HomeMy WebLinkAbout226 - Election - Public Improvements'- - -t ORDINANCE NO.226 SECTION �1. —� I The cost of the coustrintion of It having been determined by Re-' Balboa comfort at,. Alon is es,i : :, ;!t : :t: solution No. 217 of the City of New -i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF :o br :.h.; :::tall o° "•..' .s0, ant the port Bea.rh, passed by the cote of NEWPORT BEACH ORDERING amount o: the principal to the iu ;I : :ht- two - thirds of all the members there.� THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUAL. edness to be incurred therefor L litc of, that the public, interest and also IFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY sill", of $3,110U.Cp, which sn:a is aid the public necessity demands the _ SEVERAL PROPOSITIONS OF IN- will be tot, great to be paid to ; of construction by the city of Newport, CURRING A BONDED DEBT FOR t the urdiva:'y annual income and re- Beach of a public improvement, to -. 1 THE PURPOSE OF THE CON. i'venue of the city of Newport Beatu. wit: a publir comfort station or, STRUC'IION OF CERTAIN BUILD. SECTION 2. water - closet to be located at pr near ! INGS FOR \fU 'NICIPAL USES, It having been determined by Rr- the City Hall of the pity of New -I AND IMPROVEMENTS I \' THE so:ution No. 217 of the rity of New. port Beach, in order to carry out the; PUBLIC PARK, A9 SET FORTH port Beach. passed by the vote of two, objects, purposes and mowers of the. IN RESOLUTION N0. S17 OF THE thirds of all the members thereof, city of Newport Beach, the cost of CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, AND that the public interest and also the which will be too great to be pail! CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION public necessity demands the rem- out of the ordinary annual income' FOR THAT PURPOSE; RECITING struction by the city of SewporlI and revenue of the city of ScwportJ THE SEVERAL OBJECTS AND Beach of a public improvement. to- Beaah, PURPOSES FOR WHICH INDF,BT- wit' afire engine house, to be local -; g It is Lerch further detcrniined? y � EDNESS IS PROPOSED TO BE IN- ed in that-portion of said city l and declared that the Pity of New - CURREll, THE ESTIMATED COST. as Balboa. p order tarry out the out thel port Beach proposes to issue and selil OF EACH OF THE PROPOSED objects, purposes and powers or the) d the bonds thereof' to pay the cost ol; PUBLIC MPROVEME 'NTS, THE city of Newport Beach, the cost of the construction of said publir cmn -' 1MOU 'N T OF THE PRINCIPAL OF w c which will be too great to be paid) fort station or water- c!osel at or; THE INDEBTEDNESS TO BE IN. out of lbe •ordinary annual income: near the City Hall of said city. CURBED THEREFOR, AND A and revenue of the city of Newport The use hereinafter of the v,'or,' MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST Beach. City ltxil comfort station" m::.ann TO BE PAID ON SAID INDEBT -- It Is hereby further determined and and shall at all times and places b.:. EDNESS, FIRING THE DATE ON declared that the city of Newport held anti construed to m ^an lit. pub -I WHICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL Beach proposes to issue and sell the lit, improvement set forth fu Reso!u -; BE HELD, THE MAN \ER OF bonds thereof to pay the cost of the, lion No. 217, ;;.id above dascri'ned in• HOLDING SUCH ELECTION, AND construction of said fire engine) this section. THE VOTING FOR OR AGAINST house at Balboa. I The objects and puroosee of tile� INCI'RRING SUCH INDEBTED- The The use hereinafter of the words: toistrurtion oC City Hall comfort -ford NESS, AND PRO THAT IN fire engine house" means. station is to ai a convenient am:, ALL PARTICULARS NOT RELIT- and shall at all times and places bel sanitary place at or near tits city. "of 1 Ell IN THIS,ORDINANCE SUCH held and conlrued to menu the pub—;bail the city of S ^wport Beach ELEC'TIO'N SHALL BE HELD IS 'to improvement set forth in Re -; where the inhabitants of said city; ! PROVIDED BY LAW FOR HOLD. solution No. 217 and above descrlo- and the general public may urinate ING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IN ed in lhig section. and uvaruate. TIIE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. The objects and purposes of thel The cost of the ronstrurtiou of 1, construction of Balboa fire engine) City !fall comfort station is rsti :oat - 1 Whcreas, the Board of Trustees house is to provide and have at Bal -I ed to be $10,000.00, and the au;om:t of of the city of Newport Beach, as the boa a building in which to house and, the principal of the indobtednesc fo legislative branch thereof, at au ad• keep ready for immediate use a part] be Incurred therefor is the sum of journed regular meeting held on the of the fire apparatus oY the city of] $10,000.00, which sum is and will be; 13th day of February, 1923. by a voteI Newport Beach. I too great to be paid out of the or- of two- thirds of all tits membersl The cost of the construction of dinary annual income and rev. -nue thereof. passed Resolutiou No. 2171 Balboa fire engine house is estimated! of the city of Newport Braes. declaring that the public in+.eresl to be $2000.00, and the amount of the SECTION 5. a it it also the public necessity principal of the indebtedness to bcl ; It having been determined - demands Ilto the city cline incurred therefor is the sum of solution Su. 217 of the, ri;.y of New- F e several of Newport Beach of several moot -. each $2000.00. which sum Is and will be. )tort Beach. passed by Cbo vn!e of cipal Improvements, each of •.chic!_t ! too great to c paid out v the of the two - thirds of all the mon:brrs thera- sty annual income and revenue of the are Bet forth and doserlhed In i.< ? -I of, that the public iut,rc: :c still :d.io solution of Intention No. 211 -7. and -ire! city of Newport Beach. SECTION 3. the public necessity demand? the nert.xsa ry and convenient to earryl out the objcrl ^., and It having been determined by Itc- construction of the city of 'Anrport ' Purposes. powers of the city of Ne.v ort Beach, the solution No. 217 of the city of New- lo- Beach to a public tort p post of which tt will too great to be wit: a Public comfort slacinn or gtazion Port Beach, passed by the vote of two. water- closet to be located in that in paid out of the ordinary aunuul lit- thirds of all the members therro:.i Portion of thn said city huow n as' come and revenue of Nile city of \ew- that the public interest and also the. % vst Mtwport, in o *der to carry oCI port Beach. ' public necessity demands the con -1 struction by the city of Newport tile. objret B, purpose.:. :end pew-or2. of Now therefore. at this, a subac quest th•: rity of Newport Beach. the cost meeting of the legislative, vn'auch of. g g Beach of a public improvement, to- of which will be Inn great to be paid Wald city, after the pxBBage of Re- wit: a. public c station or ,tut of the ordinary amwai �orome r.ol olio❑ No. 217, e located water - closet,, to be located ht that and revenue of lb city of Sew-pomt The 3oard of Trasle: s of [ho city Portion of the said city known as I Peach. of Newport Beach do ordain as tot- P _East Newport, in order to carry out It is hnvbp further dalrrntinod nn;b tow's: the objects, purposes and powers of I declare9. that the rit' o- Newplo t - SUCTION 1, It having been delarinined by Re- the city of Newport Bence, the cost. of which will be too great to be paid R;•wli pronnsts in issue anti sell Ci• `' 1 out of the ordinary annual iarome nnmis tttion to pay the cost of Ut� sot nlion No. 217 of the city of :inw_ and revenue of the city of Newport ,.ona;rn rlion of said Pt.bLe ecntfo r: port Reach, passed by the vote of s lion or water -rlP :sit at Sv'a_ lv: n- thirds of all the members there_ Beach. port. of. that the public interest and also Il a hereby further determined; Tba nsr hercinatter ct t'ue o:or:,. the publir necessity demands the and declared that the city of Newport' "Ift' st Net-port comfort station" ronstrurtion by the city of Newport P Reach improvement. to- Beach proposes to issue and sell the bonds thereof to pay the coat of the maces and snail at all td and I of a public construction of said public coal- places bP held and ;'onstse;•d menu to wit: a public. comfort station or the public improvement set ieriil itt water - closet, to be located in that fort station or water-closet at East Resolution No. 217, anti above des- , portion of said city known as Bal- Newport. rribod in this section. boa. In order to carry out the objects The use hereinafter of the words The objects and paposes of the purposes aid powers of the city of "East Newport comfort station construction of Rest wporl, cont- Newport Beach the cost of which Imi means and shall at all times and) station is to afford o l Will be toe great to be paid out of places be held and construed to and and sanitary place at Rest iCr'w port t Newport • the ordinary annual income and re- the City Newport Beach. mean the public Improvement set where the inhabitants of said city venue oC of forth In Resolution No. 217. and above and the general g- public may urinsle It is hereby further deteruined Ban in this section, .. and evacuate.. ideclared that the city of Newport =described The objects and purposes of the The cost of the construction of Beach proposed to issue and sell construction of East Newport com- West Newport comfort station is es- the bonds thereof to pay the rest oY. fort station is to afford a convenient limaled to be $3ljO11.00. ane! Nile • the construction said public cum -., and sanitary place at East Newport amount of the principal of the in- a fort station or water - Closet at Bal -: wherethe inhabitants of said city and debtedness to be incurre:l therefor is boa. the general public may urinate and the sum of $3000.00, which sum i5'. The use hereinafter of the words evacuate. and will be too great to be paid nut. "Balboa Comfort Station" _neaps and The cost of the construction of East of the ordinary annual income and . shall at ail tim,as and places b! held Newport comfort station is estimated revenue of the city of Newport Beach., • and rou.,frued to mean the nubiic to be $2500.00, and the amount of the SECTION 6. ! mprovement set forth in itesd lr:ion principal of the indebtedness to be, It having been determined by Re -' C <o. 217 still above described i.t lh.1 incurred therefor is the sumof $2500. -i solution No. 217 of the city of New- ' Bertion. 00, which sum is and will be too great! port Beach, passed by the vote of The objects and purposes o, ine to be paid out of the ordinary annual, two - thirds of all the members there - construction of Balboa comfort sta- income and revenue of the city of of. that the public interest and alsoi i tion is to afford a con ^cuient and Newport Beach. the public necessity ds the cot : sanitary place at .Balboa where the city o ; oo by the city' of Net, inhabitants of said city and tha Beath Beach of a pulir improvement, lo-, to-, general .public may, urinate and wit: a pulir jail to be located at or' evacuate. f near the City IialI of the city of New=r_ _ _ _ — port Beach. in order to carry out the! The manner of holding such ape- - -- - ✓ objects. purposes and powers of the cial election and the voting for or the credit of the appropriate fund and city of Newport Beach. the cast of; against incurring such indebtedness shall be appiled exclusively to, the which will be too great to be paid; shall be as fo:lows: purposes and objects mentioned in out of the ordinary annual Income!' The proposition of Incurring a this Ordinance and for ,which the and :revenue of the _city of tvewport. banded debt for the purposes set same was voted.. Beach, i forth, iii 11,esolutimu No. 217 and in thel SECTION 1'1 It is hereby farther determined' principal of cite indehtcdaess herein -i For the purposes of said special and declared that the city of Newport: before i ceited shall be su int by! election the city of Newport Beach Beach proposes to issue and sell the• a printed ballot and cash of sa.dIis hereby subdivided Into two (2) bonds thereof to pay the cos: or the; Prupositiious ahal! be set forth on j special election precincts, and they construction of said public jail. . said ballot as a dist:nct and sea =n :et, I the numbered special election pre - The use hereinafter of tae words. Proposition; and which printed on1_1 tint No. I and special election prc- "public jail" means and shall at all! lot shall be substantially ;u the Cot -! cinct No, 2, and for that purpose the times and places be held and con - lov, Ing fora;: 1 two election precincts now existing I strued to mean the public :mprovv- (1 N'ICI AL BALLOT in the City of Newport Reach num -- ment set forth in Resolution No. 217.' bered 1 and 2 shall constitute the and above described in th:s section, 1 '111 NICIPAL BOND P,LECTION I special election precincts of like - Tho objects and purposes o: tile- The n1' NEWPORT BEACH number. construction of said public jail is to: INSTRUCTION'S TO VOTEUS: A polling place in each special 1 , '1'u .mc m favul, of any proposi- selection precinct is bereby establish,. ;provide the city of Newport Beach tion stamp a cross (X) in the voting � ed, and a board of election a with a safe and sanitary place :r d nic- square to lire right of the word YES ed therein, to hold. conduct. and make which r detain .persons awo inn foliow'ing the proposition to be voted 11 returns of said special election. as ,trial for public offensos. nod to sal � prison Persons and ;- rgoiu :g i;vaiele- upon. To cote against any pro - l; Provided by law for holding elections went of imprisonr.'. nut after cu ^c, Position stamp a cross (X) in theliin the City of Newport Beach. as tot - d u on of public offs•ses. voting square to the, right of the lows: — The cost of the construction of sat; word NO following the proposition) The southwesterly ground floor 1 public jail is estimated to be $7000: to be voted upon. all markes ex -� room of the building now occupied by 100. and the amount of the rinci p al cept the cross (Xi are forbidden. All the City of Newport Beaten as a City (of the indebtedness to on li =urr.:l distinguishing marks or erasures Hall is hereby established as the poll - therefor is the sum of $$7000.00, which arc forbidden amt make the ballot ing place for special election pre - sum is and will be too great to b void. If you wrongly stamp. tear cinct No. 1 and the board of election Ix. paid out r the ordinary annual fn- or deface this ballot. return it to the appointed therein shall consist of one inspector of election aninspector. two p d obtain an- ins come and revenue of the city o ". New- othe judges and theca r. port Beach. clerks. each of whom is a resident SECTION 7. PROPOSITIOxS and registered qualified voter of spe- It having been determined by Be- Shall the City of Newport cial election precinct, No. 1 as tot- Isolation No. 217 of the city of New Beach incur a bonded debt in YES, low's:- . the slim of $3000.00 to pay port Beach. passed by the vote there- Inspector'. Sleds O. elch. ll. 'the cost oY the construction . two - thirds a all the members also' Judge. Anthony N. smith.. of, that the public interest and also', of a public comfort station NO Judge. Arthur N. Smith. or wc:icr- closet at Balboa? Clerk. Mirlan S. Porter. I the public necessity demands the Shall the City of Newport Clerk. Arline E. Jasper. construction by the city of Newport. Beach iucu' a bonded debt YES Clerk. D. E. Moore. i Beach of a public Improvement, to- in the sum of $2000.00 to pay, The building now occupied by the wit: sidewalks. a sprinkling system, the cost of the construction NO City of Newport Beach as a fire en. and a tool house in the. public park of a fire engine house at Bal- gine house at Balboa is hereby es- owned by the city of Newport Reach boa? tablished as the polling place for in order to carry out the objects. Shall the city of Newport special election precinct No, 2 and - Purposes and powers of the city of Beach incur a bonded debt in YES the board of election appointed there - Newport Beach. the cost of which the sum of $2600.00 to pay in shall consist of one inspector. two will be too great to be paid out of the cost of the construction two judges and three cierks. each of the ordinary annual income and reve of a public comfort station whom is a resident and registered one of the city of Newport Beach. or water- closet at East NO qualified toter of special election It is hereby further determined and Newport M1I precinct No. 2 as follows: — declared that the city oY Newport Shall the city of Newport Inspector. Glenn C. Wallace. Beach proposes to issue and sell the Beach incur a bonded debt YES Judge. John A. Schilling. bonds thereof to pay the cost of in the slim of $10.000.00 to Judge. Henry J. Burns. hue construction of sajd sidewalks.I pay the cost of the construe- I Clerk. H. Bay Webster. sprinkling systeM and tool house Lion of a public comfort Clerk. Roberta Garri ues. :In the public g park thereof. � station or water - closet at or Clerk. Mamie A. Brown. The use hereinafter of the words I near the City Hall of the city NO The polls must be opened at each 'park improvements" means and sliall of Newport Beacb? of the polling places above esteblish- at all times and places be held and Shall the city of Newport ed at six o'clock a. in. of the day of construed to mean the public im- Beach incur a bonded debt in YES the special election and must be kept provement set forth in Resolution the sum of $3000.00 to pay open until seven o'clock P. ra. of the No. 217. and above described in this the cost of the construction sam;, day. when the pons shall be section. bf a public comfort station � closed. except as provided for in The objects and purposes of the or water - closet at Nest NO Scetion 1164 of the Political Code. construction of said park improve- Newport? In all p particulars not recited iu meats are to provide safe and con- Shall the city of Newport this Ordinance such special election venient walks in and through said Beach Incur a bonded debt YESlshall be held as provided by law for park and a sprinkling system with ut the sum of $7000.00 to holding municipal elections iu the which to adequate sprinkle and water Pay the cost of the construe- City of Newport Beach. the shrubs. flowers. and grass to be tion of a public jail at or SECTION 12 planted and grown in the park. and, near the City hall of the city NO � Any and all bonds. the issuance of a house wherein the tools used in the of Newport Beach? which may he authorized at the ape- care of said park may. when not In' Shall the city of Newport cial election, will be issued and sold use. be safely kept. , Beach incur a bonded debt iu YES, by the Board of Trustees of the City The cost of construction of said )he sum of $4100.00 to pay ; of Newport Beach as they may deter. Park ' mprovements is estimated to' the cost of the construction ' mine, bat no bonds shall be sold for be $1100.00. and the amount of the of sidewalks, sprinkling sys- less than their par value and interest principal of the indebtedness to be. tem and tool house in the I accrued at the date of their de: :very. it carrel therefore is the sum of public park of the city of NO Sh :C'fION 1:3 $?100,00, which sum is and will be, Newport Be.uh? All bonds issued shall be payable too great to be paid out of the or -; 6N6TION 10. 1 substantial:; ;it the following mau- dinary annual iurome and revenue: At said special election any voter] nor: a part to be determined by the Of the clt3 m Newport Beach. :,may vote in favor of any one or more I Board of Trustocs shall be payable 9ECTI IN S. of the propositions submitted by, cac,h year, which ic. - : _iii not be A umxiuuum rate of interest is'.!,statnping a cross (X) in the voting less than one- for :ioCi part of the hereby recited and fixed at six ' square to the right of the word YES1 amount of the indebtedness. and shall per' following the proposition voted upon.) be paid on a day and date and at a cent. apon the principal of the ter or at said special election any voter. place to be fixed by the Board of hicur ed f ' 811b f s be hereafter tttay vot- against any one or more of Trustees. and designated in Gee ponds. incurred nor say t' srtd objects or purposes. which rate of interest shall the propositions submitted by stamp -1 together with tine interest on all cams rot be exceeded in the :ssuance of.ing a cross (X) in the voting square] unpaid at such date and the interest bonds for' any such indebtedness. ;)to the right of the word NO following; shall be, payable semi- annually . a.nd the same shall be payable s_mi -I the propositon voted nson. All bonds shall be signed by the i amorally. if at said special election two-thirds l, President of the Board of Trustees SECTION 9. or more of all due voters voting there - t as the executive of the City of New - of shall have voted YES and In favor I port Beach: also signed y The Board of Trustees hereby or -. of any proposition or propositions sub rarer thereof. and gcountersi1Cnede by dens tie snbat:ssion to the qualified: milted. then the issuance of the bonds the Clerk. Coupons shall be e attach voters of the c;q; of Newport Beach mentioned in such _ the several propositions of uses int 1 propositions shall be deemedtuauthor� est Coupons shall be numbered con etca- a bonded deb: for the purposes set ized and will be Issued and sold by tively'. The interest coupons shall forth in Resolution No. 217. and as, hereinbefo.e iu this Ordinance re- be signed by the Treasurer and the cited. and for that purpose an elec -I the Boa1110 of Trustees of the City of signature of the Treasurer on the in- that is hereby called and ordered Newport Reach in the several terest coupons may be by a printed `lilt -be held at and within the city of amounts of the: principal of the fn- or lithographed fac simile' thereof. debtedness and for the. objects and '�lport Beach on the 29th day of purposes set forth therein_. And the Mi l92� and the same shall be money derivodi fropor the safe of aueih = ;.- - "" bonds ehstiL be d @$hafted in the treas- N2.waaYt Be ®dr try Absent, Trustees, Conrad Richter. The above and foregoing Ordi- nance No. 226 having been passed by the cote of two - thirds of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach is sign- ed and approved by me this 26th day of February, 1923. J. J. SCHNITKER, President. of the Board of Znhstees. City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Cleric of the City of Newport Beach 1st pub. Mar. 2: last pub Mar 16, 1923 ORDINANCE NO. 927 S ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF N'EW'PORT BEACH BY ITS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AS THEi LEGISLATIVE BODY THEREOF] i)ECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL AN ELECTION IN A PRO. POSED IMPROVEMENT DIS- '1'itIi'T FOR THE PURPOSE OF Si'BMITTING TO THE QUALI- FIED ELECTORS OF SAID DIS- i TRICT THE PROPOSITION OF AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SUE OF BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE PURPOSE SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE, AC- CURATELY DESCRIBING THE EX'T'ERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED MUNICIPAL IM -: PROVEMENT DISTRICT, SETS TING FORTH A GENERAL DES- CRIPTION OF THE IMPROVE - NESTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THEREIN, AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE PROPOS- ED IMPROVEMENT WORE AN'Dj THE INCIDEN'.TAL EXPENSE IN _ CONNECTION 'THEREWITH, FIX- ING A DATE UPON WHICH AN ELECTION WILL BE CALLED IN SAID DISTRICT, THAT A MAP SHOWING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT WITH REL:4TION TO THE TERRI. , TORY D[MEDIATELY CONTI- GUOUS THERETO, AND A GENER- AL DESCRIPTION OF THE Pilo. POSED IMPROVEMENT :IRE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CUP"' OF NEWPORT BEACH, WHICH MAP SHALL GOVERN FOR Al, DE- TAILS AS 'I'D THE £XTEN OI' SAID DISTRICT„ AND FLXn- G A ! DATE, HOyy-R , ;AIYD PLACE FOR THE: HEA9RiN :i F =6F PROTESTS.ti (a) the construction of one wooden' bridge erected on pile bents and ex- tending across the channel or arm of Newport Bay on the northerly side of Balboa Island, at the north- erly end of Marine Avenue for the purpose of public travel and trans- portation. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said bridge is the sum of $14,000, and of the incidental ex- pense in connection there with $1000. (b) The construction of an or -) namental street lighting system up- on and along all of the Palle streets of Balboa Island, being within said district, in order to light and illu- minate said streets. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said ornamental street lighting system in the sum of $21,000, and of the incidental expense In con -, section therewith $2,000. (c) The construction of a sewage) collection system, sewage disposal works, and pumping station together with all necessary appartus and ap -1 . pliances to sewer all of the territory' comprising the district, in order to . render the same sanitary. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said sewage collection system, sewage disposal works and pumping station, and necessary apparatus is the sum of $135,000, and of the Incidental expenses in connection therewith $10,000. (d) The construe of a main water, pipeline in and along the en -! tire length of an alley: existing in' the district and which Is adjacent to the exterior boundary lines of Sec -. tions 1- 2- 3 -4 -5, of Balboa Island in or- der to supply Balboa Island and which is within the district with ad- equate water f d if SECTION 2. or omes c use and Whereas, on the 13th day of Feb - TSECTION 14 — ruary, 1922, there was filed in the All proceedings had under this or- office of the Clerk of the city of New - dinance and in the issuance andrsale jpm4. Beach, as Clerk of the Board of of the bonds which may be authorized Trustees thereof, a netition in writ- . at the special election, shall be had ing signed by qualified eieeaoi s re- and taken as provided by an act of siding in territory which is within the legislature of th eState of Calif- and constitutes a portion of the city ornia, entitled: "An Act authorizing of Newport Beach, a municipal in- the incurring of Indebtedness by corporation under the laws of the cities, towns, and municipal corpora- State of California, asking that said tions for municipal improvements, territory be formed into a municipal and regulating the acquisition con- improvement district for the par- , struction, or completion thereof. "(be ;Pose of creating an indebtedness to came a law under constitutional pro- - be represented by bonds of said dis- vision without governor's approval trict the proceeds from the sale of February 26, 19010 and all acts which to be used for the construe - amendatory thereof. tion of public improvements, with - SECTION 15 in said district, which the city of There being no newspaper publish- Newport Beach Is authorized by law ed in the City of Newport Beach six to construct; and i days a week, this ordinance shall be Whereas, said petition is signed published once a week for two weeks by more than ten per cent. of the in THE NIrWPORT NEWS, a news- qualified electors residing in the paper published in the City of New- territory which is proposed to be port Beach less than six days a week, meat district and sets forth a general to -wit: once a week, and one inset- description of the improvement work tion of this ordinance each week for to be constructed, and a general two succeeding weeks In said NEW_ description of the exterior bounder - PORT NEWS shall be a sufficient ies of such proposed district; publication of this ordinance, and Now therefore, the Board of Trns- this ordinance and the publication tees of the city of Newport Beach thereof as herein provided shall con- 'do ordain as follows: istitute the notice of election and SECTION 1. no other notice of the special elec- The Board of Trustees of the city tion need be given. of Newport Beach hereby declares The above and foregoing ordinance its intention to call an election in • was passed at an adjourned regular that portion of the city of Newport meeting of the Board of Trustees of Beach proposed to be formed into a the City of Newport Beach held on municipal improvement district the 26th day of February, 1923, by for the purposes of submitting to the the vote of the following named two- qualified electors of said district the thirds of all the members tirereof: proposition of authorizing the is- Ayes, Trustees, J. J. Schnitker, H. suance and sale of bonds thereof in C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, L. S. Wit- the manner and for the purposes kinson. hereinafter set forth in this ordin- Noea Trustees None: ante of intention. Absent, Trustees, Conrad Richter. The above and foregoing Ordi- nance No. 226 having been passed by the cote of two - thirds of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach is sign- ed and approved by me this 26th day of February, 1923. J. J. SCHNITKER, President. of the Board of Znhstees. City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Cleric of the City of Newport Beach 1st pub. Mar. 2: last pub Mar 16, 1923 ORDINANCE NO. 927 S ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF N'EW'PORT BEACH BY ITS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AS THEi LEGISLATIVE BODY THEREOF] i)ECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL AN ELECTION IN A PRO. POSED IMPROVEMENT DIS- '1'itIi'T FOR THE PURPOSE OF Si'BMITTING TO THE QUALI- FIED ELECTORS OF SAID DIS- i TRICT THE PROPOSITION OF AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SUE OF BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE PURPOSE SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE, AC- CURATELY DESCRIBING THE EX'T'ERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED MUNICIPAL IM -: PROVEMENT DISTRICT, SETS TING FORTH A GENERAL DES- CRIPTION OF THE IMPROVE - NESTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THEREIN, AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE PROPOS- ED IMPROVEMENT WORE AN'Dj THE INCIDEN'.TAL EXPENSE IN _ CONNECTION 'THEREWITH, FIX- ING A DATE UPON WHICH AN ELECTION WILL BE CALLED IN SAID DISTRICT, THAT A MAP SHOWING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT WITH REL:4TION TO THE TERRI. , TORY D[MEDIATELY CONTI- GUOUS THERETO, AND A GENER- AL DESCRIPTION OF THE Pilo. POSED IMPROVEMENT :IRE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CUP"' OF NEWPORT BEACH, WHICH MAP SHALL GOVERN FOR Al, DE- TAILS AS 'I'D THE £XTEN OI' SAID DISTRICT„ AND FLXn- G A ! DATE, HOyy-R , ;AIYD PLACE FOR THE: HEA9RiN :i F =6F PROTESTS.ti (a) the construction of one wooden' bridge erected on pile bents and ex- tending across the channel or arm of Newport Bay on the northerly side of Balboa Island, at the north- erly end of Marine Avenue for the purpose of public travel and trans- portation. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said bridge is the sum of $14,000, and of the incidental ex- pense in connection there with $1000. (b) The construction of an or -) namental street lighting system up- on and along all of the Palle streets of Balboa Island, being within said district, in order to light and illu- minate said streets. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said ornamental street lighting system in the sum of $21,000, and of the incidental expense In con -, section therewith $2,000. (c) The construction of a sewage) collection system, sewage disposal works, and pumping station together with all necessary appartus and ap -1 . pliances to sewer all of the territory' comprising the district, in order to . render the same sanitary. The estimated cost of the con- struction of said sewage collection system, sewage disposal works and pumping station, and necessary apparatus is the sum of $135,000, and of the Incidental expenses in connection therewith $10,000. (d) The construe of a main water, pipeline in and along the en -! tire length of an alley: existing in' the district and which Is adjacent to the exterior boundary lines of Sec -. tions 1- 2- 3 -4 -5, of Balboa Island in or- der to supply Balboa Island and which is within the district with ad- equate water f d if SECTION 2. or omes c use and The exterior boundaries of the pro - the extinguishment of fire. I posed improvement district are ac- The estimated cost of the construc- cuLocat described as follows: tion of said main water pipeline is Loca[ed in the city Newport the sum of $12,000, and of the inci- Beach, a County of Orange, State of dental expenses in connection there - ia, California, and with $1,000. Beginning at U. Bulkhead SECTION 4. Station No. 160, as laid out and la Ally person interested objecting j to the formation of the district or to shown uppon a Map of Newport the extent of the district or the ro- Bay, California, showing harbor p posed improvements lines approved by the War De- or to the in- Pahence January 18, 1917; elusion of his property in the dis- Uence easterly in a direct line trict may at or before the hour of to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 7;30 o'clock P. m. of Thursday, the 151; thence easterly in a direct 29th day of March, I923, file with line to L. S. Bulkhead Station the Clerk of the city of Newport No. 152; thence southeasterly in Beach a written protest setting forth a .direct line to U. S. Bulkhead such objections. Station No. 153; thence south- The hour of 7:30 o'clock p easterly in a direct line to U. S. Thursday, the 29th day of Marche Bulkhead Station No.154; thence 1923, In the council chamber of the southeasterly in direct line Board of Trustees of the city of New- to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. port Beach in the City Hall of said 155; thence westerly in a direct city is hereby fixed as the date, hour, line to U. S. Bulkhead Station and place for the hearing of pro- No. 156; thence northwesterly tests. along the U. S. Bulkhead Line to SECTION 5. U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 157; The manner in which the proposi- thence northwesterly in a direct tions shall be submitted to the quah- line to U. S. Bulkhead Station fled electors of the district and the No. 158; thence northwesterly bonds thereof issued and sold is as In a direct line to V. S. Bulk- follows: head Station No. 159; thence The propositions shall be submitted I northwesterly in a direct line [o to the qualifier) electors of the dis- U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 160; trio[ by means of a printed ballot, Thence northerly in a direct lice and the propositions of the issuance to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. and sale of the bonds of the dis- 150' to the place of beginning. All . trict for the construction of the pro- of said hereinbefore mentioned posed public improvements shall be U. S. Bulkhead Stations and printed and stated upon the ballot Bulkhead lines are laid out and so that the qualified electors shall s shown shown upon the aforesaid map of have the opportunity and be per - per- Newport Bay, California, show - mitted to vote in favor or against fug harbor lines. each proposition separately and the The use hereinafter of the words Issuance and sale of the bonds for "the district" means and shall at all each separate proposition. times be held and construed to For said election the district shall mean the proposed municipal im- constitute one voting precinct, and a provement district as herefnbefore, polling place shall be designated decrfbed, or as the same may bey and board of election appo:uted to hereafter modified as provided by, consist of one inspector, one judge, law land one clerk to hold, conduct, and SECTION 3. make returns of said election. The On Thursday, the 10th day of May,lsaid election shall be a special elec- if 1923, an election will be held iat the, tion and at said election two - thirds district for the purpose of submitt -' or more of all the voters voting there ing and a[ such election [here will at shall have voted in favor of incurr- be submitted to the qualified voters- mg a bonded indebtedness for the thereof the proposition of incurring' construction of any one or more of a bonded indebtedness by the the proposed public impprovenomW issuance of the bonds of the district then the issuance and sale of the to pay the cost and expenses of pro- bonds of the district by the trustees Dosed public Improvements, a gene- of the city of Newport Beach for the ral description thereof, and the esti- construction of the proposed public mated cost thereof, and of the in- _ improvement or improvements shall, cidental expenses : In connection be authorized. therewith ire follows: