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Resolution of Intention No.
A Renol+ztion of the Board of Trustees of the city o;
' t `h4v;poit Beech declarin.- that the public interev-t and also the
public, conver,innce rewire, and thet it in the p intention of the
sc I Board to establish the .graoo of, and $b orui r Yfiric 3ana r,r
a� i5�i ro'✓arpetit. ' mPde. up.:on a 'Pos-t-lcn of a, certain street in the- city
of Newport Beach, referring to said at_ act by the naja r.y I i.o-h
it ia; commonly known; h iefly describing the work to bn done or
i.mrrovpenento to be made, - directing the lubliratio�. oY thin iWSOl-
ution of Intention : nd deal gnatirt the nnv4paper in t7hicl,, cuol�
public!,tion shall be made, and ordering notices roatou.
The Board of Trustees of the city oa Nowj.ort D ch do
resolve and declare that t$e public interoat anl ulwo the ptbiic
convenience require, and that it is the intention of i,aid Be- r -t
of Trustees to order that the grade be establiahed r,,ccrt;.in
7ork be done or improvements made upon a portion of L certL'in
ntxPrt in,l?e cry of_177QRt. Becll, rhi�x_.Fa'�r_Lsi,rr.a,i _.
th in this Resolution of Intention by the name by ::M(I it i::
cosrrcnly known.
:'action 1-
Resolved that the portion of the stroct upon
is tho intention of the Board of Trustees o:° thi city of fi:r,o.rt
Beach to order the grade established and work to be done or im-
Nrovnmonts mr.dn, and the name by which such street iii cotamo✓ ly
<< icwn, is vo fellovG:
All that portion of Ce-atral Avenue beini; (n the loutherly
..i:io of .th:, .x +- °ray,of -Pacific Y'lactrio Rail-:ray Con; &ixy, which
on: Inds Sror: the Vesteray curb line of 9t1 �Itfaet t,'• th ?: !rLorly
cu:r'.) lJnp of 2nd Street. --
Section 2-
Rdnoleod that it in the intention or the Board of Trustpps
of the city 0-i" Newport Be; ch $o ord6v tnb.gva:c, -r,he' evnx t %'i aox'n-
has already been enhblishpd, to be thanked, and vsher.o nn ,r.:d.F h• -,a
b3en established, then the sane to be established so th ^.t tAn cffidi!,l
tirade of that portion of Central avenue, mentioned an6 described in
s r
**F Section 1 of this Resolutionof Intention, shall be as follocc:
All grades are expressed in feet and tenths of feet and
are based upon a datum plane bench mark, which bench marl: in at the
Sou'thBeet corner of the cement sideralk in front -of the buildinZ; of
the Strte Brink' of I1e�^port Bosch,- California, the elevation of which,
bend mask is 11.55 feet above-low „ater in the Pacific Ocean. 4
{a� Central Avenue at the intersection the..cof by th^
line pt 9th Street, the grade shall be.. �—_ fobt.
At the intersection thereof by thr �'. linn of 4th
Stxect,the grade shall be _r9_ feet.
j, At the inte rue ctiorithereof by the J>q line of 4th
Street, the grade shall be feet.
At the intersection thereof by the - lei line of 3rd
Street, the grade shF.11 be -2 f lot.
- -- - - At -the - Dffteisry , . ��. _-
,,c- t- igrl'E ? i:,s ^o? b��o � 1�na of �1rd
Street, the ,Trade shall be foet.
At the intersection thereof by the '.�ipc of Pnd
Street, the grade shall be AV I.), feet.
Vection 3-
Resolved that the caorh to bF donr cr irrroveL!Fnt to be
made is hereby described ar, foliowu:
(a) That a cer-oht sidewalk uiid ccm':rit curb be eonwrrvnte(a
upon 4nd along the Southerly nZdo of,t ,.:t ; -)ort °.on of rrnt-rxl Avenue
mentioned ,zn3 ilescribod in Section 1 of thi.;. Rnnolutton o? Intention.
Y'h; t the cdicent cid,3,.;;:,lk9 and cam; nt curbs b^ o netT,act ^d upon the
side .alk reuexvstion p.rovi,ied for Tor said street by Election 1 of IF
Ordinance Ii:o. 24 os the city: of ? ?c,: ort Beach, and shall. bc construct-
ed adjoining, along and parallel with tha property line upon ..aid
portion of @Fkid street.
(b) That the cement sidewalk to be constructed upon that *,ortlon.
of Central Avenue, mentioned in Section 1 of this Resolution of Inten-
tion, shall be five'feet in width, provided, however, that the outer'
six inches of said sidewalk, bein; /the•six inches next to the street
linel shall consist of the nurb so that the nidounik rnd curb, when
constructed, shall wholly cover tho aidovalk renorvation provided
for by Section 1 of Ordinance no. 24 of th6,'city of i ?es ,yt,ort Beach.
Dhenever any portion - of the Avenue mentiiiripd •ag,en which
work is to be done or iraprovemnnte made,shall be intersected by a
otrNet or 'alley, then the sides ^alks to be coretrccted n? ^..ta b^ con -
oiaered./oroba- walge , and shall be reduced Cr incr°aa?d in °,idth co
that the cross -walks or walks across the interr:ectin;3 ite,�t.. or
alloys shall be 4 ft. in width, and the Curb shall not ba e.tirriod
acrons said intersecting streets or alleys; but on either aide of
said intersecting streets or alleys, the curb shall be returned from
the street line to the outer edge: of the oroonwalk on a curve, the
radius of which curve shall be five, foot and the oroen- rm.11:0 shall
be eloped or tapered by an apron from thq surfaCa of th, crc?c -walk
to the surface of the street.
(c) The cement sidewalk shall be constructed an follovr.:
The earth foundation shall be filled in and tamped roliri �O_ .uch a
height as when surfaced shall conform to the 5rade - sAablirhTa;
the'' cement surfacing of said sidewalk shall conoi*t of a fourrc:ation
layer 211',,• inches thick of concrete composed of seven parts of fine,
clean gra.val to one part of bent °artlond cement, one -half inch thick
oomppnwd rf equal ratto cler-.n, sharp sand Pnd best Portla,nd cement,
to be floated and. trowelod to a true even surface, On, in_; to:_.ard the
street i.a the ratio of 3- l6thr~.•of an .inch fall to oFob foot, in width
of the sidewalk.
(d)' All aprons by which crves -walks are tapered at int- .,Kaections
shall be compoeed of like material Re gidowalkn, except tht -A the our -
faceof 'the aprons ehall be left rough.
(e) The curb ohall consist of a core ten inches thick ut the
bottom,,six inches thick at the top and fiftben Inches d?er, cct
with the batter toward the street, and the top, rhen finiohgd, in
line with the eloping surface of the walk; such top and the upper
ten inches of the butt•• ^r cr rtroot surface to be dressed �" thick
with the eame .finish as required for th-e surface of sidevivlkc.
49 Section 4-
There is excepted from the eFeraticn of this Reool.ution
of Intention any of said sideti.alks and curb :-hire a o ^ment &ideviall-
ani curb hvB already been c,opstructed ul.on the .line -and to the-
official grade of thrt portion of Central Avenue mentioned and rn-
silnated in Section ]. of this Resolution of Intention,
Section 5-
This resol„ Lion of intention shall be rublishecl t!,ic�
in the "Newport Newn" a weekly newspener published and oirrul.,tod
An the city of NevTort Beach, tghich "Nev,,r rt Nero" io hereby
designates] for that purpose.
Section 6-
The Street Superintendent shall, i.mmPd'i,a�tely -fter the
adoption of t' is Resolution of Yntentien, cnuve to he conn!,invol? sly.
posted s.long the line of oaid contemplated nor]: or improvPwont, at
not more than three hundred feet in diatanoe apart., btt not lrrs than
thr" in all, notices of the p4saage of this Resolution of Int.r.ntion;
said notices ehal.l be Y.r- vcTecl : "Notice of Improvement", in ) t t.6c5 :cfl
of. not IRP;s than me inch in length and shall, in 1PUi.ble ohi:z; oters,
state the foot of tho prvosube of this Resilution of Intnntio n, i +,n
dat:3-, ;_nC brii %fly thv Hook of imj,roV ;cent proposed any? refer to thin
Recclutic.:, of Intantiwn for further. par.tibulars,
7- a
The r•.bove and fgregoAnt: Resolution .of Intention NO. �L
vras pas red Lind adopted by the Bo :-,rd of Tpusteen of the, city of Nr, -,rort
Beach lrt a r -gular meeting; thereof hell] on the ji6tday of uA
1913, :i,nd on Bait: dray a -e.n opproved by the Provident o` acid Boord. of
to -pit:
the same being; r,as3ed ant adopted by the fol.lo ^ing vote,
Ayes, Truotees
Noes, Truotoe
Abrient, mruot
I * F
The atove cnkj {'oreCoing r tic of intention 1do.,m
is ark roved by m this �cyay of ar, 1913. -
President of the Board of Trueteen of
the City of No•,Tort Beach.
Attectt� �-.
Clerk of the oity of Newport Beach.
I, C. K. PRIEST, City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to
the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and main-
tained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 33
was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by
the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California,
at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the
regular meeting place thereof, on the 1 day of
December , 1913 , by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Albert Hermes, S. L. Collins, W. K.
Parkinson, C. H. Way
Dated this 10 day of February , 1955
1 -J
City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk
of the City Council, City of
Newport Beach, State of California.
City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk
of the City Council, City of
Newport Beach, State of California.