HomeMy WebLinkAbout240 - Naming Alley Vilelle PlaceORDINANCE NO. 240 circulated in said City ' and hereby
AN ORDINANE OF THE BOARD OF designated for that purpose.
TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF Passed and approved this 13th day
T.IIN' ALLEY IN SAID CITY President of the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees of the City City Clerk.
of Newport Beach do ordain as fol-
That certain alley lying between
Blocks 118 and 218 as said Blocks and
alley are laid out and shown upon a
Map of Section B- Newport Beach,
as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps
Book 4, page 27, Records of Orange
County, California, and extending
from the easterly line of 19th. Street
to the westerly line of 18th. Street
shall hereafter be called Vilelle Place
and the name of said alley hereinbe-
fore described is hereby declared to
be " Vilelle Place ".
The City Clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and cause
the same to be pubished by one in-
sertion in the Newport News, a week-
ly newspaper printed, published and
State of California
County of Orange Be.
City of Newport Beach
I, Alfred Smith, City Clerk of the
City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing ordinance
being Ordinance No. 240 was adopted
by the Board of Trustees, signed by
the President of said Board and at-
tested by the City Clerk all at a regu-
lar meeting of said Board held on the
13th. day of August, 1923, and that the
same was adopted by the following
cote, to -wit:
AYES, Trustees, J. J. Schnitker, H.
C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad
Richter, L. S. Wilkinson.
NOES, Trustees, none.
ABSENT, Trustees, none.
City Clerk of the City of Newport
ORDINANCE No. 241 SECTION 1. - teiming easterly and westerly along,:
(a) That portion of the city of adjoining, and Parallel with the
Newport Beach consisting of an is- northerly line of Lots 1 to 6, jnclu-
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF land in Newport Day, commonly sjve, said Block 9 of Section 1;
- NEWPORT BEACH DIVIDING A known as, designated, are called thence easterly along the center line
PORTION OF SAID CITY INTO I Balboa Island; and which is compos- of said alley to the point where it
DISTRICTS DESCRIBING THE ed of Section 1, Balboa Isand, as per is intersected by the center line of
SAME, D F CERTAIN THE CARRY• map of a resubdivision thereof re- Opal Avenue; thence southerly along
I A I OF CERTAIN TRADES OR corded in Book 6, page 30, nection 2, the center line of Opal Avenue and
CALLINGS, AND THE ERECTION, Balboa Island, as Per map tnereof the center line thereof Produced
.CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTEN- recorded in Book 6, page 31; Section . southerly to the point where it inter -
ANCE OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS 3, Balboa Island, as per map there - d sects the line of ordinary low tide in
THEREIN TO BE UNLAWFUL, of recorded in Book 7, page 15; Sec- Newport Bay; thence northwesterly ,
PROVIDING FOR THE DESTRUC. tion 4, Balboa Island, as p,
TION' OF ANY SUCH BUILDINGS Per ma along and Pursuing the tine of Prdl-
�1ND A. PENALTY FOR ALL VIO. then eof recorded in Book 7, page 37, nary low tide In Newport Bay to the
and Section 5, Balboa Island, as per Point of beginning;
LATIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. map thereof recorded in Book 8, Also commencing at the point
page 9, all of Miscellaneous _vlapa, where the center line of Central,
Whereas, there Is no city planning Records of Orange County, California, Avenue is intersected by the pro -
coWhereas, h the City of lanai rt shall constitute and is hereby created duced center line of the alley extend-
and tho Beard . of Trustees and declared to be District No. 1, ex- Ing northerly and southerly through
thereof, after the holding of a rub- cept that Portion of said Balboa Is- Block 12, Section 4, Balboa Island,!
tic hearing, made it tentative report land immediately hereinafter des- as per map thereof recorded in Book!
concerning the Fv;:;on of a portion cribed and which shall constitute 7, page 37 Miscellaneous Maps, re-:
of the city of Newport Beach join District No..2. cords of Orange County, California;
districts; --. (b) All that portion of said Bal- thence easterly along the center line
Whereas, after the making of said,boa Island, described as commencing of Central Avenue to the point where
;tentative report the Board of Trus -.at the point where the center line of it is intersected by the produced cen-
tees submRed a final report concern- intersects Avenue produced southerly ter line of the alley, extending north-
ing said matter and fixed the hour of nntersects the lice of ordinary. low rely and southerly through Block 11,
7:30 o'clock P. M. of Saturday, the tide of the Pacific Ocean in New- said Section 4; thence southerly a-
4th day of August, 1923, at the council port Bay; thence northerly along long the center line of said alley to
chamber of the Board of Trustees it said produced center line and the cen- the point where it intersects the
the city of Newport Beach, in the City ter line of Pearl Avenue to the point center line of Park Avenue; thence
Hall thereof, as the time and place where the game is intersected by the westerly along the center line of Park
when and where all persona parti- center line of an alley extending Avenue to the Point where it is in-
sularly interested and the general easterly and westerly along, adjoin- tersected by the center line of the
!Public would be afforded an oppor- tug' and Parallel with one nossaerly alley extending northerly and south -
tunity to he heard; Ilse of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, of Block rely through said Block 12, Section
Whereas, notice of hearing, speci- 7, Section 1 of Balboa Isla¢¢, an per 4; thence north along the center line
place so Elxed, map of a resubdiVision thereof re- of said alley to the point of beginning,
'and inviting all persons particuixed. corded in Book 6, Page 30 or Mis- shall constitute and is hereby created
interested and the general Public to cellaneous Maps, records or Orange and declared to be District No. 2.
be present thereat, and be heard, was, County, California; ener i thence easterly SECTION 2.
within the week within which said along the center lice n said alley to It is hereby declared to be unlaw -:
meeting was to be held, there beir. ; the polls where it unites with the ful, is prohibited, and shall sonsti
no daily newspaper, published once center line o a¢ alley extending
northerly through said Block 7; tote misdemeanor for any Person,'
in NEWPORT NEWS, a local weekly thence northerly along the center association of two or more persons,'
newspaper of general circulation ]Ins of said alley to the southerly firm, co- partnership, or corporation,
printed, published, and circulated in line of Park Avenue; thence north- either as owner, agent, servant, or
the city of Newport Beach and the erly across Park Avenue and along employee of another, to carry on,
newspaper designated by the Board the center line of an alley extending' conduct, or commence to carry on, or
of Trustees for that purpose; northerly through Block 8 of said to maintain within District No. 1 or
Whereas, at the time arse place Section 1 to the Point where the cen- District No. 2 as said districts are
so fixed and in said notice speci -ter line of said alley is intersected by ''described in Section 1. or this Or-
fied, the Board of Trustees of the the northerly line of Lot 22, said Block dinance, any of the following trades,
City of Newport Beach were duly 8 produced westerly; thence south - callings, or occupations:
convened in regular session and all easterly and along the northerly line Soap factory, glue factory, fertili-
Persons Particulary interested and of said Lot 22 and across Agate Ave- zer factory, fish, fruit or meat cann-
the general public were the" slut can and along the northerly line of tag or Packing establishments, or
there afforded an opportunity to be ILot 26, Block 10, of said Section 1 Place for the treatment drying, or
heard, and no person appeared to ob- and the northerly line of Lot 26 pro- curing of fish, fruit or meats, rock'
Ject or did object to the final report, duced easterly to its intersection crushers, smelter, cement plant, iron
and the same was adopted and ap- with the center line of an alley ex- foundry, stone or ore reduction
.proved, filed with the Clerk of the tending southerly through said works, oil refinery, oil or gasoline
city of Newport Beach; Block 10; thence southerly along the storage tanks or wholesale distribut-
Whereas, it is necessary for the center line of said alley to the iiortllm ing station, lumber yard, planing mill,
public interest, health, comfort, con- erly line of Park Avenue; thence rash and door factory, box rectory,
i venience, safety, order and public across Park Avenue and along due steam or other power operated laun-
�welfare to do so: ce¢teqq line of the alley extending dry, blast furnace, glass furnace, or
The Board of Trustees of the city southerly through .Block 9, said Sec- plant, carpet weaving or cleaning
.of- `Newport,.$each do ordain as fol -anon 1'Aa the oint where it inter- j works, stock yard, feed or sate stable
t01 01C -L'aa of the. a$ey ex- for livestock, r a¢ business i¢'14le
nun livestock, ry n m, n