HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2024-1240 - Permits,�EwpoRT City of Newport Beach IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II COMB Permit : XR2024-1240 Ah; Community Development Department - Building Division X R 2 0 2 4 1 2 4 0 1100nCivic Center Drive, Newport8Beach, CA 92660 Plan Check No Issued Date : 05/02/2024 newportbeachca.gov/civic Final Date: Combination Type - MFP Permit Status: Issued Work Class - Alteration Inspection Area : s PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY ANOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 1228 RUTLAND RD, 4 Legal Desc : Description: MFR INSTALL DRYWALL AND INSULATION 15 Owner: REBECCA POWER Address : 1242 RUTLAND 16 NEWPORT BEA , CF�926Q OT 1 UN 1 TR 8638,L%TOI,(YNIT 1 OF P ROGRESS* l� ap� 1000�0 refura VNER UILDER �$�D�D Or Architect: � Address: f--� :+. F Phone : (760) 250-6195 1 Phone : t0 whom. Con State Lic: OWNER/BUILDS Lic Expire Applicant: REBECCA POWE Bus Lic : Address : 1242 RUTLAND RD 6 Bus Lic Expire fi 7; NEWPORT BEACH, A Phone : (760) 250-6195 Workers' Compensation Insurance - owner/Builder: REBECCA POV Address : 1242 RUTLAND RD, NEWPORT BEACH, Phone: (760)250-6195 Code Edition : 2022 Type of Construction : V-B Occupancy Groups: R-2 Bldg Height : Phone: State Lic Engineer Address Phone Carrier: EXEMPT :ir' _ - Policy No: 0000 Digner�att , _-"W. C. Expire • p.,a, �'m mess : 11.. 92 iepr ?r NO ire Hq one O a — No of Stories : 2 Building Setbacks : Front: 20, Sid Flood Zone : X Use Zone: RM - Multiple PROCESSED BY: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 124-1474 0 �-. lro eNork s���d� Construction Vatuativ 0 0 0 .90' ' y OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the reasons) indicated below by the eheckmark(s) I have placed next to the applicable items) ction 7031.5. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter. improve, demolish, or repair any structure,. prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and fossions Code) or that he or She is exempt from licensure and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any appiican it subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of more than five hundred dollars ($500). I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do (_) all of or i portio ,, and the structure is not into iness and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of r wPf6(lrtrough employees' or personal effort, builds rovemants are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or imp provery nhm one year of co plletiv Ti oOwner-Builder will have tl roved for the purpose of sale). '— k; 9'. {t End I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contra �ansed Conti cto construct the "fact (Section 7044, Busmes$-e1pdpWillmr FCbhae: Tf ly to an owner of property who build s thereon, apii lw�ntufhe p�niaets-vPifii a licensed Cpa�rtp(s�iltttelth L`ontractors' Stake L I am exempt from licei my signature below I a I a structure that I have Ifessions Code, is avail nature of Prooertv Owr hereby affirm under penalty ,rid effect. License Class VORKERS'COMPENSAT EARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WOR DST OF COMPENSATlONr DAMAGES hereby affirm under penalty of ] 1 have and will maintain a erformance of the work for will 11 have and will maintain war isuuance carrier and policy nur to of Agent certify that, in. tPP ^erformance , if I should became subject iarur.a of Apl.licdntv_. the request of of e for in which one year prior to of the isiollilk dP`Chapter 9 {commencing wi h 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profe No ¢� -D�a� Contractor Signature _ � •rtur"r.�t' i N s L K9, _ o, L PENALTIES AND CIVIL Frees uP TO ONE HUNDREDOR TE E5. qqqp ed or offered for sale (Section 7044, improves the property, provided that the )urden of proving that it was not built or State License Law does not Law). a covered by this permit, I cannot leg; Section 7044 of the Business and _ Oates , 111 Code, and my license is in full force DOLLARS ($100,000U IN ADDITION to bf€for workers' compensation, issued by the Di tar of In Nei Neel It s for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for s d. Policy No. '" &,a % compensation insurance, as required by echo tl0 of the La r C e,p pint nr,� for which this permit is issued. My :workers` are: I 1; r7 v1VOr� b IINW. rV all notemploy any person in any of Section 3700 of the Labor CDdi c-eby affirm under penatty of perjury@hEt, S.a.eens[�ction lending age Iders Name °32 I my signature below, I certify to each if the following: i an the property owner or authoriz j t n thee�(a r s beha Piave read4 is application and the i t he provided is correct. I agree to comply with all applicable city and county ordinances and state I ca'horize representatives of this city or county tr���� /er //a/,ra)�,,b,o.rv/ee--l�i ent natu: e of Prcoertr Owner or Authorized AGeitt� 7(.F�AC/il.C.C.rJI PER,VIT EXPIRED PEPoViIT CANCELLED PERMIT EXTENDED PERMIT FINAL CERTIFICATEOF OCCUPANCY ISSUED relating to buildingconstruction. ope_rty or inspection purposes. Ol Print Property Ownel REGULATIONS PART 6.1 OF TITLE 40 AND AQrvID RULE PROPOSED N01IFICAFION 15 NOT ARPLICAEli Date com this permit is issued (Section 3097, Civil Code), FOR OFFICE USE ONLY laws of California, and W� It H � f