HomeMy WebLinkAbout337 - City Manager Form of Governmentlar municipal election to be held) this Ordinance and if upon can - ;, thevotes cast at the election as at and within the City of Newport p vassing the votes so cast thereat; shown by the canvass of said votes Beach the ninth day of April. a majority of them are found to be I it shall take effect and be in force. on 1928 and at said election there in favor of this Ordinance it shall The above and foregoing Ordin- is hereby submitted become effective and said tax shall I amce was ,passed at a regular meet -' shall be and to the electors of the City of New- be levied and collected and used in ing of the City Council of the City port Beach this Ordinance and the the manner Provided for herein. of Newport Beach on the fifth day electors of the City of Newport SECTION VI: The Clerk of the of March. 1928 by the affirmative Beach shall be and are hereby City of Newport Beach shall give vote of the following named niem- invited to vote for or against this notice of the submission of this Or- hers thereof. Ordinance and the adoption thereof - dinance by publication of the prop- Ayes. Trustees —L. S. WILKIN- and the form of the proposition as I osition to be submitted with the regular notice of election Providedi SON, FELIX B. MODJESKA. FRED YOUNG. HARRY H. WILLIAM- - it shall appear upon the ballot and for by law for regular municipal W. SON. CONRAD RICHTER. as said Proposition shall be submit- ted to the said electors shall be as elections and shall also give notice Noes, Trustees —NONE. follows: by publishing a copy of said ,propo- 11 Absent. Trustees —NONE. Shall Ordinance No. sition to be submitted at the same; The above and foregoing Ordin- 336 for public library YES follows: time as he shall publish the names; ante No. 336 being passed is this' acity. ❑ of nominees for Public office prior day approved by me. maintenance be adopt- The City Council of the City of, to said election. 3 II CONRAD RICHTER, ed. SECTION VII: The above and Mayor City of Newport Beach. No. foregoing Ordinance shall be pub- Attest: ALFRED SMITH. Shall Ordinance lished once in Newport News, a Clerk City of Newport Beach. 336 for public library NO ❑ newspaper of general circulation Pub. —March S. 1928. maintenance be adopt- Newport B e a c h be printed, publishe d and circulated in _ ed° the City of Newport Beach and vise the Building Inspector, Plumb- SECTION V: If at said election upon said publication and beingl ing Inspector and Electric Inspec- the majority of the votes cast on voted in favor of by a majority of for of said City of Newport Beach. said proposition are in favor of I , I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 336 is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of March, 1928, and that same was printed and published according to law.' City C erk of Newport Beach. ORDINANCE N0. 337. lconduct of any officer or employee tar municipal election, to be held fat -- of the City of Newport Beach. and within the City of Newport AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ; h. To keep the Council advised as ? Beach on the ninth day of April, NEWPORT BEACH BY THE to the needs of the City. 1928 and at said election there CITY COUNCIL AS THE LEGIS. I. To devote his entire time to the shall be and is hereby submitted to LATIVE BODY THEREOF PRO. interests of the City of !Newport the electors of the City of Newport VIDING FOR THE ESTABLISH- Beach. Beach this Ordinance and at said MENT OF THE CITY MANAGER j. To have general supervision election the electors of the City of FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND over all the public parks and play- Newport Beach shall be and are PROVIDING FOR THE SUB. grounds of the City, hereby invited to vote for MISSION OF THIS ORDINANCE k. To appoint such advisori or against this Ordinance and the TO THE ELECTORS AT THE boards as he may deem desirable adoption thereof. NEXT REGULAR MUNICIPAL to advise and assist him in his SECTION VII: That the form of ELECTION OF THE CITY OF work provided such boards shall the proposition shall be printed on NEWPORT BEACH AND PRO- not receive any compensation for the ballots used at such election as VIDING FOR THE GIVING OF their services acting in said cap- follows: NOTICE. acity. $hall Ordinance No, ' _._ I. To, in general. perform the 337 providing for the The City Council of the City of, duties of Street Commissioner. adoption of the City YES Newport Beach does ordain as fol -i Water Commissioner. Police Com- ❑ missioner, Sewer Commissioner Manager form of gov- SECTION I: That there is here- Commissioner in charge of public ernment by the City of ,by created the office of City Man- City buildings. Fire Commissioner, Newport B e a c h be ager of the City of Newport Beach Park Commissioner and to super - adopted? who shall be appointed by the City vise the Building Inspector, Plumb- and who shall be the ad- ing Inspector and Electric Inspec- Shall Ordinance No. ICouncil ministrative head of the City Gov- for of said City of Newport Beach. 337 providing for the Iernment. SECTION. III: That the City adoption of the City NO ❑ SECTION II: The powers and Manager shall receive a salary to Manager form of gov- duties of the City Manager shall be fixed -by the City Council but ernment by the City of be as follows: which shall not be less than the Newport Beach be a. To see that all Ordinances of sum of $500.00 per month. adopted? the City of Newport Beach are en-�' SECTION IV: That upon the and if at said election a majority forced. appointment of the City Manager of the votes cast are in favor of b. To appoint, except as Otherwise the terms of all-subordinate offi- this Ordinance and if upon can - provided, all heads of departments, cers theretofore appointed by the vassing the votes so cast thereat a subordinate officials and employees City Council with the exception of majority of them are found to be and remove the same except as 'the City Attorney, shall cease an_ in favor of the Ordinance it shall otherwise provided and have gen- I less they be reappointed by the become effective and shall go Into eral supervision and control over Manager, fall force and effect on the tenth the same. l SECTION V: In case of the ab- day thereafter. c. To exercise general supervision , sence from the City of the City SECTION VIII: The Clerk of, over all privately owned public Manager or his, temporary dis- the City of Newport Beach shall utilities operating within the City ability to act the Council may ap- give notice of the submission of of Newport Beach so Tar as the Pcint a City Manager pro tem who this Ordinance by publication of same are subject to municipal con - {shall possess the powers and dis- the proposition to be submitted trot. charge the duties of the City Man- it. To see that the ,provisions of ager during such absence or dis- I Provided for by law for regular all franchises, permits and privi- ability but who shall have no auth- municipal elections and shall also leges granted by the City are fully ority to appoint or remove any give notice by publishing a copy of observed and report to the City City officer or enployee except i said proposition to be submitted at Council any violation thereof. with the unanimous, formal ap -!the same time as he shall publish e. To act as purchasing agent for Proval of all of the members of I the names of nominees for public the City of Newport Beach. the Council. I office prior to said election. - f. To attend all meetings of the SECTION VI: This Ordinance SECTION IX: The above and Council unless excused therefrom 'shall not become effective until the foregoing Ordinance shall be pub- the Council or the Mayor, same shall have been submitted to lished once in Newport News, a Igby To examine qr. Cause to be ex- the electors the City of New newspaper of general circulation `amined with or W t b`$bftim Qe Beach at the next lau.& ding regu- printed, published and circulated in Ski the City of Newport Beach and Ayea,Truatees —L. S. WILKIN- upon said ,publication and being SON, FELIX B. MOD7ESKA, FRED voted In favor of by a majority of W. YOUNG, HARRY H. WILLIAM - the votes cast at the election as SON, CONRAD RICHTER. shown by the canvass of said votes I Noes, Trustees —NONE. it shall take effect and be in force Absent, Trustees —NONE. Its (10) days alter said election. The above and foregoing Ordin- The above and foregoing Ordin -,ante No. 337 being passed is this ante was passed at a regular meet - Lday approved by me. ing of the City Council of the City CONRAD RICHTER, Newport Beach on the fifth day, Mayor City of Newport Beach. .00f March, 1928 by the affirmative Attest ALFRED SMITH, vote of the following named mem- Clerk City of Newport Beach. Pub.—March 8, 1928. hers thereof. I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 337 is a true and correct Copy of an ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of March, 192$; and that same was printed and published according to law. City erk of Newport Beach. Ordinance No. 336, pot passed. Ordinance No. 339, Dena.ed passage. - 'ORDINANCE N0, 310 1 the City of Newport Beach shall ob- Every,person, firm or corporation' -- stain from the City of Newport either as owner, operator or as the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I� Beach a license to operate and regent, servant or employee of an- OF NEWPORT BEACH PRE - other before commencing the ope- SCRIBING LICENSES FOR THEIImaintain such business and shall ration of a live bait boat in the OPERATION OF CERTAIN it pay to the City of Newport Beach, City of Newport Beach whether the KINDS OF BOATS IN THE CITY annually the sent of $25.00 for such same be operated from the wharf OF NEWPORT BEACH, PRE- licenses' extending from the mainland into SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR SECTION IV: Every person,tthe waters of the Pacific Ocean or ALL VIOLATIONS THEREOF firm or corporation conducting, ; within Newport Bay shall obtain AND REPEALING SECTION 65 Imanaging or carrying on or engag -;from the City of Newport Beach a OF ORDINANCE 321 OF THE led in the business of receiving and 'license to operate such live bait CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, I transporting persons within the boat and shall pay to the City of AND ALSO REPEALING ORDI- (City of Newport Beach for the pur- Newport Beach annually the sum NANCE 329 OF THE SAID CITY I pose of affording such ,Persons an of $50.00 as a license for the oP- opportunity of viewing places oY l oration of each such boats. OF NEWPORT BEACH. .i The City Council of the City of I interest in and about the City of i SECTION VII: A fishing barge Newport Beach as the legislative FNewport Beach for recreation at %,for all the purposes of this Droll- body thereof does ordain as foe - � �I consideration, either as owner or : nae shall be deemed, held and P operator or as the agent, servant 4construed to be a floating structure lows: f or employee of another shall, be- anchored in the waters of the Pa -(, SECTION I: Every person, firm) fore commencing the operation or "cific Ocean within the exterior or oog0ration conducting, manag - "maintenance of said business In the boundaries of the City of Newport Ing or carrying on or engaged in City of Newport Beach shall obtain Beach for the ,Purpose of receiving, the business of renting row - boats, from the City of Newport Beach a persons on board thereof for the canoes or out -board motor boats license to operate and maintain purpose of fishing from such float - for hire either as owner or operat -;such business and shall Pay to the in structure in the waters of they or or.Aj& the agent, servant or em - "City of Newport Beach annually the Pacific Ocean. 1\ ployee of another shall before com- sum of $25.000 for such license. A fishing barge ferry for all the mencing the said business of rent- SECTION V: Every person, firm purposes of this Ordinance shall be ing canoes, row -boats or out - board' or corporation conducting, mooring- deemed, held and construed to be motor boats in the City of Newport ing or carrying on or engaged in a floating structure that receives Beach, shall obtain from the City, the business of receiving and trans- and transports persons within the of Newport Beach a license to op -, porting persons within the City of City of Newport Beach from a orate and maintain such business Newport Beach in speed boats for wharf extending from the mainland and shall ,pay to the City of New- the purpose of affording such per- into the waters of the Pacific ocean I Port Beach annually the sum of sons an opportunity of riding in or within Newport Bay for the pur- $15.00 for such license. said speed boats at a consideration pose of transporting persons from SECTION II: Every person, firm `either as owner or, operator or as r said wharf to a fishing barge or' or corporation conducting, manag - the agent, servant or employee of I from a fishing barge to such wharf. ing or carrying on or engaged in , another shall, before commencing Every person, firm Or corpora - the business of leasing or hiring [ the operation or maintenance of ! [ion, either as owner, operator or charter boats for rod and reel fish- !said business in the City of New- , as the agent, servant or employee ing either as owner or operator or, port Beach obtain from the City of;. of another before commencing they as the agent, servant or employeelNew,port Beach a license to operate of another in the City ewport and maintain such business and operation or maintenance of a Y of I barge in the City of Newport Beach Beach shall, before commencing shall pay to the City of Newport shall obtain from the City of New- the operation or maintenance of Beach annually the sum of $25.00' port Beach a license to operate and such business obtain from the City for such license. maintain such barge and shall pay of Newport Beach a license to op- SECTWN VI: A live bait boat, to the City of Newport Beach an- erate and maintain such business for all the, purposes of this Ordt -' nually the sum of $100.00 by way and shall pay to the C ity of New- nance %hall be deemed, held and of license for each barge. port Beach annually the sum of construed a floating structure that Every person, firm or corpora -I $16.00 for such license. receives and transports persons tion, either as owner, operator or SECTION III: Every Person. 1within the City of Newport Beach,as the agent, servant or employee firm or corporation conducting, for the purpose of affording such Of another who shall operate any managing or carrying on or engag- ,Persons an opportnity of fishing,poat in the City of Newport Beach ed in the business of leasing or hir- 'from such structures in the waters from any wharf extending from the ing boats for taxi service either as '. of the Pacific Ocean for recreation mainland into the waters of the Owner or operator or as the agent, , pt a consideration with live bait 9 Pacific Ocean or Newport Bay for sP17 nt or- omplgee of another be- IFnd which boat carries a live bait the transportation of persons to Yot 't3ommei4 e_ oper'Wpu or bank and PUMP ,"_ [any barge or floating structure. an- �alntenance Of''sfit"�I_;.btisines9: -li).