HomeMy WebLinkAbout268 - Connections with the Public SewerI, the - petition. all protests an o l tions filed, and all Persons appearing to object. Section 6. The election will be a' 'special election and for the purpose of holding the election the proposed) municipal improvement district will be and constitute one voting Precinct., and Mrs. ?i D. Ady's Garage. within :. the proposed district, will be deedg- mated as the polling place. I A Board of Election will he appoint- ' ed to consist of one inspector. one judge. and one clerk. Section 7. The Proposition to he submitted to the qualified voters will :b0 the incurring of indebtedness by! the issuance of bonds of said district In the sum of $54.000.00 to pay the' cost of the acquisition of the proposed improvement. If at the election two - 'thirds and more of all the voters vot- ing thereat shall vote in favor of auth- !orizing and the sale of the bonds of the municipal improvement district in the. sum of $54.000.00 for said purpose. 'then the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach shall be authorized and empowered to issue and will is- sue and sell the bonds of the mnmici- pal improvement district in the sum of $54.000.00 for the payment of the cost of the acquisition of the describ- ed improvement. Section 8. The said sum of $54.- 000.00 will be represented by 54 bonds. numbered iron; 1 to 54. both inclu- sire. each bond in the denomination of $1000.00. all dated the led day of March. 1925. On the 1st day of March 1926, Bonds No. 1 and 2 shall fall due and be paid, and annually there- after on the 1st day of the month of March two additional of said bonds in successive numerical order shall fall due and be paid. making an an nual payment of $2000.00 and which' is less than one- fortieth part of the whole amount of the indebtedness each year. The bonds and the money thereby represented shall bear interest at the rate of 6 % per annum, and the inter- est shall be paid semi - annually on the 1st day of the months of September and March, after their date. until all of said bonds. Principal and interest. are paid. All of said bonds and in- terest shall be paid at the office of the Treasurer of the city of Newport Beach, in said city. County of Orange. California. Section 9. The municipal improve- ment district proposed to be formed when the same is formed, shall be known as municipal ill�provement dis- trict No. 4 of the city of ' Newport Beach. Section 10. There being no news- paper published in the city of New- port Beach six days a week, this Or- dinance shall be published once a week for two weeks. in NEWPORT NEWS. a weekly newspaper of gen- eral circulation. printed. published, and circulated in the city of Newport Beach. and one insertion each week for two succeeding weeks shall be sufficient publication. The above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced before the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach at a regular meeting thereof held the 3rd day of November. 1924, and duly passed at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of November. 1924 by the affirmative vote of the following named members of said Board of Trustees: AYES. Trustees. Gen. P. Wilson. H. C. Sloan. Fred W. Young. Conrad Richter. L. S. Wilkinson. NOES. Trustees, none. ABSENT. Trustees, none. The above and foregoing ordinance No. 267 is signed and approved by me this 17th day of November. 1924. GEO. P. WILSON. President Board of Trustees City of Newport Beach. Attest: V. A. SEBRING. Clerk City of Newport Beach. Pub. Nov 21. 28. 1924. fAX ORDCNANCE OF THE CITY OF' 'NEWPORT BEACH REQPIRING1 CONNECTIONS R'ITH THE PFBJ LIC SEVER Ir OAID CITY. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- lows:— Section 1. Certain words here-1 after used in this Ordinance are in -i tended to mean, shall mean. and at all I times and places be Held and con -1 strued to have tine meaning in this section defined. I "Dwelling house" shall mean any. building or structure erected for thel purposes of human habitation, or. which is capable of being inhabited by human beings as a place of anode. 'Business structure' shall meau'' any building or structure erected far the purpose of having transacted ors carried on therein any trade, pro -; fession. occupation, business, or cail- ing. or which is capable of having i carried on therein any trade, profes- sion. occupation, business. or calling. "Public sewer" shall mean acv sewer in any part of the city of Newport Beach used. cornrolled. or operated. by the city of Nc sport Beaeb. whether the same be con- structed by said city directly, or by assessments upon Private property. Section 2. Every dwelling house now .erected in the city of Newport Beach shall within thirty days fn'om the date of this Passage of this or -. dinance he connected with the nubile. sewer in the manner, at the Place, u:i- der the supervision of. and to the set - isfaction of the Superintendent of the water system of the city of Newport Beach, if said dwelling )louse shall be erected within 200 feet of the Public sewer. Ij Section 3. Every business struc- ture now erected in the city of Now port Beach shall, within thirty days l I from the date of the passage of this ordinance. be connected with the ,public sewer in the manner, at the place. under the supervision of. and l to the satisfaction of the Sup: rim - tendent of the water system of the city of Newport Beach, if said bust -, ness structure shall be erected with- in 200 feet of the public sewer. Section 4. Every dwelling 1muse and business structure hereafter erected in the city of Newport Boacb,l f !if erected within 200 feet of the.p_ub -`. lie sewer. shall, before it is occupied for any purpose, be connected with 1 the public sewer. No permit shall !be issued by the building inspector for the erection of a dwelling house or business structure, if the same -is to be erected within 200 feet of the Public sewer. until there shall he de- 1 posited with the building inspector a i sum sufficient to connect said dwell- ' mg house or business structure wlth the public sewer when the same shall be constructed and m'ected. and said sum shall he used to pay the cost thereoi. Section 5. The owner of any dwell- ing house or business structure w'ho shall neglect. fail. or refuse, for a Period of ten days, to connect the same with the public sewer. after notice in writing to do so from the Superintendent of the water system of the city of Newport Beach, specify- ing the place where said connection shall be made with the public sewer. shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction shall he Punished by a fine not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. or im- prisonment not exceeding thirty days. or by both such fine and Imprison- ment in the discretion of the court. and every day during which any such neglect. failure or refusal exists. or ink, s place, shall constitute a new and s,parste offense. Section G. Ever, connection with, the public serer of a dwelling house) or business structure shall be made et the expense ei ihr owner thereof. ) 9'b's ordinam -,, s:iail apply to the [nii'.lic sewer as now constructed n,^ I rs the same may be hereafter con -I s;rceted cr (xtendA. and shall apply] to eery ):art of th^ cifv of Newport Dccch including Balboa Island, an.] `-:onion 7. Tina-, nortion of anv'or -1 Gnranco of the city of Newport 1 is arh wi6ch is or may be in emcflict %MII the Provisions of this ordinance,; ar rr by repo :.led. T;in ;;boon , :id to,e7ohig ordinance small be. published once in NEiVPORT� NSIVS. a newspaper of general eir -1I cu!stion, Printed, published. and clr -i culated in the city of Newport Beach. and shall take effcci and be in force frmn and after its final passage. This ordinance was Passed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trus- tees of the city of Newport Beach held on the 17th day of November, 1924. by the affirmative vote of the following named members thereof: AYES. Trustees Gen. P. Wilson. H: C. Sloan. Fred W. Young. Conrad Richter. L. S. Wilkinson. NOES. Trustees, none. ABSENT, Trustees. none. I hereby approve the foregoing or- dinance. GEO. P. WILSON. - President Board of Trustees. Attest: V. A. SEBRING. Clerk. w