HomeMy WebLinkAbout325 - Boat Licensesof the city �f New Po , Beach to
and he iu force from and after its-
fiie purchaso;%
!Passage. ,
. Every deed . executed by the city
The above and foregoing Ordin-
of Newport Beach to a purchaser
lance No. 324 was .passed at a regu-
for lards sold for taxes as herein
' lar - meeting of the Board of True -
provided shall vest the entire prop 7
tees of the city of Newport Beach
ert)�In the grantee in said deed.
held the 5th day of July, :927, by.
All money received from any sale
the following vote: - -
shall be credited first to the pay -
Ayes, Trustees- L. S. WILKIN-
mcnt-of the taxes, penalties, inter --
est '. and costs, and the balance,Af
any shall be deposited in the treas-
'Noes, Trustees —NONE.
ury of the city of Newport Beach
Absent, Trustees — FRED W.
to the credit of the general flied,
and t0 be used for such °purposes as
The above and foregoing- Ordin-
the Beard of Trustees may order. -
ance'is approved by me this 5th day
of July; 1927- - -
This Ordinance skull be publish-
ed ih� the - NVOWPf) NEWS -, a
President, Board of Trustees
newspaper of general' circulation,
City of Newport Beach..
printed, published, and circulated
in said city, and shall take effect
n..v Clerk, City of Newport Beach,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 324 is a true and correct
copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular
meeting held on the 5th day of July, 1927, and that same was printed
and published according to law.
City//Clerk of Newport Beach.
ORDINANCE NO. 325 the following sums oP money for ate or commence the operation of
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY) such license: any fishing boat, barge, or boar
OF NEWPORT BEACH PRE. If the fishing boat to be operated used in connection with said barge,
SCRIBING .A LICENSE FOR THE is 26 feet or less in length, $50.00. j for which a license is by this ordi -I
OPERATION OF CERTAIN If the fishing boat to be operated i Dance required without having first!
hn-DS OF BOATS IN THE CITY l is more than 26 feet and less than obtained and paid for said license i
OF NEM'PORT BEACH AND .45 feet in length, the sum of $100.00. the respective sums herein required
PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR If the fishing boat to be operated for such licenses shall be deemed
ALL TIOL.ATIONS THEREOF. is more than 45 feet in length. 'guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
_ .$150.00. conviction thereof in a court of:
SECTION 4 competent jurisdiction shall bet
Th.e Board of Trustees of the City Ever
of Newport Beach do ordain as. Y person, either as owner or ,punished by a tine not excaedrng.I
operator, or as the agent, servant - $250.00 or by imprisonment -in -fire t
follows: !or employee of another, before com -'. City Jail not exceeding thirty days,j
SECTION 1 Imencing the operation or mainten- `or by both such fine and imprison -
.A fishing boat for all the pur- ance of a barge in the City of New- 'ment in the discretion of the court.!
poses of this ordinance shall be1port Beach shall obtain from they SECTION
deemed, held. and construed to bel City of Newport Beach a license The above and foregoing ordi -I
a floating structure that receives to operate and maintain such barge, nance shall he published once in i
and transports persons within the; and shall pay to the City of New - 'NEWPORT NE1vS. a newspaper of
City of Newport Beach for the pur -!port Beach annually the sum of igeneral circulation printed, pub -I
pass of affording such persons an $250.00 for such license. 'lished, and circulated in the Cilyl
opportunity of fishing from such I SECTION 5 of Newport Beach and it shall lake,
structures in the waters of the, Every person, - either as owner leffect and be in force thirty days
Pacific Ocean for recreation, at a!or operator, or as the agent, ser- after its passage.
consideration. Ivant or employee of another, who The above and foregoing ordi -
SECTION 2 shall operate any boat in the City i Dance was passed at a regular'
For all the purposes of this ordi -,of Newport Beach from any wharf meeting of the Board of Trusteesi
nance a barge shall be deemed, (
extending from the mainland into , of the City of Newport Beach held)
held, and construed to be a float -Ithe waters of the Pacific Ocean. the 26th day of September, 1927, by
.ing structure anchored In the'or from Newport Bay, for the trans - (I`the following vole:
waters of the Pacific Ocean within ! portation of persons to any barge ! Ayes — Councilmen L. S. Wilkin-
the exterior boundaries of the City i or floating structure anchored out - .III. son, F. B. Modieska. Fred W. Young'
of Newport Beach for the purpose side of the City of Newport Beach '.and Harry H. Williams", i
of receiving persons on board for the ,purpose of enabling any Noes — Councilmen, none.
thereof for the purpose of fishing such person to fish from said barge I Absent —Mayor Conrad Richter.
from such floating structure in the shall obtain from the City of New - I The above and foregoing ordi -
waters of the Pacific Ocean. !Port Beach. before commencing the nance No. 325 is signed and ap-
SECTION 3 operation of any such boat or boats, proved by me this 26th day of
Every person, either as owner, a license and shall annually pay the September, 1927.
operator, or as the agent. servant City of Newport Beach the sum of HARRY H. WILLIAMSON,
or employee of another, before core- $250.00 for such license. Mayor and President pro tern of
mencing the operation of a fishing. SECTION 6 the Board of Trustees, New -
boat in the City of Newport Beach, Any person who. either as owner.
Port Beach.
whether the same be operated from' - operator,. or as. the agent, servant Attest: ALFRED SMITH,
a wharf extending from the main -'or employee of another, shall oper- Clerk, City of Newport Beach..
land into the waters of the Pacific
Ocean, or within Newport Bay. shall
obtain from the City of Newport
Beach a license to operate such
fishing boat, and shall pay to the
City of Newport Beach, annually,
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 325 is a true and correct
copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular
meeting held on the 26th day of September, 1927, and that same was
printed and published according to law.
CiXy Clerk of Newport Beach.