HomeMy WebLinkAbout233 - Parking on Certain Streets & Alleys1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lf1 Lh <o t � 0Rnr, ?AY.CF N0, o2.33, F` An Or�_inance of the City of Newrort Beach amendin,: Section 1 of Ordinance 221, as amended by Ordinance No. 232, gassed by the Board of Trustees of the city of port Beach on the 4th flay of June, 1923. The Boars of Truote ^s of the city of Newport Be c'^ Io ordain as follocrs:- I S= ctior. 1. l� Section 1 ^of Ordinance No. 2�1, a6 amended by 0,-iinar.ce ?o. 232 of the city of P?errport Beach, is hereby amrnc.ed so as to read as follor :s:- (a) Every owner or other person in charge of or con - trolling any motor or other vehicle is hereby prohibited frorc park- ing or permittin; the same to stand upon any portion of certain I public streets in the City of Newport Beach, described as follo:-:s: I 1. Upon '•;lain Street from the northerly line c'. Central Avenue to the easterly ,prolonSation of the northerly line of Bay Avenue. 2. Upon the north drive of Central Avenue from the + ^res+erly line of "B" Stroet to the eastsrly l'ne of A.lvar�_ :0 qtr et, i except upon the north side of said drive. 3. Unon the south live of Central Avenue frcrs :he westerly !ins of "B" Street to the easterly lire of Alvs.r�a.!:; °treet, sxce_lt -­our. the south side of said drive. Every vehicle oarked on t:­_ -�orticas of C =ntral Avonua abova described chill be parked na.allel r ✓ith the curb, 6r_: both th= front and rear !rhesl: o' th- vhhi cle^s a inches from th_- curb; it i'_4 hereby r:.c .3 tha duty c? th; -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 20 21 t 0 !u -rshal of the city of Newport Beach to cause to be painted and maintained along the pavement on the described portion. of Central Avenue cohere parking is permitted a plainly visible line which shall be na.rallel with the curb and every vehicle parked on the north rive of Central Avenie shall be parked northerly of said line ther= on, and every vehicle parked on the southerly drive of Central Avenu shall be parked southerly of said line thereon, and no vehicle shall be parked on either drive of said Central Avenue unless the vehicle and every part thereof, includin any load thereon., is wholly north- erly or southerly of the said line on the respective drives of Cen- tral Avenue where the vehicle is parked. 4. Upon any portion of any alley or i:.pon the inter- section of any streets, avenues, or alleys, within the city of New- port Beach. S. Upon any street in the city of Xer:��ort Beach r:iti:in fifteen (15) feet of a cornar formed by its intersection r :ith the street or alley line of any other street or alley, ur formed by the tarmination therein of a street or alley. 6. U_non any street in front of the driveway or ontranco to any public or private garage so as to obstruct ingres and e;ressi to and from any such -Earage ove_ a public street. (b) Every owner or other meson in charge of or controlll inE any motor or other vehicle is hereby prohibited from parkinrr or I permitting the same to stand upon any portion of any of the follow - in; described public streets in the city of Newport Beach, except upon those portions of tiaid streets and in the manner hereinafter Cie - Bribed: All motor or other vehicles shall be parked parallel to the curb lines alon; each side of the folloviin; described portions o streets: -2 e Il 4 1 1. Upon Bay Avenue from the easterly lire of 4th Street 2 to the westerly line of i.ain Street. 3 2. Upon Alvarado Street from the northerly !in-- of Surf 4 Avenue to the soittherly line of Newport Bay. 5 3. Upor. Harding Street from the easterly line of Cypress 6 Stre,:t to the westerly line of Adams Street. 7 4. Upon Cypress Street from the northerly line of Centre 8 Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 9 5. Upon Bay View Avenue from the northerly line of Bay 10 Avenue to the southerly line of Ne` -oort Bay. 11 6. Upon Adams Street from the northerly lire of Surf 12 Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. 13 7. Upon Adams Street from the northerly li-a of :lay 14 Avenue to the southerly line of Newport Bay. is 8. Upon Wasi.in; ton Street from the northerly line of 16 Surf Avenue to the southerly line of the first alley northerly of 17 Surf Avenue. 18 9. Upon "A" Street from the northerly line of Surf 19 Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 20 10. Upon "B" Str =et from the northerly line of Surf 21 Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 22 11. Upon 19th Stre -t from the northerly line of Ocean 23 Avenue to tle easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Bay 24 Avenue. 25 12. Upon 19th Street from the northerly line of Central 26 Avenue to the southerlyline of N- awpert Bay. 27 13. Upon 27th Street from the easterly line of Ocean 28 Avenue to the westerly line of the first alley easterly of Oc -zan Ave 29 14. Upon 30th Street from the southerly prolongation of 30 the easterly line of Coast Boulevard Place to the westerly lane of the southerly Pacific Railroad Company's right of v ^ay. -3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 32 15. Upon Bay Avenue from the easterly line of 21st Street to the westerly lie of 19th Street. 16. Upon Coast Boulevard from the northerly line of 23rd Str =et to the southerly line of 30th Street. All motor or other vehicles shall be parked parallel to and along the easterly curh line only of the following described Portions of streets: s 1. Upon Adams Street from the northerly line of Centra: Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 2. Upon Palm Stre-t from the northerlyline of Surf Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 3. Upon_ Washington Street from the northerly lire of Central Avenue to the southerly line of Newport Bay. 4. Upon 20th Street from the northerly line of Ocean Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. All motor or other vehicles shall be parked parallel to and alon.7 the westerly curb line only of the following described portions of streets: 1. Upon Oc °an Avenue from the westerly prolonsation of the southerly line of 22nd Street to Coast Boulevard. 2. Upon Alvarado Place from the northerly lire of Bay ; Avenue to the southerly line of Newport Bay. J I 3. Unon Fernando Street from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to the southerly line of Newport Bay. 4. Uoon Coronado Street from the northerly line of Ba� Avenue to the southerly line of Newport Bay, 5. Upon '."ashington Street from the northerly lire of the first alley northerly of Surf Avenue to the southerly line of J Central Avenue. MAI i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 32 4 a, All motor or other vehicles shall be parked parallel to and along the northerly curb line only of the following iescribed portions of streets: 1. Upon 24th Street from the easterly lone of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. 2. Upon 25th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly ling of Coast Boulevard. 3. Upon 26th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. 4. Upon 27th Stre -t from the easterly line of the °irst alley easterly of Ocean Avenue to the westerl- line of Coast Bouleva 5. Upon Central Avenue (Mort! Drive) from the westerly line of Alvarado Street to the easterly line of 21st Street. All motor or other Vehicles shall be narked parallel to and alon; the southerly curb line only of the following described portions of struts: 1. Upon 23rd Street from the easter1 7 line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Con st Boulevard. 2. Upon 28th Street from the easterly lire of Oc -an Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. 3. Upon 29th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. 4. Upon 30th Street from the easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the w- sterly line of Coast Boulevard. 5. Upon Central Avenue ( South Drive) from the wester- ly line of Alvarado Str =et to the easterly line of 21st Street. All motor or other vehicles shall be headed into the curb and be parked at an angle of sixty (60) deyrees with the center line and along the easterlv curb line of the following dos - critd portions of streets: -5 A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11 --#- 0. 1. Upon Alvarado Place from the northerly, 1'ne of Bav Avenue to the southerly line of n'e-aocrt Bay. 2. Upon r nwndo Street from the northerl- lire of Bav Avenue to the southerly line of :'�w oort Bay. 3. Upon Coronado Street from the northerlyline of Bay Avenue to the southerly lirz. of Yewport Bay. 4. Upon Palm Street from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to the southerly line of dew -ort Bay. 5. Upon 21st Street from the northerly line of Bay Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. 6, Uoon Coast Bculaverd from the westerly prolongation of the northerly line o` Bev Avenue to the southeasterl- line of 23rd Street. All motor or other veAiclas shall be he;::?ed into the curb and be parked at = an;la of sixty (60) de reel with the center ling and along the westerly curb line of the following described portions of stre:ts: 1. Unon Coronado Street from the northerly line of Surf Avenue to the southerly line of Bay Avenue. 2. Upon Palm Street from the northerly line of Central Avenue to the southerly line of Bav Avenue. x 3. U,,:)on 18th "treet from the northerly line of 0,,�, ?n Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. 4. Upon 20th Otrest from the northerly lire of Oc an Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. 5. Upon 21st Street from the ncrtherly line of Bay Avenue to the southerly line of Central Avenue. All motor or other vehicles shall be headed into the curb and be parked �t an an,,-le of sixty (60) de -gees .,ith the canter line any. along the northerly curb line of tea follo� -,ing d.oscribed oortions o:` str, ts: -6 I 1. U ^on 22nd Street from the easterly line of Oe °an 2 Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevaro. 3 2. Unon lord Street from the easterly lire of Oo =wn 4 Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. s 3. Upon 28th Street From the easterly line of Ocean 6 Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulev2r d. 7 4, Upon 29th :treat from the easterly line of Ocean 8 Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevara, 9 5. Uron 30th 7treet from the easterly _ina of Oc an 10 Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard. i 11 12 All motor or other vehicles shall be headed into the 13 curb and be parked at an angle of forty -five (45) degrees with the 14 center lire and along the easterly curb line of Main Street from the 1s easterly prolonTation of the northerly line of thot part of Bay Ave - 16 nue lying westerly of 3ain Street to the westerly prolongsticn of 17 the northerly lino of that part of Bay Avenue lyin? easterly of :.lain i 18 Street. 19 All motor or other vehicles shall be headed into the 20 , curb and be parked at an angle of forty -five (45) degrees with the � 21 center line and along the westerly curb line of the followinr des- I 22 Bribed portions of streets: 23 1. Upon Palm Street from the northerly Y ne of Surf 24 Avenue to the southerivline of Central Avenue. 25 2. Upon :rain Street from the rortherl' line of Surf 26 Avenue to the southerly live of Central Avenue. 27 All motor or other vehicles when parked upon those 28 29 ortions of the streets hereinbefors described shall be herded norti erly wh,:n uE•rked on the easterly side, headed southe ly when narked 30 31 on the westerly side, headers westerly when narked on the northerly 32 side, and headed easterly when parked on the southerly side of said streets. -q t I The City ;,inrshal of said city shall designate those 2 portions of the s-reats :vh =reon parkin-; of motor vehicles is p�rmitt_' 3 and the manner in which s�lia motor or other vehicles shall be parked, 4 as in this ordinance set forth and in Ordinance No. 211, either by 5 placin_, signs in conspicuous places, lettering or marking the face j 6 of the curb or sidewalk adjacent to the curb, or by lines painted upJn 7 the surface of the paver ant. 8 Section 2. I 9 The City Cl >rk shall certify to the nassa e of this o:c:in� 10 Free anCI cause the same to be published by one insertion in the 11 PORT NF1 7S, a '•eekly ne'r.spap -r printed, published, and circulated in 12 said city, and hereby desi•nated for that purpose. This ordinance 13 shall take effect and be in force Thirty days after its nassage. 14 15 The above and foregoin7 Ordinance ::as introdu,^ed at a 16 regular meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the city of Nee:aort 17 held on th� 18th day of June, 1923, ani finally pa•aed and adonte,' 18 by said Board of Trustees at a regular r.:e=tin held or, the 25th :ny 19 of June, 1-02:4, by the vote of the 'ollor ✓in. >. named membArs th °reof: ' p i 20 Ayes, Trustees 22 Noes, Trustees +� 23 Absent, Trustees 24 + I 25 The above and foregoin- ordinance of the' city of Ne•.7-ort 26 Beach is signed and approved by me t 's l .ry of Jung, 1923. 1 • 27 28 e dent of the B: ar,i of Tru tees �l - 29 - City of News. ort. Beach. 30 Att?St:- 32 _ Clerk of the city of 'q,s.-r,lort Bauch. _g