HomeMy WebLinkAbout318 - Building Ordinance/ .. Supply to said water heater, and less than 1 Inch, and where this
I shall be provided with a vent Ptpe vent goes through a telling a'
- of not less than. 3. lnches in di- vent collar with air pore Stlall be
each horizontal Tine exceeding the ameter, and n(A less than the attached to said vent pipe sleeve,
(5) feet in length;_ on Sink lines.. smoke or flume outlet Prom said and be secured; with at.least two
as close to the fixtures AS VOseibtt heater. On all new work where screws to the ceiling. The outlet
regardless Of the position of the the heater vent would have to pass for the vent .through any Wood
waste line; on horizontal soil or 'through any room other than roof or roof constructed .of tom =:
waste lines or house sewers at where it,c heater is installed be- bustible material shall be at least .
least every fifty (50) Peet or free- fore going through the roof, there 7 inches in diameter, and all off -�
firm thereof, and also in other _ shall be installed An the partition seta in wont pipes shall be made;
places where made necessary by wall nearest to the water heater a in the room where the water heater
the character of construction. vent constructed of brick, terra is installed and not above the ceil-
All changes of direction of soil cotta or cement. The capacity of ing thereof; all wood, sheathing,
or waste Pipes shall be made with this vent shall exceed that of the rafters of ceiling joists shall -b' 'so
full "Y" branches and one - eighth outlet on the water heater. placed so as not to be closer than
bends, except where space will not The vent shall be firmly set upon ¢ inches to the vent Pipe at any
permit and then the Plumbing In a header or other secure Support, place except where it makes exit
specter may, at his discretion, al- and shall continue undiminished through the roof. All vents shall
low the use oY ofhei fittings. San- in size up through the rroY. Each � be capped with a suitable "Y°
Itary "T's" shall not be used ex- Isection shall be jointed with ce- head galvanized or copper Roof
cept in perpendicular stacks. All went or fireclay, and secured firm- Jack or Hood.
cleanouts shall be extended to out- ly in place with band iron or other SECTION 3.
side of walls or some convenient suitable material, the galvanized This ordinance shall be-publish-
,point satisfactory to the Plumbing vent from the water heater shall;ed once In NEWPORT NEWS a
Inspector. enter this partition vent through newspaper of general circulation,
SECTION 26. a vent collar drilled with ail' Ports, printed, published, and clrculated
Waste Pipes at all Places shall and at a point not nearer to the In the city of Newport Beach and
lbe of lead, cast iron or brass; ceiling than 12 inches. On other shall take effect and be in force
urinals, kitchen sinks; laundry work where the vent can be taken thirty days after its passage.
trays, slop hoppers, and slop sinks directly through the roof without The above and foregoing Ordin
not less than two inches. passing through any other room, ance was passed at a regular meet
If a number of separate houses except where the heater is install- ing of the Board of-Trustees Of the
are connected on any one lot if ed, file water heater shall be Pro- city of Newport Beach held the 9th
the four inch vent pipe is of soil vbled with a vent Pipe not less than day of May, 1927, by the following
pipe, then one 4 inch vent stack 3 inches in diameter and not less vote:
may be used, and a 2 inch vent than the smoke or fame Outlet`` Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN-
stack used on each other house. from said heater. and extending; SON, F. B. MODJESKA, FRED W.
SECTION 2. �' through and undiminished in sire,. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM-
A new section is hereby added and at least 4 inches above tl. SON, CONRAD RICHTER.
to Ordinance No. 106 to be known roof of the building where the: Noes, Trustees —NONE.
as and designated Section 231/x, m
same is or shall have been -1 Absent, Trustees —NONE.
as follows: 111 stalled. Around every such vent above and foregoing Ordfm-
SECTION 23i1i. lat all unexposed places to the out- ance No. The ab b 317 is approved by me
Every gas water heater now in side view where tiro same shall this 9th day of May, 1927.
use or hereinafter installed for use pass from the room in which the CONRAD RICHTER,
for the purpose of heating water aforesaid water heater shall have President, Board of Trustees
in any building in the city of New been installed, there shall be a City of Newport Beach.
port Beach shall be equipped with galvanized iron sleeve extending ALFRED SMITH,
7a valve ,controllirtg the water 'the full length of the concealed Attest pity Clerk.
,portion of Said Pipe with a clear
air space around said vent of not
It Alfred Smith, Clerk of the CitOhwtrue and
of copy certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 317 ie a
of an ordinance passed bbyy 19
by the of t Trustees at a printed eg rameeting
held on the 9th day of
published according to law-
Cit Clerk Of Newport Beach.
-- section, -and spaced sufficiently tto,. piers fronting on a street bond
_ jclose to meet the approval of the' stoue to conform with the kind
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF building inspector. Under no ell--. of stone for the trimming of the
NEWPORT BEACH AMEN] LNC3 Icumstances shall a foundation of: front may be used above the side
SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE 'any brick or scone building be built walk level. Piers other than -.
NO. 182 OF SAID CITY. �!,ma filled or made ground. Founds those in the front must be capped.,
_ 11tions shall be p"gPortioned to the, with iron or steel Plates of proper
The Board of Trustees of the actual Iliad they must sustain. De -i strength and size under all col -I
city of Newport Beach do ordain tails of fouudcAion are subject to! umns or girders. No stone post
as Yellows:
the approval of the building in- or pier for the support of pests -
SECTION I. - .specter and must conform with or columns shall be used in the
Section 20 of Ordinance No. 182: good engineering Practice. interior of any building, and of the the city of Newport Beach is ' For Class "A ", "B" and `C" ble or granite columns shall not
hereby amended so as to read as i� buildings, the ;:undation w:1118 be used for the support of any wall
11 shall have sufficient depth to be �I over one story high.
SECTION 20. approved by the building inspxtor. Basement or foundation walls i
All foundations of Class "D" A greater depth may be required 1 and Piers must have footing of
buildings must in alt cases be by the building inspector if it. is; concrete, or be built of other aP -I
necessary fu his judgment in order" proved masonry laid up in cement.
either of piling or concrete; red- 1
wood mud sills ale not allowed to obtain the necessary otability. ;mortar. proportioned to the sus -�
except in the construction of one- Piers shall he built of concrete Staining value of the soil, and the
story private garages. or good well burned brick laid in',loads to be imposed tbereon. Such:
No beard and batten structures cement mortar, except that orna -i7 footings shall be not less than 75;
or construetion will be Permitted mental piers fronting on the street 1 per cent wider than the walls'
in the city of Newport Beach ex -1 may be built of stone. Every mas- ( which they carry, unless otherwise
cept a garage of one -story only 1 onry pier, buttress, or Pilaster, ex- provided for to this ordinance.
and located upon the _ear of a lot cording height four times its least Filler walls, light courts and
may be of board and batten con- dimension and' carrying two-thirds I shafts must be as specified under
struction. of its safe load shall be bonded I Class "A" construction.
Struts betweel mud sill and each 4 feet with cast iron plates 444• In Class "A" buildings shall be
floor girders shall in no case be of or re- inforced concrete slatia or constructed of masonry of a thick -
a less section than 2 inches by 4 with heavy galvanized wire mesh. noes and supported as required
Inches, and shall be spaced suffi- of not less that No. 16 wire and for other masonry walls, but if
cienfly close fogefh °r to meet tine not larger than % inch mesh. In built of skeleton construction, such1
approval of the etht rut ' inpector; brick Piers where wire mesh is wails shall have a minimum thick -
floor girders shall'in- uo� �, aSe be used it must be laid in full size of -nose' of 6 inches for masonry and
i less than -3 ine. by .:d es-- 1plthe pter every seventh course and -3 inches for reinforced- "concrete,
base -
and openings into such light shafts The walls and piers of all build-
breasts where mante,Is— are used
shall be equipped with standardl ings shall be ,properly and solidly
(except gas grates) whether main -
fire doors, and shutters or with bonded together with close joints
tained for an ordinary fire place
wire gless, and metal frame win- filled with mortar, and in no case
or not, shall have trimmer arches
shall any wall or walls of any
to support the hearth. Arches sha r..
In, buildings of Class "B" and "C"
building be carried up over one
be of brick, iron or masonry, at,
construction, the'walls of all light
scaffold in advance of any other
least 24 inches wide, measuring
courts and shafts whose ground
wall without the special permission
from the face of the chimney
area exceeds 25 sq. ft. shall be con-
of the building inspector.
breast, must extend clear across
structed the same as required for
All brick walla shall be bonded
the chimney breast. Hearth shall
Class "A ".buildings, excepting that
every seventh course or less with
be of fire -proof material. All fire
the minimum thickness of the mas-
full header courses. In walls faced
places with wood mantels must
onry may be reduced to 4 inches.
with cut stone, Terra Cotta or any
have the fire place openings sur-
For interior light shafts in Class
such material, and where such fac -i
rounded with not less than 6 inch
:"C'-' buildings, the walls may be
'ing is not bonded with header'.
rim of non- combustible material,
fire proofed by covering with metal
courses as specified above, such
between the fire place opening and
'lath and plaster on the exposed
facing shall not be considered as
wood mantle. The backs and
side, if sheathed solidly behind
part of the wall, and the wall must
jambs of all fire places shall be
such plaster with '/s inch sheet -
be built full thickness without
not less than 10 inches thick of
ing' considering such facing. Flemish
solid masonry, and openings must
If not over three stories high, bond work shall have foil headers1
be lined with at least 2 inches of
masonry light court walls may be
every third course. When face
fire brick, terra cotta, or asbestos
carried either on a masonry wall
brick or Ashler are tied to mason-
composition, or if the lining of
or a steel or concrete beam and
ry walls with metallic wall ties,
the fire place opening is of soap
must be backed with stud and tight
at least one metallic wall tie shall
stone, the or cast iron this 2
board sheathing if walls are built
be used to each two square feet of!
inch lining thickness shall be met
of tile. Light court walls or mas-
wall surface.
! by filling in with some non-com -
onry when used in Class. "B" or
In estimating the thickness of
bustible material.
C" construction and not resting
walls required for any building I
All wood beams shall be trim -
on other masonry walls must be
when table No. 1 is used, stories
med away tram all flues and
securely supported directly under-
must not be taken to exceed the
chimneys. The trimmer beams
❑eath the wall by post and girder
following dimensions:
shall be not less than 2 inches.'
12 ft. for the basement and 16 ft.
from the outside of a chimney;
for the first story, and 12 ft. for
breast and the header beam not;
upper stories excepting top story,
less than 2 inches from the out -
which may be 16 ft. when no cell -I
side face of the brick or masonry
ing joists are used. When table
work of the flue...
- No. 2 is used, the clear height of
Beams of the floor and support -
stories shall not exceed 11 ft. for
ing the trimmer arch in front of
the basement, 14 ft. for the first,
the fire place shall be not less than
story, and 11 ft. for the upper
24 inches from the chimney breast -
stories, except the top story, which
may be 14 ft. to the roof timbers,
This Ordinance shall be publish -
when no ceiling joists are used:
ed once in NEWPORT NEWS a
In any story exceed the foregoing
newspaper of general circulation,
heights, given in either table, walls
printed, published and circulated
of such story and the walls below
in the city of Newport Beach and
that story shall be increased 4
shall take effect and be in force
inches in thickness.
thirty days after its
The external walls of all build-
The above and foregoing Ordin-
ings used for the sale, storage or
ance was ,passed at a regular
manufacture of merchandise, office
meeting of the Board of Trustees
buildings, livery, boarding and sale
of the city of Newport Beach held
stables, and all public buildings
the 9th day of May, 1927, by the
and all other buildings over four
following vote:
stories ?n height, shall be of a
Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN,
thickness not less than that in-
dicated by the following table:
base -
in Ht.
5th. 6th.
17 in.
13 in.
17 in.
13 in.
13 in.
21 in.
17 in.
13 in.
13 in.
26 in.
21 in.
17 in.
13 in.
13 in.
26 in.
21 in.
21 in.
17 in.
13 in.
13 in.
30 in.
26 in.
21 in.
21 in.
17 In.
13 in. 13 in..
For buildings erected and used
.for restaurant and hotel ranges,
bakers' ovens, and similarly un-
usually hot flues, must be left ex-
posed to the ceiling of the room in
which connection is made with the
i chimney. The building inspector
'may order a higher chimney when
necessary to abate a nuisance or
for safety.
All fire places and chimney
Noes, Trustees —NONE.
Absent, Trustees —NONE.
The above and foregoing Ordin-
ance No. 318 is approved by me
this 9th day of May, 1927.
President, Board of Trustees
City of Newport Beach:.
City Clerk„
It Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 318 is a true and correct copy
of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting
held on the 9th day of May, 1927, and that same was printed and
published according to law.
GJAy Clerk of Newport Beach.