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EXHIBIT No. 33 October 2007 Fury Article in Riviera Magazine Fury Revocation Hearing February 21, 2008 4� cma O w 4 rL ,% cm a. LLJ LL. LU ;m I w ., ui CS Lu LLI O cm LL. 1 €��jI. L.+s` t ii {f su2MgI 1 1 THE SC ENE AN TIDE FURY Film Ink: Grilfed bluefin ahi tuna salad; fhe Yie•.v 0 the packed har [lam The dining area at PVn. FURY !rs parlytimc al 7r's nc]RCSlrrlya IsUnpe —some lar the sled¢,, spy inrdla mysrene1 "Make suing lmi5cl" the F7? yells, and the crowd screams hack in res rionse- At 12AM the dance ffr,ot at Fury is packed with pretty young thin s, and the bowhs arc Iil.lcd with party people and set. up for.b300 bottle service booze- The first time I went into Fury, I did»t know they served fnod. But tu be frank I wasn't noticing much of anything in the then - brand -rstw hot spot- It was the fourth stop on a c€ub- and parry - hopping extravaganza of aii cvening, the last hours of which remain IA issful ly hi Li; jy in n-,y 6 ai n. Th c- was a ]i mo'i n volveri al somc poi 11 c, and friends. with a uni tle scrW cc Cable, =rid a cab ride hu: ne..•Vrat 111 home, mind yeru. f3uc a home n :,ncnc�lcsc. It wasji't rinril fnv thiiti trip rc: Fuiy that I discovered its full Asian fusam menu. a,:d WS nor prig of those glorified bar menus dmgned mote co iusiify a restaura.r grade liounr license than to provide serious sustenance. TTiat's one cif the pir,blems with opening a nitdiaiir- nrittntod restaurant- The booze ran easily uvcirwhelm the food, especially if pack - 'em -in promctcrs are involved- Sewn, a restaurant bromic; a full.bluwn club chat happens to have a si *:all, easily uvr-rlurrked maw. Not so here. Fury has an exre nsive, if hanl to read, menu. Damn kids, with their young, sec -in -the -dark eyesl There's a complete selection of appc4zt: s and entr &s, along with a sornewhat basic selection of sushi. tuna, eel, salmon, shrimp and albacore. There's no sushi bar per.SC, thnug}, there is a sushi chef in the kitchen, But it's the sushi mlfs the kids come for —I usu3Hy avoid the things, being a bit of a snob, but.I dove in and wa [ad I uid. OF course they have silly names, that`s sort of the point, ri :�ht Thk. Scxy Mange roll was the winner of the bunch, with. shrimp tempura jaiapeios and mango sauced up iri a roll that was spicy, crunchy and fres]s Other standouts include the Sunset roll with its trio of sauces that inch, de cc] sauce, sesame seed vinaigrette and chile oil- I nonnally would have avoided rile ::alp :idoscope m11: spiry niira tCmDula, onager and avocadc u,ppecl. with, o ail rhinos, scr•.vbcr ties. iSkit I went with the.party flow, anc was surprised at how well the sweerncss a1 the tiny touch of srrawbcrr} Paired with the spicy tuna. Luckily, executive chef Sexren Abdessian has a serious side, too- A co founocr of Liguria Culinary Arcs professional chef pregr m, he's cooker in Italy and in Joachiin SiAichai's farina group of restaurants, and was private chef in Hol €ywoGd and Orange County, working for actor Adair Sandler and othcrs- His thick con Fit has an underly-ing host that plays well off the richnim of the dish as it's traditionally prepared- Abdcssian cures the duck for hours with a Szechwan puppercorn rub before he cooks it corifit Style. Tapas arc the best way'to go here, sarrtpii ng andsharing appetizers like €filet mignon skcwen with a spicy mustard glaze or succulent seared scallops, prepares .one night with riSOLI(D, blood. Ora ngcs and Korean cantaloupr- Frtrers inchrdr• an "ceilew Alaskan halih,,rapd.a rn N'rnwur•n Q[L ... CONTINI']n] New 7-c8land lamb cooked in a Ixmtcl;:anare soy reduction, over a beautihllly Fresh baby spinach and stern bed. The' chefs creativity is welcome, though sometimes the names of the disht:5.gct a bit too frin• loving: I'm not sure [ want to eat a "fire breathing salmon;' and Furious CryiT.lg Tsgcr Rib Eye sounds like a dinner daT� lbree IririF3iy .,rong- David Go:lx-alcs and limn Schilliazi ut,n Fury. C7.C. du[:gnr rS wort e he surprised beat Sehi Ilizz was a co nsul ra nr to Sei::'a, - l.cata[1010 and VC ntina, the trip of ultra r, lubslrestnlrrarts that have opened in Costa Mesa and Newpnrs Beach: I. over the peye f ve years a 5o. And it shows. Many of the Features of those restaurants are seen heir: spry srr:ers, a lot of 't•i3iis: APpirtini, erantini, peartini, "s ressoiioi, rorotini (did you get that one) it's with Red Bull, of courser and a full bottle service menu. ,Sure, you can have the standard bottle of Karel, Fffen or Carey C:oose vodka served tables:de For about $3CD. bur why not change it rip at the higher end with a hortle of Cz alker Biuc For $800^ Or gn nostalgic; a T unlc aFJarecrmetstcr is $350. Or yotr can zo with sake service- Unlike many Asian -csque restaurants that have too many sake choices —For the novice that can be as intirrudating as a'7N -era wine list that carried more rhan Lancers Fury has a nice tight list of 14, i ncludi ng Tcntaka Kuni (WO for 710mi) and China Silizuku, the "divine droplets "of which were "pre= -sad [Tom the lees Ir: allowing it to clap our of cotton bags stun ,• from es; i;,TOr3 ic_• 24V• .,' according to the menu. Thrw, ;h food isserved fmin 6- 101147 Monday ihnnigh Saturday. the enerpv is higher can a club ratghl, currently set for Tuesday, Friday and Sunday- On 11011-club nights, the tar;;:• demvdted �p;sce can seem expectant, m i -'yen rninq For the party that doesn't come. At IOFM dke3Yi Ill W hA H; IYU f =f1 4V'tAH 10111 St': -i :l3itLY- 1c ;:!r _I'AR Wi!LE aiLk AU .19L At --..A S1AL'_ i- .Sd!Y.' AW A OESI OGFB SKRT GUI 16A WHAT TP EAT: SEXY FIANGk ELL FILET 116NPA. ROCK cuW1. WHEN TO GII: NW11 MOK. GI. 6- 10I'I[ WIIA-i TO 8NG!ll: AFI ER D NER Y4J GIN KFEF Y R SGGTII F➢R Tlls PARTYING, L Z:[S: SOfh a €E: ?S WhIaPIG, M `iFA Op GIG EAEK5 FGS GRTTF SFREE. A:rO THE RE IFLD: WASH vtE w •:C� ,r7, GATI rh;: rk ir'k 'WW 4a stars mean: i =fait were neh!oo t1ry qualities: Y =good. atoll, n®ry 8 =my Ems, TMIVbeue norm; O a exttlleut anong the areak beet, 5 = *W- lass, niraoidioaly in orag douilAirvieies are based on m"dliple visits. Naings relle[t the mr'i ,rA aven]I natUn 0T a6. Wbieape and seivlm an alinnsr Frainles5 trans Formation from restaurant co ultra lounge as the servers switch from wai tct*mode (black bli ri1111 -JOwn shirr and pants) :o Party mode (Armani -esque suit and tie), Tlee Pestait i E-WIt area of rile c-h Ill. karu res cicva red booths (She better to se-r- you {ran, my dear], tour, ed in red silk crnb mide red wide black dmgonsr "China doll dress material ;' a one woman dubbed it -rand shiny searlct tables. Fury is just oFf MacArthur Boulevard near the airport in a Bermuda Triangle that's gobbled up sports ban [Trophy's], gay bars (Hamburger NiaryIs) and strip bars that upscale idea was strangicd in the crib by iiie city, and ncc Eniiorn building sat crupty for pears. Now the Former M ,T maids is a blanily, l[nsiyned Indian lunch buffet msiauranr- Strippers make [;toine . sense, but thcareaworhs well for a party palace of a restaumntlelrrb like Fury: it's away Frnm the ground - zero nightlife centers in Costa Mesa and the Pcninsil[a, with the zero tolerance police umnipresencc, and there are no nearby residential steighhols to annoy - So, Fury, make some not e? 1s THERE W4 A 1IML? 1NYOIYEIi dT SONE PO1NT ANfl TRIEWS WIN A ROM E SERYICE TABLE; ANO A CAS R191 RODE: NOT ICY NONE, VINO YOU. SUT A HOW NO HHHESSa I 'I P.14 A'ACTn 0 ER 2007 /222 »/ /3333» g� N/ U 2 \/2®�/ \_/ Z- Ug 2G < =O >— / ~2 umJ2 /// 2 ®BOO ® / / / / \R \< -® 22J SUmDe92<U <2 \ \ 2 / 2 \ ®2 \ 2 -ZCZ L.Lj 2 > / ©u�J U m m R U�/ Z +22� mys� /2272 2 /u \23//22�g�/ /U5 G02 2 2yw¥ >32 2g50 sxk /2 + // LU D /DXN <W- »..... ....... \y» a3 << /