HomeMy WebLinkAbout324 - Uniform Deeds for Land Sold to CityIs Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 323 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of June, 19271 and that same was printed and published according to law. Cit,�(/Clerk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE N0, 324. ORDINANCE NO. 322, of tiie same day; provided, [Bata no NEWPORT XEW'N, - - .................... 19 ......... -- time limit for parking on Sund.ys a newspapet.pofj !general circulation, the best interest of the city to sell, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. and holidays shall be enforced. printed, pull=' dished and circulated in the SCRIBING UNIFORM DEEDS TION 14 AND ADDING A NEW SECTION TO ORDINANCE N0. SECTION 2. A. new Section is hereby added to city of 1 Newport Beach, and shalt take ef- I feet be in ed said land or paid said taxes, of 322 OF.THE CITY OF NEWPORT Ordinance No. 322 to be numbered and force from and of - -. ter its passage. i BEACH. Section 19: The above and foregoing Ordjn_� -- The Board of Trustees of the cityi SECTION 19 Boulevard stop signs shall be ance was passed at a regular meet - ing of New p.E- .$each do_Q53din .as fol- -' erected and maintained at all in- of the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach held the lows:-, tersecting streets with l Centra 27th day of June, 1927, by the rol- SECTION 1. Avenue between 36th Street . and lowing vote: Section 14 of Ordinance No. 3221 Alain Street, and on Bay Avenue Ayes, Trustees —L. S. WILKIN- is hereby amended so as to read as. from Main Street to Fourth Street SON, F. B. MODJESKA, FRED W, n the ed, published and circulated in the li 'and i on Coast Boulevard between YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM - city of Newport, Beach, which. no- kfollows:- ',;�.'- SECTION 14. at Street and 36th Street, the said SON, CONRAD RICHTER. ,': 'On that portion of any street I signs to be erected under the di- Noes, Trustees —NONE. mentioned in this ordinance where rection and supervision of the Su- Absent, Trustees —NONE. either angle or parallel parking is I perintendent of Streets of the city The above and foregoing Ordin- ' permitted and a time limit is pro -. of Newport Beach, provided, that ance No. 323 is signed and approv- vided for the parking of vehicles , the Superintendent of Streets shall ed by me this 27th day i cated in said city, County of Or- the time shall be between the hours not be required to erect such signs 11927. of June, I ange, State of California, and par- of eight o'clock in the forenoon until the money to pay therefor CONRAD RICHTER, ocularly described as follows: and the hour of six o'clock In the shall have been appropriated by the President, Board of Trustees ............-_:.,.:._. ...___---- :.__ .......... ....... evening of that day, provided, that Board of Trustees. I City of Newport Beach. .._ ........................ .................._..._........ Do vehicle shall be arked in the p SECTION 3. , Attest: ALFRED SMITH, ............................................................ idesignated portions of the said The above and foregoing Din ithe Clerk, .city of Newport Beach. ; streets between the hours of four ance shall be published once p To have and to hold the describ- loek a. m. and six o'clock a. m. Collector of the city of Newport ed and granted land and to its Is Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 323 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of June, 19271 and that same was printed and published according to law. Cit,�(/Clerk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE N0, 324. 'to a'deed oii the._....._...day of ........ I - - .................... 19 ......... the Board of Trustees deem it for AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY The time for redeeming said de_I the best interest of the city to sell, OF NEWPORT BEACH 'PRE. scribed and granted property has all or any of said land the Board SCRIBING UNIFORM DEEDS expired. -No 'Person has redeem- of Trustees shall enter upon their' FOR GRANTING TO SAID CITY ed said land or paid said taxes, of minutes an order to that effect re -: LANDS SOLD TO IT FOR NON -. any part thereof, within the time citing the amount necessary for its' PAYMENT OF TAXES AND required for the redemption of such redemption, a general description PRESCRIBING THE PROCE- land. of the land to be sold, and directing: PURE FOR THF. SALE OF SUCH Now therefore, in consideration to LANDS BY THE CITY OF NEW. of the premises, and the non -pay- the tax collector publish noticei of sale by two insertions in a news - PORT BEACH, ment of delinquent taxes on the - ,paper general circulation, - -- said land, 1, ......... ......................_.... -_:, n the ed, published and circulated in the li The Board of Trustees of the city as Marshal and ex- officio Tax and city of Newport, Beach, which. no- Of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- 'License Collector of the city of tice shall set forth the amount of Iowa:— Newport Beach, do hereby grant to money necessary to redeem said SECTION 1. the city of Newport Beach that cer- :land, a description of the land: to The form of all deeds by which! tain lot, piece or parcel of land lo+ be sold, the day, year, hour, and land is to be conveyed to the city i cated in said city, County of Or- - place where the sale will take of Newport Beach for delinque t I ange, State of California, and par- place, which must be not less than and unpaid taxes shall be substan -� ocularly described as follows: fifteen nor more than thirty days tla11Y as follows: ............-_:.,.:._. ...___---- :.__ .......... ....... after the last publication -of said DEED .._ ........................ .................._..._........ notice, and the sale shall be In the The undersigned, the duly ap - ............................................................ _.. - . pointed, qualified and acting Mar -' ; effics of the Tax Collector of the shal and ex- officio tax and license To have and to hold the describ- city of Newport Beach. Collector of the city of Newport ed and granted land and to its At the time and place noticed for Beach, does hereby recite, declare, successors forever. Witness my official signature at the sale the Tax Collector shall of- and certify as follows: the city of Newport Beach this fer the land advertised for sale — The name of the owner of the - - - - - day of 19......... first —in separate parcels, and if W I hereinafter described and granted ...... .. ......................... . . . . .o ,bid is not obtained for separates land and to whom it was assessed ....... ......... .............. - .................. 'parcels, then he may offer the land' for .taxes of the city of Newport Marshal and ex- officio Tax 'for sale as an entirety. Beach in the year L9 ........ Is ............. and License Collector. The sale shall be to the highest _ ..........:.......... I........:.........._........ . ! SECTION 2. bidder, provided, that no bid shall The said land was assessed for i Whenever any land . shall have be accepted-except for a sum suffi- taxes In the Year 19........ and the, been sold to the city of Newport cient to pay all taxes then out - asaessed value- theregf was $ ........ IBeach for delinquent and unpaid standing and unpaid against the _ ........................ :: ...... ::..... _ • taxes, and the land deeded to said described land, togeiher with all A tax was duly levied In the city, the Board of Trustees thereof ; penalties, Interest and costs, in- year 19 ........ In the mine of $ ........ will at any time before the sale of eluding the coats of the sale. .............. ............................... said land accept and receive from The Tax Collector shall strike The said taxes,were not paid and the owner thereof money necessary the property off to such highest the described and granted land was to redeem said land from such sale, bidder, report the sale tc the Board gold for the unpaid and delinquent which shall consist of all takes of Truateem, -and the Board oYTrits� taxes on the -------- day of ------------------------ , legally levied against the same, to- tees will thereupon execute a deed 19:....... for the sum of $ ....................... gether with accrued penalties, in- - The. said teed was 'sold to the terest, and costs. city of Rd466tt 1346. asd a cer- The Board of Trustees will from ftfieate of irale-duly l$s'3ed'And re- time to time offer for sale and will corded reciting that the city of sell la' - t# _It-- for, :uappm @ wport Beach would be entitled and de nquent taxes. Whenever pF the city oe Newport Bcach to and be iu force from and after its ipe purchase:. ;passage. Every deed executed by the city The above and foregoing Ordin- of Newport Beach t0 a purchaser lance No. 324 was .Passed at a regn- for lards sold for taxes as herein iar - meeting of the Boazd of True, provided shall vest the entire prop.- tees of the city of Newport Beach ertf In the grantee in said. deed. held the 5th day of July, 1927, by AB money received- from any sale the following vote: - shall be credited first to the pay- Ayes, Trustees =L. S. WILKIN- ment of the taxes, penalties, Inter- SON, .HARRY - H. WILLIAMSON,. est And costs, and the balance; it CONRAD RICHTER. i. any shall be deposited in the t.reas- Noes, Trustees —NONE. my of the city of Newport Beach Absent, Trustees — FRED W. to the credit of the 'general Rind, YOUNG, -FELIX MODJESKA. and t6 be used for anch •pnrpases.as The above and foregoing. Ordin -- tho Board of- Trn8tees may order. - ance 7s approved by me this 5th day -' SECTION 3,.�. -, 11 This Ordinance's §]ia p ll -be ublish- of 'July, 1997. - - CONRAD RICHTER, ed ih' the NEIFPURT - -NEWS, a President, Board of Trustees - newspaper - of general' circulation, City of Newport Beach. printed, published; and circnlated Attest ALFRED- SMITH,- in said city, and shall take effect nom, Clerk ^City of Newport Beach, I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 324 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of July, 1927) and that same was printed and published according to law. City//Clerk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE NO. 3125 the following snms of money for ate or commence the operation of AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY such license: I any fishing boat, barge, or boat 11 @' NEWPORT BRACH PRE- If the fishing boat to be operated ' used in connection with said barge, SCRIBM, A LICENSE FOR THE is 26 feet or less in length, $50.00. for which a license is by this ordi -j OPERATION OF CERTAIN If the fishing boat to be operated uatiee required without having first, BINDS OF BOATS IN THE CITY is more than 26 feet and less than obtained and paid for said license) OF NEIPPORT BEACH AND 45 feet in length, the sum of $100.00. the respective sums herein required PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR If the fishing boat to be operated for Stich licenses shall be deemed 4L•L 1I0LAT103S THEREOF. its more than 45 feet in length, (guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon $150.00, conviction thereof in a court of! i SECTION 4 competent jurisdiction shall be The Board of Trustees of the Cityi Every person, either as owner or punished by a fine not exceeding of Newport Beach do ordain as operator, or as the agent, servant $250.00 or by imprisonment in duel follows: for employee of another, before com City Jail not exceeding thirty days,! SECTION 1 Imencing the operation or mainten -'or by both such fine and imprison -' A fishing boat for all the pnr- I ance of a barge in the City of New - ; ment in the discretion of the court. poses of this ordinance shall bet port Beach shall obtain from the I SECTION 7 deemed, held, and construed to be I City of Newport Beach a license The above and foregoing ordi -j a floating structure that receives to operate and maintain such barge, ounce shall be published once in i and transports persons within the; and shall pay to the City of New- NEWPORT NEWS. a newspaper of City of Newport Beach for the pnr -I port Beach annually the sum of ; general circulation printed, pnb -j pose of affording such persons an $250.00 for such license. lished, and circulated in the Cityl opportunity of fishing from Stich' SECTION 5 of Newport Beach and it shall take. structures in the waters of the I Every person. - either as - -owner effect and be in force thirty days Pacific Ocean for recreation, at alor operator, or as the agent. ser- after its passage. 1 consideration. vant or employee of another, what The above and foregoing ordi - SECTION 2 shall operate any boat in the City I nanee was passed at a regular For all the purposes of this ordi- of Newport Beach from any wharf ; meeting of the Board of Trustees nanee a barge shall be deemed, I extending from the mainland into of the City of Newport Beach held I held, and construed to be a float- the waters of the Pacific Ocean, j the 26th day of September, 1927, by ing structure anchored In the or from Newport Bay, for the trans - j the following vote: waters of the Pacific Ocean within portation of persons to any barge I Ayes — Conncilmen L. S. Wilkin- the exterior boundaries of the City; or floating structure anchored ont- son, F. B. Modieska, Fred W. Young of Newport Beach for the pnrpose; side of the City of Newport Beach and Harry H. Williamstw, of receiving persona on board for the ,pnrpose of enabling any Noes — Conncilmen, none. thereof for the purpose of fishing such person to fish from said barge Absent —Mayor Conrad Richter . from such floating structure in the.' shall obtain from the City of New- The above and foregoing ordi -I waters of the Pacific Ocean. port Beach, before commencing the nanee No. 325 is signed and ap -' SECTION 3 operation of any such boat or boats, proved by me this 26th day of Every person, either as owner, a license and shall annually pay the September, 1927. -' operator, or as the agent, servant City of Newport Beach the sou of HARRY H. WILLIAMSON, or employee of another, before com - I $250.00 for Stich license. Mayor and President pro tem of mencing the operation of a fishing; SECTION 6 the Board of Trustees, New boat in the City of Newport Beach,; Any person who. either as owner. port Beach. whether the same be operated from "operator,, or as, the agent, servant Attest: ALFRED SMITH, a wharf extending from the main - -or employee of another, shall oper- Clerk, City of Newport Beach. land into the waters of the Pacific Ocean, or within Newport Bay, shall obtain from the City of Newport Beach a license to operate such fishing boat, and shall pay to the City of Newport Beach, annnally, I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 325 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of September, 1927, and that same was printed and published according to law. /� /iG, CiXy Clerk of Newport Beach.