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The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Nov -
ember 161, 1944, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Newport
Beach, California, with Chairman Hopkins presiding.
Commissioners presents Allen, Baltz,.Campbell, Hopkins, Isbell: Johnson,
Nalson, Patterson, and Seeger.
Commissioners absents None..
Commissioner Johnson.moved and Commissioner Isbell seconded.that the,min-
utes of the meeting of October 19, 19449 be approved as read. Carried and
so ordered.
Secretary Seeger. read a communication from Councilman Earl Stanley add- COMUNICATIMS
ressed to the Griffith Company, and attentions Paul Palmer, and reffersd
to the Planning Commission by City Clark Frank Rinehart, which.requested
the 'lowest .cash price on 2001 frontage north of city property, known as..
"Site 4" for the proposed Civic Center, and owned.by the Griffith .Company,
and a piece of property of like area, also owned by the Griffith Company,
to the east of said "Site 4 0.; together with an answer from Kr. Palmer, re-
presenting the Griffith Company, stating that "none of the Griffith Com-
pany property is for sale", and suggesting s meeting with the City. Council
for explanation and discussion of the matter.
Also included in the communications was a copy of the motion made by Coun-
t cilman Stanley, and seconded by Councilman Robert Allen, which requested
that in view of the above communication from the Griffith Company, that the
question of the Civic Center site be referred back to the Planning Commies-
ion for further consideration of "Site 4" and also the consideration of a
"site equal to about one -third of the frontage of the City property.ob"the
bluff', mhiish'wA, can designate as "Site 8 "." Also included in the motion
was a request that the Planning Commission give the Council a recommenda-
tion as to the post -war development of the 2300, of City property on the
Highway and a recommendation as to the post -war development of property
owned by the city and formerly known as the "camp grounds ", now leased by
the South Coast Company.
A letter from Roger S. Watson, of the Dorset Enginsering Company, to the
City Council, and referred to the Planner Commission, was read by the Sec-
retary. Mr. Watson stressed the importance of the Council considering the
Coast. Highway in deciding upon the location of the proposed Civic Center.
A letter from J. H. Lorentzen, chairman of the Newport Harbor Branch of
the American Red Cross, requested information on a lease on the same basis
and for the same property or similar property, which the U. S. Arne now holds
as the Aquatic Center for the S. A. A. A. B., for future use as a Red Cross
Aquatic School, at the termination of the U. S. Army lease.
Mr. John S. Elliott in a letter to the Commission requested permission for
a rear yard setback variance of sufficient distance to permit of creation
and maintance of a driveway for engross and egress for Lots 16, 18, 19, and
4, Block 14, Balboa Tract.
Also read by the - Secretary was a.letter from Chairman Hopkins, which was ra-
ceived and read at the October 19, 1944 meeting and which by due motion was
made a part of the minutes of that meeting.
After first readings of the above communications, each was considered in detail
and the following actions taken$
On the matter of the Civic Center location, Commissioner Allen suggested that ,
the matter of the Civic Center be referred back to the Master Plan Committee,
and asked for a review of the various locations, during which Commissioner Pat-
terson brought out that "Site 4" would, with the Griffith Company plans, actual-
ly give as much space for buildings as "Site 4 a ". Earl Stanley said of "Site 4"
that:the Griffith Company have wonderful plans and suggested a meeting of the
Commission and the Griffith Company. Commissioner Patterson presented a may of
"Site S", showing approximately 10 acres, just above the bluffs, with a propos-
ed highway with overhead bridge to the Upper Bay, with all buildings on the
bluff, a Harbor Masters Office, etc., on the Bay,,utilizing the 23001 there of
City owned property. Mr. Stanley offered to go to Mr. Irvine and ask him to
donate the 10 acres to the City for a Civic Center, stating that he felt posi-
tive that this was agreable. Chattman Hopkins-pointed out that the costs of
"Site 8" of roads, beautification of the bluffs, btc., would be directly and
entirely for the use of the Civic Center. After much discussion, Commissioner
Isbell moved, and Commissioner Belts seconded that the Commission meet as a
committee as a whole to look into the plans of the Griffith Company for the
development of "Site 4" and also to develop additional information of "Site 8"p
and report at the next meeting of the Commission. Carried and so ordered.
Commissioner Patterson moved, and Commissioner Allen seconded that the Watson
letter be filed. Motion carried.
Commissioner Allen moved, Commissioner Isbell seconded that the communication
from Mr. Lorentzen be filed. Carried. '
On the John K. Elliott application, Commissioner Patterson moved that the Sec-
retary be instructed to advertise the matter for Public Hearing upon receipt of
the filing fee. Commissioner Isbell seconded, and the motion carried.
Commissioner Belts moved and Commissioner Seeger seconded that the letter re-
ceived from Chariman Hopkins be filed. Motion carried.
Bi�S The R. G. Blake application again came up, with Mr. and Mrs. Blake present.
Commissioner Baltz moved and Commissioner Seeger seconded that the matter be put
on the table. Motion carried, and so ordered. Commissioner Johnson then point-
ed out that the letter received from Chairman Hopkins (made apart of the min-
utes of the meeting of October 19, 1944) outlined the requirements of an Archi-
tectural Committee, whereupon Secretary Seeger reread this letter, and then made
the motion, which Commissioner Allen seconded that the Commission resolve itself
into an Architectural Committee with tentative standards. Motion carried. After
which Commissioner Seeger moved that the Architectural Committee adopt as tents -
tive standards those outlined in " Chairman Hopkins communication and amended by
"2a" to wits "should however, the owner desire to use composition roof, it
shall be permitted, provided the roof is flat, screened architecturally by para-
pets, or fire walls, or canopys, etc.8. Commissioner Patterson seconded the mo-
tion, and the motion carried. Then Chairman Hopkins declared the Architectural
Committee dissolved, and the meeting open. Commissioner Seager moved' Commiss-
ioner Patterson seconded that the Commission accept the action of the Arohitee-
tural Committee. Carried and so ordered. Commissioner Seeger moved, Commiss-
ioner Baltz seconded that.the plans be returned to Mr. Blake to take up with
the Building Inspector. Carried, Secretary Seeger stated that a copy of the
specifications would be mailed to Mr. Blake.
The election of a Secretary was again brought up, and Commissioner Seager was
again urged to reconsider his resignation, but he stated that this was impossible.
Chairmn Hopkins praised.Commissioner Seager's work as having been most
faithful and successful and recommended that some as istanee should be
' given the secretary's work on ordinances, planning, etc._, and suggested
a committee to report on the matter at the.next meeting. Commissioner
Allen then moved that such a committee be formed. Commissioner label
seconded the motion, which carried. Commissioner Seeger agreed to act
for a reasonable length of time.
Commissioner Seeger, Chairman of the Master an Committee, gave two
reports, stating that upon receipt of the communications from the City
Council and the recommendation of Councilman Stanley that a meeting of
the Master Plan Committee was held to consider the two matters, and the
recommendation of the committee was that the area of 28001 of City owned
land on Coast Highway be .set aside for a beach park for the reason that
we are a resort community and the community as such owes a debt to the
"back country" and;.must provide something for its recreation. Therefore
the Master Plan Committee adopted a plan contained in this report which
can be modified, for no plan is a good plan unless complete, and financi-
ally and economically sound not only beautiful but practical, i.e., a
source of income to the.City. Commissioner Seeger completed his first re-
port by recommending and making the motion that the Commission adopt the
report, and if desired that futthar study be made and tentative plans be
made if so instructed. Commissioner Nelson seconded the motion, which
The second report given by Commissioner Seeger concerned the post -war de-
velopment of the property owned by the City, known as the "camp grounds",
and now leased to the South Coast Company, for which Commissioner Seeger
recommended and made the motion that the Commission be authorised to pro-
ceed with the preparation of tentative plans for the.creation of a sport
fishing center at this location. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Allen and carried.
Mr. W. M. Lougmoor, of the Chamber of Commerce, and among those present
for the meeting, stated that provision should be made for sport fishing
here and that it should be considered a civic problem. Both Los Angeles
and San Diego have big projects under way, while so far nothing has been
done or provided here for adequate or uefinite accomodatione for guest boats
to meet or conduct business. IE this were gone into on the proper basis for
proper facilities, we would have an adued attraction for the City and would
solve the problem of moorings, for it would confine the moorings of such
boats at the sport fishing center, he stated.
Commissioner Johnson reminded the Commission of the Maskey application for
a uniform setback line of 81 for all lots facing on the channel, i.e., Chan-
nel. Place, 88th Street, and Marcus Avenue, instead of a variance of Se to
10'. Mr. Spailberger, owner of property adjacent to.Mr. Maskey stated that
his lot mas not large enough to even build a proper garage under existing
setback ordinance and wanted a setback of 181 or the same as Mr. Maskey's
property, so as not to be different than all the rest of the block. Com-
missioner Seeger stated that the Master Plan Committee would consider the
entire area as one problem rather than just.the Speilberger property and
port theri findings at the next meeting.
Commissioner Seeger moved and Commissioner Baltz seconded for adjournpent.
Carried, and so ordered.
Respectfully submitted,
HOWARD W. SEAGER, Secretary.