HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/1992COMMISSIONERS
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PLACE: City Council Chambers
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
DATE: January 23, 1992
All Commissioners were present. (Commissioner Edwards and
Commissioner Pomeroy arrived at 6:05 p.m.)
James Hewicker, Planning Director
Robin Flory, Assistant City Attorney
William R. Laycock, Current Planning Manager
Patricia Temple, Advance Planning Manager
Don Webb, City Engineer
Dee Edwards, Secretary
Minutes of Januga 9
of 1/9/92
Commissioner Debay stated that the Villa Balboa homeowners
requested corrections to clarify Ms. Zand's testimony. Patty
Temple, Advance Planning Manager, suggested that the minutes be
ontinued to allow staff additional time to review the requested
nections with Ms. Zand.
qotion was made and voted on to continue the approval of the
All Ayes
ranuary 9, 1992, Planning Commission Minutes to the meeting of
ebruary 6, 1992. MOTION CARRIED.
P'ublic Comments:
0 one appeared before the Planning Commission to speak on
on- agenda items.
January 23, 1992
Posting of the Agenda:
of the
James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that the Planning
Commission Agenda was posted on Friday, January 17, 1992,. in
front of City Hall.
Request for Continuances:
James Hewicker, Planning Director, requested that Item No. 4,
Variance No. 1154, regarding property located at 527 Park Avenue,
be continued to the February 6, 1992, Planning Commission
meeting. Mr. Hewicker further requested that Item No. 5,
Modification No. 3958, a request to establish a McDonald's
specialty food service at 2727 Newport Boulevard, be removed
from calendar until the applicant is ready to go to public hearing.
Motion was made and voted on to continue Item No. 4 to the
February 6, 1992, Planning Commission meeting and to remove
Item No. 5 from calendar. MOTION CARRIED.
Chairman Di Sano explained the format for the subject Planning
Commission meeting. The continued public hearing for Item No.
1, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, will open at 6:00 p.m. and
at 7:30 p.m., the remaining items on the Agenda will be heard.
Following those items, the public hearing will continue for Hoag
A. Amendment 44 (Continued Public He '
rtes No.i
Request to establish Planned Community District Regulations and
adopt a Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital.
Ts No . al
The proposal would establish regulations and development
standards for the long term build -out of acute and non -acute health
are facilities. The proposal also includes an amendment to
Cont ' d to
Districting Maps No. 22 and 22 -A so as to rezone the
property from the A -P -H and U (Unclassified) Districts to the P -C
January 23, 1992
(Planned Community) District, an amendment to Chapter 20.02 of
the Newport Beach Municipal Code so as to amend the Height
Limitation Zones Map and the legal description of the 26/35 Foot
Height Limitation District to place the Lower Campus wholly
within the 32/50 Foot Height Limitation District; and the approval
of a development agreement and the acceptance of an
environmental document.
B. Traffic Study No. 81 (Continued Public Hearin)
Request to approve a Traffic Study so as to permit the construction
of Phase I of the Hoag Memorial Hospital master plan of
C. Variance No. 1180 (Continued Public Hearing)
Request to exceed the Base FAR of 0.5 up to the maximum FAR
of 0.65, consistent with the provisions of the General Plan Land
Use Element and Chapter 20.07.040 of the Newport Beach
Municipal Code.
LOCATION: Lower Campus: A portion of Lot 172, Block
1, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 4000 West
Coast Highway, on the northerly side of West
Coast Highway, between Newport Boulevard
and Superior Avenue. Upper Campus: Parcel
No. 1 of Record of Survey 15 -30, located at
301 Newport Boulevard, on the southwesterly
comer of Hospital Road and Newport
ZONES: A -P -H and Unclassified
APPLICANT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian,
Newport Beach
as applicant
January 23, 1992
Patricia Temple, Advance Planning Manager, explained the
procedure that staff follows when correspondence is received in the
Planning Department to be delivered to the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Debay referred to the Response to Comments
document that addresses the correspondence received by the staff.
The public hearing was continued at this time, and Ms. Linda Rice,
230 Lille Lane, President of the Villa Balboa Community
Association, appeared before the Planning Commission to
introduce three Villa Balboa residents who will address the
alternate master plan proposed by Villa Balboa as presented at the
January 9, 1992, Planning Commission meeting.
Dr. Bill Engels, 280 Cagney Lane, a Board member of the Villa
Balboa Community Association, appeared before the Planning
Commission. Dr. Engels stated that the residents are concerned
with noise from Hoag Hospital, and he requested a noise level
tandard of at least 55 dBA daytime and 50 dBA at night for the
protection of the residents. Dr. Engels listed numerous noise
disturbances that occur in the buffer zone between the hospital and
e residential area.
Commissioner Edwards and Commissioner Debay referred to Dr.
ngels' concerns regarding noise, and they explained that the
CNEL noise standards have been addressed in the EIR.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover regarding
Dr. Engels' concerns regarding the hours of truck deliveries, Ms.
Temple explained that the SCAQMD's Air Quality Management
an includes rules and regulations that are proposed for adoption
o achieve air quality. The proposed hours to restrict when trucks
ould operate on the arterial roadway network would be between
10:00 p.m. and 6:00 am.
Harley Gooding, 260 Cagney Lane, appeared before the
[Planning Commission to express his opposition to the proposed
ritical care facility on the upper campus. Mr. Gooding stated that
he plan, as proposed by the hospital, would extend the facility
from the existing tower westerly toward Villa Balboa over the
service road. Mr. Gooding described the impact that the proposed
rantilevered structure would have on the Villa Balboa residents. He
stated that the landscaping that the residents of Villa Balboa
January 23, 1992
planted between the hospital and the residential area would be
destroyed if the proposed development is constructed.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Gross with
respect to the proposed cantilevered building, Mr. Gooding
recommended that the facility be constructed "straight up" or be
moved to another site.
Commissioner Debay stated that staff has recommended that the
critical care unit be subject to a more stringent setback, and she
indicated that the Planning Commissioners have personally
rved the type of impact the cantilevered building would have
he residents. Mr. Gooding expressed his support of the
ital; however, he requested the hospital be considerate of the
hbors. In response to a question posed by Commissioner
ards, Mr. Gooding replied that he was not aware of staffs
mmissioner Glover stated that she has requested that the
ospital provide information indicating the purpose of the
dditional space at that location.
ommissioner Pomeroy expressed his objection to the cantilevered
tructure at the proposed location.
. Ross Ribaudo, 260 Cagney Lane, appeared before the Planning
ommission, and he stated that many of the hospital's neighbors
e concerned there is nothing in the hospital's master plan that
dicates what the hospital wants, how the hospital is going to grow,
d what the state of the art is. The homeowners endorse a Site
lan Review, and he referred to a condition in the Site Plan
eview that was distributed by staff for consideration stating that
y building on the western side of the upper campus would be
ontrary to the Site Plan Review. He requested that each end of
he service road be operated in the same method, i.e. the gates be
ept open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., and only
ersons having business on the road could enter as necessary after
:00 p.m. He suggested that the hospital consider off -site
arehousing to keep the facility and the neighborhood quiet, and
t would allow the hospital to purchase in bulk, to keep central
upply in one area for good inventory control, and to move only
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January 23, 1992
building material requirements to the facility so as to eliminate
unnecessary handling by the facility people.
Commissioner Debay stated that off -site warehousing could mean
more vehicle trips as explained in reply to Mr. Ribaudo's letter
included in the Response to Comments document.
Commissioner Merrill stated that the AQMD's recommendations,
as previously explained by Ms. Temple, addresses all truck
deliveries to commercial and industrial buildings and sites.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr.
Ribaudo explained that many industries use off -site warehousing
for inventory control.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that off -site warehousing could
become more viable as the hospital grows because of the sheer
number of deliveries. Electric delivery is feasible for short
distances which would cut down noise, and the future electric short
distance vehicles could be considered, specifically for nighttime
Ms. Ariane Zand appeared before the Planning Commission at the
request of the Commission. Ms. Zand presented the Villa Balboa
Community Association's conceptual alternative plan at the January
9, 1992, Planning Commission meeting.
Commissioner Gross addressed the Hoag Hospital Cost Estimate
that was submitted to the Planning Commission by Ms. Zand prior
to the public hearing. He pointed out that the alternative plan does
not include a cost for demolition. Ms. Zand explained that the cost
of demolition is not included in the hospital's master plan or the
alternative plan, and the cost only considers the construction on the
upper and lower campus. Commissioner Gross indicated that the
alternative plan recommends demolition of several buildings on the
upper campus, and Ms. Zand responded that the hospital's
proposal suggests demolition of the same buildings. Commissioner
Gross pointed out that the hospital's proposal to construct the
parking structure would be $40.00 per square foot, and the
alternative proposal is $27.00 per square foot. In response to a
question posed by Commissioner Gross, Ms. Zand explained that
the cost estimate was determined by a hospital consulting firm. Ms.
January 23, 1992
Zand further explained that the difference in the cost estimate of
the parking structure is that the hospital proposes to construct
subterranean parking on the lower campus, and the alternative plan
proposes above ground parking. Ms. Zand and Commissioner
Gross addressed the foundation of the parking structure, and the
feasibility that the difference in the cost estimate could also include
the doubling up of a building. Ms. Zand explained that the water
level and the corrosive soils need to be considered to construct the
foundation on the lower campus. Commissioner Gross addressed
the comparative cost estimate for the Export and Import for the
hospital proposal and the alternative master plan. Ms. Zand and
Commissioner Gross discussed the cost that would be involved if
corrosive soil existed on the site, and a need to replace the soil
with new earth. Commissioner Gross concluded that it would
appear from the cost analysis that there is not a significant
difference in cost between the hospital proposal and the alternative
mmissioner Pomeroy asked what type of instructions were given
o her by the persons who employed her, regarding how the
ospital layout would be designed. Ms. Zand replied that no one
ave her instructions and the alternative plan was designed by her.
Commissioner Pomeroy asked if she was given instructions on
here the buildings were to be located, and to de- emphasize
uildings on the lower campus. Ms. Zand replied that she was hired
o come up with the best alternative plan under the circumstances.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that it would appear that for
whatever reason, the residents of Villa Balboa do not want to see
uch of anything built on the lower campus, and if the residents
ed her as an expert, the residents would have had to give her
ome criteria for the design contract. Ms. Zand explained that the
esidents asked her, as a professional expert, and she concluded
at there are many alternatives.
Commissioner Edwards asked if she was asked to analyze the site
o its best utilization. Ms. Zand replied that she analyzed the
'able space, and how to develop a hospital that would be
nctionally sufficient. Commissioner Edwards asked if she was
'ven instructions as to where buildings would be proposed, or
here the clients want to see certain buildings, or was she given
'rection that it does not matter what the results are and just
etermine the best utilization of the space from a planning
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January 23, 1992
standpoint. Ms. Zand responded that she was to determine the
best utilization of space.
Ms. Zand and Commissioner Merrill discussed what involvement
she had with the four alternative plans that were submitted to the
Planning Commission. Ms. Zand stated that she had no contact
with the planners at the hospital. Ms. Zand explained that she took
the old master plan and all of the information that was available to
provide the criteria for the alternative plan. Commissioner Merrill
quoted a written comment by Ms. Zand stating that since there is
not sufficient data for traffic count or impact, it is more appropriate
to concentrate on the traffic pattern and see how it is organized
Since there is only one entry to the lower campus.. Ms. Zand and
Commissioner Merrill discussed the alternative plan's deletion of
the entrance from Superior Avenue to the lower campus wherein
Ms. Zand explained that the entrance was not necessary from the
information that she had. She said that the comment that there is
of sufficient data for traffic count was determined by the Traffic
Consultant hired for the alternative plan. Commissioner Merrill
stated that the alternative plan does not have a traffic impact and
Ms. Zand replied that the hospital plan and the alternative plan
would be equal for external traffic count. Ms. Zand further
explained that the alternative plan is environmentally better
because the traffic would not be moved in the areas where it would
eate noise for the neighborhood; however, the alternative plan
ces not produce less traffic on the streets. Commissioner Merrill
eferred to Ms. Zand's comment that there is no connection between
he lower and upper campus, and she explained that the comment
referred to the building connections between the upper and lower
mmissioner Debay addressed the alternative plan as a 20 year
lan, and she indicated that there is not an allowance for flexibility
the alternative plan. Ms. Zand explained that the alternative
lan is a final buildout. She further explained that there would be
arts or spaces between the buildings to allow for growth without
aving a program or definite departmental groupings. In response
o further questions posed by Commissioner Debay, Ms. Zand
xplained the alternative plan and the consideration of adjacent
npatient and outpatient services. Commissioner Debay asked what
e alternative plan's FAR would be on the upper campus,
nsisting of 990,238 square feet. Ms. Zand explained that 20 acres
January 23, 1992
of development would be 1.03 FAR and 17 acres of development
would be a higher FAR, and if the services are not duplicated on
the lower campus there may be less square feet than the hospital
has suggested. Commissioner Debay stated that when different
levels of service are provided, it is necessary to build to more rigid
codes if they are connecting, and she asked how a medical office
building could be constructed to the State Hospital Standards. Ms.
Zand stated that the buildings are not OSHAD, the organization
that oversees hospital construction, and even though the services
are on the same site, the services are not connecting or the same
structures. Ms. Zand explained that it is prohibitive to exit from a
OSHAD building construction to a non - OSHAD building.
ommissioner Gross addressed Ms. Zand's suggestion to move
8,000 square feet off -site, and he asked where the space would
e moved. Ms. Zand replied that she did not have a specific off -
ite area. Commissioner Gross addressed the cost of land in the
ity, and he stated that the area on the lower campus is available
o the hospital at no additional cost. Commissioner Gross
equested that Ms. Zand critique the hospital's master plan. Ms.
nd explained that inasmuch as she has not seen the hospital's
naster plan, it would be difficult to evaluate the location of the
uildings and parking. Ms. Zand further explained that the future
hild care center is precarious. She said that it is important to study
hat the future will bring inasmuch as there may be alternative
ays of medical practice that may be far more economical than
Vowing in space. Commissioner Gross asked if it is a good idea .
or the City and the Planning Commission to enter into a master
lan. Ms. Zand replied that it is bad to enter into an agreement
of knowing what the agreement is and what is going to be
eveloped, and she would recommend further study. Commissioner
ross explained that the City requested Hoag Hospital to come up
th a master plan.
ommissioner Merrill referred to the Response to Comments that
ddresses the concerns that Ms. Zand previously submitted to staff.
ommissioner Merrill stated that the alternative plan is similar to
e hospital's master plan with the exception that the playground
d child care center have been relocated to their present position;
he secondary entrance that was too close to the main entrance has
een eliminated; and landscaping was replaced by parking.
January 23, 1992
Commissioner Edwards stated that if the hospital provided specifics
of the type of plan that Ms. Zand is proposing, the hospital would
lock themselves in to the manner in which they deal with future
health care, and he asked how to deal with enough flexibility to
deal with the future of health care, and at the same time, to
present to the residents what is going to be there over the next 20
years. Ms. Zand explained that flexibility in health care is of
primary importance, and it does not mean to leave the buildings
with four sides open for expansion or demolish every 5 years. The
concept of strategic planning and master planning is to make the
best studies to find what the future is going to be in the short term,
long term, and what are the alternative scenarios. Ms. Zand
proceeded to explain the importance of flexibility.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that the Commission requested that
Hoag Hospital provide what the worst condition would be when the
hospital reached build -out, and Hoag Hospital recommended that
the outpatient care be congregated more on the lower campus.
The residents are seeing through the public hearing process what
e worst case condition would be all at one time, and the issues of
here the buildings could be and what would be in each building
is what Hoag is trying to avoid. The hospital is trying to adjust to
hange, and at the same time let the public know what the physical
remises are going to be like if everything is going to be built out
o the maximum. Ms. Zand responded that it is necessary to know
hat buildings go where and how they are constructed. She
ddressed the proposed buildout of the lower campus.
Motion was made and voted on to continue Item No. 1 to after the
All Aye.
emaining Planning Commission items have been heard. MOTION
The public hearing reopened at 8:15 p.m. after the public hearings
or Items No. 2 and No. 3 were opened and closed.)
. Jill Lindsay, 4 Balboa Coves, appeared before the Planning
ommission on behalf of the Balboa Coves Community
sociation. Ms. Lindsay delivered a slide presentation as she
de the following presentation. Ms. Lindsay addressed the sound
all located on West Coast Highway that the City constructed for
alboa Coves, and the easement on Balboa Coves property for
andscaping. The Balboa Coves residents will be affected by the
January 23, 1992
hospital's lower campus development inasmuch as the entire length
of the community is across West Coast Highway from the hospital's
property. Ms. Lindsay referred to the letters that the Association
and the residents sent to the Planning Commission to express their
concerns about the master plan. Hoag Hospital met with the
Association on June 7, 1990 regarding the proposed master plan,
and subsequent meetings with the Association only addressed the
traffic signal at the intersection of Balboa Coves and West Coast
Highway. The Association concurs with the testimony that Ms.
Terry Watt gave to the Planning Commission on January 9, 1992,
regarding a Development Agreement. Ms. Lindsay addressed the
commercial uses that exist on West Coast Highway adjacent to the
Balboa Coves residents, and she stated the Association is opposed
to further mixed -use development that has occurred in the area
over the past years.
In 1990 the Orange County Business Journal indicated that Hoag
Hospital received top honors for the highest profit - $19,000,000.00
12 months with a 75 percent occupancy rate. Ms. Lindsay stated
at the hospital must offer proof that money is needed to keep
receiving endowments and she asked what better way than to build
buildings, expand, and enlarge. She asked if the development of a
regional center is a realistic and reasonable goal for the 65,000
residents of Newport Beach or the homeowners living adjacent to
e hospital.
alboa Coves property has increased in value during the past two
ears because the residents entered into an active and aggressive
evelopment program. Since 1989 the residents have contributed
ver $340,000.00 or approximately $5,000.00 each to construct a
ew private entrance into the community, to build walls not
rovided by Cal Trans, install parks on never developed property
'thin the community, and the residents recently approved a
pecial Assessment District as a mechanism to finance the
ndergrounding of utilities. Further action includes an
provement to the roadways, a community park and to continue
he sound wall to the eastern most lot in Balboa Coves.
e Balboa Coves Community Association supports a Site Plan
Review for buildings totalling over 30,000 square feet or more. Ms.
Lindsay stated that the parking structure is massive and the hospital
wilt the structure in an area that has a magnificent view of the
January 23, 1992
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turning basin and is located at the most southeastern part of the
property closest to the City's public transportation arteries. The
parking structure does not compliment or respect the natural
beauty of the City, and the architecture of the Cancer Center and
the Child Care Center do not compliment each other or the
existing buildings on the upper campus. She recommended that the
hospital adhere to a particular architectural style for all future
development on the upper and lower campus.
Ms. Lindsay addressed Dr. VanderSloot's testimony regarding
methane gas at the January 9, 1992, Planning Commission meeting.
She addressed the methane gas in the area, the personal
experiences of a Balboa Coves resident regarding the methane gas,
and the methane gas odors. She said that a map of the Methane
Hazard Zone does not include the Balboa Coves area, but the
hospital's lower campus is included.
Ms. Lindsay addressed the draft EIR traffic projection at the
intersection of West Coast Highway and Balboa Coves. In
February, 1988, Hoag Hospital presented to the City, the Balboa
Coves Community Association, and the California Coastal
Commission an addendum to a Cal -Trans presentation concerning
e widening of West Coast Highway. The analysis was prepared
or Hoag Hospital indicating that the purpose of the report was to
resent the results of additional noise analysis completed for the
roposed addition of the signalized intersection and an additional
avel lane on the north side of West Coast Highway. The traffic
ignal and additional lane would be in addition to the two lanes
eady approved. The future 'no project' condition means that the
oad would be widened to the Cal -Trans approved two additional
anes plus median, the future 'with project' is the Cal -Trans project
an additional lane, plus a signalized intersection, and a full
r elus
vel of the hospital site. The table included peak hour
c data going east and west of Balboa Coves on West Coast
ghway. She compiled the 'no project' am. west and east
ogether to determine total peak hour am. traffic. No project'
raffic equated to 7,929 total trips during the morning peak hours
thout the signal and lanes.. The p.m peak hour traffic data
quated to 9,748 total trips. The full development of the hospital
ite would contribute an additional 512 total trips in the a.m. and
82 trips in the p.m. for a total of 1,494 peak hour trips, an
additional 6 percent in the morning and 10 percent in the evening
January 23, 1992
due to the hospital's total lower campus development. She was
able to determine that 50 percent of the trips would trigger the
light at the intersection during the morning peak hours and stop
traffic, and 52 percent during the peak p.m. hours.
Ms. Lindsay addressed the draft EIR and staffs Traffic Study. She
indicated that staff determined that based on the lower campus trip
rates defined in the Traffic Study, the daily traffic generated by the
lower campus, including the existing Cancer Center and Child Care
facility, is 14,489 trips. The am peak how traffic is 767 trips and the
p.m. peak how traffic is 964 trips. The development would be
permitted if it did not exceed 1,281.3 peak how trips. The hospital's
experts predict that 27 percent of patients will be using the West
Coast Highway access to ingress and egress the upper campus
where the existing condition indicated 'none'. 28 percent of the
employees have been projected as accessing the upper campus from
the lower campus where the existing condition indicated 'none'.
Unfortunately, no traffic data is available for the upper campus on
the number of trips for the upper campus. The General Plan dated
August, 1988, indicates a listing of existing trips generated by land
use for 1987 when no development existed on the lower campus.
The 3,990 existing average daily trips was for the upper campus
only wherein she indicated that would be a conservative number
when the upper campus development is almost equal to the lower
campus projected development for which 14,489 trips have been
rojected. The average daily trips of employees and patients were
etermined by using the lower campus ingress and egress as
rojected by the hospital. 27 percent patient use equals 1,077 of
he total 3,990 listed, and 28 percent employee use equals 1,117 for
combined total of 2,195 trips. According to the analysis, 6
ercent of the trips, or 133 trips, will occur in the a.m. peak hours
d 10 percent or 201 trips will occur during the p.m. peak hours.
e projections were added to the staff report and it would appear
hat 900 trips will occur in the a.m. peak hours and 1,165 trips will
ccur in the p.m. peak hours, for a total of 2,065 peak hour trips at
he intersection of West Coast Highway and Balboa Coves; 784
ditional trips over the maximum of 1,281.3 trips the City
dicated could not be exceeded; 61 percent gain over the
maximum allowable; 571 more trips than the hospital projected to
et the signal and extra lane originally. The draft EIR indicates the
ercentage of employees and patients accessing the upper campus
om the lower campus entrance at West Coast Highway, and it
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January 23, 1992
does not indicate the percentage of visitors using the entrance. It
is the opinion of the residents of Balboa Coves that there would be
a dramatic increase over a plan that was originally approved by the
community, and significantly impacts the major public
transportation into the City.
Balboa Coves recommends that access be restricted from the lower
campus to the upper campus, and suggests a transportation system
used to transport employees, visitors, and ambulatory patients from
campus to campus, or Balboa Coves would like to see a thorough
and comprehensive review of the traffic. The true impact must take
into consideration visitor traffic, accessing the upper campus to the
lower campus at West Coast Highway, summertime traffic on West
Coast Highway, the number of "V' turns at the Balboa Coves and
West Coast Highway intersection, the stacking in the am. and p.m.
because of the Arches bridge and Balboa Coves traffic signal. All
hospital eastbound traffic entering or exiting the lower campus will
stop the through traffic on West Coast Highway; 452 trips have the
potential of stopping traffic during the a.m. peak hours and 603
trips during the p.m. peak hours. Separate and apart of the
projection is the eastbound traffic from the Arches Bridge off -ramp
which also stops the through traffic flow at West Coast Highway.
The impact on West Coast Highway includes idling traffic that
would create noise and pollution, and 20 to 40 years of hospital
onstruction. Ms. Lindsay indicated that the analysis states
onshuction noise is a potential impact that must be considered in the
environmental process. The draft EIR contradicts the statement by
stating constnection noise is deemed insignificant.
Balboa Coves residents have requested sight poles to aid the
magnitude and scope of the proposed lower campus development
d the ultimate impact the project will have on the community.
Craig Weber, consultant to the Balboa Coves Community
Association, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr.
Weber described setback areas on West Coast Highway at the site
f the lower campus from an exhibit on display. The Balboa Coves
esidents are requesting a minimum 25 foot setback along West
oast Highway. He referred to a grade change from West Coast
ighway to an internal road that is proposed for the project; an
xtension to the existing sidewalk that is back of the public right -of-
ay line that is proposed for widening to accommodate bicycle
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January 23, 1992
travel; a slope resulting in a setback to the road that is
approximately 25 feet; a continuous landscape buffer along the
edge of West Coast Highway to the access road from Newport
Boulevard; and the residents request that the lower portions of the
proposed buildings and service road not conflict with Balboa Coves.
In response to questions posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr.
Weber explained that the residents have requested a 25 foot
setback, and the landscaping would be included in the setback. Mr.
Weber further replied that landscaping height has not been
considered. He said that the residents' primary concern is to
determine a wider setback than the hospital's requested 15 foot
setback. The proposed setback is restrictive and retaining walls may
be required in the area. The residents request that landscaping be
planted on West Coast Highway to the access ramp from Newport
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Gross, Mr.
Weber explained that in previous discussions with the residents and
staff he had suggested a 35 foot setback; however, he would now
recommend a 25 foot setback..
Commissioner Glover expressed her objection to walls, and she
suggested that the residents not come back to the City to request
that the hospital construct a wall around the development. Mr.
Weber replied that as a resident of Balboa Coves he would not
recommend a wall.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that a primary concern that has
been expressed by the residents is the mass of buildings being built
to the full permitted height at a 15 foot setback. He said that there
are methods to solve the concern regarding mass and that concern
would include pushing the setback back, and phasing the floors of
the buildings so the lower floors might have one setback, upper
floors might have a larger setback, and subsequent floors might
have a large setback. Mr. Weber explained that the grade change
and the widening of the sidewalk to accommodate any construction
would require a 25 foot setback, and once the setback has been
established it would be considered that the setback would be
continued around the development for uniformity. Mr. Weber
explained that the master plan indicates a 15 foot setback on West
Coast Highway and it is a physical impossibility to build to the 15
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January 23, 1992
foot setback in Zones A and B due to the fact that the hospital has
indicated on the master plan that a road would be constructed and
the buildings would be constructed behind that road.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay, Mr.
Weber explained that he is a licensed landscape architect.
Commissioner Debay asked if there would be a possibility of a
trade -off because the setback would be increased by 10 feet. The
buildings cannot be built as low and rambling and there would not
be the ground area; therefore, the buildings become taller because
the footprint would be reduced. Mr. Weber concurred with the
foregoing statement, and he indicated that Commissioner
Pomeroy's foregoing suggestion regarding the building mass is a
reasonable consideration.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Merrill, Ms.
Lindsay reappeared before the Planning Commission and she
explained that the bays adjacent to the Balboa Coves property step
back 6 feet from the sidewalk edge, and where the bays come
forward toward the sidewalk it is City-owned property. Ms. Lindsay
and Commissioner Merrill discussed the feasibility of tree
landscaping. Commissioner Merrill referred to the slide
presentation and the view from Balboa Coves, and he stated that
he is disturbed by the bulk of the Villa Balboa complex inasmuch
as there is nothing to support the visual footing of the
development. He indicated that the proposed master plan,
including landscaping, sets the stage for the Villa Balboa complex.
Ms. Lindsay disagreed with Commissioner Merrill's opinion.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay regarding
e Traffic Study, Ms. Lindsay explained that she has not had an
pportunity to review the traffic analysis. Commissioner Debay
requested that Ms. Lindsay contact her if she has questions
pertaining to the traffic count and the intersection capacity. Ms.
Lindsay replied that she is certain that the new traffic study has not
taken into consideration the employee, patient, and visit use. In
response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay regarding
e hospital's contribution towards the Balboa Coves entry gate and
traffic signal, Ms. Lindsay replied that the hospital contributed
30,000.00 to Balboa Coves for the entry improvements.
January 23, 1992
Commissioner Gross suggested that Ms. Lindsay provide the
Balboa Coves Traffic Study to the hospital planners for their
review, and that Ms. Lindsay and hospital representatives meet with
staff concerning the traffic study. Ms. Temple requested that Ms.
Lindsay provide the documents for staffs review. In response to
questions posed by Commissioner Gross, Ms. Lindsay explained
that several Balboa Coves residents will contact the County
Assessor's Office to request an adjustment to their land base. Ms.
Lindsay explained that the hospital has not taken the lower campus
in a cohesive direction architecturally, and the residents request
that the upper and lower campus be designed so the development
would be aesthetically pleasing to the community. Commissioner
Gross responded that proposed development generally considers
land use and not architectural style. In response to a question
posed by Commissioner Gross, Ms. Lindsay requested that the
hospital discuss architectural style in their closing remarks.
Commissioner Pomeroy addressed Ms. Lindsay's previous testimony
egarding the hospital's $19,000,000.00 profit and reference to the
on -profit status of the hospital. Ms. Lindsay responded that the
statement was quoted from the Orange County Business Journal.
Commissioner Pomeroy and Ms. Lindsay discussed the reason why
he residents are concerned with the architectural style of the
hospital's proposed development. Commissioner Pomeroy
xpressed his opposition to architectural review. Ms. Lindsay
ompared the proposed development with The Lrvine Company's
onformity of architectural style.
Commissioner Glover stated that architecture is very subjective,
d she concurred with Commissioner Pomeroy. She supported the
esign and landscaping of the existing two structures on the lower
pus. She said that thematic architecture can turn out to be
ery bad, and the difference in architectural style brings interest to
he plan. Commissioner Merrill concurred with Commissioner
lover's comments regarding thematic architecture.
response to a request for clarification by Commissioner
dwards, Ms. Lindsay stated that the residents have a concern with
he mass of development and what they would see architecturally.
Vs. Lindsay replied to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards
hat she assumed that the hospital's Traffic Study does not address
mployee traffic.
January 23, 1992
Commissioner Pomeroy requested that staff submit a report of the
traffic count to the Commission for the February 6, 1992, Planning
Commission meeting.
Ms. Joanne Burns, 300 Cagney Lane, appeared before the Planning
Commission on behalf of the Friends of Cattail Cove. Ms. Burns'
slide presentation and testimony was directly related to preserving
the wetland that is located on the lower campus of the hospital site.
Ms. Burns explained that a wetland functions as a reservoir for
upland waters and prevents erosion by sponging up and holding the
water; as a filter for upland water; prevents pollution from going
into the bay; retains the pollutants sometimes in the soil; filters out
debris, manmade or natural; primary habitat or nursery for new
life; secondary habitat for over -flow population from larger
wetlands; nesting site for birds that are impacted in the larger .
wetlands; and a resource for human beings to observe . and
catalogue. Ms. Burns explained that cattail cove is unique
according to the Carlin Marsh Report because five different
habitats are uniquely juxtaposed, and there are five additional non-
wetland habitats.
Commissioner Gross addressed the difficult decision the
Commission has to make regarding the environment. Ms. Burns
and Commissioner Gross addressed the origin of the wetland.
Dr. Jan VanderSloot, 2221 - 16th Street, appeared before the
Planning Commission. He stated that he has no animosity towards
the hospital; however, he stated that the Commission should
consider the land use rather than health care terms because . the
same amount of health care can be available with alternative plans.
VanderSloot addressed the mitigation strategies for the
wetlands and Government policies. Preservation of wetlands
should be considered, avoidance of impacting the wetlands,
destroying or building structures on them, and there are
alternatives that can be achieved with the same results without
impacting the wetland. If the wetlands should be mitigated off -site
then the Commission should consider what site should be
considered, and the EIR does not discuss sites. The feasibility of
the site should be considered, and it may not be feasible to restore
wetlands or create wetlands somewhere else if the cost is too high.
If the hospital is required to purchase land to restore the wetlands
en $1,000,000.00 an acre may be the cost. He said that the site,
January 23, 1992
how many acres, how to monitor the mitigation, and if it would be
cost effective considering all of the aspects of the master plan. He
suggested that the Commission make the commitment to mitigate
into the City. The Fish and Game Department has indicated they
want a no net loss of wetlands; the master plan proposes to
mitigate 1.52 acres of wetlands; 2.59 acres wetlands has been
identified; and in 1991 there were 3.50 acres of wetlands and he
requested that the differences be clarified. He requested a full one
to one no net loss of wetlands which would be 2.59 acres, and if
that mitigation takes place within the City, the cost be determined
so that when different alternatives are analyzed the cost of wetland
mitigation should be included.
Dr. VanderSloot stated that it has been determined that the
concentration of hydrogen sulfide gas in the area is roughly six
times or more what could be considered a lethal concentration of
hydrogen sulfide gas. Dr. VanderSloot stated that two gasses may
cause problems in the area - methane gas and hydrogen sulfide gas.
The EIR suggested that other gasses be studied for other toxic
asses, and before the project is approved, the Commission require
more comprehensive geo- technical report on the property. The
safety of the buildings is dependent upon whether the mitigation
measures can prevent the gas from gathering inside the buildings
d endangering the people. The mitigation measures address
ivrapping the buildings up with plastic sheeting so the gas will not
ass through the plastic, providing perforated pipes underneath the
wilding so the pipes can collect the gas and have them vented to
he atmosphere at the side of the building. Provide around the
lock air conditioning so no gas will accumulate within any of the
uildings, and ultimately, because the problem cannot be
liminated, gas sensors must be installed within the building. The
Response to Comments addresses the problems of the methane gas
ensors in the Cancer Center. Dr. VanderSloot stated that water
as entered into the Cancer Center, and he suggested that it be
etermined what caused water in the Cancer Center. He
ecommended that the Commission consider if the City incurs any
iability by approving the development in an area where it is known
at there are health and safety hazards. Dr. VanderSloot stated
at the EIR does not identify what is making the soil corrosive,
d will it damage the mitigation, i.e. plastic sheeting.
Dr. VanderSloot referred to the exhibit on display, and he
o `
January 23, 1992
described an alternative plan that the Friends of Cattail Cove have
recommended. The alternative plan is similar to the Villa Balboa
alternative plan that Ms. Zand described except there would not be
buildings where there are concerns about health and safety. The
wetlands would act as a filter and sponge for anything that would
be emitting up from the ground. He addressed the restoration of
3,000 square feet of wetlands by the hospital if the issue would be
resolved by the Coastal Commission. Preservation of ocean and bay
views would exist along the bluff lines as it currently exists, and not
along the bluff line as it would exist if 100 feet would be cut back.
Transfer of development from the lower campus to the upper
campus, and the configuration of the buildings is exactly the
configuration of the buildings as drawn by the hospital and the EIR
in 1979. The buildings would be located in a pin -wheel
arrangement around an elevator shaft connected to the tower. The
plan does not include additional towers because the FAR
allowances have been reduced; however, it would allow the hospital
to set below what is now the building envelope for the upper
ampus. The three, four, and five story buildings would be located
in a peripheral manner around an elevator shaft connected to the
hospital. The advantage of the alternative plan is that it is flexible,
and the hospital would be able to construct the buildings one at a
time as the need arises. Adjacency to the main medical care center
is also provided in the alternative plan, and he agreed with the
hospital planners that the emphasis in medicine is away from
patient care. It is not reasonable to expect that Hoag is going to
Pend all of the upper campus on inpatient care when all of the
edical care shows the inpatient care is going towards outpatient
are. He said that medical malls have an inpatient focus, and
upatient services are around it. It is advisable to have a building
djacent to the tower, the services would be more adjacent, and
hey would also be more available for x -ray and laboratory in one
pot rather than duplicate the services elsewhere.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards
egarding the Response to Comments document regarding sulfide
asses, Dr. VanderSloot stated that the listed mitigation measures
o not meet his concerns inasmuch as they all seem to relate
'tigation by having a sensor device and having a plastic sheet, and
aving a perforated piece of pipe. In no area do they address the
uestion of corrosion and whether or not apiece of plastic is going
o last under a multi -ton building for 40 to 50 years. Commissioner
January 23, 1992
Edwards addressed Dr. VanderSloot's comments regarding liability,
and he stated that it was his impression that the landowner is the
responsible party to clean up any damages.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that Hoag Hospital agreed to 1.5
times mitigation of the wetlands, and not one for one.
Commissioner Debay stated that she would support off -site
mitigation in the West Newport area, and she suggested a new park
situated on public land that has been developed with parking
available. Commissioner Debay stated that the hospital allows the
public to enter private property, and she would rather see
mitigation on public land. Dr. VanderSloot addressed the
Development Agreement and he stated that historically with what
has been agreed to by The Irvine Comparry is that 50 percent of
the land is dedicated for public uses. He suggested that if the
Development Agreement is granted, that a plan be included where
50 percent of the lower campus is dedicated to the public in return
for the Development Agreement for the rest of the property. The
hospital would not lose 1 square foot of developable property, and
they could still have their same development entitlement with the
alternative plan rather than spread out over an unsafe and
unhealthy situation on the lower campus.
Commissioner Glover stated that many small landowners have had
ressures put on them by groups to give what The Irvine Company
as given, but the small landowners feel that they are at a
disadvantage being in a City with The Irvine Company because the
residents are accustomed to The Irvine Company giving a lot of
and. Dr. VanderSloot expressed his opposition to the
evelopment Agreement on the basis that the residents of the City
e tied to a Development Agreement for at least 20 years, and he
indicated that when The Irvine Company dedicates 50 percent of
and, some of that land is not useable.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Gross, Dr.
VanderSloot replied that he was not aware of anyone who would
nstruct buildings on such an adverse geo- technical environment
here there are inexhaustible supplies of methane gas and
hydrogen sulfide gas coming up through earthquake fractures and
faults. He further replied that he does not know of any mitigations
at have been installed that would work, and the best mitigation
�� �d
January 23, 1992
is not to construct on the site. In response to a question posed by
Commissioner Gross with respect to the Agreement to do
mitigation as it relates to the Cancer Center but it has not been
completed, Dr. VanderSloot explained that in June, 1990, the
hospital constructed the child care center and bulldozed into the
wetlands. It amounted to approximately 4,000 square feet. The
City Attorney and the Coastal Commission ordered the hospital to
stop work, and what remains is a cattail pond with a red fence
around it where the hospital stopped work. Subsequently, the
residents contacted the Coastal Commission and requested them to
determine how many wetlands were actually removed, and the
Coastal Commission in 1990, decided that there were 3,000 square
feet of additional wetlands that were removed and the hospital
should replace 3,000 square feet of wetlands on site. The hospital
drew up a plan in April, 1991, and that plan is where there is a
reference to 3.05 acres. To this date no action has been taken by
the Coastal Commission and the Fish and Game, and Fish and
Wildlife. He said that eventually the soil will be graded so that
water can saturate the soil in approximately a 45 x 55 foot area
next to the main body of cattails.
In response to questions posed by Commissioner Gross regarding
the alternative plan that the Friends of Cattail Cove proposed, Dr.
VanderSloot replied that the Villa Balboa residents have endorsed
their plan, and he described from the exhibit why their proposal
would not impact the residents views. Dr. VanderSloot further
discussed the Coastal Commission's mitigation requirements for the
cattail cove wetland.
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that 170,000 yards of corrosive soil
be removed and replaced with new soil on the lower campus.
He said that it is important to know how the soil became corrosive,
if the replacement soil would become corrosive, and if it would
have a negative impact on the plastic. Commissioner Pomeroy
referred to documents the Commission has received wherein it is
stated that it is more appropriate for the wetlands to be relocated
in conjunction with other wetlands rather than in a small location
here it is by West Coast Highway, and because of its location it
has little value as a wetland. Dr. VanderSloot said that the agency
making the study and making the recommendation should be
\OA \INd
January 23, 1992
In response to questions posed by Commissioner Merrill, Dr.
VanderSloot explained the number of acres and locations of the
wetlands in Huntington Beach.
Commissioner Edwards and Robin Flory, Assistant City Attorney,
addressed the State regulations that are required if 170,000 yards
of soil are removed from the premises, and State certification that
no hazardous materials are on the site.
Commissioner Debay requested a report that would determine
hat would occur if fill that would be brought in from another area
would be placed over the corrosive soil. Commissioner Debay and
Dr. VanderSloot discussed the conflicting documents that address
the earthquake faults in the area wherein Commissioner Debay
requested that staff address the issue in a future report.
]Fhe Planning Commission recessed at 10:20 p.m. and reconvened
t 10:30 p.m.
Mr. Chris Hansen, 22 Encore Court, appeared before the Planning
Commission, and he commended the Planning Commission and
staff for the attention that Bill Jennings and himself had received
from them. He further stated that they support Hoag Hospital, and
in the hospital's plans to expand even though they may not agree
.th that plan.
Rosemary Steinbrecher appeared before the Planning
mmission and she submitted a petition containing signatures of
5 Versaille residents. She addressed concerns regarding the gas
elds under the lower campus and she requested a zero growth
icy on the site; the hospital would develop into a regional health
e center; traffic on Hospital Road has tripled in the past 10
rs; the service road is used by the public from Hospital Road to
West Coast Highway; and the expansion of the hospital would
minish the services of the adjacent medical facilities and the
ublic using those facilities would be inconvenienced.
Charles Lamb, 280 Cagney Lane 113, appeared before the
fanning Commission at the request of Commissioner Gross.
mmissioner Gross referred to copies of the tax bills that Mr.
b submitted to the Planning Commission at their request at the
anuary 9, 1992, Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner
January 23, 1992
Gross asked if the same impact occurred on the market value of
the home inasmuch as the assessed value of the home is not
connected with the market value. Mr. Lamb replied that he was
not aware of the current market value of his home; however, he
was aware that nearby residential units sold less than the original
cost by as much as 20 percent two years ago. He further stated
that in addition to his unit and Unit No. 109, two other
condominium units have been reassessed.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay regarding
a site plan with drawings that was a part of the evidence Mr. Lamb
submitted to the Assessor's Office, Mr. Lamb explained that the
drawings were provided to him by Hoag Hospital during the public
hearings on the Cancer Center and it was a plot plan of the lower
campus of the development. He further explained that in addition
to the drawing showing the Cancer Center it showed 14 buildings
in detail and their use. In response to a question posed by
Commissioner Debay, Mr. Lamb replied that he had no idea if the
essor's Office based their evaluation on that drawing. He stated
that he informed the Assessor's Office that the character of the
neighborhood was being changed drastically, and to substantiate
at, he had come from a public hearing at which the Cancer
Center had been approved, and this ultimately was what the lower
ampus could become. Mr. Lamb explained that based on that
information, the Assessor's Office called him and made him the
offer, and that was also characteristic of the property owner at Unit
NO. 109.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Merrill, Mr.
-amb replied that he purchased his property in 1981, and the
ancer Center was approved in 1987. In response to a question
osed by Commissioner Merrill, Ms. Temple replied that two
eparate Cancer Center hearings were held, in 1985 there was a
equest for a 50,000 square foot building and in 1986 and 1987 the
5,000 square foot Cancer Center was approved and constructed.
mmissioner Merrill stated that the date of assessment of 1987 -88
ould have been the first Monday in March, so the Assessor's
Dffice would not have known about the hospital. Mr. Lamb
xplained that after the Cancer Center was approved he went to
e Assessor's Office as a 'trial balloon', he filled out the
pplication, and he attached the foregoing plot plan showing the
otal build -out.
January 23, 1992
Commissioner Pomeroy recommended that an appraised market
value of the property be provided to the Planning Commission.
Mr. Brad Pfeister, 200 Paris Lane No. 315, appeared before the
Planning Commission in support of Villa Balboa's alternative plan.
He addressed the view park that was discussed at the January 9,
1992, Planning Commission meeting and the adjacent parking lot
that would be used by the public. He suggested that the parking
lot be carefully considered because the ingress /egress on Superior
Avenue is dangerous, and many accidents have occurred on the
Mr. Mark Faulkner reappeared before the Planning Commission
at the request of Commissioner Gross. Commissioner Gross
addressed Mr. Faulkner's testimony at the January 9, 1992,
Planning Commission meeting concerning earthquakes and mass.
Mr. Faulkner stated that the concern regarding earth movement is
in consideration of all of the structures including the Villa Balboa
complex, and the parking structure would be included.
Commissioner Gross indicated that the soil report indicates that
there would not be an unsafe condition. Mr. Faulkner stated that
one of the buildings has experienced problems with the structure
in the parking garage, and portions of that were possibly due to the
grading and earth removal from the Cancer Center.
Dr. Carolyn Heath, 3908 Channel Place, appeared before the
Tanning Commission. She said that she is a biologist and she
explained her support to preserve the wetlands. A quality
environment includes two components, one is an aesthetical. one
d the second one is an ecological one. Wetlands are important
nasmuch as they are the most productive habitat on earth.
alifornia has incrementally lost 91 percent of the wetlands
ccording to a 1991 study. She opposed the draft EIR's comments
egarding patched habitats inasmuch as they become important to
mimals in larger areas, and the EIR further states that the loss
would be mitigated by off -site reconstruction of the wetlands. She
referred to documents that supported her reasoning.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay, Dr.
Heath replied that in California every bit of wetland is extremely
important. Commissioner Debay asked if Dr. Heath disagreed with
he statement that subject property will impact only wetlands that
January 23, 1992
are marshy and possess only low habitat. Dr. Heath requested a
definition of 'marshy'. She further stated that it may not be the
most attractive or extensive area, but as a refuge and a total sum
of acreage it is very important.
Mr. Alec Cormack, 260 Cagney Lane, appeared before the
Planning Commission. Mr. Cormack stated that his condominium
is directly across from the hospital cafeteria. Mr. Cormack
addressed the noise from the loading dock and the sterilizer
machines, and he suggested that the 15 mile speed limit on the
service road be enforced.
Mr. John Miller, P. O. Box 1475, Newport Beach, appeared before
the Planning Commission. He stated that the original purpose of
the hospital was to provide a facility for the residents of Newport
Beach, and the hospital is expanding towards a regional medical
facility. He questioned if Newport Beach residents want a regional
medical facility.
Commissioner Glover stated that a small community hospital may
of be viable from an economical view point because times have
hanged since the hospital was built originally.
Allen Beek appeared before the Planning Commission, and he
elated several experiences concerning the history of the hospital.
Beek stated that it is time for Hoag Hospital to work with the
mmunity including the planning stages, and it is the responsibility
A the Commission to force the hospital to work with the
ternative plan architects to evaluate the plan. The ball is in
oag's court to prove that the alternate plan is not an adequate
. Frank Jenes, 200 Paris Lane, appeared before the Planning
ommission, and he addressed the noise and view that the
roposed lower campus buildings would create. He suggested a
ound wall or berm be constructed at the bicycle path that would
bstruct the view of the lower campus facilities, and would also
educe the noise from West Coast Highway.
s. Louise Greely, 16 Swift Court, appeared before the Planning
Commission. She addressed the increased density and traffic in
West Newport, and she indicated the natural vegetation at Superior
January 23, 1992
Avenue and West Coast Highway has never been re- established
after the intersection was re- routed. She further addressed the
need to preserve catttail cove; the appropriateness of the hospital
becoming a regional hospital in a residential area; the endorsement
of the cattail cove alternate plan to transfer one -half of the
development rights from the lower campus to the upper campus
and the benefits will impress the Commission; the earthquake fault,
soil instability, and underground gasses cannot be ignored; the
restoration of the wetlands lost during the construction of the
Cancer Center; and that mitigation of the wetlands would remain
in West Newport.
Ms. Temple requested copies of the slides that were given by the
Mark Faulkner, Ariane Zand, Jill Lindsay, and Joanne Barnes
presentations to complete the public record. Ms. Temple briefly
outlined the material that would be provided to the Planning
Commission for the February 6, 1992, Planning Commission
Commissioner Glover requested that staff and the hospital provide
information regarding possible areas of mitigation for the wetlands
in the City, and how a 25 foot setback could be provided and to be
assured that property rights have not been invaded.
Commissioner Edwards requested that the City Attorney's Office
address the liability issue and traffic control. Commissioner Gross
requested that the City be named insurer under the hospital policy.
Commissioner Debay stated that at the January 9, 1992, Planning
Commission meeting, Ms. Watt advised that she would provide a
formal text on Development Agreement issues, and she requested
that Ms. Watt provide the material prior to the February 6, 1992,
Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Debay requested a
documentation that the bluff that is existing is not the original
Commissioner Gross requested alternatives regarding the wetlands
mitigation and what is more typically done; discussion regarding an
architectural committee; impact of the gas as related to the
AQMD; and discussion regarding a Site Plan Review.
1 0 \0� v N \\
January 23, 1992
Commissioner Merrill suggested preparation of standard conditions
that would have an affect on the footprint, the setback, the height,
Commissioner Pomeroy stated that staff should suggest how the
City can accomplish mitigation of the massing within the master
plan so it would not be necessary to have a Site Plan Review. He
addressed the issue of property values and he said that a portion
of what determines property value is what people's perception of
what that might be, and when it is finally there and properly
landscaped it may have a positive value on the property rather than
a negative value on the property. He said that the residents should
be concerned with piecemeal construction and what might take 20
years to happen. The biggest concern in the EIR, and cannot be
mitigated, is the noise and mess that occurs during construction.
The applicant may want to address how certain things could be
grouped so there is not something going on every year for 20 years.
He suggested that staff advise what benefits the City would get
from a Development Agreement. Commissioner Pomeroy
suggested that staff prepare a condition that goes to 1.5 in the
wetlands mitigation. Ms. Temple stated that it is not necessary to
establish the acreage, the City would set the standard, and the
resource agency would determine the acreage.
Chairman Di Sano addressed concerns regarding corrosive soils.
Ms. Temple explained that export occurs simply because it is
necessary to grade the property, and in the geo- technical reports it
was an assumption that construction on corrosive soils does not
necessarily mean a major problem. The consultants will be
requested to put the soils and gas issues together, and see if there
is a concern related to the deterioration of the foundation structure
as suggested.
Motion was made and voted on to continue Amendment No. 744,
All Ayes
Traffic Study No. 81, and Variance No. 1180 to 6:00 p.m., on
February 6, 1992. The remaining agenda items would be heard
commencing at 7:30 p.m., and Amendment No. 744 would continue
to be heard following the public hearings regarding the additional
agenda items. MOTION CARRIED.
January 23, 1992
Use Permit No. 3437 (Public Hearing)
Item No.2
Request to permit the establishment of a new location for the
existing Hidi's Restaurant on property located in the C -1 District
The proposed restaurant will include an outdoor waiting area with
P P g
Cont a to
z /2o /az
seats. The proposal also includes a request to waive a portion of
the required off - street parking spaces. The establishment of the
restaurant also represents a conversion of the existing building from
a Base FAR use to a Reduced FAR use which also requires the
approval of a use permit.
LOCATION: Lot 3, Block 8, Balboa Tract, located at 605
East Balboa Boulevard, on the southerly side
of East Balboa Boulevard, between Palm
Street and Washington Street, in Central
ZONE: C -1
APPLICANT: Geoffrey E. Landon, Balboa
OWNER: Kover Family Trust, Balboa
James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that the City is currently
engaged in the preparation of a Specific Area Plan for Central
Balboa, and he determined that the use permit would preclude the
standards considered in the future. Mr. Hewicker addressed two
letters received by staff concerning the application. The Building
Department has indicated that in order to convert the building and
to make the structure conform with the Health Standards, it may
require very extensive alterations to the building.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover with
respect to how the subject property would fit into the future plans
of the Specific Area Plan, Mr. Hewicker explained that the Specific
Area Plan Committee has not reviewed the use permit, and they
have not reviewed or determined parking requirements for uses.
The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and
Mr. Geoffrey Landon, applicant, appeared before the Planning
Commission. In response to a question posed by Chairman Di
January 23, 1992
Sano, Mr. Landon concurred with the findings and conditions in
Exhibit "A' with the exception of Condition No. 8 regarding the
hours of operation and Condition No. 10 regarding the service of
alcoholic beverages. Mr. Landon requested that the establishment
be allowed to remain open all night on Friday and Saturday nights
during the summer months to service the residents in the area;
however, the restaurant could close between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00
p.m. to comply with concerns regarding the traffic. Mr. Landon
further requested a wine and beer license which would be used
primarily for breakfast and lunch.
Mr. Hewicker stated that the inclusion of the beer and wine was
not a part of the public notice. He further stated that it was staff's
impression that the subject establishment was an extension of the
existing Hidi's Restaurant at another location, and would be open
during the existing operating hours. . The use permit that was
approved for the existing Hidi's Restaurant will remain on the
property, and there is no guarantee that a future applicant will not
establish a restaurant at that site after the requested operation
eaves the property.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Pomeroy, Mr.
Landon explained that he considered summer months to be from
June 30 to September 1.
Landon explained that the existing Hidi's Restaurant is
currently closed inasmuch as the building is in a rundown condition,
d for that reason the establishment has requested to move to
other site.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Debay, Mr.
Landon explained that it is not his concern to deal with the Health
Department concerning the condition of the building; however, the
restaurant operation is inspected every 60 to 90 days by the Health
response to a question posed by Commissioner Gross, Mr.
-andon explained that he was not aware of the Specific Area Plan
d Hoc Committee. He said that the residents are interested in
naintaining some of the historic buildings that are in the downtown
alboa area. Commissioner Gross suggested that the application
e continued so as to allow the applicant time to meet with the
January 23, 1992
members of the Specific Area Plan Committee. Mr. Landon
agreed to continue the application. Commissioner Gross further
stated that the Planning Commission would not be able to take
action on the use permit at this time if the application includes a
request to serve alcoholic beverages.
Mr. Landon explained that it is possible that chemicals could exist
in the soil at the subject site because a dry cleaners was previously
located in the subject building. He said that before he pursues a
restaurant on the site, he will obtain a soils test immediately.
Mr. Douglas Boyd, President of the Balboa Peninsula Point
Association, appeared before the Planning Commission. He said
that the Association would support the request to continue the use
Motion was made and voted on to continue Use Permit No. 3437
to the Planning Commission meeting of February 20, 1992, to give
the applicant time to meet with staff and members of the Specific
Area Plan Committee. MOTION CARRIED.
Use Permit No. 3438 (Public nn
Item No.3
Request to permit the conversion of an existing two car garage into
a management /leasing office; the enclosure of eight existing
carports to be used as garages; and the construction of a new trash
enclosure, in conjunction with the existing Granville Apartments
located in the Unclassified District.
CATION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10-20 (Resubdivision
No. 233) located at 1001 -1147 Granville
Drive, westerly of Newport Center Drive,
adjacent to the southerly entrance to Newport
ONE: Unclassified
PLICANT: WEBSCO Properties and Orion Construction,
Santa Ana
January 23, 1992
�o 0
OWNER: The Granville, Ltd., Newport Beach
The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and
Mr. Rodney Plascencia appeared before the Planning Commission
on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Plascencia concurred with the
findings and conditions in Exhibit "A ".
In response to a request for clarification regarding Condition No.
4, Exhibit "A ", regarding Coastal Commission approval, James
Hewicker, Planning Director, explained that the distance for
Coastal Commission approval varies. The subject property is within
the Coastal Zone, and any discretionary action taken by the City
requires Coastal Commission approval. The applicant is required
to file an Approval in Concept with the City, and that would allow
the applicant to go to the Coastal Commission.
In response to a question posed by Commissioner Merrill regarding
the change in operation at the Granville Apartments, Mr.
Plascencia explained that the subject establishment has suffered
vacancies due to the increase in competition, and there has not
been an on -site leasing office to assist potential tenants until
There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public
hearing was closed at this time.
Motion was made and voted on to approve Use Permit No. 3438
All Ayes
subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A'. MOTION
1. That the proposed construction is consistent with the Land
Use Element of the General Plan, and the Land Use Plan
of the Local Coastal Plan, and is compatible with the
surrounding land uses.
2. That the design of the proposed improvements will not
conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large
for access through or use of property within the proposed
January 23, 1992
3. That the approval of Use Permit No. 3438 will not, under
the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health,
safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of
persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be
detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in
the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City.
1. That the proposed construction shall be in substantial
conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and
elevations, except as noted below.
2. That the proposed garages and the existing garages, at the
northerly side of the manager's residence, shall remain
accessible to the parking of vehicles at all times.
3. That the proposed garages shall maintain the required clear
interior dimensions for parking spaces as specified in
Section 20.87.260 in the Municipal Code.
4. That Coastal Commission approval shall be obtained prior
to the issuance of building permits for the proposed
5. That the on -site parldng and, vehicular circulation system be
subject to further review by the City Traffic Engineer.
This use permit shall expire unless exercised within 24
months from the date of approval as specified in Section
20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code.
Variance No. 1154 R ' w (Discussion)
Item No.4
Request to clarify and interpret Condition of Approval No. 7 of the
reviously approved Variance No. 1154 which permitted: the
onstruction of a second floor addition to a single family dwelling
Cont to
2/6 %92
hich exceeded 1.5 times the buildable area of the site; and
ermitted the waiver of one of the required off - street parking
paces. The previous approval also included a modification to the
January 23, 1992
c� �0 q�
Zoning Code so as to allow various front, side and rear yard
encroachments associated with the second floor addition. The
current discussion involves a request to clarify and interpret the
condition of approval which prohibited the construction of a fence,
building or other obstruction higher than 6 inches in the side yard
setback adjacent to the alley.
LOCATION: A portion of Lot 24, Block 13, Section 1,
Balboa Island, located at 527 Park Avenue,
on the southwesterly side of Park Avenue,
between Topaz Avenue and Turquoise
Avenue, on Balboa Island.
ZONE: R -1.5
APPLICANT: Maxwell B. Phillips, Balboa Island
OWNER: Same as applicant
awes Hewicker, Planning Director, suggested that this item be
continued to the Planning Commission meeting of February 6,
1992, as requested by the applicant.
Motion was made and voted on to continue Variance No. 1154 to
All Ayes
the February 6, 1992, Planning Commission meeting. MOTION
Modification No. 3958 (Public H
item No.5
equest to establish a McDonald's specialty food service use on
Nod 3958
property located in the SP-6 District.
L)OCATION: Lots 2 - 20, Block 127, Lake Tract, and a
vacated portion of Newport Boulevard,
located at 2727 Newport Boulevard,
comprising the entire block bounded by 28th
Street, Newport Boulevard (southbound), 26th
Street and West Balboa Boulevard, in the
Cannery Village /McFadden Square Specific
Plan Area.
\ �' I \
21- ee\N \
January 23, 1992
APPLICANT: McDonald's Corporation, San Diego
OWNER: Newport Peninsula Center Associates, Newport
James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that the applicant has
requested that this item be removed from calendar.
Motion was made and voted on to remove Modification No. 3958
All Ayes
from calendar. MOTION CARRIED.
a a s
The Planning Commission recessed at 7:55 p.m. and reconvened at
8:15 p.m. to continue Item No. 1.
The Planning Commission adjourned at 11:58 p.m.