HomeMy WebLinkAbout548 - Business License RequiredLICENSE ORDINANCE NO. 5475
The City Council of the City of
Newport Beach, by and through'
it9 City Council, do ordain as fol-
Section 1. It shall be unlawful
for any person, persons, firm, co-
partnership or corporation, or for
apy person, as agent, clerlf di , epi.
ployee, either for himself di fqr
any_, other person( .firm; ed-partz
i ersliip or corporation, Within the
corporate limits of the City of
Newport Beach, to transact, en-
gage in or carry on any pursuit,
trade, occupation, avocation, em-
ployment, business or calling,
hereinafter specified, until he, she,
they or it shall first obtain a li-
cense therefor as in' this Ordin-
anCe required. .
Each and every day or frac-
tional part of a day that said pur-
suit, trade, occupatibn'; 9W89tibii;
employment, business.gr calling in
this Ordinance specifier{ is con-
ducted or carried on without syych
license, shall constitute a vibiatiBR
of tlhi$ Ordinance and any person,
Who, for himself, or for any other
person, shall violate any of the
provisions of this Ordinance, shall,
for e4eii violation thereof, be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction by any court'
having jurisdiction thereof, shall
be fined in a sum not more fide
$20.00, or by imprisonment iii tie
city jail not exceeding twenty -five
days, or both such fine and im-
prisonment; provided, however
that every ioiidrably disciarpped
or honorably released soldier
sailor or marine of the Uniteri
States who has served in the Civil
War any Indian War, the .Span -
ish- �tnerican War, any Philippine
insurrection or in the Chinese Re-
lief Expedition or in the World
War of 1914 and years following
or in the World War of 1941 a'
years following,, Who .is physically
unable to obtain a livelihood by
manual labor, grid who shall be a
qualified elector of the State of
California; shall have the right to
distribute circulars and to'hawk,
peddle, and vend any goods, wares
or merchandise, except such goods,
wares and merchandise as the
law prohibits the sale thereof,
without payment of any license
tax or fee whatever and the Coun-
cil shall issue 0 MICE soldier,
sailor or marine without cost a
license therefor; and provided fur-
ther that no license can be col-
lected or any penalty for the non-
payment thereof enforced against
any commercial traveler whose
business is limited to the goods,
wares and merchandise sold or
dealt in in this State, at whole-
The term of duration of every
license shall be annual unless
otherwise specified in the sections
Annual licenses shall date from
the first day of July, of the fiscal
year in which they are issued,
monthly licenses shall date from
the first day of the month in
which they are issued: no license
shall be issued for, the fractional
part of a term. All licenses shall
be paid for in advance and no re-
bate given for any unused portion
of the term.
All licenses issued under the
be posted in the place of business
of. the licegnsee named. in. such li-
ectise, and the said licence shall
he producc;::�� the liccus.c when -
-r the snme shall be required by
the Chief of Police or any 0fficer
of the City. , of
It is hereby made the duty 4[
the Chief of Police to enforce all
the provisions of this Ordinance.
No personal demand or notice by
the Chief of Police to such persons
owing such license tax shall be
necessary to inciif the penalties
of this Ordinance.
Section Sr All licenses issued
under and by virtue of this Ordin-
ance shall be printed in blank
form signed by the Clerk of the
City of Newport Beach, couner-
signed by the Chief of Police, who
shall set forth the name of the
party to whom thg. Been e�� Is-
sued, the nature of fhe r88e ffr
business he, sh they or it are Li-
censed to pursue l tiie ta, f&
which the same i granted, the
date thereof, and the amount paid
The City Clerk Shall cause to be
printed a sufficient number of
such licenses as may be required
for one year, in book form, with
blank stub to each and shall de-
liver the same to the Chief of
Police therewith,, who shall ap-
pear at the Hf & of the City
Clerk on the first Monday in each
month, and settle flit the licenses
sold; licenses note iHW4 shall be
good for the time fBt Wflilch such
licenses were iss(A
The City Ciert siiaii, 875 appli-
cation of the Chief of Police ; is-
sue to him such hank licet3 0
may be required; and take his
receipt therefor, and shall fill the
stub attached thcretc, which stub
must be kept in the office of the
City Clerk.
Section S. tsiA license granted
or issued under any provision of
this Ordinance s'liall authorize the
licensee to tran3_aet or Carry on
the business or calling therein
named, at the piaee therein desig-
nated and at no other place, and
the said license shall not be as-
signable or transferrable. How-
ever, a change of location shall be
allowed to the owner of the li-
cense upon the 'payment. to the
City Clerk of the sum of $2.00,
and upon application hidde to tilt
City Council.
Section 4. The City Clerk shall
make a charge of $2.00 for each
duplicate license issued to replace
any license issued under the prd-
visions of this Ordinance, which
has been lost or destroyed.
That no license shall be grant-
ed and t this Ordinance or under
any other Ordinance for a busi-
ness or businesses to be conducted
on the public streets or highways
and it shall be unlawful at' all
times to conduct a business on the
sidewalks or highways of the City
of Newport Beach, and any per-
son violating this provision shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemean-
or, and upon conviction by any
Court having jurisdiction thereof,
shall be fined therefor in a sum
not exceeding X20. ^,A0, or by im-
prisonment in the city or county
jail not exceeding twenty -five (25)
days, or by both such fine and im-
Section 5. No license shall be
p�ovisions of this Ordinance shall ippti§4 for any c:t:-:':'ng or fish
preserving plant, livery or feed
stable, public laundry where wash-
ing is done for hire, hotel, lodging
house, chop house, coffee house,
bakery. restaurant, lunch counter,
shooting gallery, billiard mom,
podl, room, pocket billiard room,
skkng rink, merry-go-round,
bowling alley, fortune telling,
clairvoyance, and kindred prac-
tices, garage, creamery, auctions,
auction house, junk dealers,
wrecking 6OU5A; of §utotiiobile for
hire, stands, or places on the pub-
lic streets, or peanut vendors,
tamale stands, or lunch wagons
at stations, stands, or places od
the public streets, or for any
game, or for any wholesale or
manufacturing business„ or for
any factory, except on the prdef
of the City Councii,of the City of
Newport Beach, and whenever any
person, persons, firm, copartner-
ship or corporation, desires to
open or keep any business spgc�
fied in, this section, he, she, tHey
or it shall petition the City Coun�
cli to order a license therefor,
which petition shall set forth the
name of the applicant, the char-
acter of the business and the lo-
cation of the premises where the
business is to be conductedt, p$nd
on the hearing of said petition;
the said City Council may grant
the same in whole or in part, or
may reject the same and no li-
Ceilse shall be issued thereon ex-
cept as ordered by said City Coun-
cil. Where any business in this
Wfibfi specified may be" ifle
dangerous to or affect the public
health, peace or safety, or becorite
dangerous to surrounding prop-
erty, the City Council shall reftts"t
to grant the license.
Should the City Council of said
City at any time detefiiiifie that
the premise's wherein any business
described in this section is con-
ducted, are not in good and sani-
tary condition, or not properly
drained, or have become danger-
ous or affect the public peace,
health or quiet, it may revoke its
order requiring the license fdt
such business to issue and no fur-
ther license shall be issued there-
on until such premises shall have
been put in a safe, properly drain-
ed and sanitary condition.
Section 6. The rate of license
for carrying on the pursuits, trade,
occupation, avocation, employ-
ment, business or calling speci-
fied in this Ordinance shall be as
Section 7. The rate of license
for conducting, managing or
carrying on the business of a
bath house where suits are rented
or rooms are rented for the chang-
ing of clothes, shall be $25.00 pet
.Section 8. The rate of license
for every artist, agent or Cafl-
vasser, soliciting, painting, re-
touching or furnishing pictures of
every description, where no rate
is fixed by this Ordinance, and for
every book agent, or canvasser
shall be and the same is .hereby
fixed at $3.00 per day.
Section 9. The rate of license
for conducting, managing or carry-
ing on 'a billiard, bagatelle or pool
table, except such as are used in
private homes, $6.00 per annum,
per table, and there shall be no
extra license charged for engaging.==•
in the business of soft,drinks,
candies, cigars and tobaccos, it
connection with said bcsim.ac
However, such annual licensr. shat:
,not, in any case, be less than
$15.00 per annum:
The Clerk of the City of New-
port Beach shall make il list of
'each such table mentioned, stand.
ing in the place of business where
the same is maintained, and
charge' a `license whether said
table is used or not.
Section 10. The rate of license
for conducting, managing or
carrying on a bowling alley, $15.00
per annum, for each alley, whetMr
the same be used or not, and for
carrying on the business of a box -
ball game or alley, $3.00 per an-
num for each such alley in such
game, whether the same be used
or not. and in connection with said
business and as a part - thereof,
soft drinks, candies, cigars and to-
bacco may be sold without the
payment of further additional
Section 11. The rate of license
for carrying on the business of
selling bread from a wagon or
other vehicle, whether the bread
be baked in the City of Newport
Beach or not, for each such wagon
or vehicle used in such business,
the sum of $25.00 per annum.
Section 12. The rate of license
for every circus or menagerie ex-
hibited within the City of New-
port Beach, the sum of $100.00 per
day, and for every sideshow in
hhtutection thbl*eWith, the sum of
$50.00 per day. if a separate;ad-
mission fee is charged to such
Section 13. The rate of license
for every show, concert, theater
or similar entertainment, conduct-
ed or presented within the City
of Newport Beach, $100.00 per an-
num, provided that when the pro-
ceeds of any such show, concert,
theater or similar entertainment
are to be devoted to charity or
some educational purposes, the
City Council may authorize such
exhibition without the payment of
a license fee, and a license for
any such show, concert, theater
or similar entertainment, shall be
issued only upon permit from the
City Council.
Section 1.4. The rate of license
for carrying passengers in aero-
planes is hereby fixed at $25.00
per annum.
Section 15. The rate of license
for conducting the business of
checking room or station, which
shall be defined to mean a place
at which baggage, parcels, valu-
ables or clothing are checked for
hire, shall be $15.00 per annum.
Section 16. -The rate of license
for conducting the business of
card writing, $15.00 per annum.
Section 17. The rate of license
for maintaining a card table at
which cards are played, $200.00
per annum for each such card
table, and no such license shall be
issued for a card table v.•ithout
an order of the City Council quit,
orizing the issuance thereof, an:i
the City Council may in its dis-
cretion deny any such apolicatkn,
and the said City Council may on
hearing revoke any license grent-
ed for the conduct of card tables.
if, in the opinion of the City Coun•
cil, the same shall be detr'mentsl
or dangerous to or affect the pub-
lic peace, health, or quiet.'
%c-t:. The rate of license
fo^ . --Ang, managing . or
co. �•:c the business of a pub -
li� u:.::re :hall pr public.ballroom
m do _in,v, academy,which is de-
fine(' to be a place where dancing
is ta-jtTht for consideration, shall
be $2^).00 per annum; and ill
this connection, no license shall
issue for said business except on
order of :he City Council, and
the City Council may refuse to
grant any such license or to order
• liecnsc t :,crcon, and may revoke
• liens- is wed after a hearing, if
in its judgmcnt it shall determine
that th.^ continuance of said Ii-
comic would be detrimcnIal to
the public hcal.h. peace or safety.
Scetlon 10. ':'.e rate of license
for en" :ducting, or carrying on the
business of auto wrecking or
maintaining a place at which
autow,)bilcs are wrecked, shall be
$250.00 per annum. .
Section 20. The "rate of license
for operating or running any cart,
dra;•, wagon, truck or vehicle for
the delivery of freight or goods
for hi-e, or the delivery of rock,
sand, gravel or dirt or any other
material, for hire, for each cart;
dray, wagon or vehicle, $15.00.per
Section 21. The rate of licetlse
for the eperation of a laundry is
hereby fixed at $50.00 per annum,
and the rate of Yicense for oper-
ating laundry wagons WMch shall
be construed to be a vehicle oper-
ator, run or driven front house to
house, or to business phZes,
hotels, restaurants, lodgir^ houses
or apartment houses. within the
City of Newport Beach, for col-
lecting and receiving clothes,
table or bed linen, and other ar-
ticles to be washed and returne$,
and unless such wagons are oper-
ated in connection with a latiil$ry
which has paid the aboie license
tax, then the licensa for each laWn
dry running or operating wagons
in said city shall be $50.00 per
Section 22. Contractors shall
be either a general or a subedn-
traetcr. A general contractor shall
be construe:1 to be a person, nat-
ural or artificial, who enters into
contracts to construct or repair
buildings or structures of any kind
in the City of Newport '-each,
for a contract r ice or For a per-
centage of its cost, where the
value of any such structure When
completed or the contract price
thereof shall be $50.00 or more.
And, for the purpose of this sec-
tion. every person, co- partnership,
firm or corporation Who shall com-
mence the erection or construction
of any building or structure or
shall repair in any manner any
building or structure in the City
of Newport Beach, shall be deem-
ed a contractor as herein defined
and shall be liable to pay the li-
cense hereinafter provided for,
providing that the contract prlee
or the value of said structure or
building when completed shall be
more than $50.00, unless the own-
er of said building or structure, or
the owner of the land. on which
such building or structure is be-
ing erected, constructed or re-
paired, shall first make c sworn
statement that they are erecting,
constructing or rzpairing such
building or structure as the owner
thereof, and that they have not
entered into a contract either
verbal or written, with any con-
tractor or subcontractor, or any
person whatsoever, to erect or
construct or repair said building
or structure, and that said bjild-
ing or structure is being erected
or constructed or repzired.by day
labor at a stipulated wage (said
wage to be specified in said state-
ment) and further that ti-.ay are
making such representations in
order that said, persop will not
have to pay the.license fees.here:d
provided for and that each of said
representations are true.
The rate of license for a general
cot: actor, other than specified
herein. shall be $25.00 per annum,
escogt plumbing contractors and
plastering contractors shall pay
$100.00 per annum.. and tile and
Composition contractors 'shall pay
$50.00 per annum.
A subcontractor shall be con-
strued to be a person, natural or
artificial, who shall enter into
contract with a general contractor
to construct or repair any portion
of a building or structure. when
the contract price thereof shall be
550,00 or more, and for the pur-
.pose of this section, any person,
co- nartnership, firm or corpor-
ation who shall commence the
"erection, construction or repair of
any portion of a building or struc-
ture, when the value of said erec-
tion, construction or repair shall
be $50.00 or more, shall be deemed
a subcontractor, as herein defined
and shall be liable to pay the li-
cense all provided for unless
the owner of said building or
structure or the owner of the
land upon which such building or
structure is being erected, con-
structed or repaired shail first
'make a sworn statement that they
are erecting, constructing or re-
pairing a portion of such building
dr structure as the owner thereof
and that they have not entered
into a contract either verbal or
'written, with any contractor or
subcontractor, or any person
whatsoever, to erect, construct or
repair any portion of said build-
ing or structure and that a por-
tion of said building or structure
is being erected, constructed or
'ed by day labor at a stipu-
lated wage, (said wage to be spec-
ified i,i said statement,) and fur-
ther that they are making such
representations in o ^der that said
person, firm or corporation will
not have to pay the license fees
herein provided for and that each
of said representations are true.
The rate of license per annum
for any subcontractor shall be as
follows: to-wit:
For plumbing contractor .... $100.00
For roofing contractor........ 25,00
For electrical contractor.... 100.00
For painting contractor ...... 25.00
For plastering contractor.... 100.00
For cement contractor........ 25.00
For brick contracto'r ........ :... 25.00
For We and composition
contractor ........................ 50.00
For sheet metal contractor 25.00
For hardwood floor finishers
and layers ...... ...................: ,25.00...."
For carpenter labor
contractor ..................� :... 25.00.
For plate glass setters.....:.. 25.00
For chimney contractor...::. 25.0Q
For all other subcontractors
of any other trade
or craft .............................: /25.00 ..
r 1
Section 23. The rate of 1'+c: rcc
for conducting the business o` ,
parking place or station, and
which is defined to be a plate or
station at which automobiles arc
`received for the purpose of being
parked for hire, shall be $15 .00
per annum, provided, however.
such parking place or station shall
not be on two distinct and sepa-
rated parcels of land, and for each
guGh ,distinct parcel, . a license of
$15.00 per annum shall be paid.
Section 24- The rate of licenso
for conducting the business of a
barber shop where but two chair.9
are used, $15 -00 per annum, and
for each additional chair used,
$5.00 per annum.
If a manicurist is employed in
connection with said barber shop.
an additional license of $5.00 per
Section 25. Every wagon, or
vehicle liable for the payment of
a license under the prdvisions of
this Ordinance shall have a num-
ber printed or painted tk:ereon or
attached thereto in some conspic-
uous place in plain arabic figures
of not less than one inch in length.
and of a proportionate width, and
of- such color as to be readily
distinguished, which number sliall
be designated by the Chief of Po-
lice who shall keep a record
Section 26 =The rate of license
for carrying on the practice or
profession of astrology, palmistry,
phrenology, fortune telling, life
reading, catomancy, clairvoyance,
crystal gazing. hypnotism, me-
diumship, prophecy, augury, din -
ation. magic or necromancy,
where a fee is charged - a ereceiv-
cd for the practice or ekhibliion
of any such practices, $10.00 per
Section 27. The rate off- itehse
for conducting or carrying on the
business of a merry -go- round, cir-
cular swing, scenic railroad, ferris
wheel, aeroplane glide, swing or
other similar device or dodgem, or
anything of a similar nature.
$100.00 per month, except where
these businesses are connected
with the "fun zone" business as
hereinafter defined.
Section 2>t- The rate of license
for running a "fun zone" shall be
$250.00 per annum; and a "fun
zone" is defined as a place of
amusement tinder one manage-
ment and on lands that are con-
tiguous Where amusement is furn-
ished to the public, including
ferris wheel. merry -go- round, cir-
cular swing, scenic railroad, aero-
plane glide, swing or other similar
device or dodgem, games of skill,
and penny arcade, and other
games and devices of entertain-
ment and amusement. but ex-
cluding therefrom the operation
and conduct of a restaurant or
eating place.
Section 29. The rate of license
for running or operating a milk
wagon or vehicle shall be $15.00
per annum for each such wagon
or vehicle.
Section 30. The rate of license
for carrying on the business of
a pawnbroker, or conducting a
pawnbroker's shop shall be $120.00
per annum.
Section 31. The rate of license
for carrying on an auction house
or selling goods, wares or mer-
chandise at auction shall be $35.00
per day.
Section 32. The rate of license
for selling or contracting to sell
articles of wearing apparel. dry -
goods, fancy goods. notions, jew-
elrv, cutlery. groceries, harness.
pianos, organs. machinery of all
kind, hardware, tinware mill
products or any merchandise of
whatsoever class or character
from licuse to ho ^r.: cr upan C.._
publir -nets and not to persons
regi:lariv eneagrd in carrying on
a business in the city of New-
port Beach. for the wholesale or
retail of the above mentioned
articles of personal property. and
at their respective Places of busi-
ness. $100.00 per annum.
Section 33. The rate of license
for every solicitor., peddler. or
huckster of every glass and char-
acter, excepting drummers who
deal directly with established
places of business in, the City of
Newport Beach, $100.00 per an-
num. and every such person shall.
before engaging ,in the business
of soliciting, peddling or hawking
'wares mentioned in this section.
procure from the Chief pf Police
a number which sliall he displaved
in a conspicuous place upon the
wagon. vehicle, cart. basket or
other receptacle used for the con-
veyance of goods wares and mer-
chandise to be sold or neddled in
the City of Newport Beach.
Section 34. The rate of license
for carrying on the business of
a peddling machine and using
music or other device for at-
tracting crowds, $100.00 per
Section 35- The rate of license
for conducting a photograph gal -
iery, shall be $15.00 per annum.
Section 36- The rate of license
for conducting the business of a
pplaning mill or lumber yard and
building supplies shall be $15.00
per annum. provided, however. if
the two businesses shall be con-
ducted together then the license
fee shall be $25.00 per ann'_a` -.
Section 37- The fate of license
for conducting the business of
a restaurant. eafe. lunch counter,
cafeteria. shall be $15.00 per an-
num, and where said restaurant
shall pay a Federal amusement
tax the license for said business
shall be $100.00 per annum in-
stead of $15.00 per annum.
Section 38. The ra'e of license
for a lunch stand or Street of-license
s hereby fixed at $2.00 per day,
provided that no lunch stand or
street kitchen shall receive a li-
cense except upon permit of the
City Council, and in this connec-
tion. a lunch stand or street
kitchen shall be construed to mean
a stand or kitchen at which pre-
pared food is sold or food is
cooked for immedia'e sale, and
the lunch stand or st:-eet kitchen
is portable and so constructed
that it can be moved from place
to place.
Section 39. The rate of license
for conducting a broker's business,
real estate, fire insurance. stocks
and bonds, or any other kind or
class of broker, shall be $15.00
per annum.
Section 40. No license shall be
granted for engaging in the busi-
ness of selling tamales, sand-
wiches, ice cream. peanuts. beans.
candies or other edibles of any
description from wagons, hand-
carts, trays or baskets upon the
public streets. or vending of any
Section 41- The rate of license
for engaging in, conducting or
carrying on the business of shoot-
ing gallery. $15.00 per annum.
Section 42- The rate of license
for conducting a skating rink
shall be $100.00 per annum.
Section 43. The rate of license
for carrying on or conducting the
business of a telephone exchange.
shall be $15.00 per annum, unless
operated under a franchise.
Section 44- The rate of license
for maintaining any contrivance
or device at which the public is
invited or permitted to throw
rings or balls, or other objects
at knives. whips. dolls. or other
things for a prize. shall be $50.00
per annum.
Section 45. The rate of license
for all street exhibitions shall tie
$25.00 per day and no license shall
be granted except by special per-
mit of the City Council. ,
Section 46. The rate of license
for conducting the business of a
dry cleaning or clothes pressing
establishment which shall be "con-
strued to be a place where clothes
are cleaned, renovated or pressed,
shall be $50.00 per annum, and
any laundry wagon that collects
or receives clothes to be cleaned,
renovated or pressed, shall be
$50.00 per 'annum, and any
laundry wagon that collects or re-
ceives clothes to be cleaned, reno-
vated or pressed shall in addition
to the license hereinbefore un-
posed upon any such laundry
wagon, pay an additional license
of $50.00 per annum.
Section 47. The rate of license
for conducting a fish market "shall
be $15.00 per annum.
Section 48. The rate of license
for conducting the business of
smoking fish shall be $15.00 per
annum and the rate of license for
conducting the business of salting,
pickling, preserving or canning
fish or their by- products shall be
$100.00 per annum.
Section 49. No license shall
be granted except upon permit of
the City Council for the conduct-
ing of a fish market or of a place
at which fish is smoked, salted,
pickled or otherwise treated.
Section 50- The rate of license
for conducting the business of sell-
ing new or used automobiles shall
be $25.00 per annum.
Section 51. The rate of license
for conducting the business of
publishing, circulating and dis-
tributing by carrier or otherwise,
a newspaper in said city, or con-
ducting a printing shop, shall be
$15.00 per annum.
Section 52- The rate of license
for maintaining a captive balloon
for carrying passengers for hire
shall be $25.00 per.. annum.
Section 53- The rate of license
for managing or Carrying on the
business of selling or distributing
ice cream at wholesale shall be
$15.00 per annum.
Section 54. The rate of license
for conducting. managing, or
carrying on the business of post-
ing. sticking, tacking, affixing or
painting bills or signs to or upon
posts, fences, buildings or other
structures excepting bill boards or
advertising sign boards, the rate
of license shall be $1.00'.per day
per person engaged in any such
business, provided, that if the
license shall be paid monthly in
advance, then the rate of license
shall be $10.00 per month.
Section 55. The rate of license
for the operation of a motor or
other vehicle for the purpose of
sharpening and grinding knives,
axes, scissors or other cutlery,
$1.00 per annum for each such
Section 56. The rate of license
for operating or maintaing a
blacksmith or machine shop,
where the same is not used in
connection with a garage, $25.00
per annum.
Section 57. The rate of license
for the business of junk collector,
junk dealer or maintaining a junk
yard, $100.00 per annum.
Section 53. The rate of license
for conducting the business of re-
fining, reducing or distilling pe-
troleum, shale oil, tar or any other
hydro- carbon substances, shall be
$200.00 per annum, for each such
refinery or distillery, and no li-
cense snau oe granted for the
conduct of such business except
upon permit of the City Council.
Section 59. The rate of license
for conducting or maintaining a
shoe shine or boot black stand,
$5.00 per annum.
Section 60. The rate of license
for maintaining a beauty parlor
shall be $15.00 per annum.
Section 61. For every person
conducting, managing or carrying
on the business or engaged in any
business hereinafter enumerated,
shall pay a license of $15.00 per
Attorney at Law
Chiron_ odist
Civil, Electrical, Chemical or
Mechanical Engineer
Osteopath or Osterpathist
Sign Painter
and each person carrying on or
engaged in the business of treat-
ing, curing, administering to or
giving treatments to the sick,
wounded or infirm for the pur,
pose of bringing about their re-
covery, by any method or pur-
sunat to any belief, doctrine, or
system other than those herein -
above specifically named, and
charging a fee or conk lion
therefor, the sum of $15.F19 .per
Section 62. Every person, firm
or corporation who shall engage
in the business of searching public
,records in said City shall pay an
annual license tax of $15.00.
Section 63. Every person, firm
or corporation who shall con-
duct a veterinary hospital in said
City shall pay an annual license
tax of $25.00.
Section 64. For every person,
firm or corporation who shall
engage in the automobile ,gv:age
business, the annual lic@T'se fax
shall be $25.00. -
Automobile garage is hereby de-
fined as and declared to be a
place where automobiles are sold,
stored or cared for, cleaned or re-
paired, and where the necessary
machinery is kept for the purpose
of repairing automobiles and
where automobile accessories, gas-
oline, oils and supplies are kept
and sold.
Every person operating, con-
ducting the business of service
station dealing in oils or gasoline,
petroleum products, or other auto-
mobile or motor vehicle acces-
sories and supplies shall pay an
annual license of.$25.00.
Section 65: For the business
of conducting or operating a can-
ning or preserving plant, the li-
cense tax shall be $100.00 per an-
Section 66. For every person,
firm or corporation operating or
fpnducting a dairy, the license tax
shall be $25.00 per annum.
Section 67. For the business
of conducting a carnival or circus,
other than .a fun zone as hereto-
fore defined, in the City on any
occasion, the license tax shall be
$100.00 per day. Written appli-
cation must be made to the City
Council for such license, and the
City Council under its police pow-
ers reserves the right to reject
any such application, and shall
further have the right to inquire
what shows, exhibitions or enter-
tainments are Proper, and its ac-
tion in all respects shall be final
and conclusive.
Section 68. Every person, firm
or. corporation carrying on a
wholesale business in said City
shall pay an annual license tax
of $25.00.
Section 69. Every person, firm
or corporation who shall engage
in the business of contracting,
grading or laying streets, side-
walks, drains or sewers in said
City shall pay an annual license
tax of $100.00.
Section 70. The conducting and
carrying on of wholesale or retail
establishments, stores, or places
of business of every kind and de-
scription not otherwise provided
for in this Ordinance, where
articles or personal property for
use or consumption are loaned,
rented, let, served or sold as a
business, shall be known and des-
ignated as a general business, and
the license for conducting the
same shall be designated a gen-
eral business license; provided,
however, that where a general
business license is granted, the
holder thereof shall not have the
right to conduct a restaurant in
connection with or as a part of
such general business, without
procuring the restaurant license
provided for in this Ordinance,
and providing further, that where
a general business license is
issued and the business conduct-
ed thereunder consists in the sell-
ing of fruits, confectionery, gro-
ceries, drygoods, hardware and
other articles of general mer-
chandise or the loaning or the
renting of fishing tackle, or other
articles of personal property the
holder of the general business li-
cense to so conduct such general
business shall not have the right
to conduct in connection there-
with a restaurant or limch counter
without procuring the restaurant
license provided for in this Or-
dinance; provided, that the holder
or any general business license
who shall in connection there-
with engage in any other trade,
business, calling or occupation for
which a license is imposed by this
Ordinance, then he shall pay the
additional license required by this
Section 71. For every business,
trade, calling, occupation, art, or
profession not licensed by some
section of this Ordinance, the
rate of license for carrying on
the same shall be $25.00 per an-
num, and where in this Ordinance
any business, trade, calling or
occupation can be cr is construed
to be licensed, under two sections,
and in such sections a different
rate of license is imposed, then
the highest rate of license shall be
deemed to be the license fixed
for such trade, business, calling,
or occupation.
Section 72. Every person, firm
or corporation not specifically
mentioned in this Ordinance, con-
ducting, managing or carrying on
the business of running, driving
or operating any automobile, auto-
mobile truck, automobile tank
wagon or any other motor vehicle
used for the transportation of bag-
gage, freight, household goods,
merchandise, lumber, brick, ce-
ment, oil, rock, or gravel, shali pay
an annual license tax of $20.00 for
each such motor vehicle.
Section 73. The rate of license .
for carrying on or engaging in
the business of renting row boats,
canoes or out -board motor boats,
sail boats, in -board motor boats
for hire, either as owner or opera-
tor, or as the agent, servant or
employee of another, shall be
$15.00 per annum where not more
than five boats are used, and $2.00
additional for each row boat,
canoe, or out -board motor in ex-
cess of five.
Section 74. The rate of license
for conducting, managing or
carrying on, or engaging in the
business of leasing or hiring
charter boats for rod and reel
fishing, either as owner or op-
erator, or as the agent, servant
or employee of another, shall be
$15.00 per annum per boat.
Section 75. The rate of license
for carrying on or managing or
engaging in the business of leas-
ing, renting, or the hiring of boats
to others, for taxi service, either
as owner or operator, or as the
agent, servant or employee of an-
other, shall be $15.00 per annum
where not more than five boats
are used, and $2.00 additional for
each boat in excess of five.
Section 76. The rate of license
for carrying on or engaging In the
business of receiving and trans-
porting persons within the City ,of
Newport Beach, in boats or other
water craft, for the purpose of
affording such persons an oppor-
tunity of viewing places of in-
terest in and about, the City of
Newport Beach, for recreation, at
a consideration, either as owner
or operator, or as the agent,, serv-
ant or employee of, another, shall
be $50.00 per annum -per boat.
Section 77. The -rate of license ••.
for managing or carrying on, or
.engaging in the business -of re- i
ceiving and transpo!r;ting persons,,
.within the City of Newport Beach;. .
for a consideration, In speed bats
and sail boats, shall be $25.0G poi
annum per boat.
Section 78. The rate of license
for engaging in the business of
operating a live bait boat in the
City of Newport Beach, whether
the same be operated from the
wharfs extending from the main-
land into the waters of the Pa.
Effic Oceaii, or within Newport
Bay, shall be. $25.00 per annuir
per boat, and in this connec ?:ion a
live bait. boat, for the purr-^ of
this Ordinance, shall be domed
held and construed to mean n
floating structure that receives
apil transports persons in the Cit3
of Newport Beach, for the pur.
pose of affording such persons an
opportunity of fishing from suck
structures, in the waters of the
Pacific Ocean, for recreation, at
a consideration, with live bait, and
Which boat carries a live bait tank
and pump, but such live bait boat
shall not include charter boats as
hereinafter defined.
Section 79. The rate of license
for carrying on or engaging in the
business of renting or hiring boats
to charter parties shall be $15.00
per. annum per boat, and in this
Connection for the purpose of this
Ordinance, a charter party shall
be construed to mean and shall
mean any person or persons who
shall, for a consideration, hire a
fishing boat or other vessel for a
designated sum of money, for, a
designated purpose and for a des-
ignated time.
Section 80. The rate of license
for engaging in or carrying on the
business of -a fishing, barge, as
that term is hereinafter defined,
shall be $100.00 per annum per
barge, and in this connection, for
the purpose of this Ordinance, a
fishing barge shall be deemed,
held and construed to mean a
floating structure anchored in the
waters of the Pacific i Ocean,
within the exterior bo:mdaries of
the City of Newport Beach, for
the purpose of receiving persons
on board thereof for a considera-
Section 81. The rate of license
for the operation or conducting
of an ice manufacturing plant, or
any business dealing in the sale
of ice, either at wholesale or re-
tail, is hereby fixed at $100.00
per annum, and the rate of license
for operating ice wagons, which
are hereby construed to be ve-
hicles operated, run or driven
from house to house, or to busi-
ness places, hotels, restaurants,
lodging houses or apartment
houses, within the city of New.
port Beach, for the purpose of
selling or delivering ice, shall be
$100.00 per annum, for each per-
son, firm or corporation conduct.
ing o: carrying on the business of
selling or delivering ice within the
said City of Newport Beach, by
means of ice wagons, unless, how-
ever, such ice wagons are operated
in connection with an ice manu-
facturing business which has al.
ready paid the annual license ni
Section 82. The rate of license
for engaging in or carrying on
the business of selling at re Lail
or at wholesale, cut flowers, rrces,
shrubs, vines, growing flowc-,s oz
plants, floral pieces or displays,
potteries containing plants ov
flowers, eliOl be $15.00 per an.
num, and in this connection, the
engaging in or carrying on the
business herein specified, shall be
construed under the terms of this
Ordinance as a separate and dis-
tinct business and no person shall
be entitled to engage therein oz
carry on said business without ob-
taining a separate license there-
Section 83. The rate of license
fo' - r.gagi:.g or carrying on
the business of soliciting orders
for flowers, trees, shrubs, vines,
growing flowers or plants, floral
pieces or displays, or potteri -s
containg plants or flowers, or
peddling flowers, {fees, shrubs,
vines, growing flower`s or plants,
floral pieces or displays, or pot-
teries containing plants or flow-
ers, from door to door, is hereby
fixed at $25.00 per annum.
Section 84. The rate of license
f Cr ,engaging in the business of
riducting or operating hotels,
apartment houses, rooming
houses, boarding houses, motels,
auto courts, bungalow courts, and
inns, where not more than five
units are rented to accommodate
guests, roomers, and tenants, shall
be $15.00 per annum, and for each
separate accommodation over five
$2.00 per annum additional to said
Seetloij 85. The rate of license
for operating or conducting the
business of renting bicycles to
the general public in .the City of
Newport Beach shall be $50.00 per
annum. Under the terms hereof,
a bicycle is defined as any two or
three wheeled vehicle which is
Operated by man power and the
term 'Bicycle" does not include
motor driven vehicles of any de-
Seeilon 86. The rate of license
for operating mz'sic machines, as
that term is hereinafter defined,
in any place of business in the
City of Newport Beach, shall be
$5.00 per annum, for each music
machine or phonograph installed,
attached o- ^'--rated in the City
of Newport Beach.
The term ...m',:sic machine" as
used in this Ordinance is intended
to mean and shall mean any
machine which has, recordi:igs,
either music or talking, and which
shall produce music or talking,
peon the placing therein of a coin,
disk, slug or other representative
of value.
Section 87. Foie each mer-
chandise vending machine oper-
ated in the City of Newport Beach
by the insertion therein of a coin
of the Value of $.05 or more, $2.00
per annum per machine; and for
merchandise vending machine's
Where coins are inserted of the
value of less than $.05, the sum
of $1.00 per annum per machine.
Section 88. All machines known
as "penny machines' and which
are not specifically enumerated or
mentioned in this Ordinance, and
where pennies are inserted therein
for service, shall pay an annual
license of $1.00 per machine.
Section 89. The rate of license
for the business of operating or
conducting the business of placing
punch boards in the City of New.
port Beach, shall be $150.00 per
annum; and for every punch board
in excess of fifty, $3.00 in ad-
dition to the license fee of $150.00
as aforesaid.
Section 90. Any jerson, firni
or corporation conducting more
than one business in the same
store room, shall not be required
to pay more than one license tax,
provided, however, such additional
business so conducted by him shall
vided for in this ordinance.
tomarily conducted in connection
with such other business, and pro;
vided further, that those conduct-
ing different kinds of games un-
der one business shall pay, for
each different game so conduct=
Section 91. It is not intended
in this Ordinance to license any
business, occupation or profession
prohibited by other Ordinances of
the City of Newport Beach, and
such other Ordinances prohibit-
ing certain businesses, occupa-
tions or callings in the City of
Newport Beach shall remain in
full force and effect and shall
not in any way be, amended, re-
pealed or modified by the provis-
ions of this Ordinance; this Or-
dinance being a license ordinance
and licensing only such businessesi
occupations and professions as are
not prohibited by other Ordin-
ances of the City of Newport
Section 92. this Ordinande
shall not repeal ,or amend; any
ordinance or ordinances of the
City of Newport Beach except Or-
dinances numbered 393, 340, 371,
416, 446, 458, 460, 471, 475, 476,
and 502 of said City, which by.
the_ passage and, adoption of this
Ordinance shall.. be specifically re-
pealed, and all Ordinances or
parts of Ordinances in reference
to the licensing, regulating, or
prohibiting of businesses, occupa-
tions or professions shall remain
in full force and' effect, and in
the event that there shall be a
conflict between this Ordinance
and any other Ordinance regu-
lating, licensing or prohibiting
businesses, such other Ordinances
shall be deemed to have repealed
those portions of this Ordinance
in conflict therewith, and such
other Ordinances shall remain in
full force and effect.
Section 93. The licenses re-
quired by this Ordinance shall be
annual licenses unless otherwise
specified, and shall be paid in
advance, and no rebate given for
any unused portion of the term
for which they are issued, and
shall date from the First day o €,
July of the fiscal year in which
they are issued.
$ectiob 94.. If any section, sub-,
section, sentence, clause, or phrase,
of this ordinance is hereafter for'
any reason held to be unconstitu-
tional or un- enforceable, such de-
cision shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this
ordinance. The City Council of
the City of Newport Beach hereby.
declares that it would have passed
this ordinance, and each section,
sentence, clause, or phrase, hereof,
irrespective of the fact that any
one or more other sections, sub-
sections, sentences, clauses, or
phrases be declared unconstitu-
tional or un- enforceable.
Section 95. If the licenses in
this ordinance provided for shall
not be paid on or before the 15th
day of the month following the
date when they shall become due,
i 1
then a penalty of 25% of the
license tax due and payable shall
be added thereto, and no license
shall be issued until such penalty
shall have been paid, and in ad-
dition thereto, such delinquent
shall be liable for prosecution
and the penalty herein provided,
for failure to pay his license pro=
vided for in this ordinance.
Section 96. This Ordinance
shall never be held or construed
as licensing or permitting the
carrying on of any unlawful trade,
calling, occupation or game and
every such trade, calling, occu-
pation or game is prohibited and
no license shall be granted or
issued therefor.
Section 97. Any conviction of
any holder of any license herein
mentioned for breach of this Or-
dinance or of any conviction of
any such person, firm or cor-
poration for failing to conduct the
business so licensed in accordance
with the Ordinances of the City of
Newport Beach, or statutes of the
State of California, shall ipso
facto work a forfeiture and can-
cellation of such license and the
same shall not be re- issued with-
out a new application being made
therefor as provided for herein.
Section 98. Ordinances numb-
ered 393, 340, 371, 416, 446, 458,
460, 471, 475, 476, and 502, of
the City of Newport Beach are
hereby repealed.
Section 99. In no case shall
any mistake made by the City
Clerk or the Chief of Police iii
stating the amount of a license
prevent or prejudice the collection
for the City of what shall be
actually due from any one carry-
ing on 'a trade, calling, profes-
sion or occupation, subject to a
license under this Ordinance.
Section 100. This Ordinance
shall be published once in NEW-
a newspaper of general circula-
tion, printed and published and
circulated in the City of Newport
Beach, and this Ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from
and after the first day of July,
The above and foregoing Ordin-
ance No. 548 was passed at a
regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Newport
Beach, held on the 27th day of
May, 1946, by the following vote,
to -wit:
AYES, Councilmen Allen, Siler,
Isbell, Robertson, Reed.
NOES, Councilmen None.
ABSENT, Councilmen None.
The above and foregoing Or-
dinance No. 548 is approved and
signed by me this 27th day of
May, 1946.
Mayor of the City of Newport
City Clerk of the City of
Newport Beach.
Pub. June 4, 1946.
. 40