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The City Council of the City of
Newport Beach does ordain as
SECTION 1: That Article VI
of the Municipal Code of the City
of Newport Beach be and the
same is hereby amended by de-
leting and repealing the existing
Chapters I and II, Sections 6100
through and including 6268d of
said Article VI and substituting
in lieu thereof the following
chapters and sections:
"Chapter 1 — BUSINESS LI-
"Section 6100. Definitions. For
the purpose of this Article, cer-
tain words and phrases are de-
fined and certain provisions shall
be construed as herein set forth,
unless the provisions of the con-
text otherwise require.
"Section 6100.1. `Business'
means arts, professions, trades,
and occupations and all and
every kind of calling carried on
for profit or livelihood.
"Section 6100.2. `Operate' In-
cludes to manage, control or
carry on.
"Section 6100.3. 'Person' in-
cludes any person, firm, associa-
tion, organization, partnership,
business, trust or corporation.
"Section 6101. License Re-
"No person, either for himself
or any other person, shall oper
ate any business specified in this
Article, In the City, without first
having obtained a license from
the City to do so, or without com-
plying with any and all regula-
tions of such business contained
In this Article; and the carrying
on of any such business without
first having obtained a license
from the City to do so, or without
complying with any and all reg-
ulations of such business con-
tained In this Article, shall con-
stitute a separate violation of
this Article for each and every
day that such business is so car-
ried on.
"Section 6102. Violation a Mis-
demeanor. Any person, who for
himself, or for any other person,
shall violate any of the provi-
sions of this Article, shall, for
each violation thereof, be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction by any Court
�having jurisdiction thereof, shall
be fined in :a sum of not more
than $500.00 or by Imprisonment
In the City or County jail not ex-
ceeding thirty days, or both such
fine and imprisonment In the
discretion of the Court.
^'Section 6103. Branch Estab-
lishment and S e p a r a t e Busi-
nesses. A separate license must
be obtained for each branch es.
tablishment or location of the
business transacted and carried
on and for each separate busi-
ness specified In this article and
carried on at the same location,
which Is not ordinarily an ac-
cepted part of such business.
Each license shall authorize the
licensee to transact and carry on
only the business licensed there.
by at the location or In the man-
ner designated In such license.
"Section 6104. Application and
Issuance of License.
"Section 6104.1. Application for
License. Before any license Is Is-
sued to any person, such person
shall make application therefor
to the Director of Finance. Ap-
plicant must state (1) the name
of the party to whom the license
Is to be issued; (2) the nature of
the trade or business to be pur-
sued; (3) the place where such
business will be conducted and
such other information as may
be necessary for the enforcement
of the provisions of this Article.
"Section 6104.2. Duty to Issue
License. Upon application as
above provided, and when the
applicant shall have tendered
the license fee as hereinafter pro-
vided, It shall be the duty of the
Director of Finance to prepare
and issue a license hereunder
and to state upon the face of
each license the following: (1)
the person to whom the same is
Issued; (2) owner of said busi-
ness; (3) the kind of business
thereby licensed; (4) name and
location of such business; (5) the
amount of money paid therefor;
and (6) the date of expiration of
such license.
"Section 6104.3. Effect of Mis-
take. In no case shall any mis-
take by any officer or employee
of the City In stating the amount
of a license prevent or prejudice
the collection by the City of what
should be actually due from any
person carrying on a business
subject to a license under the
provisions of this Article.
"Section 6104.4. Void License.
The City shall not be bound by
the mistake of any officer or em-
ployee of the City In issuing a
license contrary to the terms of
this Article, or of the terms of
any zoning or other ordinances
of the City. Such license shall be
null and void.
"Section 6104.5. Unpaid Fees
as Bar to Further License- No
license for any succeeding, cur-
rent or unexpired license period
shall knowingly be Issued to any
person who, at the time of mak-
Ing application for any license,
Is Indebted to the City for any
unpaid license fee.
"Section 6104.6. Duplicate Lt.
cense. The Director. of Finance
shall make a charge of $2.00 for
each duplicate license Issued to
replace any license Issued under
the provisions of this Article,
which has been lost or destroyed,
upon reasonable proof thereof.
"Section 6104.7. License not
Transferable. E a c h 11 c e n s e
granted or Issued under any pro-
vision of this Article shall au-
thorize the licensee to transact or
carry on the business therein
named, at the place therein des -
Ignated and at no other place,
and the said license shall not be
assignable or transferable. A
change of location shall be al-
lowed to the holder of the license
upon the payment to the Director
of Finance of the sum of $2.00.
"Section 6105. Display of LI-
"Section 6105.1 Posting of Li-
cense at Fixed Place of Business.
Every person having a license
under the provisions of this Ar-
ticle and carrying on a business
at a fixed place of business shall
keep such license posted and ex-
hibited while In force In some
conspicuous place of said place
of business.
"Section 6105.2. No Fixed Place
of Business. Every person hav-
ing such a license and not hav-
ing a fixed place of business,
shall carry such license with him
at all times while carrying on
the business for which the same
was granted.
"Section 6105.3. License Num-
bers on Vehicles. Every vehicle
liable for the payment of a li-
cense under the provisions of
this Article shall have a number
printed or painted thereon or at.
tached thereto In some conspicu-
ous place In plain arabic figures
of not less than o n e I n c h I n
length, and of a proportionate
width, and of such color as to be
readily distinguished, which
number shall be designated by
the Director of Finance who shall
keep a record thereof.
"Section 6106. Payment and
Term of License. All license fees
required by this Article shall be
payable In advance to the Direc-
tor of Finance In lawful money
of the United States.
"Licenses required hereunder
shall be for the following periods
and the fees therefor shall be
due and payable on the follow -
Ing dates:
"(a) Annual licenses shall be
for the period of one year and
the fees therefor shall be due
and payable on the first day of
July of each year, and shall be
delinquent on the first day of
August of each year.
"(b) Daily licenses shall be
due and payable In advance and
shall be delinquent If not paid In
"Section 6107. Penalty for De-
linquency. To every license fee
'becoming delinquent as provided
in this Article, a penalty of
twenty -f ive percent of the
amount of such license shall be
added and said penalty shall be
collected, and the payment there-
of shall be enforced In the same
manner as the license fees are
collected and the payment there-
of enforced.
"Section 6108. License Fee a
Debt. The amount of any license
fee and penalty Imposed by the
provisions of this Article shall
be deemed a debt to the City of
Newport Beach and any person
carrying on any business without
first having procured a license
from the City so to do shall be
liable to an action In the name
of the City In any court of com-
petent jurisdiction, for the
amount of license fee and penal-
ties Imposed on such business.
"Section 6109. Both Criminal
and Civil Action Authorized for
Failure to Pay License Fee. The
conviction and Imprisonment of
any person for engaging In any
business without first obtaining
a license to conduct such busi-
ness shall not relieve such per-
son from paying the license fee
to conduct such business, nor
shall the payment of any license
'tax prevent a criminal prosecu-
tion for the violation of any of
the provisions of this Article. All
remedies prescribed hereunder
shall be cumulative and the use
of one or more remedies by the
City shall not bar the use of any
other remedy for the purpose of
enforcing the provisions hereof.
"Section 6110. Prerequisites for
Certain Licenses.
"Section 6110.1. Businesses Re-
quiring Food Handling. Where a
business Is required by law to
have a food handling permit, no
license shall be issued until the
Orange County Health Depart-
ment and the City Building and
Safety Department have In.
spected and approved the prem-
"Section 6110.2. Business Re-
quiring Certificates of Occupancy.
All commercial, Industrial, and
miscellaneous buildings con.
structed within the City which
are to house a business requiring
a city license must have a Cer-
tificate of Occupancy Issued by
the City Building and Safety De-
partment before a license to op-
erate said business may be Is-
sued. Any existing buildings
which are structurally altered to
house a business requiring a city
license must also have a Certifi.
cate of Occupancy Issued by the
City Building and Safety Depart-
ment before a license to operate
said business may be Issued.
"Section 6110.3. Certain Busi-
nesses Requiring Council Ap-
proval. No license shall be Is-
sued for any of the following
"Airplane, passenger or freight
"Alcoholic beverage, on sale
"Ambulance service
"Automobile for hire
`Billiard room
"Boats: fishing barge, sightsee-
ing, U- drive, livebait and
watercraft for hire
"Carnival or circus
"Dance hall
"Fortune telling and related
"Game of skill or amusement
"House to house soliciting
"Junk dealer or yard
"Launching ramp
"Merry -go -round or similar de-
"Outdoor musical or special
"Skating Rink
"Yacht or boat landing, slip
or for any other business which
Is similar thereto, or which In
the opinion of the City Council
has an equal or greater effect
upon the public health, safety or
welfare, except by prior approval
of the City Council. Whenever
any person desires to operate
any such business he shall apply
to the City. Council for approval.
• The City Council may grant ap-
proval in whole or In part, or
may deny approval. Where any
business specified In this Sec
tion, in the opinion of the City
Council, may become dangerous
to, or adversely effect the public
— health, morals, safety, or wel-
fare, or become dangerous to sur-
rounding property, the City Coun-
cil shall deny approval.
"The City Manager shall rec-
ommend to the City Council that
an Individual business establish-
ment shall be subject to Council
approval when, In his judgment,
any such business establishment
not specifically Included In Sec.
tion 6110.3 has an effect upon
the public health, safety, or wel-
fare equal to or greater than
those businesses listed In said
"Any applicant for a license to
carry on any business specified
hereinabova_, or any other busi-
ness which is similar thereto, or
which, In the opinion of the City,
Manager or the City Council has
an equal or greater effect upon'.
the public health, safety, or wel-
fare, may be required to be fin-
gerprinted by the Police Depart- li
ment of the City of Newport
Beach and may also be asked to
answer such reasonable clues.
tions as may be put to him con -,
cerning his past history and
mode of carrying on business,
whether It be the same or a dif-
ferent business than the one ap-
plied for. Such application may
also be referred to any other de-
partment of the City or any pub.
lic agency for Investigation and
report. The employee or employ-
ees of the applicant, where In the
opinion of the City Manager or
City Council the business Is such
to effect the safety, health or
welfare of the public, may also
be required to be fingerprinted
by the Police Department of the
City of Newport Beach and may
also be required to answer such
reasonable questions as may be
asked concerning his past his-
tory of employment.
"Section 6110.4. Special Protec-
tion and Insurance. The City
Council may require from such
businesses or activities as are
enumerated In Section 6110.3 or
o t h e r businesses or activities
which are similar thereto, a rea-
sonable charge for special police
and fire protection and In addi.
tion thereto may require such
businesses or activities to pro-
vide public liability and prop-
erty damage insurance In the
amount to be determined by the
City Council.
"Section 6111. Suspension and
Revocation of License. Upon a
written statement by the City
Manager filed with the City
Council to the effect that any li-
cense Is being used In contra-
vention of this Code, any ordi-
nance of the Clty, or any law of
the State, the Clty Council shall
fix a date for a hearing thereon,
and shall cause notice of the
time and place of said hearing
to be served on the person to
whom such license has been Is-
sued, or any one of such persons
In the event such license has
been Issued to more than one
person or the manager or agent
of any such person. Service of
this notice shall be accomplished
by either serving such person
personally, or by depositing It In
the United States Post Office at
Newport Beach, California, post-
age prepaid, addressed to such
person as it appears on the li-
"If upon such hearing, the City
Council finds that such license Is
being used In contravention of
this Code, or any ordinance of
the City, or any law of the State,
or that the premises wherein any
business described In this Article
Is conducted are not In good and
sanitary condition, or have be-
come dangerous to or adversely
affect the public health, safety,i
welfare, morals or quiet, or that
the business of the person to
whom such license was Issued
has been conducted In a disor-
derly or Improper manner, or any
person conducting said business
is of an unfit character to con-
duct the same, or that the pur-
pose for which the license has
been issued Is being abused to
the detriment of the public, or
that the license Is being used
for a purpose different from that
for which It was Issued, It shall
order said license suspended or
revoked. Any person having said
license suspended shall not en-
gage In such business until all
such objectionable conditions are
fully remedied to the satisfaction
of the City Council. The appli-
cation of any person for a li.
cense, after having had a license
revoked pursuant to the provi-
sions of this section, must be ap-
proved by the City Council.
"Section 6112. Exemption.
"Section 6112.1. Constitution or
Statutes of the United States or
the State of California. Nothing
In this Article shall be deemed
or construed to apply to any per.
son transacting and carrying on
any business exempt by virtue of
the Constitution or applicable
statutes of the United States or
of the State of California from
the payment to the City of New.
port Beach of such license fees
as are herein prescribed.
"Section 6112.2. Charitable Pur-
pose. The provisions of this Ar.
ticle shall not be deemed or con-
strued to require the payment of
a license fee to operate any busi-
ness or activity from any Institu-
tion or organization which Is op-
erated wholly for charitable pur-
poses or from which profit Is not
derived, either directly or Indi-
rectly, by any Individual, firm, or
corporation; nor shall any license
fee be required for the conduct-
ing of anv entertainment, con.
cert, exhibition, or lecture on sci.
entific, historical, literary, religi.
ous, or moral subjects within the
City, whenever the receipts there.
from are to be appropriated to
any church or school or to any
religious or benevolent purpose;
nor shall any license fee be re-
quired for the conducting of any
entertainment, concert, exhibi.
tion, or lecture by any religious,
charitable, fraternal, educational,
military, state, county or munici.
pal organization or association,
L whenever the receipts therefrom
are to be appronriated for the
purpose and oblects for which
such organization or association
was formed. and from which
profit Is not derived, either di.
rectly or indirectly, by any Indi.
vidual, firm, or corporation: pro-
vided, however, that nothing in
this section shall be deemed to
exempt any such organization or
association from complying with
the provisions of this Article re-
quiring approval from the City
Council or any City Department
to operate such business or ac-
"Section 6112.3. Disabled Ex.
servicemen. Any disabled ex.
serviceman who qualifies under
the provisions of Section 16001 of
the Business and Professions
Code of the State of California,
shall be exempt from the pay-
ment of a business license fee.
"Section 6113. Prohibited Bust -
nesses. It Is not Intended In this
Article to license any business,
occupation or profession prohlb.
Ited by law or by other provisions
of this Code, and such other pro-
visions of this Code prohibiting
certain businesses, occupations,
or callings In the City shall re-
main In full force and effect and
shall not In any way be
amended, repealed or modified
by the provisions of this Article.
"Section 6113.1. Possession of
Certain Games Prohibited. It
shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to keep, main-
tain, possess or have under con-
trol in any place of business, or
any other place of public resort,
either as owner, . lessee, agent,
employee, mortgagee, or other-
wise, any table game or device
commonly known as a'pin game;
'pin ball machine; 'marble ma-
chine; 'one shot marble game;
'horse race machine,' 'claw;
'scoop; or 'grab machine; or any
automatic pay -off machine or
any game of chance commonly
known as a 'slot - machine' or
'slotless slot - machine; the result
of the operation of which ma-
chine is determined by the juxta-
position or alignment of pictures,
symbols or other emblems borne
on revolving or turning reels,
wheels or disks, the operation,
use or play of which Is controlled
by placing therein any coin,
plate, disk, plug, key or other de-
vice, or by the payment of any
Section 6113.1(a). Nuisance.
Any machine, game or device as
described In Section 6113.1 and
which Is kept, maintained, pos-
sessed or controlled in violation
of said section constitutes a pub-
lic nuisance, and the City Attor.
ney of Newport Beach may Insti-
tute abatement proceedings
against the owner or lessee of
any building or place In which
such machine is located.
"Section 6113.1(b). Confisca-
tion of Machines. In addition to
any other remedy provided by
law, any such machine, game or
device as described by Section
6113.1 may be seized by an offi-
cer of the Newport Beach Police
Department acting under the di-
rection of the Chief of Police of
the City of Newport Beach, and a
notice of intention summarily to
destroy such machine or device
must thereupon be posted In a
conspicuous place upon the
premises, In or upon which such
machine or device was seized.
Such machine or device shall be
held by the City for thirty (30)
days after such posting, and if
no action Is commenced to re-
cover possession of such machine
or device within such time, the
same shall be summarily de-
stroyed, or If such machine or
device is held by the Court, In
any civil of- criminal action, to
be in violation of Section 6113.1,
the same shall be summarily de-
stroyed Immediately "after the de-
cision of the Court has become
„Any and all money seized in
or In connection with such ma-
chine or device, Immediately af-
ter such machine or device has
been so destroyed, Is to be paid
into the treasury of the City of
Newport Beach to the credit of
the General Fund.
"Section 6113.1(c). Exception
as to Penny Arcades. Until Oc-
tober 1, 1957, Section 6113.1 of
this Code shall not apply to the
keeping, maintenance, possession
or control In any duly licensed
penny arcade in the City of New-
port Beach of any of the ma-
chines, games or devices as set
forth In Section 6113.1. All such
games and devices In such duly
licensed places of amusement,
and the owners, operators or pos-
sessors thereof shall, however, be
subject to all other laws and ordi-
nances of the State of California,
and the City of Newport Beach
pertaining to gambling.
"Section 6113.2. Portable Food
Stand or Street Kitchen Prohib-
ited. Portable food stand or street
kitchen Is prohibited within the
City, except after Council ap-
proval, on developed privately
owned commercial or Industrial
property, and then only for the
purpose of selling food or re-
freshments to employees of the
business located thereon.
"Portable food stand or street
kitchen means a place where
food is sold, or food Is cooked for
Immediate sale and is portable
and so constructed that It can be
moved from place to place.
"Section 6113.3. Selling from
Wagons Prohibited. No license
shall be granted for engaging in
the business of selling tamales,
tacos, sandwiches, p e a n u t s,
beans, or candies from stationary
wagons, handcarts, trays or bas-
kets upon the public streets, or
vending of any kind.
"Chapter 2 — SCHEDULE OF
"Section 6200. Basic License
Fee. Every person carrying on
the following named businesses
shall pay an annual license fee
of $25.00:
"Advertising, outdoor, except -
Ing advertising of licensee's
own goods on his own prem-
"Airplane, passenger or freight
(Council approval)
"Alcoholic beverage, on sale
(Council approval)
"Ambulance service (Council
"Apartment house, hotel,
motel, rooming house, board -
Ing house, auto court, trailer
park, bungalow court, or Inn
consisting of 3 or more rental
"Art studio
"Attorney at Law
"Automobile: for hire (Council
approval); accessories; deal-
ers, new and used cars;
automotive service station;
"Awning and tent supply
"Bail bond
"Bait and tackle shop
"Barber shop
"Bath house
"Beauty parlor
"Beverage, off -sale liquor,
wherever located
"Bicycle, Including rental
"Billiard or Pool Hall (Council
"Blueprint service
"Boats: fishing barge, sight-
seeing, U- drive, live bait and
watercraft for hire (Council
approval) 'Live bait boat' Is
a boat which sells live bait.
"Boats: charter
"Books and stationery
"Bowling alley
"Broker: real estate insurance,
yacht, stocks and bonds and
any other class of broker
"Building and loan associations
"Building, commercial: lease or
rental except where wholly
occupied by owner
"Cabinet shop
"Camera and photographic
"Canning or preserving plant
"Cold storage locker
"Collection agency or credit
"Contractor: general engineer-
ing; general building; Insu-
lation; boiler; hot water
heating; steam fitting; cabi-
net and mill work; cement
and concrete; electrical (gen-
eral); elevator Installation;
excavating; grading; trench.
Ing; paving; surfacing; floor -
Ing (wood); fire protection
engineering; glazing; warm
air heating; ventilating; air
conditioning; house and
building moving; wrecking;
structural pest control; orna-
mental metals; lathing;
landscaping; masonry or
chimney contracting; paint -
Ing; decorating; paperhang-
ing; plastering; plumbing;
refrigeration; roofing; sew-
ers, drains, pipe laying, sew-
age disposal; sheet metal;
electric signs; steel, reinforc-
ing; steel, structural; tile
(Ceramic and mosaic); water
well drilling; welding; swim-
ming pool; classified special -
A general contractor or
subcontractor engaging in
or conducting other busi-
nesses otherwise subject to
the payment of a separate
business license fee as pro-
vided in this Article, shall
pay the same fee for each
such business as otherwise
provided in this Article.
"Dance hall (Council approval)
"Dancing academy
'Designer or Illustrator
"Drafting services
"Drugs, pharmacy
"Dry cleaning
"Engineering: civil, chemical,
electrical, mechanical, min-
ing, refrigeration, structural
or surveyor
"Floor covering
"Furniture, new or used
"Gardening and landscaping
(except when person so en-
gaged Is paid an hourly
wage and proper federal In-
come tax, social security and
unemployment insurance de-
ductions are being withheld.)
"Gift shop
"Grocery store or market
"Hardware and appliances
"Interior decorator
"Janitor or cleaning service
"Junk dealer or maintaining a
junk yard (Council approval)
'Junk Dealer' is any person,
firm or corporation who col-
lects, buys or sells, either at
wholesale or retail for pur.
poses of salvage, any rags,
sacks, bottles, cans, papers,
rubber, metal or other ar-
ticles commonly known as
"Laboratory, dental and medi-
"Launching ramp (Council ap-
ture, for each device .25.00 a c
"Machine or blacksmith shop
"Soft water service
6202.7 Soliciting, selling, ped-
"Maintenance and repair, gen.
"Sporting goods
dling or distributing goods,
eral (except when person so
wares or merchandise of any
engaged is paid an hourly
"Tire, new and re-cap
class or character, house to
wage and proper federal in-
house or on the public streets
come tax, social security, and
"Transfer and storage
------ - - - - -- --------100.00 a c
unemployment insurance de-
"Travel bureau
"Section 6210. Wheel Tax.
ductions are being withheld).
Every person, firm or corporation
"Marine service station
"Variety store
not having a fixed place of busi-
"Manufacturing or industrial
'Vending machine
ness within the City of Newport
"Meat or fish market
Beach, and who conducts, man -
ages or carries on the business of
"Music: musical instruments
running, driving or operating any
and musical merchandise
"Yacht or boat landing; slip
automobile, automobile truck or
and musical machines or
rental (Council approval)
any other motor vehicle used for
"Section 6201. General Business.
the transportation of baggage,
"Mortuary, undertaking, fun-
The license fee for carrying on
express, freight, household goods,
eral parlor, crematory
every business, trade, calling, oc-
merchandise, food, beverages,
cupation, art or profession not
lumber, gravel, sand, rock, brick,
"Oculist, optician or optome-
otherwise specifically established
cement, oil or any other mate -
by this Article shall be Twenty-
rials and which vehicle receives
"Office supplies and equipment
five Dollars ($25.00) per annum.
or discharges baggage, express,
"Section 6202. License Fee. Spe-
freight, household goods, mer-
"Outdoor musical or special
cial. Every person transacting or
chandise, food, beverages, lum.
events (Council approval)
carrying on the businesses herein
ber, gravel, sand, rock, brick,
"Paint, oil varnish
enumerated shall pay the follow-
cement, oil or any other mate -
"Parking lot
Ing license fee. (Note the letter
rials within the City of Newport
'a' following each amount shall
Beach, shall pay an annual fee of
"Pawnbroker ( C o u n c i l ap-
indicate an annual fee; the letter
$25.00 for each vehicle."
'd' shall indicate daily ,fee; and
SECTION 2: This ordinance
"Petroleum products, wholesale
the letter 'c' shall indicate ap-
shall be published at least once
proval required from City Coun.
In the Newport Harbor Ensign, a
"Physician, surgeon, doctor
newspaper of general circulation,
Section Business Fee
printed and published and cir-
"Planing mill or lumberyard
6202.1 Auction house, or selling
culated In the City of Newport
and building supplies
goods, wares or merchandise at
Beach and the same shall be in
"Pottery and ceramics
auction --- - - - - -- -25.00 d c
full force and effect 30 days after
"Printing: publishing, circulat-
6202.2 Carnival or circus or men-
this passage.
ing, distributing by carrier or
agerie exhibited within the
SECTION 3: Operative Date.
otherwise a newspaper in the
City _ :.... .........................100.00 d c
This ordinance shall be operative
city; conducting a printing
Each side show for which sepa-
as of July 1, 1956, In accordance"
rate admission is charged -- - - - - --
with the Issuance of the City
"Public stenographer
...................... .....................50.00 d c
Council of Newport Beach to re-
"Radio and television sale or
6202.3 Fortune telling, or prac.
vise the Business License sections
tice or profession of astrology,
of the Municipal Code as set forth
palmistry, phrenology, life
In Resolution No. 4529.
"Rentals, general
reading, catamancy, clairvoy.
The above and foregoing ordi-
"Restaurant, cafe, lunch coun-
ance, crystal gazing, hypno.
nance was Introduced at a regu-
ter, cafeteria, chop house,
tism, mediumship, prophecy,
lar meeting of the City Council
coffee shop, fountain, refresh-
handwriting, augury, divina.
of the City of Newport Beach held
ment stand
tion, where a fee Is charged
on the 24th day of September,
and received ..:..............25.00 d c
1956, and was finally passed and
"Salesman, acting as Independ-
6202.4 Game of skill or amuse.
adopted on the Sth day of Octo-
ent contractor
ment not otherwise prohibited
her, 1956, by the following vote,
"Sanitorium, rest home, hospi-
by this Article, for each such
to -wit:
game .............. ...................25.00 a c
Ayes, Councilmen: Hart, Mackay,
"School, private, Including
6202.5 Penny Arcade. For each
Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof,
nursery, art and music
penny arcade, from the date of
"Second hand merchandise
filing an application until Oc-
Noes, Councilmen: None.
"Shoe repair
tober 1, 1957 ... . . . . .. ...........300.00 c
Absent Councilmen: Wilder.
"Shoe shine stand
6202.6 Merry -go- round, circular
Dora O. Hill, Mayor
swing, scenic railroad, ferris
Attest: Margery Schrouder, City
"Sign painter
wheel, airplane glide, swing or
"Skating rink (Co u n c 11 ap -1 similar device or of similar na-
Margery Schrouder
1- ---------------------- ---- ---------------- ----------- -- ------------------- --- City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing --------------------------------------------------- ,----------------------------
No.-- - - - - -- 802----------- - - - - -- --was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the..-- -- 8th October 56
------------- ----day, of -------------- ._ ------------------------------------------- 19.........
by the following vote:
AYES:. COUNCILMEN...... art, MacKay, Stoddard, - - -- ------------------------------ -- ---- ----- --- -- ------- -- ----._ -------------------------------------------------
Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill
• None
NOES: COUNCILMEN ............ .. ...
ABSENT: COUNCILMEN° --- ---- - .................. .....° . .................-... .--- ...........................
2d October 56
Datedthis. .................. .... day of..................... ......................................... ..............................1 19........
.......... ..�..... ....P .
City Clerk Ad Ex- fficio Clerk of the City Council,
City of Newport Beach. State of California
NB 130 - 500 -6/51