HomeMy WebLinkAbout186 - Lighting Installation & Conduits• F,F•,SnLUTI (12; id0.19
FICA_TTn. S .:n. 32, FOR TIME rn STPU- rTIni? AUD,
57-A CH.
Se it resolved by the :;card of Trustees of the City of
i�-jv,port Peach that the following srecificLtions, to be known as
Specifications �o. 32, for t:.e construction and installation of
conduits and poets for ornaflental.lig,;,ting in the City of
iiewpurt :3eaci., be and tilo ScIme are hereby adopted.
1. Tii:: vcrk herein provid d for is to be done in accordance
i.tii the plans and pr.files o 17 file in the office of tiie
city Frginser of., the Si ty of ?el+rr�rt i'•e;aeh, and z.11 work
shall, d,arir: its pru`ress, and on its completi -.n, con -
forit: to the linos and -rubas rhi.ch i.;a.y froi:i tili;e to tii2ie
be L,ive,i l;y said City F ?1Lineur.
11. 7fR' Tn PE In iE.
1. Tc furnish all t,:a;terial including postb, fuundutions,
conduit, cable, laiiiips, ijoba6, L.nd all ethe=r suitable or i:ecebbi:.ry
appliances, fur tiie ir.stal].,.tion of tiie £ystem.
2. To furnish all labcr necessary, lay ccn&,its, install
cable, erect una equip the 7,,,)ets, uiid place the Syste. in com-
?_lete operati:ni, cundition.
3. All the ul;ovc is z.ccordanoe -itii these specifications
and plans ir. th:: office of the City F.,gir._ecr, and all to the
hatisfaction of the Stre;;t F.uperintendent.
111. r)M.A:[ri•;TAL LICU':TI dG n')" T ^;
V Tiie pobta s :ll ue si.A.f le li.,itt standurds, of granite
cjnCrete In accPrdaiace -ith the d--si C.n and construction shorm
4:.lhLJe ScIledule scric:s S'Ut eit:, Inn CI, O. F. Ailine e lamrs in.- :8 "Xlbn
�q `f
r:;und globes single li;ht posts. #6 ocmbric insulated load covur-
ed ca'ule, 3/411 c o ndu it�v�l less o1-he� -wise sham r+pdn the P /oils.
IV. r01,1rpETE SnJ .`DATTn'� AZ.P nv POSTS.
1. The posts are to rzst upon a concrete foundation ti -enty-
four inch,2s square at the top, laid to siderc lk grudo thirty (30)
inches sc.uare at the bottoi.:, with a thickness of tr =enty -four i,;.ches,
except othcrrrisc shown unon the plans; four (4) three- quarter (3/4)
incl. bolts, t-elve (12) inches lunE; rrith cast ir.,r. ru51.e7 three
(3) inches i.l diumetur, are to be ewbuddcd in the concretu, ;ro-
jectin;_ tro (u) inches above its surface, gild are to be held in place
by a teruplate of tile holes in the bottom of t;le post, NNNAW
A-4 Concrete fouudations 0
amp posts rill '„e irstalled v,hcrc s., ouvn
upon the plans.
2. Tile concrete for the foundation shall be composed cf one
(1) p.rt by measure of Portland rlument, too (2) p:_rts by n:oa6ure of
sand, or stone screenings, four (4) pr.rte by Leasure of Lrckun
stone or scro)Cned gravel, �nhich will pass thruu.-h a onu aiiu u'iie -i:ulf
( 1 -1/2) inch rin;; and 'ue rutuined oil a one - quarter (1/4) inch iiiesh
screen. _ d
_ _
'1-hL current used
on tiie C;erk Giiall Je Portland Cewent, pa66inu, t1w requiruiiient6 for
cemeAt and cc:mclit tests of tihe American Society for Testir_` '>atcrl„,ls.
3. The concrete s
chile dry so as to fork.
T'.-.en the wat:;r shall be
rroduce a uniforrily and
the r *hole mass shall be
lull be thoroughly mi;.ed and incorporated
a homogeneous mixture of the ingrcdiunts.
added in sufficient quantities so as to
thoroughly set moss. T Tile boil g cutered,
turned at least trice more. The concrete
thus prepared shall be ivaaediatel}r placed in the feria and
thoroughly taraped until voter appears upon the surf4ce. Tire top
of the concrete base shall be floated and trotcled si: =th. The
fuuncution must be given at least seventy -tPaao (72) hours to set
b;>fore the post is placed thereon. The center of the Posts
shall be set t� ^renty -ona (21) inches £_rota the curd face, useless
CQ r In fGre iZesoj utron o In Fen F�on_/
othor�,jise shown upon the plµns hey stall toe plumb 4nd in line,
and o f the zufue relative hoi ;i.t above the curb. After plutJuinL-
t;te posts upon the fouindi.tien, the baud i'tubt be ,,iven a uniform
cearini by _ ;routing v:ith a' mixture of one (1) part Portland
Caaaent and two (2) parts sand, the greet beink; thin enough tc
v. C ()TDL'IT.
I. Conduit and condui` bands furnished shall be sheridized
iron conduit, and shall be three- quarters (3/4) inch inside dia-
iLUtur, radiub of bends to be not less than e Llit (0) incises.
2. All conduit thre4ds are to be treated t -itl,' graphite
Pipe paste before ecrer:irie tu- other, and are to be rut to6. -'Uher
ui,solutely water ti.,-ht. C,.re must be tai-en tc see th&t tiiu pipe
connoctioiis are good electrically.
3. Ti.e ends of eacr, 1un; tie of pip, shy, 11 ue r�;"ed eii thte
iriside. C�.re must or taken to prevent any obstruction ruwuir.iiib iii
the pipe ^hick :^ould injure t ne cable r•l:en i;eir.g pulled in.
4. All ends of conduit, to be sealed with [rood ;^lugs
& -rin-. construction to prev--.,t moietuxe and
wS ink. Conduit ands ternaii:ati :0 i i eac lai,.p
pith pipo bushin.s, utid extend up i_zto the
of t.:e hemd dole. Zo junction boxes of any
forai�;n „�.teriul entcr-
post are to ':e equipped
post as far as the t;ottui.
kind shall ce used under
5. In ^arl- ayes all conduit shall -e laid riot lesu than
tvelve (12) i.ehes below the top 6f the curt, and at ctrcct iuter-
section shall be laid not Now than tnenty -four (24) i -ches below
the finished ,grade of the Strout, except Then laid uenwath a con-
crete gutter or permanent pavemunt, in rnicn. case the conduit
Shall be at least twclva (1c). nches balor: the finished grade.
Conduit shall be laid bat•een the trees and curb, except in such
cases There it is impussiblu 7ithout permanent injury to the trees,
in which case and at such point it may to laid between thu trees
Ind sidewalk.
6. The conduit systuw is to !a installed in a loop system
from post to post.
7. At the feed -in points conduit snail be run fray the
posts at each end of the system to tie service pole as ohown on
plans, o.nd up the pole thirty-five (35) feat. Ends of conduit up
rolo to bo equipped with pipe bushings. Conduit up pole to to covered
with fiber conduit and securely strapped to the pole.
E. Conduits terminating in each post shall be electrically
connected to each other, with n copper around strip, equivalent ill
areu to a 16 B. & S. gauge copper wire; the ends of conduit to be
thorow,hly cleaned before ground strip is nut on.
The cable used is to be trhat is known as varnished
ou,bric lead covered cable. All cable must conform to the followihL
y° 1. Conductors. Thu cable K to be single cunductor number
SYX `6! R. & S. gauge, stranded.
2. Conductivit;l. Tic conductivity of all ounductoru shall
not be less than niLety- eight (93) porcent oZ that iaP pure corper.
3. Insulation. The insulation shall consist of varnished
'y S
cambric. It must be homogeneous in c,uality, free from holes and
defects, and applied helically, evenly anti tightly to the conduc-
tor. There shall b;, three— thirtyseconds (3/32) inch varnished
cambric around the conductor.
4. Sheath. The sheath shall consist of lead and must be
homogeneous in quality, free frou, moles and defects. The breath
shall have an averago thickness of nat less than one— sixtr.;Unth
(1/16) inch a:nu a iAnitiium thickness of not lees than ninety (9n)
percent of thu required averago thickness.
5. Voltage Test. Cable shall nithstand three thousand
(3 ()Cn) volts, alternating r.-A.F. betr;een conductor and sheath
for five (5) minutes.
6. Install«tion of the Cable.
(a) The cable is to be i.stalled in the conduit in a loop
systeiu from post to post. Tire ends of cable terminating in each
pest are to extend up into the post to the series socket terminals
so that thara will be no splices in the cable, except in cases
cohere the posts of the old multiple system are in place. In such
cases they shall be splicad in the base of the posts to ¢#8 Can;bric
Covered Duplex Conductor and suitable potheads installed.
( b) Cabla ends t�rr:;inating in uach lamp post e.re to be
equipped with potheads, and to be filled c;ith un insulLting compound.
The ends of all ca•ule cic.11 be sealed by solderir16 until t' e pothuaes
,°re installed to prevent rnoicturu fror„ entcri.g the cable.
(c) rherc can.bric covered duplex is ur.ed in G lamp post the
46 conduit shall be saaled and mi-.dc; ierater tight wit:, the use of oakum,
and insul:.ting compound at the top.
Posts are to be coimected up so as to fore. eciaplete
series circuits as shoTTn on plans.,,ezceptos a?4herW1S'e i�adica�`eda�soidp /airs,
(d) ()na cable shall b.; run from le iI cudp of each underj,r_•and
eysteiii at feed points to service pole r..nd up tiie r•ulc to a paiz,t
1� J
twelve (12) inches above the end of tiie conduit...
(e) Th ends ul all oL.'cles up poles shall be equipped with
suitable outdoor type potheaus.
(f) The sheaths of all cables in the base of eccl! post are
to be connected together with a copper ground strip r.ild tili "s Strip
I onded to the conduit.
VII. Pr)ST TIP1,40
1. The posts shall be wired for one circuit.
2. Tiiere shall be no fuses or cutouts of any description
installed in the oases of posts.
1. Eac'r, post shall be equipped with one (1) General Electric
s ;rics film cutout socket Laid socket : ulder, or itt, equivalent.
2. Th;; contractor shall °urnish and install on each post
one type "C" 6.6 amp. 71zizdu Lanp. Candle Porter u s s*ecified on plyns.
3. Globes used are to be "Radiant class" diffusing ball
glob--,., sixteen (16) inches in diameter, fitted for eigilt (8) inch
1. The excavation recuired for tiie iiistallution of conduit
foundation for laiir posts etc., shall be done in such a ra�Liii:er as
to cause tail least injury possible to the grass, trees, m.lms or
flo:Crs, etc., in the pork- rays. The dirt shall be piled in the
,utter ai.d not upon the r <_rk-*!ay unlese tY:e purk.Tray is unia;proved
04 rith grass ,., floeierE, etc.
2. After tae tre.ici. has been buck — filled, it , be
'lcod�u tith water and t,oroulrhly settl;;d, any surplus dirt si.tll
b: ro,coved aiid tLu surface of th ; ground left smooth -nd level
with tiiu top of tiie cur's.
1. Improved Streets. In all paved, macadariized, oiled or
othev,ise ir.proved streets, the surface over the trench shall be
finished by the contractor «it#r tire. sa,tie roadway material that rae:,
reaLoved is excavating the trench.
2. Reccnstructinp-r rurbs, Gutters and Sidewalks. The recon-
struction of cement curbs, drain spouts, Lutters, pavements and
side�Talks rhich are of necessity broken ii:to by the inutallation
of posts and conduits shall be done by the contractor in conformity
:-ith the City Specifications and in accordance with the following
additional r ouirements, namely, the curb, (utter and sidewalk
shall br; rurLoved to the next joint beyond the excavation required
by the irnstallz;tion of said posts and conduits.
1, 9rnRK. The contractor shall, for the price bid, furnish L,ll
waterl:als an_t perform all labor necessary to execute the work in
every respect i:: a thorough, rorkraanlike manner, in accordance
rith the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the
Street Superintendent.
2. :ATE.RIALS A;[P SA:4PLES. All materials aunt be of srecified
quality and fully equal to swuples «hen swuples are required. The
Contractor shall furnish to the City for test, T,hui:<�ver
called for and free of che,r,,.e, sai:rles of all orator iL is proposed
44 to be used in the ��iork. Rejected materials miust be ii::L,ediately
reu.oved from the work by the Contractor and shall not I e brought
acain upon tyre work.
3. LABOR. The Contractor shall employ competent foreman, laborers
and mechanics. Any overseer, superintendeiit, laborer, or otter
person employed on the ,,iurk by the rontrz.ctor, who is iremperate,
incompetent, or who shall perforu, his work in a manner contrary
to these specific::tions shall be dischurged immeaately, and such
person shall not again be employed on the work.
Iii the absence of the Contractor from the work, whether
permanent or temporary, he must provide and leave a cor,�petent and
reliable agent or foreman in charge.
All notices, communications, orders or instructions .given or
sent to or s:;rved upon such agent or forei,.an shall be taken as
6.,rved upon the Contractor.
4. EhA__INATIOu OP GROUND: Bidders must exa.aine and judLa for ti-ow-
selves as to the location of the propubcd vurk, the nature of the
excavation to be made and the work to be dune.
5. SETTING STAKFS: The Contractor shall give t�l,c,ty -four (24) hours'
notice in e7ritin; Then he will require thy: service of the City
Engineer for laying out any portion of the i-ork. He shall dip, all
st<.ke holes n•_cessary to give lines and levels. The Contractor
shall pry. serve all stakes set for the lines, levels or measure,:,ents
of the rrork in their prop6r places until authorized to reciove tiiem
Ly the City Engineer, and ar.y expense incurred in replacing; said
stakes whici. the Contractor or his subordint:tes may have failed to
preserve shall be borne by the Contractor.
6. PLANS AID SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall keep upon the
work a copy of the plans and specificL.tions, and access thereto
44 shall at all times be accorded the Engineer or Inspector.
7. INSPECTORS: The Contractor shall prosecute work only in the
.SY�j -H_T` .SuPerin: Sena._
presence of an engineer or an inspector appointed by the _
and any work done in the absence of said engineer or inspector will
be subject to rejection. The Contractor shall furnish the engineer
and inspectors reasonable facilities for obtaining such information
as they desire respecting the progress and manner of the work and
the character of the materials.
8. PRESERVATIOM OF MONUI- RENTS. The Contractor small not disturb
any monuments or stakes found on the line of the improvements until
ordered by the City.Fnginuer, and he shall bear the expense of re-
setting any monuments or stakes w hict. nay be disturbed kithout orders.
9. RFLnVli-G OBSTRUCTIONS- The Contractor shall rewove all trees,
stones, debris and other obstructions that may be encountered in
making said improveri:ents.
10. OBSERVING CITY ORDINANCFS: The Contractor shall observe all the
ordinances of the City of Newport Beach in relation to tike obstruct-
ion of Streets, keer_ing passagenT&ys open and protecting the sans 17here
they are exposed or are dc.n�Lerous to travel.
lI. BP.RRIFRS, LIGYTB, ETC. The Contractor shall take all necessary
measures to protect the �!ork and prevent accidents during construction.
He shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, guards,.tewpo-
rary briugLe, xatch ien Oad lights.
12. CRO;S STRET?TS: No more than one cross street shall be closed at
one time.
13. PUBLIC UTILIM10.. AND FnUGF Cr)iv fECTIONS: In case it should be
necessary to rove the property of any o,rner of a public utility or
franchi66, such orner *rill, upon proper applic� -tion by the Contre -ctor,
be notified by the Street Superintendent to reeve such property rithin
a specified reasonable tLoe, and the Cuntractor shall not interfere
%itil said property until after the exriration of the time specified.
Tile ri;ht is resurvcd to the owners o? .public utilities and
franchises, to enter upon ti.o street for the purpose of making
repairs or changes of their property that may oe made nuccssary
by the work. The City shall also have the rrivilege of entcrinf;
upon the street for tine purpo;,e of repairing seTICrs, Ttfater pipes,
or other pipes or conduits, or making house connections therewith,
or repairing culverts or storm drains.
The Contractor shall not disturb any sewers or house
connection severs or other house connections that may during con-
struction be found located in any ple.ce that into be occupied by
souse portion of the ,work rri,ich is to be constructed under his
contract or rhich occupy any portion of the trench or tunnel
:hich it is necessary for hiu, to cxca,ute in prosecutirr� th6 work,
unless he first obtains from the Street Superintendent or inspector
a permit in emit ing so to do.
Unless oth.;r-Tise indicated on tine plans, or unless per-
mission is granted '.jy the Street Superintendent or inspector for
their removal or other disposition, all house connectiof.L shall
bu i::..intained by the Contractor and shall not be disturbed or dis9
connected by hiiu durin6 the progress of the work.
14. LOSS OR EAIAGE: All loss or darrage i..risin; frt.rf. any unfore-
seen obstruction, either natural or artificial, or other difficul-
ties which nay be ancounterad in the prosecrtion of tie e•ork, or
from any action of the elements, prior to final acceptance of the
work, or from c.ny;act or oi..ission not authorized by these epecifica-
tions, on the part of the Contractor, or any agent or person era-
ployed by him ,
sustained by the
-fork rhich may t-ic
defective in its con-
struction, or dificient in any of the requirements of these specifi-
cations will be considered as accepted in conser.;u;nce of the
failure of :ny officer of the City or inspector connected riti. the
:ork to point out said defects or desiciency during Cunstructior.,
and the Contractor shall correct any imperfect work, *r!hanever
discovered, before the final acceptance of the c =ork.
16. PPOTFMOE OF TORK iii?:D CLEAN IG UP. The Contr+.etor sh«11
care for all cork until final ctuffirletion and acceptance. He shell
rc:r,ove all surplus material cnd rubbish from the cork after its
completion and before he ne_kes ap ~lication for tire acceptance
of tile work.
17. FINAL I'FPECTION: The Contractor shall notify the Street
Superintendent whan he desires a final inspection of the work, -hen
the latter r=ili, as soon as nussible, mkGku the necessary exanii: <'..tion,
and if the vvork is found in corapliarce with thew, specifica-t ions,
the 6trect Suparintendlrat :ill furnish the Contractor with a certi-
ficate to that effect.
18. ALLnn'AbLE VARIATI -01j: "hen in tile srecifications a 'iaxinu<« and
rainimum, either in size, purcenta.."e or thickaese, or rcla.tif,' to
quality or charact,r or other matter, is or pry scribed, the
work shall ba accepted F.a in compliance therewith if -Atliin such
maxi,-ur.; or minimur:, so allowed hereby
19. L'FFI::TITIO NS: 7'henover tiro cord "Cityl' ii, used in , huse
specifications it refers to tare City of Hkt--port Reac r, California.
'"hen the word "Oontre.ctor" is used in theee specific�.tioiis it
refers to the DCrt,F or p.rtics of the sI�cona part ill tile 41roL("ents
for thu construction of t1;e �,ork herein specified.
7henev;r tiro cords "Struat Sunerintend:nt" or "City Frsriiricer"
are used iii t,aase snecific..ticiis, they refer rospectivel1r to tiie
trc":et Sup::riritendent or the City rn,incor Of the city of twp:J rt
Ruch, or their authorized agents or inspectors.
_11_ '
Passed and approved t.ais ?:Y day of _i' 1922•
.Prdsident u t iTe 13oard of Trustees.
ri y Cierk.
I1 0 City Clerk, of the City of
ij(? -port Beach, do hereby cc-rtify that tho foreLoing Resolution,
being Resolution yo./ (IZ .vas re�ulz.rly introduced and duly
adopted by the Board cf Trustees of the City of Newrort Beach,
aimed by the ProEident of eL :.id Bcard, z,nd attested by tr_e City
Clerk, all at a regular meeting thtreof, held on the day
of 19'12; and that the some was passed by the
follonitig vote, to—wit:
Ayes — Trustees, �� Q�Gp ✓!j (/�p0O�1c�./����iye��
Naes — Trustees, yJ�,ze
Absent— Trustees, gsrr " ��
city r ark ti.e city of iietianurt P.eucl_.
Iq MARGERY SCHROUDER9 City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, Californiag do hereby certify that according to the records
of the City of Newport Beach filed and ;aaintained in my office,
the foregoing Resolution No. 186 was duly and
Board of Trustees of
regularly adoptedq passed, and approved by the �.itr�xme�i -o4
the City of Newport Beach, Californiag at a regular meeting of
said 4C4 -ty* Cetifkei-l- held at the regular meeting place thereof, on
the 29th day of May 19 22 by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES COUNCILMEN: Schnitker, Sloan, Wilson, Richter, Wilkinson
Dated this
4th day of February 9 1959.
City Clerk an c- Officio 1-of the
City Council, C ty of Newport Beach,
State of California.