HomeMy WebLinkAbout227 - Election - Public ImprovementsSECTION 14 All proceedings had under this or- dinance and in-the issuance andwsale I of the bonds which may be authorized at the special election, shall be had and taken as provided by an act of the legislature of ill cState of Calif- ' ornia. entitled: "An Act authorizing the incurring of Indebtedness by cities. towns. and municipal corpora- tions for municipal improvements. and regulating the acquisition con- struction. or completion thereof. "(be came a law under constitutional pro- vision without governor's approval February 26, 1901.) and all acts amendatory thereof. SECTION 15 There being no newspaper publish- ed in the City of Newport Beach six days a week. this ordinance shall be Published once a week for two weeks in THE NEWPORT NEWS. a news- paper published In the City of New- port Beach less than six days a week. to -wit: once a week. ana one inser- tion of this ordinance each week for two succeeding weeks in said NEW PORT NEWS shall be a sufficient Publication of this ordinance. and this ordinance and the publication thereof as herein provided shall con - Istitute the notice of election and no other notice of the special elec- tion need be given. The above and foregoing ordinance was passed at an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach held on the 26th day of February. 1923. by the vote of the following named two- - thirds of all the members thereof: Ayes. Trustees. J. J. Schnitker. H. C. Sloan. Geo. P. Wilson. L. S. Wil- kinson. Noes. Trustees. None: Absent. Trustees. Conrad Richter. jThe above and foregoing Ordi- nance No. 226 having been passed by ' the vote of two - thirds of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach is sign- ed and approved by me this 26th day of February. 1923. J. J. SCHNITKER. President of the Board of ' Trustees. City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRED SJTITH. Clerk of the City of Newport Beach 1 1st pub. Mar. 2: last pub Mar 16, 1923 1) ORDLYANCE N0. 227 Whereas. on the 13th day of Feb- (a) the construction of one woo en - ruary. 1023. there was [fled in the bridge erected on pile bents and ex- office of the Clerk of the city of New. port tending across the channel or arm port Beach, as Clerk of the Board of te to Newport Bay on the northerly Trustees thereof. a petition in writ - : side of Balboa Island. at the north- siding in ing signed territory which is wit qualified exec curs re- ; erly end of Marine Avenue for the and constitutes city ur a portion of the city purpose of Public [rave] and trans- of Newport Beach. a municipal in- portation. corporation under the laws of tl:e The estimated cost of the con - State of California. asking that said struction of said bridge is the sum territory be formed into a municipal. of $14.000. and of the incidental ex- improvement district for the Pose of creating an indebtedness o to penes in connection there with $1000. pu (b) The construction of an or -i namental street lighting system up- be represented by bonds of said die-( on and along all of the pulic streets trio the proceeds from the sale f of Balboa Island. being within said which to be used for the construe- i ijon district, in order to light and Illu- public improvements, with- minate said streets. in said d district. which the city of The estimated cost of the con - Newport Beach is authorized by law struction of said ornamental street to construct: and lighting system in the sum of $21.000. Whereas. said petition is signed ;, and of the incidental expense in con-, by more than ten per cent. of thei�nection therewith $2.000. qualified electors residing in then (c) The construction of a sewage) territory which is proposed to bey collection system. sewage disposal ment district and sets forth a general I description of the improvement work works. and pumping station together, to be constructed. and a general with all necessary appartus and ap -, description of the exterior boundar- comprising to sewer all of the territory! ies of such comprising the district. in order to proposed district: I render the same sanitary Now therefore. the Board of Trus- . tees of the city of Newport Beach The estimated coat of the con - t do ordain as follows: struction of said sewage collection SECTION 1. system. sewage disposal works and The Board of Trustees of the city pumping station. and necessary Of Newport Beach hereby declares apparatus is the sum of $135.000. its intention to call an election es and of the incidental of in that portion of the city of Newport connection therewith $10.000. Beach (d) The construction of a main proposed to be formed into a water pipe l ine in and along the en -! municipal improvement district tire length of an alley- existing in' for the purposes of submitting to the qualified electors of said district the the district and which is adjacent to the exterior boundary lines of Sec -. suance and sale of bonds thereof Proposition of authorizing the is- tions 1- 2- 3 -4 -5. of Balboa Island in or- the manner and for the purposes -- - - - -- — hereinafter set forth in this ordin- der to supply Balboa Island and ance of intention. ,) which Is within the district with ad- Ali ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY ITS 13OARD OF TRUSTEES AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY THEREOF; DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO . CALL AN ELECTION IN A PRO- POSED IMPROVEMENT DIS- Tj21VT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SI'BMITTIIG TO THE QUALI- FIED ELECTORS OF SAID DIS- TBR7 THE PROPOSITION' OF AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE ,1x11 SALE OF BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE PURPOSE SET FORTH IN THIS ORDINANCE, AC- CURATELY DESCRIBING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPOSED MUNICIPAL IM -, PROIERENT DISTRICT SET> TING FORTH A GENERXL DES- CRIPTIGN OF THE IMPROVE - MENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THEREIN, AND AN EST131ATE OF THE COST OF THE PROPOS- ED IMPROVEMENT WORK ANDS THE INCIDEN' AL EXPENSE IN CONNECTION HEREWITH, FIX- ING A DATE LION WHICH AN ELECTION {FILL BE GILLED IN SAID DISTRICT, THAT' A MAP SHOWING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT WITH RELATION TO THE TERRI- TORY L4MEDI.ITELY CONTI- GUOUS THERETO, AND A GENER- AL DESCRIPTION 01' THE PR0- POSED IMPROVEMENT .ARE ON FILE IN THE OFk10E OF TH- CITY CLERK OF THE CITY- OF NEWPORT BEACH, WHICH 1L1I' SHALL GOYERN FOR .11 DE- TAILS AS TO THE EXT6 OI? SECTION 2. e equate water for domestic use and The exterior boundaries of the t the extinguishment of fire. posed improvement district are ac- The estimated cost of the construe - cu [ [ion of said main water pipeline is Located d the sum of $12.000, slid of the inci- Beach, County of Orange. o dental expenses in connection there- . S $1.000. Beginning at U. S. Bulkhead A SECTION 4. Station No. 150. as laid out and . Any Person interested objecting shown uppon a Map oY Newport 1 to the formation of the district or to Bay. California. showing harbor p 1 the extent a lines approved by the War De- P Posed improvements or to the in- Pertinent January 18, 1917: e elusion of his Property in the dis- thence easterly in a direct line I I trict may at or before the hour of to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 7 7:30 o'clock P. m. of Thursday. the 151: thence easterly in a direct 7 75th day of March. 1923. file with line to U. S. Bulkhead Station t the Clerk of the city of Newport No. 152: thence southeasterly in B Beach a written protest setting forth a .direct line to U. S. Bulkhead s such objections. Station No. 153: thence south- T The hour of 7:30 o'clock P. m. of easterly In a direct line to U. S. T Thursday. the 29th day of March. Bulkhead Station No.154: thence 1 1023' in the council chamber of the southeasterly in - direct line B Board of Trustees of the city of New - to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. P Port Beach in the City Hall of said 155: thence westerly in s direct C City is hereby fixed as the date. hour. line to U. S. Bulkhead Station a and place for the hearing of pro - therewith are follows l- ORI)nANCF. NO. 22F grade wall he as follows: 6. - - =Y ORIDINAN'CE OF THE BOARD OFI At the intersection with the'north SECTION TRUST EES OF THE (ITT OF I PasterIv line of Coast Boulevard. In the event that the issuance and NEWPORT BF. %CH DESICNATI NI 1110.0. sale of the bond of the district for THE NAVIES BY WHICH CFI At the intersection with the norms the construction of any one or more TAP.1 PUBLIC STREETS IN SAID westerly line of 30th Street. 110.Z. lof the proposed public tmprovementa are authorized, [hen the principal of CITY SHALL kBE SiNOWN' .15Oi The northeasterly curb line here - 1 the indebtedness to be incurred for CALLED AND CIL NGING TH F:' inbefore referred to of Coast Boulo- the public improvements which may NAXE OF A CERTAIN PUBLIC vard Place is hereby fixed and be authorized. being the estimated STREET IFITHIN SAID CITY IND'established at a distance of 4 feet cost thereof and the. incidental ex- ESTABLISHING THE GRAD',Slsouthwesterly of. and parallel with, penses in connection therewith. shall lND CI'RB LINES OF CERTAIN :the northeasterly line of said Coast be represented by bonds of the dis- STREETS AND THE GRAVE OF I; Boulevard Place. and the southwes.- trict, and shall be issued and sold by CERTAIN ALLEY ITITHIN SAID' erly curb line hereinbefore referred the Board of Trustees of the city of CITY. I to of Coast Boulevard Place is here - Newport Beach to the highest bidder The Board of Trustees of tile. Pity ; by fixed and established at a dis -,, therefor in cash. lawful money of of Newport Beach do ordain as fel. tance of 0:50 feet northeasterly of. the United States. but for not less lows: and parallel with, the southwesterly than their parvalue and accrued in- SECTION' 1. line of said Coast Boulevard Place. terest thereon: the proceeds from That certain public street in the SECTION 6. the sale of any such bonds shall be City of Newport Beach heretofore The official grade of 29th Street placed in the treasury of the city of commonly known and called 36th. from the northeasterly line of the :Newport Beach to the credit of the Street from the northeasterly lin,. Pacific . Electric Railway company's municipal improvement district fund of the Rivo Alto to the westerly line 1 right-of-way to the southwesterly . and shall be applied exclusively to of Railroad Avenuee changed and line of the Southern Pacific Railroad the purposes for which the same was k shall hereafter be known and desig- +Company's right -of -way is hei eby voted. hated as "36th Place." and thq name: established to conform to the fo]!ov: -: All of said bonds shall be dated the of said street is hereby declared to be I ing elevations. to -wit: 15th day of May. 1923: each and "36th Place." Along the northwesterly curb line every bond issued and sold and the SECTION 2. of said 29th Street the grade shall money thereby represented shall That those portions of land being be as follows: bear interest at the rate of six per the northwesterly 7.86 feet of Lot 5. At the intersection with the north -;. cent. per annum and which Interest :Block 435. of a map of Canal Section. easterly line of the Pacific Electric shall be paid semi - annually on the 'Book as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps. Railway Company's right -of- way'.: 15th day of November and May in 4, Page 98. Records of Orange 10."^.96. - j each year after their date until said ; County. California. and the southeast- At the intersection with the' sotita -' :bonds shall have been paid. principal erly 22.14 feet of Lot 6. of the afore- westerly line of the Southern Pact.:.,! and interest. All of said bonds and said Block No. 435. which portions Railroad Company's right -of way,; the interest thereon to be paid at the of said Lots heretofore deeded to the 709 ,00. treasury of the city of Newport Beach City of Newport Beach for Street per- Along the southeasterly curh .line I in said city. County of Orange. State poses are hereby accepted as an open n, Sala 29th Stre9c, the grails shall lof California. public street in the City of Newport b,: as follows: SECY ION 7. Beach. and the name by which said 1t the intersectioC with tiw north - The district formed under this Or- '.street shall be known and called is caricrly line: of the Pacific 1iar.c ric dinance shall be known as Municipal 'hereby declared to be "36th Street'. I,Vitway Comiiahy'.: right -o,- way-,' Improvement District No. 3 of the I SECTION 3. 11 ".:'0. ' city of Newport Beach. That Lot 6. Block 432. of a )lap of At the int•r<ecdoai with the South - SECTION 8. Canal Section: as- recorded hi 17isccl- N't'strrly li.i,: of the Southern ',rcif A map showing the exterior boun- iancous daps. Houk d, Page 98. Re- Railroad Company's right-ot -way. ' daries of the district with relation to cords oC Orange County. California, 108.80. the territory immediately contiguous heretofore deeded to the City- of New At the intersection with the south -' thereto and a general description of port Beach for su-ett pnrtposas is a westerly line of the Southern Paci -i the proposed improvements are on hereby aecoptod as an open public'. fie Railroad Company's right -of -way,: file in the office of the Clerk of street of the City u: Newport Reach - 108.811. the Board of Trustees of the city of and the name by which soil str, i The northwesterly and southeast. -! Newport Beach an the legislative :hall be known and called is herchy erly curb lines liereinberore referred body thereof. which map shall govern !cclare,i to be "Finley Avenue." to of 29th Street are hereby fixer •. for all details as to the extent of said SECTION 4. and estaiIlished Lt. x distance of district, and to which map all inter - That certain public street hereto- feet northwesterly and southeasterly ested persons are hereby referred. fore unnamed within the Ci:y of New- of and parallel with tine center line. i SECTION 9. 1 port Beach and describ: d as follows. of said lth Street. , 1 There is no newspaper of general I Beginning at a point in the north- SECTION T t:irculation published in the city of Iwesterly line of 30th Street which The official grcGe of the first alloy i Newport Beach six days a week. This point is 45 feet north easterly of the rortheasterly of Ocoan Avenue front i Ordinance shall therefore be publish- northeasterly line of Coast Boole- the northwesterly link: of 33r:1 Stre':a: ed by the City Clerk of the city of vard measured along the northwest- to the southeasterly line of 371GI Newport Beach by one insertion each erly line of the aforesaid 30th Street: Street is hereby es,ublishc:l to ccn- week for two succeeding weeks in thence northwesterly around a cir- form to the following elevations. to- i NEWPORT NEWS a newspaper of cular curve with a radius of 1201 wit: : general circulation published in the feet concave to the southwest. a dis- ,gong C,u northras:.e.rly Buns of said :. city of Newport Beach less than six Lance of 236.30 feet to a point in the alley the grade shat; le- as follows: 'days a week. and shall take effect northeasterly line of Coast Boule -• At the intersection with the north- and be in force upon the completion yard; thence southeasterly along thej wcstrrly line of 33il Stra2t. 112.00.: of said publication. northeasterly line of Coast Boule - At the intersection with Lie south -': I The above and foregoing Ordinance vard. a distance of 105.20 feet to a easterly lice of 31t!i Street. 111.60. of Intention No. 227 was Introduced point; thence southeasterly around a At tine intero�-Gfloh with One until:- at a regular meeting of the Board westerly line of 3•nh Street. 111.50. of Trustees of the city of Newport circular curve with a radius of 1176 ft. At the intersection w:th tine south - Beach held on the 19th day of Feb- concave to the southwest, a distance easterly line of S5th Street. 11150. ruary. 1923. and finally passed and of 177.50 feet to a point in the north- At the intersection with the north - .adopted by said Board of Trustees at westerly line of the aforesaid 80th westerly line of 55tH Sixaet. 111.90. a regular meeting held on the 26th Street: thence northeasterly along ,day of February. 1923. by the vote of the northwesterly line of said 30th At the intersection with Cue south -; the following named members there- Street. a distance of 25 feet to the easterly line of 36th Street. 112.50. of: : place of beginning. and the name by At the intersection wtta ape norcn- Ayes: Trustees. J. J. Schnitker. YL which said street shall be known westerly line of Stith Street. 112.50. C. Slosh. Geo. P. Wilson. L. S. Wil- and called Is hereby declared to be it At the intersection with the soutni- ktnson. "Coast Boulevard Place." 1,i easterly line of 37th Sttcet. 111A5. Noes: Trustees. None. 1 SECTION 5. Along the southwesterly line of Absent: Trustees. Conrad Richter. The official grade of Coast Boule-: said alley the grade shall be as to.- IIL The above and foregoing Ordinance vard Place which Is the Street des -, tows: No. 227 of the city of Newport Beach criberd and named in Section 4 hereof. ' Is signed by me this 26th day of from the northeasterly line of Coast A[ the Intersection with the Worth - February. 1923. Boulevard to the northwesterly line; w'esteriy line of 33rd Street, 112.1o. .. J. J. SCHNITI {ER of 30th Street. is hereby established the intersection with the south -1 President of the Board of 7rnstees to conform to the following eleva -; easterly line oP 34th Street. 111:70. of the city of Newport Beach. tions. to -wit: At the intersection with the north -1 Attest: Along the northeasterly curb line., westerly line of 34th Street, 111.60. ALFRED C. SMITH iof said Coast Boulevard Place the', At the intersection with the South Clerk of the city of Newport Beach 'grade shall be as follows: asterly line of Beth Street. 112.00. 1st Pub. Mar. 2; last Pub. 16. I At the intersection with the north -. At the intersection with the north -I -Mar. i easterly line of Coast Boulevard, westerly line of 35th Street. !1Z.00. 110.70. At the intersection with the soutn- At the intersection with the north-) easterly line of 3Gth Street. 112.60. ,westerly line of 30th Street. 110.00..1 At the intersection with the north - Along the southwesterly curb line westerly line of 36th Street. 112.60. said Coast - Boulevard Place the At the intrsection with tine south- 1of . .- easterly line of 37th Street, W.5c. l-