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The City of Newport Beach by
and through its City Council, do
ordain as follows, to -wit:
SECTION 1. All buildings and
structures of every nature, des-
cription and kind hereafter erect-
ed, constructed, repaired, con-
ditioned or reconditioned in the
City of Newport Beach, involving
masonry of any description what-
ever, shall be erected, constructed,
repaired, conditioned or recon-
ditioned only in compliance with
the following specifications:
(a) Mortar. All mortar for all
types of masonry including inter-
ior clay tile partitions shall be
composed of not less than one (1)
cubic foot of Portland cement to
not more than four and one -half
(4y,) cubic feet of clean washed
sand, to which may be added not
more than one -half I%) cubic foot
of lime putty, which has been
slacked at least ten days before
using, or hydrated lime. All meas-
urements shall be box measure-
ments and all mortar shall be
thoroughly mixed, preferably by
machine. Shovel measurements
are hereby prohibited. All mortar
shall be used within one hour after
the addition of the Portland ce-
ment. and no mortar shall be re-
(b) Workmanship. All mason-
ry units shall be laid with full
shoved mortar joints with all
head. bed and wall joints solidly
filled with mortar.
(c) Bond in Masonry. All
brick work shall be laid with full
header courses bonded through
walls not more than every fourth
course in height (three stretcher
courses between headers).
(d) Veneer and Facing. All
masonry veneer and facing shall
be fully bonded as herein provid-
ed except that masonry veneer or
facing may be applied in front of
steel or reinforced concrete mem-
bers or walls when tied or an-
chored thereto in accordance with
written instructions from the
oughly cleaned of all adhering
(f) Wetting of Masonry Units.
All masonry units shall be thor-
oughly wetted not more than one
hour before laying and shall be
damp at time of laying.
(g) Connecting New and Old
Masonry. All bonding surfaces of
old or existing masonry to which
new masonry is to be added shall
be thoroughly cleaned of all old
mortar and the surfaces thor-
oughly wetted at time new work
is built.
All new masonry shall be defin-
itely tied into old or existing ma-
sonry by means of reinforced con-
crete, steel, or other means which
will be adequate, in the opinion of
the Building Inspector, to meet
the special condition.
All walls or parts of walls
which are shattered or in which
the bond between the mortar and
the brick is ruptured shall be tak-
en down to a point where the wall
is tight and well bonded.
(h) Concrete Belt Courses and
Ties. Except on dwellings and
private garages, the exterior walls
of masonry construction shall be
tied vertically and horizontally
with reinforced concrete ties as
Horizontal belt course ties
shall be placed under the floor
joists of each floor above the first
floor and under the ceiling joists
or roof rafters. Vertical ties shall
be placed at each corner of the
building and not more than fifty
(50) feet apart in the walls. Ver-
tical ties shall be not less than
eight (8) inches in any dimension
and in no case less than four (4)
inches thinner than the wall. The
depth of horizontal ties shall be
equal to at least four (4) courses
of brick work and its width shall
be at least equal to the wall thick-
ness minus the width of a brick,
but in no case less than eight (8)
inches. Each vertical and hori-
zontal tie shall be reinforced with
four (4) reinforcing bars of the
sizes shown in the following table:
4 1/-in. sq.
4 % -in. sq. 4 i/2 -in. sq.
4 % -in. sq. 4 % -in. sq. 4 ih -in. sq.
4 1 -in. sq. 4% -in. sq. 4 % -in. sq. 4 %- in.sq.
Building Inspector.
In veneering on wood frame
(Type V) construction, the veneer
shall be tied to the studding by
30d large head galvanized nails
driven to a two -inch penetration
not more than twelve (12) inches
on center vertically, nor more than
sixteen (16) inches on center hor-
izontally. Corrugated clips and
other forms of ties are prohibited
unless approved by the Building
Inspector. Veneering on wood
frame (Type V) construction will
not be permitted except on resi-
dences, duplexes and private gar-
(e) Used or Second -hand Mas-
onry Units. No used or second-
hand masonry units shall be used
unless they are sound and at least
90% whole, and have been thor-
All vertical and horizontal bars
shall lap forty (40) diameters of
the bar but in no case less than
twenty -four (24) inches. Vertical
ties shall extend to the top of the
parapet walls. All vertical and
horizontal bond ties shall be band-
ed with one - quarter (y,F) inch
round hoops not more than eigh-
teen (18) inches on center.
Lintels over openings more than
four (4) feet in• width which are
of structural steel shall be en-
cased over top and sides with
concrete. When the ends of lintels
are less than eighteen (18) inches
apart they shall be effectively tied
(I) Parapet Walls. All mason-
ry parapet walls shall be not less
than eighteen (18) inches and not
more than thirty -six (36) inches
in height above the roof adjacent
thereto. A horizontal belt course
tie of reinforced concrete shall be
placed at the top of all parapet
walls. Such ties shall be reinforc-
ed with at least one (1) one -half-
inch square bar continuous. Hori-
zontal parapet wall ties shall be
not less than three (3) inches deep
and not less than the width of the
wall. All masonry parapet walls
shall be reinforced vertically with
three -eight inch round bars twelve
(12) inches on center extending
into the belt course tie below, and
hooked around the horizontal re-
inforcing bar in the top capping.
Such vertical bars shall be placed
four (4) inches,from the roof side
of the wall.
(j) Chimneys. ..In rebuilding
chimneys they' shall be taken
down below any point of possible
fracture and rebuilt using the
mortar specified above. In each of
the corners place at least one (1)
one - half -inch round bar, and every
eighteen (18) inches on center of
vertical height place a one- quarter
inch hoop laid in the mortar joint.
Where chimneys are built of one
thickness of brick with flue lin-
ing, the vertical reinforcing bars
may be placed between the flue
lining and the. brick and such
space shall be well filled with mor-
In new chimneys the vertical
bars shall extend into the founda-
A smoke test will be required
after all chimneys are repaired.
SECTION 2.' The Building In-
spector of the. City of Newport
Beach, or his authorized repre-
sentative, may'enter any building
or premises for the purpose of in-
specting the same, or to prevent a
violation of this ordinance, upon
the presentation of the proper cre-
dentials, whenever any building
work involving masonry is being
done contrary to the provisions of
this ordinance, or is being done in
an unsafe or dangerous manner,
the Building Inspector may order
the work stopped by notice in
writing served on any persons en-
gaged in the doing, or causing
such work to be done, and any
;uch person shall forthwith stop
;uch work until authorized by the
Building Inspector to recommence
ind proceed with the work.
SECTION 3.' The provisions of
'.his ordinance are intended to and
;hall supercede any provisions in
my existing ordinance or ordin-
inces or building code or building
:odes in conflict herewith.
SECTION 4. This ordinance is
m emergency measure and is re-
:uired for the immediate preserva-
.ion of public peace, health and
.afety, and the facts constituting
is urgency are as follows: That
m the 10th day of March, 1935,
m earthquake occurred generally
affecting certain cities in Southern
:alifornia also affected the City of
Newport Beach; that said earth -
luake and a number of smaller
arthquakes following the same, in-
ured and destroyed many build -
ngs and structures 'n said city,
and further cracked, leorezed and
made unsafe certain other buildings
and structures in said city; that
many of said buildings are unsafe
for the purpose for which they
were constructed and erected, and
unsafe for human occupation, and
generally dangerous to persons
and property in the City of New-
port Beach by reason of said
earthquake so injuring and dam-
aging them; that there is no or-
dinance of said City of Newport
Beach covering the proper con-
struction of buildings in which
masonry is used; that in order to
make said buildings and struc-
tures safe for the purpose for
which they were constructed, and
safe in so far as persons and prop-
erty are concerned, it is very
urgent that said buildings be re-
paired, conditioned, and recon-
ditioned and reconstructed, where
masonry is used, under the terms
and conditions of the above ordin-
ance; that a great many owners
of buildings and structures are de-
sirous of reconstructing, repairing
and /or reconditioning the build-
ings and structures damaged by
said earthquake of March 10th,
1933, and the earthquakes follow-
ing the same, in order that they
may put said buildings to a gain-
ful use: that the method of con-
structing said buildings under the
building code are unsafe, and it is
therefore necessary that this or-
dinance be passed immediately in
order to safe -guard the public
peace, health and safety.
SECTION 5. The City Clerk
shall certify to the separate vote
on the urgency of this ordinance,
and to its passage by the vote of
five (5) members of the City
Council of the City of Newport
Beach, and cause the same to be
published once in NEWPORT
NEWS, a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Newport
Beach, and it shall thereupon take
SECTION 6. Any person, firm,
co- partnership or corporation vio-
lating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed
$300.00, or by a jail sentence in
the City Jail of Newport Beach
or the County Jail of Orange
County, not to exceed ten (10)
days, or by both such fine and im-
I hereby certify that the ques-
tion of the urgency of the fore-
going ordinance was passed and
the foregoing ordinance was
adopted by a vote of five (5) mem-
bers of the City Council of the
City of Newport Beach, at a spec-
ial called meeting thereof held on
the 23rd day of March, 1933.
AYES, Councilmen: Gordon,
Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Hil-
NOES, Councilmen: None.
ABSENT, Councilmen: None.
Mayor of the City of
Newport Beach.
(Seal) City Clerk.
Pub. —March 23, 1933.
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