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r13i ling places, as nciickly as (filed proceed to open and canvass r- — SECTION 6`J
cticable in the manner proved -) said retnrns, and immediately npon !� This Ordinance shall be pciblish-
by the law of this state. and de- the completion of such canvassiled once in NEWPORT NEWS, a
it all of said returns with the! canse_aireport thereof to be made weekly newspaper of general cir
Clerk of the city of Newport { and entered npon its minutes. enlation printed. published and
Beach, showing the whole number of circulated In the city of Newport;
The polls at the Polling Places; votes cast, the number of votes Beach.
hereinbefore designated in each of, cast "For Annexation" and they The above and foregoing Ordfn -f
the precincts shall be opened at immber of votes cast "Against V' ance No. 309 was passed at a regn-
the boor of six o'clock a, m. and (Annexation.- I, lar meeting of the Board of Trns-
kept open to the hoar of seven If it shall appear from acich it tees of the city of Newport Beach
o'clock P. m. of the day of elec- I canvass that a majority of all the held the 6th day of December.
lion, at which time the polls shall votes cast is in favor of annexa -' 1926, by the vote of the following
be closed, except as provided forntion the Clerk of the city of New- named members thereof. to -wit:
by Sec. 1164 of the Political Code, i Port Beach shall make np and cer- Ayes. Trustees —L. S. WILKIN-
SECTION 3. Ilitify cinder the seal Of the city of SON. F. B. MODJESKA. F. W.
The Clerk of the City of Newport I Newport Beach, transmit to the � YOUNG. CONRAD RICHTER.
Beach shall canse to be ,published �I Secretary of State and to the Noes. Trnstees —NONE.
l for a period of two weeks next;i Board of Snpervisors of the comity Absent. Trnstees — H. H. WIL-
preceding the special election II of Orange a copy of said report so LIAbjSON.
herein called in NEWPORT NEWS, entered npon the micintes of the The above and foregoing ordin -'
a weekly newspaper printed. Pnb- Board of Trnstees, together with ance No. 309 is approved and sign-
(lished and circulated in the city la statement showing the date of ed by me this 6th day of December.
of Newport Beach at least once a the election, the time and resnit of 1926.
week a notice of the special else - the canvass, and which document CONRAD RICHTER.
tion herein called. which notice .I shall be filed by the Secretary of President. Board of Trnstees.
shall state that it is proposed to i State and the Clerk of said Board Attest: ALFRED SMITH.
annex to the city of Newport; of Supervisors. I Clerk. City of Newport Beach.
Beach, incorporate and incmde From and after the date of the
therein and make a part thereofl filing of said document In the of -'
the new nninhabited territory here- fice of the Secretary of State the
inbefore described, and shall set �' annexation of the described new
forth and describe said new nnin -, nninhabited territory shall be
habited territory in such manner,;deemed to be and shall be com-
as to apprise the voters of the par - plete. and thenceforth inch annex -
ticnlar land songht to be annexed.i ed territory shall be a part of the
the date of the election, and invite city of Newport Beach for all in-
the electors of the city of Newport tents and purposes. provided, that
Beach to vote npon such propost no part of snch annexed territory,
tion by marking their ballot: "For shall ever be taxed to pay any bor -.
Annexation- or "Against Annexa -1 tion of any indebtedness or liabli-
i tion ": also designate the voting ity of the city of Newport Beach
precincts and the place at which Ii contracted prior to or existing at
the Polls will he opened. and the i the time of its annexation.
name and office of the persons ap -I� SECTION 5.
pointed officers of the election. This ordinance, being an ordin-
. SECTION 4. !ance calling and otherwise relat
The Board of Trustees of the l ing to an election, shall take of -'
city of Newport Beach shall at feet and be in force from and after
its regnlar meeting next after the its passage.
retnrns of the special election are
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 309 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held
on the 6th day of December, 1926; and that same was printed and published
according to law.
Jt Cityglerk of Newport Beach.
- t
t}tence ";- 3;erly along the Center, :West to its point of intersection
line of Snrf Avenne to'its point of ' with the center line of East Sort'
. union with the center line of Ocean l A, Or point of h, gin, 'n�.
Avenne: thence westerly along th. !' +i��'1 ll15'f1t1C'f NO. 2. —tiball
center line of Ocean Avenne to the, embrace all that portion of the city
;{ Cr'' S
Point of its intersection by Ili- of Newport Beach included within
easterly line of 14th Street pro -. the following exterior boundaries:
'Inced southerly: thence southerly Commencing it the point of inter-
along the said produced easterly section of the center line of Alums
/t I
'ino of 14th Street to the line o; Street produced southerly, with the
ordinary high tide of the Pacific center line of Surf Avenue; thence
Ocean; lher.ce westerly along the' northerly along the center line of
;me of on'inary high tide to its Adams Street to the point of Its
:nlerseclion by the produced west -; Intersection produced northerly
'..,rly line , 16th Street produced j with the U. S. Bulkhead line as
-' s
southerly. -hence northerly along' delineated npon a map showing
' T
The Board of Trustees of lhei
the said r:'^Inced westerly line or t
City of Newport Beach do ordain 1
the '
as follows: i
i lersecliom Oy the center line of. War Department: thence westerly.
, Ocean A •: one: thence wester];' easterly, and northerly along and
• The City of Newport Beach 1s: a
along ill- center line of Ocea:, pursuing said bulkhead line
hereby subdivided into and shat' A
Avenue tr the westerly boundary- throngh varions bulkhead stations
'embrace seven fire districts de l
line of the City of Newport Beach: .:delineated upon said map to bulk -
ffned and to be numbered Fire Dis t
thence Southerly along the west. ;'head Station No, 124: thence east-
, ,
,rids Nos. 1- 2- 3 -4 -5 -6 and 7, ag fol -I e
erly boundary line of the city ofjlerly in a straight line to bulkhead
Iowa: N
Newport Beach to its point of is ,Station No. 173: thence easleriy�
FIRE DI5TRICT N0. 1. —Shall l
leraection with the line of ordin -Land northerly along and pursuing
embrace all that portion of the City .
. ary high tide of the Pacific Ocean: ; said bulkhead line to bulkhead Sts-
of Newport Beach included within t
thence easterly along the line of lion No. 170: thence north to
she following exterior boundaries: o
ordinary high tide of the Pacific : an intersection with the northerly
Commencing at the point of inter- O
Ocean to the ,point of its inter -!. boundary line of the city of New -
eclion of the South line of Sec- s
section with the south line of Sec 1: port Beach: thence westerly, north.
Ion 35. Township 6 South. Range, -
-ion 35. Township 6 South, Rang,' westerly, southerly, westerly.
'0 West. S. B. B. & M., with the 1
10 West. S. B. B. & M., thence east 1
enter line of East. Sar "yenne.• e
" 3
35, township 6 South. Range 10 , (Newport Beach to the point of In..
tersection with the center me of
of the Pacific Electric �ailway A as "B " build ing is defined
iOcean Avenge; thence easterly
along the center line of Ocean
company: thence southeasterly to be a building, the outer walls of
along the southerly line of said are constructed of brick,
Inue to the point of its intersection
right of Neu}- the stone, or reinforced concrete and
point of its in-
with the sottiherlY extended can-
ter line
tersection ?he easterly line of g the adjacent floor load
of 24th Street; thence
Ccast Ab:,f. nr;e southerly along; with steel or re- inforced concrete
northerly pursuing the southerly
! columns. All structural parts and l;
the easier / . ne of Cpasf Blvd. tot
extended center line of 24th Street
roof to be of incombustible mater -'
the pots {ifs intersection by that
and the center line of said street
- ials.
center lin "of Bay Avenue; thence
ce jj
'and the norther) Y produced center
centerlq a!oug the center line A' Class "C" building is defined{
line of 24th Street to Ifs intersec-
flop b
Bay Avenue to the center line of
I Ito be a building, the outer walls
the souther)
Y Y ]ins of the 20th Street; thence southerly aloug°P which are cousirucfed of brick,
'right of way of the Pacific Else
iric Railway Company; thence
the center line of 20th Street to,i stone, or re- lnforced concrete.
'the center line of Ocean Avenue:; Combustible materials may be used
easterly along the southerly line
westerly along the center :� in all parts except outside walls.
of the Pacific Electric Company's
I line o
line of Ocean Avenue to the point. SECTION 3.
of way to the point of its
of beginning. Apus- family dwelling is defined
(futersectiou by the center line o;
20th Street;
- �- --R- C- -- - - to be a structure erected for the
,produced northerly;
thence southerly along the north -
embrace all th at portion of the city purpose of being occupied by one
produced center line of 20th
- family ,permanently or for limited
of Newport Beach included within
Street and the center line of said
the following exterior boundaries: Periods as a home, dwelling or
street to the point of the inter- • Commencing at the point of inter-
secfiou of the center line of 20th
. section of the center line of Surf act building or structure may bay
Street produced southerly by the
Avenue b the souther) erected in the City of Newporf
Y Y ,Produced, Beach any
center line of Ocean Avenue:
part of which is con -;
center line of Adams Street; thence
thence easterly pursuing the center
I� strueted of cloth or paper whether;
northerly along said produced line ,
line of Ocean Avenue to the point
and the center line of Adams Street 'said cloth or paper is treated or'
of its union with the center line of
to the point of its intersection b I untreated, eX'Cepf as provided for
Surf Avenue, thence along the
in Section R.
the bulkhead line as established by
center line Surf Avenue "fo the,'
he War Department January 18,� SECTION 4.
-place of beginning.
1917; thence southeaster) aloe building erected in file
Y g �
City of Newport Beach
;safd bulkhead line to the center ' not a one -
embrace all that Portion of the city
line of Palm Street; thence south - 1 family dwelling shall be considered
of Beacli included within
.. along the center line oP Palm �� a business structure, whether the
. .ilew'port
the following exterior boundaries:
•same be a store buildin
Street to,the center line of Bay g. hall. pa-
Commencing at the point of inter -
Avenue; tWnce easterly along th e vilion, garage, apartment house.
section of the southerly line of the
center line of Bay Avenue to the hotel, lodging house, or for any
Pacific Electric Company's right
center Ifde of Washington Street: iother business purpose.
of way by the northerly produced
thencoutherly along the center SECTION 5.
center line of 23rd Street; thence
line of Vashington Street to the I It is hereby declared to be and)
southerly along said northerly center line of Surf Avenue; thence: shall be unlawful for any ,person.
produced center line and the cen=
`Vesterly along the center line of: natural or artificial, to erect on
ter line of 23rd Street to the point
. Surf Avenue to the point of begin- commence the erection of any
where it is intersected by the east-
wing. building or structure for any put -'
erly produced center line of an
Also commencing at the point of Ii Pose within Fire District No. 1.
alley, which extends wesf ,par-
intersection of the center line of t unless such building shall be con -
ails) to the north line of Ocean
. „B„ S:rr•' y te center line of :. strueted wholly of stone, steel or
^ h
Avenue to th center line of 24th
'Surf Aveuuc: thence north along, reiuforced concrete, or a combina-
Street; thence §§ ng the center line
the center lir,:• ,:f "B” Street to the' tion of said materials.
of said alley, to.. the point of its in-'
aforesaid bulkhead line; thence. SECTION 6. �
tersection IMW center line of 24th
westerly pursuing said bulkhead It is hereby declared to be and
Street; the'uritnortherly along the9
line to the center line of "A" shall be unlawful for any person,
center line of 24th Street the d�Street;
thence southerly along the natural or artificial, to erect or
point of its futersectiou by. the
center line of "A" Street to the commence the erection of any
southerly line of the said ri ht of
point of its intersection b the building, in Fire Districts Nos. 5-,4-
wag �.
way of the Pacific Electric R aiPh
ceufer line of Surf Avenue; thence -� and L except of "A ", "B ", or "C" 11
way Company: thence southeaster-
: easterly along the center line of class construction, as defined in
1 alou the souther) line of the
y g y
Surf Avenue to the Section 2 of this Ordinance, ex -
point of begin- ?"
right of way to the point of begin -
ping. cepting that one - family dwellings I
slug; `- ,
FIRE. DISTRICT NO. 6.— Shallf of other than "A ", "B" or "C "'•
Also Commencing at the point of I
embrace all that portion of the cityi class construction may lie con -
strueted in Fire Districts 3 and 6.
intersection of the southerly line.
of Newport Beach included within!
of the right of way of the Pacific
the following exterior boundaries:11
Electric Railway Company by the.
Commencing at the point of inter- If is hereby declared to be and
center line of 20th Street, prodnCed'
section of the center line of Surf shall unlawful for any person,
northerly; thence southerly along
Avenue by the center line of Wash - natural or artificial, to make any'
said produced center line and the
ington Sir- t: thence uortherly', alternations or additions to or any1
center line of 20th Street to the
along the center line of Washing - -. repairs of any building now erect -I
point of its intersection by the
ton Street tr. the center line of ed in the city of Newport Beach
center line of Bay Avenue: thence
unless Fuch building, prior to any
Bay Avenue: urence - westerly along. such alteration,
westerly along the center line of
addition or repair.
the center It,'S: of Bay Avenue to; s
Bay Avenue to the easterly line of
a building which iu every way
the center Itne` of palm Street;
Coast Blvd., thence northwesterly
to this ordinance, and
thence niv!tV aloe the center line
'�• g
along the easterly line of Coast
every alteration, addition or repair
, of palm Stfekt to the bulkhead line
Blvd. to the point of its intersec -:
esfablishdd�y the War Department to any such building existing
tion by the southerly line of they
sh ll
'' in the city of Newport Beach shall
January 18, 1917; thence easterly
Pacific Electric Company's right of�
be of the class of construction
aiong said bulkhead line to the Par -i
way; thence southeasterly aloe ..
mitted by this ordinance wkhiu'
point of its intersection by the cen -;!the
said southerly line to the point o �
fire district wherein the build -
ter line of "A" Street; thence
begin lliRg. � �
ing exists.
south along the center line of "A "� No existing building or structure
Street to the center line of Surf. may be moved into any fire dis -1
embrace all that portion of the city
Avenue; thence westerly along the trict in the city of Newp rt Beach
of Newport Beach 1ucInded within
center line of Surf Avenue to the unless such structure
the following exterior boundaries:
Commencing inter
point of beginning. shalt con -
Perm to the class of construction
at the ,pofut of -i
section of Ocean Avenue b the
—All oT
. the rest and remainder of the ter- 'into whic within the fire district
_ into which the same is moved,
center line of 24th Street produced
rifory "�ibracet3 wiE his the exterior SECTION 8.
southerly; thence north along saidbouuda,'
•, of :.:e city of Newport i
Except Fire District No.
southerly produred line and the
4Beach, nut included fn Fire Dis -. l
may be erected in
center line of Vth Street to the
tricts Nos. 1- 2- 3- 4 -5 -6, shall be and parts of
parts of the city Newport Beach
point of its..a;. se�fion by the
center line f an alley produced.
constitute Fire District No. 7. outside of Fire Districts Nos. 3 -4 -,
-6, and for any purpose, iP said'
westerly; easterly along.
For all the purposes of this Or -: buildings conform to State law and
the center We of. said alley to the
diusuce a Class "A" building is other ordinances of the city of
point of its intersection produced
defined to be a building constructed Newport Beach, of either Class
easterly by the center line of 23rd
with au independent steel frame "A ", "B ", "C" or out of wood or,
Street thence uortherly along the
supporting floor and wall' load, construction provided, that
ceuter .lin of 23rd Street to the
with structural parts .and roof, no structure shall be ifi
point ot.NS i nsect}eP -by the
built of 1ueoIDbustfble materials.
`_p ri87E ,p . way,
.. .
of the city of Newport.
Every building moved in the city)
any part
Beach out of paper or cloth,
of Newport Beach or attempted t'o
The above and foregoing ordin -I
whether said paper or cloth be �,
be moved into any fire district,
ante shall be published once in the
treated or untreated, or out of aayl;,nnless
such building shall in
NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper of
combination of paper or cloth,.!
every way conform to the require -
general circulation, prihted, pub-
treated or untreated,
of this ordinance governing
the fire district into which the
lisped and circulated in the city of
Provided, further, that fonts and II
Newport Beach, and it shall take
cloth structures may be erected in
same is to be moved, shall consti-
effect and be in force from and
that portion of the city, of Newport
tute a public nuisance if moved :
after its passage.
Beach commonly known and desig-
into any such fire district.
The above and foregoing ordin -
nated as The City Camping Gronndi
ance was passed at a regular
Every act declared by this or-
to be be
meeting of the Board of Trustees
Every building erected or corn
dinance unlawful shall and
of the city of Newport Beach held
menced to be erected, altered, add
constitute a misdemeanor and any
the 23rd day of May, 1927., by the
ed to, or repaired in the city of
person found guilty of any such
following vote:
.Newport Beach, the erection, alter-
act shall be punished by a fine not
Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKI.N -.
ation, addition, or repair of which
exceeding $250.00, or by imprison-
would be in violation of this or -_ment
in the city jail not exceeding
dinance, shall be and constitute a
• sixty days, or by both such fine and
public nuisance and shall be treat-
imprisonment in the discretion of p
Noes, Trustees —NONE. i
ed and considered as a public nut-
the court.
Absent, Trustees —NON, .
sauce and may be wholly abated,
Every day that any act declared
The above and foregoing ordin -
destroyed and ' removed.
'• by this ordinance to be unlawful
ance is hereby approved by me
No officer of the city of Newport ! is permitted to exist shall be a new
this 23rd day of May, 1927.
Beach shall receive or file any ap- and distinct offense.
plication for a permit to erect, SECTION 11.
President, Board of Trustees
alter, add to, or repair any build -, All ordinances or parts of ordin-
City of Newport Beach.
in the city of :Newport Beach antes of the city of Newport Beach
which shall not conform to this' that are in conflict with this ordin -
Cicrk, City of Newport Beach.
ordinance, and no permit shall be. ance are hereby repealed. I
granted to any person for any such -
�UU7�v�ry j � � I . " 0.`; .,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 310 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting
held on the 23d day of May, 1927, and-that the same was printed and
published according to law.
Cit,dClerk of Newport Beach.
ORDINANCE N0. 311. port Beach determining that [hell withstand Use waver, tides, and I
public interest and also the public currents of the Pacific Ocean pre- I
necessity demands the construction vailia at the entrance to New ort i
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY r of a municipal improvement des- g p
Bay, and, when constructed, the
OF RD OF TR BEACH, BY ITS 'i cribed and set forth is Resolution I `
BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AS THE top of each of said jellies to be
No. 407, and which Is necessary to I approximately ten (10) feet above
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF; carry out the objects, purposes and I the line of ordinary high tide of
SAID CITY, ORDERING THEi powers of the city of Newport I the Pacific Ocean,
SUBMISSION TO THE QCALI. Beach, the cost of which will be
FIED VOTERS OF THE CITY ;I too great to be paid out of the or - I. The jetty i be the entrance on
OF NEWPORT BEACH THE: dinary annual income and revenue the easterly side b to entrance to;
PROPOSITION OF I'.\CURRLVG Newport Bay to be approximately
of the city of Newport Beach; 300)
parallel to and nine hundred (
A BONDED DEBT FOR THE Now therefore, at this a subse - :feet easterly of the Jetty t( 0)
PURPOSES SET FORTH IN I quent meeting of said Board of constructed on the be
RESOLUTION \0.407 OF SAID . (Trustees after the passage of of said entrance. westerly side;
No. 407—
1 FOR TH:ST PURPOSE, RECIT- I The use hereafter in this Ordin-
I ING THE OBJECTS AND PUT. The Board of Trustees of the city ance of the word "jetties" means
Newport Beach do ordain as and shall at all times and places4
DEBTF,DNESS IS PROPOSED, >follows: — be held and construed to meaq the
munici a
TO BE INCURRED, THE ESTI- SECTION 1. �� P I improvement set forth in
_ ;BATED COST OF THE PRO- It having been determined by II Resolution No. 407 and in this sec -
POSED PUBLIC IMPROVE- 'Resolution No. 407 of the city of ``; tion described.
\LENT, THE AMOUNT OF THE Newport Beach, passed by the vote t SECTION 2.
of two- thirds and more of all the `
PRINCIPAL OF THE I INCURRED. _ It is hereby further determined
THERE R, AND I E MAXI-- members of the Board of Trustees and declared that the Board of
THEREFOR, AND THE MA %I- of said city, as the legislative
R' branch thereof, that the public in- Trustees p the city of Newport
BE P HATE OF INTEREST iterest and also the public neces- Beach proposes to incur a bonded
BE PAID ON SUCH INDEBTED- ATE O , city demands the construction by debt and to issue and sell the bonds
MESS, FI %ING THE DATE ONthM city of Newport Beach of a of the city of Newport Beach to
WHICH SUCH ELECTION WILL the cif al improvement, namely— of a pay the cost of said municipal
BE HELD, THE MANNER OF improvement, to -wit: the OR con-
HOLDING SUCH ELECTION ;; nd maintenance of a harbor in the establishment, improvement; istruction of said jetties.
AGAINST INCURRING SC CH Newport Bay, and to consist of the SECTION 3.
INDEBTEDNESS, AND PRO -! construction of jetties, one jetty' The estimated cost of the pro -
I VH)ING THAT IN ALI, PAR -: to commence on the shore of the posed public improvement to-wit:
i TICULARS NOT RECITED IN' Pacific Ocean on the westerly the construction of said jetties, is
THIS ORDINANCE SUCH ELEC.) side of the entrance to Newport the sum of $500,000.00 and the
TION SHALL BE HELD AS Bay, and extending southerly into Drincipal of the indebtedness to
PROVIDED BY LAW FOR the waters of the Pacific Ocean a be incurred therefor is the sum of
HOLDING MUNICIPAL ELEC -I distance of approximately two $500,000.00, which sum is and will
TIONS IN THE CITY OF NEW.' thousand one hundred (2100) feet,. be too great to be paid out of the
PORT BEACH. and one jetty to commence on the ordiaa` = tnnual- Income- and_reti
shore of the Pacific Ocean on the Mane of the city of Newport Beach.
Whereas, the Board of Trustees !easterly side of the entrance to SECTION 4.
of the city of Newport Beach, as Newport Bay, and extending south- The objects and purposes for:
the Iegislative branch of said city, :erly into the waters of the Pacific which the indebtedness is proposed!
at a regular meeting thereof held Ocean a distance of approximately to be incurred is to pay the cost of
'on the 10th day of January, 1927,1 one thousand five hundred (1500) the construction of said jetties, in
by the vote of two-thirds
feet; both of said jetties to be con- I order to establish, Improve, and
of all its members, passed more
Resolu -� strutted of atone and to he of a I maintain Newport Bay as a harbor,
tion No. 407 of the city of New -L permanent and substantial char - and to make the entrance to New
after, and;y -.
l,_such a width as to Bay safe and adequate for
.commerce and navigation.