are noted and difficult ripping may be encountered, a geophysical survey shall be required to identify areas requiring blasting. all reports shall be completed in the manner specified in the Orange County Grading Manual and State Subdivision man Act and County Subdi•ision Orcinar_ce. E=ROLOGY SPECI.1L 13. Prior to a?Droval of each tentative tract map, except a man for financing and conveva nce Purposes orly, the developer shall s• -Mit a drainage clan for the project area to the Manager, Subdivision Division, for approval. This plan shall identify proposed local drainage features Pursuant to the requizements of the Subdivision Divisiop and shall also ensure protection of st=,:c=u=es from the 100-year flood. All open s?ace areas that are graded during the installation of those drains must be -=_vegetated to be cc^?atible with natural surroundings. These c:ainage ?tans shall be consistent with the Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan (**mow?) for the __--vine Coast Planned Cors.Y:ity, the Sa_n Joaquin '--.ills Master Plan of Drainage Study, and the University Park waster Plan of Drainage Study. OFFICIAL COPY 10 11 12 13; I 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2A Y 26 27 78 CONJi _'_ONS OF AP?rOV' - 15 ?r10r to Issuance o- = zny grzd=ng pen_- fO- o ;_ drain 'r.=O Upper Ne'� - 3 _ _ =J __ s Water Qua1_ty Co troly? an �JMd• cev_'cpe= s..a'_1^su:c_t a =0r thdt Do=tions O= -^e '<C_ -.a-Z :.^.'J:=.^. =^..Ent =o.j _ - ^ :_-.. d=a_^ Into Upge: D1e'r -- nay, w'.ic shall ide=zi=V spec_=-c st=_ctura_ z:d structural source co-t:ol measures or best-an.agement rac-'ces (3M?S) to be 2^71 _^„enzed t0 CO^trOl t: e disc: arse o= COl' t0 StJ_^•,1:Ja _e_ _aC_1-,.-- during all p; ases of dsveloDre^t -eSe SOI:=Ce oC.-_t l ^ea _ 'ne N? D ?a. _ =o ••• s::res are ar.._.^...l_t ed _ 2s -- No. C� 8000180, and 4nC.ude s , Uc:nMeasures1_ a-aSCve=s'c^, Ce_e^-_C /_e:iJ.,-baSinS, ZzE=c'-es/basics, Porous pavement, Oil/Crease se^.a:atc=s` s C=a=.Cs swages, wi=e ccn__actD=s, educationoeducation_ =.:. Og=as and '-a': '-e: a` pract_ces. 16. _or n issuance o= %mo crading pen -pit :o: rojects ,vhi- d=air into Ma Upper Ne pert Say, the developer shall submi-�a ^fog=am to Manager, =nVi=ora,e .tal resources D:vision. which -is designed to dete --mi ne the ef=ectiveness Of 3M?s and other control measures implemented a-sDart Of the N?D$$ ?e=,,,it. The program Shall identify a Procedure 'o_ comparing the pre- and post -development water c-uality cord;:;- iron the project site. This program shall be coordinated wit:* - then_ Coutv's responsibilities under the ti?D=5 Permit.- ,i r SPzCm;LL ro_ 17• to =ecc=dation Of each final "3" tract nap, the developer shall submit a landscape plan to the Manager, Developnent Services Division, for approval. The landscape plan shall p=Oviae that, where grading is requited to install drains in open space, those drains shall be revegetacdd to be compatible with natural surroundings. RZC-�1TION/OPEN SPA= SPZCZAL Prior or to the issuance of the first grading permic within each individual planning area, the developer shall prepare an Urbz^_ 2dge T=eatme nt ?la_^_ in a maser er meeting the approval oz. the Manager, :arbors, 3eaces and ?arks/?=Ogram Planning Division in consultation with Manager, Lard Use Planning g Division. SPECT]f• Prior to the a^p=oval of the each "3" tentative t=act map the developer shall submit a• fuel modificatio. p=og=am for all tract areas adjoi^ing open Space for approval by the ?ire Chief which shall include an_! ==Ov4 s10r_ =0r a tEmPO_a_-=__=gac.Or. coa_,u —; ties . system inStagged on fill -10DE5 t0 establish newD1ant -7- OFFiC1AL COM 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21, 22 23 } 24 25 26 27 28 CONMIT=ONS OF resources, shall be subject to approval V the ua„="=- -arbors,- Beaches and ?arks/?=ogr= ?lap ng Div'siOa, w shall _nelude the period of i ca_ � -- a nalvsis of zhe fossils fond, z: d ==_sea- ==?os- to - fOssils. renos-,°= k✓��.1??IC aI9"i CIRCA'�.2TION 23 __Or ?' -' - to iS S'.:Znce 0= _--- g p-_...-_s. SP�C=.1 -h._ �.._ d-a s z1, pay zees as : _:escr'_�ea iZ "t __ u a]O_ ': nCrOug -- pet D=oc=a".l =.,_ :eSan ._a_e-�.: Corridor (SU: TC) -••• _E PROGRAM SPZC?1- The landowner shall accelerate mayment Of Coastal Area Roadway Iaprovement and Traf:'_c Signal (C?R_TTS) fees for coastsuction of San Joaquin :ills Road between Newport Coast Drive (for-terly ?elica. :ill Road) and the San Joac,:in rills Transportatic,- Ccrr_cor upor. approval of plans, spec==_cations, and estimates for co nstr ction of the road • wit hi n 90 days of suet: notification by the Director of Via. Sr-i SPEC-3r• or to recordation of any final "3" tract .;,ap, a ci 'nation phasing plan shall be prepared by the developer and approved by the Manager, Tra-nsportation Planning Division. Said plan shall provide assurance that project development is phased com.-iensurate with the County's Growth Management Plan a -id linked to roadway milestones to maintain an acceptable Level of Service (LOS) condition on roadway links apd intersections. SPECIAL 25. Prior to recordation of the first "B" tract map the developer shall submit for approval by the Manager, Transportation ?lap^.iag Division a docu::nent that provides information on reducing vehicular trips. The document should encourage a reduction of vehicular trips by including information regarding ride -sharing programs, Jan pool programs, public transportation cocortunities, a -id offer _rip reducing concepts. The developer shall distribute the approved ir. nformatioto all future hOaeowaer's associations and retail terants within the project. VISUAL RESOLZa CES/LIibTDSC?PE P?.�NS SPECIAL Co=only maintained landscaped and open space areas in individual tracts shall be designed, equipped for irrigation, and improved in accordance with an approved plan as stated below: M. Prelimi=a--y Plaa - Prior to recordation of a final tract ma?, an agreement shall be entered into between the -9- OFFICIAL COP` l A7^AC:--4--,N- A CONDT- =ONS Or APPROVAL developer and t County of Orange/Development Se_, _ Division prov_c_ng t_nanc;a_ sec rity guzrz:tee:_ landscape _ rovements and Maintenance. nce. y _ -Detailed Plan - Prior to i ce "t-, ; l_ - SSa:an �O.n�:JL'_ ...'_:y _^.e`�lit (5) a detailed cc-^• -__ty landscape _an s al- _ . � be sat.^� t=_d ; the anpl_can- and ann_oved cyVte wanzger, Devel omen Se=vices Division. in corsulta-zon wit^ u_o :age: :arbors, 3eac es and ?=trios /?rcgra a ?la. :i-.g D'vis • o 6' Decailed D1ams s all Show c =e seta* 1ec _ =-icr an_ landscaping design. - ---- ^ne detailed COP__^..L`..:it?J la:.escape plan sra11 b2 8 a licensed landscape architect as taking -- to account a approved preli-iaa_^f landscape plan, =`i� Stand'a=; Plans, t e 9 adopted PC prop=am, scenic con=icon requirements. Gracing a^.; Excavation Codes, erosion control-egaire.^jer_ts, Sul:, isio:. 10' Code, Zoning Code, and conditions of approval. 11 C. Installatiea Certification - ?=ior to the issuance of f_ al cerci=irate o_ use and occur_ a_:cy and the release of 12 the firazcial soda y guaranteeing the landscape i-p=ovements, said i.•tprovemeacs shall be installed an.c 13 shall be certified by a licensed landscape a=chitecc as having been installed in accordance with the approved 14 detailed plans. Said certification shall be furnished in writing to the Manage=, Corscruction Division, and 15 Manager, Building Inspection. 16 17 IN 19 20 21 23 24 25 261 27 j 28s OFFICIAL COPY =AC:?-=. 1 T =ONS OF AP AIR QIIALI:^: =°= O P` i _ argil �n - issuance c_ 2hy c__di.^.g pen'_- t::e develcce_ ensure compliance wit. South Coast sir Quality a *�� e DiStriCt. (SCyQm�) Rule 403 and Subarticle 13 of : e , C_2 and _xcavacio. Code to t: e va nage:, De+iei°_=e-t-�_- :J i'i is.On, and sh2_1 _^en_z_y z:. e CUSt su==eSsIon ^ea5_res SI.c.^. as regular watering and early paving of - e road, w*_: s :all be i.;.plemenced to _educe e.^.._ss:0.^.5 CL'__ .g CC :St=_Ct_C Z .d grading. This shall assist 2_^, rEduC_: g s :Ort-ta_ n _rOm particulates which could result _= ^L:i:. saces hat ar prohibited by Rule 403and will also provide for e'..—' °hating, maintenance _rrigation, and seed ge--mi :a -ion t Project proponent pricr to the rainy sea i. �_,z • son grz__ area' w nigh would of her.�ise remain exposed. Prior to the < residential a evidence to demonstrating :y issuance o_ t' ,d co=ercial us =e manager, Z x compliance with .e first building permits for nes =_s, the developer shall provide Developne.^_t Services Division, all SCAQI^M regulations. S2ECT]T Prior to issuance of a grading permit for each Zract or vesting nap area, the developer shall submit an erosion control plat. for approval of the Manager, Development Services Divisio,- which shall include a discussion of measures for dust pollution and mitigation of erosion caused by wind and water. The pla-n shall also provide for effective planting, maintenance, irrigation, and seed germination by the prb)ect proponent prior to the rainy season in graded areas which would otherwise remain exposed in accordance with Subarticle 13 of the Grading and Excavation Code to reduce short -germ impacts from particulates. S2ECSAL Prior to the issuance of any :bu _ldi,ngi;,pe: nits which include residential uses, the develooe^"shall prepare an acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical. design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards which shall be approved by the Manager, Development Services Division, along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report have been incorporated into the design of the project. Prior to the issuance for residential use! testing in accordance y Certificates of Use and Occupancy developer shall undertake field Title 24 regulations as required by OFFICIAL A COD-0=7I0NS Oa ?.PP= V;:L the^Manager. Building ==spec=_D c:: rv: to ____� : Sound T=a:Sm_SS:0- Class (STC - _ - an Class i_1C) design standards. ) znd 3 _-pzcts ins intro- 32. P=:or to issuance c_ buildi- pe--t^5 OG3Ced 1^ ?1a.?.._ O_ resident - .ea = _ 1S-t2SGete:—d ecessarv- ne noise a^alfs4_5 GO._=a1._^_ed -- �•_roug' __an5J0=ta'iCC=" 3c= = ^al '^ _ San J0a -In on on 6 ^=2pa=e a no -se __ _ _�/__�.� the CeV?10^e= S'_a-- anal-vsis =o= - approval cv to manager, _ DevelODen= Services Division., de..^..OnStrati_^.G -^a 7 ..__ls T_anspo=tat=on noise C San J02G'.: C0=_dc= no se car: be to mee- the exte=_cr 65 CNE7 noise standard. PThe==_- -er-•:red t e 8 design for noise barriers snail be specified for eight and location. If the San. Joaquin =;11s Transportation Corridor 9' noise data is unavailable prior to issuance of building pe -.its for Planning e- ea 15, future noise i ' 10' shall be t`e rresporsibil: ^QmT`-ga _en, =egaired, ty Of t =ar_spc=tat; Co==.do= �genc _s 11• SPECIAL 12 33. Prior to the issuance of any non-residential building permits, the develope= shall n=ovide evidence to the satisfaction of the 13 Manager, Develocment Services Division that all ron-residential structures shall be sound attenuated against the corIzined 14 impact of all present and projected noise from exterior noise sou=ces to meet the interior noise criteria, as specified in lj th e County Noise ele-me :t and County Land Use/Noise Cc-_ *b4 lity Manual. 16 SPECZ17 34. Prior to the recordation of' each final``"3" tract an, an acoustical analysis report desc=ibing the acoustical design 18 featu=es of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted by tie develope= to 19 the Manager, Development Services Division, for approval along with satisfactory evidence whit= indicates that the sound 70 attenuation measure Specified in the approved acoustical report 'I ave been incorporated into the design Of the o 'O _ t. 21 J LIGET AND GLARE 77 j 23 24 2j 26 27 28 35. Prior to issuance of any bL`=1d=.^.g permit, the develSPECIAL oper shall demonstrate to'the Managed Development Services Division that acproo=iate lighting shall be installed for parks, internal streets, and commercial cen=er(S) including, but not limited to, lighting directed away from natural ope_^. Space areas LO m:n_m=ze disturbance t0 ad]acent habitat, a.^.d use Of the correct intensity fixtures. OFFICIAL COF 1 2 3 4i 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 18 19 20 21 11) 23 24 25 261 27 28 ATTAC:=w-MNT A CONDITIONS 0: APPROV?". 41. Prior to issuance of Cer ate Of Use and Ocv-pancv ?e'--�- except ¢or te=craz7Y cons Zion or ; cme sales fat 1: es, ` developer shall provide e*:'_cence to Manager, Develc ae- Services that IRP17 has ce_ __ zed that ade0-Sate water 5 orac capacity exists to pee= Coun-_/ _--e-=SOW reC.:1S?:II2.^.-s, 42. Prior to t e r=_ccrca- t^e =<- _ <. i _ _ S?ECMA .on of ---sue --nal tr= rap. landow ar shall cro:_ e roo= of acp:oval by the a^p:zcabl water/wastewater districtyto the Mazacer. Develo=men=rSe^ '_ce Division, and s :all obtain approval by the V Orange count Subdivision Co=_—' tree of a master Plan Of water and wastewate Works. The Master Plan shall =nclude ali or. -site and of= -sit utilities necessary to serve the short-term and long -ter: needs of the project and a general ` a --icing program for . os• facilities which demonstrates suffieie_^_t a^title^antsan: wastewater collection and treatment CZpdCity to 52_J2 t:• project. Prior to the issuance of t. ieQZ T*Ve= s, the developer shal: demonstrate to the Manager, Development Services Division, tha; necessary above -ground public works, infrastructure and utilitj facilities shall be located and designed to miniaiae visua- impacts. SPECrar 44. Prior to issuance of certificate of use and occupancy permits, the developer shall demonstrate to the Fire Chief that the water system meets fire flow requirements. •"-'�idtX:�"gfk Prior to issuance oit. SPBCIA2 _ the developer shall Provide evidence to the Ma:.ager; 'D'e'velopment Services Division that the appropriate school fees (e.g., as required per A2 2926) have been paid to the Newport -Mesa Uni=ied School District (NMUSD). Alternative financial arrangements may also be acceptable, should an agreement between NMUSD and the landowner/ developer be completed. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SPECZAL 46. Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit associated with any "3' tract :map, whit:^_ever occurs =_rst, the developer shall s,.:--mic a site development permit which will be required for each Planning Area within the San Joaquin rills Pla= ed Community for approval by the Planning Commission, cc include, but not be limited to: a. Urban edge treatment program to include development setbacks and a fuel modification program; b. Refined landscape plan; -z5- OFFICIAL COP 1 3 4 5 6 71 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' 17 18j 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CON- ITIONS OF APPROVAL P Landfill gas mitigation and pubic safely secbac:c issue- for Planning A==_as 3, 8, 91 10, 1-3, and 21pc= -s c_ Plansi:g Areas 2, 4, and _6 as noted 4.12.6, a.^d a portion of ?lzn ping :==e --, Specizl roc i==_^e_^.ts con the Azaa _2 station.; and 'a' As=eq_,i=ed by the Sa_Z Joacs_n : ills ?C ?nog=a. B=___I/OC=ANT NOT=71CA `_TON . __0= t0 the _SSL'anCe Of _ ficwwmo�- shall eor••ply with Board Resolution 02-135_ (Buyer Notification Progra-m) which requires the developer to prepare a map and notice denoting the ex_St_ng and prOpOSed land uses, arterial highways, Coyote Canyon Lz:dfill, _'_ Toro Marine Corps air Station, and other public facilities wi-.__.. the surrounding area for the approval of the Manager, Lad ?lance in g Division, in consultation with the Ma mace= , ?=oj ect Planning Division. The map a-nd notice content, display, and distribution shall be in accordance with the Buyer Notification Program guidelines approved by the Board of Supervisors and available at the =11 Development Processing Center. This map and notice shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e. Disclose the noise of helicopter overflights from the :l Toro Marine Corms Air Station; Describe Coyote Canyon Landfill operations including, but not limited to, the use of flaees; Describe the San Joaquin Reservoir improvement Project including the visual impacts of covering the reservoir; Describe the surrounding open space habitat species and vegetation with their ecology and impacts from ::u.-ian intrusion or mismanagement; fuel modification program and practices; and The extension of San Joaquin Bills Road. The man and notice shall be recorded aid made available to all initial and subsequent purc:^.asers, lessors, and other pote-^_tial occupants. OFFICIAL COPY 0 7 10 11 12 13� 14 15 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTAC.u-m=- T A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ROADSIDE LANDSCAPE SPi.C1 48. Prior to any final tract map recordation (exceot a man cc `inancing purposes), the develome= shall r landscape/irigation. co.^sect pla. _n a ma:= er zeet:ng t approval of�the Director, Traasportacion, to _ maintena.^_ce of public roads w'_t'n the project area. FIRE STATION SPECZA 49. Prior co any final tract map recordation (excepc a fo financing purposes), the landowner shall submit evidence, in , manner identified and approved by the Director of - Services, Orange County Fire Department, twat adequate protection is in place for serving the San Joagtin :ill Plaraed Community. LIBRARY SPECTfT Prior to any final tract map recordation (except 'a map for financing purposes), the landowner shall enter into ar agreement to participate on a mrorata basis, in a marine: identified by the County Libra==zn �n concurrence with the County Administrative Office, in funding capital improvements including furnishings and collections necessary to serve the project. Gz'T7FRAL COUNTY FACILITIES SPECIAL Prior to any final tract map recordation (except a map for financing purposes) the landowner/developer shall participate on a pro rata basis, in a manner approved by the Board of Supervisors, in funding capital improvements necessary to establish adequate South County facilities to provide general County services to the area. Such improvements shall include land acquisition, design and construction of needed facilities, and equipment purchases. OFFICIAL COPY 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 151 16 171 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTAC:ME-NT A CONDI'.IONS OF APPROVAL Lz Y15ED FISCAL I21PACT REPORT SPEC:A1 52 In the event of appliCat- fpr annexation or 1neorperati all or part of the Project, a _ on o: J revised Fisca_ --pact Repo_ shall be•prepared by the landowner to assess the cost_:°,✓e inue .pact of such. annexation or i.^.cor�oratio.. on the Cou-ty a-.� the special districts se=✓i.^.g the proper-y to be annexed o _ incorporated. PROVISIONS OF SERVICES BY PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Prior Co any final "3" tract mSPECIAL "lam recordation for this Saz Joaquin :ills Planned Community, CC&Rs or ocher method or Procedure, including the establishment of a property owners association or ocher entity which will guarantee the provision at no cost to the County of any extended services ard any other private services required, shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy. Prior to any final tract map recordation (except a map.. for -inancing purposes) the San Joaquin Hills Planned Community shall either be a.-inexed to the Orange County Street Lighting District (OCSLD), or the landowner/developer shall present an j alternative method for funding street lighting in the proposed area of development which is satisfactory to the Director,_rA which may include funding by a property owners association established for this purpose. WATER n-TPROVE2JENT AND SEWER n1PROVE2MqT PLANS SPECIAL 54 ?riot to the recordation of a final tract map, water improvement plans and sewer improvement' plans shall be submitted by the developer and approved by the Fire Chief in consultation with Manager, HCA/Environmental health Division for adequate fire protection and financial security posted for the installation. The adequacy and reliability of water system design, location of valves, and the distribution of fire hydrants. shall be evaluated in accordance with insurance' Services Office suggested standards contained in the "Grading Schedule" for Municipal Fire Protection. The improvement plans shall include, but not be limited to, pipelines, pump stations, booster stations, and othdr facilities zs required by the ?ire Chief and Manager, cCA/ Environmental Health Division. _19- OFFICIAL COP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21'. I 11 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTAC:.K= A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 56. 57. Prior co the permits, the shall submit a water system plan for approval by Chief. The plan will feature separate water systems modification irrigation (reclaimed water) and fire (potable water). issuance of any building Tope the = r for fue. hydrant. SPEC= Prior to the recordation of the first final "3' tract ma: easterly of Newport Coast Drive (formerly Pelican :ill Road), the landowner shall complete an analysis of the two currentll proposed alignments for San Joaquin rills Road to determin= ultimate right-of-way requirements (including slope z.d construction. easements) and environmental mitigation tc satisfaction_ of the Director, Tra.-:sportacion. SPEc2.LL Prior to recordation of the First final 'Be tract map easterly of Newport Coast Drive (formerly Pelican 'rill Road) , an =2R shall be prepared by the landowner suitable for accepting ar. offer of right-of-way dedication for as alignment of San. Joaquin Hills Road between Newport Coast Drive and the Sar. Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, including interchange geometric and areas of dedication for off -site mitigation measures for the alternative alignment. SPECS.I.L 58- Prior to recordation of the first final •S• tract map easterly of Newport Coast Drive (formerly. Pelican Hill Road), the landowner shall make an irrevocable offer for right-of-way purposes for San Joaquin Hills Road between Newport toast Drive and the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, including interchange geometrics and associated environmental mitigation areas for approval by the Director, Transportation. Prior to acceptance by the County, the right-of-way dedication area may be amended at the discretion of the County and the Transportation Corridor Agencies to reflect the selection of an alternative' interchange location with the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. The right-of-way shall be clear of all liens and" encumbrances and an agreement executed to prohibit any encumbrances on the property until accepted by the County. SPECZ;LL 59. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the landowner shall construct improvements on San Joaquin Hills Road easterly of Newport Coast Drive within the existing right-of-way including grading, paving and curb returns in a manner meeting the approval of the Director, Transportation. In addition, the landowner shall place signs at the intersection of Newport Coast Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road and, along the -zo- OFFICIAL COP1