HomeMy WebLinkAbout202 - Spur Track Across Central Avenue & 18th StreetORDINANCE N0..200 •t -(a�7S a7I—new Tuildings, aII vents quarter m_Tiper Toot Coward t. -rd ree.t (shall run through -the roof perpen- sewer. The :pipe must`be.;made per�- AN FI R D 19 A N r F -Or+' THE � dicul -.rly, and terminate �at least 6 i fectly water -tight. It shall---not be $Cf ?• °D OF TRUM'EES+ OF ? nches above the roof and the same covered or concealed to any :aamier „ THEi CITY OF NE Vr? 0 R T.; shall not terminate within 6 feet of ]'until it has been properly testeib and - BEACH AMENDING SECTiONiI any window, air shaft, chimney, or ; approved by the Plumbing Inspector. EIGHT .(8) OF 'ORDINANCE; opening. - (g) All changes in direction s',*, NO. 105. ENTITLED: "AN ORD.11 (b) In all buildings having a flat be made with one - eighth bends or "Y INANCE (W THE CITY OF : roof and fire wall the vents shall ter- ''and one- eighth bends. NEV_REGT BEALYi� PRESCRIB :urinate six inches above theme wall. I� Section 2. - IN�`�REGULATdONS GOVERN � (c) In all old buildings, where This Ordinance shall tak� effect ING PLUMB I.N rr,- •IYOiTSE ' new work is installed, all new vents : and be.in force thirty days after its DRAINAG ^ AND THEE -VENT- and all old vents, if possible, shall be jfnal passage. and in the meantime ILATION" OF HOUSE PIPESI run as in new buildings. 'it shall be printed and published once AND' - $EWERS OF THE CITY - ('d). All drains outside of the build -' in the NEWPORT NEWS, a news - _ ' OE' NEWPORT BEACHs CAL- 1! ing, and to the street sewer, shall be I paper of general circulation, printed. IFORNIA,, REQUIRING IN -i. first grade machine tamped cement published, and circulated, in the City SP.ECTION THEREOF, AND 'sewer pipe with an internal diameter of Newport Bea,11. PROVIDING INFORMATION I of not less than 6 niches. Where the The above and foregoing Ordinance FOR +OWNORS, CONTRACTORS': surface of the ground is on a level with No. 200 was passed at a regular meet -, the street grade or above paid street', -t5tg' 'of the Boa of Trustees of the AND PLUMBERS." g race the pipe shall have a covoring i city of Newport {Beach held on the -- of not less than 12 inches. When the 3rd day of April. 1922, and on said The'" -Board of Trustees of the City surface of the ground is below street day approved by the President of said of Newport Beach do ordain as fol- grade and it is not possible to lay Board of Trustees, the same be lows: the pipe in the ground and obtain passed by the affirmative vote of t' he Section I. sufficient fall to the sewer, the pipe following named members of said Section eight (8) of Ordinance No. Imay be supported by a substantial Board, to -wit' 105 „of the City of Newport Beach is I wooden structure of such design that Ayes. Trustees' J. P. GREELEY, J. hereby amended so as to read as fol- I; will maintain the pipe in its proper J. SCHN'ITKER, GEO. P. WILSON; lows: postiou as to Zinc, and grade. !CONR.AD RICHTER, O. H. Section 8. Ii (e) The joints of each and every BURKE. - All soil and waste pipes, to a point section of cement sewer pipe must be I Noes, Trustees. None. - 12 inches outside of the exterior wall.' completely and uniformly filled with Absent, Trustees, None. of the building, shall be cast,iron not!. the best Portland cement mortar, con - The above and foregoing Ordinance less than 4 inches internal diameter, sisting of one part of Portland ce- No. 200 is anor,.ved by me this 3rd when a closet is connected with the ii ment and one and one-half parts of day of April, 1922. l same, and not less than 2 inches in clean, sharp sand. Eiery joint must EJ. P. GREF.LF,Y, any case, and larger according tot be thnrnughly cleaned on the inside President of the Board of Trustees,. :number of fixtures connected, in ac- ! so as to leave no obstructions. ` City of Newport Beach. _ cordance with the provisions of Sec- (f) The different sections must be Attest: tions 26 and 27 of Ordinance No. 105 k laid in perfect line on the bottom and ( (Seat.) ALFRED S ?,AITH, sides, with a fall of not less than one- Clerk of the City of Newport Beach: O;' -i,":0 ":ii:.•' Oi c ar tirtdi cc o 2;S 5 f. rue Co„^Ct co On- U8te :.,. CI.:' of r.l :x.'11, J - "i2, .'LCI. t'1':St Lf A',lp z.' ^.S npillt (?,i t0 )_ ^'7. itr , C % ?? %�.l r 1S Corr!'.Ct-. Bony of Cr,'-•.... 'cs ^rl. i T :. :o ^r0 O.-r' ')rust' ^S r(I -sular ki-1 let dr.,r of z;r, 192P, :'nJ t'­:: i X. i A 6ruNewpo s:N e pnt ORDINANCE N0. 208 and across Central Avenue and a ewsi' ceits once in Newport NeNs, a' pores -t portion of Efghteent9 si.rcet, public paper of general circulation, printed.i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF streets in the Uity of Newport Beach,' published and circulated in the City' NEWPORT BEACH GRANTING TO to and upon lots 1 to U. both inchtsi ve'- of Newport Beach and shall take ettectl BTANDARD OIL COMPANY, A Block 1t.':, section '7 t:' City of New- - I and be in force from and after its CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, THE port Beach. anal passage. RIGHT TO CO3@TRUCT, ]fA�S. SECTIO^: 2 i The above and foregoing resolution TIIN, OFFRITh AND USE A SPUR The right and authon'ity given to was passed at a regular meeting of the TRACK ACROSS CENTE.AL ATV-- Standard Oil Company, a California Board of Trustees of the City of New - PF AND PADT OF EIGHT- corporation, by S etion 1 of this m'- port Beach held on the 1st clay of May, .A EENTH STFEET, P U B L I C dinance ip given and shall be xcre,ised 1922. by the vote o1' the' followi STREETS IN THE CITY OF NEIN• by Standard Oil (,om.tany t California named members of said Board of PORT BEACH. corporation, solely rix -n the c- nd tion .� Trustees: that the spur track so far as it e:lstsl Ayes. ', 'ustees —J. J. SCHNITKER., The Board of Trustees of the City in any part of Central Avenue or shall be constructed) H. C. si.E. \, GEO. P. WILSON, Co.-,- of Newport Beach do ordain as Eighteenth street, of rails o ftho type known as Trilby. BAD RICHTER, O. H. BURKE. one. Abse, Trustees—None. follows: SECTION 1 rails and maf stained at all tithes to the for the street, and Absent, Trustees —None. . The Standard Oil Company, a Cal- grade provided the street between the rails and for, The above and foregoing Ordinance] 2of having r :ght and authority totconstruct, mtain. two (2) feet on the outside thereof' and; day 1922e is approved and rain, operate and use a stand axd gags shall be kept in good repair and hit- proved in the same manner and with signed uy me. J. J. SCHNITKEP spar railroad track connected with the railroad track of Pacific Electric Rail_ the same character of improvement as;� president, Boar dof Trustees, City of way and extending northwesterly over the Street upon which the spur track Newport Beach. - - -- . _- exists. Attest: 1 SECTION 2 . ALFRED SMITH 1 Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. itr , C % ?? %�.l r 1S Corr!'.Ct-. Bony of Cr,'-•.... 'cs ^rl. i T :. :o ^r0 O.-r' ')rust' ^S r(I -sular ki-1 let dr.,r of z;r, 192P, :'nJ t'­:: i X. i A