HomeMy WebLinkAbout362 - Municipal Improvement District BoundariesfP ORDINANCE NO- the northeast corner of Lot 7� (y) The acquisition of a right - .A11 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Block "B" of Bayside, as per Map of -way for public street purposes OF NEWPORT BEACH BY THE thereof recorded in Miscellaneous�I including and consisting of that CITY COUNCIL, AS THE Maps, Book 3, page 38, Records ofd portion of the Pacific Electric LEGISLATIVE BODY THERE. Orange County, California; thence Railway Company's right -of -way OF DEFINING AND ESTAB- northwesterly in a direct line to commonly referred to as Central LISHING THE BOUNDARIES the northwesterly corner of Lot Avenue described as follows, to -' OF A" MUNICIPAL IMPROVE- 7, of the aforesaid Block "B" of wit: t iRENT DISTRICT IN SAID Bayside; thence northwesterly in 1. All that portion of said Pact -! CITY, DESIGNATING THE a direct line to a point in the fic Electric Railway Company's NAME BY WHICH IT SHALL northwesterly line of Palm Street, right -of -way lying southerly of BE KNOWN AND CALLING AN which point is 135.10 feet northeast- and adjacent to Central Avenue ELECTION TO BE HELD erly of the northeasterly line of (North Drive) extending from a WITHIN THE DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUB- Bay Avenue, measured along the line One Hundred (100) feet west - MISSION TO THE QUALIFIED northwesterly line of said Palm., Street; thence northwesterly in a'! erly of and parallel with the west - erly line of Alvarado Street to a, VOTERS THEREOF THE PRO. ; direct line to the most northerly' line One hundred thirty -five (135) POSITION OF INCURRING A DEBT BY THE ISSUANCE OF corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of map feet westerly of and parallel with I THF. BONDS OF SUCH DIS- of Balboa Bayside Tract, as per map thereof recorded in the westerly line of Coronado TRICT FOR THE PURPOSES Miscel- laneous Maps, Book 4, page 78, Street and varying from a width SET FORTH IN ORDINANCE 1 Records of Orange County, Califor of no feet to eighteen feet; and OF INTENTION NO. 360 RECIT- -. nia; thence southerly in a directs also extending from a line one hundred thirty -five (135) feet west -I ING THE OBJECTS AND PUR- POSES FOR WHICH THE PRO- line to the northeasterly corner erly of and parallel with the west - i _..POSED 1NDEBTEDNESS 1S TO of Lot 17 of a map of Subdivision of Block C, Newport Bay Tract, erly line of Coronado Street to BE INCURRED, THE NATURE as per map thereof recorded in Mis- the center line of Coronado Street, OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO cellaneous Maps, Book 5, page having a width of 5.5 feet; and also extending from the center BE ACQUIRED AND CON- 25. Records of Orange County, line of Coronado Street to the cen- STRUCTED, THE ESTIMATED California; thence northwesterly ter line of Adams Street, having a COST THEREOF, THE AMOUNT in a direct line to the most north- width of 9.75 feet; and also OF THE PRINCIPAL OF THE erly corner of Lot 1 of the afore- ex-1 tending from the center. line of INDEBTEDNESS, TO BE IN- said Map of Subdivision of Block) Adams Street to the center line CURRED THEREFOR AND THE C, Newport Bay Tract; thence of Palm Street, having a width ` RATE OF INTEREST TO BE southwesterly in a direct line to of 5.25 feet; and also extending) PAID ON SAID INDEBTED. the southwesterly corner of Lot from the center line of Palm NESS, FI%ING THE DATE ON 69 of the aforesaid map of subdi- Street to the center line of Wash - WHICH SUCH ELECTION vision of Block C, Newport Bay! ington Street, having a width of SHALL BE HELD, THE MAN. Tract; thence southwesterly in a 9.75 feet and also extending from! NER OF HOLDING THE SAME direct line to the northeast corner the center line of Washington AND THE MANNER OF YOT- of Lot 23, Block 1, of East New- Street to the center line of Main ING FOR OR AGAINST SAID port, as per map thereof recorded Street, having a width of 5.25 feet; PROPOSITION- The City Counci) of the City of in Miscellaneous Maps, Book 3, page 37, Records of Orange County, and also extending from the center Newport Beach do ordain as fol- California; thence westerly in a line of Main Street t ot he center line of "A" Street, having a width lows: direct line to the northwest cor- of 9.75 feet; and also extending SECTION 1. That portion of the ner of Lot 21, of the last mention- from the center line of "A" Street City of Newport Beach the ex. ed Block 1; thence southerly in to the westerly line of "B" Street, terior boundaries of which are in a direct line to the southwest cor- and varying from a width of 9 feet this Ordinance described is here- ner of the last mentioned Lot 21; to 3.75 feet. by declared to be and is formed I thence southwesterly in a direct 2. All that portion of the Pacific] into and shall constitute a Muni- line to the northwest corner Of Electric Railway Company's right -I cipal improvement district for the Lot 3, Block 11 of the aforesaid of -way lying northerly of and ad- purpose of creating an indebted- Map of East Newport; thence jacent to Central Avenue (South ness to be represented by bonds of southerly in a direct line to fhe Drive), extending from a line such district for the objects and I southwest corner of the last men- one hundred (100) feet westerly of purposes hereinafter set forth, :. tioned Lot 3; thence easterly in and parallel with the the said district to be known as i a direct line to the southeast cor- westerly line of Alvarado Street to a line and called Municipal Improvement' ner of Lot 1 of the last mentioned one hun- dred thirty-five District Number Seven of the City I, Block 11; thence southerly in a 135 ly of and y ( ) feet wester - the of Newport'Beach. direct line to the southwest cor- westerly line of Coronado Street, Street, Section 11. The exterior bound - , ner of Lot 1, Block 1 of a Ma of P re varying to width from arses of Municipal Improvement .:Newport Bay Tract as per map en ng o 9.75 feet; and also extending from District Number Seven of the City i thereof recorded in Miscellaneous a line one hundred thirty -five (135) of Newport Beach are hereby de- scribed, defined i Maps, Book 4, page 16, Records of Orange feet( - westerly of and parallel with the and established as • County, California; westerly line of Coronado follows; Located in the City of Newport ithence southeasterly in a direct line to the southwest to the center line ofA.. Streetl Street, Beach, County of Orange, State of corner of Lot 13, Bleek 4, of the aforesaid having a g width of 9.75 feet; and) also extending from the center California, and beginning at tine Map of Balboa Tract; thence line of "A" Street to the westerly line Southeast corner of Lot 28, Block southeasterly along the northeast- of "B" Street, having 14 of the Balboa Tract as per map erly line of Surf Avenue to the a width of 3.75 feet. thereof recorded in Miscellaneous place of beginning. The estimated cost Maps, Book 4, page 11, Records The use hereafter in this Or- of the ac- quisition of the of Orange County, California; dinance of the words "The Dis- above described right -of -way is twenty thence northerly in a district lines trict" means and shall at all -one thou - sand and sixty dollars to the northeast corner of Lot 14, times be held and construed to ($21,060.00) and of the incidental Block 13, of the aforesaid Bal- mean Municipal Improvement Dis- expenses in connection therewith is boa Tract; thence northwesterlyin trict Number Seven of the City of nine hun- dred, forty dollars ($9mpro, a direct line to the northwesterly Newport Beach as above describ- (b) Th corner of Lot 1, of the last men- Toned ed. e work or improvement to be constructed is the Block 13; thence northwest- I SECTION 111. An election is paving of described the herethe erly in a direct line to the north -L hereby called and ordered to be _. por -I tions of the Pacific Electric Pacific easterly corner of Lot 7, Block 11 of the aforesaid Balboa held in Municipal Improvement Rail - way Company's Right -of -way with Tract; thence northwesterly in a direct District Seven of the City of New - cement concrete "construction, of line to the northwesterly corner of port Beach on Tuesday the 16th'' cement concrete curbs and other - Lot 1 of the last mentioned Block day of July, 1929, for the purpose' wise improving said portions of thence northwesterly in di- of submitting and at said election said'right -of -way. rec ect line to the northeast there shall be and is hereby sub-� The estimated cost of the con - corner of Lot 5, of a Map of Resubdivision mitted to the qualified voters of struction of the proposed work or of Block 9, Balboa, as the district the proposition of in- p p improvement upon said right of per Map thereof recorded in Miscellaneous earring an indebtedness by the is- way is twelve thousand, six hun- Mans, Book 8, page 37, Records suance of bonds of Municipal lm- dred dollars ($12,600.00) ,and of of Orange County, California; thence District Number. Seven the incidental expenses in connec- northwesterly in a direct of the City of the City of Newport Beach for tion therewith is fourteen hundred et line to the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, the purposes set forth in Ordi- dollars ($1400.00). of the aforesaid Map of Resubdi- nance of Intention No. 360; the The object and purposes for vision of Block 9, Balboa, thence nature of the improvement to be which the proposed indebtedness northwesterly in a direct ling to acquired and constructed and the is proposed to be incurred is to estimated costs thereof are as fol- pay the cast of the acquisition of I lows: said right -of -way and for the con -, �� r iatruction o[ the described improve -� and make the ballot void. If you shall e p am in the Treasury of ment thereof and incidental ex- wrongly stamp, tear or deface this the City of Newport Beach to the - ipenaea in connection therewith. banot, return it to the Inspector credit of the Municipal Improve- The acquisition of the said right- of Election and obtain another. ment District Number Seven fund f of -way and the construction of PROPOSITION and shall be applied' exclusively the described improvements there- Shall Municipal to the purposes and objects men - of are public improvements which ) in p r'o v ement tioned in this Ordinance. the City of Newport Beach is District No. 7 SECTION Vill.- The bonds is- authorized by law to acquire and of the City of sued for the objects and purposes, construct. Newport Beach for which the indebtedness is The estimated coat of the ac- incur a debt and Proposed to be incurred shall be quisition and construction and the issue the bonds Payable substantially in the fol- incidental expenses in connection of said district lowing manner: with said acquisition and construe- for the acquisi- A part to be determined by the tion is thirty -six thousand dollars tion of a right- City Council of the City of New. ($36,000.00) and the principal of of -way for pub- port Beach and which shall not the indebtedness to be incurred lic street pur- be leas than 1 -40 part of the whole therefor is the sum of thirty -six' Poses of cer- amount of such indebtedness.,, thousand dollars ($36,000.00). tain portions of BONDS YES shall be payable each and every SECTION IV. For the purpose the Pacific Else- year on a day and date and at a of holding said election Municipal tric Be i] way place to be fixed by said City Improvement District Number Company' a Council and designated in Such Seven of the City of Newport right -of- way tbonds together with the interest Beach shall be and constitute one commonly re- -on all sums unpaid on such date, election precinct and the exterior ferred to as until the whole of said indebted- boundaries of the election precinct- Central Avenue ness shall have been paid. shall be the same as the bound- in the City of The bonds shall be issued in aries of the district. Newport Beach, such denomination as the City • polling place is hereby de- the construction Council of the City of Newport • polling place is hereby de- of i m p rove- Beach may determine except that signated in the district at the Fire ments thereof BONDS NO no bond shall be of a less denoml- Hall, Balboa, City of Newport and to pay the - nation than one hundred dollars Beach, at which polling place the coat of the in- ($100.00) nor of a greater denomi- polis shall be open at the hour of cidental expen- - nation than one thousand dollars six o'clock A. M. and shalt be kept sea in connec- ($1000.00) and shall be payable open until the hour of seven tion therewith, on the day and at the place fixedr o'clock P. M. of the day of election all in the sum in such bonds and with interest except as provided for in Section of $36,000.00.. i at the rate specified in said bonds 1164 of the Political Code of the Section V. Any qualified voter which rate shall not be In ex- State of California. of the dictrict may, at said special cess of six per cent (6 %) per. A Board of Election consisting election, vote in favor of the pro- annum and shall be paid seml- of one Inspector, one Judge and position submitted by stamping a. annually. one Clerk, each of whom is an cross (X) on his or her ballot All bonds Shall be signed by actual resident and a qualified in the voting square at the right the Mayor of the City of Newport elector of the district, is hereby ap- of the words BONDS YES follow- Beach as the Chief. Executive Pointed to hold, conduct and make ing the proposition and any quali- thereof and also signed by the returns of said election as follows: fied voter of the district may. at Treasurer of the City of Newport of said election as follows: said special election, vote against Beach and shall be countersigned INSPECTOR: Roy H. Summers. the proposition submitted by by the Clerk. The interest cou- JUDGE: Marguerite Way. stamping a cross (X) on his or Pons on said bonds shall be num- CLERK: Mrs. Irene B. Smith. her ballot in the voting square at bered consecutively and signed' The Board of Election shall the right of the words BONDS NO by the Treasurer of the City of hold and conduct the special elec -. following the proposition. Newport Beach, by his engraved tion, make up, certify and file If any voter at said special elec- or lithographed signature. the returns thereof with the Clerk tion shall have stamped a cross All of said bonds and the in- of the City of Newport Beach. (X) in the voting square at the terest thereon are to be paid at The manner of holding the elec- -right of the words BONDS YES the Treasury of the City of New - tion and the manner of voting for following the proposition voted up- Port Beach in said City, County or against said proposition shall on his or her ballot shall be count- of Orange, State of California. be as follows: I ed in favor of the issuance of SECTION IV. The City Council And in all particulars not recit- the bonds mentioned in the pro- of the City if Newport Beach shall. ed in this Ordinance the election Position and if he or she shall at the time of fixing the general shall be held as provided by law have stamped a cross (X) in the tax levy and in the manner for for holding general municipal voting square at the right of such general tax levy provided, . elections in the City of Newport; the words BONDS NO following the levy and collect a tax each year Beach. proposition voted upon his or her upon the taxable property in The proposition of incurring a ballot shall be counted against Municipal Improvement District fund of indebtedness and the isau.I the issuance of the bonds mention- No. 7 of the City of Newport Beach . ance of the bonds of the district ed in the proposition. sufficient to pay the interest on, in the principal sum of the indebt - SECTION Vi. If at said election all bonds issued for that year and - ednesa and for the objects and two - thirds (2 -3) or more of all the such a portion of the principal purposes hereinbefore recited shall voters voting at said election shall thereof as is to become due be- be by means of a printed ballot; vote "Yea" and in favor of inclirr -'fore the time for making the next the incurring of the indebtedness Ing the bonded indebtedness, then general tax levy, provided, how- for the acquisition of the de- 1 the City Council of the City of ever' that if the maturity of the, scribed right -of -way and the con- Newport Beach shall thereupon be indebtedness created by the isaue- atruction of the Improvements authorized and empowered to is- i of such bonds be made to begin thereon and the incidental ex- sue the bondE of Municipal ]in_ more than one year after the date. penses connected with the con- provement District Number Seven of such issue, such tax shall be atruction of such Improvement of the City of Newport Beach for levied and collected at the time shall be submitted as one pro- the objects and purposes and in and in the manner aforesaid each ,position, the amount of the principal of year sufficient to pay the interest Each ballot shall have printed the indebtedness to be incurred on such indebtedness. as it falls on the face thereof the following: therefor as set forth in Ordinance due and also to constitute a sink - BOND ELECTION No. 360 of the City of Newport ing fund for the payment of the MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DIS- Beach cited in this Ordinance and Principal thereof on or before TRICT NO. 7 OF THE CITY OF stated on said ballot. maturity. NEWPORT BEACH SECTION VII: If the issuance Such tax shall be in addition to INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS and sale of the bonds of the dis- all other taxes levied for munici- To vote in favor of the proposi- tract are authorized. at the said Pal purposes and when collected' tion stamp a cross (X) in the vot- election the bonds of Municipal shall be paid into the Treasury of ing square at the right of the word Improvement District Number 7 the City of Newport Beach and "Yes" following the proposition tol of the City of Newport Beach Shall I be used for the payment of the voted on. To vote against the be issued and sold by the City, principal and interest on such Ibe proposition stamp a cross (X) in Council of said City of Newport -bonds and for no other purpose. the voting square at the right of Beach as it may determine but The principal and interest on the word "No" following the pro -: no bonds shall be sold for less bonds shall be paid by the: position to be voted on. than their par value and the in- jII Treasurer of the City of Newport All marks except the cross (X)'terest accrued thereon at the date' in the manner provided by are forbidden; all distinguishing of their delivery. The proceeds law for the payment of principaS marks or erasures are forbidden of the sale of any and all bonds and interest on bonds of said City and'aE the C1IDe7-and in the a- _ .. -. - - ' in this Ordinance deecrib- of election and no other notice. AYES. Councilmen: Hilmer, mounts need be given, Claire, PAlsworth, Wiliamson, ed being daily new�Paper SECTION X. This Ordinance) Johnson, There no calling and otherwise relating ta. I for any person, firm or corpora -I� published in the City Of I`tewpovt an election shall take effect and) ABSENT CounneilmenN None. Beach. this Orilhaance sl�ll be Clerk in force from and after its. Pub. June 20. 27. 1929. published', by the City of.. _be Beach by one'? Passage. 1 The above and foregoing Ordi- l the City d[.NEwport (ktsertior( - -aclt week for two suc- The above and foregoing Ordi- nane No, 362 having been passed is ceeding weeks in the NEWPORT ounce was passed at a regular this 17th. day of June, 1929, . of general meeting of the City Council of signed and approved by me. the City of Newport Beach held circul. a newspaper � circulation published In the City Marcus J. Johnson, of Newport Beach leas than 818 on the 17th. day of June. 1929. by Mayor of th eCity of Newport newspaper' the vote fit the following members Beach. days a week which said is hereby designated for tkta 1 thereof, to -wit: ATTEST: Alfred Smith ._p pose and this Ordinahce and the Clerk of the City of Newport. publication thereof as herein pro-. Beach. vided shall constitute the notice and upon conviction thereof shall I, Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 362 is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Council at a regular adjourned meeting held on the 17th day of June, 1929, and that same was printed and published according to law. 17 A Cit //Clerk of Newport Beach. -- . I — - - ORDINANCE NO. 363. the City Council. shall not be un-1 lawful. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Section 2. It shall be unlawful OF NEWPORT BEACH PRO• I for any person, firm or corpora -I� HIBITYNG T H E USE, DIS• I tiou to fire or cxplode any fire CHARGE,. SALE, ,POSSESSION., crackers, fire works. or article of AND CUSTODY OF FIRE pyro - technical display within the WORKS AND FIRE CRACKERS , City of Newport Beach, except at IN' SAID CITY AND PROVIDING display in said City of New -�'. A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION I,Pnhiie port each, held on written consent p THEREOF. of the City Council. Vy I Section 3. Any person, firm or 1 corporation violating any of the The City Council of the City of ' Newport Beach do ordain as fol -I. Provisions of this ordinance shall 6 lows: be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall Se•: '.ion 1. •It shall be unlawful 44 be punishable by a fine of not more[ for any wn-%on. firm, or corporation than fifty dollars ($50,00) or by to w9t or offer v: sale or have in ;ntprisonment In 11te City Jail of hie or their or its custody or Newport Beach. or the County Jail possession or to transport, convey. Iry of the County of Orange, for not or carry any fire works, or fire l� exceeding thirty (30) days. or by crar kern or article of pyrotechnical both such fine and imprisonment. display Within the incorporated lintils of the City of Newport Section 4. This Ordinance shall Bt.ach, except however, that the be published once in Newport custody, possession and tra nsp art News, a newspaper of general cir -' of fire works within the incorporat- culation. Printed, published and 1 limits City' �uwport circulated in the City of Newport J of. the cf B a pnblle dls- Beach, to be used Eeach, and shall take effect and ( s , nlay of fire works in said city, be in force thirty days after its) 1 i he)•: with the written consent of i - passage. � Tlie above and foregoing Ordin -� once was passed by the City Coun -11 oil of the City of Newport Beach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of .July. 1929, by the, following vote, to -wit: AYES. COUNCILMEN: Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Williamson and Johnson. NOES. COI'NCILNIEN: Note. ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None. The above and foregoing Ordin- ance is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of July, 1929. MARCUS J. JOHNSON, Mayor of the City of Newport Beach. Attest: ALFRE DSMITH, Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. --Smith, Clerk If the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No, 363 is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Council at a regular adjourned meeti"1ig held on the 22d da$ of July, 1929, and that same was printed and published according to lave. _ n City Clerk of Newport Beach, ORDINANCE NO. 364, Passed as No. 367, ORDINANCE NO. 365, rescinded before final passage.