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aforesaid Map of the War Depart- The bulkh ead stations and line re-
ment; h
thence, southeaster)
t y in a direct forted to being those laid out and
An Ordinance of the City of Newport .line
to U. 3_ Bulkhead Setation No shown upon a map of the War Depart -
108 as shown upon the aforesaid M' t, showing Harbor lines in New
Beach, by the Board of Trustees
aP.� men -
of the War Department; thence Sr ,uth� port Bay approved January 18th,
thereof, declaring its intention to
15 degrees East along he Bull $� :head 1917.
call an election in that portion of
line between U. S. Bulkhead 9 ,tations 4e saidbulkhead line to a line
From L.
the City of Newport Beach pro-
Nos. 108 and 107, and alit ing, thej 61 feet 6; !aches northerly thereof
posed to be formed into a municipal
southeasterly prolongation of said the wharf 5111•(1 be 16 feet in width,
improvement district, or as the same
bulkhead line to its inteTSe' ction with and from a line 61 feet 6 inches to
may be hereafter modified, for the
the southerly boundary Vine of the a line 100 feet not- therly of the said
purpose of submitting to the quali- i
City of Newport Beach; thence west- bulkhead shall be 10
fied electors of said District the
line the wh '.rf
erly along the southerly, 'boundary line feet in width. The stYtuture of
proposition of authorizing the is-
of the city of Newpr,rt Beach to its wharf Pile
suance and sale of bonds of such
intersection w- -said shall support°;
with tl,ie southwesterly beats, firmly driven be n into th.r bed of
district in the manner and for the
prolongation of th�c center line of 10th) the an Bay A 5 feet iti width;
purposes set forth in this Ordinance.
g �
Street, thence urartheasaerly along and feet in length shall be ^On-
southwesterly prolongation of the structed, one end of which is hinged
ti hereon, on the 7th day of March,
center line of If &h Street and along
1921, there was filed in the office of
to the northerly end of that portion
the center l +, ne of 10th Street to a
the Clerk of the legislative body of
of the wharf 16 feet in , width,
Point which is `1,00 feet northerly of
the City of Newport Beach a pe-
and easterly of the portion pf
the northerly Bole of 'Central Avenue,
tition asking that a portion of the
the wharf 10 ft. in width, the
the place of begriming.
City of :Newport Beach be formed
northerly end of which gang plank
Section I Otg 'Pu,sd3 the da
into a municipal improvement din-
of June„ 1921, an election will be
- shall be supported on a pontoon 18
feet in width and 24 feet in length.
trict for the purpose of creating an
called in said district for the purpose
i The lending pontoon to be held in
indebtedness, to be represented by I
bonds of said district, the proceeds
of submitting, and at said election
i position by wooden guide piles in such '
from the sale of which shall be used
there will submitted to the uali-
fied voters thereof, three proposi-
a manner that it is free to move up .
or down with the fluctuations of the
• for the construction of three public
tions of incurring an indebtedness by
tides, all in a safe, sufficient and ade-
:improvements, all of which the City
the issuance of bonds of such dis-
quote Y.nanner for the purpose of pub -
of Newgorf Beach is authorized by
trio to pay the costs and expenses
tic leasur
Pleasure and recreation, and the
i law to construct.
of the three Proposed public improve-
. uses of Commerce. The sand wharf
Whereas, said petition is signed by I
J more than ten per cent of all the qual -F
ments . a general description of each
to be constructed and to exist
ifr.ed electors residing in the territory
of the three improvements proposed
to be constructed, and an estimate of
4 within
Y the proposed municipal im-
which is proposed to be formed into
the cost thereof, and of the incidental
1 provement district..
a itrtunicipal improvement district and
expenses in connection therewith, are
The estimated cost of which wood- i
sets forth a general description of `as
er, wharf is 4100.00 and of the inci-
the three improvements to be con -
dental expenses in conn• "ecton there -
structed and a general description of:
(a) The improvement of the ocean
I.1 with is $400.00. The propdsed public
the exterior boundaries of such pro-.j
front within the proposed municipal
improvement, the said wooden wharf,
posed district: ,
Now therefore, —
The Board of. Trustees of the
improvement district by the construc-
tion of a wooden wharf at the souther -
City ly end of Main Street, a public street
Iof Newport Beach do ordain as fol-
Section 1- The Board of Trustees
of the city of Newport Beach, as the
legislative body thereof,, hereby de,
clares its intention to exll an elec-
tion in that p.ortiotf of the city of New-
port Beach proposed to be formed
into a municipal improvement district,
or as the saine may be modified as
provided by law for the purpose Of
'submitting to ilic gttalifie4 electors
of said district the proposition -o`f au-
thorizing the issuance and sale of
bonds of such district, in the man-
ner and for the purposes hereinafter
set forth in this Ordinance of In-
Section 2. The exterior boundaries
of the proposed municipal iniprove-
ment distri. ct are accurately desmbed
as follows.:
Locateil in the City oft Newport
Beach, County of Orange, State of
California, and beginning at a point
in the center line of 10th Street;
which point is 100 feet'tiortherly. of
;the northerly line of Central Avenue;
Itlience northeasterly in a direct line
VD U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 150, as
' shown upon a Map of the War De-
partmont of Newport Bay, California,
establishing the harbor lines of said
. Newport Bay, approved January 18,
11917, thence easterly in a direct line
to U. S. Bullhead Station No. 151, as
!shown upon the aforesaid. Map of the
War Department; thence easterly in
a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead Sta-
tion No. 152, as shown upon the afore-
said Map of the War Department;
thence southeasterly in a direct line
to U. S. Bullhead Station No. 153, as
Shown upori the aforesaid Map of the
,War Depa rtment, thence southeaster -
ly; in a direct line to U. S. Bulkhead
'.Station No. 154, as shown upon the
in and of the city of .Newport Beach,
said wharf to extend from the shore
of the Pacific Ocean into and over
the waters thereof, the same to be
constructed by driving wooden piles
into the earth and erecting thereon
a superstructure, consisting of a wood-
ell deck or floor, - three inches in
thickness, supported by stringers rig -,
idly secured to wooden caps resting
upon creosoted pile bents; all in a i
safe, sufficient and adequate manner
for the purpose of public pleasure and
recreation and the uses of commerce,.
said wharf when completed to be 818'
ft. in length, 20 ft. in width, and ap-
proximately 15 ft. above mean lower
low water of the Pacific Ocean. The
said wharf to be wholly constructed
and to exist within the proposed muni-
cipal improvement district.
The estimated cost of which wooden
wharf is $23,000.00 and of the inciden-
tal expenses in connection therewith
is $2,000.00. The proposed public im-
provement, the said wooden wharf,
shall hereafter in this Ordinance of in-
tention be designated "Proposition No.;
1" and the use of the words and figure
"Proposition No. P means and shall'
be construed to mean the said pro-
posed public improvement.
(b) The improvement of the bay!
front within the proposed municipal
. improvement district by the construc-
tion of a wooden wharf, tine center line
of which wharf shall be a line drawn
at right angles to a point which point
is at the intersection of a line 10 ft.
. easterly of and parallel with the west-
erly line of Washington Street, and
the bulkhead line extending between
,United States Bulkhead Stations Nos.t
112 and 113, *and extending from the I
'bulkhead line mentioned to a line 100
ft. northerly of and parallel therewith.
shall hereafter in this On finance of
Intention be designated "P,roposition
No. 2" means and shall be construed
to mean the said proposed public fin-
prevenient. -
(c) The improvement of 1Qewport
Bay, a navigable body of wa.:ter ill-
eluded within the corporate limits of
!the city of Newport Beach, by con -.
I strutting in .a portion of Newport
Bay and within the proposed mini_
opal improvement district of a turn-
ing basin by dredging a turning basin
in Newport Bay to a depth of 1p ft.
below mean lower low water of the
Pacific Ocean, the exterior boundary
Ilines of which turning basin shall in -i
Vrhnde all that portion of Ne:wport
May lying between a line, which line
as 100 ft.. nort4,westerly of and yaral-
let with the northeasterly prolongs-
; tion of the nortlnvesterly line of Palm
St., and a line which is 100 ft, sbuth-
i easterly of and parallel with the
northeasterly prolongation of the
southeasterly line of Main Street,. and
extending from the bulkhead line be- i
tween U. S. Bulkhead Stations Nos
112 and 113 to the Bulkhead line exr
tending from U. S. Bulkhead Stations
Nos. 158 to 156 as said bullhead lines.
and stationsiare laid out and shown',
upon a Map of the War Department
of Newport Bay, approved January
18, 1917, the said turning basin to he
wholly constructed and to exist with- t
in the proposed municipal improve-
ment district.
The estimated cost of which turn-
. ing basin is $11,350.00 and of the in- .
cidental expenses in connection there-
with is $1150.00. The proposed -pub-
lie improvement, the said turning
basin, shaif hereafter in this Ordi-
nance of Intention be designated
Proposition No. 3" and the use of,
the words and figure " Proposition No.t.
3" means and shall be construed to.
mean the said proposed public in-
Section 4. The manner in wLicb authorized, then the estimated cost council chamber of the Board yf�
the propositions shall 1.l- submitted to �,
thereof and the ineiGea!al expenses in �.
Trustees of the city of Newport
the qualified electors and the bonds
csuneiLion therewith in the sum of
Beach, in the City Hall thereof, in
issued and sold is as fellows:
$12,500.00 shall be represented by 25
said city, County of Orange, State of
The propositions shall be submitted [bonds,
numbered from 1 to 25, both
California, is hereby fixed as the date. , l
to said qualified electors by mcatts of
inclusive, each in the denomination of
hour and place for the hearing of pro
a printed ballot and the proposition
$500.00. All dated the 1st day of
of the issuance, and sale of the bonds,
July, 1921. Bonds No. 1 -2 -3 shall fall `
Seciion 7. Tile district formed um
of said district for the construction
due and be paid on the 1st day of July,
der this Ordinancc shall be known
of each of the three proposed public
1922, and annually thereafter on the l
as Municipal Improvement District
improvements, Propositions No. 1 -2 -3 .Ist
day of July, two additional of said,
;Jo. 1 of the city of Newport Beach.
shall be separately stated and set forth
25 bonds in successive numerical or- Section S. There is no newspaper,
upon the printed ballot, so that the
der shall fall due and be paid until all 'of general circulation published in tho�
qualified electors shall have the op-
of said $12,500.00 is well and truly, city of Newport Beach six (6) days a;
portunity and be permitted to vote
paid, being an annual payrgent of
week. This Ordinance shall therefore
thereby in favor of or against the is-
more than one - fortieth part of such
be published by the Clerk of the city
suance and sale of the bonds of said
of Neil-port Beach by one ivscrtinn
district separately for the construe-
Each and every bond issued and
each week for two succeeding weeks
tion of each of the proposed public
sold and the money represented there-
in Newport News, a newspaper of �
improvements. I
by shall bear interest at the rate of
general circulation published in the
For said election a voting precinct
six (6) per. per annum, and
City of Newport Beach less than six �
will be established, a polling place
which interest shall be paid semi -an-
days a week, and shall take effect
designated and a board of election
mially on the 1st day of January and
thirty days after its final passage.
appointed-to consist of one inspectpr,
the 1st day of July each and every
The above and foregoing Ordinance
one judge and one clerk, to hold, con -:
year commencing on the let day of ''.
of Intention No. 178 was introduced(
duct and make returns of said elec -�
January, 1922, until the said bonds
at a regular meeting of the Board of
tion. The said election shall be a
shall have been paid, principal and in-
'rrtstees of the city of .'-Newport;
. special election. If at said election
teres't. The interest on any and all of
Beach held on the 7th day of Ilfarch„
two - thirds or more of all the voters
?aid bonds shall be represented by�inry
1921, and. finally passed and - adopted
voting thereat shall vote in favor of
t"i-st coupons attached to the bonds.
A11 bouds interest
I incurring a bonded indebtedness for
0l said and the
by said Board of Trustees at a reg -'
the construction of anyone or more
thereon to be payable on the days i
meeting F held the 4th
of the proposed public improvements
lined and to be designated in said
day April, 1921,
day by the vote the
set forth and generally described in
bonds and interest coupons and at the
following named members thereof:
named e
Propositions Nos. 1 2 -3, then the is
office of the Treasurer of the of
Ayes, Trustees, J. P. Greeley, J. J.
suance and sale by the Board of Tats
Newport Beach in said City, County
Schenk. Geo. Wilson, Conrad
tees of the city of Newport Bench of
of Orange, State of California, both
liiNoes, L. ;I
j the bonds of said district for such
, the principal and interest to be paid'
Noes, none.
Trustees, non
proposed public improvement shall be;
ill lawhd money of the United States.
Absent, Trustees,
, Truste
All bonds shall be signed by the
The above and foregoing Ordinance
In the event that the issuance and
President of the Board of Trustees of
178 of the city of Newport Beach
sale of the bonds for the construction
the city of Newport Beach, also signed
s s tgned by me this 4th day of April,
of the proposed public improvement
by the Treasurer thereof and counter-
set forth in Proposition No. 1 shall
signed by the Clerk. The interest
Be authorized, then the principal of
coupons on such bonds shall be
President of the Board of Trustees of
the indebtedness to be incurred there
signed by the Treasurer of the city of
the City of Newport Beach.
for, being t?ie estimated cost thereof,
Newport Beach by his engraved or
and the incidental expenses in con-
lithographed signature; Any and all
Clerk of the City of Newport Beach.,
uection therewith, the sum of $25,000
bonds the issuance of which may be'
shall be represented by 50 bonds, unnr-
authorized at said election shall be
tiered from 1 to 50; Loth inclusive,
'sold by the Board of Trustees of the
- --
each bond in the denomination of
city of Newport Beach to the highestl,
r $500.00. All dated the Ist day of
E biddef therefor in cash, lawful money,,
Judy, 1921. Bonds numbered 1 -2 -3
E of the United States, but for not less
- -
shall fall due and be paid oil the Ist
than their par value and the accrued
day of July, 1922, and annually there -
interest thereon.
after oil the 1st day of July two addi.
The proceeds from the sale of any
tional of said fifty- bonds in successive'
such bouds shall be placed in the
numerical ordea, shall fall due and be
Treasury of the city of Newport
paid until all of said $25,000.00 is
l Beach to the credit of the municipal
vieli and Iraly paid, being an annual
improvement district fund, and shall
payment of more than one - fortieth
he applied exclusively to the purposes
part of wile indebtedness.
for which the same was voted.
In the event that the issuance and
Section 5. A map showing the ex -1
sail- r,I the bonds for the construction
terior boundaries of said district with
of the piopo.cd public improvement
relation to the territory immediately
set forth in Proposition No. 2 shall
Lc :,uthamed. then the estimated
contiguous thereto and a general de-
ws[ iLr-cof and the ini idea tal ex-
ponscs in connection therewith in the
scription of the proposed improve-
sum of $4500.00 shall be represmrted
ments is oil file in the office of the
by nine Londs, numbered from t to 9.
Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the
boI12 inclusive, each bond in the de-
city of Newport Beach, as the legis-
nomination of $500.00, dlt dated the
(alive body thereof, which map shall
Ist day of jrly, 7921. Bond : 1
govern for all details as to the extent
;of said district, and to which map all
sh all [all and be Paid on
h �'ue the l;'
day of lull-. 1922, and annually there
I interested persons are hereby referred
liter on the 1st day of Jtly one adli.
1 Section 6. Any person interested
.d snit bonds if successive
objecting to the formation of said
I e
uierical order stall fall due and 1 e
district of to the extent of Said dis
I aid until :.ii of the said sum of
tent, or g) the improvements proposed
$4500.60 is we!l and truly paid, berg
to be constructed, or to the inclusion
annual of more than one
of his property in said district, may
fortieth part such indebtedness.
fo rt of
file a written protest setting forth
7n the event that the issuance and
such objection with the Clerk of the
sale of the bongs for the construction
legislative body at or before the time
of the proposed public iniproveu tent
set for the hearing of said petition,
set forth in Proposition No. 3 shall be
and the hour of 7:30 m. of ThursI
day, the 5th day of Nfav, 1921.
i -_
at th.e;