HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/2009CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH
Planning Commission Minutes
November 19, 2009
Regular Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
Commissioners Eaton, Unsworth, Hawkins, Peotter, McDaniel, Toerge, and
Hillgren - all present.
David Lepo, Planning Director
Patrick Alford, Planning Manager
Michael Torres, Deputy City Attorney
Tony Brine, City Traffic Engineer
James Campbell, Principal Planner
Makana Nova, Assistant Planner
Gaylene Olson, Department Assistant
The Planning Commission Agenda was posted on November 13, 2009.
SUBJECT: MINUTES of the regular meeting of November 5, 2009.
Motion was made by Commissioner Peotter and seconded by Commissioner
Hillgren to approve the minutes as written.
Eaton, Unsworth, Hawkins, Peotter, McDaniel, Toerge, and Hillgren -
SUBJECT: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (PA2008 -215)
2300 Bonita Canyon Drive
PA2008 -215
The application consists of an amendment (Amendment No. 1) to Use Permit
No. 2001 -036 and Site Plan Review No. SR2009 -001 to allow the construction of
a rectory with 1,825 square feet of living space and a 491 - square -foot, attached
two -car garage at the southeast corner of the subject property. The proposed
rectory is an accessory use to an existing place of religious assembly. The
project includes the establishment of a 40 -foot fuel modification zone adjacent to
the structure.
Makana Nova, Planning Assistant, gave a brief overview of the staff report and a
brief presentation showing the proposed location of the rectory. Ms. Nova noted
the following comments on the MND:
The Department of Transportation — required an encroachment permit if
this is done in a right -of -way.
The Department of Fish and Game — concerns for vegetation surveys.
Ms. Nova stated that Mitigation Measure BR.2 was revised to incorporate focus
surveys to identify rare, threatened, or endangered plants in accordance with
United States Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines. She noted the biological
consultant was in the audience to respond to questions.
Ms. Nova stressed that the rectory will be an accessory use to the existing
temple and similar to a single - family residence.
Commissioner Unsworth asked the following:
.In the revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) is there a
change that vegetation removal during avian breeding season cannot take
*If there is vegetation removal, can it take place between February 15 and
September 15?
• Who determines that the vegetation must be removed?
Ms. Nova answered:
.The revised MMRP is requiring a survey or study for plants in addition to
the bird surveys.
•A survey conducted by certified biologists that identified species would be
required in order for vegetation removal to take place during February 15
and September 15.
.The Fire Department determines what vegetation must be removed to
comply with the fuel modification zone.
Commissioner Eaton asked if this was similar to the Hyatt project where the
fuel modification and ESA overlapped.
Ms. Nova replied that it was very similar in that we are requiring the planting of
native species, wherever possible, within the fuel modification zone. In
addition, it is a slope and hillside - stabilizing species are being required as
much as possible. The Fire Department is willing to work with the fuel
biologist on these plantings.
Commissioner Peotter asked Ms. Nova to clarify Condition No. 24 as follows:
•Fire sprinkler systems in a residential setting are normally not
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Is the monitoring requirement because this project is next to a fuel
modification zone?
*The sprinkler requirement is already part of code since this is a fuel
modification zone.
Commissioner Peotter stated he would like Condition No. 24 deleted or
append this condition to state we are not intending to make it stricter than what
code requires.
Ms. Nova stated that the property is adjacent to a high fire hazard area, which
triggered the requirement for the sprinklers; however, this is an accessory use
to the church and the building permit fees are charged at a commercial rate
and is not considered a single - family residence.
Mr. Lepo stated he would not recommend the deletion or changes to Condition
No. 24 until he checked further with the Fire Department.
Chairperson Hawkins asked the applicant to comment on this issue.
David Hohmann, applicant and architect, noted the requirement for the
sprinkler system seems to be stricter than what is normally required.
However, if the Fire Department says it needs to be monitored they will be
happy to do so. The house is pretty fire proof with the tile roof, stucco outside
walls, and fully sprinkler irrigation on the slope, etc.
Commissioner Eaton asked the staff and Mr. Hohmann why Condition No. 29
required a Health Department approval.
Mr. Hohmann stated he had no idea why there would be a need for a health
department approval.
Planning Manager Patrick Alford noted he had received some feedback that
the facility could be use for functions other than residential use; therefore, the
need for additional requirements.
Chairperson Hawkins asked Mr. Hohmann to clarify the use of the rectory.
Mr. Hohmann stated this was a modest two bedroom, two -bath residence with
a very small kitchen. The square footage of the kitchen is roughly 250 feet.
Ms. Nova clarified this is not considered a residential use but is an accessory
use to the church. Under Section 20.91A.060 of the Zoning Code, there is a
requirement for findings for residential uses in planned community districts.
Staff did not feel these findings would be required as this is an accessory use
to the church. If the Building Department does not find the Health Department
requirement needed, we can revise Condition No. 29.
Chairperson Hawkins asked if staff had suggested language on the revision.
After some discussion, it was suggested Condition No. 29 say, approval from
the Oranqe County Health Department shall be obtained if required by any law
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prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Public comment was opened.
Public comment was closed.
Chairperson Hawkins asked the applicant if he had reviewed all the conditions
and the resolution, and if they are acceptable.
Mr. Hohmann answered yes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Peotter and seconded by Commissioner
Toerge to adopt a resolution adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration No.
ND2009 -001 and approving Amendment No. 1 to Use Permit No. UP2001 -036
and Site Plan Review No. SR2009 -001 with the following change s to the
revised conditions of approval:
Add to Conditions No. 24 and No. 29 — as required by code.
Chairperson Hawkins asked where this change should be added in Condition
No. 24, as there are three sentences in the condition. Also, as required by code
is not a complete sentence.
Commissioner Peotter said add the following as a fourth sentence to Condition
No. 24 — This condition shall apply as required by code. Keep Condition No.
29 as originally worded and add as required by code to the end of the
Second to the motion, Commissioner Toerge, agreed to the edit.
Eaton, Unsworth, Hawkins, Peotter, McDaniel, Toerge, and Hillgren
SUBJECT: Megonigal Residence (PA2007 -133)
2333 Pacific Drive
PA2007 -133
The City of Newport Beach determined that the proposed project may have a
significant effect on the environment on Land Use, Aesthetics, and Biological
Resources. The City determined that an EIR would be required to more full
evaluate potential adverse environmental impacts that may result from
development of the project. All other environmental effects were determined to be
less than significant (with mitigation) or have no impact and were addressed in the
Initial Study prepared for the project. As a result, the DEIR has been prepared in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA), as
amended (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), and the State CEQA
Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (California Code of Regulations, Title 14,
Section 15000 et seq.). This DEIR also complies with the City of Newport Beach'
procedures for implementation of CEQA.
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James Campbell, Principal Planner, gave an overview of the staff report. Mr.
Campbell wanted to clarify that this project once included a variance to height
and that was eliminated with the revisions of the project before it went to
hearing. There is no variance to height associated with this project. In
addition, there is a 5 -foot front yard setback, not a 20 -foot front yard setback for
this project site. The only deviation from code that is being proposed by the
applicant is the height of some planter walls, and a water feature in the front
Kim Megonigal, applicant, gave an overview of the history of this project, which
originated in 2007. He was requested to get an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR), which his attorneys did not believe was necessary, but everyone
involved told him by getting the EIR it would help the project through the
process. He paid the $35,000 for the EIR, which took a long period to
complete. When the EIR was presented to staff last month, he was informed
that there had been a problem with the visual simulations provided for the EIR,
thus postponing the hearing another month in order to correct the visual
simulation issue. He then read a letter from a Mr. Cook to Chairperson
Hawkins, in favor of the project, which is now part of the record.
Mr. David Olson, architect, showed a visual simulation pointing out
improvements to the view since the last time the Commissioner saw the
project. He also address his concerns over the following conditions of approval
in the EIR:
• Limiting of time for grading operations; grading cannot be done during the
summer months.
• Requiring monitoring of the site by an archeologist and a Native American
Mr. Olson feels these are onerous burdens not required of other properties
currently under construction on Pacific Avenue. The grading operations are a
concern. They do not want to grade during the rainy months, and if the
summer months are removed this leaves very little time to do grading
operations. They would like these conditions removed.
Mr. Campbell answered that staff has provided a revised resolution to the
Commission and public, that incorporated the following mitigation measures
from the EIR into the resolution:
*Mitigation Measure No. 1 or Condition No. 34, which talks about a
qualified archaeological /paleontological monitor to be retained for
*Mitigation Measure No. 7 or Condition No. 19d, dirt hauling shall not be
scheduled during weekday peak hour traffic periods or during the summer
Chairperson Hawkins asked the applicant to take time to review the revised
conditions and will be called back to address any of his questions.
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Mr. Campbell noted that Keeton Kreitzer, the environmental consultant who
authored the EIR, was present and ready to take any questions of the
Chairperson Hawkins asked if the City contracted with another firm, BonTerra
Consulting, who review the biological report.
Keeton Kreitzer answered that the applicant brought the Chambers Group, the
original biologists, on board. The City had a third party, BonTerra Consulting,
review the biological report and some issues were raised. The Chambers
Group was sent back out to the project to confirm findings based on the
BonTerra Consulting report. The Chambers Group report stands as being
Chairperson Hawkins asked Mr. Kreitzer to address the visual simulation
Mr. Kreitzer noted the following:
*The visual simulations used were previously prepared for another project.
*There was a request for vegetation clearance, which occurred between
the time the visual simulations were originally prepared late last year and
when the visual simulations were used in the draft EIR
.The visual simulation issue was brought to the consultant's attention
during the course of the public review period.
*Because baseline conditions had changed, reflecting a different view or
perspective from Begonia Park, they had the simulation recreated.
*The recreated simulation still showed an inaccurate size of the house.
*They revised the simulation to reflect what the architect prepared relative
to the baseline conditions, which now shows a more open view with the
pruning or trimming of the vegetation.
Commissioner Unsworth asked if the visual simulations included in the staff
report were the new set, considered an accurate depiction of the view with and
without the proposed residence, and to scale.
Mr. Kreitzer answered that was correct.
Chairperson Hawkins asked if the DER needed to be re- circulated.
Mr. Kreitzer stated he had discussed this with staff. Mr. Kreitzer's opinion
based on Section 15088.5 of the State CEQA Guidelines, which specif
discusses recirculation when there is new information. Examples u�
recirculation is required are:
•A significant new impact that was not previously disclosed or discussed;
which there wasn't.
•The severity of an impact that would be substantially greater and would
require additional mitigation; which has not been incorporated.
•Feasible alternative or mitigation measures that are required that are
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substantially different from those were evaluated in the draft EIR; which
there wasn't.
*The draft EIR was inadequate or conclusory that would have prevented
the public from commenting on its adequacy. The new information was
not substantial; in fact, the error was pointed out in comments. The public
had the opportunity and were able to comment on something that was
able to be re -done.
It was his opinion that recirculation was not need because the view impact,
even with the changed condition, was less then significant.
Chairperson Hawkins asked if the representative from SoftMirage, who did the
visual simulations, was present.
Mr. Campbell answered no, but he could address specific questions on the
simulations and could show the simulations on the overhead, if the
Commissioners desired.
Commissioners stated they would like to see the simulations on the overhead.
Mr. Campbell pointed out the following:
• A before and after view showing the vegetation before and after being
• A view with the proposed residence.
Mr. Campbell stated that the consideration of the Commissioners to
recommend the project to City Council would be based on the significant
impact of the view. Staff and Mr. Kreitzer's position is that it is not a significant
impact to the view.
Commissioner Hillgren asked if the visual they were looking at was taken from
the lower bench and depicts the worst case.
Mr. Campbell answered yes.
Commissioner Eaton asked the following
*This was a referral from the City Council. The Commissioners are only
recommending to City Council, and Council will have the ultimate
*Could Council chose one of the project alternatives and not re- circulate
the EIR, even if they find there is a significant impact?
•Referring to Condition 19d, is the grading project substantial enough that
it could not be done during the summer and would there be a significant
impact if it were done during the summer.
Mr. Campbell answered yes to Mr. Eaton's first question.
Deputy City Attorney Michael Torres answered if the Council found there was
a significant impact, it would be the discretion of the Council to re- circulate or
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go with an alternative and not re- circulate. It is ultimately the Council's
Mr. Campbell answered the question regarding Condition 19d:
*The estimate for the grading is 630 yards and may only take several
weeks to complete.
*It is a very small amount compared to the larger construction projects with
20,000 to 30,000 yards.
*These larger projects are typical in areas that are a little more sensitive
for coastal access and why we use this condition.
*This project site is a little less sensitive.
•We may have overestimated the impact and might be able to loosen up
the requirement.
Public comment was opened
The following people spoke in opposition of the project and had similar
comments regarding the impacted view:
Ken Jaggers — submitted a supplement to his other letter into record and
pointed out his error showing 45 percent instead of 35 percent obscured view.
Mr. Jaggers pointed out there was a variance for the 20 -foot setback granted
in 1942, and a 5 -foot setback would be unseemly for the neighborhood and a
traffic danger. He asked that the Commissioners consider the danger involved
and if it is prudent to proceed. Additionally, this is a red curb and, to his
knowledge, the City has been denying permits to others on Begonia Avenue to
make any cuts in their curb for garages.
Walter Cruttenden — pointed out the percentage of view loss depends on if you
are sitting on a park bench, walking, or driving down the street. It can vary
from 35 percent to 100 percent and asked the Commissioners to consider this
before approving the project.
Patricia Ricks — submitted a letter for record and pointed out various
references in the City's General Plan regarding the protection of public views.
Clayton Gorrie — submitted a new picture from a different view; concerned
there needs to be a re- examination.
Gary Kerns — stated 35 percent view loss is significant; strongly urged the
Commission to adhere the General Plan, have Mr. Megonigal enjoy his
property rights to build his home and not obstruct a significant portion of the
Commissioner Hillgren asked Mr. Kerns what he considered was insignificant
and what is a significant portion of property right removal in terms of ability to
build someone's home.
Mr. Kerns said he could only address theAefinition of significant as far as
statistical analysis and 10 percent or less would not be significant, any more
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would be considered significant.
Lucy Souers — submitted a letter for record and stated what impact the loss of
view would be for her and her husband.
Karen Fleming — feels the driveway and garage could be built off Bayside,
below the project, and save the view.
Elizabeth De Lameta — gave some historic background on the site.
Dan Splitter — co- chairman of Friends of Begonia Park, summarized his
objections to the proposed project.
Mark Simon — urges the Commission to find balance between the applicant's
right to build and the rights of the many citizens to enjoy the public view. Asks
the Commission to recommend that Council accept the alternate design
scenario from Page 6, Paragraph 4 of the October staff report; if this alternate
design is not recommended, then urges Commission to recommend Council
accept access from Bayside Drive, as it is not a hazard per the City accident
reports. Would like item No. 7 on Page 16 of the resolution be modified.
Kelly Nape — agreed with Mr. Simon regarding the garage.
The following people spoke in support of the project:
Laura Catalino — spoke briefly in support.
Damien Jordan — he lives adjacent and below the proposed project; he and his
wife feel this project will actually improve the hillside above his property.
Chairperson Hawkins asked Mr. Campbell if he had any responses to these
public comments.
Mr. Campbell noted he wanted to add four new letters he just received, all
opposing the project and with similar comments on the view impact.
Commissioner Peotter requested Mr. Campbell to address the Bayside Drive
Mr. Campbell noted that in the EIR they identified the following alternatives:
One alternative would take access from Bayside Drive, below the
project, and eliminate the garage at the upper level.
o This is a difficult scenario due to the significant grade elevation
o An extra driveway down below was considered to be a
hazardous condition or potential hazardous condition by Public
The other alternative discussed was to have a one -car carport in -lieu
of a garage or no carport at all; in essence park on the roof.
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City Traffic Engineer Tony Brine noted that having access from Bayside Drive
is an issue of site distance and the location, as it is now, of the curves does
not meet the City site distance standards. There is another option to access
the property and Public Works could not support the driveway on Bayside
Drive because it is non - standard site distance.
Chairperson Hawkins noted there was also the factor that this driveway would
abut against the other driveway on Bayside Drive.
Commissioner McDaniel noted the following:
*Mr. Megonigal had concerns about access from Bayside Drive and that
he wanted to have the Pacific Drive address.
*Is there any reason why he could not have the Pacific Drive address and
have access from another location?
*It could possibly save the view.
Mr. Campbell stated it could be possible, but may not be the most advisable,
and noted the following:
*Addressing is done in conjunction with the Fire Department to insure
adequate emergency response.
•A Pacific Drive address could pose a problem if any emergency response
team arrived at the upper location and found out that access to the
location was actually below, off Bayside Drive.
Mr. Campbell wanted to clarify a statement made by one of the public
speakers, about the General Plan being voter approved. The portion of the
General Plan that was voter approved pertained to the increases in density,
and intensity, and traffic citywide. The actual text of the document, the policies
that are contained therein, was something that the City Council adopted;
therefore, the voters did not approve the actual policies that were addressed
and looked at this evening.
Chairperson Hawkins asked Mr. Olson if he had an opportunity to review the
revised conditions and if he had any concerns.
Mr. Olson said after reviewing the revisions, he had the same concerns
regarding the term for the period for grading, as referred to in Condition No.
Chairperson Hawkins asked how long the grading would take.
Mr. Megonigal stated his contractor, who was in the audience, said it would
take one week.
Mr. Brine did not see a concern with the limited amount of truck traffic during
the summer.
Commissioner Toerge recommended that Condition No. 19d be change to
read, Dirt hauling shall not be scheduled during weekday peak hour traffic
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Chairperson Hawkins asked if the mitigation measures and modification to
Condition No. 19d was acceptable to Mr. Olson.
Mr. Olson answered yes.
Public comment was closed.
Commissioner Eaton asked the applicant what his concerns would be with the
rooftop - parking alternative.
Mr. Olson noted the following:
*The rooftop parking violates the City requirement to have two - enclosed
garage spaces.
It would devalue the property by not having an enclosed parking space.
•Access to the house would be limited. There needs to be some kind of
structure to walk through the door, enter the house, and go down.
Commissioner Toerge addressed his concerns on some of the public
comments made tonight and how difficult it is protect views, where do you
draw the line, and you cannot protect every view across the City. There is a
balance but not enough to restrict someone from building a home.
Motion was made by Commissioner Toerge and seconded by Commissioner
Peotter to adopt a resolution recommending Certification of the Draft
Environmental Impact Report and approval of Modification Permit No.
MD2007 -080 to the City Council with the following modification to the
Condition No. 19d that it reads as follows: Dirt hauling shall not be scheduled
during weekday peak hour traffic periods.
Commissioner Hillgren recommended to strike Condition No. 34, which talks
about a qualified archaeological /paleontological monitor to be retained for
Commissioner Toerge amended his motion to delete Condition No. 34 and
seconded by Commissioner Peotter.
Mr. Lepo said staff would accept the deletion.
Commissioner McDaniel said he would vote for the motion, but felt the rooftop
alternative would resolve the view impact issue.
Chairperson Hawkins asked staff if a variance would be required if the
Commission required only the service and to delete the structure of the
Mr. Lepo answered it would require a variance from the code requirement and
probably go to another level of approval as far as coastal development permit.
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Commissioner Eaton asked Mr. Lepo if a variance was required would it have
to go to the Coastal Commission.
Mr. Lepo answered it could likely go to the Coastal Commission for the
issuance of a coastal development permit.
Eaton, Unsworth, Hawkins, Peotter, McDaniel, Toerge, and Hillgren
City Council Follow -up — Mr. Alford noted Council denied the extension of the
hours on the Port Restaurant appeal, approved live entertainment with a
number of restrictions, and lunch meal service on weekends. Council approved
the North Newport Center Planned Community Amendment.
Planning Commission reports — Commissioner Eaton noted that the General
Plan Update Committee met on November 17 and reviewed the issue on
submerge lands. The next meeting is scheduled for December 16.
Chairperson Hawkins noted that at the General Plan Update Committee the
Mayor announced the inclusionary housing ordinance will not be within the
jurisdiction of this body or within the zoning code but will be in the subdivision
code. The inclusionary housing ordinance will have its first reading at the
Council meeting on November 24.
Chairperson Hawkins reported that both EDC Executive and EDC Full
Committee meetings for November were cancelled.
Announcements on matters that Commission members would like placed on a
future agenda for discussion, action, or report — None
Requests for excused absences — None. Commissioners and staff discussed
future meetings.
ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 p.m.
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