HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/15/1948The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a` regular meeting, Thursday,.April 15, 19480 in the City Hall, Council Chamber, with Chairman Longmoor presiding. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbr.oek,.Johnson, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. Commissioners absent: 'Pleger. MINUTES Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded.by Commissioner Wight - man, that the minutes-of the meeting of March 18, 1948, and ..those of the meeting of March 25, 1948s be approved, with the correction of the typographical error in thee@ of March 25, 1948. Motion carried and so ordered. JIUBLIC HEARINGS. Final hearing upon the petition of property owners of Lots 9 to 13,. inclusive, Block C, East Newport Addition, for rezoning from R-2 to R -3, was declared and heard. No protests were.received or heard. Secretary Ellerbroek - reported for Commissioner Pleger, absent, stat- ing that the committee of Commissioner Pleger, Ellerbroek, and Rudd had checked these properties, and found that these said.lote, if zoned R-3 would finish out the block of R -3 zoning, as all other lots are R -3, and, that sms is almost next to Christian's Hut, so recom- mended the approval of the petition. Commissioner Rudd made the motion for closing the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Daniell, which carried, and Commissioner Ellerbroek then made the motion, sec- onded by Commissioner Wightman that the Planning Commission recommend ROLL CALL VOTE the granting of the petition. Roll call vote carried: AYES Baltz,. Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. Noes: None. ABSENT: Pleger. M Final hearing upon the petition of property owners of Lots 11 t'o'19, inclusive, Tract 4442 facing on Old County Road, for rezoning from R-1 to R -3, was declared, and heard. Mrs. Eva F. Rhoden, oft of the petitioners, was present, stating that her intentions are to eonstauet buildings that will be a credit to the area, which is not suitable for R-1 buildings. Commissioner Johnson, chairman of the committee, could see no objection to the rezoning to R -3, although he personally recom- mended R -2, due to the proximity to the new subdivision, which is re- etrieted- to -R -1 toning. Commissi..ner Copelin stated that he had also looked over the properties, that they adjoin income property, and se reco -...mended the change. Commissioner Rudd made.the. motion, seconded by Commissioner Daniell to close the hearing, which carried, and Com- missioner Copelin then made the motion, seconded by Commissioner'John- son, for the recommendation by the Planning Commission for the approval of this petition for rezoning from R -1 to R -3. This motion carried by ROLL CALL VOTE the following roll call votes AYES:Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek Johnson, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. NOES: None. ABSENT: Pleger. Final hearing upon the matter of the application of The Irvine Comism for the rezoning to 0-1 of Lot 171, Block 34, Irvine Subdivision, ete.f as described in the Minutes of March 18, 1948, and as advertised, was declared and heard. No protests were received or heard, and Commiss- ioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Baltz to close the hearing, which carried, and Commissioner Johnson made the motion seconded by Commissioner Wightman, that the Planning Commission reoom- mend the approval of this application for rezoning to 071 of the said described Irvine property. This motion carried by the following roll ROLL CALL VOTE call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelinx Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Long- i 39 - moor, Rudd and Wightman. NOES: None. ABSENTS Pleger. First hearing upon the matter of the application of Margaret H. duBarry ' - and George H. duBarry for rezoning from R-2 to.0 -1 of Lots j, 4, 5, and 6, Block R, seashore Cology Tract, West Newport, and, permission to raise, the height limit to five story apartment building height, with a penthouse on top, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Many pro- party owners were present for the hearing, strenuously opposing any change in zoning in the area, and Mr. duBarry, also present, heatedly argued for same, and his cause, explaining that he purchased the properties tees gears ago, that is the western entrance to Newport, so of great importance# and his plans are for an apartment house for 'rehabilitation of amputees', "think of Newport Beach having such a building, and having a man willing to do it." Those present, strongly opposing, Were E. Schrumpf, Mrs. Gra- ham, Mrs. Betty Les, Mr. Ted Oilver, R. Burr, G. E. Walker ;AMr. Stone, not a property owner, spoke in approval. Secretary Ellerbroek read a petition with sixty names, and three letters, all protesting. The heated discuss- ion was necessarily interrupted many times by Chairman Longmoor, for order but, all present were given an opportunity to voice their opinions, pro- viding personalities were kept out. Commissioner Baltz made the motion for closing the hearing to be set for final heL-ring on May 20, 1948, which was seconded by Commissioner Daniell, and carried, so ordered. . Hearing upon the matter of the application of S. R. Monaco, M. D., for a conditional permit for Lot 9, Block 884 (816 West Central Avenue, BalboaO to extend his present building for an office for the practise of medicine, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Dr. Monaco was present, with plans for the proposed addition, and requested the Secretary ' tp read his application, as well as one from Chief of Police Htdgkinson, which was in approval, not only of the application, but also of Dr. Monace's cooperation and public spiritedness, that "a doctor's office at this loca- tion would be ide lly situated for emergencies, and would not present any traffic problems, also, that he is entitled to any consideration that your honorable bo "y is able to show." Mr. Louis Briggs was also present, stat- ing that investigation shows that "the character of this neighborhood has changed, and such changes effect zoning. There is considerable C -zoned propert but values have become so high, as to be almost prohibitive, so would /99 &ommend this for-rezoning, but would recommend it for a conditional permit as there are no adequate medical buildings in the area. Do favor the application." Secretary Ellerbroek stated that Commissioner Pleger chairman of the committee on this, stated that the committee of Commission- er's Johnson, Pleger, and Wightman, felt that due to the seriousness of this matter, that the entire Commission should autdy it. Commissioner Johnson reminded the Commission that "over a year ago, Dr. Monaco applied for a zone change for this property, and we,would be departing from line, if we approve this, so am not in favor." Secretary Ellerbroek stated that the Commission recommended the denial at that time because it was then for a zone change. Commissioner Johnson expressed his request that the Commiss- ion as a whole check the matter, to which Commissioner Baltz and Copelin agreed. Commissioner Daniell said "plans look like the proposed building would definitely be an asset to the neighborhood." Dr. Monaco explained that he got his permit for the original building in 19449 and got "top ' priority to build and operate' only thing I want now and am asking for is an extension.. I applied for a zone change in 1946 but was apparently mis- lead, as it was rejected." Commissioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd that the matter be continued to the next regular meet- ing, which carrieds and Chairman Longmoor appointed the Commission as a whole to study the matter and report at the next meeting.q #ffr 1gonBJocka��2;cTract If R. C. Benner, for 50% setback on 13th Street 34, Newport Beach, was declared, same having M41 been duly filed and advertised. Commissioner Rudd, chairman of the committee on this, reported that the committee would not recommend and could see no jsutification for approval, except that the property ' owner was trying to get more space, and that all other buildings in the block conform. Commissioner Baltz made the motion to close the hearing, which carried,.a86er beg.seconded.by Commissioner Rudd, and Commissioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnson that the Planning Oommission recommend that this application be denied. ROLL CALL VOTE This motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYESs Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johi_son, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. Noes: None. ABSENT: Pleger. Hearing upon the application of Mr. L. B. Culver, for 25% side yard setback variance for Lot 60 Block 21, Section , Balboa Island, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Commissioner Daniell reported that he would recommend the approval, as the plans call for the overhang of a chimney, which would improve the appearance of the present building, to which Secretary Ellerbroek agreed, being only afraid that the approval might set a precedent. Building Inspect- or Nelson stated that he did not see how "it could hurt anything ". Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Copelin that the hearing be closed, which carried, and Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Daniell that the application be ROLL CALL VOTE approved. This motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYESt Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. NOESt Johnson. ABSENT: Pleger. Hearing upon the application of Mr. John A. Whalen for a 50% side yard ' setback variance for Lot 6, Block 39 Section 1, Balboa Island, (210 So- Bay Front), was declared., came he ing been duly filed and advertised. Commissioner Daniell, chairman of the committee to check this, requested the reading of the applicant's letter, as he, after checking the pro- perty, could see no reason for the request, to which Secretary Ellerbroek agreed, stating that if granted, the building would obstruct the view of other houses in the block, and so would oppose the granting of same. Commissioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd to close the haring, which carried, and Commissioner Copelin made the mo- tion, seconded by Commissioner Johnson that the Planning Commission re- commend that this application be denied'. This motion carried by the ROLL CALL VOTE following roll call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelin, Daniell,. Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor, Rudd and Wightman. NOES:. None. ABSENTS Pleger. First-hearing upon the matter of the application of Mr. C. F. RexReohs for rezoning from R -2 to R -3 for Lot 5, Block 23, Newport Beach (2308 West Oce-n Front, Newport), to build a ten unit addition to the present Ocean Front Hotel. Mr. RexRechs was present and explained Ui plane, that when he purchased the lot he thought, it was zoned R -3, theft he owns the hotel and wishes to add to it, that there is a garage on the back of the property which will have to be made available for cars, and that he thought it would accommodate eijht care. Commissioner Johnson then in- formed Mr. RexRechs that the garage must be on the same property, and • that the one mentioned is across the alley. After discussion, Chairman Longmoor suggested that Mr. RexRechs meet with the committee of Commiso- ' ioners Rudd, Pleger, and Copelin, and Building Inspector Nelson, to gtj over the matter. Commissioner Copelin made the motion,.seconded by Commissioner Wightman that the matter be set to second hearing, which carried, and so ordered. OLD BUSINESS ie matter of amending the ordinance relative to increased gasoline rage ctta brought up, same having been referred at the last meeting, to Mr. George Prussing for assistance in writing such an amendment, and as Mr. Prussing's recommendation was for deleting Section 7 C-1 (2) "pro - vided no gasoline or Class "A" petroleum products in excess of a total of five thousand (50000) gallons and .five thousand (5,000) gallons of other petroleum products per 2,500 square feet of lot area are stored, and pro- vided further that no more than a total of ten thousand (10,000) gallons of each of the,above classes of petroleum products per block shall be stored upon property fronting upon or located within 100 feet of the wat- ers of Newport Bay", end, Section 8'C-1, the same. ,Chairman Longmoor stat- ed that he thought that this matter should be referred to the Harbor Com- mission before any action be taken, and Commissioner Daniell agreed, 'and* added that he thought some should be also referred to the Port Security Officer, for suggestions. Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Daniell, that this be done by the Secretary, and the mat- ter tabled for further study. Motion carried, and so ordered. . Secretary Ellerbroek read two .letters, one from Mr. Thomas Lyon and one COMMUNICATIONS from Mr. Marc Goodnow, relative to setback variances, received too late NEW BUSINESS for action, at this meeting. Mr. .Robert Killefer, representing "Ir. Lyon and Yr. Goodnow, was notified to file for advertising for public hearing for the next meeting. Also read was a letter from Yr. Harold Sweetser, also 'relative to setback variance, and, he, being present, was, advised to file. Commissioner Daniell brought up the matter of the very small building now being erected on the lo$ at the corner of Ealm and Central, Balboa, same being apparently not checked or approved by the Planning Commission, which he questioned, as he understood that Central Avenue to be a main thorofare. Building Inspector Nelson said that he had never been advised that Central Avenue is such, a,:d, consequently,only permit for Coast High- way are being referred to the Commission, as that is the only street set forth, to him, as a main thorofare. Secretary Ellerbroek reported that the members of the Planning Commission and the members of the City Council met last evening, April 14,•1948, with Mr. Campbell, of the firm of Hahn Campbell and kAbociates, Planning Con - s:hltants, to consider Mr. Campbell's plans, the cost of which was given as $16,000:00. After discussion, Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd that the Commission recommend the employment of Mr. Campbell, by the City Council, as Planning Consultant, in accordance with the submitted bid. This motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Baltz, Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor, Rudd, ROLL CALL VOTE and Wightman. NOES: None. ABSE "r,'T: Pleger. Commissioner Daniell made the motion for adjournment, seconded by Commis- sioner Copelin, which oarried, and so ordered. Respectfully submitted, c ' Philmer J. Ellerbroek, Secret