Chairman Longmoor called the meeting to order and notified the Commission
of Com. Reed's illness which will make him inactive for awhile.
Commissioners present: Lind, Longmoor, Rudd, Smith, Keene, Hayton ROLL CALL
Briggs, Copelin
Commissioners absent: Reed
A correction was made to the minutes of November 19, 1953, under MINUTES
Additional Requests, changed to read, "It was suggested that Mrs.
Walter petition with her surrounding property owners for an amend-
ment to the zoning ordinance," The minutes were then approved on
motion of Com. Copelin, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried.
Application of Norman W. Wilson for a permit to construct a single
family dwelling on Lot 6, Block B, Tract 1219; further located at
1011 Cliff Drive in the Cliff Haven area. Property is now in a
$U" district. Permission to begin construction granted by L. M.
Holbrook, as authorized by the Commission.
Chairman Longmoor declared the hearing open. There were no commu-
nications nor anyone present; the hearing closed upon motion of
Com. Briggs, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried. Com. Briggs
moved that the application be granted, seconded by Com. Rudd, and
carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit:
Application of Evelyn Gardiner for a permit to construct a triplex
unit on each lot of Lots 7 & 8 iii Tract 1718; further located oft
Haven Pace in the Cliff Haven area and now in a "U" district. Said
lots are in the proposed R -3 district, and six triplex units are now
under construction across the street. The hearing was opened, there
were no communications nor anyone present; the hearing closed upon
motion of Com. Copelin, seconded by Com. Lind, and carried. Com.
Copelin moved that the application be granted, seconded by Com.
Lind, and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit:
Application of B. E. or Helen G. Hoffinger for a permit to construct
and operate a trailer park on Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 219, Section
A. Newport Beach Tract, further located at 221 - 19th St. The
findings of the Commission are as follows: The applicants property
is located one block west of the City -owned trailer park with a
public beach between; said property is Zoned C-2. The Lido
Trailer Park is located across the channel. The trailer,,park, an
proposed by Mr. Hoffinger would be an improvement to the area, and
not injur adjacent property owners. The hearing was closed upon
motion of Com. Copelin, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried. Com.
Lind moved that the application be granted, seconded by Com. Copelin
and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit:
Norman W.Wilson
Lot 6, Blk. B
Tract 1219
Evelyn Gardiner
Lots 7 & 8
Tract 1718
3.E. or Helen
Lots 10711,12
31k. 219 Sec.A
Npt. Bch. Tract
Application of Fred R. Horsley for a permit to construct a
;'121 single family residence in the Cliff Haven area on Lot 23,
Pied .t. Horsley Block E. Tract 1219; further located at 801 Kings Road. Per-
mission to begin construction granted by L. M. Holbrook, as
GR,1PTE'D authorized by the Commission. Property is now in a "U"
district. No objections received. The hearing was closed
Lot 23, =1k. E. upon motion of Com. Copelin� seconded by Com. Smith, and
'tract 1219 carried. Com. Copelin moved that the application be granted,
seconded by Com. Smith, and carried by the following roll call
vote, to -wit:
Application of Newport Harbor Homes Co. for variance of front yard
setback on Lots 30 to 37 inclusive, 45, 46, 78, 79, 82, and 85 in
Newport harbor
Tract 1701 to allow staggared setbacks as per previous agreement,
Homes Co.
and illustrated on plan in Planning Commission office, City Hall.
Setbacks are as follows:
parts of
Tract 1701
Lot No. Existing Setback Proposed Setback Street
#30 15' 18+ on Serenade Terrace
#31 201 14: n n n
#32 201 12: n n n
#33 201 39: n n n
#34 201 81 n a n
#35 20' 201
#36 201 381
#37 201 181 it n "
#45 201 1: n n n
#46 201 10: n n n
#78- 211 201 on Bonnie Doone
#79 38, 341 on Bonnie Doone
#82 141 121 on Malabar Drive
. #85 141 10, on Santanella Terrace
The hearing was opened; no communications nor protests were
received, the hearing closed upon motion of Com. Smith, seconded
by Com. Copelin, and carried. Com. Lind moved that the appli-
cation be granted, seconded by Com. Smith, and carried by the
following roll call vote, to -wits
Application of C. V. Wurdemann for a variance to project the
overhang of a second story garage apartment into the rear yard
C.V. 'durdemann
setback on a 101 alley a distance of 181 on Lot 6, Block 11,
Lot 62 Block 11
Section 21 Balboa Island; further located at 211 Ruby Avenue,
Sec. 2, Balboa
Balboa Island. The hearing was opened. There were no protests;
Com. Hayton reported for the investigating committee that the
granting of this variance would conform with other - variances
granted on Balboa Island for the same purpose. The hearing was
closed upon motion of Com. Copelin, seconded by Com. Hayton
and carried. Upon motion of Com. Copelin, seconded by Com.
Hayton, the variance was granted by the following roll call
vote, to -wit:
Second hearing on the Planning Commission Resolution of Intention AH NDMENTS
#581 to rezone the Cliff Haven Area and establish front yard
setbacks. U3 & Y4
Second hearing on application of Earl W. Stanley to rezone Lots 147 Rezoning
& 148, Tract 1218, from a "II" district to a C-1 district; further of
located in the Cliff Haven area at the northwest corner of Cliff Cliff Haven
Drive and 17th St., and the southwest corner of 16th St. and 17th
St. respectively.
Hearings held concurrently on the above two amendments, as the Resolution
property in Amendment #4 is included in Amendment #3. The follow-
ing people were present to speak on the above amendments: #581
Edward T. Healy: presented a petition against any zoning for business
near the Newport Beach High School
Earl W. Stanleys plans a medical center on Lot 147, Tract 1218, as it
is not suitable for residence. It is OK with him to leave Lots 1 thrn
5, Tract 1718, in the "II" district.
Ed Moore, owner on corner Clay & flallerton, Cliff Haven, feels that a
professional building would be no detriment to that area.
Arthur Kramer, Balboa Islands cannot see why there is any reason for
spot zoning.
Mr. Bernard: 2672 Crestview Bayshores: objected to business zoning
near the High School.
Mr. Walter Burroughs: did not object to professional building.
Mr. Henry Crane, 383 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa: objected to business
zoning.— ' Jane Hambrook, Safety Chairman High School P.T.A.: objected to traffic
Increases that a business zone would cause.
After other discussion from the floor, Com. Smith moved that the hearing.
bs closed, seconded by Com. Hayton, and carried.
Com. Hayton moved that Resolution of Intention #581, Amendment #3, be
adopted as proposed except Lots 1 to 5. Tbaet 1718 be rezoned in an
R-4 district. NOTE: Decision to change Lot 147 in Amendment #4 to
a C-1 -H thus causes the decision on Amendment #3 to be further amended
as regards said Lot 147. Motion seconded by Com. Smith, and carried
by the following roll call vote, to -wit:
(Findings and recormiendations on file with Resolution of Intention #581)
Second hearing on the application of Hancock Banning, Jr. et alto Amendment
rezone a portion of Lot D. Banning Tract, lying southerly of the #5
State Hwy 101, and described as followss Hancock Banning
Jr., et al
PARCEL #1 - Bounded on the north by the State Highway- bounded on the
south by the "North Line ", as described in Decree of 6ourt Case GRANTED
#23686 of the Superior Court, and extendin� between the southwesterly
prolongation of the northwesterly line of rvine Subdivision and
Balboa Boulevard.
PARCEL #2 Bounded on the north by the State Highway; bounded on the
south by the 20 foot county road easement and extending between Balboa
Blvd, and the intersection of the southerly line of the State Highway
with the northerly line of said road easement westerly of 57th Street.
Application is to rezone herein described Parcel #1 from an
R-1 district to a C-1 -H district, and Parcel #2 from an R-3
and C-1 district to a C-1 -H district.
The hearing was declared open. Mr. Harold D. Arthur was
present as was Mr. Edward T. Healy, both opposing a trailer
park in this area. It was explained to them that a Use
Permit would have to be secured first for a trailer park.
Com. Smith moved that the hearing be closed, seconded by Com.
Hayton and carried. It was moved by Com. Copelin that the
application be granted, seconded by Com. Lind, and carried
by the following roll call vote, to-wit-
REFERRED FRO!,,' Tentative map of Tract #2085 in Costa Mesa area to be located
CRAYGE CC-T-= on Del Mar Ave. easterly of Santa Ana Ave. Upon motion of Com.
FLV"UNG CCI-11SSION Copelin, seconded by Com. Rudd, and carried, the map was filed.
Map Tract 42085
Reauest to remove Letter received from the City Council, recommending that the
rearyard setbacks - Planning 'ommission amend the Zoning Law to remove setback
corona Highlands requirements in that portion of Corona Highlands abutting the
Irvine Company property where rear yard setbacks are not
necessary. Upon motion of Com. Briggs, seconded by Com.
Copelin, and carried, the letter was tabled. Legal advise will
be asked of Larry Wise regarding the letter.
Request for annexation of property known as the "Seaquist
Request for annexa- Annexation" bounded by Irvine Ave., 16th St., Santa Ana Ave.,
tion of llseaouist" and 15th St. excluding Tract #1583. Said request is the 2nd
;roper! -Iy to be heard by the Planning Commission on this same property.
Conditions have.not changed since the first request wherein
the Planning Commission made a recommendation by letter dated
February 19, 1953, to the City Council. A motion was made by
Com. Copelin, and seconded by Com. Keene, to copy the previous
findings and recommendations as stated in said letter of
February 19, 1953, and forward them to the City louncil as the
findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission, as set
forth at a regular hearing dated December 17, 1953. (Said letter
was forwarded December 23, 1953)
Letter Prom :?. S. Letter from Fire Chief R. J. Briscoe regarding an amendment to
Briscoe, Fira Chief the Zoning Ordinance where aAid ordinance concerns storage of
regarding amend- inflammable liquids, such as paragraph (b) Section 9103.61.
ment to Zoning Ord. Chief Briscoe suggested the word "Bulk Plant" be used to cover
such liquids. L. M. Holbrook suggested "Bulk Plant" should be
placed in Sections of the Code so as to require a Use Permit
and that "Bulk Plant" be defined in Chapter 7 of the Zohing
Said letter was set aside for further study by Chairman Longmoor
and Com. Keene.
Mr, Robert A. Schwamb appeared before the commission in regards to Robert A.
' Linda Isle requesting his appearance and words be recorded in the Schwamb
Mr. Longmoor explained that Linda Isle was not yet annexed Request that
to the City and tha*othing concerning said Linda Isle was before an and
the Commission at this hearing nor could any decision be made words be recorded
concerning said Linda Isle. in minutes.
Mr. Robert A. Schwamb insisted , however, that his
appearance and the following words be recorded in the minutes:
"Mr. Robert A. Schwamb, on behalf of Mr. M. A. Sturges,.an Attorney
and resident of Newport Beach City, requested that any informal
consideration or discussion by the Planning Commission of the
proposed Linda Isle development, be continued until the next meeting
of the Planning Commission for the reason of the absence from the
City of Mr. Sturges and for the further reason that the property
involved is not yet annexed to the City of Newport Beach."
As there was no further business to come before the Commission, Com.
Copelin moved to adjourn, seconded by Com. Keene, and carried. Adjournmsnt
Ray Copelin
I jm