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described ate thereto
lot and the proposition of the is.
and a general description of the
are public improvements which the
suance and sale of the bonds of the
proposed Improvement are on file
City of Newport Beach is author-
district for the acquisition and con-
In the office of the Clerk of the
ized by law to acquire and con-
struction of the proposed improve-
City Council of the City of Newport
ment shall be printed and stated
Beach as the legislative body there -
The estimated cost of the acqui-
upon the ballot together with the
of, which said map shall govern for
sition and construction and the in-
words BONDS YES and BONDS No
all details as to the extent of said
cidental expenses in oonnection
so that the qualified electors shall
district and to which map all in-
with said acquisition and construc-
have the opportunity and be per.
terested persons are hereby referr-
tion is thirty -six thousand dollars
mitted to vote in favor of or
($36,000.00), and the principal of
l against the issuance and sale of
There is no newspaper of gen-
the indebtedness to be incurred
, the bonds.
eral circulation published in the
therefor is the sum of thirty -six
For sai i election the district
City of Newport Beach six (6) days
thousand dollars ($36,000.00).
shall constitute one (1) voting pre-:
a week. This Ordinance shall there -
SECTION IV. Any person in-
cinct and a polling place shall be
fore be published by the City Clerk
terested, objecting to the formation
designated and a Board of Election
of the City of Newport Beach by
of the said district, or to the ex-
appointed to consist of one (1) in-
one (1) insertion each week for
tent of said district or to the pro-.
Spector ,one (1) judge and one (1)
two (2) succeeding weeks in New -
posed improvement or work, or
clerk, to hold, conduct and make
Port News, a newspaper of general
the acquisition or construction of
returns of said election; the said
circulation published in the City
the proposed improvement, or to
election shall be a special election
of Newport Beach less than six (6)
. the inclusion of his property in
and if; aL said special election.
days a week and shall take effect
,said district may file a written
two- thirdu or mere of all the voters
I and be in force upon the comple-
` protest setting forth such objec-
voting at said , election shall vote
lion of said publication.
tion with the Clerk of the City
iu favor of incurring .such bond
The above Ordinance -of Inten-
Council of the City of Newport
Indebtedness then the Issuance and
tion No. 360 was introduced at a
Beach at or before the hour of
sale of the bonds of the district
regular meeting of the City Coun-
seven- thirty o'clock P. M. of Mon-
by the City Council of the City
cil of the City of Newport Beach
day, the 10th day of June, 1929,
of Newport Beach for the acquisi-
held on the 20th day of May, 1929,
and the hour of seven- thirty o'clock
tion and construction of the pro-
and was finally passed and adopted
P. M. of Monday, the 10th day of
posed public improvement shall be
by said City Council at a regular
June, 1929, in the Council Cham-
, .uzhorIzed. i
meeting held on the 27th day of
heft of the City Council of the
SECTION VI. The district form - I
May, 1929, by the following vote,
City of Newport ,Beach, in the
ed under this Ordinance shad be'to-wit:
City Hall of said City of Newport
known as Municipal Improvement
Beach is hereby fixed as the date,
I District � -o. 7 of the City of Nr,v-
Claire, Ellsworth, Williamson,
hour and place for the hearing of
I port Beach. which said district is
formed pursuant to and in accord-
SECTION V. The manner in.
ance with that certain act of Legia-
which the proposition will be sub-
lature of the State of California,
The above and foregoing Ordin-
mitted to the qualified electors of
known and designated as "Munic-
ance No. 360 of the City of New -
the district and the bond of Bald
1pal Improvement District Act of
port Beach is signed and approved
district issued and sold is as fol-
1915" approved April 20th, 1915,
by me this 27th day of May, 1929.
and amendments thereto.
The proposition shall be submit-
SECTION Vi map showing
Mayor of the City
ted to the qualified electors of the
the exterior boundaries of said dis-
of Newport Beach.
district by means of a printed bal. '
trict with relation to the territory I
immediately contiguous thereto'
Clerk of the City of Newport Beach
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 360 is a true and
correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Council at a regular
adjourned meeting held on the 27th day of May, 1929, and that same
was printed end published according to law.
City C ,rk of Newport Beach.
ORDINANCE NO 361 $200.00, or by imprisonment in the -monthly, weekly or daily, accord -
city jail not exceeding twenty -five ing to the terms of the sections of
The City Council of the City of days, or both such fine and impris- this Ordinance fixing the amounts
Newport Beach do ordain as fol -, onment; provided, however, that of each license, after this Ordin
Iowa: )every honorably discharged or ance shall go into full force and
honorably released soldier, sailor
SECTION 1. It shall be unlaw- l effect.
or marine of the United States who
ffil for any pet$on, persons, Liam, I Annual licenses shall date from
co-partnership or corporation, or has served in the Civil War, any the first day of July, of the fiscal)
for any person, m agent, clerk or Indian War, the Spanish - American year in which they are issued;
employee, either for himself or for War, any Ph`.iippine insurrection, monthly licenses shall date from
any other Person, firm, co-partner- or in the Chinese Relief Expedition, the first day of the month in
ship or corporation within the or in the World War of 1914 and which they are issued; no license
corporate limits of the City of )years following, who Is physically) shall be issued for the fractional
Newport Beach, to transact, engage' unable to obtain a livelihood by I part of a term. All licenses shall
In or carry on any pursuit, trade, manual labor, and who shall be at be paid for in advance and no re-
Occupation, avocation, employment, I qualified elector of the State of bate given for any unused portion
business or calling, hereinafter California, shall have the right to of the term.
specified, until he, she, they or it distribute circulars, and to hawk, All licenses issued under the pro.
shall first obtain a license therefor peddle, and vend any goods, wares. visions of this Ordinance shall be
as in this Ordinance required. -or merchandise, except such goods,l posted in the place of business of
Each and every day or fractional wares and merchandise as the )awl the licensee named in such license,
part of a day that said pursuit` I-prohibits the sale thereof, without and the said license shall be pro -
trade, occupation, avocation, em- payment of any license tax or fee .duced by the licensee whenever the
ployment, business or calling in whatever and the Council shall is- :same shall be required by the Chief
this Ordinance specified is con- 'sue to such soldier, sailor or mar -, -of Police or any officer of the
ducted or carried on without such Inc without cost a license therefor; : City.
license, shall constitute a viola- and provided further that no li -f It is hereby made the duty of the'
tion of this Ordinance and any per- cease can be collected or any pen - Chief of Police to enforce all the
son, who, for himself, or for any alty for the nonpayment thereof; provisions of this ordinance. NoI
other person, shall violate any of enforced against any commercial) personal demand or notice by thej
the Provisions of this Ordinance, traveler whose business is limited) Chief of Police to such .personal,
shall, for each violation thereof, be to the goods, wares and merchan -owing such license tax shall be'
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, dise sold or dealt in in this State,' necessary to incur the penalties of
and upon conviction by any court at wholesale. this Ordinance.
having jurisdiction thereof, shall The term or duration of everyf
be fined in a sum not more than . license shall be annual, quarterly, j
11 &�.
SECTION 2. All licenses issusd Beach, and whenever any person; be baked in the Citp of Newport
under and by virtue of this ordin -:, persona, firm, co-partnershiP or
Beach or not, for each such wagon!
ance shall be printed in blank form corporation, desires to open or
or vehicle used in such business,
signed by the Clerk of the City of keep any business specified in this
the sum of $10.00 per annum.
Newport Beach, countersigned byl� section, he, she, they or it shall
the Chief of Police, who shall set I Petition the City Council to order
rote of li-
cense for every
,forth the name of the party to a license therefor, which petitionlagerie
circus or moo_
exhibited within the City of
whom the license is issued, the na- shall set forth the name of the
Newport Beach, the sum of $1L.d na.
tore of the trade or business, he, applicant, the character of the
per (fay, and for every sideshow
she, they or it are licensed to pur- business and the location of the
connected therewith the sum of
sue, the time for which the same is , Premises where the business is to
$50.00 per day, If a separate ad-
granted, the date thereof, and the be conducted, and on the heariug
mission fee is charged to such
amount Paid therefor,
of said petition the said City Coun-
The City Clerk shall cause to be
cil may grant the same in whole
SECTION 13. The rate of If -'
printed a sufficient number of such or in part, or may reject the same
cense for every show, concert,)
licenses as may be required for and, no license shall be issued
theater or similar entertainment
one year, In book form, with blank' thereon except as ordered by said
conducted or presented within the
stub to each and shall deliver the' City Council. Where any business
City of Newport Beach, $24.00 per
.same to the Chief of Police there -i in this section specified may be-
annum, provided that when the
With, who shall appear at the of -' come dangerous to or affect the
proceeds of any such show, con -
[ice of the City Clerk on the first. Public health, peace or safety, or
cert, theater or similar entertain -
Monday in each month, and set -* become dangerous to surrounding
ment are to be devoted to charity)
tle for the licenses sold; provided,, property, the City Council shall re-
or some educational purposes; the
however, that all licenses now is -' fuse to grant the license.
City Council may authorize such
fined shall be good for the time for! Should the City Council of said
exhibition without the Plyme¢t of
which such licenses were issued. city at any time determine that they
a license fee, and a license for any
The City Clerk shall, on appli- premises wherein any business des-
• such show, concert, theater or
• cation of the Chief of Police, is- cribed in this section Is conducted,
Similar entertainment shall be is-
sue to him such blank licenses as are not in good and sanitary con-
sued only upon permit of the City
-may be required, and take his re- dition, or not properly drained, or
ceipt therefor, and shall fill the
have become dangerous or affect
SECTION 14. The rate of li-
stub attached thereto, Which stub
the public peace, health or quiet, it
cense for carrying P'ssengers in
must be kept in the office of the
may revoke its order requiring they
aeroplanes Is hereby fixed at $25.00
City Clerk.
license for such business to issue;
per annum.
SECTION 3. Each license grant-1
and no further license shalt be Is-
SECTION 15. The rate of li-
ed or Issued under any provision
sued thereon until such premises
cense for conducting the business
of this Ordinance Shall authorize ll
shall have been put in a sate, prop-
of checking room or station, which
the licensee to transact or carry
erly drained and sanitary condf-
shall be defined to mean a place at.
on the business or calling therein
which baggage, parcels, valuables
named, at the place therein desig-
SECTION 6. The rate of license
or clothing are checked for hire,)
nated and at no other place, and
for carrying on the pursuits, trade,
shall be $10.00 per annum.
the said license shall not be assign-
occupation; avocation, employ-
SECTION 16. The rate of li-
able or transferrable except on
ment, business or calling specified
cense for conducting the business
written application to the City In this ordinance shall be as fol -I
of card Writing, $10.00 per %nnum.
Council and by the approval of Iowa:
SECTION 17. The rate of li-
sa.id written application, and no SECTION 7. The rate of license,
cense for maintaining a card
license or transfer of license shall for conducting, managing or carry-
table at which cards are Played
be granted if any prior license fee 1 Ing on the business of a bath house
in connection with any other busi-
remains unpaid. I where suits are rented or rooms
ness, $5.00 per annum for each
SECTION 4. The City Clerk • are rented for the changing o
such card table.
shall make a charge of $1.00 for clothes, shall be $12.00 per an -'
SECTION 18. For conducting,
each duplicate licsnse ),sued to re -- rmm.
managing, or carrying on the busi -I
place any license issued under the S
S. The rate of license
provisions of this Ordinance which for every
ness of a Public dance hall or pub-
lic ballroom or dancing academy
artist, agent or canvass-
has been lest destroyed, er, soliciting, painting, retouching
which Is defined to be a place
shall a
the City Clerk shall also make e a' or furnishing pictures of every des-
where dancing is taught for con -
charge of fifty cents (50c) for, cription, where no other rate is
sideration, the rate of license shall
each license transferred under the I fixed by this Ordinance, and for
be $15.00 per annum.
provisions of this Ordinance. every book agent, or canvasser,
SECTION 19. The rate of II-
That no license shall be granted shall be, and the same is hereby
this Ordinance or under any
cense for conducting or carrying
under fixed at $3.00 per day.
on the business of auto wrecking
other Ordinance for a business or SECTION 9. The rate of licsnse
or maintaining a place at which
businesses to be conducted on the for conducting, managing or carry-
automobiles are wrecked, shall be
public streets or highways and it h:g oil a billiard, bagatelle or pool
$50.00 per annum.
shall be unlawful at all times to except such as are used in
SECTION 20. The rate of It-
conduct a business on the Hide -, private homes, $3.00 per Sonora,
cense for operating or running any
walks or highways of the City o f per table, and there shall be no
cart, dray, wagon, truck or ve-
, Newport Beach, and any person I extra license charged for engaging
hicle for the delivery of freight or
violating this Provision shall be in the business of soft drinks,
goods for hire, or the delivery of
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, candied, cigars and tobaccos, in
rook, sand, gravel or dirt, or any
and upon conviction by any Court
connection with said business.
other materials, for hire, for each
having jurisdiction thereof, shall
However, such annual licsnse shall
cart, dray, wagon or vehicle, $10.00
be fined therefor in a sum not ex-
net, in any case, be less than $12.00
Per annum.
cording $200.00, or by imprison-
per annum.
SECTION 21. The rate of li-
ment in the city or county jail not
The Clerk of the City cf Newport
cense for carrying on the business
exceeding twenty -five (25) days, or
Beach shall make a list of each
of a hotel, lodging house or apart -,
by both such fine and Imprison-
such table mentioned, standing in
ment house shall be based upon they
the place of business where the
number of rooms contained in any
SECTION 5. No license shall be
same is maintained, and charge a
such hotel, lodging house or apart -i
issued for any canning or fish
license whether said table be used
went house, and for each such ho-
preserving plant, livery or feed
stable, public laundry where wash-
ing Is done for hire, hotel, lodging
house, chop house, coffee house,
bakery, restaurant, lunch counter,
shooting gallery, billiard room,
pool room, pocket billiard room,
skating rink, merry -go- round,
bowling alley, fortune telling,
clairvoyance, and kindred Prac-
tices, garage, creamery, auctions,
auction house, junk dealers, wreck-
ing house, or automobile for hire
at stations, stands, or places on the
public streets, or peanut vendors,
tamale stands, or lunch wagons at
stations, stands or places on the
Public streets, or for any game,
except on the order of the City
Council of the City of Newport
or not.
let, lodging house, or apartment
SECTION 10. The rate of It-
house having fifty rooms or more
copse for conducting, managing or
shall be $12.00 per annum; for all
carrying on a bowling alley, $15.00
hotels, lodging houses or apart -
per annum, for each alley, whether
ment houses having less than fifty
the same be used or not, and for
rooms, $6.00 per ann um.
carrying on the business or a box-
Every hotel, lodging house or
ball game or alley, $3.00 per an-
apartment house wherin rooms are
num for each such alley in such
rented to the general public shall'
;ame, whether the same be used or
keep and maintain a register in the
not, and in connection with said
office thereof, wherein each lodger)
business and as a part thereof, soft
therein shall be required to set
drinks candies, cigars and tobac-
forth his name and Permanent
cos may be sold without the pay-
place of address before being per -
ment of further or additional li-
mitted to occupy any such room.
, The rate of license for keeping
SECTION 11. The rate of If-
and maintaining cottages for rent
cense for carrying on the business'
shall be $1.00 per annum, for each
of selling bread from a wagon or
i cottage kept or maintained by any
other . vehicle, whether the bread
one person.
SECTION H. The rate Of 11-
a portion of such building or strue - - -. - -
tstrl'. forhtne Lc18ng.
cense for operation of a laundry Is
Lure as the owner thereof and that
hereby fixed at $100.00 per annum.;
they have not entered into a con-
life rending, cartoman cy. clairvoy-
For operation of a laundry'
tract either verbal or written. with
ance. crystal gazing. hypnotism.
wagon. which shall be construed toy
any contractor or subcontractor.
mecliumship. propbecN. augury.
be a vehicle operated. run or driv -;
or any person whatsoever. to erect,
divination. magic. or necromancy.
an from house to house or to busi,
construct or repair any portion of
where a fee is charged and receiv -I
Hess places. hotels. restaurants.
said building or structure and that
act for the practice or exhibition of
lodging houses or apartment
a portion of said building or
any such pr�. $10.00 per day.
houses. in the My of Newport
structure is being erected. con-
30. T bo rate of li-
Beach for collecting and receiving
structed or repaired by day labor)
cease for conducting or carrying
clothes. table or bed linen or other
at a stipulated wage. said wage to
on a merry -go- round. circular
articles to be washed and return-
be specified in said statement).
swing. seen { c railroad. ferric
ed. and unless such wagon is op-
and further that they are making)
wheel. aeroplane glide. awing or
crated in connection with a laun-
such representations in order that:
other similar device or dodgem.
dry that has paid the above li-
said person. firm or corporation
'or anything of a similar nature.
sense. then the license for each
will not have to pay the license'
$10.00 month.
such vehicle is hereby fixed at
fees herein provided for and that
SECTIO ON 31. The rn;.e of li-
$100.00 per annum.
I each of said representations are
cense for running or operating a
SECTION 23. Contractors shall
milk wagon or vehicle shall be
be either a general or a subcon-
The rate of license per annum
$10.00 per annum for each such
tractor. A general contractor shall
for any subcontractor shall be as
wagon or vehicle.
; be construed to be a person. nat-
follows. Lo-wit:
SECTION 32. The rate of li -,
oral -or artificial. who enters into
For plumbing contractor ...... $100.00
sense for carrying on the business.
contracts to construct or repair
For electrical contractor....... - 25.00
of a pawubroke =:. or con�uctin '
pawnbroker's soup. shall be $120.00
buildings or structures of any kind
For painting contractor.. -._.. 26.001,
in the City of Newport Beach. for
For plastering contractor.... 25.00 ,1
per annum.
a contract price or for a percent-
For cement contractor.......... 25.00'
SECTION The rate c In
house for selling g on an auction
age of its cost. where the value of
For brick contractor .............. 25.00
house or selling goods. wares or
any such structure when c
For and composition
merchandise at auction shall be
ed or the contract price Lhereofl
contractor ...... "_..... " ............. 25.00
$ °.GO day.
shall be $50.00 or more. And. for
For sheet metal contractor.. 25.00
SECTION 34. The rate of li -'
the purpose of this section. every,
For hardwood floor finishers
sense for selling or contracting to
person. co-partnership. firm or cor-
l and layers ------ ._- - - - - -. - - - -- 25.00
" " "
I aril articles of wearing
g pparel.
poration who shall commence the
For carpenter labor con-
fancy goods. Hotness.
erection or construction of any
tractors 26.00,
'" " " " " " " " "'" "'� " " "'
jewelry. c
I jewelry. cutlery. groceries. harness,
building or structure or shall re-
For plate glass setters .. _ . 25.00.
pair in any manner any building
For all other sulf ontractors
pianos. organs. machinery of all
or structure in the City of Newport
of any other trade or
kinds. tinware, mill
r anymre.
ducts or any merchandise or what-
; Beach. shall be deemed a contrac-
craft °" 25.00
soever class or character from
as herein defined end shall
SECTION 24. A license for the
house td house or upon the public
liable Lo pay Lfie license hereinafter)
possession and permitting the pub-
provided for. providing that the
lie to play at a punch board is
streets and not to persons regu-
contract price or the value of saidJhereby
fixed at $20.00 per annum (business
engaged in carrying on a
structure or building when com-
for each such punch board. whether
in the City of Newport
pleted shall be more than $50. nn-
the same be maintained in connec-
Beach. for the wholesale or retail
of the above mentioned articles of
less. the owner of said building or
Lion with any other business or not.
personal property. and at their
structure. or the owner of the land
SECTION 25 The rate o-F l -
respective places of business, $2.60
upon which such building or strut-
sense for conducting the business
per day. or where the license is,
ture is being erected. constructed
of a parking place or station and
paid in advance, $12.00 per wee@.
or repaired. shall first make a
which is defined to be a place or
SECTION 35. The rate of li -,
sworn statement that then are)
station at which automobiles are
cense for every solicitor, peddler,
erecting. constructing or repatrtng
received for the purpose of being
or huckster of every class and
such building or st_ucture as the:
parked for hire. shall be as fol-
character. excepting drummers
owner thereof and that they havel
net entered into a contract wither
If the place or station in which
who deal directly with established
places of business in the City of
verbal or written. with any con-1
automobiles are parked will ac-
Newport Beach. $10.00 per day.
tractor or subcontractor. or any
commodate less than twenty (20)
and every such person shall. be-
person whatsoever. to erect or con -;
automobiles. $10.00 per annum.
fore engaging in the business of
struct or repair said building or'
If the place or station in which
soliciting.. peddling or hawking
structure and that said building or
automobiles are parked will ac-
wares mentioned in this section.
structure is being erected or con-
commodate more than twenty (20)
procure from the Chief of Police
structed or repaired by dny labor
automobiles. $15.00 per annum.
a number which shall be displayed
nt a stipulated wage (said wage
This provision does not apply
in a conspicuous place upon the
to be specified In said statement)
to regularly conducted garages as
wagon. vehicle. cart. basket or
and further that they aro making
hereinafter defined.
other receptacle used for the con -
suehrepresentations in order that
SECTION 26. The rate of li-
veyance of goods. wares and mer-
srid person will not havo to pay
cense for conducting the business
chandise to be sold or peddled nn
the license fees herein provided
of a barber shop where but one
the City of Newport Beach.
for and that each of said represen-
chair is used. $5.00 per annum. and
SECTION 36. The rate of li -I
Lations are true.
for caeb additional chair used.
cense for carrying on the business)
The rate of license for a gener-
$3.50 per annum.
of a peddling machine and using
al contractor shall be $25.00 per
( annum. ''
If a manicurist is employed in
music or other device for attract-
connection with said barber shop.
Ing crowds. $100.00 per quarter.
A subcontractor shall be con -
an additional license of $2.00 per
SECTION 37. The rate of li -�
strued to be a person. natural or
cense for conducting a photograph
1 artificial. who shall enter into'
SECTION 27. Every wagon. or
gallery. shall per annum.
contracts with a general contrac -I
1 g
vehicle liable for the payment of
SECTION 38. The rate of li-
8. The
tor. to construct or repair any per -`
a license under the provisions of
cense for conducting the business
Lion of a building or structure.
this Ordinance shall have a Hum-
of a planing mill or lumber yard
when the contract price thereof
ber printed or painted thereon or
and building supplies shall be
� shall be $50.00 or more. and ford
attached thereto in some con spicu-
$15.00 per annum. provided. how -
the purpose of this section. any!
ous place in plain arable figures of
ever. if the two businesses shall be-
person. co-partnership. firm or
not less than one inch in length.
conducted together then the license
corporation who shall commence
the erection. or repair
and of a proportionate width. and .
fee shall be $20.00 per annum.
of such color as to be readily dis-
SECTION 39. The rate of li-
of any portion of a building or
Linguished. which number shall be
cense for conducting the businessI
structure. when the value of said
designated by the Chief of Police,
of a restaurant. cafe. lunch count-
erection. construction or repair)
who shall keep a record thereof. °
er, cafeteria. shall be $12.00 per -.
shall be $50.00 or more. shall be
SECTION 28. The rate of li-
deemed a subcontractor as herein -cense
for conducting the business
SECTION 40. A lunch stand or
defined and shall be liable to pay
of a feed st °ble. horse or automo-
street kitchen shall be construed
the license herein provided for un-
bile livery or stable. for each such
sera the owner of said building or
feed or )ivory stable. per
to mean a stand or at
structure or the owner the land
month. or where the same e is
is paid
which prepared food is sold or food
upon which such building or atruc- 'annually
in advance. $15.00 pnr an -,
is cooked for immediate sale. and
Lure is being erected. constructed
the. lunch stand or street kitchen
or repaired shall first make a
SECTION 29. The rate of li -i
is portable and so constructed that
sworn statement that they am 'sense
for carrying on the practice
can be moved from place to
erecting. constructing or repairing
or profession of astrology. palm-
p Zaee.
i it
The rate of license for each such' aced, or shall utilize a different and no It shall be granted for
lunch stand or street kitchen is
method or device, or In part a dif-
the conduct of such business ex-
hereby fixed at $2.00 per day,!
ferent method or device,
cept upon permit of the City Coun-
provided, that no lunch stand or.
SECTION 50. The rate of li-
street kitchen shall receive a I
sense for all street exhibitions
SECTION 64, The rate of li-
cense except upon permit of the
shall be $10.00 per day and no It -,
sense for engaging in the business
City Council. I
sense shall be granted except by
of drilling for oil, petroleum, tar,
SOCTION 41. Where music or
special permit of the City Council.
shale oil, $100.00 per annum, for
other entertainment is furnished)
SECTION 51. The rate of B_;
each such well, being drilled or
in a cafe or restaurant the rate of
sense for conducting the business of
in the course of drilling, and no li-
license shall be $25.00 per annum.
a dry cleaning or clothes pressing
tense shall be granted 70 engage ink
SECTION 42. The rate of If-
establishment which shall be con-
such business except upon permit'
cense for conducting the business'strued
to be a place where clothes
of the City Council.
of buying, selling, leasing or rent -i
are Cleaned, renovated or pressed,
SECTION 65. The rate of Y-
ong or In any way dealing in real,
shall be $50.00 per annum, and any
cense for engaging in the business
estate or real property as the
laundry wagon that collects or re-
of producing or obtaining oil, gas,
broker or agent of another, where)
ceives clothes to be cleaned, renov-
tar or other hydro- carbon , sub -
commissions are charged or re-
aced or pressed, shall be $50.00
stances from the earth, for each
ceived, together with agents and
per annum, and any laundry wagon .
well, $10Q-00 Q per annum, and no
;brokers soliciting, selling or deal-
that collects of receives clothes
license shall be granted for the
ing in fire, accident nod life in-�
to be cleaned, renovated or press-
engaging in said business, except
surance of every kind, shall be
ed shall In addition to the license
on permit of the City Council.
1$15.00 per annum.
hereinbefore Imposed upon any
SECTION 66. The rate of fl.
SECTION 43. No license shall,
such laundry wagon, pay an adds-
cense for conducting or maintain -
be granted for engaging in the
donal license of $50.00 per annum.
ing a shoe shine or boot black
business of selling tamales, sand-
SECTION 52. The rate of li-
stand, $5.00 per annum.
wishes, ice cream, peanuts, beans,
cense for conducting a fish market
-SECTION 67. The rate of It
candies or other edibles of any
shall be $20.00 per annum.
cense for maintaining a beauty
description from wagons, hand-
SECTION 53. The rate of lf-
parlor shall be $10.00 per annum.
carts, trays or baskets upon the
cense for conducting the business
SECTION 68. For every person
public streets, or street vending
of smoking fish shall be $10.00 per
conducting, managing or carrying
of any kind.
annum, and the rate of license for
on the business or engaged in any,
SECTION 44. No license shalll
conducting the business of salting,
business hereinafter enumerated,
be granted for engaging in the
pickling, preserving or canning
shall pay a license of $12.00 per
business of selling on the public
fish or their by- products shall be
streets or public places, fire crack -.
$100.00 per annum.
ers, torpedoes or fire works of any
SECTION 59. No license for the
?. kind, flags, banners, balloons,
I conducting of a fish market or of
Attorney at law
canes, horns, trumpets, music or
a place at which fish is smoked,
noise making instruments of any
salted, pickled or otherwise treat-
kind, toys, badges, buttons or sou-
ed, shall be granted except upon
l venirs of any kind.
permit of the City Council.
SECTION 45. The rate of li-
SECTION 55. The rate of li-
Civil, Electrical, Chemical or
cense for engaging In, conducting,
cense for conducting the business
Mechanical Engineer
'managing or carrying on the busi-
of selling new or used automobiles
i ness of a shooting gallery, $10.00
shall be $25.00 per annum.
per annum.
SECTION 56. The rate of li-
SECTION 46. The rate of If-
cense for conducting the business
cense for conducting a skating
of publishing, circulating and dis-
rink shall be $25.00 per annum.
tributing by carrier or otherwise,
Osteopath. or Osteopathist
SECTION 47. The rate of It-
a newspaper in said city, or con-
' cense for conducting or carrying
ducting a printing shop, shall be
on the business of a telephone ex-
$15.00 per annum.
Sign Painter
change $10.00 per annum, unless
SECTION 57. rate of li -'
operated under a franchise:
cense for maintaining a captive
land each person carrying on, or
SECTION 98. The rate of li-
balloon for carrying passengers for
engaged In the business of treat -
cense for maintaining any contriv-
hire shall be $25.00 per annum.
ing, curing, administering to or
ance or device at which the public
SECTION 58. The rate of li-
giving treatments to the sick,
is Invited or permitted to throw
cense for managing or carrying on
or infirm for the purpose
rings or balls, or other obpects at
the business of selling or distribut-
Of bringing about their recovery,
knives, whips, dolls, or other,
ing ice cream at Wholesale shall
by any method or pursuant to any
things for a prize, $35.00 per an-
be $10.00 per annum. -
belief, doctrine, or system other
mum. _
SECTION 59. The rate of li-
than those hereinabove specifically
SECTION 49. For every game
cense for conducting, managing or
named, and charging a fee or com-
played in the City of Newport
carrying on the business of post-
pensation therefor, the sum of
Beach, unless a license therefor isi
ing, sticking, tacking, affixing or
$12.00 per annum.
otherwise provided by some section
painting bills -or signs to or upon)
SECTION 69. Every person,
of this Ordinance, and where a
posts, fences, buildings or other
firm or corporation engaged in the
prize, souvenir, or other object of
structures excepting bill boards or
business of buying or selling trees,
value is won, given or awarded to
advertising sign boards, tye rate of
plants or shrubbery in said City
a player, if but one person is able
license shall be $1.00 per day per
shall pay an annual license tax of
to play at a time at any such game,
person engaged in any such busi-
the rate of license for each game Is
ness, provided, that if the license
SECTION 70. Every person,
hereby fixed at $25.00 per annum.
shall be paid monthly in advance,
firm or corporation who shall en-
Provided that for each additional
then the rate of license shall be
gage in the business of searching
unit of or to any such game if
$10.00 per month.
public records in said Clty shall
operated, maintained and conduct-
SECTION 60. The rate of li-
pay an annual license tax of
ed by or under the same manage-
cense for the operation of a mo-
ment and emthin the same building,
for or other vehicle for the purpose
SECTION 71. Every person,
then for each such additional unit
of sharpening and grinding knives,(
firm or corporation who shall Con -
the sum of $10.00, it being the in-
axes, scissors or other cutlery,
duct a veterinary hospital in said
'tendon of this section to license
the first unit of any one at
$1.00 per annum for each such
i city shall pay an annual license tax
of $25.00.
$25.00 per annum, and each adi-
tional unit at $10.00 per annu m.
SECTION 61. The rate of It-
c2nae for operating or maintaining)
SECTION 72. For every person,
firm or corporation who shall en -1
For all games of skill played in
a blacksmith or machine shop,
gage in the automobile garage
the City of Newport Beach where
where the same is not used in con -
business, the annual license_ tax
a prize, souvenir or other object
nection with a garage, $10.00 per
'shall be $25.00.
or thing of value is given, won, or
Automobile garage is hereby de-
awarded to any player, where more
SECTION 62. The rate of il-
fined as and declared to be a place
than one person is able to play at'
cense for the business of junk col-
where automobiles are sold, stored
a time at any such game, the an:,
! lector, junk dealer or maintaining
or cared for, cleaned or repaired,
nual rate of license shall be $50.00.
• a junk yard, $25.00 per annum.
and where the necessary machin-
The licensing of any one game
j SECTION 63. The rate of lf-
ery is kept for the purpose of re-
shall not be construed as the li -'
cense for conducting the business
pairing automobiles and Where
tensing of any other or different
of refining, reducing or distilling
automobile accessories, gasoline,
game, and every game shall be
petroleum, shale oil, tar or any',
oils and supplies are kept and sold.
deemed a different game and not
other hydro- carbon substances,
SECTION 73. For the business
an additional unit of the same
shall be $100.00 per annum, for
i of conducting or operating acan-
game if it shall be differently oper-
each such refinery or distillery,
ning or preserving plant, the fl-
cense tax shall be $50.00 per an-
1 1^
L" N 82. If any section,
SECTION 74. For every person, SECTION 79. Every person, SECTIO
firm or corporation operating or firm or corporation not specifically sub - section, sentence, clause or
conducting a dairy, the license tax mentioned in this Ordinance, con- phrase of this Ordinance Is here -
shall be $25.00 per annum. ducting, managing or carrying on after for any reason held to be
SECTION 75. The business of the business of running, driving or unconstitutional or un- enforceable,
conducting a carnival in the City operating, any automobile, automo- such decision sball not affect the
on any occasion, the license tax bile truck, automobile tank wagonl validity of the remaining portions
shall be $100.00 per day. , or any other motor vehicle usedl of this Ordinance. The City Coun-
' Said carnival shall cover all for the transportation of baggage, ell of the City of Newport Beach
' manner of shows, exhibitions or freight, household goods, merchan- hereby declares. that It would have
entertainment, together with all dise, lumber, brick, cement, oil,' passed this Ordinance, and each
sales, stands or eating stands or rock or gravel, shall pay an an section, sentence, clause or phrase
places, and peddling of novelties or nu7license of $10.00 for each sub - sections $shalETAOIN NUNU
notions for any activity or profit • suicle. section, sub - section, - sentence.
growing out of such carnival Every place ot� clause or phrase hereof, Irrespec-
show. Written application must beI bu, established, contive of the fact that any one or
made to the City Council for such du or carried on un -1 more other sections, sub - sections,
license and the City Council under der the terms provided for in See- sentences, clauses or phrases be
its police powers, reserves the I tion 78 of this Ordinance concern.- declared unconstitutional or un-
right to reject any such applica- i ing general business licenses shall enforceable.
tion, and shall further have the be deemed eitber a permanent of a SECTION 83. Tbis Ordinance
right to inquire what shows, exhi- temporary place 1, shall never be held or construed
bitions or entertainments are permanent place of business a as licensing or permitting the
proper, and its action in all re- that term is'used hereln, is defin -, carrying on of any unlawful trade,
spects shall be final and conclu -'I ed to be and shall be construed calling, occupation or game and
sive. to mean any general business than every such trade, calling; occupa-
SECTIOPi 76. Every person, is opened, established, and carried tion or game Is prohibited and no
firm or corporation carrying on a, on and conducted in the City of, license shall be granted or Issued
. wholesale business in said City Newport Beach, at the date this. therefor.
a shall pay an annual license tax of Ordinance takes effect, and also SECTION 82 -A. Any convictinn
$25.00. any business opened, established, of any holder of any license herein
SECTION 77. Every person, conducted, managed and carried en mentioned for breach of this Ordin-
firm or corporation who shall en- therein after this Ordinance shall ance or of any ordinance amend a-.
in the business of contracting take effect, when the same shaIl tory thereto, or any conviction of
grading or laying streets, side- have been opened, established, con - any such person, firm or corpora -
walks, drains or sewers in said ductd, managed and carried on for , tion for failing to conduct the busi -
city shall pay an annual license a period of eight (8) consecutive ness so licensed in accordance
tax of $100.00. __ - months. Every general business with the ordinances of the City of
SECTION 78. The conducting not a permanent business, as that Newport Beach, or statutes of the
and carrying on of wholesale or term is defined in this section, State of California, sbalI ipso facto
retail establishments, stores, or shall be construed to be a tempor- work a forfeiture and cancellation
places of business of every kind ary business. of such license and the same shall
and description not otherwise pro- The rate of license for a perman- nob be re- issued without n new ap-
vided for in this Ordinance, where ent business shall be $12.00 per plication being made therefor as
articles or personal property for annum, and the rate of Iicense for provided for herein.
use or consumption are loaned, a temporary business shall be SECTION 83 -A. Ordinance No.
rented, let, served or sold as a• $100.00 per annum, each payable in 321 of the City of Newport Beach
business, shall be known and desig- advance, provided, that any person, , is hereby repealed.
nated as a general business and firm or corporation engaging In SECTION 82 -B. In no case
the license for conducting the any business which under the sball any mistake made by the City
same shall be designated a general terms of this section would eonsti- I Clerk or Chief of Police in stating'
business license; provided, how- Into a temporary business, may, in the amount -of a license, prevent
ever, that where a general busi- lieu of paying the $100.00 license' or prejudice the collection for the
ness license is granted, the holder provided for a temporary business, City of what sball be actually due
thereof, shall not have the right to pay the license of $12.00 provided from any one carrying on a trade,
conduct a restaurant in connection for a permanent business, and at calling, profession or occupation,
with or as a part of such general the same time execute and file with subject to a license under this Or-
business, without procuring the the Clerk of the City of Newport dinance.
restaurant license provided for in Beach, a bond in the sum of $500.00 SECTION 84. This Ordinance
this Ordinance, and providing, fur- with two good and sufficient sure- shall be publisbed once in the
_ ther, that where a general busi- ties, approved by the Chief of Po- NEWPORT NEWS, a newspaper of
'less license is issued and the busi- lice in bill capacity all tax and li- I general circulation, printed and
ness conducted thereunder con- cense collector, the same to be eon- published and circulated In the
slats in the selling of fruits, con- ditioned that the licensee wilt re- City of Newport Beach, and this
fecticnery, groeeries, drygoods, I main In buelness for a period of Ordinance shall take effect and be
hardware and the other articles of eight consecutive months from the In force from and. after the let day
general merchandise -or the loan- date of such license, or pay the of July, 1929.
ing or the renting of fishing tackle, temporary business license less the The above and foregoing Ordln-
or other articles of personal prop- amount paid on filing the said ance No. 361 was passed at a regu-
erty, the holder of the general bond. ( lar meeting of the City Council of
business license to so conduct such SECTION 81. For every bus!- the City of Newport Beach, held on
general business shall not have the ness, trade, calling, occupation, art, the 27th day of May, 1929, by the
right to conduct in connection or profession not licensed by some following vote, to -wit:
therewith a restaurant or lunchi section of this Ordinance, the rate AYES, COUNCILMEN: Hilmer,
counter without procuring the res -, of license for carrying on the same Claire, Williamson, Johnson.
taurant license provided for in this shall be $12.00 per annum, and N O E S, COUNCILMEN: Ells -;
Ordinance; provided, that the hold-11 where in this Ordinance any bust- worth.
er of any general business license Iness, trade, calling or occupation ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None.
who shall in connection therewith can be or is construed to be li- The above and foregoing Ordln-
engage in any other trade, busi- censed, under two sections, and In a"ce No. 361 is approved and sign -
ness, calling or occupation for such sections a different rate of od by me this 27th day of May,
which a license is imposed by thifl license is imposed, then the highest '!,", MARCUS J. JOHNSON,
Ordinance, then be sball pay thel rate of license shall be deemed to Mayor, the City of Newport Beach,
additional license required by this be the license fixed for sucb trade, Attest; ALFRED SMITH,
I Ordinance. .business, calling or occupation, I Cieric of the City of Newport Beach
I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 361 is a true and correct copy
of an Ordinance passed by the City Council at a regular adjourned
meeting held on the 27th day of May, 1929, and that same was printed
and published according to law. _ n 1 n
City,fYlerk' of Newport Beach.