HomeMy WebLinkAbout317 - Plumbing Ordinance72 uniew ff'A all be approved --by-theF 9oard of trustees; provided, that ' when an order expelling a member has been made by the fire chief and an appeal is taken to tke board of ! trustees, such member shall stand suspended until the final disposi- tion of the order by the Board of: Trustees. SECTION 11. Any person who shall, at and within the city of Newport Beach, do or commit any of the acts men- tioned in Section 625 -a of the Penal Code shall be punished as pre- scribed in the said section. SECTION 12. Ordinance No. 65 and Ordinance No. 75 of the city of Newport Beach and that portion of all other ordla -I :ances which is in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby re- an the 28th day of March, 1927, 1 pealed, :by the following vote: I I SECTION 13. This ordinance shall take Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN -: effect SON, FELIX B. MODJESKA, FRED and be in force from and after its W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM -. passage, and it shall be printed and - SON, CONRAD RICHTER. - Published- once in the NEWPORT Noes, Trustees —NONE. NEWS, a newspaper of general I _ Absent. Trustees— ALONE. circulation, printed, published, and ' The above and foregoing Ordin- circulated in the city of Newport ance is approved by me this 28th Beach. ; day of March, 1927. The above and foregoing Ordin - CONRAD RICHTER, ance was passed at a regular President, Board of Trustees, meeting of the board of trustees I City of Newport Beach. of the city of Newport Beach held Attest: ALFRED SMITH, YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM- Clerk, City of Newport Beach, I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 315 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 28th day of March, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. ORDINANCE NO. 316 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CON. CERNING THE USE OF FISH. ING LINES OR TACKLE UPON PUBLIC DOCKS IN SAID CITY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ALL VIOLATIONS THERE. OF. The Board of Trustees of the city Newport Beach do nraain as fm_ Section I. It is hereby declared unlawful and shall be and consti- tute a misdemeanor for any per- son, upon any public wharf, dock or pier in the city of Newport Beach *to fish therefrom with more than two fishing lines or fishing tackle at one and the same time, or to have extended from any such City2volerk of Newport Beach. ,pier, wharf or dock into the waters Section 3. The above and fore - `of the Pacific Ocean more thanlgoing two fishing lines, or fishing tackle,! ordinance shall be published once in NEWPORT NEWS, ' at one and the same time, or to be a news- . paper of general circulation in charge or control of or. use for print -. ad, published and circulated in the the purpose of fishing from such city of Newport Beach, and shall j wharf, dock, or. pier, more than take effect and be in force from two fishing lines or fishing tackle, and after its passage. at one and the same time. I The above and foregoing ordil,- Section 2. Any person who shall ance was passed at a regular meet - violate this ordinance shall be ing of the Board of Trustees of deemed guilty of a misdemeanor the city of Newport Beach held i and upon conviction thereof in a the 25th day of April, 1927, by the court of competent jurisdiction' following vote: shall be fined in a sum not morel Ayes, Trustees —L. -S. WILKIN- than $100.00 or be punished by' SON, F. B. MODJESKA, FRED W. imprisonment in the city jail not YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM- exceeding five days, or by both SON, CONRAD RICHTER. such fine and imprisonment in the Noes. Trustees —NONE. ' discretion of the court. Absent. Trustees —NONE. The above and foregoing ordiu -I ance having been passed,'is sign- ed and approved by me this 2E;i day of April, 1927. CONRAD RICHTER, President, Board of Trustees. Attest: ALFRED SMITH, Clerk, City of Newport Beach. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 316 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held'on the 25th day of April, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. CIVY Clerk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE N0. 317. .to, one trap; two laundry trays may be connected to a 1%Inch trap AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY and in all other particulars install- OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEND. ad according to Ordinance No. 105. ING SECTIONS IS, 23, .1ND a, SECTION 23. AND ADDING A SEW SECTION TO ORDINANCE NO. 105 OF All cleanouts on soil lines and THE CITY OF NEWPORT Iwaste lines shall be of the brass BEACA. 'bodied brass flanged variety with at least five threads and of not The Board of Trustees of the less than the following weights: city of Newport Reach do ordain Two inch, one pound. as follows: I Four inch, two and one -half SECTION 1. Sections 18, 23, and 25 of Ordim- lance No. 105 of the city of New - ,port Beach are hereby amended so as to read as follows: i. SECTION 18. 6.., No fixture shall be trapped by having its outlet connected with the trap of another fixture pro tvided, tha C.If connected laundry `tray?.ars usQd tht;Y ttciB lSe vented Every cleanout or trap screw ferrule shall be of the same size as the soil or waste p ;pe to which it is attached up to four (4) inches In diameter, and shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter for pipes larger than four _kit inches in diameter. All cleamou s must be made ac- cessible and if within eighteen (18) inches ,of.�a,•m {must be carried tltrou 0h such wall. No cleanout! on any soil or waste line will he' considered accessible unless there' be as least two (2) feet of un -' obstructed space between the floor' I oists and the ground extending to: such cleanout frail, a window ill: the foundation or from a cellar.- ' All cleanouts shall be made tight without the use of paints or other: similar substrtce, and shall bel kept closed at all times except! when a stoppage iu the soil or, waste line occurs and then may be opened for a reasonable time in order to clear out the oLstrrction. Cleauout openings shall not be used for floor - drains. Cleano its in basemeut or cement floors shall extend at least one -half inch above floor level. Cleapopts shall be ,provided at the feo[ of all vertical liges,of soil or waste pipe,Bay#:: -at the end:of I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 317 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of May, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. ORDINANCE NO. 318. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A)11ENDING SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE NO. 182 OF -SAFD CITY. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 20 of Ordinance No. 182 of the city of Newport Beach is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 20. All foundations of Class "D" buildings must in all cases be either of pilirg or concrete: red- wood mud sills ale not allowed except in the construction of one - story private garages. No board and batten structures or construction will be permitted In the city of Newport Beach ex- cept a garage of one -story only and located upon the _ear of a lot may be of board and batten con- struction. Struts betweei mud sill and floor gfriers shall in no case be of a less section than 2 Inches by 4 inches. %nd shall be spaced suffi- ciently close together to- meet the approval of the building inspector: floor girders shall in no ga4e, be. less than '3 inches'by A' +Ass_3u Citt Clerk of Newport Beach. section. and spaced sufficient! r - j for piers fronting on a street bond supply to said water heater. and less than 1 inch. and wbere this ,shall be provided with a vent pipe vent goes through a ceiling a eacb horizontal line exceeding five of not less than 3 inches in di- vent collar with air ports allall be, (5) feet In length: on sink lines .. ameter..and ncj less than the attached to said vent pipe sleeve. as close to the fWures as' posllhie- smoke or flume outlet from said and be secured. with at least two regardless of the position of this heater. On all new work where screws to the ceiling. The outlet waste line: on horizontal soil or (the beater vent would have to pass for the vent,through any Wood waste lines or house sewers at through any room other than root or roof constructed of com -. least every fifty (50) feet or frac- where Lite heater Is installed be- bustible material shall be at least, lion thereof. and also in other, fore going through the roof. there 7 inches in diameter. and all off-' places where made necessary by shall be installed in the partition sets in vent pipes shall be made' the character of construction. wall nearest to the water heater a in the room where the water heater All changes of direction of soil vent constructed of brick. terra is installed and not above the eel t- or waste pipes sball be made with, cotta or cement. The capacity of ing thereof: all wood. sheathing, full "Y' branches and one- eightbl! this vent shall exceed that of the rafters of ceiling joists shall -be_so bends. except where space will notI vent outlet on the water heater. placed so as not to be closer than, permit and then the Plumbing In- The The vent shall be firmly set upon 4 Inches to the vent pipe at any spector may. at his discretion. al- a header or other secure support. place except where it makes exit low the use of other fittings. San- and shall continue undiminished through the root. All vents shall itary "T's" shall not be used ex- I„ size up through the roof. Each ` capped with a suitable "Y" cept in perpendicular stacks. All section shall be jointed with ce- head galvanized or copper Roof he cleanouts shall be extended to out - ment or fireclay, and secured firm- Jack or Hood. ' side of walls or some convenient Iy in place with band iron or other � SECTION 3. ,point satisfactory to the Plumbing suitable material. the galvanized This ordinance shall be+ publish -, Inspector. cent from the water heater shall ed once In NEWPORT NEWS a SECTION 26. enter this partition vent through .newspaper of general circulation. Waste pipes at all laces shall p a vent collar drilled with air ports, printed, published, and circulated be of lead, cast iron or brass: and at a point not nearer to the in the city of Newport Beach and urinals, kitchen sinks- laundry ceiling than 12 inches. O other shall take effect and be in force strays. slop hoppers. and slop sinks work where vent can be taken e thirty days after its passage. not less than two inches. directly through roof without ug The above and foregoing Ordin- If a number of separate houses passing through any other room. an except where the heater is install- - ante was passed at a regular meet - are connected on any one lot if ed. the water heater shall be pro- Ing of the Board of,Trustees of the the four inch vent pipe is of soil vided with a vent pipe not less than city of Newport Beach held the 9th p Pipe. then one 4 inch vent stack 3 inches in diameter and not lest day of May. 1927. by the following may be used. and a 2 inch vent than the smoke or films outlet vote: stack used on each other house. : from said heater, and extending: Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN- SECTION 2. I;through and undiminished in size. SON. F. B. MODJESKA. FRED. W. A new section is hereby added i and at least 4 inches above tt:c YOUNG. HARRY H. WILLIAM - to Ordinance No. 105 to be known 1I roof of the building where tile; SON, CONRAD RICHTER. as and designated Section 23 %, N same Is or shall have been in-; Noes, Trustees —NONE. as follows: i! stalled. Around every such vent Absent. Trustees —NONE. SECTION 23 %. it at all unexposed places to the out- The above and foregoing Ordin- Every gas water heater now in side view where the same shall ante No. 317 Is approved by me use or hereinafter installed for use pass from the room in which the this 9th day of May. 1927. for the purpose of heating water aforesaid water beater sball have CONRAD RICHTER. in any building in the city of New- been installed. there. shall be a i President, Board of Trustees .port Beach shall be equipped with galvanized iron sleeve extending City of Newport Beach. is valve ;controlling the water the full length of the concealed Attest: ALFRED SMITH. ,portion of said pipe with a clear City Clerk. air space around said vent of not I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 317 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of May, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. ORDINANCE NO. 318. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH A)11ENDING SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE NO. 182 OF -SAFD CITY. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 20 of Ordinance No. 182 of the city of Newport Beach is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 20. All foundations of Class "D" buildings must in all cases be either of pilirg or concrete: red- wood mud sills ale not allowed except in the construction of one - story private garages. No board and batten structures or construction will be permitted In the city of Newport Beach ex- cept a garage of one -story only and located upon the _ear of a lot may be of board and batten con- struction. Struts betweei mud sill and floor gfriers shall in no case be of a less section than 2 Inches by 4 inches. %nd shall be spaced suffi- ciently close together to- meet the approval of the building inspector: floor girders shall in no ga4e, be. less than '3 inches'by A' +Ass_3u Citt Clerk of Newport Beach. section. and spaced sufficient! r - j for piers fronting on a street bond 1 close to meet the a e approval of th- building inspector. Under no oil-- alone alone to conform with the kind 'cumstances shall a foundation Of stone for the trimming of the ! any brick or stone building be built' front may be used above the side- on filled or made ground. Founds -'' walk level. Piers other than - '[ions ahLll be proportioned to the, factual those in the front must be capped' with iron or steel plates of proper load they must sustain. De- of fouad arc subject to strength and size under all col- :the the approval or the building in- or t � umns or girders. No stone post or pier for the support of posts spector and must conform with good engineering practice. or columns shall be used in the For Class "A". "B" and "C" interior of any building. and mar - .buildings, the foundation his or granite columns shall not walls be used for the support of any wall shall have sufficient depth to b' one : over over one story high. approved by the building insti etor.1 or foundation walls! A greater depth may be required: and piers must have footing of by the building inspector if it is; concrete. or be built of other a p necessary to his judgment in order! l proved masonry laid up in cement to obtain the accessary stability. mortar, proportioned to the sus - Piers shall be built of concrete�taining or good well burned brick laid in value of the soil. and the) (loads to be imposed thereon. Such cement mortar. except that orna- footings shall be not less than 751 mental piers fronting on the street i per cent wider than the walls may be built of stone. Every mas- which they carry, unless otherwise; onry pier. buttress, or pilaster, ex-� provided for in this ordinance. ceeding height four times its least Filler walls, light courts and dimension and' carrying two - thirds shafts must be as specified under of its safe load shall be bonded Class "A" construction. each 4 feet with cast iron plates. In Class "A" buildings shall be or re- inforced concrete slabs or constructed of masonry of a thick- with heavy galvanized wire mesh. 1 nfss and supported as required, of not less than No. 16 wire and for other masonry walls, but if not larger than % inch mesh. In built of skeleton construction. such brick piers where wire meek is walls shall have a minimum thick -I used it must be laid in full size of ! - nests of 6 inches for masonry and the pier every seventh course and .3 inches for reinforced- - concrete,! 1 a -.