HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/194257 May 209 1942 TIM NEWPORT BEACH CITY IL ANNING COMMISSION: hold its regular monthly meeting in - the Council Chambers, City Hall, Newport Beach, California on Ted. Eve. May 20th, 1942 at 7.30 P.M.. Chairman Johnson calling the meeting to order. Commissioners present: FindlaY, Finch, Allen, Johnson, Seeger, Nelsoni; ROLL CALL and Patterson. absent: .Hams. and Hopkins. The Chairman called for consideration of the minutes of the meeting. of Apr.'. MINUTES 15. 1942 stating that they were correct so far as he was concerned. Cos. Patterson moved that these minutes be approved as written,, which motion was. - seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered ty the Chairmen. Chr. Johnson asked the Secretary if he had received any communications. See- APPLICATION rotary Seeger, in reply, stated that Senator 8uehel and his client. Mr. N. :A. OF LIDO Eovacevich, were present and that Senator Xuchsl desired to speak to the SEA FOOD CO. Commission on the subject of an application presented to the City Council by Mr. govacevich. He added that he would suggest they be heard at that ties since they had other business to attend to afterward. Secretary Seeger mado� a motion that the regular order of business be suspended for this purpose, which motion �secanded by Con. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered, cerpt from a letter presentsd to the City Ccnnip- ' il, as follows s- *The undersigned, N. A. Sovacevich, owner of the Lido Sea Food Co., 36th d Lafayette Streets, Newport Beach. Calif. presents herewith his petition re- questing an amendments snpplamlnt or gongs in the regulations described fo* the property located at-the above address. It in the desire of the undersigned to petition that such change be madt so that the above property may be used as a fish cannery which would engage in the business oY.paoking eerdinea and aaahoviea. Aa yacr Honorable Body knows, the above property is located directly across the street from a ma4- Orel cannery now in operation. The cannery contemplated by the um ersigned would . have a - capacity of ap* proximately 10 tons per day, yielding about 250 cases of 3J amen of canned fish. It would entail the e01VMnt of about 30 people eontinnesely in the plant itself and would, in addition, give year rolind swploymait to fisbs3me34 who at the present time are not bringing in catches of sardines and anchovies, for the reason that there is no cannery in this vicinity properly equipped to pack them. The anchovies and sardines, it is contemplated, would be fried or steed and packed in oil. This would eliminate all possibility of a3W nesious fV10010 or odors. The offal would be disposed of daily, which in turn would again, eliminate odor. This identical type of operation is presently being used the Seasido fisheries, Inc., 1100 West Third, Long Beach. Calif. and all odors usually connected with fish canning have been eliminated by this concern. I need not call your attention to the._ever8rewing seed of America is ' war times for the abundance of food wonly,:particulerly of a kind which vrold be susceptible to easy shipping and handling and which would beep inAefini I am confident that were this request to be granted, the great bulk Of my establishment would -be purchased ty the goverment, .Beyond• this, current federal odors have prohibits& *party boats for fishing* and your permission for me to proceed 'would offer local fishormea a ready Opportunity for 0031 -I tinned gainful occupations. 58 A_'PLICATICN Senator Rachel stated that in the past several years in California people Lad OF LIDO become.more conscious of zoning and were interested in beautifying tome, He SEA FOOD Co .said both he and his client were aware of the difficulties involved in prey seating a petition to the Planning Commission and County Connell of a city as "zoning conscious" as is Newport Beach. Re stated that our city was noted ' for their beautiful yachts, homes, etc., and their watchfulness in its future devenopaent was commendable. The petition would be welcome, were it azy other type of industry. Senator Rachel stressed the point that it is nenten+ plated to add to the industrial section of Newport Beach and to the natural beauty of the city. In. respect to the hostorical bad features of the fishing industry, he stated that it could be established to the entire satisfaction of everyone that those objectionable features would be eliminated. Mr. love - cevich was an American who had lived in Newport Beach for two years and was thoroughly familiar with the venture he desired to operate. He stated it was his clientle desire to erect a beautiful building and an enterprise of comr siderable merit. Operations weed be carried on in a manner that would slima inate the kind of:eise that the torm, *]Kok Cauneriess brings to mind. Be brought to attention the fact that a umber of people would -be emplared aan- stently. Senator Riechsi presented the blueprint of the proposed building. Af- ter discussing this blueprint, the Commissioners asked various questions of both gentlemen. Com. Nelson asked the petitioner what type of construction was planned and was told it was to be of stucco construction. Cm. Patterson inquired whether or not it was planned to build around the outside of the present building in which Hr. Rovacevieh stated it was his intention to add to the present building, adding that he had an option from the city to buy the adjoining property from the city. -SenroW7 Seager inquired what type of business was being condwoW one the site at the present time and was told that a wholesale fish market was there now. Senator Ruchol stated that he and his client would very much appreetato ' being given a chance to answer questions forther and tisat another meeting be bold before the matter was acted m. He was advised that two hearings would be held on the matter before action was taken. Can. Patterson moved the application be set for public 'bearing and the Secretary be instructed to advertise the matter for the next regular meeting to be hold on June 179 1942. Gem. Nelson seconded the motion which carried and was ordered. Com. Allen moved the regular order of business be resumed which motion was seconded.by Can. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered. APPLICATION OF Sscretary Seeger read an application transmitted through the City Council, J. W. PEYTON from the J. R. Peyton Company requesting the rezoning from C-1 to B-1 zone CUMPANY of the following legally described propertys "That portion of Lot A, of Tract $919, as shown on a map recorded in Hk 29, pages 31, 320 33 and 34 of Miscellaneous claps, Records of Orarge County, California described'as follewss- "Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the State Highway as she= on said map (said point being in the southerly line of said Lot A) distant thereen 1113.78 feet northwesterly measured along said northerly line, from the most southerly corner of said Lot A; and running thence from said point of beginning northwesterly along said southerly line of said Lot A, 125 feet; thence north 390 431 30" Bast and parallel with the southeasterly 1129 of ' said Lot 310.40 feet to a point; thence southeasterly along a lineoparallel with the southerly line of said let, 125 feet; and thence south. 39 431 We Hest and parallel with the southeasterly line of said lot, 310.40 feet to the point of beginning, excepting the southwest 20 feet, whfah is reserved for State Highway". Cam. Patterson moved the Seoretax7 be Instructed to set the matter for first healing at the next regular meeting, properly advertising same, which motion I 59 was seconded by Secretary Seeger. Motion carried and so orders& The Chairman threw the matter open for second hoaxing asking if the Secretsry APPLICATION had received any written protests. The Secretary reported none had been re. OF SCUTH 'ceived. Chaim Johnson called for verbal protests. No one. was present to COAST CO. protest the matter. The Commissioners then theemssed the matter. Chairman doho- son eVlained to the new member, Mr. Braden Finch. Chr. Johnson then'barAed .i Secretary Seeger a letter which he had received from Com. Hopkins who was obi seat on a business trip. Cam. Hopkins desired to place his view an the matter; before the Commission and being unable to be present, took this method of doing so. Secretary Seeger then read the except from Cam. Hopkins$ letter:- mI should like to offer this suggestion in reference to the rezoning of the city owner property (present city camp) so that the South Coast Co. can use the property for M-1 uses. To rezone this property to an M-1 zone would be a per- manent.chance and I believe all careful'pla:mers will agree that this would be very unwise and damaging to the adjoining &1 Bayo district. The Commission should not tie the bawds of these property owners by rezoning, and tbMe making_ it impossible for them to protest their own interests. I would offer this suggestion which is made, not that I feel it is good practice, but because it is a constructive method to accomplish during the "duration that which the South Coast Co. and (I am quite sure) the interested property owners wish to accomplish - the speedy building of more ships, And this is the program I would propose. - Let the South Coast Company proceed to use the property after having cir- culated and filed with the City, a petition among the adjacent and interested property owners for their signatures. The property owners would state i n the petition that they will not prosecute the ioutb Coast Compa4 in any court for the infringement of the Zoning Ordinance so long as the present war lasts and. 'they are engaged in the production of ships for the goverment for war purposes. This, perhaps, would not be binding, but I truly believe their patriotism can be relied upon to give to the South Coast Company the peaceful use of the area In question as long as they really need it for government work. I am assuming that the city officials would withhold any desire to prosecute. I must admit that I am suggesting a very irregular procedure but if and Alien all interested parties give . limited consent to the temporary abandonment of that part of the ordinance which would prohibit the now desirable use the prop- erty, I cannot but feel that we are accogaishiwg the desired ends in the most satisfactory manner. I am assuming also that the interests of all parties will be protected by the proper wording and insertion of clauses designed to give that protection. For instance, it would be wrong for the company or others and sometime later claim that rights had accrued to them or others because of some use or action or lack of action all within the program. Therefore,the; company should agree to abandon the use entirely by a certain time and in any; event within 2 mos. after the emergency texminates.e I After Seey Seeger finished reading the excerpt requested, Chr. Johnson stated he believed that it would be a good manner in which to handle the mat- ter. He believed the Planning Commission should be slow in rezoning prop" in the heart of a city. Secy.Seager stated he had been opposed to the rezoning from the start from the standpoint of good planning. He added he could be aoj cased of being unpatriotic in making such a statement. However, everything should be done that could be, to bring the war to a successful conclusion. It- 'is dangerous to rezone property and that no only included city property but that of two other corporations. He felt sure if it were rezoned,the property would never revert to its former zone.He said the reason for his stand was that everything was so indefinite depending on possible options and contractel that do not now, exist. He said we should not take a positive action influsacr ing property values and rights on the theory that something is going to happen. 60 Sec'y.Seager added he believed postponing of final action on the matter until something definite develops is the proper procedure. boa. Allen stated that since the matter had been advertised for second hearing it should not be postponed. Com.Patterson read Sec. 11 of Ord. ,#440 and stated his thought was that the Planning Commission could recommend the issuance of a temporary permit pending the amendment to the Ordinance and that hearings could be continued for the duration if necessary. Both Gems. Allen and Finch voiced their approval of this procedure. After much discussion, Secy. $eager made a motion that the Secly. be instructed to report to the City Council the recommendation of the Planning Commission, under the provisions of Sec. 11 of Ord. #440, the issuance of a tem- porary permit and that this permit be defined as providing for the completion of any United States vessels then under construction and to conform with the provisions of the proposed lease between the South Coast Company and the City of Newport Beach. Motion seconded by Cam. Findlay. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes: Findley, Finch ,Allen,Johnson.Seager,Nelson, Patterson Noes: None - Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Cam. Patterson moved the hearing on the rezoning be continued. Cam. Nelson seconded. Motion carried and so order- ed. REPORT ON MEETING OF ORANGE COOTY PLANNERS SOCIETY Com. Findlay asked Chr. Johnson to give the commission a resume of the meeting held by the Orange Connty.Planners Society which both gentlemen attended. Chr. Johnson stated that the dinner was good, the meeting an iuter0sting one and the speaker of the evening, Mr. Bennett who for 20 years had been Planning Engineer of Milwaukee, very easily held his audience spellbound. Chr. Johnson described Mr. Bennett as a Mid Western booster still although he is interested in planning in Southern California. He explained how planning had provided for parks, recre- ation centers, etc., in Milwaukee. Later.Mr. Bowen of the Pacific Else. Co.,talk- ed to the group, explaining the many problems confronting his company. Where they had carried 800,000 passengers in a single month, the P. E. Company was ' now called on to carry 3,000,000. While they had priorities on rails, steel could not.be obtained, Mr. Bowen advised. Mr. Bowen called for suggestions from the audience and many were forthcoming. In concluding his remarks, Chr. Johnson said the evening had been well spent. He added that the Orange Co.Planners Soo. had been entertained at the three previous meetings at Santa Ana. He thought it would be nice to act as Host at the next meeting..He said he had not voiced this thought, now knowing the desire of the Commission. Mr. Findlay said he was most impressed by Mr. Bennett's comment that on the Pac. Coast, planning is consider- ed a necessary evil, while in Milwaukee, people are planning conscious to the extent that a man running for Councilman states he is in favor of planning as part of his platform. Cam. Patterson made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Cam. Allen, carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Re pectfully submitted, HOWARD W. SEAGER, Secretary.