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ORDINANCE NO. 182 Ae r"" -
Meaning y to '
t e cos oes no exceed 0.00
" � �
The building inspector is hereby
building ct
in value, he may issue a permit but
shall not charge a fee for same.
given authority to rule . as to the.
OF NEWPORT BEACH PRO -, meaning of the various provisions of..
Where the contemplated building
'V.IDING FOR THE APPOINT. I this Ordinance and, to allow the' is located in a Fire District, and ex-
$100.00 in
MENT OF A BUILDING IN -I substitution of equally strong or ser -I ceeds value the applicant,
SPECTOR' AND ASSISTANT viceable construction in place of any shall, upon request of the budding in-
BUILDING INSPECTORS AND. specified by this Ordinance, but in' l
spector, file with said building in-
PRESCRIBING RULES AND; case where any ruling is made by the I ;.
Spector a complete set of plans and
REGULATIONS GOVERNING building inspector regarding substi-
specifications covering the work to
THE ERECTION OF BUILD -I tute construction or in deciding any
be done, which said plans and
INGS INI`j THE CITY OF NEW -� disputed question as to the meaning
n the
fications shall remain on file in the
PORT BEACH,' AND PROVID -' of any part of this Ordinance, a writ-
office. of the building inspector five
ING A, PENALTY FOR: ALLY ten copy of such decision shall be
years after completion ", occupancy
VIOLATIO$lS THEREOF. posted in a conspicuous place easily
of the said building .and np longer:`
All such plans and drawings shall
.accessible to the public in the office
The Board of '1�Fustees of the City of the building inspector, and these
be drawn to a scale not less than
I of Newport Beacb do ordain. as fol-, decisions shall be kept permanently
eighth of an inch to' an paper
� foot o ape-
lows: on. file. in a place as noted above and i
or cloth, in ink or by some other
process that will not fade or obliter-
Section 1. in such manner that they may be
' There shall lie a Building Inspector easily consulted-by any one wishing
ate. All dinumsioft . and distances
and such assistant Inspectors as the to- examine them.
shall be accurately figured and
drawings made explicit and com-
Board of Trustees may deem neces- Section 5.
sary, appointed by and holding of- Board of Appeal.
Plete. All said plans presented shall
fice at the pleasure of'the Board. No In case of dissatisfaction with any
be accompanied by a set of specifica-
person shall be appointed as Building ruling of the building inspector, ex..
lions describing all materials, to be
. Inspector who has not had at least . cept in the case of unsafe buildings
used in the proposed building and,
five (5) years experience, either as a� requiring immediate attention, thel
in any. case requiring special calculi-,
des[ ner or constructor 'of buildings,. i dispute may referred
designer question
lions or knowledge of strength of ma-
.or as assistant Inspector who has; to a board of 1, the decision of
terials, the building inspector may re-
g P y
quire such strain sheets and copies of
not bad at least three (3) years like a majority of whom shall be binding.
he deem
experience. It shall be the duty ofi Such a board shall be composed of
calculations as may neces -,
If,upon examination the build -
the Building Inspectoe to make such three persons qualified to decide the .sary.
be to
ing inspector shall find that the plans
inspections as may necessary question at issue, one appointed by
see that�the provisions of this Ordi- the building inspector, one by the .
and specifications the completed
nance and of the Tenement House Act. party making the appeal and the third
work are not in accordance with the
Hotel and Lodging House Act, by the two members already chosenthe,
Ordinance of th City of Newport
Beach, he shall indicate such
and Dwelling House Act, all Members .of the board of appeal shall
the State of California, are com- 5.00 for their 'ficiency
in writing on a correction
of each receive services
plied with. It shall be the further in the case of each appeal for each
sheet and return the drawings and
duty of the Building Inspector to day or part of a day that their ser-
specifications with such correction
bring action in the proper Court vices are required. Appeals from the
sheet to the applicant for the permit.
against any party -or parties who viol- decision of the building inspector
and no permit shall be issued until
such drawings and specifications
ate the provisions of this Ordinance shall be made by filing with the
have been corrected.
or the above mentioned Act of the building inspector a specific state-
When plans and specifications are
State of California with the purpose ment of the question that the appel-
within the meaning of this ordinance
of having such party or parties pen- lint desires passed upon. The ap-
alized as provided for in the several pellant shall deposit with the build-
they shall be accepted and permit
statutes. ing inspector the sum of thirty dol-
Inspector is hereby
issued and the building inspector
shall stamp such plans and spe
The Building lars at the time the appeal is made.
given authority to enter any build- This appeal must be made within
fications as follows: Plans ed
ing in the City of Newport Beach in five days after the building inspector
for. construction subject to the re-
quirements of the building ordinance
the performance of his duties, and is :has passed upon the question in
- -
of the City of Newport Beach and
further given authority to order and -- - 'b
compel the suspefision of any or all _ dispute.» -It the oard of appeal
State of California.
work or the occupancy of any build- shall decide in favor of the appellant
The stamping of any plans or
ing on which any work is being done, the deposit made shall be returned
specifications shall not be held to
or which is being occupied in viola- and the expense paid by the city, but
permit or to be an approval of any
lion of the provisions of this Ordi- if the decision is against the appel-
lant, the deposit shall be used to de-
violation of this Ordinanc e.
permit Card
nance, or the above mentioned elctsl
of the State of California. fray the expenses of the board of ap-
When permit is given, a card shall
The Building Inspector and the as- Peal.
Board of Appeal
accompany it showing number of
Powers of
sistant Building Inspectors shall re -P
ceive such remuneration as the Board The power of the board appeal
permit, and this card must posted
in a conspicuous spot on the building
of Trustees of the City of Newport shall be limited to passing upon the
at all times during construction.
Beach shall from time to time decide true intent and meaning of the var-
If such permit has been granted;
upon. ious provisions of this or
Section 2. upon the substitution of equally good
plans shall not be changed except in
minor details not affecting structural
Notice of Violation of Ordinance 'or more desirable construction, but
parts, stairways, elevator shafts, fire
It shall be •a violation of this Or- they shall not have power to other-
wise modify any of the provisions of
escapes or means of communication
or of egress or ingress without notice
dinance for any person to continue
the construction or use of any build -[this Ordinance.
having first been given to the build-
ing' or part thereof if the Building) Section 6. I pe
ing inspector and his approval ob-
,Inspector has directed in writing 'that rmits
It be unlawful for any firm,'
tained, and if such change increases
the cost of the work, the
such construction or use be suspend-I shall
ed. The posting of a written or print -. corporation, person, owner, architect,
building inspector shall be paid an
ed notice on the building shall,be con -, lessee, builder, occupant, or other
additional fee for such change in
sidered a sufficient notification as person to commence or proceed with
accordance with the schedule of fees.
required in this Ordinance, and it the erection, construction, alteration,
demolishing (re-
hereinafter provided, such work to
shall be a violation of this ordinance repair, moving or
be charged for as an additional per-1
to remove such a notice except bylstoration of plaster and painting ex-
mit, and in any case where separatel
permission of the Building Inspector.' cepted) of anv building or any part
or additional permits are .taken out',
The Building Inspector is hereby of any building or other structure
on any work such permits are to be,
given authority to .delegate any or within the city limits (other than
charged for as additional permits in
all of his powers to his assistants at building or part of any, building or
other structures erected b� yy the City
each case.
Specifying Floor Loads
his pleasure.
Section 3. of Newport Beach, County of
Before a permit shall be issued for
Dangerous Structures Orange, State of California) unless a
any building other than one intended
Whenever the Building Inspector permit to do such work has first been
for private residence, the floor plans
shall find that any structure or part, obtained as herein provided. Any
shall have plainly marked on them
thereof is in a condition dangerous I person or persons desiring such per-
the net load per square foot that the
to persons or property by reason of mit shall file with the building in-
(o blank to be furnished
floor$ are .designed -to carry, and in
any defective construction or unsafe s spector a
condition rendering the building on by said bun ilding inspector) an ap-
case of post and girder or skeleton
construction being used a schedule
safe the purpose for which it is Plication therefor. Such application
of loads shall be given showing the
used, or does not comply with the shall give the location of the propos-
total load that each member includ-
regulations enacted for the protection ed building, erection and alteration
ing the footing is designed to carry.
of life and property in case of fire, or repairs, moving or demolishing by
Section 7.
he shall notify the owner, or post a lot, block, tract and house number
the building calling atten- (obtained from the City Engineer)
The fee to be paid the building in-
. notice on
tion to the defects in the "building, or other description from the records
spector for the issuance of any permit;
or part thereof, and within forty- of the County of Orange, (or other
hereof shall be as follows:
hours after such notice has records) so as to be readily identi-
Less than $500. ........................$1.00
been served or posted, work must be fled; the general dimensions, number
501..00 to $2.00
$ $1� ........................
begun on, and the building or part and height of stories, name of the
$1001.00 to 1500.00 ..............::........$2.50
thereof made to Comply with this firm, Corporation, person, owner,
$]501.00 to $2500.00 .....$3.00
Ordinance. I lessee, architect, builder, occupant or
$2501.00 to $3500.00 ...$4.00
h such Where the public safety requires other person
$3501.00 to $3750.00 ........................$4.25.
immediate action the building in- Fork, shall give a full and complete
is hereby estimate of the cost of the work,
$3751.00 to $4000.00 .... 4.50
Spector may and given
• authorhy to enter upon the premises state for what purpose the building
$4001,00 to $4250.00 ........................$4.75
with such assistants as may be net. is designed to be used, and contain
essary and cause the said structure.such other information. as required
$4251.00to$4500.00 ........................$.5.00
$4501.00 to $4750.00 ........... .....$5.25.
to be secure or taken down I by the form of application in use.
$4751.00 to $5000.00 ....... ........... 501
without delay at the expense of. the L If :upon examination of any
$,5001.00 to $5250.00 ...................:..:. .751
owner or party interested, and such' I application for a permit' to do
Many building[ outside ^"a "fire dis-
$5251.00 to $55.00.00 ................. $6.00
$5.501.00 to $5750.00 $6.25
expeifse shall constitute a lien against
'trtcl,, the, tm id idspector shall
......................... ;
$5751.00 to-i 0W.D0
.the property. ,g
.......... .... ... ,,$654.
;6UU LUU to $bLDU.w .......... .s
a,�nne .....or s .. .. - _- -_
;6251,00 to $6500.00 ...................... is known = as mill or, slow burning must 'specify the details la the he
;6501.00 to $6750.00 .................... P;il.'2 construction;' the outside walls con - enforcement. In calculating the
;6751.00 to $7000.00 ....... . ..............$7.50 strutted of fire -proof materials. strength of the different parts of re-.t
;7001.00 to $7250.00 .. .. ........:::$7;75 Class "C" buildings shall be build- enforced concrete structures the fol
67251.00to $7500.00 _ .....................$8.001 ings whose outside walls are of mas- lowing limitations must be Observed:-
;7501.00to$7750.00 ........................$8.25 onry or fire -proof material. The The size of the columns, 'girders or
;7751.00 to $8000.00 ....................... $8.50 floors and roof carried on wooden beams to be taken to the .outside of
$6001.00 to $8251.00 ..............._.......$8.75 joists supported on the walls or on the re- enforcing material only. Con -
$8251.00 to $8500.00 ........................$9.00 wooden, iron or steel beams and crete outside of re- enforcing mater -
$8501.00 to $8750.00 ....................... $9.25 columns, or any combination of ials to be considered as fire - proofing
$8751.00 to $9000.00 ..................... 9.50 these, and no partjtion shall he used only except in partitions which carry
$9001.00 to $9250.00 $9.75 for the support of floor joists in any no loads, on which there shall be no
W51.00to$9500.00 ............... $10.00 class "C" building, except that in such limitations.
$9501:00 to $9750.00 ......................$10.25 two story buildings and in three In isolated beams where steel is
$9751.00 to $10000-00 ....................$10.50 story buildings the upper two stories figured to develop full strength,"the
For each additional $1000.00 or may be tarried on stud partitions. area of tensile re- enforcement must
fraction thereof "df the cost of such No buildings of class "C" construc- not exceed one per cent of sectional
work above $10,000.00 and not ex- tion shall exceed in height 60 feet and area of beam, excepting that excess
ceeding $50,000.00, $1.00, and for the number of stories shall not ex- tensile reinforcement may be al-
each additional $1000.00 or fraction teed four exclusive of basement. lowed if compressive re- enforcement
thereof of the cost of such work- Class "D" buildings shall include equal to 1% times the excess area of
above $50,000.00 and not exceeding all buildings not of class "A ", "B" (tensile re- enforcement used.
$100,0woo, $0.50, and for each ad- or "C" construction, and must not I Data for Calculation
ditional $1000.00 or fraction thereof exceed three stories or forty feet in The following shall be the mini-
he' of the cost of such work above $100,- ight. mum requirements:
000.00, cost Section 13. Maximum allowable fibre stress in
The building inspector shall keep Class "A" Specifications I steel 16,000 pounds per square inch.
i roper books in accurate record of Class "A" or fire -proof buildings Maximum shearing stress on con-
received under this Ordinance, must meet the following minimum, crete 50 pounds per square inch.
giving the name of the party paying requirements. Exterior walls built as Maximum direct compression al-
filler walls, that is walls which are lowed on concrete 500 pounds per
the same, the date, and the amount,
d such books shall be kept open carried at every story by beams of square inch, except in hooped col-
public inspector. fire -proof construction, shall be not umns, where 750 pounds will be al- -
Failure to Obtain Permit less than 4 inches thick of reinforced lowed.
If any work shall have been done concrete and not less than 8 inches Maximum shearing stress in steel
thick for other masonry. Interior 10,000 pounds per square inch.
on any building or part of a building,
court walls not less than 3 inches Adhesion of steel to concrete plain
for which a Permit is required by this
Ordinance, before such permit shall thick if of reinforced concrete or 6 bars 50 pounds per square inch. sur-
Ordi inches thick if of other masonry. All face of bar, deformed bar 75 pounds.
have been taken out, and such permit
shall be subsequently issued, double hollow partitions or interior per- Ratio of moduli of elasticity of steel
e fees herein provided shall be col- manent partitions shall be built of to concrete 15 to 1.
the fees fire -proof materials. Design for re- inforced concrete
Fireproofing construction must conform to stand -
Section S. and engineering practice, and special
Expiration of Permit All wood trim must be backed care must be taken to see that prop -
If the work authorized by said solidly. Where skeleton steel con- er precautions are followed when
permit is not begun within 60 days struction is used cast iron columns ourin to prevent weakenin the
from the date hereof, said permit may be used where height of build- struct ue. In no case must forms or
shall thereafter be void, and before ings does not exceed five stories.' supports be removed before the
such work can be commenced, a Where cast iron, wrought iron or cement is properly set and not with-
the new permit shall herein taken out, and protected by are used they must not in 14 days in the case of slabs, beams
the same fees as herein fixed for the P Y Y and columns.
original permit shall be paid. less than 3 inches in thickness on The building inspector shall have
Section 9. all sides, unless concrete n H ns used, in P
which case the minimun thickness, 2 authority to compel proper precau -'
It shall be unlawful for any per- inches, shall be used. Where in cas- tions being taken to insure correct
son to conceal any wiring or plumb- ing masonry is other than concrete casting, but this section shall not be
ing until same has been approved and there shall be a space of not less construed as holding the building in-
passed by the City Electrician and than one inch left between the masonry. spector or the city liable for defective
Plumbing Inspector. and the column, which space shall construction.
Section 10. be filled solidly with liquid cement Test Load
The contractor must be prepared to
Wrecking grout as the courses are laid up.
When any existing building or part This inch may be figured as part of make load tests of twice the intended
thereof is to be demolished, a state- the thickness of the casing, where'safe load if required by the building.
ment shall be filed with the building; masonry of any description is used it inspector on any portion of re- infore-
inspector stating the work to be ed concrete or steel constructed
P H must a thoroughly bonded together,,
done, and if this is approved a per - with metal rods of wire. Wrought iron building 30 days after such portion
mit shall ke issued and a fee of $1-00 'Or steel girders in outside walls shall has been erected, and the parts so
charged. The building. inspector 'is be similarly covered with masonry tied tested must not show deflection of
hereby given authority to compel the and bonded but the extreme outer more than 1-400 of the clear span. All
person or persons doing the wreck - ,edges of the flanges or beams and cement used in re- inforced concrete
ing to do such work in a safe man- plates or angles connected to the work must be tested by a responsible
ner, and the same regulation shall beams may project to within one inch tester. The building inspector may,
apply to the use of streets as requir- of the outside surfaces of the if he wishes accept manufacturers'
ed in the case of new buildings. Any masonry casing. tests. All o{ these tests to meet the
dry materials, such as plaster, must Stone Facing requirements specified by the Ameri-
'•:be wet down to lay dust. A facing of granite, marble or other can Society for Testing Materials.
Section 11. stone which is subject to disintegra- Machine.
When any frame or other building tion by heat shall not be considered All concrete for re- inforced con -
within the fire limits is damaged by as fire - proofing. In no case shall a crete construction must be mixed in
fire,' decay, or other cause in the granite or marble column be used to a machine which mixes one complete
estimation of the 'building inspector carry a wall exceeding one story in batch at a time. All concrete shall
to the extent of forty (40) per cent.( height. No pipes, electrical wires or be thoroughly mixed to a homogene-
of its actual value, it shall be unlaw conduit of any kind shall be incased ous mass before being placed in the
ful to repair or reconstruct such in the fire - proofing surrounding any forms. Hand mixing may be used,
building, column, girder or beam of steel or provided ten per cent more cement
Section 12. iron, but shall be placed outside of is used than would be required by
It shall be unlawful to erect any such fire - proofing. machine mixing. ,.
building over sixty OW feet in Where the fire -proof protection of Proportion of Concrete
height, measured from the sidewalk columns may be exposed to damage The concrete must be of such
level to the top of the cornice, and from trucking or handling of mer- Proportions that it will resist a
said cornice shall in no case project chandise, such fire -proof protection crushing strain of two thousand
more than two (2) feet from the shall be jacketed on the outside for a Pounds per square inch, after hard-
building line, where said building is height of not less than 4 feet, either i ening for twenty -eight days, but for
perpendicular from the street line. with heavy sheet metal or hard wood re- inforced _or... -plain- concrete col -.
Parts of buildings may exceed the strips not less than 2 inches thick.y umns, the mixture shall not be leaner
height of sixty (60) feet providing all All exposed sides of iron or steel I than one part of cement, three of
parts fall below a line drawn upwards beams used to carry any portion of sand, and five of the coarser aggre -,
at an angle of forty -five (45) degrees the load in the building shall be en- gates in any case. In case where the
from the extreme outer edge of the tirely encased as specified above for building inspector is in doubt as to
above named projecting cornice. beams and columns. these requirements being met, he
Classes of Buildings The filling between beams of fire- may compel tests to be made at the
Class A" buildings shall be what proof floors when other than a re- expense of the builder.
is ordinarily known as fire -proof inforced concrete must correspond to Section 15.
buildings. The walls must be built the requirements of the building code Mill Construction, Class "B"
of fire -proof materials consisting of of the National Board of Fire Under- Mill constructed buildings to meet
masonry walls or of filler walls tar- writers as required in the edition of requirements of class "B" shall have
ried on a skeleton constructon of ,1909. exterior walls of masonry or other
iron or steel beams which must be Section 14. fire -proof material and must meet
properly fire- proofed or of rein- Re- inforced Concrete the following minimum requirements
forced concrete. Trim, window Re- inforced concrete construction for interior construction: All inter -
frames, finish, floors, sash and doors, ,when used in any building must meet for loads shall be carried on post and
and all of what is ordinarily known the following minimum requirements: girder construction, minimum size of
as the interior trim of the building, Re- inforced concrete shall be con- post 10 inches square, except those
may be of hard wood in a class "A sidered class "A" construction pro- supporting the roof, which may be'
building. All, partitions extending to vided that the minimum thickness of 8 inches square, minimum width ofl
the cell ;n t Ize .oi� (rkE roof ma 1 concrete surrounding re- inforced floor girders 10 inches roof girders
tcrj> l a- '-aUE tk;R7io5 rovided, members o4 columns,, shall be two 8 inches , floor beams 6 inches, min-
[fkYtr, - �,b_R[�o-}. inches, of gjrtJ�' ,a,rbd beams I''% ;mum depth, beams and
Dots an cams-
07 {tcejuilding —A building the orals and o gmQ Doses —er
Floors to be solid, constructed not,
whole or largest part of which is in-
four stories high must be of class
less than two inches thick, planking'
tended to be used for office .purposes,
"A" construction, two stories or more
"B" conform
tongued and grooved or splined.
and no part of which is used for liv-
class construction, must
Flyor Beams must rest on top of
.ing purposes, except by the janitor
to statutes of California.
houses — Seating
girders or on iron or steel plates
and his family.
Moving picture
hundred one
walls. Girders shall rest on iron or
Public Hall —A room for public
between three and
steel plates in walls, and on iron or
assembly, having a total seating cap-
thousand people roust_ be of
steel caps at columns, or in case Of'acity
of 100 or more persons, not in-
"A" or "B" construction. In seating
must be of .
wood construction on wood
corbels, joists and girders to be self-
eluding a theatre. �:.
Theatre —A building containing $
over one thousand people
class "A" construction, or must meet '
releasing at wall bearings. Columns,
room used for public entertainments,
the requirements for theaters, and. in
or beams of iron or steel shall
having a seating capacity of 300 or
any case must meet the same requre-
be fire - proofed with metal lath and
more, and a stage upon which seen -
ments as laid down for a theater of
plaster or other approved material.
cry is used.
equal seating capacity, as', affecting
Roof shall be 2 inch planking and
Hospital and Sanitarium or Asylum
the seating, entrance, and exit
covered with metal or other approved
—A building in which sick, dement-
audience, width of aisles, entrance,,
incombustible roof covering. Parti-
ed or injured, infirm, aged or orphan
exits and means of fighting fire. Any
shall be of three -inch planking,
persons are housed or intended to be
building or room which shall be used
metal lath and plaster or of nncom-
for moving picture purposes shall
bustible material. Other features of
Warehouse —A building used for
have two ventilators over the stage
construction must meet class "C"
the storage of goods, wares or mer-
not less than three feet in diameter,
chandise in whch no manufacturing
and extending four feet above the
Section 16-
is done.
ridge of the roof. The moving pic-
Slow Burning Construction
Factory —Every building in which
tuie operating room must
(he National
Slow burning construction shall
any goods, wares or other articles
are manufactured.
with the requirements of
Electrical Code, and must be inspect -'
construed as meaning any
would meet the requirements
Public Garage —Every building in
ed and approved by the City Electri-
a class "C" building, but having
which two or more motor vehicles
cal Inspector before being used. No
column and girder construction, and
are stored or repaired, or both, for
smoking in any portion of the audi-
all parts of the columns, girders,
the public.
torium, stage or other room of
No license
ceilings and partitions entirely cover-
- -- - -
Store Building— A building used
place will be allowed.
be for the operation of
ed with metal lath and plaster,
incombustible material so
wholly or in part for the purpose of
shall granted
a moving picture show or similar
or similar
applied as not to be easily dislodged,
exhibiting goods, wares or merchan-
theatre until the building is approved
and having all floors double, when
in writing by the chief of the fre
less than 2 -inch planking is used.
story and a -half buildin A
Y g—
department, the electrical inspector
Section 17.
building in which the exterior per
and the building inspector.
pendicular wall of the upper story
Moving Picture Machine Enclos-
For the purpose of this Ordinance,
does not exceed one -half of the
ure— Machine must be placed in an
the following definitions shall be ac-
greatest height of such upper story,
enclosure or room made of suitable
cepted as correct unless it is apparent
at its highest point.
fire -proof material, must properly
from the context that they are used
Length of Building —the greatest
lighted and conform to the following
with another meaning.
Alterations —Any change or ad-
linear dimension.
Width —The greatest next linear
Where one moving picture machine
is to be used the floor space shall not
Repairs —The re- construction or re-
Height —Shall be measured from
be less than 6 feet by 8. feet in area,
newal of any existing part of a build-
the curb level from the center of the
with a ceiling height not law than 7 feet
front of the building to the to of
g P
and shall be provided with a vent
Party wall —A wall used or built
the ceiling joists of the top story.
not less than 15 inches in diameter
to be used in common by two build -.For
buildings on a street corner the
situated in or as near the ceiling as
ings owned by different parties, built
n measurements shall be taken from the
possible. An inlet of like dimensions
different lots.
l curb level opposite the center of the
shall be placed-on the floor line, both
Division wall —Any wall which ex-
'floor having the lowest level.
shafts to extend to outside air. An
tends the full height of the building
Section 18.
exhaust, og draft fall. shall be installed,
and through the roof, other than an
Change of Occupancy
fan to,;be+ rot Mess-'*;n 12 inches.
exterior wall or party wall, and such
It shall be unlawful to change the
Where two •rnachines. are to be used
walls must meet the requirements for rise -or occupancy of any building un-
a bearing wall. less the building shall meet the re-
Partition wall —Any interior wall quirements of the new purpose to
in the building other than division which it is intended to be put. An
wall inspection to determine this shall- be
Bearing..wall —A wall carrying any
part of the load of the building.
Exterior wall —Every outer wall or
vertical enclosure of building other
than a party or division wall.
Thickness of wall —The minimum
thickness of a wall between floors,
or between floors and ceiling or roof.
Cellar —The lower story which is
below the general level of the sur-
face of the street or streets on which
it faces, or below the general level of
the ground, for more than one -half
its height.
Basement —The lower story which
is below the level of the street or
streets on which it faces, or below
the general level of the ground, for
less than one -half and more than
one - quarter of its height.
Story —The distance from the top
of one floor to the top of the floor
next above, except in the case of the
top story, whose height shall be
measured from top of floor to under
side of ceiling joists. The lower
story shall be considered a story and
not a basement when three - fourths
of its height is above the average
level of the street or streets on which
it fronts..
Masonry— Brick, tile, stone, terra
cotta, concrete, or re- inforced con-
Dwelling or residence —A building
maintained for the residence of not
more than three families.
Apartment or Tenement House —
See Tenement House Act in Statutes
4098 Cal. 1915.
Flats —A dwelling of two or more
stories containing independent dwell-
ings each having its own street en-
Hotel —A building used as a place
of entertainment of transient guests
having more than 15 sleeping rooms
(see Cal. Hotel and Lodging House
Act, 1915.)
Boarding or lodging house —A
building used for lodging or boarding
purposes containing, not lESS than 5
nor more than 20 sleeping rooms for
made by the building inspector and
his decision shall be final. A fee of
$1.00 shall be charged for such in-
Vs ection.
Requirements of Buildings According
to Use
The buildings intended for the
purpose as enumerated below must
comply with the special requirements
given in each case in addition to the
general requirements laid down for
ordinary buildngs.
Schools — Over two stories in
height must be class "A" two stories,
class "B ", one story, class "D ".. Two
stories or more to have fire escapes,
except class "A" buildings.
Jails —Must be class A ".
Public stations —Over two stories
must be class "A ", two stories high
class "B ".
Hospitals, Asylums and Sanitari-
ums —Over two stories must be
class "A ", two stories high class
"B ", and in addition must meet the
following requirements: Walls and
ceilings of each corridor of each floor
shall extend from one exterior wall
to the other, and shall have a door
and fire escape at each end, unless
equal means of lighting, venti-
lation and fire escapes shall be pro-
vided to the satisfaction of the build-
ing inspector.
Every fire escape in buildings of
this class shall consist of an iron
stairway extending from the ground
to the top story with a landing at
every story communicating with the
corridors as mentioned above. Treads
to stairway must be not less than 8
inches wide and risers not over 7%
inches high. There shall be a sub-
stantial iron railing at least 3 feet
high on the exposed sides of stair-
way and landings and from the land-
ing at the top story a metal ladder
must extend to the roof as required
on ordinary fire escapes.
When any building of this class is
built on the pavilion system, con-
sisting of two or more buildings con-
nected by corridors, these corridors
must be of, `furl proof construction
faZr 00' dad- 1 each end pf each
co t7oe q¢n`4ee:¢7ie buildings,
.the floor sppace shall W.not less th'a4r
8 feet;by i2afeet with a�0eiling height
not le Ss than 7.feet£ pt and intake
not to be less than 2 inches in dia-
meter. Exhaust or draft fan of not
less than 12 inches.
Opening in booths- Shutters shall
be held open during the performance
by means of string attached to master
cord or ring controlled from a point
near the machine and also near the
exit door of operating room. Exit
doors of operating room must be kept
clsed during performances.
Inspection —All operating rooms
are subject to inspection at least once
a week. The examining board shall
consist of the chief of the fire de-
partment, electrical inspector and.]
superintendent of buildings, who
shall meet at the discretion of the
board aforesaid.
Any moving picture house in a
class 'B ", "C" or "D" building, two
stories or more in height, shall
have lath and plaster walls and ceil-
ing throughout, then stripped and
metal lath and plaster or covered
with approved asbestos roofing, and
steei cei ing. R3 eta1 lath and planter
not required on masonry wall.
Aisles with seats on both sides!
must not be less than 3 feet wide at
any point, and must increase in
width toward the exits at the ratio
of 1% inches to five running feet.,
Aisles with seats on one side only
must begin not less than 2 feet 6
inches wide and must increase 1%
inches to' S running feet. j
All seats except those contained in
.boxes, shall be not less than 30t
inches front back to back, and nott
less than 18 inches from center to
center, and firmly secured to the
floor. No seat shall have more than
six seats intervening between it and
an aisle on either side. No seats
shall be allowed in the aisle, nor
shall any one be allowed to stand,
within or seat themselves in the aisle
during the performance except thel
employees of the theater or city.
Wherever necessary to overcome
differences of level, gradients or in
cline planes shall be used in place of!
steps, such incline shall not exgP4
2 inches in 12 "iucbAs.
-- -
d'fro There shall al exits Pro Stables —NO building shall be 'erect -� - - Residenees
�vided from the rear of all moving pie -- ed or used for the purpose of stabling; Residenees less than twin stories or
Iture houses and extending to 'the' animals above the first or gri)und X40 feet in height may be of Class "D"
street. Said exit or exits shall 'not boor, unless the building be of Class i construction.
g v
be less in width than the combined "A" eonstruetion. I Hotels and lodging houses (See
`width of all aisles in the auditorium' Garages —No person or sons Statutes Cal. 1915.)
and shall be separated from the audi- -shall establish, conduct, maintain ors Wood Construction
III rium by a fire -proof wall extending' use any place or premises as a publie Apartment Houses must meet the
street. the rear of the building to the garage where two or more maehines:;,regmrements _of the State Tenement
g picture houses' containing are kept, without first obtaining aYper -;' House nAct. (See the State Act sep-
?vfovm &mil in writing therefor from, thel�arate e' 1915)
a stage must comply with the ordi- building inspector. I' Section 19.
i ranee governing . theatres, 'unless Every building hereafter eree ted;� Joists and', Beams
' proseemum areh i is permanently and every building hereafter alfered� The following shall m the min -
�thesusebof stage tam so as to prevent or changed for use. as a public garage') imam requirements 'for any building.
stage. shall be of Class ' A," `B," or - "C "t Joists -.must he at least 2 inches thick,
The 'ehief -of -the fire department, construction, as defined by the VOr- II.Joi of the_de tli fast below:
;the eleetfieal inspector and the.•build- dinanee of the City of Newport Beach,!) an to of p Maximum en b Distance
mg inspector are hereby given author- regulating -construction or alteration! Beam of joist Span on istdnee
' ity to enter any moving- pieture house of buildings. I J .
or any theater or part thereof, at any The flooring of the first floor of an 6 ..inches 10 feet 16 inches
time. and make such inspections as, such building shall' be eonstruetei of 0 inches 14, feet 16, inches
!they may deem necessary to 'see that concrete, with a system of ventila_ 1,10 inches ]6 feet ` 16 inehes
I the provisions of this ordinance area`; - Y • ,;12 inches 20 feet. 16 inches
carried out, and if they find that any I,, iron having openings to the oute'r air- 14 inches 24 feet 16 inches
of the requirements of this ordinane6 at a floor line not less than six (6) Data. for Computnng-
as to the seating or - means of en- Inches by eight.,(8) inches for eaeh) Beams and - joists shall 'be figured
[ranee or exit of, the audience have ventilator. .Where any floor. itther to• have a defleetion of not more than
Inot been eomplied'with, or that the than the first floor shall be used.. for it 3601 of the. span under fill load. Max -',
I means of fighting fire or' guardingi garage purposes such floor shall be off -mum fibre strain for Washington fir),
against the same are not pro erl [,non- eombustible material and of'sueh ,,or what is ordinarily.known as Or
provided' for, they shall have author- construction as shall be satisfactoryj, egon pine, must not exeeed 1,200 lbs. 1.
ity to cause the immediate dismissal .to the building inspector. } per square inch. Where beams are
of the audience and to close the mow- Outbuildings and' Sheds —It shall be shprt. their earrying.eapaeity must be ,.
Lg pieture house or theater. until it [unlawful fo'r any person, firm ori�. ,determined, by their "crushing strength j
has been made to Conform with the'Poration to ereet, construct or main- at the bearings, and on long beams
requirements of this. Ordinance. No tam any outbuilding within the Fire l their Carrying capacity must he fig-
' tiee to any person taking _or selling' District unless the same is Class[ A" III ured so as r.otto exceed the defleetio
;tickets in said moving picture house Class `B" or Class "C" eons true lion, given •above where plastered ceilings
or. theater shall be Considered legal Provided thatsueh an outbuilding GIs not are used:. Joists.or girders shall not
notifieatiom,as required -in this see- more than 12.feet hngh'.and havm;g an be cut: in any manner for pipes or oth-
non, and failure to act nmrimediatel area of not more than 400 square er purposes and where joists are the
deemed to 'We' a.'Siclation' of this 0,_, feet, may be eonstrueted with S nneh� minimum depth required for the span.
dinanee. - - masonry walls, composition roof or they shall not be cut. on the upper
j Churches and Public' Halls and other incombustible roof. '1 side more than one .foot distant from
Theaters —Must meet the following Lt shall be unlawful for any Ler_.'the bearing partitions on -whieli they
requirements: All seats or pews must son, firm or corporation to meet rest. Where joists or timbers are Cut
be so arranged- that there be not less construct or maintain any sfied oaith -[for the purpose of running plumbing
than 30 inches from the back of one in Fire District with exterior wall corn- or steam pipes, piping or for other
seat to the back of the next seat 6e- .posed in ,whole. oc.'in part of 'ood purposes such .joists. and timbers
hind' it. Where the. seating capacity or by the use of any'wood or Corte -- must be properly framed'to sustain. all
Iof the floor is not more than five hull- gated iron fenee to form any wail or floor levels as required by•this Ordin-
Bred persons. the aggregate 'six of part of any outer wall for any %ueh ante.
I be aisles must be at least six feet, sheds. and provided further; that no Public Buildings
w '
ind this width shall be inereased one protecting roof shall be supported by any buildings used for the gatho
hot for every increase of seating ea -'ff any such fenee. ` eying 8f a large number of, people
I paeity of one hundred persons. ort Temporary Sheds —Not exceeding must', meet the' requirements as -to
fraetion thereof. No stair ease lead-{ twenty (20) feet in height may be Seating fieilities,. means.. of entranee
ing to a gallery e6ntainmg hvo: hun -t ereeted within the fire limits to faeili- and exit, .stairs and aisles as laid down
Idred seats or, less,. shall be less thane tate the ereetion, of buildings k but for .theatres.
four feet in width and this , width must be removed when the-buildings � Every woody beam except Header
Imust be increased j2 inehes .for'( are Completed. No person shall ereet,l beam s` must have a'. bearing -it eaeh
i :tdditional one hundred seats or frae- .maintain or occupy any tent or( int end at: least, 4' inehes . bong' and every
ton thereof in excess of two hundred. flammable structure 'of any kind what- girder or'truss shalt tame -a Caring of
Any stairway used by the publie must soever within the fire limits ofd the not less-'than 3- inehes loo T'
be at least 3 feet wide, and provided eity of Newport Beaeh unless Smell mikimum trussing''iirength on joist
with proper hand rails on both sides,; tent or inflammable structure be'ereet- and similar bearings shall not exeeed
there must be no winders, and every I ed on private property solely, to house 500 pounds per.s'quare ineh. � Wfiere
landing shall. be the' full aggregate the workmen upon adjoining con- joist ends rest in;a masonry wall the
width of both flights leading to the struetion work, and then only during ends shall be cut to a bevel,.of at least
same, and the, depth of the landings the period of sueh'ednstruetion work. 3 inehes•in their depth: "'
must be equal to the width of one Faetory Buildings s Column's and' Posts
run of stairs the minimum headroom All buildings used for faetory :pur- All timbers, eolumns' and posts' in
at any point must be. at least seven poses where more than 25 persons are mill or post and girder eonstrnction
feet six inches. _ employed -above the seeond fi'oor,. must be. Cut sgnare at both. ends at
Exits —Exits most Have an aggre- must be of at least Class "C" f:on- right.angles to their ;axes, and eapped
gate width of at least fifteen pee. Cent struetion, and at least one - stairway with timber or iron or-steel eat and
greater'than. that required for the i must be enelosed with masonry vi'alls provided with- base plates :.'} Where
aisles, and'every gallery must have a ;or with stud partitions, metal lai.hed the Cap plate of a wood post supports
separate- exit direet to the vestibule :and plastered on both sides. All doors a wood girder and' a -post above, the'
or titer;: entering, such ene(osure shall be self- bottom of the upper post shall extend
The underside of eaeh stairway.and elosing, fire. doors. Glass in all win - to and rest on the Cap ofithe post
I gallery, both sides, of eaeh vestibule, does of sneh eneloisuie must be mire below, and posts and corbels must be
wall. and the Ceiling of eaeh vestibule,, glass set in metal frames and sash. rigidly' fastened to eaeh other so'that
shall be made of 'metal lath and plas�l, landing must be provided within this in ease of failure of beam - resting :on
ter, and if there�is a basement.undern enelosure at the head and at the foot one side of Corbel, the beam on the
any audienee room, the.walls and cell -.of eaeh flight of stairs equal in width other end will' be held in plaee. All
lugs in the basement shall be eoveredf to the stairway,. and doors must ripen beams' must. be self- releasing and in
ftvith metal lath and plaster. ' I Ion. this landing aind.not on *the si :airs any ease when flour loads exeeed 75
Heating'Plant�Where any Heating themselves. Stairways must other- lbs. er square foot,•iron or'steel bol-
or, ventilating plant is installed in alwise• meet the requirements as ilaid' stersshal4 be.used'and bolted or lag
building of this eharacter, it shall be down in Sec. 24'( See Page 47. i"
in a room enclosed with"masoilr or ) screwed to column in sneh away as
y Clothes Cleaning Establishments to make a rigid eonneeiion. And'
other fire proof walls, extending; from So called where `gasoline. naptha beams must be so fastened as to make
the floor to the ceiling,. and theeeiling or any other explosive fluid is Used a tie but be self - releasing, in 'ease of
If sueh room shall be Cowered •with or stored in greater quantities than:Jne fire.'
metal lath and plaster, and all open- (1) gallon, shall :not be allowed H,ith 'Corbels
hugs through its walls into any other in any fire .limits unless every riiom Corbels of wood may be used inI
part of the building shall be proteeted . where sueh work is,earried on shall I
by automatic fire doors or metal sash' have the walls and ceilings of mason- post and girder eonstruetion where
v :ith wire lass. "` g .wooden posts and '::beams are- em -7I
g Iry or metal lath aitd plastered, land. ployed but the safe e'rushing strength)
Woodworking Establishment =Mu;tl automatie sprink-Yers must be installed of the material must riot be exceeded.
meet the following speeial require- in sueh rooms. It shall be unla"V lid Trimmer, Header and Tail Beams
:nents: , for any Clothes Cleaning, establish Every , wood header 'beam more
Floors, if of wood, sHall be. not less ment. situated. anywhere withinithc than 4' (t. long used' in any building';
than two inehes thiek. Where eon.:City of Newport $eaeh io have stored exeept Class% "D" eonstruetion sha111
veyers are used for epn Leying saw- about the premises more than Eight, be suitably ramed and'hull to the
dust, shavings, or 'other refuse, to the (g) gallons of gasoline; 'naptha f or .tri;mmer beams and'. stirrup lions of
fuel room, they must be installed in other explosive fluid. proper thiekness for the size of tim-
metal Conduits. The floor• of any California Houses l
boiler room or,fuel room must'be,of: i = tier. Ends of tai)',beams 'shall. er
masonry, here the .boiler. roam ist O( board and b,atte onstr eteuon over properly framed Cinto with header
y. � called � must not Le eonstrueted ;?vet 'beams or shall be carried wnh stirrup
ithin the building, or adjoining, it, one story or 12 feet high in any pari irons hung on the header beams.I
there shall. be no Connection behveenjof outside walls, but the second story ,These requiremeuts_sha11 not neees-
the woodworking establishment and.of a residenee may be ecustruete.H in sarily be. enforeed in residenee work.
lhm boiler room, but the boiler room this wav, provided the lower stony is Studs in Class "D" buildings must
S-e11 be separated from such estab- 'made of stud or post and girder iron- not be less than 2x4 inehes for the
h?hment by a solid masonry,wall, ex- struetion. �L_ upper two stories and lower stories
niiding Clear through and not less[— I n„t Incc thou ?vr mLe a:�_!
tance on centers in any case to be tpiers where wire mess is used it must act more than 16 inches. In three -I
not be used for the support of any
he external walls of ail buildings.
story , buildings 3x4 studs may be be laid in full size of the pier every
for 2x6 in the lower story, eventh coui%e and for piers fronting
,used for the sale, storage or'manufac-
,substituted Y•
Studding in all outside walls and, on a street bond' stone to conform
of merchandise, office buildings,
livery, boarding sale stables
and main bearing partitions must be l , with the kind of stone for the tnm-
inii and
fall Public buildings and all other
,placed with the greatest dimension at ming of the front may be used above
over four stories it height,
,right angle to the course of wall, the sidewalk level. Piers other than
shill be
shall of a not less than
those m the front must be capped
Studs to Double
`that indicated b the following table:
y the following
with iron or steel plates of proper
Li non- bearing partitions and one -! strength and size under all columns or
Table No: 1
story cottages having not more than l girders. No stone post or pier for
story by story. 'ry
12 foot studs the studs may be 2x3 �fl the support of posts or columns shall
,d a c i e
inches, shall be doubled width be used in the interior of any building,
j tioned to the 'sustaining value of
where plumbing is used, or 2x6 inch; and marble or granite columns shall
studs may be used
Where the span of wood joists ex-
not be used for the support of any
In bearing partitions a single 2 inch
wall over one story high.
,c i c
plate may be used underneath the,,
studs, but at least a double 2 inch
Basement or foundation walls and
plate must be used for the top plate
Piers must have footing of concrete,
when the construction is carried up
or be built of other approved mason -
story by story. 'ry
laid up in cement mortar, propor-
,d a c i e
Bridging and Fire Stops
j tioned to the 'sustaining value of
Where the span of wood joists ex-
the soil, and the loads to be
imposed thereon. Such footings
c c c c F
8 feet, there must be at least one
shall be not less than 75�
b 9
row of 1x4 inch or 1' /ax3 inch or 2x2
per cent wider than the walls which
inch cross - bridging for every 12 feet
i they carry, unless otherwise provided
d c d d d 'ii
of span or fraction thereof. When
for in this ordinance.
joists are lathed and plastered or con-
block fire less
Filler Walls, Light Courts
d c c d a
cealed the or stop not
and Shafts
than 2 in. thick must be cut in be-
Must be as specified under Class
tween, the joists over each bearing
partition completely filling the space.
"A" construction.
,� �'"•`"`3"
Every stutud d partition over 9 feet high
I Class "A" buildings shall be
o C Y c
shall have a 2 inch bridging or fire
constructed of masonry of a thickness
to a; o F F W s, rn
stop, the full width of the studs cut in
and supported as required for other .
For buildings erected and used for
midway between floor and ceiling and
masonry walls, but if built of skeleton
tenement and apartment houses,
when plates are not used for any
construction, such walls shall have aj
Hotels, boarding and lodging houses,
height of studs there must be a 2 inch
minimum thickness of 6 inches for;
hospitals, asylums, dwellings and
fire stop at top and bottom.
masonry and 3 inches for reinforced
stables or any other. building
Anchors and Ties
concrete, and openings into such light
except as specified for table No: 1
In all buildings over one story high
shafts shall be equipped with stand-
above, not over four stories in height,
the joists must be securely tied to
and fire doors and shutters or with
which require masonry walls, shall
each other making a continuous tie
1wire glass, and metal frame windows.
be of a thickness not less than in-
from wall to wall and where Class "B"
In buildings of Class "B" and "C" .
dicated by table No. 2.
or Class "C" construction is used
construction, the walls of all light;
Table No. 2
proper means must be taken to tie
courts and shafts whose round area I
masonry walls as specified
exceeds 25 s ft. shall begconstructed 4
Ht. 73asem't 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
undo m
under masonry construction.
the same as required for Class !!
buildings, excepting that the
One ..........13 in. 9 m.
Posts and Girders
Where posts and girders are used
thickness of the masonry may be re-
Two .._ .... 17 in. 13 in. gin.
under small buildings of Class "D"
duced to 4 inches. For interior light
Three ....17 in. 13 in. 13 in. 9 in.
construction the posts must be at least
shafts in Class "C" buildings, the walls
Four ........21 in. 17 in. 13 in. 13 in. 9 in
4x4 inches spaced not more than 6 ft.'
may be fire proofed by covering. with
In private stables and residencesi
centers and no girder shall-be less
metal metal lath and plaster on the exposed
(not including porches) not exceed-:
than 4x4 inches. I
side, if sheathed solidly behind such
ing 1500 feet of ground area, 13 inch'
Roof IE
plaster with 7 -8 inch sheeting.
walls may be used in the basement
Rafters in Class "B" or "C" build-
If not over three stories high,
and first story, and 9 inch walls on
ings shall not be placed further apart,
I masonry light court walls may be car-
second story, provided that no 9
than 24 inches on centers, and must,
ried either oil a masonry wall or a
inch wall shall be of greater length
be covered with boarding not less
-steel or concrete beam, and must be
than 50 feet or a greater height than;
than 1 inch thick. All roofs in Class
backed with stud and tight board
10 feet without cross walls or return
"B" or "C" buildings shall be covered
'sheathing if walls are built of tile,
angles, piers or buttresses to stiffen
with metal or some fire resisting com -,
Light court walls of masonry when
used in Class "B" or "C" construction
i "Long Walls
position roofing.
Section 20.
and not resting on other masonry.
g y'
Buildings over 100 feet in length
g g
Foundation Class "D" Buildings
walls must be securely supported
shall have. the side and bearing walls'
Buildings of Class "D" construction
directly underneath the wall by post
increased :4 inches in thickness
shall have a continuous redwood mud"
and girder construction..
over that- Specified. in the above, tables,
sill foundation not less than Eight (8) II
Brick and Masonry Walls
for each additional 10 10 0 feet or Erne-
inches below the normal surface of the 1
in General
torn thereof }al unless such
ground. Such redwood mud sill shall
The walls and piers of all buildings
walls are strengthened by. proper
be of a section not less than 2 inches
shall be properly and solidly bonded
piers or buttresses.
by S inches for cone -story building;
together with close joints filled with
In any Horizontal section. in nay
2 inches by 10 inches fora two-story
mortar, and n case shall any wall
wall, if there shall be more than 50.
building; and 3 inches 12 inches for
or b
walls of any building be carried up
per cent of openings; then such walls:
buildings over two stories. Struts
over one scaffold in advance any
shall increased ]east 4V2 incT_
between mud sill and floor girders
shall in no case be of a less section
.other wall without the special permis-
'sion of the building inspector.
in thickness and the walls Below in-
ck a
than 2 inches 4 inches, and shall i;
creased proportionately.
Special Construction
sufficiently close together to
; Ali brick walls shall be bonded:
meet the approval the building in-
every seventh course or less with
In all walls, the same amoutit of
material indicated by the tables may,
Floor girders shall in no case
full header courses. In walls faced
iwith Terra
be used in piers, pilasters or buttres-
Lbe less than 3 inches by 4 inches ui
less i
section, and spaced sufficiently close
cut stone, Cotta or an
such material, and where such facing
ses. with proper filler waft between,
to meet the approval of the building
is not bonded with header courses ag
or have hollow walls, but when such
it be
inspector. Under n circumstances
specified above, such facing
P g shall not
construction is employed, shall
subject to the approval of the build.
.shall a foundation of any bock or
be considered as part of the wall, and
- 1.
or, .stone building Be built on filled
the wall must be built full thickness
ing inspector. ` i
made ground. Foundatons sh;il1 be
`. without considering such facing.
Nine inch filler walls may be �� per -
proportioned to the actual load theyl.
Flemish bond work shall have full
mitted in one story buildings ift
strengthened .:'by not less. than- U. by
must sustain. Details of foundation
are subject to the approval of thee
headers' every third course. When
face brick or Ashler are tied to
17 inch piers spaced'notmore than
building inspector and must conform
masonry, walls with metallic wall ties,
17 feet ore centers. Al] hollow � walls
with good engineering practice.
at least one metallic wall tie shall be'
shall be property bonded together
Foundation Walls
fused to each two square feet of wall
with brick, steel and terra cotta or
For Class "A" "B" "C" buildings,
with galvanized" iron or steel ties. not,
the foundation walls shall have sufii-
I Thickness of Brick Wails
over three feet apart in amp dfrec-
cient depth to be approved by the
1 In estimating the thickness of wall
building inspector. A greater depth
required for any building when table
Corbeling and Offsets
may be required by the building in-
No. 1 is used, stories must not be
When an offset or corbel is used' in
Spector if it is necessary in his judg-
taken to exceed the following dimen-
a wall, a chimney of masonry con-
ment in order to obtain the necessary;sions.
the offset shall not. exceed
12 ft. for the basement and 16 ft. for
j Piers
the first story,. and 12 ft. for upper
Furred Walls
Shall be built of concrete or
stories excepting top story, which may
Furred masonry walls shaft be
good well burned brick laid in cementibe
16 ft. when no ceiling joists are
Provided with fire stops at each ffoot;,
mortar, except that ornamental piers
used. When table No. 2 is used, the
and at least one point internfediatel
fronting oh the street may built of,
clear her g ht of stories shall not ex-
between the floors. When a chimney;
stone. Every masonry pierr, , buttress
,'teed 11 ft. for the Basement, 14 ft.
breast is furred cut, the space be-
or pilaster, exceeding height four
for the first story, and 11 ft. for the
tween the chimney and the breast sha1P,
times its least dimension and carrying
upper stories, except the top story,
be so built that the passage of fire
two - thirds of its safe load shall be
which may be 14 ft. to the roof tim-
and smoke shall be prevented.
bonded each 4 feet with cast iron
bers, when no ceiling joists are used.
Anchors and Ties -
plates. or re- inforced concrete slabs�If
any story exceed the foregoing
All girders and joists shall be: so
or with heavy galvanized wire mesh
heights, n itt either table, walls of
anchored to the walls .and to eaek:
I not less than No );¢ rirg and nof-
such skor nnd'the walls below that
other, as to make a c ®ntinuous ..
larger than ;?.;deft brick,
story shah increased 4 inches in
threknesk..,... -- _ _ - .
ti walls to- �Tpptf .each d anP
'the beams may be united 6y suitable with iron braces -not less than Three -' - -- - -
" iron ties of not less than %" inch Quarter (3 -4) inch in diameter, 'every Prajeetion- Above: Roof
sectional area spiked', bolted or so Twelve (12) feet in length of w`al1. All chimneys and flues, shall r.o
fastened as to develop the Eull Arches and Lintels tend 2 (set or fir the- highest arid- poirle2SIl
strength of the tie. Walt anchors Every opening in a. masonry, w wall a fiat roof o Fire walls„ and: a[ peak- t 18
may be in the form" of cash plates shall have an arch: of masonry! or a ed inches, above the ridge of: a peak- i
with. lugs turned- up'into the, beams, _ ed roof except w,henr a. chimney is'. IOa
and with lug extending down into lintel of stone or. re- infoccedJl con- feet from, the::pesk, it' may. be. stopped;
file brick work at least 4 .crete or iron or steel. In Class B" level with the same. If- a. chimney
inches at a point at the brick
'buildings,. openings Tess khan. 6i feet rises above the roof for more-than
,inchwork not more 4 inches from. in width may have wooden lintels on six times its least :dimensionsi,it shall
outer face the wall, or 5 -8 ithe inside with relieving arches: Tbove, be anchored, to: the, rooE1.with, am iron
,inch round anchors" may be used as :The- design. and calculation. foe all rod or pipe, -mot less_ than, 1: inch, in,
hereinafter required for joists.- joist .:arches and lintels shall be subj�,ct to diameter, running ,cliir. through. the -.
'anchors shall`. -be of 5 =8 inch round'
the - approval of the building, inspector,. ':chimney, and, properly secured - to it;
limn at least IS inches long with 5 -$ Reeesses,and'. Chases i lland: all" such. chimneys shalt be laid:
by 10 inch "T" head or a -`6 x' 6 inch. No recess. for. any" pipe shag: be 'in. cement mortar. -
iron .washer not Tess than 3.8 inch made. in. any wall more than. one third �• Chimreys- Near 'Call Buildings
Chick securely fastened' to the .end'. of its -. thickness.,. No recess shalb, be I Where: a building: is. situated+ ad >_'
Such head or washer to be not more made nearer than, 6 feet to; any. other liacenq to. one - taller,. and it "is aaccm��
than 4 inches' from the outside face :recess in the same�walt. N.o; hori,, lsary to: carry chimneys to: height.. of;
of the wall. AII. ancfiors." shall go�:zontal recess or chase'in_anyl wall :taller. building; the - owner.. of. taller
through walls whenever ossible. The shall be made exceeding 4 feet in !building must allow; attachment of,
5 P length. f +Elue-oo. his building..-•. 11
-inner ends of the anchors shall be 8 Veneerin I • Chimneys, and, flues,. from,- boilers;
securely tied to the beams- or joists.
in such a way as to makethe. anchor No .veneering of bfra scope or restaurant - similarly ranges; bakers!
self- releasing.. Inner ends of. joists terra cotta, on any Erame.buil" "ding, jovens and - similarly unusually,, hofj
niay be spiked for a continuous •tie. shall. be over 40. feet in height. from flues,_ must, be- left exposed .to the.:
When joists run approximately :ground level to upper, wall plates.. Alt• - ceiling, of_the.room, in, which connec.'
parallel with the. walls, they shall' be veneered buildings must: •bei sbuathed ttion is made with the chimney:,, The,
anchored to the walls with- anchors solid with 1 inch boards; anda verb building inspector may order.a higher i
'i of a cross section of at east square eering•must be Ea statics. to, thetbuild• chimney when necessary [o: abate aI
inch in- sectional area. These anchors' 'ing with either. 20d spikes or t B inch: nuisance or for safety
to extend over at least the second :galvanized bond wires bedded .into- Fin.—Places: .
joist from the waif, and to'be. fasten. mortar joints and - well. "secured to.the Alt'' firer places and chimney;
ed in the walls in. the "same: manner studding: Such spikes. or. bonds -must: breasts, where. mantles, are used: ('ex.
as described for the anchors above. ,be not farther than 12,-x. 16- :inches, cept gasi grates) iv Nether maintained
�s -fos 'am ordinary fire• lace or not;
Anchors shall not walls, more: than 8 :apart i Y P `
`feet aparC'in alf. walls,. and at each. :Underpinning. Wallsq Piers;' and shall. have trimmec',arches -to supportf
tier of joists above the :first'tier. Girdem I the Hearth_ Arches. =shall be -of brick;]
,.Fire Walls All walls„ piers and girders, deed, in: item or masonry, -.at least 24:.,inches+
Fire walls shall'. be anchored as :underpinning in Class. "A' 'H' .and. wide;, - measuring: from- -the face ofi :the!
described under Eire walls. I , "C'. buildings; shall, be constructed of, T chimney. breast;• must extendi- clear"
Bonds Under Joists .concrete,. bard brick,'. or steel!: The across: the. chimney, breast Hearth;
Where iron. "or-steel girders' are designs„ specifications, and calcula- shall •be of fire - proof. material.. All"
used, they shall be anchored back m tocros. for such walls," piers- and gird = Eire places, with wood mantels must:
to the wall securely with anchors :ers- shall be submitted. to the building tiave. the fire place openings. sur -;
lapproved by the building inspector. !nspector.and. approved.by him !before[ rounded with not.., less 'than .¢ litchi
Every girder or truss used" with ma :construction" shall commence. e, rim. of non combustible material,. be -.
sonary construction, shall have-.-w : Chimneys and Flues �. twee,, the fire place, opening, and wood"
bearing of not less. than- 8 inches and All. chimneys and flues hereafter,tmantle.. The backs and jambs of all
the total load on such ;bearings shall [constructed, in.buildngs of two stories Eire places. shall, be not less." than_ .10.
not exceed; 500 pounds 'per,: square 'or, more „ shall be, of brick or masonry: inches-. thick of solid masonry .and,
inch. A' bond of at least No. 16 gal. Flues where' wood or coal are used, openings, must -be lined with at.least,2!
vanized' iron netting - not over. 1 -4 +shall -be •not less, than, 7% by 7yi, inches of -fire brick„ terra:. cotta. or)
inch mesh, 2 inches:-less than the, :inches: Their enclosing walls, m'' t: asbestos, compositign,” or. if the, din.
width of the wall, shall be,placed two be at. least 4 inches thick,,. a' gexcept ing -of the fire, place- bpening[is of'
courses. below each tier of floor sin dwellings, • apartment Nooses and roap stone, tile -or ,,cast iron this. 2'
and ceiling joists +oE each. ;building: :tenement. houses,, shall, if less.Ethan & inch lining thickness..shall be- met byi
over three stories in height; and run ,inches.- thick,, be 'tin on, then iasidei filling ,in with some non - combustible
around the entire walls of. the build= with: burnt, clay, or, terra, cotta Elea data nal -"
ing and lap full width at: intersection. lining, .not less than; 3.4 "inches thick Wes; Around, Flues,
The ends of all wood-floor and. roof and! - such, lining .shall; start, i;t, "the. , AIL "wood beams .shall be. trimitud�
beams where. the , -,rest. on brick wall'e, lowest point where, Arty. amok, enters -
y away (rein all tliies and . chimneys.
shall be cut with. a bevel of S inches the flue; and' shalt be; continuous. to'The- trimmer beams; shall be not, less -,
in their depth.�,The walls between, the top. Where flue lining- is noQ,than`,,2, inches from, -,the outside of al'
ioisfs uinst be earned' n,i. solidly, full required,,, the inside of the chimney !.chimney breast.. and, the, header beam.
width to the top' of the joists, and .shall be plastered: smoothly for the'•not less than.2 inches. from 'the. out-
wood beam entering he mas= :entire beight, and. on - the outside 11
side 1 side Eace of the ". brick or � masonry
onry wall must be separated from where passing, through, joists cif -root!,w,ork. of the flue...
any other beams entering such•a wall, Term cotta or cement flues may, beams of the floor,. and" supporting
by at least 8 inches of' solid masonry be used in one story cottager§ when beams. of the .boor,. and ,-supportuig,
P Walls " - approved by the Building Inspector.
Party the "trimmer arch, in Eron[r of -the Eire.
Party walls shalt not be less. than Chimneys on all buildings must start place shall be. not: less than 24 inches.,]
4% inches thicker than required for from a concrete or brick base-: laid on' from the chimney: breast. .:
external walls in the preceding the. ground: and: beibuilt perpeadicul -' Section. 21-:
Y be, built of'. the
tables, or walls ma arty from the ground None butt "-
Hollow Tile.. Construction . ;
thickness required:' in. the tables;, and Terra cotta: or iron. thimbles. shall be: Hpllow file mayy be used. ror bear-
the corbeled- ledges be built out to. used and. plaster must be, done4 direct. 'IF - walls. 'e buildings• three stories;
carry the joists: In case the. wall is r1Y on the brick. or masonry around: org•less; in. height, or for. enclosure'
corbeled the corbeling halt;' be cat- kthe thimble„ or wire lath: may be used
g f1 walls - "oC skeleton- constructed build -
+cied to the to of the oists,p but no wood lath must ailpeonchi
P 1 within, five 5� lags of any height, where ahe. all is.
Existing Party Walls O inches of-Any thimbles carried --ora beam- at each:�stor but -
Walls built 'before, the passage of Thimbles and Lath on, imaeye, not +m "party-walls: which must bei
this ordinance and used'.or to,be usedf Top of thimbles must be zt least built solid.: Thickness of walls must!
as art walls, and' whose thickness one. foot. below the ceiling And at least. -
party con(ornr to 'the following schedule:
at the time of their erection. was. in. l inches Erom• the aide, inches Flues, e - Is[ 2nd. 3rd+
accordance with the requirements of larger. than 200- sq'ua¢e: inches" inns[ Orte Story e 6 in.
the then existing laws, but which do have walls at least 8 inches thick.
Flues larger than. 500. s u ,, ' Tw6 " Stories> - .8- 2 n : :l n. =
not meet the requirement§ of this g q are, irisEies Three Stories - 12 m. IO.in. 6in.
ordinance, may be- used if -in good' must have. walls, at least 12; inches, Where tile- work:ts exposed to. the!
condition Eor- the ordinary use. of. thick, fer' a height of 15, feel above rweathere thr outside must be - either.
part walls provided that the hei ht the inlet, and 8 inches thuk �tlie. re-.,
of the building s not increased; and• maining height. , Flues - larger. than plastered, or some approved means
g taken-to water- proof;it. VlChere a,
it can be shown to the satisfaction of 1000 square inches shall; beypropor_ irder or -beams rest ,upon. a wall so
the building, inspector, that such, - tionately' increased,, in. size and. shall f_g
g' P that there is a concentrated .load of
walls carry. the loads to be placed ;be lined with Eire brick for ;it least: two tons. or oven; some means. must]
thereon. X20 feet above .the inlet.. Tfie brick be taken of supportingithe end, of 'the{
'Para et • Walls ;work of the smoke Elites of; all 'low, p pressure boilers, furnaces, bakers! .. girder either by,fillfng the tile solidly.
All exterior or party. walls. shall -. or with-:a concrete.or -iron plate.
have parapet walls not less: thaw a ovens, large cooking ranges large �'.
p Cancentration.Loads•-
thickness of the exterior or party 'laundry stoves; and flues used; for No tiie-.shall be loaded to an excess
wall carried Two (2)' feet above the commercial purposes, .shall i,be at_ of 150 pounds, per, square inch of net
adjoining roof, or as high. as any: least 8 inches-in! thickness, anti where, sectiotn, in compressionq if, se[ on. end„
t portion of the roof within: EHteen.I subjected to high temperatures, mush
or 75 pounds• if - ''set - on side; unless a
"(IS) feet s , the parapet wrest For ed lined on the inside . with we d sh. all. "s ecial permit shall be Issued -.by the
warehouses, factories, stores :and : ed- clay or terracotta pipe; and shall p
be ro . bmld'ing, inspector for ,some `special
other buildings. used for commercial P perly capped with coping:= .method of. construction. ,
or manufacturing purposes, the par- Where ang:.Elue- is subjected - to a'
H P P - Bonding
apet walls shall', not be less "v than 'very high, temperature, . the. buildufgr All. hollow tile. 'exterior walls, �or,
Twelve (.12) inches in thickness, and inspector may require additionally' bearing partitions. must, be laid' . in
all party and division walls' shall be thick walls and a lining of (lie brick cement mortar,- A bond composed of
carried Three (3) feet above the +or other material. Chimney's- built wire-mesh not less. than 20 gauge for
roof. Parapet walls must be laid: in outside of frame structuresi or, in, 1-4. inch mesh,. or 16, gauge for i/a
cement'-mortar, and' property coped, light walls. thereof, - shall be- well %inch" mesh. -shall be' placed. the, full
and where" such. walls extend over �0 recent intervals of not le -, than, width of the wall av;eryy, fourth course.
four times their thickness above the _— This mesh must not be coarser than
—fhere there is . a . a0ncentrated oUst�ucf any past o T t e stree , a7 137 anThe loo( _r. u s t not - e.
load, some approved method must be' or sidewalk, unless such operations yond this capacity. Ccmpufataoa: a€
used to take care of the load at that are actually ing progress on premises ;this load to be made by the building,
point. j abutting on such part of street, alley' inspector. I.t shaj6 be deemed, a tt&s-
Hollow Bldcks aad Artifigiat Stoned or sidewalk. demeanor to overload such a Boor.
Must .meet. the same requirements One-half Sidewalk Unobstructed. Loads. on Faotinga.
as laid .down for hollow tile, and' • Car Tracks Left Clear Warehouses and factories,. full- dead
uc )
masonry construction. At least one -half of the width of and full. .live load to be taken; Lm
Artificial stone made of Portland, the sidewalk and not Jess than 10 feet stores and buildings for light manu-
cement and incombustible and fire -'of the width of an alley, be left g purposes buildings
proof .material, may be used as a II Y Y, for pub ur ones and . is amusement,
Y unobstructed and clear m ever way for public assemblage a amusement,.
substitute for any gatural stone; pro- at all times, and it shall be unlawful full dead loads and 7$ per cent of the
vided it wilimaintam• a crushing load I live load; in office buildin s; hotels,.
to. occupy more than one - fourth of j S
of 2090 pounds per square foot of. net• houses, dwellings, stables, a.
area. .. the width of the roadway of any- „
Section 22._ 'street in connection with any build - I foal. dead: t,.ad and 60• per cent r live
Excavation, Sidewalks, Streets and ing operation. If there be a car track load. Footings must be'soasygned asp
Use of Same on any street, there must be a clear to make the load as nearly undorttt ys;
All excavations shall be guarded space at least 4 feet wide left along.: possible. 1 ..
g side of such track. Loads on Masonry
and protected as to prevent the same ( Safe bearing load. on brick .work
from becoming dangerous to persons It shall be unlawful to store earth +shall be taken as 8 tons per superff-
or property. When necessary, pre from excavations or rubbish or ma-1 cial. foot when lime mortar is used;
cautions must be taken to prevent terial taken from any building on the When lime and cement mortar are
the carving in of the sides., and the sidewalks or the roadway, of any used, 111/2 tons; when cement mor.
building inspector is hereby given { street or alley, but the same must be tar is used 1$ tons. For
removed from rubble stone
authority to order such to be done ! Y. to day. Proper work $tons. per superficial foot shall
when necessary. precautions must be taken to lay the
Y m the maximum load; when, cement
Projection Over Sidewalks: dust. from all rubbish being handled
J mortar other than Portland is used;.
No bay window shah be allowed in connection with building opera- Z tons when lime and cement mortar
to project beyond the property line, Lion are used; 10 tons when Portland ce-
on any public street or alley. Balcon- When any material is stored on any ment mortar is used; a. safe bearing
ies constructed of iron or steel or (sidewalk or in any street or alley, ap load of concrete shall be taken at 8
masonry, may project not over 3 red light must be maintained during tons per superficial foot when other
feet from the lot line if constructed., the whole of every night at each end. than Portland cement is, used,. and. I$.
to• sustain a live load: of two hundred of any such obstruction. tons when Portland is used. "
pounds. per square foot, but such bal -!. Section 23. Materials in General
conies must be at least 10 feet in the Loads and Stresses Materials used in the construction
clear above the sidewalk. Main en- The following data shall govern of buildings shall be of good quality
trances of buildings may project noti I calculations made in conuection for the purpose intended. Cement
to" exceed 12 inches beyond the prop -� with this Ordinance. must meet the requirements of Amer -
erty line. Bases of columns and' Floor Loads �ican Society for Testing Materials;
pilasters other than at the main en- The .dead loads in all buildings and steel shall meet the standard re-
trance, may project beyond the build- shall consist of the actual weight of 4uirements. Should any doubt arise'
ing line not over 9 inches, but other walls, floors, roofs, partitions and as to the quality of materials thel
'than these no projections shall be fall permanent construction, and the building inspector may order tests to
allowed. I live loads shall consist of all loads be made, under his supervision and a
Floor Lights: other than dead loads. Every floors certified copy of such test shall. 'b
Where floor lights are used, the . • and 'roof shall be of sufficient filed with him at the expense of. thee
glass in no case shall be less than and if any glass upon every square foot of its surface 3-41, strength in all its parts to bear safely contractor.
inch in thickness,. . Section 24.
,inch more than 16 square inches a total load consisting of a dead load' General Building Details !
it must.be provided with strong wire and the following live loads. .Every projection. beyond. the wall
netting, either cast in the glass or Pounds line of Class "B" or "C" buildingsi
suspended below. Such floor lights Dwelling houses ............ 30j.shall be made of incombustible ma.
must be constructed to sustain the Apartment houses .. ... $0
terial exce tin
same load as required d. the floors " " "' " " " " " "' " "..... P 8 as. hereigafter gro-
in which they are placed. Tenement houses ........................_.... $0� vided:
Use of Streets and' Sidewalks` Lodging Houses ................................ $0 Cornices
Before any public street, alley or
Hospitals ............... ............................... 50!i Metal. cornices shall have riveted
Hotels _ ... $01
sidewalk is partially occupied or ob- Stables " .......... ..........._..._...__.......... 8$ joints and shall be supported ,. rlyJ
strutted in any greater than speci- Garages - 1001 heavy steel iron brackets properly
fically allowed b this section, or ----
Y Office buildin s, 1st floor 100 , braced. Such brackets must be cap..
used for any purpose in connection g ;able of sustaining a test load of three
Office buildings or floors above i times that which the
with work governed by this Orlin- , Ist Y are properly tied
ante; a permit for such must first bed School houses and places of in. carry, and must ma properly .' or
obtained from the building inspector, struction. ......._ 100 chored through the masonry wall or
for which a fee of one dollar shall i' Auditoriums or places of public attached to the roof. The roof cover -
be charged. When any excavation .. assemblage places
...__.....12$ ing any cornice may be sheath with
is completed, which. occupies side -:I Ordinary stores ... ...................._.......100 wood, provided' that' such s44
walk. area of a. public street, it shall be. I Buildings for light storage 1$0 is entirely covered with metal pr
- °. ° °° composition roofin y
compulsory that there be constructed Roofs ..................... ..... 30 P g. It may extend
over such excavation, a substantial Buildings for light manufacturing 1$0 to within 6 inches of the front edge of
temporary walk so constructed and 'I the cornice, but this 6 inches must, be
P Y Buildings . not classified in the
maintained at all times as to afford' above table must be designed to safe- covered with metal, and the brick.
safe and free and unobstructed pass- �ly carry the load to which they may the wall must be carried solidin tg,
age for pedestrians. This sidewalki•be subjected. the underside. of the boarding forming,
must be maihtained at a level with Columns the top: of the cornice. 1
tthe. surface of the street at a not; Allowable Fire Area
greater elevation than 4 feet above all be column or, support
g shalt be of sufficient stren th rol No web ld part of a wall, in any
the same, and must be not less than 11 g heisting berected or it any femoved
6 feet in width. Around an excava. bear safely the weight p the portion hereafter erected, shall be removed.
Y of the floor depending upon it. When
Lion . which fronts directly on the I calculating the necessary strength of h produce a larger floor area than
street, a substantial fence or railing columns in all buildings over $ herein. specified. Openings in .fist
must be maintained on. such street stories . in height it shall be permis- walls of buildings shall in the ease
frontage, but no fence sign or aim -' exceed three. to number, nor than over
g gri Bible each reduce the live, load $per cent g feet. in. width, nor more than 10:
filar obstructions shall. be placed for each succeeding floor below the feet in height, and there must be a
higher than 6 feet unless inside the top floor until $O per cent of the live g
curtain wall at least 3 feet
center line of the sidewalks next the i loads fixed by the preceeding section . high' be
line. tween the top of such door openings
property its reached. When such reduced loads
Sidewalk: Can 1 and the ceiling line above. These
shall be used for all remaining floors openings p p,�
It shall be unlawful to erect (or i down. to and including the second must be � provided with a
repair if required by building inspect- floor, but the full live load shall be proved automatic self - closing fire -
or ) an building on a property line proof doors on both sides of the wall.
Y 8 P P Y taken on the first floor. All beams Floor areas in an building
erection the sidewalk unless during the and girders must be calculated to exceed the following limitations: not
erection of such building, if within support the full live and dead loads. g
the fire . limits, a temporary canopy and girders must be used for all re- all stores, warehouses st factories and of
is. maintained at least 10 feet above maining floors down to and includ- Class nil or "B" construction, and
the sidewalk, the full length of the iog the second floor, but the full live to all buildings to Class "C" e emfire
front of the building and exte'nd'ing the load shall be taken on the first floor. Lion, shall single floor area between fire
full width of the sidewalk. The top of All beams and girders must be cal- wall shall exceed the following timi-
such canopy shall be constructed of 2 culated to support the full live and rations:
inch planking, and properly carried on dead loads. Class "A" 1113111 "C"
posts and beams. Radu¢tion of Floors Sq. ft. Sq. ft. Sq. ft.
This canopy must be constructed . The weight. placed on any Boor of Fronting on one
street only 10;000'
in such manner as to afford ample any building shall be safely distribut- 7,$00 $,000
protection to any person passing on ed thereon and the building inspectors Fronting on corner
the sidewalk, but the sides of this may require the lightening or re- dis -'.s tree r extending from
temporary structure next to the street tribution, of any load when he deems'
t to street 12,00OIO,Of106;7$0
most not be boarded up or covered it necessary. . Fronting on three
u with signs, but where raised above streets 1$,000 11,2$0 7,500'
P S e Distribution of Loads With permanent op-
the street level, must be protected When any part of any building is; ert s ace at ]east 3
arailing. -! used for the storms of any materials feet space le all
Sidewalks, streets or alleys must or for manufacturing, purposes, there, sides. ZO000 P$ Q9Q<Y
be occupied only in connection with shall be posted to a conspicuous place In C1aSaYPE" ;rid "$
the actual- erection repairs, alteration, on each floor on a form to be.su 1 dmB9i
remesrAal7 or .degeslitioteaf at building} plied byi. ".the budding inspector a wiieir the occupancy is " otAret akans
and it shall be',4Y lawful tq oyytl�f:or 'statt:mat;t as fo .the load. that the floor stores warehouses or factories thr
ow specified areas tnav be' in.
Increase -of Area When - Spririkled
-In case buildings covered by the
above provisions are equipped with
an approved system of automatic
sprinklers, the area given above may
be increased 50• per cent: The au-
tomatic sprinkler system including
the water supply; shall be kept in
perfect working order by the owner,
lessee or occupant of the premises.
When more than two buildings com-
municate, although protected by
double standard fire -proof doors; they
shall be provided with an approved'';
system' of automatic sprinklers where
occupied as stores, warehouses. or!
factories. — - -
Roof and Robf- Drainage .
Roofs of Class "A" buildings' must
be constructed. throughout with fire-
proof materials, but may have;. a top
coating of asphaltum or composition
roofing.' On' all Class' "C -or' " "B"
buildings; metal-or composition roof -
I ing may be used and rafters must not
)be less than 24,.inches from center to
'center, covered'.with l inch boarding.
i Every building- within the fire limits
l shall be provided with iron or steel
.water conductors, with - sufficient cap-
acity to convey all. surface drainage
1from the roof to the street or alley.
.Such conductor must be extended' to
'the curb line, and discharge into the
gutter; and must be below the sur.
face of the sidewalk, and. `where
buried' in the ground' must be. of cast
iron. Every conductor pipe must be
constructed with an` overflow 4
inches above the level of the' roof at
its lowest point:
Roof Hatches.
There must be a hatchway; provid:
ed with- a means- of fastening so that
the hatch may be 'easily opened' from
the inside at any' time. .
Sky' Lights
All sky lights in Class' "A'; "B"
or "C" buildings- other. than ove
elevator or stair shafts . shall' be of
wire glass not less. ttan 1 -4: inch
thick, set in metallic frames or pris
matic glass set in concrete., Sk
lights over elevator and' stair, shaft
must be made of glass not more
than 1 -8 inch: thick and' covered above
and below. with strong wire netting
and wire glass must not be used. Ove
elevatbr shafts there must bCa sky
light of at least three - fourths ' th
area of the shaft, and there shall' be
a sky light over every stair enclosure
of at least S8 the area *of th'e shat
the same as ' required for elevator
Every elevator and its -
beams and cables shall have
,city of not less than 100
to the square foot of caged, fl
a factor of safety of 10.
elevator must be provided w
automatic device which will s
car at the top and bottom flo
with safety devices which wi
the car to a stop in case of e.
speed or' failure in any part
a 'cap -
oor; and
ith an
When enclosed shall have enclos-
ure meeting the requirements: as. giv-
en above for passenger elevaitors.
and' when not enclosed trap floors.
shalt be provided at each• floor khich
shall- close- automatically or be i held .
back by fusible links so arranged. as.
of allow the doors m fall shut when
links are fused. Such trap floors
must be covered with lock jointed
.tin or metal on the underside. p
Dumb Waiters i.
Shall be enclosed in a shaft of. the
same construction as required' foi- ele-
vators,, or the. shaft may be of inetat
or metal liking and' in any case all
openings to such shafts shall 'be'.. pro-
vided with. doors or curbs: i
Chutes or Shafts. Pipe Vent and
Other Ducts
In. Class "A" B" or "C" buildings
must be of the same, construction as
required for dumb waiter shafts!
Class "A" "N" or "C" buildings
.mast' be. constructed to meet the re=
quirements of, dumb waiter shafts,. but
Jf. thoroughly fire - stopped; at I each
'floor;. d'oors '. will not be required over
be provided at each.
'Ventilating Shafts. 1'
In Class A" B" or. C" buildii
must, be. of fire proof construction.
case: of "B" or "C" constructed bu
r pings, metal, lath and, plaster or mi
:lining will, be construed as meet
the requirements. Vents from�u
-!ers. or stove hoods or any vent!
Sky cut. through from floor to floor
s. buildings of any class• other than
dences,. must be construed torn
' these requirements. Vents from, c(
ers. must not open into. air shafts
which any .bath. room.. or toilet.irc
the " Stairways F
No stairway, shall surround or
alongside of an elevator shaft of o
t"' hole unless "separated from the €sa
b a 4actition or wall, of fire ?pr
shafts. aterials, or unless there is, in the
Elevators same building ,another "stairway not
Elevator. shafts in Class !'A" build. same to an, elevator shaft or well
ings must' becompletdy enclosed and hole, and- in no; case shall. anyJ floor
constructed' of fire -proof materials of more than 10;000 sq. ft. area have
throughout, and shall extend from the less than two stairways from tle. top
basement to at least 3' feet 'above- the floor to the second floor. Where two
roof. All 'door openings in such stairways are required in any building
elevator enclosure shall be provided they shall: be' placed as, far as. passible
with. standard' fire doors and the, from'. each other. Class "B ".and C"
sills shall be of incombustible mater- buildings shall have one main ',,stair,
ial. Wire glass may be used to form way not less than, 4, feet wide � from
part of such enclosure, and must not the first to the highest story, and in
be less than 1:4 inch thick in fixed any building having, more than 6,000
metal frames and sasli. When the sg.. ft, area on any floor there shall
lower end of the shaft' is. open" to. `lie' not less than two stairways; from
'accomodate machinery„ such- mach - ,',the: top to the second floor, andR. there
finery must be endosed'<in a.' manner; shall be in any 'case one 'pern;lanent
similar to the shaft,; so that the shaft,' flight of steps. not less than 21 ft. 8
and machinery covering form =a. com "inches wide to the roof. Every 'base -
plete fireproof enclosure. In Class• "B "I!
and "C buildings elevators must belts ele used for the exhibition or.pthe
enclosed in the shaft similar to Classl�vided of goods da a separa[ess[airway rat
"A" except in this case stud'• parti- least 5 feet, in- width, for every 5000
tions may be allowed, to, be substitut -. square ft. of floor area thereof irl such
ed for the fire -proof construction if basement, and such stairways, shall
covered with metal. lath and plaster be without winder§ and must have a
on both sides 3A.incli thick,,, and all hand rail on each side and shall;. be as
doors in such shafts may be con- far. removed from. each other as pos-
structed' of metal or metal covered' sible and shall -have. aisles of at: least
with tin or wire glass and the room the width of the stairways connect,
containing the elevator machinery. ing the stairways which shall.bi: kept
shall be of the same construction as open free from. obstruction at all
required for the elevator shafts. The times.
elevator cage'must be made of fire =, Warehouse and Factory Stalin
proof materials excepting the floor, In all warehouses and. factors <` :s, the
'which may be of hard wood. ;stair or stairs. shall be enclosed in'the
Automatic Stop !same manner as required'. for elevator
Every passenger " elevator car or! shafts, except that open stairs niay be
hoist shall be provided with proper permitted, from the first to the second
automatic apparatus to prevent. its.
:floor, for ornamental effect, all "� door
falling in case of accident!. Immedi- 'openings in, such. stair enchisures
ately below the, shaft beams of: ells shall be provided with standard self:
vators there shall be placed a strong closing or automatic fire doors. And
metal netting of not .less' than 3 -16 all window openings. shall be pro -
inch round iron and having a mesh tected as required for, elevator ;hafts.
not exceeding 2 inches and above this At least one of, such enclosed stair
netting there shall -be a light wire walls in. each building shall. have a
netting not exceeding 3 -8 inch mesh; similarly constructed enclosed hall' -
all of which must be properly and way on the first story e.ctend-
ing to• the street. Any hotel
firmly supported. building, having an. area requir-
have at least one such continuous arid'
enclosed stairway, and stairways from
the first floor to any basement or por-
tion thereof which is used for storage
or for the maintenance of service' for
the hotel shall be enclosed as speci-
fied, above. .
In class "D" buildings,. if,used for
storagef only. one - stairway will be re-
.quired,, 3 fa .6 -in. wide,. extending from
top: =toe bottom floor:. ,
Rent .Houses and Bulk 'Heads. -
Used .for, the enclosure of tanks,
the machinery 'of.• elevators and- all
other pent houses or .structures - on
buildings not. over four stories in
height, may be .constructed' of wood
covered with metal, peovided their,
heights shall not exceed 10 feet nor,
their superficial area, .10 per cent of;
the area of. the building. Any such
li pent house, if within 3 feet of a party
or division fire wall„ such wall must
be carried. -ap three feet higher than:
such structure for "a distance of at
least 3: ft. on each. side: -Where pent
houses exceed 'the area given above,
they must be constructed' entirely of
fire proof. material::
Tanks having, a. capacity of 'over
five-hundred' gallons placed -on or
above roof of any Class "A" "B" or
"C" buildings, must tie. supported' by
an iron, steel.-or. reinforced' concrete
beam, the ends of which must rest-on
masonrywalls or other fireproof con-
struction. There must.be.a short out.
let pipe in the bottom of each-tank
with a valve not less'.than 4' inches in
diameter which can. be easily and
quickly, opened' to -drain. the tank' in
an emergency.. When .possible, the
tanks shall be placed at the corner of
the building,,,but must 'not be placed
l over Stairways.; _•_^
No part of art awning, shall be con.
strutted over a sidewalk, but-, metal
canopy may, be used over the main
entrance, to any building, provided,it..
covers no part of a store front, orf
store' entrance . Such canopy shall be I:
constructed of metal, and be support. "
ed entirely by metal frames and sup.
ports, but the use of wired glass not
less than K inch thick will be allowed.
Such- canopy must be supported. en.
tirely free of the sidewalk; and no part .
of such canopy shall come closer thin.
8 ft., to the sidewalk,, measured in the
clear. Proper provision must 'be made,
to carry the water from the' top of
the -.canopy down through tfi e con-
ductor, pipe- on the face of the build -
Phe,supporting members'of all cam
opies- shall, be figured with' a factor of (,
safety of six.
Canvass awnings placed over the
sidewalk must clear the sidewalk by
7 feet-at their lowest: point; but hang;
ing borders at the! bottom: 'and sup
porting brackets.-wfll be permitted to
come within: 6% feet of. the sidewalk.
Signs not electrical. shall: not be in-1
stalled, on roofs. of buildings.,or'pro-
ject above the fire `walls. or cornice of:
any building.
No safe sfiall be Safes place`d_tn any part .
of arty building' atibve tfie ground
level' until a permit has been' obtained'
from the building inspector. ' The
building inspector shall inspect the
strength of the' floor and' a permit
shall be refused. or granted by' his de-
cision. A fee °of - $1:00 to- be ' charged.
Section 25.
Cooking, Heating,. Ventilating and
Gas Burning Apparatus
Whenever cooking- ranges (except
in- residences) ovens, candy kettles„
coffee roasters or similar apparatus -ini
which fires are maintained are. set onl
:any wooden floor; .the- floor under•t:
neath such apparatus must be protect-t'
ed' by a continuous metal plate of
;not less' than- No. 12'` iron and all ;'
'joints securely fastened'. Such platel'
must extend-'at' least *2 ft. in front'ofI
such apparatus and" must be the full`
length of same: The•top of the plate f
must be covered with at least 3' inch -',
es.of.hollow tile. laid in cement. mor -i
-tar; so laid that the- hollow spaces in
the' tile, form. a continuous opening
from end to end.. This the is to be
covered with one -cos a of brick laid)
in- cement mortar ,or with•. 1 inch off
concrete.. Such apparatus as' named
'above must not be set nearer than 12
inches to any woodwork or wooden
stud partition and if nearer than this
to, such a. wall or partition a hole'
must be cut out of such wall at least,
I the floor of any boiler rbom_ vE ��l
sue or apparatus an the wa
I. room shall be provided with aon
Plied in solidly with masonry or fire -�
stand pipe not less than d3z inches in
Upon the completion of any fire es-
roof construction. Where a ceiling
diameter with at least 25 feet of fire
pe notice shall be given the build -
above any large range in.any hotel,
hose of the same size attached.
inspector and he shalt inspeet',
restaurant or boarding house is. eom-
Any opening into a boiler room
ch fire escapes and if he fiifdsLthe
posed of wood or lath and plaster,
from the interior of the building must
same to be constructed in aeeor'danee,
such range shall be guarded with a
be protected with a fireproof door ar-
with this Ordinance he shall issue-la
metal hood leaving a Clear space of
ranged to.elose automatically in ease
.Certificate to that effect without
at least. 9 inches between the hood
of fire, and where liquid fuel is used
charge, but if such work shall have
the ceiling and the ventilating
!under the boiler a sill of masonry
been done without a permit first hav-
Pipe shall be carried from such hood
must be plaeed under the door at least
trig been secured,' he shall collect a
'to, the . outside air or Connect to a
6, inehes high.
fee of $10.00, and no fire escape shall
'brier Sue, such gent pipe must be
Fire Protection, Metal Lath an d
be construed as meeting the require -
feovered with one inch of asbestos and
ments of this Ordinance unless such
'no pipe or flue shall be used. for any
- In frame buildings where a surface
a certificate has been issued.
Specifications for Fire Escapes
other purpose but shall have vent ear -,
ried at least 9 inches from any wood'sonry
fire protection is required, unless ma-
construction is specified, metal
Fire escapes must be constructed
.or plaster or other combustible ma-
lath and plaster will be deemed to ful-
in conformity to the following speeifi-
I In buildings already constructed a.
fill the requirements provided that the
metal lath is of at least 28 gauge and
There must be a balcony at each
double flue may be substituted if
the plaster 3/a inch thick. On each
floor Connected directly with a win -.
made with a continuous air space of
building within the fire limits on ex-
(tow or door, such balcony to be not
3 inches all around the inner flue.
terior windows opening above the first
less than 40 inches in width or less
than 8 feet in length. All fire
Portable Ranges and Stoves
floor, unless such windows face on
parts of
Shall have a metal shield under the
the street, or there is no building with-
escapes must be of wrought iron or
same extending. 12 inches beyond the
in 50 feet, and excepting private dwel-
steel construction. Balconies, lad-
stove, and if placed nearer than Zo
ling houses and churches, there shall
ders, and all parts of fire escapes must
be firmly secured to the building
to any woodwork or wood lath
and plaster work, such be
be wire glass windows in metal frames
fireproof doors
must be designed to stand a live load
work must
protected by a metal or asbestos shield
or or shutters and
such shutters must be closed and fast-
of not less than 100 lbs. per sq. ft.
with at least 1 inch air space behind
Cried at the end of each day's business.
and the building inspector may, if he
wishes, require the testing of any
it. Wood floors under large gas
ranges shall be protected with metal
Section 26.
of such fire escape with a load of 200
or asbestos. or 1 inch of masonry.
Where a protecting shield is required
Fire Escapes
For the proper and necessary-pro-
lbs. per sq. ft Balconies' must be
provided with an outside rail of iron,
behind a stove or other apparatus
. tection of life and property, the fol-
lowing fire escapes will be required:
or steel pipe or iron angles, the top .
rail to be 2 ft. 10 in. above the
such shield must extend 3 feet above
the top of the stove. The top
On every building any part of
form of the balcony, and the space
of each
heating furnace set in brick must be at
which is more than two stories high,
that is occupied or designed to be oe-
!between this rail and the balcony plat.
form be filled in
least 2 feet below the joists above it,-
eupied above the first floor for offices,
must with slats or
and. the top of the furnace must be
covered, with; sheet iron and brick sup-
workshops, or public entertainments
rods placed not farther than 9 ineheapart. The opening through the floori
ported by iron bars with at least 2
or assemblages or as a theater, hos-
pital, asylum, place of instruction, ho-
of balcony must 'be at least 20x40
inches of sand on top of the brick.
tel, rooming house, factory or for
inches, but no fire escape stairway
The top of portable heating fur-
manufacturing, shall be provided with
shall be less than 18 inches in width.
maces or smoke pipes from the same
fire escapes as follows: such fire es-
treads must not have a rise of
must be kept 3 feet below the under-
capes . to be so placed as to be easilyN
over 12 inches, and must be 4 inches
side of joists and girders unless such
reached from doors or windows at
wide. No stairway shall have an in-
woodwork is protected by a metal
each story. All buildings over three
elination of less than 4 inches hori-
plate suspended in such a way that
stories in height shall have a metallic
zontally to 12 inches vertically and
there will be 11/2 inches air space all
around such
stand pipe in Coneetion with every
there must be a landing at least 20
inches wide at the top and bottom of
woodwork, and brick
must extend one foot beyond all
fire escape as required above, and
where there is more than 5000 sq. ft,
the stairway. The stairway must be
smoke pipes or furnaces in every di-
of floor area on any story above the
provided with a hand rail at each side
reetion. In no ease shall smoke pipe
first, the building shall be equipped
of not less than one -inch gas pipe,
or furnace be within 15 inches of any
with an additional fire escape for
which must be eonhuuous from the
woodwork. Every furnace used for
every 5000 sq., ft. or fraction thereof
top balcony to the lowest. From the
heating purposes must be set on a'of
area. Buildings of Class "A"
top balcony, there shall be an iron
masonry floor and no�wdodwork will
construction not over six stories in
'goose -neck ladder extending from the
be allowed within 2 feet of furnace
height, and not used for manufac-
balcony to and above the roof of the
unless it is protected with metal
turing purposes above the first floor,
building, this ladder to be practically
plates in the manner above described.
shall be exempt from the require-
Parallel with the wall, and not less
Use of Liquid Fuel
4ui �
Where any liquid fuel is
ments of this section as to fire es-
than I5 in. wide. The sides f the
must be at least i x2 inch iron,
used on-
,der any furnace, such furnace must
capes. Before any permit shall be is-
sued for an new building on which
or steel bars and rungs not less than
be in W4 masonry inches below
y pit
fire escapes would be required by this
4's inch diameter, placed not more,
the surrounding floor level, and such
section the location every fire es-
than 14 inches apart. This ladder
pit must be at least 2 feet larger on
cape shall be shown, and shall
a a
must be securely fastened to the wall,
all sides than the
Proved t'
the chief of the fire depart -,
the roof and the balcony, and well
merit before a permit is issued.
braced in such way as to be perfectly'
All concealed wall pipes, register
On buildings already erected which
rigid. Where there is a wide, over -)
boxes and fittings shall be completely
require a fire escape, before such fire
hanging cornice this ladder must be
with two thicknesses
escape is built, a permit shall be ob-
arried up through the cornice in a
!eight pound asbestos paper sed'urely
p ly
tained from the building inspector.
parallel to the wall, and must not
cemented to the pipe, and no heated
for which he shall collect a fee of
be built out around the cornice.
air under any condition shall be eir.
one dollar. Such application shall be
through the cornice to be large
culated. through a' wooden vent flue
made on a blank to be furnished by the
enough to allow easy passage for a
cr any wooden construction, abut must
building inspector, and must show the
carried in metal pipes or other fire
location of the -building and the de-
proof construction.
details of construction of the fire es-
Inside the building there must be a
r Protection of Steam Pipes
cape, and such details of the eon-
light, with a red globe or lantern ifi-
Steam heating pipes shall not be
struetion of building as may be re-
cleating the location of every fire
placed within 2 inches of any timber
quired by the building inspector to
cape, on such lantern the words "Fire
or woodwork unless such is protect-
determine whether such fire escape is
:..scapc" must be plainly outlined ill
ed by metal or asbestos, when the dis-
meeting the requirements of this Or:
setters not less than 6 inches in height,
tanee may be decreased to not less.
dinanee. Such permits will be sub-
and this light must be kept burning
than 1 inch. Where such pipes pass!
jeet to the same provisions regarding
continuously throughout the night
through the floor, ceilings or lath and
commencing work and forfeiture of
When such building is occupied.
plaster, or wood partitions, 'pipes)
must be surrounded by a tube
permit as laid down in this Ordinance
Every building Stand Pipes five stories
passing entirely through such work!
connection with regular building
in height, shall have outside of the
e ex-
{with a clear space =of % inch on all
It shall be unlawful to occupy any
terior walls or imbedded therein ��
sides of steam pipes, and all . steam,
porton of any building above the see-
side preferred) one metallic stand
pipes must be so sheathed when eon -,,
and floor on which a fire escape is
Pipe, at least four inches in diameter,
eealed. Pipes used for conveying live
required or where such fire escape has
extending from a point four feet, six
steam under high pressure shall in no
been installed and has not been in-
inches above the sidewalk rip to and
ease be brought within 8 inches of
speeted and approved by the building
over the,roof. At each story there
any woodwork unless protected by a
shall be a branch with a 2Yz inch gate
fire proof pipe covering at least f
Building to be Vacated if No
valve, and there shall be a two -way
inch thick, when the distance may be"
Fire Escape
2% inch Siamese steamer connection
decreased to not less than Z inches. li
If the building inspector shall find
attached to the lower end of such'
Boiler Rooms
upon inspection that any building is,
stand pipe. The upper end of the
All walls surrounding the boiler
not properly provided with fire es=
stand pipe shall extend above the roof
rooms shall be of masonryeonstrue-
capes he shall notify the owners or
and terminate in two 3 inch gate
valves, provided with reducers from
tiou for their full height, and the eeil-
'trigs of the entire room shall
persons having charge of such a
the g g
building that fire escapes are required
3 inches to 234 inches each, provided
of fire proof construction or metal
r metal
and such owners shall
with a cap and chain.
Every building six or seven stories
lath and plaster. In Class e or
buildings be
h h to Commence
have ten days in which to eommeand
in height shall have a stand pipe as
the walls may made of
'metal lath and plaster. Every boiler
eon str h co st such fire escapes and
if such construction is not started
specified above, except that it must be
room shall be provided with a sump
within ten days all parts of the build-
at least five inches in diameter, and
have a 4 way 2% Siamese inlef.attael
hole or blow off chamber, aneF the
,water or steam from the boiler shall 'vacated
ing above the second floor shall be
immediately. The posting of
to the lower end and in every ;story
in no ease be allowed to blow or dis :a*
notice on the building in a eonspie
there •shall be 'a three inch gate valve
provided with a. reducer to -22/z uich'e,
Charge direct to the sewer.-' No woad..!uous
tali be- used in'=t t r5 '7ticet ore of :'shall
spot by the building inspector
be eonstrued as meeting the re
caeil with a cap and chain and the rb'o
of;this�secticn as to nofi -
collection shall be a 3- way,;Siamese
.._- - -.,___
;;educes to 2 inches eac with cat!f.
No obstrucion, shall pe place:! over "struction, -may form paiaz[ of a- liuild-
for offices, stores or apart -
,ad chain. Buildings over eight stor -'
ies or more in height' must have a
such inlet holes and any material �mg
be kept
provided that the walls of the
stand pipe which must be at
stored in the basement shall )'Cuts,
auditorium be carried up solidly to and
least 6 inches in diameter with connec-
clear of such holes in such a way as
to interfere with the propertwork-
through the roof, excepting as exits
[ions a[ [he bottom.and every floor and
idg of the water circulating nozzle
are provided.
Garden, E[c., Above
roof as specified for six and seven
used by the fire department.
story buildings.
Fire Escapes —Stand Pipes
The chief of the fire dell! build[
Nothing shall preven[, a roof Bar -
Every building where stand pipes
shall notify the owner of all;
mgs now erected which will? gome
den, art gallery, or rooms for office
being above a the -
are required shall have stand pipe
wiih every fire escape re-
under the provisions of this section,)
purposes placed
ater, provided that the ceiling or roof
that buildings of
to place ground floor pipe casing holes
of [heater Proper is made of fire
Class "A" construction over three
have least
widtiu 3U days of such notice. tin case;
of any building to be erected! which
proof materials, .and , [ha[ the struc-
built above- is constructed of fire
stories in, height shall at
one standpipe for every 100 feet of
would come under the, provisions of
bell grant.
rocf . materials. 'But no part of any
street or alley frontage : or 'fractional
this section, no permit-shall-
theater building.shall be used for car -
part thereof.
ed until these pipe casing are,
located and shown on the
rying on any business dealing'in any
The fire department shall inspect
when they
Plans of the firs[ floor. i
a rti cle or material dangerous to the
life or for manufacturing purposes.
and [es[ all stand Pipes
consider it- necessary, and any defect
Section 27. i.
-and no lodging accommodations shall)
therein shall be.- remedied immediately
he allowed in .any part of the build—
by the owner. All stand pipes here-
Every building used as a theater.or
ing communicating with the auditor -..
after locatedmust meet.with the ap-
for public entertainment must tie built)
ium or the stage, all doors in every
proval' of the fire department
to conform with the requirements of
part of the theater used by the pub-
inside Stand Pipes ' '
this section. I
lic' must be made to swing outwardly
On ,the, inside of every building
Any building already built wliich isi
and all doors.whicli can be used for
over two sfories in, height, excepting
[o be used or is used for theatricali
exit purposes must be. left ,unlocked,
dwellings and churches, there shall
purposes or public entertainments !
during performances' allowing clear
be a stand pipe extending from the
need not conform with the iequire -,.
passageway [o [he street in each case.
'connection to the,.city water main
ment's of this section regarding seat-
Panic bolts, may be used on ,doors
(such connection' to, be not less in
ing aisles, stairways, and other:) means,
provided the doors are so fastened as
diameter than that of the standpipe)
of exit and entrance and means of ll
to yield with a very, slight push out-
anal ending above the roof of the
:fighting fire.
building and to be' installed as fol-
No building shall be opened -l.to the;
Stage, Dressing Rooms, Etc.
lows: Buildings three stories in
public for theatrical purpose's untilt No workshop, stage- or general
height shall have stand pipe' less
such shall- be approved in' writing by property, room shall be allowed above
than 2 inches inferior - diameter.
the building inspector and die. chief
the auditorium or stage or in any of
Buildings 4 stories and over stand pipe
of the fire department and sticlh ap-
! the fly galleries; but all such rooms
with an interior diameter of 3 inches,
proval shall be given when [fall. re-
.Shall be located in the rear 'or 'at fhe
Stand pipes sfia71 have 1% inch hose
quirements as set forth in this
j' side of the •stage and in such .ca'ses
connection and gate "valve: on each
shall have been met:
must be separated from the stage by;a
floor and roof and attached: to hose.
Exit Corridor
!`fire .proof wall and the. entrance to
connection there shall be enough good
There shall be exits provided on;
such rooms guarded, by automatic fire
1'.'z inch hose and nozzle" [',reach all
both sides of the auditorium- connect-
1: doors. A fire .wall' built of masonry
parts of the floor. The location of
ing either with an open court, street
1 shall separate the auditorium from
such stand pipe shall be subject. to
or exit street corridor as. de'.scribed
the .stage and extend at least .4 feet
the approval of the bml.dingulspector'
therein. Where such corridorius used
:above the stage roof.' °
In case the height of the building red -,such
tiers the available water pressure in-
corridor must run the full, length
the auditorium and connect direct -
Proscenium Arches and Fire .
sufficient to throw. a reasonable
ly with the street and there must be'.
Above the proscenium opening
stream such stand pipes sfiall be con<
no connection between the main en-
be a steel or reinforced
nected. to a tank of noCless than 1000
.to• be to-
trance -or lobby . and this corridor,
Il.concre[e girder of sufficient strength
gallons capacity, this tank
Such corridor .must be separat d from
to. safely support the load above. - It
cated upon the roof and kept filled with
water in such a manlier as to furnish
the audiioriudi by a fireproof, wall
and where [he corridor is end bsed inl
of steel, [his. girder . must be fire
masonry no[ less [han.4
a good stream of water', for extin-
the building, ceiling and both
�I proofed with
id thickness or 2 inches on-
guishingo fire. - of any, such
may be. required at
Y q
sides of the corridor must b'e made
�cre[e. The frame round [he proscen=
stand pipes
the chief of the fire de-
fire proof construction.
�ium o enin must be'made entire) of
! p g Y
request of .
be a[. leas[ two exits om each; side. of
proof materials, and. if metal, is
All stand pipes either or out
the building from the main 116or and`',fire
on,each es:ch --
used i[ must be.backedsolidly.
side must be of galvanized^ iron and,
hco exits side of-- -bal
cony or gallery. 'Each exit !;hall ' be'
The roscenium openmgi shallbe
fire or metal
the size of thread and .coupling for
hose and valve connection must meet
at least 5 fee[ wide in wid[ti' to the
Where [here are balconies 'or
; provided with a proof
curtain approved by the building in-
the approval and'the specifications' of
galleries above the level of the floor
sector.. This curtain . shall
wall. a[, the top and
the fire department, and all. Siamese
base to be of NEW -
this exit corridor, there shall be
the proscenium
both sides and run in iron grooves or
and connections
PORT BEACH, Fire Department
:staircases pas) extending
(fire escapes)
from the exits in the balconyrstartin9
channels not less than 6 inches deep:
•.This to� be securely fastened
standard. Stand pipes `must be cap -
from a landing no[ less than 9j feet in
[o.[te fire wall,iit'such a way as to
atle of standing hydro
e of standing
width connected directly with exit
the passage of fire.and to ex-
of to sq. inch throughout
the gallery or balcony. Such stair-
tend not less than 3 feet °above the
their entire length.
All stand pipes to be kept -filled and
cases shall have :risers not ever 8�
inches high and [reads not less than
°top of the: curtain., when raised to its
fireproof curtain
under pressure and ready for instant:
9 inches net width. The E;taircase
to be suspended,by iron or steel
use at all times. This section shall ap-
from the topmost balcony to 'the one
cables passing over suitable fire. Proof
ply to buildings already erected or to
next betow'must be at least 30. inches,
pulleys, and the`iixcess weight of,
Le erected.
Before a permit shall be issued for
wide in [he clear, and must increase 6
inches in width below each balcony:
curtain is cotton be overcome by a ng to
rope of- cotton or, hemp "extending [o
any buildings requiring stand pipes.
Exit Fire Escapes
the floor on both sides. of the stage
the location of such stand pipes :must
Where the seating capacity of the
and to the fly: gallery, so arranged that
be marked on the plans.
Basement Pipes
auditorium exceeds one thousand pthe
- the of the rope a[ a these
Every building already Erected ors
ple this width of the stairways must
be increased 6 inches for emery in-
Points will - release the curtain; and
is will
allow 4it to fall at its normal me of
to be erected having a basement which)
crease in the sea[in "ca aci[ of ei h[
speed. This shall' be lowered
is used or to be used for the storage of
hundred people .or' fraction )thereof.
'after each art. and a[ the close of [fie
merchandise shall be provided with
All of these stairways and land-
:performance.: if -.be curtain of
round floor ,pipe -casing oles con-
sstructed in and throughgihe floor of�
must be constructed of Aso-
ed With
iwii,e, it must he reinforced, with
the first story of,the, building as fol -II
lately :fire proof material, and must
be designed [o sustain a liveload of.
•wire, and a[ the bottom of the cur=
be a rigid metallic
lows: Pipe casing holes.mus[ es[end+
two hundred Pounds per square foot.
tam must placed
rood or bar of the proper, weight, prop-
from the level of the floor through,
a t
Where a theater is built inside and.
erly fastened to- carry the curtain
ane below the-ceiling of the basemen[
forming part of another building,
down. In any case the curtain must
or below the bottom. the
these exits may open directly, into
lbe of such a weight when released,
joists, if .there is no c ailing, and be so
corridors in the other part! of the
to'-•drop of its 'own weight There
constructed as. to enable the fire de-
building, but there must be a fire wall
shall be no door .way through the pros -
partment to put a water circulating
between the auditorium proper and
cerium wall from the auditorium above
nozzle through for the prompt extin -1
such part of the building - and all
i the level of the.first floor..Anv- door -
guishing of any- fire occurring in the
stairways and corridors which serves
i way through the proscenium wall must
basement These holes must not be
I as exits must meet the requirement) of
I be provided with :self closing fire.doons
loss th1h 8 inches in the clear in
this section as to size. The floor of exit
I on each- side so hung as to be easily
ameter and must be provided with a
metal cover flush with the floor. Both
i corridors as specified herein, `must bet
carried. their full length fwi[hout'
opened frorr{ either side. of the wall at
all times: Above the §tage there shall
the cover and casing of the hole to
steps, but a gradient of not more than be.eonstructed one.or more ventilators
be constructed of non.gorrosive metal.'
I. in 12, may be used to mak% up for, of incombustible material. near the
Both the construction and 'the loca-
a difference in.levels. The exit corri- .center of the stage above the highest
tion of such holes shall be subject to
dor must not be less' than 7i feet in', point of the roof. The ..combined
the approval. of the chief of the fire
width where the seating capacity Of"
I areas of these ventilators must -e 9 ual
department and [here shall be at leas[
.one such inlet hole for every 50 feet
the [heater is one [housandti people,
and .10 feet in width when one thous'
ten per cent of the area enclosed with-
in the stage walls. The openings in
'of width or :depth of the buildings
and is exceeded.
this ventilator must equal the area
but there will nohbe more,Ghan one
Nothing shall be built ab
Qve the
�1, pecified above, and must be so- closed
hole required for every 1000 square
Jl roof of the stage, but must! be left iby valves, louvers or dampers as to
feet of around floor area, unless the
open to the sky, but the auditorium open automatically when released.. A
basement is divided into rooms of
smaller area.
and parts of the theater used b the]. hemp or cotton cord shall control
i .....u,... _,.:a ,.....i....va :- c_„ ...r.. ,. -.,_ .i,a— dmmnrrc and this cord shall be
Far to each' side Ot the flpenmg'! srxiu anu n,ntrancm r
in the proscenium wall, and 4fl th , Entrance or exit stairways must as g an ee c'
fly galleries, and shall lie so arrange he not less than 5 feet in width when Ligh ht Wires
Supplying the building shall have
that when the cord is cut, at any of intended for the use of the public
these points, the ventilators will open) and where the seating capacity of three independent connections as fol-
these points, ro their full extent. i, the theater exceeds five hundred per- .bows: One for the stage, one for the
There shall be a fusible link inserted ,!sons there must be an aggregate of auditorium, and the third for the cor -,
a n this cord at a point at or near the X20 inches added to the exit width for ridors, lobbies, halls; exits and such
'bottom of the ventilator. -i each additional 100 persons or frac. ` other portions of the building as are
All that part of the stage that is tion thereof. used by the audience outside of the
not used for the presentation of a1. Balconies or galleries above the first auditorium proper.
scene, shall be built of fire proof con - gallery or balconv must be provided Gas and Electricity and Light
g� with distinct places of exit and en- provisions must be. made for shu[-
roomson, all Partitions of all other Ling off all gas and electricity outside
rooms and passageways and all Other I�, trance, but a common place of exit of the building and in addition to
partitions on or about the sides Of � and entrance may serve for a main
the stage, shall be constructed of fire floor and first gallery provided it meet his [here must he some means in the
proof materials, and all shelving and aggregate capacity of the outlet from part lobby controlling all lights that
cupboards and Property rooms, dress- these floors.., par[ of f [he [heater used by [he aud-
ing rooms, or other stage rooms, I No passage leading,to the foot of No lights of any description shall be
'shall be constructed of fire proof ma -; any stairway communicating with any recessed in walls, wood ork or ceil-
�„ terial. None of the windows open -. entrance or exit, shall be less than 4 ing in any part of the building unless
mg through the outside walls of the l feet in width at any point. This protected by fireproof materials.
stage, shall have fixed sash or iron I clause not applying to the emergency Whenever deemed necessary by the
grills or bars, or be locked shut by exits in the exit corridor. building inspector, wire guards shall
any means, unless the same are at-, Stairs be provided over lights.
ranged to open easily from the inside,! Stairs from balconies or galleries All ducts or shafts used for con
and are kept unlocked during perform • shall not communicate with basement) ducting heated air from the main
antes. There shall be a window or I or cellar. chandelier or any light shall be con -
,door opening directly from the fly! All stairs shall have treads of uni -' strutted of metal and made with
gallery through the outside wall of form width, .and risers of uniform i double walls with an air space be-
the stage upon a fire escape, or some' height throughout every flight. Where tween or of some other fire proof
other exit. "a gallery has a seating capacity of j material.
The auditorium proper shall be se p. over one hundred people, there must' Where open lights are used cmy* !'
.. P P-., be at least two flights of stairs lead. stage they shall be protected with,,
'arated from the vestibule by walls' ing from opposite sides of the gal -. wire guards or screen so constructed
,built of fire proof materials. All'lery, and 6 inches shall be added to,that no metal can come in contact
stair cases for the use of the audience! the aggregate width of these stairs for with the frames., -
shall be enclosed in walls of fire, every additional fifty people or frac -1 - "— proof staircases from the openings tier hall' ion thereof to be seated in such gal -i I,igh[� s onB_ he sqd of m proscen-
be full width of staircase. No door Very. This width to be added equally Lights
must be so protected with guards
[o the two flights. that no drop an come in contact with'
shall open directly upon a flight of Width of all stairs shall be meas- Electric P
} stairs but upon a landing at least the ured in the clear between hand rails. i, elude he a calcium re called in-
f`1 - width of the door. iS[airs leading to the firs[ gallery may. eluded in the above reqquirements.
The ceiling of the auditorium be left open on one .side, but in no Border Led a
shall be formed of fire proof mater- !case Must be constructed according to,
case shall stairs [o any gallery be left the best known method and to be sub -
ials, as must also be the ceiling under open on both sides. ii
each gallery. All plastering in the and When stairs return direct) on 'tees ro the approval t first city eleet
itorium or an room used in connec- Y of t inspector, and next firs[ 8 fee[
tion with the auditorium, must be on _themselves a landing the full width of the suspension next ro the light'
of both flights shall be provided and l. must be made of wire rope
metal lath or masonry, and all parti- the outer corners of such a landing chain. P or iron
tions in any of the rooms used by shall be curved to a radius of not less ''�"'
,the audience ill connection with the i Fire Fighting not Apparatus
than 2 feet No winders shall be used Stand pipes of not less than 54 inch•
auditorium, must be constructed of {n any stairs intended for the public, ;
fire proof materials and wood wains- but where stairs turn at an angle the follows:
m diameter shall be provided as
cotin or a covering of canvas or H Y follows: One on each side of the.
g H shall have a proper landing intro -I I stage with connections at the main,
other combustible material must not duced without. winders at such a turn. pipe l floor. A similar stand h e with one'
r be on the walls and ceiling of such Where two flights connect with one �� connection within 10 feet of the door.
rooms. main flight, this main flight must have of the. carpenter shop and one within
Gallery Construction a width equal to the aggregate width) 10 feet of the door of an storage
All galleries and balconies must. be of the side flights. All stairways shall.I Y s
H Y room, and one in the fly gaper so
so constructed between the gallery have on both sides strong handrails 'placed as to be easily reached from
floor andaces ceiling [h below thoroughly that fide, firmly supported, and if placed against the exit window or door already spec.
P P Y wall left 3 inches in the clear, and ,I'
stopped and can be easily inspected, about 3 feet above the stairs, but hfied.
No space may be over 36 square feet such hand rail shall not be run on All such stand pipes and hose ruc.
in area without a fire stop. All gal- level
platforms and landings, where Inec[ions shall be kept clear of obs[ruc.
' ler structural members must be fire' P H ' [ions a[ all times.
y the same are a greater length than A sufficient quantity of than approved 1
proof or mill construction, and sub- the width of the stairs. All stairways i linen cotton hose not less than 2'/i
ject to Building Inspector's approval. g feet or over in width. shall have inches in diameter in 50 foot length
Seating Arrangements a center handrail not less than 2 inch - o '
Wood sounding boards may be con- es in diameter laced at the same .but not less than h feet k rota-
-- strutted over the orchestra Pit when P i length m. any case shall ti kept ah
the same extend back of and below height as the side hand. rails and sup- . cached [o each hose connection. Such
.` ported on metal standards of sufficient 1 hose n a provided with washers,
the hanging of the stage, but such a strength ro hold it firmly. Such s[and-
soundin board must be fire stopped ards to be not closer than 4 feet nor I couplings and nozzles and the threads
i b a masonry wall back of it. All the all connections ro conform with
y Y farther than 6 fee[ apart and a[ [ch me standard in use by the fire depart-
in the auditorium, excepting end of each flight of stairs on each!; ment .
those contained in boxes shall not be landing this tenter rail shall it Stand Pipes
- less than 30 inches from back to terminate in a standard at least 4 feet,, The stand pipe must be installed in.
back and not less than 18 inches from in height. ' dependent of the automatic sprinkler
center to center, and firmly secured In no case shall the risers of any. system. All standpipes
to the floor, and no seat shall have stairs exceed 7% inches in height, nor Y se steamer must co nec.
more than six seats intervening be- H netted ro a Siamese steamer connec.
shall the net inch of the [reads be anon on the outside of the building
r [ween it and an aisle on either side. less than 10,4 niches. and be approved by the chief of the
)No seats shall be allowed in the Heating Arrangements fire department.
aisle, nor shall anyone be allowed to No radiator or heating coil shall Such stand pipes shall receive and
stand or seat themseves in the aisle be placed in any aisle or passageway supply P P gravity
during the performance excepting used as an exit unless set in a recess PP Y the water from a ravel tank
employees of the theater or-city; or suspended from the walls or cell- located on the stage roof with the
_ P bottom a ig tank at leas[ 12 feet
oPl—ff rms m - a- Ilenes forme to ing with a clear passage of 7 fee[ 6, above the highest point s the roof.
receive seats shall not be more than inches below. When a steam boiler is This tank to be of not Jess than 5000
124 inches in height of riser or less used for heating or other purposes it gallons capacity, and in addition such
>" :than 30 inches in width of platform. must be located outside the part of stand pipes must have at least one of
4 the building used for the theater, and
the following supplies:
must be enclosed by walls and ceil-
With seats on both sides must be � . a Approved steel
i i ing of masonry on all sides. �) PP pressure tank
not less than three fee[ wide at any Stairways leading to such a room of not less than 5000 gallons capacity
point, and must increase in width must be enclosed with automatic fire located on the stage roof or not low -
toward the exits at the ratio of 1% doors. Every portion of the building er than the grid floor.
inches to 5 running feet. Aisles with devoted to the use or accomodation (b) Automatic fire pump of not less
seats on one side only, must begin of the public and including the open than five hundred gallons capacity per
C .'not less than 2 feet 6 inches wide exit courts or corridors shall be well minute.
and must have the same increase in lighted during each performance and (c) City water main where nozzle
'width towards the exits. at all times when the public is admit- Pressure is not less than 25 pounds]
Wherever possible, to overcome ted to the buildin g. per square inch at the highest hose
differences, of level, gradients or in- Exit Lights outlet when streams are -in operation.
clined planes shall be used in place, Over each exit opening there shall Stand pipes must be fitted with ap.
of stops. be a light kept burning with a red Proved straight.way composition
Every theater accomodating more globe -or lantern on whcih shall be valves with hose outlets.
-r than three hundred persons shall haye placed the word "Exit" 'in red letters Two spanners to be located at each
at least two exits, five hundred per- not less than 6 inches in height hose connection.
sons a[ leas[ three exits. f —" Stand pipes to be kept constantly
filled with water.under pressure ready
for instant use. ...
j Auiomatic Sprinklem indemnify and keep harmless the City P -Y -� - erson who shall
A system of automatic scprinklers Except an such P
of Newport Beath from all liabilities,
approved chief the building .inspector judgments, costs and `expenses which violate any of the provisions of this
and the thief of the fire department may in any case accrue against said Ordinance as to the provisions of this
shall be installed throughout the en- City in consequence of the granting Ordinance as. to the constructon of�
tire stage section of the theater to of such permit or license. chimneys, fireplaces, flues hot air
,fated in the rear of the proscenium, Such house ' mover must' Comply
wall. This to. include equipment of with all conditions laid don iii the Or.- Pipes or furnaces or who-shall violate
roof, grid, galleries, stage and in all dinances of the city of Newport Beath any of the provisions of the Ordin- I
dressing rooms, in all workshops and and must make good. all damages ante, with. reference to the framing of �.
all property rooms and other rooms or injuries caused by the moving of timbers, girders,-beams, trim or other
and passages. I . an house or structure. '
There shalt bean independent war- Y - wood trim approximate to ,'chimney
er supply connected with . sprinklers a permit shall be ob before from
which may consist of a gravity tank the building inspector before mov flues or fire plates, shall verall fined me $coned
with the bottom not less than 10ank .ing any building, the 'fee toi be paid 'Any and all the severally mentioned
gallons and in addition at. least one for such permit to correspond to the persons who have been served with; a
of the sources of supply as required fees Charged for new buildings, the notice as herein described, to remove
for additional supplies for stand value it be the appraised ;value of
. pipes, excepting that if the steel pres- the building at the such off moving. any .structure or apart thereof erected
sure tank is used it must not, be less Before obtaining such, permit the in violation of any, provision o this
than 7500 gallons capacity and lo- mover shall state she -p rmit the Ordinance equine shall fail to comply
route. to be t taken and the -permit shall
' fated not lower than the highest line limit the time for removal, fund any with any requirements of this Or'din-
of sprinklers. delay of time longer. than specified in ante, or with any order or regulation
In addition to the above there 'such permit, shall be deemed a nuis- made thereunder, within ten days . after
must be a Siamese steamer tonne[. I ante in the violation of this Ordin-
d such service in the respect-named in
on outside on the front of the building.
and above such steamer. connection ante. r said notice, shall pay an - additional
hi paid the
there shall be placed a suitable plate The fee for a house mover's license
fastened'to; the wall with raised let. shall be $25.00 a year payable an- penalty .of $250.009 of avng
nually in advance, i above, penalty shall., fail to comply
ters reading "Stage Sprinklers." .where a building is •.to fie moved with' the said notice within a reason -
Fire Extinguisher from one part of a lot to another part '
The installation of the sprinkler able time, :'shall 'continue to violate
heads must conform to the standard. of the same lot, or from one ;lot to an- an re uirements of. this Ordinance°in
recommended by the National Board other owned''y the "same {Jerson, and, Y 9
re Fire Underwriters. There must be where such' building is to be moved•ihhe• respect named in such notice shall
kept in readiness for immediate use without crossing any streetf or alley. be guilty of a misdemeanor `and shall
fire extinguishers at each of the fol. or the property of any other person. be punished by a fine not less than
lowing stations: One on each side the owner must first obtain the written
of the:stage, one under the:stage, one consent of the building inspector to $5.00 and not more than $300.00 or
o change the location of such building by imprisonment in the ''City Jail for
in r.each fly storey, one .in Bath prop. and such consent shall not be grant- period' not exceeding three months or
shop, room, store room' and work- ed when there is reasonable Jobjection
shop, FOR FIRE PURPOSES on the part of adjoining property by both such fine and imprisonment,
ONLY." owners and the fee for permit shall and in the event that any, fine im-
There shall also be provided on the be $I 00 Services of a Iicen:sed house posed., hereunder is not paid, -then by
stage 6 three gallon approved them=
mover will not be required ,in such a ' iiprisonment in the City Jail at the
ical fire extinguishers, -at least 4 axes, _ -- .— g-----
two 15 foot hooks, and two 10 foot ate of $2.00 for: each day of such im-
hooks and such special appliances as No house or building i' may be risonment. -
may be required by the thief. of the imoved from one lot to another lot,
fire be required - 'less it'conforms in every respect to•alI Section 31.
The stand pipe hose and all appa- provisions of this Ordinance applit -, The above and foregoing Ordinance
ratus for the extinguishing of fire or able to a new building to bepconstru { {{shall be printed and published once
fed on the proposed site: _
uaalle against the same, shall be l am Newport News, , a newspaper of i. H g g Section 29. l ice= eneral tirtulation, printed, published.
installed to the satisfaction -of and <
Iput in under the Control of the chief provisions of V - g
of the fire department. � � The provivons of this Ordinance and circulated in the City of Newport
Enforcement of Section shall not be considered as lbeing, re> Beath and shall take effect and be in
troactive except in cases where it is
The Building- Inspector and Chief forte thirty (30) days after its pass•,
of the fire department are'hereby,giv= specifically stated. .i age.
en authority to enter any theater or Violation and owners of io g-
part thereof °at any time: and make The owner or owners a ,inv build- The above and foregoing Ordinance'
such inspection as they may. deem ing, structure or part thereof, or of was passed at .a regular meeting of
necessaryy to, see that the - provisions be staging or flooring or platform to the Board of, Trustees held on the
of this Urdinance are tarried out, and i be used for standing or seating pur-
if they find that any_of the require - ',Poses or any architect, civil engineer, 6th day of March, 1922;.by the vote
ments of this Ordinance• e to the
seating or plumber, carpentlir, mason; of the .following' named members
seating or' means of entrance or. exit (contractor. sub-contractor, foreman or -thereof[`
of the audience have not been tom- any other person, who . may be .em: -Ayes, Trustees -J. P. Greeley, J; T
plied with or that the means of light -1 ployed or assist in the - commission
�iof any violation of -any provision of $thnitker, ,Conrad Richter, O,'H.
ing, fire or guarding against the theyiithis Ordinance, and an .an'd' all per. Burke.' =' -
are not Properly provided for they Y
shall have authority to prevent the�� sons who shall—Violate—any 6f the pro- Noes, Trustees.6eo. •P. W- tlson.
opening of the ,theater until it hasi� visions of this Ordinance. j'oi fail. to' Absent, Trustees None. _
been made to conform with the re- 'comply herewith. or any requirements` The above and foregoing Ordinance
quirements of this Ordinance. .No. thereof, or who shall violate. or fail,to is signed and.approved,by me this
tice to any person taking, or selling comply with any order or•:regulation {+, . -.
tickets in the theater shall be ton- 6th "day of March,. 1922, -
-made thereunder, `or shall build in : -J,'p; GREELEY,
sidered legal notificationas required violation of any detailed sta %ement or,'
in this section, and. failure to act im- President of the Board Of Trustees of
mediately deemed a violation of this spetifitations or plans sut��mitted or the City of Newport Beath.
Ordinance. approved thereunder, or any certifi- - Ahhesh.. -. .
Section 28. - rate or permit issued thereunder shall - . , ALFRED SMSTH,
House. Moving d severall ' for each and ever lsuch viola- '
No person, extepting�� a licensed Y Yr 'Clerk of the Gity of Newport
house mover shall remove -any build- tion and noncompliance respectively .,i Beach .
ing within the limits of the City and be 'fined $25.00.
every such person shall annually be. -- - 3
fore engaging in such occupation ob.
tain a license therefor from the City _
Clerk. Before obtaining :such license - - -- .
the applicant shall give a•bond to the .
City in the sum of $500.00 to be ap- .
proved by the Board of Trustees: All
such bonds shall be given to save and _
I. Alfred Smith, Clerk of the City of idewport Beach, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 182 is a true and correct copy
of an Ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular meeting
held on the 6th day of March, 1922, and that same was pritited and
published according to law.
y erk o Newport Beach..