HomeMy WebLinkAbout189 - Prohibiting Intoxicating Liquor169 _W­ t so. Cu other manufacturers of such ORDINANCTs NO. 169: means _ transportation. or in any Ito s liquor. or to other wholesale drug_; _ club. h hotel. or in any private rump or' l An Ordinance of the City of New suite o of rooms in any club. or h 4 port.Beach proj�ibiling the manu -Ior t theater. or store. or a building de-11 d permit. 4 facture. sale, storage. or transpor- voted t to public use or purpose or ( b the; for sacramental purposes Y Cation of intoxicating liquor in the other p public p manufacturer of same. or to retail' City of Newport Beach. the fmpor- have o per s druggists holding valid permits to do tation tllereof into. cr the exports- ion a any intoxicating liquor. except as g providing shell wine is furnished r tion thereof out of. said city for pfovid_Rr e erein. - o only to a regularly ordained priest or r beverage purposes. except an in this - S Seeiion 5. It shall be unlawful for m minister. or by written order of the Ordinance prescribed. and provid- any p p. Vocal official board or governing body ing pgrialties for all violations there- intoxicating l .. V of a religious organization regularly of. semi- p public place. except as herein f u using the same for sacramental put ,provided. , ,poses. of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- any p person to solicit. take. or receive I � lows: any order for intoxicating liquors. or hug valid permits to do so, but for Section 1. Whenever and wherever to h information how such o used in this Ordinance, certain words6 eating l liquors may be obtained, or' a prescription issued, signed..and dat -. terms, and phrases shall mean, and w where they are, except that persons e ed by a physician• Every such gre- at all times be construed to have the h holding valid permits to manufacture s scription shall be issued by the phy- meaning, defined in this section o or sell intoxicating liquors for non - Isician a and filled by the druggist in The word "liquor- or the phrase b beverage purposes may •accept orders - conformity with and by the authority - "intoxicating liquor" shall be con- f for such liquors on the premises o of the law of the United States. pro- - - srrped to include alchohol. brandy. w where they may be legally sold6 and h hided. that in addition to all other re -i ` ` whisky, rum, gin6 beer. ale. porten and r representatives of such manufacturers p pi rements of law the name of the i wine, and in addition thereto, any a and all wholesale druggists may take P Pherson applying for the prescription.' spiritous• vinous, malt, or fermented o orders for such liquors from persons', a and hie name and address of the per- liquor; liquids6 and compounds, wheth h holding valid permits to, purchase the f f sou for whose use the prescription is er medicated6 proprietary, patented. or s same. m made, shall be inserted therein by the I r r nol— and-by whatever name called. S Section 7. It shall he unlawful for p physciau issuing the same at the time' containing a one -half of one per cent or y ally person to advertise anywhere or � the prescription is made or given. and y more of alchoh l by any means or method intoxicating t that not more than one sale or fur :are fit for use for beverage purposes6 l liquors or the manufacture6 sale. keep- W Wishing is Wade upon such prescrip -, or - which 1 may be used for beverage i ing for sale, or furnishing the same, t tiou:,that not more than sixteen oun -I purposes. o or where, how, from whom, or at c ces of spiritous liquor and not more d d The term. " wholesaie druggist" w what place, the same may be ob- � �vfnous or malt liquor than is permit - shall mean one who sells drugs at G Gained. No one shall permit any sign b bled by the law of the United States.I wholesale and not to the general pub- v 1.; �.::i _�, f ✓�. :'.. ..Oj. :rill ..0 U i C v °O'P... O.t." ( P In C,. O. Z ^:? 1:., .,:f1 -1 "1:t "0..., : of a,. C'rAin').n Crl l) "snn.c' .!" 1;' , +0111� O" 2n-'6' rl,: - of ! n::o')ri,, ).n2Z •i :;h,, t- ., .. , O�.'ii -. 17LZ�)J. ?. Yti' Coo ' ,. r,.) ;.O 1!r !c; rations are manufactured in the City l formation. Kind and quality of liq mainder of the ordinance shall not -� of Newport ' P.cach, they shall be nor therein; by whom ld (giving the 'whom thereby be invalidated, but 'shall re y ., manufactured only by persons hold name address,) to sold, (giv main in full force and effect. �. ing valid permits to keep alchohol for ing the name and address;) purposes Section 14. An person who shall. y p non - leverage purprisrs, and such prep - for which sold, and date of sale. violate an of the provisions of this Y i arations, whether made in the city of Section 9. It shall be unlawful for ordinance shall be guilty of a misde- Newport Beach, or imported, shall be any person, with intent to effect a meanor, and on convichou [hereof ,<" sold only for lawful purposes, and not ,sale of liquor by himself, his employ shall be punished by a fine not to ex- as beverages; provided, further, that i, ee, servant or agent, for himself, or ceed three hundred dollars ($3(10) or ' any any person who slgall knowingly sell any person, company, or corporation .. ,. imprisonment m ail for not to ex -I y p 1' �• anv liquor, compound, flavoring ex. to keep or carry, either on his person ceed ninety days, or by. both such tract, whether medicated, proprietary, or in a vehicle, or other conveyance, fine and imprisonment. Ail intosi- Patented, or not, by whatever name whatever, or leave in a place for an citing liquors held, Possessed or g 1 called, containing one -half of one per other to secure, any intoxicating liq- stored in the city of New prrct Brxch centum or more of alchohol by vol- nor, or to solicit, or take or accept for the purpose of violating and with I .,, nine, or anv extract or syrup for in- orders for the sale, shipment, or de- intent to use the same in the vipon toxicating beverage purposes, or who livery of intoxicating liquors in vqo- Lion of this ordinance, shell, upon shall sell any of the same, under cir lation of this ordinance. conviction of the person or persons so ! cumstauces from which the seller Section 10. It is hereby made man- holding, possessing or storm the g' p g g might reasonably deduce the iuten- Idatory upon and the duty of the Mar -.same of a violation of this ordinance,'' lion of the purchaser to use them for I shal of the City of Newport Beach and upon order of the court in wllich such P beverage purposes, or shall sell any all his deputies and of every police of. conviction is had, be fortln+ith des - beverage containing one -half of one ficer thereof to place persons suspect - tro ed. y _ , per centum or more of alchohol by violating this ordinance under stir, aed parts Section 15. All crdi.ict volume, in which any extract, syrup, v 11 veillance, and to use all available pteans he of ordinances in conflict herewidq are or other article is used as an ingredi to detect and apprehend all persons hereby repealed. ... cut, shall be subject to the penalties violating any of the provisions of this Section 16. This Ordinance shall he. hereinafter prescribed. ordinance. signed by the President ,f the Board' (h)The keeping of any intoxica Section I1. Nothing in this ordin- of Trustees and att,sie,l by the Cerkj auce shall be deemed or construed to .)f the city of Newport Beach and be sting liquor by any person at his home, authorize the searching of any per- published once in the NBA \'PO I T !and file serving of the same to mem. 'bets of his family or to guests as an son or premises whatsoever in any NEWS. a weekly ncgvspaper pouted, act of hospitality, when nothing of'; manner, other than by authority reg. 'published, and circulated iu the city value n representative of value ularly obtained therefor in accordance law; but of Newport Beach, and it shall take i n return the therefor, and wheenn with the the right ht to ob- " g ^Rees and be in force thirty ('30) days �ceiyed such home is not a place of public Main a search warrant, exercise the Liter its final passage. resort, or a room or suite of rooms 'right to search, as provided by law, is The above and foregoing Ordin-I in any hotel or club. hereby made applicable to this ordin- iuce was regularly passed at a meet- (i The transportation out of, or (i) m the enforcement thereof. stees held o! ing of the Board of Trustees ` into, , the City of Newport Beach, of Section 12. This Ordinance is not :he 24th day of Octoher, 1921, by the liquor for non heir, inieuded to authorize or permit the following vote: . ,intoxicating erage purposes, when such liq- doing of any act in connection with Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J.� -,v e nor is shipped or received the intoxicating liquors unlawful un- . jchnitlrer, Ceo. - P. Wilson, Conrad, by a person hoping a valid permit der the laws of the Lunted. States and '2ichter, L. S, Nilkinsun. manufacture, sell or receive such liq- of the State of California; it is the Noes, Trustees, None. nor, and Provided, there is securely exercise only of a concurrent power Absent, Trustees, None, fastened to the container holding such for the prevention and prohibiting the J. P. C,RFELF, Y, liquor, a legibly written or printed list- for beverage purposes of intoxi- President of the Board of Trustees. statement English, signed by the eating liquor in the city of Newport city of Newport Beach. shipper and giving the following in- Beach. ` Attest: ALiFRFD SMITH, Section 13. In case any section or (Clerk of the City of Newport Beach . sections, or part of any sections, of (Seal.) r i tt{is Ordinance shall be found to be - unconstitutional or invalid, the re- v 1.; �.::i _�, f ✓�. :'.. ..Oj. :rill ..0 U i C v °O'P... O.t." ( P In C,. O. Z ^:? 1:., .,:f1 -1 "1:t "0..., : of a,. C'rAin').n Crl l) "snn.c' .!" 1;' , +0111� O" 2n-'6' rl,: - of ! n::o')ri,, ).n2Z •i :;h,, t- ., .. , O�.'ii -. 17LZ�)J. ?. Yti' Coo ' ,. r,.) ;.O 1!r !c;