HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/1970COMMISSIONERS Present Absent CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Regular Planning Commission Meeting Place: Council Chambers Time: 8:00 P.M. Date: October 15.1970 MINUTES INDEX x x x x x Roll Call x x EX- OFFICIO MEMBERS Laurence Wilson, Planning Director Dennis O'Neil, Asst. City Attorney Benjamin B. Nolan, City Engineer STAFF MEMBERS James D. Hewicker, Asst. Planning Director Helen Herrmann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Item 1. Request to amend Use Permit No. 1302 (Arches AMENDMEN' Marina property) as follows: T'bv`Si- M T A. Permit establishment of T.V. banking N�02 facilities for the Centinela Bank in the parking lot. APPROVED AND B. Permit a boat to be used as a 150 seat DENIED floating restaurant. Location: Portion of Lot 170, Block 2, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 3333 West Coast Highway, on the south side of West Coast Highway between Newport Boulevard and Riverside Avenue. Zone: C -2 Applicant: Newport Arches Marina, Inc. Owner: City of Newport Beach and County of Orange Planning Director Wilson presented the applicatio to the Commission and read into the record a letter from Mr, P. A. Palmer protesting amendment of the use permit to allow drive -up banking facil- ities. Mr. Gene Bothwell represented the Newport Arches Marina, and stated that there was a discrepancy, in the staff report; he had received a letter Page 1. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 03 . � N OLL CALL ? " 3 October 15. 1970 MINUTES INDEX dated October 15, 1970 from Mr. Clarence V. LaNie , Regional Vice President of the Centinela Bank stating that the following hours of operation were .desired: 7:30 A.M. or 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday thr Friday 7:30 A.M. or 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Friday 8:00 A.M. or 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., Saturday The westerly portion of the Newport Arches Marina parking lot is very awkwardly designed at the present time: Planning Director Wilson stated that recent information indicates the California Division of Highways would be willing to negotiat a temporary lease for enough additional space to allow an adequate two -way aisle with perpendicula parking along both sides on the westerly portion of the lot pending use of the right -of -way to re- build and improve the interchange between Pacific Coast Highway and Newport Boulevard. However, this temporary lease would be between the State . Division of Highways and the City of Newport Beac . Newport Arches Marina could then sublease this portion of State Highway right -of -way, and would also be responsible for improving and operating the parking area. Planning Director Wilson stated that the drawings presented by the appli -. cants do not show the precise location for the banking booths and it would be necessary to work this out if the application is approved. Mr. George Koteles, architect, working with Mr. Rempp, addressed the Commission regarding the requested floating restaurant and answered ques- tions regarding.the height of the super structure He stated that at high tide the deck level is 3 feet above the bulkhead and the average height of.the super structure about 8 feet, making a total of 11 feet. The height from the water leve to the deck is approximately 7 feet and from the deck to the super structure 8 feet, making a tota of 15 feet. There was a lengthy discussion regarding how per- manent placement of this boat at the proposed loc - tion would affect one of the remaining attractive . "windows to the bay ". Mr. Rempp and Mr. Koteles displayed renderings and a photograph of the sail ing ship "Ellen ". The Commission expressed con- cern regarding the parking situation; even though there has been no apparent shortage of parking up Page 2. COMMISSIONERS ? to u p. 'S 0L CALL 3 N � Motion Second All Ayes • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES October 15, 1970 INDEX to this time, all of the activities on the property have at no time been in operation simul- taneously and the existing restaurants, which are in the process of being remodelled, have never approached their potential in patronage. After a lengthy discussion the Commission took the following action:_ x X A. The request for T.V. banking facilities for the Centinela Bank in the parking lot was approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the placing of the T.V, banking facilities and the aisles be subject to approval by the Planning Director and the Traffic Engineer. 2. Compliance with the requirements of the City- County agreement regarding the property and of the lease on the property. (Approval of the County and the City Council will be required, and a lease amendment may be required.) 3. Obtaining a building permit, in accord -, ante with the requirements of the Building Department. 4. That a satisfactory lease arrangement be completed with appropriate bodies wherein the additional parking lot space is assured. B. The request to permit a boat to be used as a 150 seat floating restaurant.was denied. Commissioner Glass stated he did not want to impl that he objected to the floating restaurant; he thinks it would be very pleasing at. another loca- tion in the bay but not adjacent to publicly owned property. Item 2.. Request for an 18 month extension of a previously granted variance which permitted a duplex to be VARIANCE NO. 968 REQUEST built on a lot which contains less than the re- quired land area. FOR Location: Lot 1, Block 53, Ocean Front Tract, E(RNSION APPROVED located at 5301 Seashore Drive on Page 3. COMMISSIONERS y �£o� IRLL CALL S } Motion Second Ayes Noes • Motion Second Ayes Noes • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES October 15,1970 INDEX the southwest corner of Seashore Driv and 53rd Street. Zone: R -2 Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardner, Balboa Owner: Same as applicant. x The applicant was present at the meeting and after X. a short discussion, the Commission granted the x x x x requested 18 month extension. Item 3. Request for a two year extension of a previously USE approved use permit allowing.on -sale liquor in connection with bonafide eating facilities and PERMIT NO 233 further permitting patron dancing and live enter- tainment for club members and their guests, as well as permission to rent the facilities to private APPROVED 1-YETR parties. Location: Portion of Block 52, Irvine's Subdi- vision, located at 2601 Eastbluff Drive, westerly side of Eastbluff Drive, north of Vista del Sol. Zone: C -N -H and R- 4- B -2 -UL Applicant: Newport Beach Tennis Club, Newport Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Mr. Harry Babbitt was present representing the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Planning Director Wilson noted that considerable landscaping had been installed between the parking lot and East - bluff Drive which will provide an effective screen when the trees mature. x After a short discussion, the Commission granted a x one year extension. x x x x x Item 4. Request to permit the establishment of a church in USE an Unclassified District. PERMIT NO. 7329 Location: Portion of Block 4, Irvine's Subdivi- APPROVED Page 4. COMMISSIONERS D V O N N v' O S QLL CALL F � O� 5 w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH October 15, 1970 MINUTES INDEX sion, located at the northeast corner of Tustin Avenue and Santa Isabel Avenue. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: Harbor First Christian Church of Newport Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Planning Director Wilson presented the application to the Commission and read into the record a lette in favor of this project from Mr, E. L. Payne, the owner of 8 apartments at the end of the Tustin Avenue cul -de -sac which face onto Irvine Avenue: A letter also was received from the City of Costa Mesa Planning Department expressing no objection to this project. Mr. William Frost, Chairman of the Building Plans ' Committee represented the church. Reverend Wilson and members of the congregation were also present. Mr. Frost stated that the seating capacity in the sanctuary is 220. It was noted that parking for 70 cars has been provided on the site and that open, screened areas have been incorporated into the plan. Mr. Frost displayed renderings of the proposed church and explained that they had re- vised their original design which called for a right turn driveway on Irvine Avenue and will take all access from interior streets; one from Santa Isabel and the other from Tustin Avenue. It was pointed out that access points had been reviewed with the City staff: Mr. Frost stated further tha they had canvassed the surrounding area and only four families among those canvassed had voiced any objection to the church. Mr. E. J. O'Brien of 2338 Tustin Avenue, Newport. Beach, addressed the Commission and spoke in oppo- sition,stating that this area is shown as R -1 on the Master Plan. He feels a church is not an appropriate use in the neighborhood and that.the site is not large enough to accommodate the expan- sion.that usually takes place in church activities The following additional persons spoke in opposition, stating that they had not-been contacted personall regarding this project and expressing concern re- garding the parking: Mr. Gene Shannon, 2421 Tusti Page 5. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH v w £o�� oCr o j p `U ^S &L CALL �� ' N October 15, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Avenue, Costa Mesa, Mr. Ray Glasscock, who lives on Tustin Avenue directly across from the property; Barbara McPherson of Tustin Avenue; Dr. Mooney, who lives diagonally across the street from the property and Mrs. Anthony Cirello of 2401 Tustin Avenue, Costa Mesa. Planning Director Wilson noted that more parking i being provided than is required by the zoning ord- inance and that there is, in addition, considerabl street frontage on which parking is permitted. There was a further discussion regarding the apart- ments existing in the area; school and week day activities connected with a church. After further discussion, Commissioner Adkinson stated that property which is on the boundary of two cities should properly be considered as a com- munity decision. However, in this case, the site probably would be rezoned for multiple apartment Ption x use because of its location, therefore he recom- cond x mended approval subject to the following condi- All Ayes tions: 1. Detailed landscaping plans, including a watering facilities plan, prepared by a landscape architect; licensed landscape contractor or architect, shall be sub- mitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of any building permit. Said landscaping shall consist of lawn, trees, shrubbery and /or other plant materials. Said landscapi.ng and watering facilities shall be per- manently installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.. 2. That no access be taken from Irvine Avenue, with a "relinquishment of access rights" to be filed. 3. That the remaining public improvements be completed; including sidewalks, pavement widening, curb and street lights. . 4. That a parcel map be filed. 5. That standard surety and agreements be provided guaranteeing completion of the public improvements. Page 6. COMMISSIONERS F J S s w o o � 4kL CALL N a o • • Motion Second All Ayes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES October 15, 1970 INDEX 6. That water services be provided by the City. 7. That the developer have the basic respon- sibility for negotiating a satisfactory agreement with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District for the provision of sanitary sewer services and that the sewer con- nection be made to the existing manhole in the intersection of Santa Isabel and Irvine Avenues. (The City does not have sewer lines in this area. There is a C.M.S.D. sewer line available adjacent to the site; however the site is not within the District's boundaries.) Item 5. Request approval of Final Map Tract No..7083 con- FINAL sisting of 3.93 acres of land divided into 22 MAP residential and one green area lot. (Tentative T CT Map Tract 7083.) NO. 7083 Location: Portion of Block 52, Irvine's Sub- APPROVED division, located at the southwest corner of Vista del Oro and Vista del Bolsa. Zone: R -1, 11- 4= 13-2 -UL and R -3 -13 Applicant: I.D.H., a Joint Venture (Holstein Co. Costa Mesa Owner:. The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Planning Director Wilson read into the record a letter from Mr. Robert W. Bein, engineer, dated October 15, 1970, regarding the parking in this tract which included an exhibit graphically set- ting forth the parking locations. Mr. William Holstein was present and questioned two of the conditions of the tentative map requir- ing that a standard inspection fee be paid for inspection of the private streets in addition to the posting of a bond. This requirement was ex- plained by the City Engineer. x After a discussion, the final map of Tract 7083 x was approved subject to the following conditions: Page 7. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH y£o 3 F p N N S OL CALL MINUTES October 1.5. 1970 INDEX 1. Guest parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 20.50.150 (b) of the Municipal Code as amended. 2. All conditions of approval of Tentative Map Tract No. 7083 shall be satisfied. Chairman Jakosky called a 5 minute recess; the Commission reconvened at 10:05 P.M. with the same five Commissioners present. Inasmuch as the following two items pertain to the same property and project, they were considered simultaneously, with the understanding that there would be a separate motion for each application. Item 6. Request to amend a portion of Districting Map No. AMEND - 11 from a C -1 to a C -2 District. MENT N0. 270 Location: Lots 9 through 16, Block 8, Balboa Tract, located at 600 -614 East Ocean DENIED Front, on the northerly side of East Ocean Front, between Palm and Washington Streets. Zone: C -1 Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neufeld, Wasco, California Owner: Same as applicant. Item 7. Request for approval of a 44 unit apartment build- USE ing with 88 on site parking spaces. The building would be 7 stories in height, including 2 levels PERMIT NU77TIT7 of parking, with additional mechanical equipment space on the roof. Overall height would be 63 feet to the roof of the main building and 72 feet DENIED overall. Location: Lots 9 through 16, Block 8, Balboa Tract, located at 600 -614 East Ocean Front, on the northerly side of East Ocean Front,.between Palm and Washington Streets. Page 8. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH v o o N.N N Cp L CALL 5 :$w October 15, 1970 MINUTES INDEX Zone: C -1 (Requested change to C -2) Applicant: Rolly Pulaski, Costa Mesa Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neufeld, Wasco' California Planning Director Wilson explained the application to the Commission and stated that multiple units as proposed for this property are consistent with the Central Balboa study. He explained the uses on adjacent properties and stated that while the staff would not be in favor of stringing this type of residential development along the entire Balboa Peninsula, they feel in this particular area it is an appropriate use for a block or.two. A letter of approval dated October 12, 1970 from the Balboa Improvement Association was read into the record, as well as additional letters from the Balboa Inn dated October 12, 1970, from Mr. & Mrs. Harold Glass dated October 5, 1970 and from Mr. & Mrs. . William Thompson dated October 13, 1970. A letter previously had been received from Louis W. Briggs supporting the project. Mr. Rolly Pulaski, architect for the project, stated he had nothing to add to the application; they had taken the advise of the Commission at the previous meeting and redesigned the project in such a manner to resolve the criticism of the previous design. The following persons spoke in favor of the pro- posed development:. Mr. Homer Smith who owns the market across the street; Mr. Virgil Oakton who owns the property that backs up to the proposed development; Mr. Ray Lamb of Mr. Mike's Restaurant Louis Breer, Jr., Mr. Bob Fellers of 111 E. Balboa Boulevard, Bob Jones; Louis W. Briggs and Mrs. Ludy Lindeman. The following persons spoke in opposition: Mr. Jo n Negus of 1202 E. Balboa Blvd., Mr. frank Spangler, architect, 1321 West Bay Avenue; Mr. Gerald Brown, 325 Montero; Mr. Dick Lyon and Hazel Jones. Mrs. Sally Lyon, President of the Balboa Point Association stated the Association is unanimously . against high rise. Mr. Thomas Hyans of the Centra Newport Association stated that this has not been discussed by the Association but he feels they would be opposed because of the "high rise ". Page 9. COMMISSIONERS G GL : CALL ?� N 33 v' Motion Second Ayes Noes Motion and S Noes • Motion Second Ayes Noes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES October 15, 1970 INDEX Mr. Pulaski stated that 95% of the persons he has talked with are for this project. He noted that there are only a few pieces of property on the peninsula appropriate for this type of develop- ment and it would be impossible for a great number of high rise apartments to develop in the area as some people seem to think. The Commission discussed this proposed development at great length as to the proper zoning,.building height, density (which Commissioner Martin estimat d would be roughly 90 dwelling units.per acre) and the traffic generated by a project of this magni -. tude. X After further discussion, Amendment No. 270 was x denied. x x x x X Use Permit No. 1487 was denied by the indicated x roll call vote: x X x Y x X Item 8. USE Refinement of previously approved plans for con- struction of a 54 unit condominium apartment build PERMIT ing in a C -2 District. _N '8_2 APPROVE Location: Lots 1 -7, Block 529 of Lancaster's Addition located at 3102 Lafayette Avenue on the corner of Lafayette Avenue and Lido Park Drive. Zone: C -2 Applicant: Swan Constructors, Inc., San Diego Owner: Same as applicant. Planning Director Wilson explained that in the pro- cess of designing the elevator and structural sys- tems for the building, the proposed overall height (to the top of the elevator equipment penthouse) has increased from 118' to 119'6 ". It was ex- plained that the height of the topmost parapet of the main portion of the building will not exceed the height previously approved. x After discussion, it was moved that Use Permit No. x 1482 be amended to allow an increase in the overall X x x height for the elevator penthouse not to exceed x x 11916 ". Page 10. COMMISSIONERS N �f .1 N 5 O p V OIL CALL \ • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES October 15, 1970 INDEX Commissioner Adkinson stepped down prior to pre- sentation of the following item as he represents one of the adjoining land owners who is opposed to this request. Item 9. Request to increase occupancy load of Isadore's Restaurant from 105 to 182 without providing addi- VARIANCE 00 3 tional off - street parking. Location: Lots A and B, Block 54, Irvine's Sub- division located at 341 Bayside Drive on the west side of Bayside Drive between East Coast Highway and Aloha Drive. Zone: C -1 -H Applicant:_ Far West Services, Inc., Santa Ana Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Assistant City Attorney O'Neal stated it was his opinion that an amendment to this variance should be filed and that the request for an increase in occupancy load should be readvertised. The Planning Commission instructed the staff to advise the applicant that if this matter is to be considered by the Commission, it will be necessary to submit a formal application. Commissioner Adkinson returned to the dais. Item 10. As of Wednesday, October 14, 1970, reinstallation REVOCA- of fencing on this.property had been completed. TION OF However; the erosion control planting had not as USE yet been completed on the northerly portion of the PERMIT. graded slope along the west side of Newport Boule- N0.1285 vard. Location: Portion of Lot 169, Block 2,.of Irvine's Subdivision located at 393 Hospital Road, on the north side of HOAG HOSPITAL WORTH Hospital Road between Newport.Boule- vard and Placentia Avenue. Zone: R -3 and C -O -H Page 11. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH v OL CALL October 15. 1970 Motion Second Ayes Noes • • MINUTES INDEX Owner: Central Newport Healthcare Corp. % Mission Convalescent Hospital San Gabriel, California Planning Director Wilson explained that Hoag Hospital had asked and received from him a letter stating that.Use Permit No. 1285 was in full effec ; however he qualified the letter by stating that some of the required work had not, as yet, been completed, principally the replacement of the right -of -way fence and the replacement of the erosion control planting. x After discussion, the Commission, noting that the x fencing had been completed, instructed the staff x xx x to pursue with diligence the matter of the re- x placement of the erosion control planting before reinstituting revocation proceedings. Item 11. HARBOR Proposed annexation of vacant land and a small Metropolitan District reservoir lying east of VIEW future realignment of MacArthur Boulevard.and HILLS between San Joaquin Hills Road on the south and NI T(A- Ford Road on the north. TIN P 1370E I I Zone: Prezonin9 to P -C (Planned Community District) Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Los Angeles Planning Director Wilson explained that the Irvine Company and the Metropolitan Water District both have submitted formal requests for annexation. At its meeting on Monday October 12, 1970, the City Council referred these requests to the Planning Commission for further consideration. On Wednesday, October 14, 1970, the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission agreed to amend its previous resolution approving this annexation, to allow the City to annex the site without notice and hearing inasmuch as all property owners within the proposed annexation had filed written consent.. The Commission discussed this proposed annexation at length and the division in school district boundaries was still of major concern. The staff pointed out that the proposed annexation Page 12. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a v c� o d MINUTES 41L CALL F sN October 15, 1970 INDEX does have 100% consent from the parties concerned; that we are not in a position to require school districts to change boundaries and if the property is excluded from the City of Newport Beach at this time, it will probably be the request of the Irvin Company to annex at least a portion of the area to the City of Irvine. It was further noted that thi area would be a logical annexation to the City of Newport Beach and if it remained County, it would be served water by the Irvine Ranch Water District instead of the City. The Commission felt that the school district boundary question is still the major issue and tha a procedure should be established whereby annexa- tions of residential districts are not considered until such time as they are a part of the Newport Mesa Unified School District. Motion x Commissioner Adkinson made the following motion: and x "That Harbor; View Hills Annexation Phase III not Ayes be annexed until such time as all of the residen- tial portion of the land to be annexed is within the Newport Mesa Unified School District ". ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 1. Chairman Jakosky stated he had received a letter from Mayor Hirth regarding the re- quest of the Newport B.each City Arts Com- mittee for status as a Commission. Mayor Hirth asked that each of the existing commissions designate one of its members to participate on a committee to review this request and submit recommendations. The members of the Planning Commissidn decided to ask Commissioner Brown to serve as a member of this special committee. 2. Commissioner Martin reiterated that he wished to be advised of any appeals of Planning Commission decisions prior to their being submitted to the City Council. Planning Director Wilson assured the entire • Commission that they would be advised of any appeals. 3. Planning Director Wilson advised the Commis - Page 13. COMMISSIONERS �£ o L CALL t %N £ f CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH nrtnher 15. 1G7n MINUTES INDEX sion that the League of California Cities. Conference will be held in San Diego on October 25, 1970 starting at 4:00 P.M. until 1:00 P.M. on October 28, 1970. Res - vations have been made in the names of Chairman Jakosky and Vice Chairman Watson;. also any Commissioners desiring to attend individual sessions may do so. Chairman Jakosky said he would be unable to use the reservation made in his name and the Commis- sioners present said they would be unable to attend the entire session. The staff was asked to contact Commissioners Watson and Brown to see if they would be able to attend this conference. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** On motion of Commissioner Adkinson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 8:00 P.M. on November 5, 1970 in • the City Council Chambers. Don R. Adkinson, Secretary Planning Commission Page 14.