HomeMy WebLinkAbout254 - Gas Pipes, Mains & ConduitsIIRDINANCE NO. 254. publish statements of all of the afore- �towit:
said facts and matters. together with
(a) That such pipes. pipelines.
Ail ORDINANCE OB''IHF, BOARD OF�I si atements of all other facts and
mains. conduits. and other appliances
111RUSTEES OF THE CITY OF matters in connection with the grant-
connected therewith be laid, main-
. kftWPfWRT BEACH GRANTING T(1 :ing of said franchise. said advertise-
tained, and operated in accordance
SOUTHERN COLT \TIES GAS CO3i- ;ments and publication being made
with such provisions of the statutes
PANY OF CALIFORNIA, A COB -' for and during the time and in all
of the State of California and ordiu-
PORATION'. A FRANCHISE TO i respects in the manner required by
ances of the City of Newport Leach as
$SCA VATE FOR, LAY, CON -i law. and said publication being core-
may be applicable thereto.
STRUCT MAUTAIN AND OPEH- pleted not less than twenty days nor
Provided, that the grantee. its suc-
ATE (;AS PIPES, 31AMS AND more than thirty days before any fur-
cessors or assigns. in the exercise.
GONDIITS FOR THE TRANS- 1ther action on said franchise was
use. or enjoyment of the franchise
MISSION A N'D .DISTRIBUTION' Ok'.taken by said Board of Trustees: and
granted. shall have no right, power,
POWER FOR BEAT, LIGHT, POER Whereas. thereafter such action
or authority to break. open, or r "e-
AND OTHER PURPOSES U \DER was taken by said Board of Trustees
move any pavement. sidewalk. or
iIND .[LONG* ALL OF THE I upon said application of said South-
curb oil or along any street. highway.
STREETS. ALLEYS, L .1 N E S,: crn Counties Gas Company of Cali-
alley. or other public ,place now or.
HIGH iS CYS A N D PUBLIC ; fornla. a corporation. in accordance
constructed without a special and !
PLACES OF AND IN SAID CITY with the law in such case made and
separate permit therefor granted by`
CF NEBPORT REICH. provided, after due notice as provid-
at least three members of the Board.
ed by law in every particular as
of Trustees of the City of Newport
..he Board of Trustees of the City I above set forth. said franchise was,
of Newport Beach do ordain as fol -! by resolution duly adopted by said
(b). That the grantee of said
lows: JBoard of Trustees at a meeting of
franchise. Its successors or assigns.
Whereas, on the 4th day of Decein- I said Board held on the 29th day of
shall within four months after the l
her. 192 "_, Southern Counties Gas ! January. 1923. struck off. sold. and
date of granting said franchise com-
Company of California. a corporation.
awarded by said Board of Trustees
mence in good faith the laying of such
- organized and existing under the
to said Southern Counties Gas Com-
I pipes. pipelines. mains. conduits, and
.laws of the State of California. filed
pany of California. a corporation. its
other appliances connected therewith.
with the Board of Trustees of the
successors and assigns. as the high-
and shall hereafter prosecute such
City of Newport Beach. California. an
est bidder therefor. in the sum of
work diligently and in good faith so
application in writing. requesting said
$50.00 gold coin of the United Staten:
as to meet and fill the reasonable
Hoard of Trustees to advertise for
I and
needs of the inhabitants of the City
sale and sell the franchise herein-
Whereas. said Southern Counties
of Newport Beach.
after set forth: and
Gas Company of California. a corpor-
let That if the work herefuabove
Whereas, said Board of Trustees.
ation. has deposited with the City
described is not commenced as here-
' by resolution duly passed and adopt-
Clerk of the City of Newport Beach,
in provided the franchise shall be.
ed at a regular meeting of said
in the manner. and in the time. re-
declared forfeited.
Board of Trustees held on the 5tb day
quired by law. the full amount of
of December. 1922. resolved to grantsaid
bid of $50.00 in gold coin of the
That the grantee of said franchise„
said franchise for the term of twenty -;.
United States: and
its successors or assigns. shall dur -'
fire years upon the terms. conditions! Whereas. said Southern Counties
ing the life of said franchise .pay to l
and restrictions imposed and requir- I Gas Company of California. a corpor-
the City of Newport .Beach in lawful'
ad by Idw- and by said resolution so'ation. did after said franchise was so
money of the United States two per'
- passed ,.id adopted as aforesaid: Istruck off. sold, and awarded to it.
cent of the gross annual receipts of
and and within five days thereafter, file
said grantee. its successors or
Whe:^. ;,, said Board of Trustees with the Board of Trustees a bond'assigns.
arising from the use. oper-.
:resolv0 that sealed bids for said i running to said city of Newport
ation or possession of said franchise:
franchi:= be received by said Board Beach in the Penal sum of $500.00.
provided. however. that no percent-'
qf True 7ecs up to the hour of 7:30 being the amount heretofore fixed by
age shall be paid for the first fivci
&clock p. m. on the 2nd day of Jan- said Board of Trustees as the penal
years succeeding the date of said •,
nary. 192;, and that said bids be open -I sum of said bond. which said bond
franchise. but thereaf[.-r such per -!
ed at said last mentioned time am] i was a good and sufficient bond. and
tentage shall be Payable annually. t
date. and that said franchise be was in all respects as required by,and
such franchise shall b-, forfeit -
I-. therenpon sold, struck off. and Ilaw. and was thereupon and hereto -led
by failure to make the payments
awardM to the person, fir. or cor- 'fore. and is hereby. duly approved by
provided for: and herein it shall be
poration making the highest cash bids said Board of Trustees:
the duty of the grantee of said fran-.
therefor, in the manner provided by
NOW THEREFORE. the Board of
chise. its successors or assigns, to
law, and that said meeting of said
I Trustees of the City of Newport
ffie with the Clerk of the Board of
Board of Trustees did by resolution
I Beach, do ordain as follows:
Trustees of the City c Nervport 1
prescribe and fix the sum of $500.001
Beach at the expiration of six years
to be the penal sum of amount of the
! That there be. and there is hereby,
from the date of granting of said
bond required by law to be filed by
granted to Southern Counties Gas
franchise. and at the expiration of
the successful bidder for said £ran-
Company of California. a corporation.
each and every year thereafter, a'
chise; and
its successors and assigns. the fran-
statement, verified by the oath of
Whereas. said Board of Trustees;
chise and right for the period of
said grantee. its successors m+
did by the aforesaid resolution au[h-
twenty -five years from the granting
assigns, or by the oath of the [nun -t
orize and direct the City Clerk of
i thereof. to excavate for. lay. con-
age• or an officer of said grantee. its
said City of Newport Beach. for and
Uruct. maintain and operate gas
.successors or assigns. showing the
on behalf of said Board of Trustees.
Pipes. mains. and conduits for the
total gross receipts and gross earn -
to advertise in the manner and for
transmission and distribution of gas
ings collected or received or in ally
the Period required by law state-
for heat. light. power and other pur-
manner gained or derived, by the
ments of all the aforesaid facts and
Poses under and along all of the
grantee. its successors or assigns.
matters in connection with the grant-
public streets. alleys, lanes. highways
during the Preceding twelve months.
lag of said franchise. as required by
and public places of and in the City
jarising from the use. operation, or
raw to be advertised and published:
of Newport Beach. State of California.
possession of said franchise. and
The term of said franchise shall
within tell days after the date of fil-
Whereas. it appears to this Board
be twenty -five years from and after
ing the aforesaid statement it shall.
'I of Trustees by affidavit of publica-
the date of granting the same.
be the duty of said grantee. its suc-
tion on file with this Board that in
cessors or assigns. to Pay to the City
pursuance to said order of said
The terms and conditions upon
Treasurer of the City of Newport
Board of Trustees said City Clerk did.
which staid franchise was offered for
Beach the aggregate sou of Bald
as required by law. advertise and
sale and is granted are as follows,
percentage upon the amount of [he
— long the center line of the water
gross annual receipts arising from cause of the aforesaid Buck Gully to
the use, operation or possession of
said franchise, determined and corn- its intersection with the ordinary high
Pitted in the manner hereinabove tide line of the Pacific Ocean; thence
provided. South 20 degrees West three (3) miles
SECTION 4. into the Pacific Ocean to a point;
That whenever any portion of the thence northwesterly along a line
territory covered by said franchise! parallel to, and three (3) miles dis-
shall be annexed to, or otherwise' tant from the ordinary high tide line
become a ,part of,. any other muni of the Pacific Ocean to a point; which
point is the most southerly corner of
cipal corporation or of the county of
Orange, or of any other county, the'. the city of Newport Beach; thence
rights reserved under Bald franchise !. northeasterly along the southeasterly
to ti41CA7.Qf,Newport Beach, or any boundary line of the city of Newport
officer thereof, shall inure to the I, Beach, and northwesterly along the
henefit of site.' other municipal car -! northeasterly boundary line of the
ooration or county, and lth appro -! city of Newport Beach to the place of
priate officers. beginning.
SECTION 5. The said new territory is known as
This ordinance shall go into of designated and referred to as
feet thirty days from the date of its CORONA DEL MAR.
adoption. 'I SECTION 2
SECTION 6. j . The boundaries of the city of New -
The City Clerk shall certify to the ''sport Beach are hereby altered and the
adoption of this ordinance and shall i I new territory described in Section 1
cause the same to be published in Hof this Ordinance is annexed thereto,
one regular issue of THE NEWPORT incorporated and included therein,
NEWS, prior to the expiration of fif- and made a part thereof.
teen days from the fipal passage SECTION 3
thereof. The Clerk of the city of Newport
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Beach shall file a certified copy of
foregoing ordinance was adopted by this Ordinance, giving the date of 4ts
the Board of Trustees of the City of passage. in the office of the Secretary
Newport Beach at a regular meeting of State of the State of California,
held the 14th day of December, 1925, who shall immediately upon receipt
by the following vote of the Board: thereof file the same. From and after
Ayes, Tru_ glees, WILSON, YOUNG, the filing of the said certified copy in
RICHTER, QWN, the office of the Secretary of State
Noes, Trustees, NONE. of the State of California the annexa-
Absent, Trustees, SLOAN. tion of such territory shall be deemed
V. A. SEBRING, to be and shall be complete and
.Clerk Of the City of Newport Beach thenceforth such annexed territory
I hereby approve the foregoing Or- shall be to all intents and purposes
divance No. 254 this 14th day of De- I a part of the city of Newport Beach,
cember, 1925. except only that no property within
GEO. P. WILSON, such annexed territory shall ever be
President Board of Trustees. _I taxed to pay any part or portion of
any indebtedness or liability of the
I city of Newport Deana contracted
O iid t
' CLV1C¢. �o• .�. 5f! iprior to or existing at the timie of its
l Cow rr rP 1.8 ` This Ordinance Shall be published
�• -Or'^ / once in NEWPORT NEWS, a newspa-
part of any other municipal corpora- per of general circulation, printea,
tion, commonly known and referred to ;published and circulated in the city
as Corona del Mar, is hereby approv- of Newport Beach.
ed, the said territory being describ- The above and foregoing Ordinance
ed as located In the county of Orange. was introduced at a regular meet -
.. -."e r`. Ca'ifo,zia, aarl ing of the Board of Trustees of the
--in,11ii at a pent in the north- city of Newport Beach held on the
easterly boundary line of the city 18th day of February, 1924, and pass -
of New'pert Beech, which point is the ed at a regular meeting thereof held
intersection of the southwesterly on the 25th day of February, 1924, by
prolongWuts< of thz n- s..... .:erly the following vote:
sine of 27th Avenue, as 27th Avenue AYES, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H.
is shown on a Map of Corona del C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad
Mar, recorded in Miscellaneous Map Richter.
Book 3, pages 41 and 42, Records of NOES, Trustees, none.
Orange County, California; thence ABSENT, Trustees, L. S. lilkinson.
northeasterly along the aforesaid The above and foregoing Ordi-
southwesterly prolongation of the nance having been passed this 25th
northwesterly line of 27th Avenue. day of February, 1924, is signed and
itttd tha northwesterly line of 27th 'approved by me.
Avenue and its northeasterly pro-
longation to a point where the afore- President of the Board of Trustees
said northeasterly prolongation of the City of Newport Beach.
northwesterly line of 27th Avenue in- ATTEST: ALFRED SMITH
tersects the northwesterly prolonga- Clerk of the city of Newport Beach.
tion of the northeasterly line of Co- Publish February 29, 1924.
bona del Mar as shown on the above-
mentioned map thereof; thence
southeasterly along the northwesterly
prolongation of the northeasterly
'line of Corona del Mar, and along the '
northeasterly line of Corona del Mar,
and its southeasterly prolongation to
its intersection with the center line of
the water course of that certain can-
yon lying immediately southeasterly
of Corona del Mar, commonly known
as Sack Gully; thence in a general
southwesWI7 n:fQllawjng a-
r— ORDINANCE h0. 255
The Board of Trustees of the city
of Newport Beach do ordain as fol-
Section 1. There is hereby sub-
mitted to the qualified electors of the
city of Newport Beach at the general
election to be held therein on the
e 14th day of April, 1924, the question
whether the compensation to be re-
ceivde by members of the Board of
Trustees shall be increased from the
sum of $15.00 per month to the sum
of $25.00 per month each, and the
said question shall be printed upon
the ballot at the election.
Section 2. The foregoing ordinance
shall be published once in NEWPORT
NEWS, a newspaper of general cir-
culation printed, published and cir-
culated in the city of Newport Beach.
The said Ordinance relating to an
election shall take effect and be in
force from and after the date of its
The foregoing ordinance was Passed
at a regular meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the city of Newport
Beach held on the 7th day of April,
1924, by the following vote:
AYES, Trustees, J. J. Schnitker, H
C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad
Richter, L. S. Wilkinson.
NOES, Trustees, none.
ABSENT, Trustees, none.
The foregoing ordinance is hereby
approved this 7th day of April, 1924.
President of the Board of Trustees.
Clerk of the City of Newport Beach.