HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1941October 1st, 1841: 'THE xwCRT HUGE CITY PLANIEH6 COMMISSION met in adjourned session on Wed. eve. October. let in the Council Chamber, City Ball, Newport Beach. Calif., Chairman Johnson presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman at 7.30 The Secretary read a commm Acation from John D. Burnham, 433 S.Spring St.. L.A. Calif, reading as follows:. "Gentlemen.- I have recently acquired Lot 15. Blk 260 East Side Addit- ion at the corner -of J Stand E. Central Ave. Balboa. This lot is im- proved with a 2 story residence on the J St. corner and a 1 story strao- tare on the alley. The 1 story structure was, in the past, operated as a store, but no longer has this legal right and.ls in disrepair. The gone is R-1. I wish to remodel this bldg. to improve itce appearance and bring into "fairer conformity with its surroaadi.ngs". A floor plan and elevation of proposed remodeling by Architect,Donald Beach Kirby, together with 2 snapshots are submitted herewith for your consideration. Should you - approve, I will appreciate your requesting the City Bldg. Dept. to grant the necessary permit at this time. (Signed) John D. Buraboa" 37, E ROLL CALL COP:.UNI CA TI ONS As Mr. Burnham was present, he was asked by Chr.Johnsoa what he proposed to do with the property. He stated that it was his desire to remodel it,making it more acceptable.,Cam.Hopkine stated that he had talked to Mr. Burnham A few months ego and that the plan he presented, tallied closely with what be had in mind. Cam. Patterson stated that it was a matter oY rezoning Lot 15 'to H2 and remodeling to a residence. It was suggested to Mr. Burnham that he apply for rezoning. Mr. Burnham stated that the bui+ldlsg wma, at proseat, be- ing used for storms. Cam. Hopkins said that 80% of the property owners In that section are against rezoning to 22. Mr. Burnham stated that rather than cause disharmony, he would shelve the matter. Cost. Allen motioned the letter; be filed, which motion was seconded by Gem. Hopkins and so ordered by the Chairmen. The matter of the proposed extension of C-1 Zone on the westerly Bids Of Ceaq 21;D IEAFING ON tral Ave. from its present termination at Finley Ave. northerly to Short St.iEXTENSION OF C -1 was called for second hearing,this being an amendment to Ordinance 490. ZONE ON 'VE:STERN SITE Or CENTRAL The Secretary informed the Chairman that no written protests had been receLY -PAVE FROM ITS ad. The Chairman then asked if anyone present desired to protest verbally. As PRESENT no one replied, Cem. Patterson moved the adoption of Resolution #184 recmmmead- TERMINATION ing that the 0-1 Zone an Westerly side of Central Ave.fra. its present tend -r AT FI1j2Y AVE lotion at Finley Ave. northerly to Short St. be extended and that the some be NOR ^!HERLY TO transmitted to the City Goaacil by the Secretary as the recoemendatioII of the SHORT STREET Commission and copy filed as pert of the minates of this mestisg.Seconded by Cam. Allen. Chr.Johnsou called for a Roll Call Vote. ROLL Ciiii Ayes: Findley,Hopkine. Hall .Ssager,Jahnsoa,Pattersam,Allon Hoes: donne Motion carried and so ordered. 'Chairman Johnson called attention to the fact that much of the arse' Sa 21ag.1IFRO20SED CHANGS caster Additions was used for business.although zoned R3 and wbile business I11 ZONING CLASS es as such, were legnl, due to the zoos classification, were non.- conforming.. IFI';ATICNS IN He suggested that steps be taken to change the zone Classification spprozimat�k- OF LANCAST ER IS ADLITION ly between 26th St. On the South, the Hudson on the Herth,1afr4ystte on the 38 East and Central Ave. on the West. These changes to be made in keeping with changes outlined in the now Zoning Ordinance recently referred to the City Council. but not passed. BecretaW Seager read a letter from Mr. 1k. E. David, P.O.Box 70, San Pedro in which he advised that he had bought Lot 8o, Block 530 from the city, inadvertently understanding that it was sowed for business. He explained that he understood the 02 zone came close to his Property and requested that the lot be rezoned from B3 to C2 zone. Chr. Johnson- stated that the leaver was written at his suggestion. Cam. Hopkins suggested the area is known as B3 sons. Com. Patterson advised this would still prevent Mr. David from going into business and that rezoning would be is order. Cam..Patterasm mods a motion that the area be rezoned from E3 to 02 which motion. Com. Findlay amended to read. °Sloe westerly half of Blocks 530 and 431 and the northerly half of Blocks 459 and 331 be dong -ed from B3 to C2 -with the exception of that portion already zoned C-l. Motion seconded by .Cam. Patterson. Notion carried and so ordered by the Cbairmau, After furthe* discussion, a motion was made by Com.BindlWs seconded by Cam. Allen, instructing the Secretary to secure the legal discription from the City Engineer of the property involved and publish a notice for the first public hearing, fixing the data thsroef. Notion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. On motion made by Cam. Alien; seconded by Cam. Pattersont carried and so or- ADJaUTRI ;ENT dared by the Chairman, the meeting adjourned. Chr. Johnson advised he would be away for the neat meeting and appointed Cam. Hopkins to take his office for that evening. Be etfnlly sn/b®itt d.. 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