HomeMy WebLinkAbout170 - Special Election for Municipal ImprovementsM µ. The'BOard of Trustees o[ the City 1 - Section{5.. The Board oY Trustees l_ ORDINANCE NO. 170. oY Newport Beach do ordain as fol. 1 of the City of Newport Beach hereby' lows: orders the submission of the proposi. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Section 1. It having been determined' Lion of Incurring a bonded indebted -( NEWPORT BEACH, A MUNICIPAL ' and declared by Resolution No. 130 of - Bess in the sum of $50.000.00 Yor.the�, CORPORATION OF THE SIXTH I the City of Newport Beach. passed. !purposes Set forth in said Resolutions CLASS, INCORPORATED UNDER• adopted and approved by the vote of .: No. 130 and in this Ordinance herein -, THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF more than two - thirds of all the mem- ibefore mentioned and described. be -' CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ,�bers of the legislative branch of said p 1ng the completion of said :municipal: SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED City. to -wit: the Board of TrusteesP improvement. to -wit: said jetty. to thei VOTERS OF SAID CITY THE thereof. that the public interest and qualified voters of the City of New - PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A !I port Beach. and for that purpose,an also the public necessity demands the i DEBT FOR THE PURPOSE OF + completion in the. City of Newport I election 1s hereby called to, be held at THE COMPLETION IN THE CITY Beach of a municipal . improvement. �C and within the-City of Newport Beach: OF NEWPORT BEACH OF A MU.; to -wit: the completion of the rubble on .Monday. the 30th• day of August,' NICIPAL IMPROVEMENT, AS SET ; mound jetty constructed at the en. 1920. width day is hereby fixed as the FORTH IN RESOLUTION NO 130;! trance of Newport Bay. the comple- date on which 'said election shall be OF SAID CITY, TO -WIT: ° E Lion thereof to consist in the placing held. and the said election shall be of THE COMPLETION.OF THE RUB,i of stone In. on. and along said jetty spectaf election. BLE MOUND JETTY CONSTRUCT to increase the height thereof so that I, Section 6. At the special election ED AT THE ENTRANCE TO NEW-: f when completed the top of said jetty called to be +held and provided for by PORT BAY, - CALLING A SPECIAL: 1 will be approximately 6 ft. higher than Section 5 of this Ordinance there ELECTION FOR.THAT PURPOSE,'i it now exists. along its entire length. shall be and is hereby submitted to RECITING THE OB,I F,CTS ANDj extending from the present shore end the qualified voters of the City of New - PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE IN- :.thereof Into the. watare of the Pacific 1 port Beach the proposition of incurring' DEBTEDNESS IS, PROPOSED TO; Ocean a distance of approximately 1. a bonded debt by the City of Newptlrt' B T E INCURRED, HE ESTIMATED.EI 1700 ft. and also the placing of stone iI Beach in the sum .of'$50.000.00'with COST OF THE COMPLETION OF ;! at and near the shore end of said jetty;] which to pay the cost of the comple THE PUBLIC . IMPROVEMENT,; !1 for the purpose of protecting the shore THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCI -:l Lion d the he municipal mentioned. TO-:' thereof from and preventing Its and described municipal improVe, PAL OF THE, INDEBTEDNESS TOi injury and destruction by the tides' BE INCURRED THEREFOR. AND to -wit: said jetty: the comple'. 1; and currents of the Pacific Ocean. In tion of said municipal Improvement. THE RATE OF INTEREST.'TO BE; order to carry out the objects, pur- ,being necessary and convenient tot PAID ON SAID INDEBTEDNESS; poses and powers of the City of New - FIXING THE DATE ON WHICH carry out the objects purposes and SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION SHALL{ port Beach. the cost of the completion powers of the City of Newport Beach. of which municipal improvement will iii Section 7. The manner of holding BE HELD, THE MANNER OF, be too great to be paid out of the ordi- I HOLDING. SUCH ELECTION AND'i such election and the voting for or 1 nary annual income and revenue oY�, against incurring said indebtedness THE VOTING FOR OR AGAINST' the City of Newport Beach, shall be as follows: The proposition THE INCURRING OF SUCH IN -1 It is hereby further determined and DEBTEDNESS. AND PROVIDING' of incurring a bonded 'of debt thnd the Is- declared that the use of th word "jet - THAT IN ALL PARTICULARS! Newport of the bonds 'of com City, of ty" hereinafter In this Ordinance � Newport Beach'Yor the completion of NOT RECITED IN THIS ORDI -Z shall mean. and shall at all times be' NANCE SUCH ELECTION SHALL said municipal improvement. to-wit: construed to mean. the rubble mound said jetty. in the sum of $50.000.00. BE HELD AS PROVIDED BV LAW; jetty now constructed at the entrance - FOR HOLDING MUNICIPAL ELEC.; shall be submitted to the qualified vby to Newport Bay. and the completion+ era of the City of Newpport Beach by PORT IN TH E.,CITV OF NEW -; thereof shall be as described in said PORT BEACH. printed vial .and the ballots used at Resolution No. 130. and defined and i i Whereas. on the 12th day.oY July., said special election except as other. 1920. at a regular meeting of the legis set forth IA this Section of 'this Ord4 I wise - provided for in this Ordinance'. �lative branch of the City of Newport' shall be printed. prepared. famished 713 and distributed as' provided by law Yor I: Beach. to wit: the. Board of Trustees determined and de- oY said, City, by. a, vote of more than printing. preparing. furnishing and , Board oY Trustees oY distributing ballots atmunicipal dice. two - thirds oY all the membersof said wport Beach propose to.i Board oY Trustees. there was passed. [ions in the City adopted and approved Resolution No, debt to pay the cost. Each ballot shall have printedon .130 to said City. being a'Reson No., of the completion of. said - jetty. and to' the back thereof the words: issue and sell the bonds of the City Of MUNICIPAL TICKET I determining and declaring that the Newport Beach to pay the cost of the',; public interest and also the public ne -f completion thereof. cessity e co -- - BOND 'ELECTION demands the of a, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ' Section .2. The objects' and pur. ' And on the top of the face of the municipal improvement in,the City of poses for which the Indebtedness Is Newport Beach. to -wit: the comple -' proposed to be incurred is to pay the 'ballot the following instructlons to I tlon of the rubble mound jetty con - ,voters shall'be printed: cost of the completion of said mania m strutted at the entrance of Newport ipal improvement in the City ob New- INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Bay. the completion thereof to consist port vote in favor of the proposition ,1n the placing of stone In. on. and port Beach. to -wit: said jetty. is order .! to make and maintain the entrance to stamp a cross (X) ffi the voting square along said jetty to increase the height at the right of the: word' �'Y ES" fol -, Newport Bay safe and adequate Yor thereof so that When completed the the, purposes of marine commerce and lowing the proposition to be voted` top of said jetty will be approximately) travel. and the completion of said mu upon. To vote against the proposition! 6 ft. higher than it how exists along nicipal improvement. to -wit: said jet. stamp a cross (X), in the voting square ,Tits entire length. extending' from the ty is necessary and convenient to at the right of the word "NO" follow- present present shore end thereof into the carry out the. objects. purposes and Ing the-proposition to be voted upon. waters of the Pacific Ocean a distance powers of the City of Newport Beach, I ALL MARKS EXCEPT THE'CROSS !of approximately 1760 "ft. arid 'also the Section 3, The cost of the comple - i (X) -ARE FORBIDDEN. ALL CIS- iiiiii placing of stone at and near the shore. Lion of said municipal improvement. TINGUISHING' MARKS OR- ERA. 'i end of said jetty for the purpose of to -wit: said jetty. is estimated ,to be I! SURFS 'ARE 'FORBIDDEN AND r protecting the shore end thereof from $50.000.00. and the amount of the i MAKE THE BALLOT VOID. If you .and preventing Its injury and destruc. principal of the indebtedness to be in- I NVIIONGLY STAMP. TEAR. 'OR DE. LI tlon by the tides and currents of the curred therefor is the sum of $50.000.; , FACE THIS BALLOT return it to the �. ;Pacific Ocean. , 00. which sum is and will be too great Inspector of election and obtain.'an- 1 The completion of said municipal to be paid out of the ordinary annual 'other. I� improvement being necessary and con -, income and revenue of the City :of I 'There shall be further printed on jIvenient In order to carry out the ob- Newport Beach. I, the face of each of- said ballots. the S; jects. purposes and powers of the City Section 4. The-rate of Interest to be I� following: 'I of Newport Beach:.the cost of the tom- paid on-the said principal of •the In -lI -PROPOSITION pletion of which municipal Improve - debtednass of $50.000.00 wbicb it is l Shall the City of -Newport ment will be too great to be paid out proposed to be Incurred. is hereby fix- li Beach "incur a7 - bonded' indebted - of the ordinary. annual Income and ed at six per cent. per annum. and the t ness for the completion of - the YES iIrevenue of the City of Newport Beach. sold interest at said rate to be paid I. rubble mound jetty "at the en- INow therefore. at this. a subsequent semi- annually. .trance to Newport Bay, in the NO ' meeting of said Board of Trustees of sum of $50.000.00? !the City of Newport Beach after the' iI passage. adoption and approval of said ILResolution No 130' J 1 4, ,. i Section S. For the purpose f sa oid Sect . ion I. I. Any qualified voter may shall have -been. well and truly 'paid In special election the City of Newport at said Special election Vote in favorlgold coin of the United States. 'Both Beach is hereby divided into two spe - ' of the proposition submitted by stamp i the principal and interest of said bonds cial election precincts to be and they ing a cross (X) on his or her ballot in: Shall be paid at the office of the Tress- are hereby numbered Special Election the voting square at the right of the; urer of the City of Newport Beach, in Precinct No. 1 and Special Election I word "YES" following the proposition said City. County of Orange, State of • Precinct No. 2. Special Election Pre - i voted upon. and any qualified voter California. cinct No. 1 shall embrace all that per may vote against the proposition Sub -I Section 16• The Indebtedness of thin of the City of Newport. Beach ly -( mitted by stamping a cross (X) on hl $50.000.00 which It is proposed hereby ing northwesterly of the the following de. or her ballot in the voting square at to Incur, together with all other in- scribed line;_. — � the right of the word "NO" following, deblednesa heretofore Incurred by the . Commencing at the point of inter the proposition voted upon. . City of Newport Beach, will not in the section of the center line of 15th, Section 12. If any voter at said spe- aggregate exceed fifteen per centum rr- Street. extended northeasterly - with, cial election shall have stamped a' of the assessed value of all the real the northerly city limits of said City-' cross (X) in the voting square at the' and personal property of the City of thence southwesterly along said ex. I right of the word "YES" following the I Newport Beach. tended center line and along the can -: proposition voted upon. his or her bal. Section 17. All proceedings had un- ter line of 15th Street and along the• lot shall be counted in favor of the Is- der this Ordinance and the issuance said center line of 15th Street extend; nuance of the bonds mentioned in said and sale of the bonds therein proposed ed southwesterly to an intersection j proposition: and If he or she shall have to be issued shall be had in accord= i with the southerly boundary line of Stamped a cross (X) in the voting once with an act of the Legislature of said City. 'square at the right of the word "NO", the State of California. entitled: "An Special Election Precinct No. 2 shall: following the proposition voted upon. Act authorizing the incurring of in- embrace all that portion of the City of his or her ballot shall be counted � debtedness by cities. towns and mu- Newport Beach lying southeasterly of against the issuance of the bonds men -1 nhcipal corporations, for municipal the following described line: . Honed in said proposition. I improvements. and regulating the ac- Commencing at the point of inter -1 Section 13. If at said special elec- iquisitlon. construction or completion section of the center line of 15th, thin two-thlyds or more of all of the. thereof; (became a law under cons li- Street, extended northeasterly with: voters voting hereat shall have voted tutlonal the northerly city limits of said City. g preb. 2 . without Governor's In favor of the proposition of Incurr• approval Feb. 25. 1901) and any and thence southwesterly along said ex -• ing a bonded debt by the City of New- all acts and parts of acts that are y. tended center line and along the cen -I port Beach and the Issuance of the I amendatory thereof. ter line of 15th Street and along said bonds thereof In the sum of $50.000.001 Section 18. There being no uewspa• `J• center line of 15th Street extended for the completion of said municipal per published in the City of Newport southwesterly to an intersection with improvement. to -wit: said jetty, then) Beach at least six days a week, t1rere- the southerly boundary line of said • the bonds of the City of Newport, fore the Clerk of the City of Newport City. Beach shall be issued and sold by the' Beach Is hereby ordered and directed Said special election shall be held Board of Trustees of said City in the; to publish this Ordinance In the New- : in said special election precincts Noe. sum of $50.000.00 for said purpose. but l port News. a weekly newspaper pnb- 1 and 2 at the polling places herein- none of said bonds shall be sold for fished in the City of Newport Beach after named and designated: less than their par value, and the pro- less than six days a week.•to-wlt: pub- The polling place for Special Elec• feeds of such bond$ shall be placed in lish.ed therein once a week. by one in- .tion Precinct No. 1 •is established at• the municipal treasury of the City oft sertion In said Newport News each the westerly ground floor room of the' Newport Beach to the credit of the ,week for two successive weeks. and ` :building occupied by the City of New- Jetty Completion Fund, and shall be'thls Ordinance and the publication l port Beach as a City Hall. applied exclusively to the purposes) thereof as provided for in this Section -- The polling place for Special Elec- and objects mentioned in this Ordi- shall constitute a notice of said spe - tion Precinct No. 2 is established at nance. clal election. and no other notice of S the building at Balboa. used by the. 14. The bonded indebted -I Bald ape cial election need be given. jCity of Newport 'Beach as a Fire Hall. i ness In the sum of $50.000.00 shall be I Section 19. This Ordinance being The following named persons. each evidenced by fifty- bonds, each In the an Ordinance calling and otherwise of whom Is a qualified elector of the denomination of $1.000.00. and said relating to an election the same shall 1 special election precinct in which he fifty bonds shall be numbered consec -I go Into effect and be in force from and is appointed. are hereby appointed ae'utively from one to fifty. both inclu- latter Its final passage. _ a Board of Election to hold. conduct sive. All of said bonds shall be dated I The foregoing Ordinance No. 170 -and make return of said special elec- the 1st day, of October. 1920. and shag was passed at a regular meeting of ' . tion for that Precinct. said Board Of bear interest at the rate of six per I the Board of Trustees of the City of Election in each precinct to consist of I cent. per annum from the let day of Newport Beach, as the legislative t. ! one Inspector. two Judges. and three • October, 1920, and the• interest shall I branch thereof. held on the 26th ds!� Clerks. Each of said persons shall of July. 1920, by the vote of more than receive for his services as an election be evidenced by interest coupons at- tached to Bald- bonds. and said Interest two - of all the members said eres officer the sum of $4.00. lawful money Board d of of Trustees. and on said day coupons shall be numbered gonsecu- .I of the United States. lively. °VM; s was signed and approved by the Pres- Special Election Precinct No. 1 Section 15. The bonds shall be ideal of the Board of Trustees of said - Inspector Hugh McMillan signed by the President of the Board City. the said Ordinance b =ing paseeL.'. Judge Dave C. Winans of Trustees of the City of Newport by the affirmative vote of the follow - Judge Mrs. Stella G. O'Howell Beach. also signed by the Treasurer 'ng named trustees: Clerk Mrs- Miriam S. Porter thereof, and countersigned by the Ayes. Trustees J. P. Greeley, .1. J. Clerk Mrs. Ida P. Durkee Clerk. The interest coupons of said Schnitker, Art L. Heard, Conrad Richt- Clerk Henry P. Starck bonds shall be signed by the Teas- or, L. L. Wilkinson. - I Special Election Precinct No. 2 urer. , .1 Noes, TruSteeo, None. Inspector John A. Shilliug The bonds shall be paid as follows: Absent, Trustees. None. Judge W. W. Wilson On the 1st day of October, 1921. Bonds The above and foregoing Ordinance Judge Floyd E- Gage Nos. 1 and 2. each In the denomina- No. 170 is signed and approved by me Clerk Mrs- Dolly Cubbon thin of $1000.00 shall be paid. and an- this 26th day of July. 1920. Clerk Biro. Addie E. Hervey nually thereafter on the 1st day of Oc- J. P. GREELEY, C'.erk Ida B. Deakins tober two additional of said bonds in President of the Board of Trustees Section 9. The polls at the polling successive numerical order. and in city of Newport Beach places hereinbefore designated and like denomination. Shall be paid, mak- Attest: (90a1� ALFRED SDIITH established In said Special Election ing an annual payment of Two Thous- Clerk of the city of Precincts Nos. 1 and 2 must be opened and Dollars on the principal of said Newport Beach. at six o'clock A. M. of the day of elec• lodebledneas. the same being not less JVIy 30, 1920 tion. and must be kept opened until than one - fortieth part of the amount �^ seven o'clock P. M. of the same day. 1 of such principal of the indebtedness. when the polls shall be closed. except) The Interest on said bonds shall be as provided in Section 1164 of the Po- paid as follows: The first installment litical Code of the State of California. I of Interest on the 1st day of April. Section 10. In all particulars not re. J 1921. and seml- annually thereafter on cited In this Ordinance said special the 1st day of October and the let dey election shall be held and conducted of April In each year until all of said s as provided by law for holding munle- bonds. both principal and interest. Ipal elections in the City of Newport Beagb. ' I, Alfred Smith, Clerk-of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance No. 170 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by.the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of July, 1920, and that same was printed a-rd published according to 1."r - ORDINANCE - NO. 171. 1 Phis Ordinance was passed at a'reg,i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'lUar. meeting of the Board of Trtistegs held on the 2nd day of August, 1920.1 NEWPORT BEACH REPEALING by the affirmative vote of the following < - - -- - CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ORDI• '� named members of said Board: NANCES CONCERNING THE IN. II Ayes— Trustees J. J. Schnitker, Art; STALLATION OF SEWER, WATER L. Heard, Conrad Richter, L.' L. Wil -' AND GAS CONNECTIONS. I ki and J. P. Greeley. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- Noe Noes —None. lows: Absent —None. - Section 1. That portion of any Ordinance No. 171, having been pass -' of the City of Newport Beach Beach ed by the a0lrmative vote of a[_ least ( three members of the Boara of Trus• which n which now provides, fixes or estab- tees.pr the City of Newport Beach, is lishes the charge to be made by the City of Newport Beach for the install- approved by me this 2nd day of Aug - atlon of any sewer, water or gas con -' ust, 1920. sections, or -the connection of any pri- J. P. GREELEY,, vate or public property with the water, 'i4 i� President of the Board of Trustees, 'gas; or sewer systems of the City of City of Newport Beach. •�Attest: • Newport Beach, or' 'which fixes the i. charge to be made by the City of New. (Seal) ALFRED SMITH, � Clerk of the City Newport Beach. ' port, Beach for the- turning of water of August 6, 1920 or gas on or off from any such public �- or private property, is hereby repeal- ed. All charges to be made by the City of Newport Beach for the making of any such connection or for the turn, - Ing on or turning oR'oYwater or gas { shall hereafter be' established from ' time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Section 2. The above and foregoing Ordinance No- 1i1 -shall be published In Newport News, a newspa. _j�once per of / general circulation, printed, ]general published and circulated in the City 'i of Newport. Beach, and it shall take eY. ; fect and be In force from and after its, • 1; passage. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby °r s y v V c . certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 171 is a true and correct copy of an. Ordinance passed by' -the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting heldi on the-2d day of August, 1920, and that same was printed and published Y according to law. - City Clerk of Newport Beach.