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.. s. -. - -
The to4rd of Trustees of the City , N* $e_
do resolve as follows: F
SET x�
That th*._.public interest and
the Board of hereby order that the
done,; to wit;` "
7 That concrete Pavement flue (f) Fernando Street between the �-
.inches (5 inches) thick be constructed, ' -
In and upon the roadway of certain Northerly line of Bay Avenue and a
'portions of streets and avenues in the line drawn from the Northeasterly
- - - corner es Lot thirteen (13) to the
City of Newport Beach, as follows: - Northwesterly corner s Lot four
(a) Twentieth Street between the _
- - - teen (14) of a map of subdivision of
northerly line of Central Avenue
(North Drive) and a line drawn at )Stock "C;' Newport Bay Tract as
-right angles to a point in the center - rocorded m Miscellaneous Ma
line of said Twentieth Street, which Book 5, Page 25. Records of Orange
point is 330 feet northerly (measured - County, California.
along the center lme Of Twentieth (g) Bay View Avenue between theC
Street) of the northerly line of Cen- northerly line of Bay Avenue and a
list Avenue ( North Drive). time drawn from the Northeasterly
dormer of Block One, (1), to the _
(b) Alvarado Street between a gorne Northwesterly Block
corner of Block two
line drawn horn the Northeasterly to (;a) of a 'tap of Balboa Bayside Tract
the Northwesterly corner of Alvarado .
Street and Surf Avenue and the East- as recorded in Miscellaneous Maps
78, Records of
arty prolongation of the Southerly Bsok four (4), Page _
Orange County, California.
:.line of that part of CENTRAL
- - -
Avenue (South Drive) lying Westerlyy (h) Coronado Street between the
of Alvarado Street and ALVARADO Northerly line of Surf Avenue and the
Street between the Easterly prolongs- ,Southerly line of Central Avenue
tion of the Northerly line of that part (South Drive); Coronado Street be _
-- of CENTRAT, Avenue (North Drive) - twean the Northerly line of Central �r1
lying Westerly of Alvarado Street Avenue (North Drive) and the South
`and the Southerly line of Bay ed77 line of Bay Avenue; and Coro
Avenue; and ALVARADO Street 9ado Street between the Northerly -
'_ • - - between the Northerly lice of BAY Amt of Bay Avenue and a line drawn
Avenue and the Easterly prolongation from the Northeasterly corner of Lot
ed the Southerly line of BUENA VIS- eight (6), to the Northwesterly cor
TA BOULEVARD. - 'mar of hot nine, (9)1 of a Map Newport
- lla Bay J. .
(c) Alvarado Place between the division nt mock C;'
Northerly line of Bav Avenue and a Tract, as recorded m Miscellaneous
'.aline drawn from the Northeasterly bgapa, Book 5 Page 25, Records of .,i.
`corner of Lot three (3), to the North- range County, (,alifgrnia., -
westerly corner of Lot four (4) of a (i) - Adams Street between the
Map of subdivision of Block "C;' Northerly line of Surf Avenue and >:
Newport Bay Tract as recorded in %ke Southerly line of Central Avenue
. Miscellaneous Maps, Book 5, Page 25, (South Drive); Adams Street between
Records of ORANGE County, Cali- - {he Northerly line of Central Avenue
fornia. "(North Drive) and the Southerly line
(d) Harding Street between the of Bay Avenue; and Adams Street -
Fasterly line of Cypress Street and - _. :..between- the Northerly lint of Bay
't fbe Westerly.line of Adams Street r Avenue and a line drawn from the
e) C press Street between - - N rtheasterly corner of Lot one (1) a�
"true of Centt3l Arep '. Btoek two (2) to the Northwesterly e
}}ee s
tlserkv'tineof. Bay Au�nge. -- �rner of L'otatx :Block th?i etc- ,
-.y _
D'lseellau eous �4aps`
-tae outher y the o entrnl et euthi
(South Drive), and A'tneteenth
as recorded in
Book 4, Page 78. Reeords of Orange
Street between the Noaherly hue of
(North Drive) and a:
Country, California.
Central Avenue
line drawn through a point m [he'
(j) palm Street between
Surf Avenue and tae
center line of said Nineteenth Street'.
Northerly line of
•Southerly line of Central Avenue
—a[ righi angles to said center line —f,
feet Northerly;_
( Palm Street between
$oath Drive);
whieh point is 422.70
of the Northerly fine.
*Jte Northerly live of Central Avenue
Southerly line
of th e interseetion
of Central Avenue (North Drive) and;
(Nerd+ Drive) and the
Bay Avenue; and palm Street be-
tlhe center line of said Nineteenth
measured along the center line ,
*wee the Northerly line of Bay
feet Norther-
of said Nineteenth Street
Avenue and a line 132.78
with the Northerly
(i) Twenty -sixth Street between a
itsand Parallel
live of Bay Avenue,
line drawn from the nerthcaa wen y-'y
the Southeasterly Berner of Twenty-
(k)Washington Street between
Street and Central Avenue, and
the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and
a line 70 ft. Easterly of and parallel'.
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
will, wile Easterly line of that portion;.
(south Drive); %Vashington
of LaFayette Avenue lying Northerly
between the Northerly line of
(North Drive) and the
of 'Lweu tv -sixth Street.
Twentieth Street between the.
tral Avenue
Southerly line of Bay Avenue; and
Northerly line of Oeean Avenue ands
Washington S t r e e t between the
Avenue and a
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
Northerly line of Bay
line 112 lee, Northerly of, mu{ parallel
(South Drive). "
(bb') Twenty -third Street be-
with the X.oitherly line of Bay
tweet, tlhe Easterly line of Oeean
Street between the Nor-
Avenue and tite Westerly line of `e
Coast Boulevard. -
(1) Mail,
therly tine of Surf Avenue and the
(cc) Twenty - fourth Street be- '
Southerly line of Central Avenue
twee¢ the Easterl�Vesline oEihOeeani
(South Drive).
Avenue and the y
(M) "A" Street hetveen a line
Northeasterly to the
Coast Boulevard.
(dd) Twenty-fifth Street between -
drawn front the
Northwesterly corner of Surf Avenue
the Easterly line of Ocean Avenue
Coast Boule-
and °A" Street and the Southerly
Avenue (South Drive);
and the \Vcsterly line of
1jnp of Central
(ee) Twenty -sixth Street between .
ail` *k, Street lie[weai the or
Hie Fasterly line of Oeean Avehme
erly line of Central Avenue (North
the Westerly line o€ Coast Boule-
Drive) and the poutherly line of Lay
(n) "B" Street between tlhe North-
(if) Twenty - seventh Street be-
erly line of Surf Avenue and the
tween the Easterly line of ,
Avenue and the Westerly line of
Southerly line of Central
(South Drive); and "It" Street be-
Coast Boulevard. ..
Tweuty- eighth Street be- .v�
twee¢ [he Northerly line of
(North Drive) and [he South-
tveen the Easterly line of Oeean�,;z
oily line of Bay Avenue.
Avenue and the Westerly line
(o) Ninth Street between the
Coast Boulevard.
Northerly line of Surf .4wenue and the
(hh) Twenty -ninth Street between {�^'
Southerly line of Central Avenue
tilt. T ?asterly line of Oeeau Avcnue
(South Drive).
and the Westerly line of Coast Boule -11%
(p) Tenth Street between the
Northerly line of Oeeau Avenue and
vard. I
(ii) Thirtieth Street between the,'' -q'
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
Easterly line Of Oeean Avenue and'�p ;
(South Drive).
(q) Eleventh Street between the
the northerly prolongation of the'l.,_
Westrly line O[ that portion of Cosstt;.
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and
the Southerly line oY Central Avenue
Strreet,aand Street between
(South Drive).
(r) Twelfth Street between
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and
and Southwest !IN' line of the
Pacific Railroad Company's'.
. the Southerly line of Central Avenue
Right -oE -Way.
(South Drive).
Street between the
(jj 1 liay Avenue between the East-
(s) Thirteenth
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and
oily Imo of the Southern Paeifie Rail-
Right -Way, and
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
road Company's -of
the Westerly line of Twentieth Street; 1'
(South Drive).
(t) fourteenth Street between the
and Ray Avenue between the f. .
Twentieth Street
Norherly line of bosun Avenue and
Central Avenue
liasterly line of .._
and the Westerly title of Nineteenth
the Soutlheriy line of
(South Drive).
(u) Fifteenth Street between the
(Irh) Twenty -first Street between
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and
ttte northerly line of Central Avenue
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
(North Drive) and a line drawn a t
in the
(South Drive).
Street between the
ri,ht angles through a point
hoc of said Twenty -firs[ Street
(v) Sixteenth
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue and
which point is 390 feet northerly
Southerly line of Central Avenue
(measured along the center line Of,;,
(South Drive).
Street betwecen
Twenty -flhst Street) of the norther
]y lino of Central Avenue (North
.. .
(w) Seventeenth
the Northerly line of Ocean Avenue
Drive). Including all those portions
and the Southerly line of Central
deaanatad upon the Dian= hgTefmtf�T-
of gotta
Avenue (South Drive).
Eighteenth Street between the
mentioned of the intersections
described portions of streets and
Northerly line of Oeean Avenue and
avenues with other, streets and. awe
[he Southerly line of Central Avenue,
ones and with alleys. .;
(South Drive).
2. That Conerete pavement= eight
-, t(y) Nineteenth Street between ;a�
' drawn from the Northeasterly tot.
land hoadway C re rta n on
the Northwesterly Corner,. of Nine-
pn the
1 " "4T; -:
th .9ffifet 3ndd anda
_ [Iona �t Streets in avenues m i
�- Beg .. u at �c m crsection o the
' City of NEWPORT' BEACH, as fol-
Southwesterly curb line of .
eighteen feet!
(a) Bay Avenue between the West-
Boulerir,t, with a line
Northwesterly of and p
T'- erly line of Alvarado Street and the
with the center line of Thirty -first ,
along the,
Westerly lice of ➢imn Street.
Street; thence NoTthwestarly
(b) Alain Street between the
Southwesterly curb line of
- three '
Northerly line of Central Avenue,
13oule - „�rd a distance of seventy
Easterly `
(North Drive) and the Westerly pro-
- - feet (73') to a point; thence
a radius .
- - longation of the Northerly line of
along a ciradar Ncve with
tc the North
that part of Bay Avenue lying East -'
- of 448.34 feet, concave
Northeasterly curb f
erly of :/lain Street
(c) fourth Street between the
to a point is the
fill, of C,�ast Boulevard, which point'
Northerly line of Central Avenue
is 268 feet 'Northwesterly of the
(North Drivc) and a line which is
(14) Northerly of and
Northwesterly line of'rhirtfeth
along the North -'
fonrtcell feet
with the center line of that
tl1L,t,.e Srntiheasterly
cnrb line of Coast Boulevard
part of Bay Avenue lying Easterly of _
a di ;l:m I of seventy -three feet (73
Fourth Street.
(dl Bay Avenue between the
to a point; thence along a
with a rt,lius of 508.34 feet, con -,
Northerly prolongation of the East-
to the North, to the point of be -.
erly line of fourth Street and the
Northerly prolongation of the West-
Ocean Avenue between the
erly line of 'third Street.
(j) e
prolongation of this
(e) Tn -first Street between
hw esterly curb llue of Twenty -,
the Westerly prolongation of the
Nnrtberly litre of Bay Avenue and
second Street, and a line drawn at
tire northeasterly liner
the Suutbwesterl }' line of the Pacific
right angles- to
Oce:.n Pn'enue, through a point in .
Electric Raihvay Company's Right -of-
oC line, which Point
northeasterly :.
46 feet southeasterly of the north-!
(f) 'twenty- second Street between
ly urlier of Ocean Avenue and'
easter c
the Eister:y line of Ocean Avenue
Coast Bding n11
and the %Westerly line of Coast
T nti611e -t
those portions des
nate,l upnn the plans hereinafter men -_
(g) Thirtieth Street between the
' prolongation of the
tinned of the intersections of said
described streets and avenues -
- southw csthrly line of that part of
_ .ihoo e „ -
with other streets and avermes, and
'- Coast oulevard lying southeasterly
Street, and the north-
with alleys. '
following described al-
of Thirtieth
easterly line of Coast Boulevard,
3, That the
-City of NEWPORT[
except that part of Thirtieth Street
lying between the tracks, between the
��� rte
A:'If surfaced with day and
pl. be siv inches t6') thick, [ lay a
rails and within two feet on each side
. r, rc.l s
'fin, first alley Northerly Of
of the tracks of the Pacific Electric
nue between the Westerly!.
Railway Company,
- -
Luc if Avenue and the
(1t) Central Avenue between a line,
erly li ne rot Lirst Avenue.
- drawn at rig!,[ angles to the center
Jill, Central Avenue, through a
fir) The Ives[ alley Easterly, of i
between the Northerly
- of
point w "hich point is 1483.32 ft. north-
j indo Avenue
fill, of the first allev Northerly of BaR =l-
crly ;If the intersection of the center
,lvemtr and the Westerly line of the
line of Washington Avenue and the
tint alley Westerly of island Avenue.
Westerly of 1
_ center line of Central Avenue meas -
line said
_ tcj The hest alley
liked : ;long the center of
Ccooral Avcoac, and the Wrest,rly
lsolo ,Avenue between the
the Northerly line
.iine of .'�incteenth Street, ( including
1'n-ulongat ton of
first alley Northerly of Bay _
0116, the Northerly drive thereof
and the Southerly line of the
where Central Avenue lies adjacent to
;r"l ue
j ;rr,t alhv Southerly of Buena Vista
the Pacific Electric Railway Corn
Night -of -Way); Central Ave-
11ouiev ard.
'rh, first alley Northerly of
nue (Sonnh Drive) being the street ly-
.�c,.niue between the Westerly
ing South of and adjacent to the Pa-
of Anade Avenue and the East-
- cific Elecinc Railway Company Right -
erly fin: of Island Avenue.
of -Way, from the Easterly line of
(c) The 'first alley Northerly of
- Twenty -first Street to the Westerly
line of Nineteenth Street; and Central
Central :Avenue between the Wtster -:
'Iv- Adams Street and the East -
Avemn, (North Drive) between the
fine of
crly line of Cypress Street.
,Westerly line of Mneteenth Street;
(f) The first alley Westerly of
and the easterly curb line of Alvar-
Central Avenue
'Palm Strect between the Northerly
the South -,
ado Street; and
- (South Drive) between the westerly
fill, of Central Avenue and
fine the first alley southerly.
line of 19th Street and the easterly
-' curb line of Alvarado Street.
crly of
of Bay Avenue,
(g) 'the first alley Southerly of -
(i) Coast Boulevard between the
f3ay 17 Aceuue between the Westerly
the Easterly
Northwcster}' pline at,ow the
line of Palm Street and .
Northwester y line of Forty -fifth
fine of Adams Street.
Westerly - of
Street and the Northerly line of Thir-
(h) The first alley
tieth Street: and Coast Boulevard be-
-p,: ashington Street between
tween ti,e Southerly fin, of Thirtieth.
\or�herly line of Central Avenue and
Street and the Northeasterly line of
the goiil ncrly line of Bay Avenue,
Ocean Svemle— except that part of
- (i) Tile first alley Westerly Of
Coast Boulevard lying between the
-Main Street between the
tracks; between the rails and within
-line of Central Avenue and
two feet (2') on each side of the
Southerly line of Bay Avenue.
Northerly of
tracks of the Southern Pacific Rail-
(j) 'the first alley
road Company; and except that Part
' Coast Boulevard lying between the
- Avenue between the
+1111, the first alley easterly of Fer-
- rails and within two feet (2') oil each
--- 'naudo Street and the Easterly line of
side of the track of the Pacific Elec
Fernando Street; and the .first alley �.
tic Railway Company and except
Northerly of Bay Avenue by eeq the
;that art. of 1 east Boulevard de.,'
'x ow3 a ; ;__.: -
Westerly line of Fernala LA
-.the, Easterly line: of Got
line of Surf Avenue and the
and the t e rst a ey ort erly o ay
erly Imo of Central Avenue
(bb) The first alley Northerly of
Avenue between the Westerly of
Coronado Street and the Easterly line
Surf .kvenue between the Easterly line
of Alvarado Place.
of tlm first alley Easterly of Fourth
Westerly line of the
(k) The 'first alley Westerly of
Street and the
first alley Westerly of Third Street,
' Fernando Street between the North-
erly line of the first alley Northerly
(cc) The first alley Northerly of
of Bay Avenue and the Southerly line
Northerly Bay
Surf Avenue between the Easterly line
of Main Street and the Westerly line
of the second alley of
(1) The second alley Northerly of
of "A" Street'
(dd) The first alley Northerly of
Central Avenue between the Easterly
Bay Avenue between the Westerly
line of Fernando Street and the East-
line of First Street and the Westerly
erlyy line of Coronado Street.
line of Alvarado Street.
(cc) The first alley Northerly of
(m) The first alley Westerly of
Anade Avenue between the Northerly
Central Avenue between the Easterly
line of the first alley Northerly of Bay
line of Alvarado Street and the West -
Avenue and the Southerly line of the
erly line of Coronado St=reet.
The of
[between Northerly
second alley Northerly of Bay
Central ue Easterly
(n) The first alley Northerly of
live of Coronado StppMt and the West -.
erly line of the firs #Vley Easterly of 1
Bay Avenue between the Westerly
line Montero Avenue and the East-
Coronado Street.
erly line of Anade Avenue.
(gg) The first alley Northerly of
Surf Avenue between the Easterly
(o) The first alley Westerly of
line of the first alley Easterly of Sec -
Montero Avenue between the
erly line of the first alley Northerly of
and Street and the Westerly line of
Bay Avenue and the Southerly line
the first alley Westerlyy of First Street.•'
first Westerly of
of the second alley Northerly of Bay
(hh) The alley
Pint Street between the Northerly'
(p) The first alley Northerly of
line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly
Bay Avenue between the Westerly
line of Central Avenue.
first alley
line of Palm Street and the Easterly
First Street th�Easterly
line of Adams Street.
(q) The first alley Westerly of
line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly t.
Cypress Street between the Northerly
line of Central Avenue.
(ii) The first alley Northerly oft
' line d Central Avenue and the South-
Avenue between the Easterly :
erly line of Bay Avenue; and the first
lne of the first alley Easterly of First:
alley Westerly of Bay View Avenue
between the Northerly line of Bay
Street and the Westerly line of Al-
Avenue and the Easterly prolonga-
varado Street.
(kk) The first alley Easterly off:
tion of the Northerly line of the sec-
Fifteenth Street between the Souther.!
end alto Northerly of Bay Avenue.
alley Northerly of
ly line, of Central Avenue and the
.(r) The second
Bay Avenue between the Northerly
Northerly line of Ocean Avenue.
(II) The first alley Northerly of
prolongation of the Westerly line of
Ocean Avenue between the Easterly,'
the first alley Westerly of Bay View
Avenue and the Easterly line of Fes-
.line of Nineteenth Street and the!::
Westerly line of the first alley West-
naedo Street.
(6) The first alley Northerly of
erly of Fifteenth Street, — excepting'
Bay Avenue between the Westerly
therefrom the intersections with Six
teenth Street, Seventeenth Street and
line of Adams Street and th! Easterly
-Eighteenth Street.
line of Bay View Avenue.]
(t) The first alley Westerly of
(mm) The first alley Westerly oft
Third Street between the Northerly
Fifteenth Street between the North - .
line of Ocean Avenue and the 1.
line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly
Southerly line of Central Avenue.
line of Central Avenue.
(u) The first alley Esoteric, of
(nn) The first alley Northerly of''
Third Street between the Northerly
Ocean Avenue between the Easterly'
liue of the first alley Easterly of Fif-
line of Surf Avenue and the Southerly
teenth Street and the Westerly line
line of Central Avenue..
(v) The first alley :Northerly of
of Ninth S[ree[— excepting therefrom .
Surf Avenue between the EastgrlY.
the intersections with Tenth Street, 1
Eleventh Street, Twelfth Street, Thir-
line of [he first alley Easterly of Third
[south Street and Fourteenth Street.
Street, and the Wester ly line of the
4. That concrete curbs be con -
first alley Westerly of Second
(w) The first alley Westerly of
between NeTtIZCTIY
strutted along the roadways of ter -
tain portions of streets and avenues
SCCeId Street the
line of t+lrf Avenue and the South-
in the City of NEWPORT BEACH
esly line of Central Avenue.
as follows:
(a) Along the South line of the
(x) The first alley of
Second Street etween Northerly
roadway of Hay Avenue between a
ling Of Surf Avenue and d the South-
line 180 fed Westerly of and parallel .
the Westerly line of that part.of pA''..
arty tine of Central Avenue.
ly) The first alley NgrtberlY Of
Street lying Southerlyy of-
Surf Avenue between the Fasterfy
Bay Avenue and a line 210 feet'&St.
tine of 'Ninth Street and the Wester-
erly of and parallel with the last men -:
lx .line. of the first alley Westerly of
tinned line.
(b)Curb returns at the northwester -
To, th'. Street.
(i) The first Alley Westerly of
IY corner of Washington Street and
,Fourth Street between the Northerly
Bay Avenue, and at the southwesterly .
'corner Alvarado Street and Bay ::..:
line Of Surf Avenue and the SeatY-
erlyy hrg of Central Avenue
(c) Along the Easterly line of: the
-4.0 The first.v slley tarlY of
f �`ne bSWeAH_thE- Warthet'IY'; .'
'�.rgadway Alvarado Street bg`[ween
,y-,? xnt+k. "°`.. •-...',
fifi le
;:.t a We9[e�rly r, n uo�n o�f.
..r, r.
Nor[he[he first alley y South
(n) Along the Easterly and W t.:
erly of Central Avenue lying Easterly'
erly lines of the roadway of Eleventh'
of Alvarado Street and the Westerly -
Street between the Northerly line of
prolongation of the Southerly line of.
Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line
_ that part of Central Avenue (South,
of Central Avenue (South Drive), to-
Drive) lying Easterly of Alvarado..
gether with curb returns at all cor..
Street together with a curb return at
ners of the alley intersecting with
the Northerly lint of the last men. -
said part of Eleventh Street.
tioned alley.
(d) Along the Northerlv
(o) Along the Basterly and West -f
Southerly lines of the roadway
erly lines of the roadway of TwelfthN� „.,.
Harding Street between the Easterly
-Street between the Northerly line of's " ".
Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line??-..::
line Cypress Street and the Wester-
ly linne t of Adams Street
of Central Avenue (South Drive), to -. -
(e) Along the Easterly and Wes[- -
ether with curb returns at all cor -.
— - - -�
-with i=
erly lines of the roadway of Cypress
Hers of the alley m[ersec[ing aid _
Street between the Northerly line of
part of Twelfth Street.
Central Avenue (North Drive) and -
(p) Along the Easterly and West -,
the Southerly line of Bay Avenue, to.
erly lines of the roadway of Thir- -
gether with curb returns at the cor-
teenth Street between the Northerly-
ners of Harding Street and of the first -
iine of Ocean Avenue and the South-'r'
alley Northerly of Central Avenue.
erly line of Central Avenue (South,
(f) Along the Easterly line of the
Drive), together with curb returns at6
roadway of Coronado Street between
all corners of the alley intersecting;
the Northerly line of Surf Avenue and
with said part of Thirteenth Street
the Southerly line of Central Avenue
(q) Along the Easterly and West-.-" -
(South Drive), together with curb re-
erly lines of the roadway of Pour -- '-
turns at the corners of the first alle3
teenth Street betcAeen the Northerly :
Northerly of Surf Avenue; and along
line of Ocean Avenue and the South. -
the Easterly line of the roadway of
.rly line of Central Avenue (South:.. -
Coronado Street between the North.
Drive,) together with curb returns at -'
erly line of Central Avenue (North
all corners of the alley intersecting '
Drive) and the Southerly line of the ",
with said part of Fourteenth Street -
first alley Northerly of Central Ave.
(r) Along the Easterly and West -;
nue, together with a curb return at
erly lines of the roadway of Sixteenth -
the Southeasterly corner of the last
Street between the Northerly line of
mentioned alley. -
Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line
(g) Along the Westerly line of -
of Central Avenue (South Drive), to-
the roadway of Washington Street
gether with curb returns at all cor -"
- between the Northerly line of Bay
tiers of the alley intersecting with said:- -
Avenue and a line 112 feet Northerly,
part of Sixteenth Street.
of and parallel with the Northerly line
(s) Along the Easterly and West - -. - -
of said Bay Avenue.
erly lines of tide roadway of Seven -.
(h) Curb returns at the southwest.
teenth Street between the Northerly.
.erly and northwesterly corners of
line of Ocean Avenue and the South- .-
Street and Bay Avenue.
erly line of Central Avenue (South
(i) Along the Westerly line of the
Drive) together with curb returns at f'
roadway of "A” Street between the
all corners of the alley intersecting -
Northerly line of Central Avenue
with said part of Seventeenth Street
(North Drive) and the Easterly pro-
(t) Along the Easterly and \Nest-
longation of the Southerly line of the
erly lines of the roadway of Eight.
first alley Northerly of Central Ave.
eenth Street between the Northerly
nue together with a curb return at the
- line of Ocean Avenue a4d the South.
- Southwesterly corner of the last men-
erly line of Central Avenue (South
ticned flee.
(j) Along
Drive) together with curb returns at _
the Easterly and West-
all corners of the alley intersecting
erly lines of the roadway of "B;
with said part of Eighteenth Street.
Street between the Northerly line of
(u) Along the Westerly line of`f,.
Surf Avenue and the Southerly line
the roadway of Nineteenth Street be-
of Central Avenue (South Drive) and
tween a line drawn from the North. -
along the Easterly and Westerly
easterly to the Northwesterly corner
lines of the roadway of "B" Street be-
of Nineteenth Street and Ocean Ave. t -
tween the Northerly line of Central
nue, and a line drawn at right angles° - -
Avenue (A'orth Drive) and tlu South
to the Westerly line of said Nine- .
erly Tine of Bay Avenue.
teenth Street, through a point in the f
(k) Along the Easterly and West-
Westerly line of said Nineteenth *Fly',..
erly lines of the roadway of Ninth
'Street, which point is 32.50 feet north- t.- '-
Street between the Northerly line of
Surf Avenue
erly of the Northwesterly corner of E.:
and the Southerly line of
nineteenth Street and Ocean Avenue;!' - -
Avenue (South Drive), to.
and along the Easterly line of the¢..
gether with curb returns at all cor-
roadway of Nineteenth Street be -s
ners of the alleys terminating at said
tween a line drawn from the North -it
part of Ninth Street.
easterly to the Northwesterly corner`"
(1) Along the Northerly line of
of Nineteenth Street and Ocean Ave -
the roadway of Bav Avenue between -
nue and a line drawn at right angles
the Northerly prolongation of tine
to the Easterly line of said Nineteenth
Easterly line of Fourth Street and a
Street through a point in the Easterly o-�,'' -,sy -
line eight feet (S') Southerly of and
line of said Nineteenth Street, which:
Parallel with the Northwesterly line
point is 20 feet Northerly of the
of Buena Vista Boulevard, together -
Northeasterly corner of Nineteenth
with a curb return at tine Northwest-
Street and Ocean Avenue; and along
erly corner of Bay Avenue and
the Easterly line of the roadway of
Buena Vista Boulevard.
Nineteenth Street and the Southerly -
(m) Along the Easterly and West-:
line of the roadway of Central Ave.
erly lines of the roadway of Terth -
nue (South Drive), from a line drawn Py'..
Street between the Northerly line of
at right angles to the Easterly line of
Ocean Avenue and the Southerly line:
Nineteenth Street, through a point in ..
of Central Avenue (South Drive) to -,
gether with curb returns at all corners :..
said Easterly line of Nineteenth '"-
Street, which point is 77.32 feet
ef the alley intersecting with sand part n .-
erly of the Northeasterly corof
Tenth Street
)that part of. the first all ey Soof Ceiiitaal Ayenu�
hi li, -.. .. ..
eriy of Nme t eenth Street; thence-
r F,astcrly hue of Ocean r \r ?mie and a
s Easterly of and parallel
-Northeasterly around the curve of the
line 37.50 feet
- Easterly file of Ocean.
curbline at the Southeasterly corner
with the
of Nineteenth Street and Central Ave-
rue, (South Drive) to a line drawn
(cc) Along the - Southerly lore of
at right angles to the Southerly line
the roadway of 'Twenty -north Street � .
of Central Avenue (South Drive),
between the Easterly line of x-
through a point in said last mentioned
Avenue and a line 36.50 feet Easter- fy... ?;.
line, which point is 24.48 feet East-
ly of and parallel with the Easterly : :,
erly of the intersection of the North-
- line of Ocean Avenue. - -
erly prolongation of the Easterly line
<, (dd) Curb returns at the North -f
of Nineteenth Street, with the South-
westerly, Sot,,dwesleri and South -t -:
erly line of Central Avenue, (South
easterly cornGs of hirtieth Streets% " -
and the first alley Easterly- of Ocean{, -,
(v) Along the Northerly and
Southerly lines of the Roadway of
Avenue. t
Along the easterly and West
Twenty -eixth Street between a line
eriy lines of the roadway of Centralo
drawn from the Northeasterly to the
v enue between a line drawn at righi'a',
Southeasterly center
ter of Twenty -sixth
Street and Central .Avenue, and a line
angles to the center line of said Cen -
seventy feet (70 feet) Easterly of and
tral Avenue through a point in the -
parallel r,ith the Easterly line of that
- center line of said Central Avenuef
part of Lafayette Avenue lying North-
which point: is 143.3.32 feet northerly`'
erly of Twenty -sixth Street together
of the intersection of the center lines
with curb returns at all corners of
Twenty -sixth Street and Lafayette
of Central Avenue and \Washington
Avenue and of all corners of the first
Avenue, measured along the center.i
line of said Central Avenue, and af: -;fir <'
alley Easterly of Central Avenue ly-
line drawn at right angles to the cen-
mg Northerly of Twenty -sixth Street.
ter line of said Central Avenue; �g
(w) Along the Westerly line of
through a point in said center line, F;
the roadway of Twentieth Street be-
which point is 365.43 feet southerly of` - -. -
tween the northerly Title of Ocean
the intersection of the tenter line of
Avenue and a line drawn at right
Central Avenne and 'Twenty- third ::_ },3;;.
angles to the Westerly line of said
Street, measured along the center line
'ihventieth Street through a point in
of said Central Avenue together with
the Westerly line of said Twentieth
Curb returns at all centers of streets
Street, which point Is six feet (6')
or alleys intersecting with or termi- -
N.ortherly of the Northwesterly cor-
nating at said part of Central Avenue. .: -
net of Twentieth Street and Ocean'-`
Avenue; and along the Easterly line
(t Along the northeasterly and s ?3`
of the roadway of Twentieth Street
northerly line of the roadway of Gen-
- -
between the Northerly line of Ocean
tral Avenue (Nor(h Drive) between a
ne dratc¢ at right angles to the cen - '
Avenue and a lice drawn at right
angles to the Easterly curb lice of
line of Central Avenue through a
t f -
sa;d Twentieth Street through a Voint
point In said center line, which point --
in the Easterly curb line of said Twen-
is 369.63 feel southerly of the intersec- sg
tieth Street —which point is twelve
'Third Street me Central Avenue, r
feet (12') O can Avenue of the Northerly
line of Ocean Avenue measured along
measured along the center line pf
-' -
the Easterly curb line of said Twen-
said Central Avenue and a line 27'
feet easterly of and parallel with the •'
tieth Street,
(x) Along tine Northerly line of
center line of Ninth Street, together
the roadway of Twetlty- fourth Street
with curl) returns at all corners of -.
efts ^ts or alleys intersecting with or
between the Ensterly line of Ocean
Avenue and a line 4.50 feet Easterly
terminating at said part of Central -
of and parallel with the Easterly line
Avenue (North Drive).
(gg) Along the easterly and west- °-
of Ocean Avenue.
erly lines of the roadway of Twentieth
(y) Along the Northerly line of
Street, between the northerly line of '
the roadway of Twenty -fifth Street be-
tween the Easterly line Ocean
Avenue and a line 4.50 feet t Easterly
.line drawn at right angles through a
point In the center line of said Twen -'_. '
of and moallel�vith the Easterly line
th Street, which
Be point is 320 feet ^..
of Ocean Avenue; and along the
Southerly line of the roadway of
northerly (measured along the center'.:r.
Twenty -fifth Street between the East.
line of S(reet) of the north -
eriy line Central '
erly line of Ocean Avenue and a line
of Avenue (North
Drive) -
eight feet (8') Easterly of and paral-
(hh) Along the easterly and west -
lel with the Easterly line of Ocean
erly lines of the roadway of Twenty- -
first Street between the nortberly line..- -
(z) Along the :Cortherly line of
of Central Avenue (North Drive) and
the roadway of Twenty -sixth Street
a line drawn at right angles through
between the Easterly line of Ocean
a point in lice center line of said
Avenue, and a line 19.80 feet East-
Twenty -first Street, which point is
erly of and parallel with the Easterly
390 feet northerly (Iueasured along the d,
line of Ocean Avenue; and along the
center line of Twenty -first Street) of r
Southerly line of the roadway of
the northerly line of Central Avenue
Twenty -sixth Street between they
(North Drive).
Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and a
(ii) Along the Southerly line of
.line feet Easterly of and petal-
the roadway of Central Avenue -
Tel with ith the Easterly Tine of Ocean
(South Urive ), between a line drawn
" Avenue.
at right angles to the Southerly liva
(aa) Along the Northerly line of
of Central Avenue (South Drive)
the roadway of Twenty- seventh
through a point in said Southerly line, .-
Street between the Easterly line of
which point is 24.48 feet Easterly of ..
Ocean Avenue and a line 15 feet East-
the intersection of the Northerly pro -
erly of and parallel with the Easterly
longation of the Casterly line of Nine.
line of Ocean Avenue, and along the
tecnth Street, with the Southerly line
Southerly line of file roadway of
of Central Avenue, (South Drive),.
- Twenty- seventh Street between the
and the Westeriv curb line of Seven. -
Easterly line of Ocean Avenue and
teeuth Street, together with curb re- .
-a line 16 feet Easterly of and parallel
turns at the Southeast and Southwest',; -':
with the Easterly line of Ocean
f, Avenue.
corners of Eighteenth Street and at
the Sohwest
of 's-
ggl (bb) Along Northerly an�
corner of Seventeenth _
Street and between. [fie Eastiri curbr - -
line ei=. Fr€tE- 3�te�
Soot f . IirleF rnadua '.;nf;
ea.- --3dg
ten feet (10') Easterly of and parallelI •
•..aof Surf Avenue lying Easterly of AI -�,
with the Easterly line of Fifteenth v
varado Street and the Westerly pro -�
Street, together with a curb return at l
longation of the Southerly line of that ?>.
the Southeasterly corner of Fifteenth p
part of C
Street, and a curb i
corner of Second Street. a
and a sidewalk return at the South -
easterly c
. westerly corner of Bay Avenue and
erly corner of Fourth Street and Cen- -
- Alvarado Street,
=tra1 Avenue (North Drive). (
(c) Along the Northerly side of
(kk) Along the Northeasterly and H
Harding Street between the Easterly.
_ (
line of Cypress Street and the West -.
of Coast Boulevard, between the e
erly line of Adams Street and along.
Northeasterly prolongation of the t
the Southerly side of Harding Street;
Northwesterly line of Forty -fifth '
' between the Easterly line of Cypress;
'Street, and a line 78.70 feet North- S
Street and a line 26.28 feet Easterly
. -. w
westerly of and parallel with the o
of and parallel with the Easterly line
. Northwesterly line of Thirty- eighth o
of Cypress Street.
Street together with curb returns at (
(d) Along both sides of Cypress
all corners of streets and alleys inter- S
Street between the Northerly line of
secting with or t
Central Avenue and t
the Northeasterly line of the roadway a
at the corners of Harding Streo4;. _.
of Coast Boulevard between a line e
e) on the i >a = -ter y si e o .
78.70 f
Cererado St'-- bet, vIl ti.- N
Thirty- eighth Street and a line 59.65
Southerly line of the first alley North -
feet N
erly of Surf Avenue; and b
easterly line of the roadway of Coast a
twe Avenue (South Drivel: and be-
Boulevard between a line five feet t
[weer the Nth D
(5') 'Northwesterly of and parallel [
Dirly l
. with the Southeasterly line of Thirty- A
erly of erly .
eighth Street, and a line five feet (5') C
Central l
. e
long t
Northwesterly line of Thirty -sixth W
Washington Street hetweco toil Nor-
Street together with cnr}i returns at t
therly lice of ]lay Avenue and a lice _
the Easterly corner of T
;112 feet Northerly of and parallel,.,
Thirty -sixth Street; and along the A
.Southwesterly line of the roadway of (
(g) Along the Westerly side of
Coast Boulevard, between a line "
"A" Street, between the Northerly
twenty -five f
line of Central Avenue (North D
.of and parallel with the Northwest- a
and the Easterly prohmgatixro of the
"erly line of Thirty- second Street and a S
Southerly line of the first alley North-
- l
. "
erly of Central Avenue .
.parallel with
second SNort together with (
(h) Along both sides of "B"
a curb return at the Westerly corner S
e SC'Mth l
of Thirty - second Street; and along S
ad Central Avenue (South Urf C
the Northeasterly and S
lines of the roadway of Coast Boole- b
(North Drive) and o
ward, between the Southeasterly curb A
line of Thirtieth Street and the North- (
(i) Along rile Northerly side of
easterly prolongation of the North- B
Bq Avenue between the, Northerly
- westerly curb line of that part of y
yyrolongation of the Easterly line of
Coast Boulevard, together with curb f
feet (fl') Southeasterly of and parallel.
returns at all c
with the Northwesterly line of B
:..(eys intersecting with or terminating V
Vista Boulevard, with sidewalk re --
at said part of Coast Boulevard; and t
turn at the Northwesterly corner of.
along the Westerly line of the road- B
Buena Vista Boulevard.
way of Coast Bonlevard between the (
(j) Along the Westerly aide of
'northeasterly prolongation of t
Ninetoenth Street between a Ime
southeasterly l
.drawn from the Northeasterly to the
southeasterly o
Northwesterly corner of Nineteenth
. gether with a curb return at the S
and O
Southwesterly corner of t
line of Nineteenth Street, through
mentioned alley. .
.efly l
easterly corner of Ocean Avenue and N
feet Northerly of the Northwest
• f
Coast Boulevard. c
dimensions and at the locations shown A
Avenue; and along the Easterly side
-, upon the plans hereinafter referred to. o
of N
5. That concrete sidewalks 3'.'a d
Northeasterly corner of Nineteenth
portions of streets and avenues in the. S
Street and Ocean Avenue, and a line
City of Newport Beach, as follows: d
line o
(a) Along the southerly side of l
of N
westerly of and parallel with the west- t
teenth Street, which point is 20 feet
erly line of that part of Coronado N
of Nineteenth Street and Ocean
' a line 210 test westerly of and parallel :
: Avenue; and along the Easterly side
with the last mentioned line; and a o
any side of Central Avenue (South
corner of Bay Avenue and Washington D
Drive) from a line drawn at right i.
angles to the Easterly line of Nine -
Street. '
tt�eenth Street through a point in as {d
yarado Street behvee; the West @rl +
+rte [
g . 3
tit o
"tote try- a .el' 70,o hern. of Central;
(q) Along the Southerly side
Avenue, which lies La '' -.y of tiine-
Twenty-ninth Street between the
teenth Street; then, Northeasterly
Easterly title of Ocean Avenue and a.
around the curve of the property, line
line 39 feet Easterly of and parallel
at the Southeasterly corner of Nine-
with the Easterly line of Ocean Ave
teenth Street and Central Avenue
(South Drive) to a line drawn at right
(r) Along the Southerly side of ~�
angles to the Southerly, tine of Cen-
Drive) -
Thirteeth Street between the Easterly
aril Avenue (South through a
of Ocean Avcuue and a line 4.50 �,�(
point m said last mentronal tine, which'
feet Easterly of and parallel with the it
point is 24.48 feet Eastcrl , of the iu_-.;
'Masterly line of Ocean .lcenue; along ? -
tersection of the Northerly prolonga -'
i -'
the Southerly side Thirtieth Street ¢.
ling of the Easterly line of Nineteenth
rl line
between the Westerly line of the firs[
Street, with the Southerly line of Cen-
- alley Easterly of Ocean Avenue and '� -r
teal Avenue (South Drive).
a line 2 fear Westerly of and parallel �`i_':
(k) Along the Westerly side of
with the last mentioned line; and '
Twentieth Street between the North -
along the Southerly side of Thirtieth f_
erly line of Ocean Avenue and a line
Street between the Easterly bne of _.
drawn at right angles to the West-
the first alley E:_sterly of Ocean Ave -
erly line of Twentieth Street through
gut and a line 2 feet Easterly of andr f,
a point in the said N esterly line of
parallel with the last mentioned Inc. 1 _ -
Twentieth Street, which point is 6
(s) Along the Easterly and North- _
stet Northerly of the Srrthcres[erly
erly side of Central .Avenue and Cen -
corner of Twentieth Street and Ocean
tral Avenue (North Drive) between a
Avenue; and along the Easterly side
line drawn at right angles to the ten -r'-
of Twentieth Street he bveeu the
{a! bap 4)f Central Avenue through a'
Northerly line of Ocean Awemre slid
a line drawn at right angles to the
r,,,mt in :aid COnter line, tvhiclt point., =':...
'Easterly line of said Twentieth Street,
._ 14y3.32 feet Sur tlmrly of ere in -�
through a point in said Easterly line,-
t;; i it tiun of the cc,iie; lines of Wash- ?`i:+e +.
which point is 9 feet Northerly of the
iottOm :Avenue and Central Avenel e: °.
Northeasterly corner of Twentieth
measured alon r the cctiter line of
Street and Ocean Avenue.
Central avenue and a Line 6 feet Easb"'':,:a
(1) Along the Northerly side of
lily of and parallel with the Southerly -_,
Twenty- fourth Street between the
ongnou of the Westerly Tine of -?vs
p-rd t
Masterly line of Ocean Avenue and a
Niniii •. -hth sidewalk returns at 'y<
line 4.50 feet Easterly of and paral-
Iry r„rncrs of all sitcets intersecting -
lel with the Easterly line of Ocean -
with ur ','mingling ;tit said part of -,
Central :An-nuc; s.ml sidewalks be_
m Along the Northerly side of
:or only alnnf_t the S.vihcrly side of `-
Twouty-fifth Street between the East-
the 'North Drive of Central Avenue.: --'"�§
erly line of Ocean Avenue and a Tine
where Central Avenue lies adjacent to --
4.50 feet Easterly of and parallel with
the Pacific Electric Railway Coln -_e'
One Easterly line Of Orean `.venue;
pn;iy's light -of -Way.
tU along Ilse Westerly side of s
gad along the Southerly side cf Ttven-
b -fifth Street between the Easterly
Central :Avenue be0rvicen a line'8 feet ..,-
lilt of Ocean Avenue and a line
Vn hrrlc of and paraile.l with the =
fee[ Easterly f and parallel with lire
y p
Southerly line of that -
Part of Thir -:
rheth Strect lying Westerly of Central
Larterl line of Ocean Avenue.
It whoa and a line drawn at right o' -
(a) Tong the Northerly side of
tiles t> the center line of Central
Twenty -sixth Street between the
Avenue through a poitit in said center
Easterly line of Ocean .Avenue and a
line, which point is 344 feet South -&
line 19.80 feet Easterly of and par_
eny of the intersection of the center � - °-
allel with the Easterly line of Ocean
lines of Twenty -third Street and Cen- ,..,a =,
Avenue; and along the Southerly- side
tral ;Avenue, measured along the cen- Rte,_;.
of Twenty-sixth Street between the
ter lithe of Central Avenue, tuth side -
Rasterly Tine of Ocean Avenue and a
walk return at the s:mthwesterly cor 1'.
hilt 21.50 feet easterly of a td parallel
nor' OF 'thirtieth Street and Cen[raU
with the Easterly title of Ocean
(it) Along the Southerly side of c� ?o-
(o) Along the Northerly side of
Central :,�vgnuc (South. Drivc), be-P':
Twenty - seventh Street between the -
tneeu a line drawn at right angles to
Wiasterlp Tine of Ocean Avenue and a
the Southerly line of Central Avenuc
fine 15 feet Easterly of and parallel-
(South Drive), through a point my
with the Easterly line of Ocean .Ave-
said last mentioned line, which point
rue; and a! - -z the Southerly side of �
is 24.48 feet Easterly of the mterscc %-.
w vampy- Severn+ a -:eft oetween the
tion of the Northerly prolongation of
SCasterly line of Ocean Avenue and
the Easterly line of Nineteenth -
a Tine 16 feet Easterly of and parallel
Street with the Southerly line of Cen -t
with the Easterly line c: Ocean Ave-
tral Avenue (South Drive) and the i>�_.:'._ �.
northerly prolongation of the West-
(p) Along the -Northerly side of
erly curb line of Seventeenth Street
Twenty-eighth Street between the
with sidewalk retnms at the South
Easterly tine of Ocean Avenue and a
east and Southwest corners of Light E
line 4250 feet Easterly of and paral-
ecnth Street and at the Southwest cor .
let with the Easterly line of Ocean
tier of Seventeenth Street, and i side
'Avenue; and along the northerly side
walk return at the Southeasterly cor i
of Twenty eighth Street between a
tier of Second Street and Central Aye-
line 285.70 feet E.astQrly of and paral-
time (South
Tel with the Easterly hue of Ocean
(v) Along the Southwesterly side ppa;,y n•
Avenue and a Tine 300701 feet Easterly
of Coast Boulevard, between a lithe
25 feet Northwesterly of i'ze"c`r
of the last mentioned tier. and along
hind parallel
the Southerly side of Twenty eighth
with the Northwesterly- line of Thirty-'
Street between the Easterly line of
second Street and a line 5 feet South
Ocean Avenue and a line 37.50 feet
- easterly of and parallel with the last F '
Masterly of arid parallel with the East-,;
erly line of Ocean Avenue; and along",..
�e =
- mentioned line with sidewalk return >r-
at the Westerly corner of Thirty-sec-
the Southerly side of Twenty - eighth -.
and Street; and along the South-
Street between a Zinc 309.50 feet East _ 7-
westerly sale -.o£ -Coast Boulevard, be`
lily of and parallel with the Last
tweeiL�}a'G Easterly -curb It of:
-erly line of Ocean Avenue, and a I/nG �8�
3300 feet Easterly o£ `avid parallel
` ..
s ,last ns�'t�PB '43ne -� _ ..
hirtiet' rcet m. tir. Northeast- '1�(1) At the tut taection of the .
erly prolongation of the Ninth vest- Northerly curb line of Central Ave -.
.edy curb line of Twenty-third Street, one (North Drive), and a line 220 feet
with sidewalk return at the corners of Westerly of and parallel with the;
all streets iutersectiag with or termin- ... Westerly line of Ninth Street.
ating at said part of Coast BOule- (m) .At the Sonthwcsterly c)rnet
yard. =` <�. of Twenty -fifth Street and Coast Bou-
( \y) Along the -Northerly side of levard. '
Central avenue (Norti: Drive) from
the Easterly curb line of Ninth 7. That all those portions of the
Street to a liue 10 feet Easterly of and streets, avemics and alleys upon
parallel with said Easterly curb lire, . which concrete pavement, concrete
with sidev all; rotnni at the N�)rth- curb, concrete sidewalk or a surfar
easterly corner of Ninth Street; and ing pith clay and gravel is to be con -
also a sidewalk return at the Aortlt- structed as hereinbefore described,
westerly corner of Fourth Street and be graded to the official grade.
Central Avenue (North Drive). ii. All of said work- shall be done'
(x) Along the easterly and west- f, accordance with the plan designat-
erly sides of Eighteenth Street be- ed as "City of Newport Beach, Cali -
tween the northerly line of Ocean Ave- forma, Plan No. 270." adopted by the
nue. and tine southerly line of Central Board of 'Trustees of the City of New -
Avenue (South Drive). port Beach on the 7th day of August,
(y) Along the easterly and wester- 1222, and on file in the office of the
ly sides of Twentieth Street from the City Engineer of said City.
notrtherly line of Central Avenue "'he ,urfacinl* with Clay and gravel
(North Drice) to a line drawn at right of the alleys hereinbefore described
angles through a point in the center shall be done in further accordance
line of said Twentieth Street which with specifications therefor designated
point is 320 feet northerly (measured as "Specification No. 23. specifications
along the center line of Twentieth for the day and gravel surfacing of
Street) or the northerly line of Central streets in the City of- Newport Beach,
Avenue (North Drive). Calitnruin," heretofore adopted by the
(z) .%long the easterly and wester- Board of Trustees of said City, and
ly sides of Twenty -first Street from on file in the office of the*City Clerk.
the northerly line of Central Avenue and all other portions of said work
(North Drive) to a litre drawn at right shall be done in further accordance .
angles through a point in the center with "Specifications No. 33" for thel
line of said Twenty -first Street, whisk construction of concrete pavement,
point is 320 feet northerly (measured conclBt@ Cur6o, and Concrete bide -_
along the center line of Twenty -first s, the City of Newport Beac`ff —,
Street) of the northerly line of Central adopted by "Resolution No. 165" bf
Avenue (North Drive). tits Bi,arrl of Trustees of said City,
(aa) A sidewalk return at the; find on file in the office of the City
northeasterly corner of Ocean Ave- Clerk.
nue and Coast Boulevard. SECTION 2
Said concrete sidewalks shall be of,
the dimensions and at the locations That $ie said contemplated work
shelve upon the plan hereinafter men - or improvement ill the opinion e said
.tioned. 1-card of Trustees is of more than
6. That standard catch basins of 1-cal or ordinary Public l.ieneti t, and
type No. 1 be constructed at the fol- said I3oard of Trustees utakes the ex-
lowing Inactions, to-wit: pees, of said o-ork and improvement
(a) At the Northwesterly corner clmrgeabk upon the district herein-
. of Seventeenth Street and Central after described, and declares that the
Avenue (North Drive). district benefited by said work and
Avenue At the V rive). steely corner iunprovevuent and to be assessed to
of Sixteenth Street and Central Ave - pay the costs and e�ienscs thereof,
nue (North Drive). is all that portion of the City of New -
e ( At the intersection of the pint fSeach within the following des -.
Northerly curb line of Central Avenue gibed exterior boundary lines:
(North Drive) and a line 215 feet Beginning at the southeasterly Cor-
Easterly of and parallel with the ter of Lot 1, Block 16, of a map ;of, .
Easterly line of Sixteenth Street. the East Side Addition to the Bailq.
(d) At the Northwesterly corner Tract as Recorded in 'Miscellaneous
of Fifteenth Street and CCntral Ave- ?v'Maps, Book 4, Page 20, Records of
I nue (North Drive). Orange County, California'; thence
(e) At the Northwesterly corner northeasterly in a direct line to then
of Fourteenth Street and Central northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block
Avenue (North Drive) 15, of the aforesaid map of the East
(f) At the Northeasterly corner of Side Addition to the Balboa Tract;
Fourteenth Street and Central Avenue thence northeasterly along the easterly
(North Drive). easterly Prolongation of the easterly
line of the aforesaid Lot 1, Block 15.;
(g) At the ;northwesterly corner, of a map of the East Side Addition to
of Thirteenth Street and Central Ave- tine l3al :boa Tract, to its intersection
cote (North Drive), with the northerly line of Bay Ave -.
(b) .At the Northeasterly corner nue, as said Bay Avenue is laid out
of Thirteenth Street and Central Ave- and shown upon a map of the afore -
nue (North Drive). said Fast Side Addition to the Bal-
(i) it the Northwesterly corner boa Tract; thence northwesterly .
of Eleventh Street and Central Avenue along the northerly lice of said Bay
(North Drive). Avenue as laid out and shown upon
(j) At the Northeasterly corner the aforesaid map of the East Side .
Eleventh Street and Central Avenue Addition to the Balboa Tract, and as
y(North Drice)... I shown and laid out upon a map of
(k) At the' Northeasterly cornet; `the Balboa Tract as Recorded .in Mts
of Tenth Str w and Central Aveniig 3 cellaneous Maps Book 4 Page 11,
eA _ . . Records of Grange "Compty
. :^JB&r..- lnter9eCtfDII_AVt •, tjy_
Ftfr r�i+f3�
easterly line oT Main -sect; tlirnce
northwesterly hl a d- it line to a
point in the north v, crly line of
Main Street, whir" pruit is 110 feet
northeasterly the northeast-
erly line o f .lay.Avenue,
measured al i g [he northwesterly
line of the aforesaid Main Street;
thence northwe_terly in a direct line
to a poi:it in the northwesterly line
of Pah-1 Strect, which point is 135.57
`eet rorthenstedy of the northeaster-
ly I ne i Pay Avenue, measured
along t'';, northwesterly line of the
,, ;ores -:d Paint Street; thence north -
„es' :Iv in a direct line to the most
no- .ierly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, of
a .:mp of the Balboa Bayside Tract"
Recorded in ' Miscellaneous Maps,
Pook 4, Page 78, Records of Orange,,
County, California; thence southwest-
erly in a direct line to the most east-
erly corner of Lot 17, of a map of
Subdivision of Block C, Newport Bay
Tract, as recorded in Miscellaneous
Maps, Iiook 5, Page 25, Records of
Orange County, California; thence
northwesterly in a direct line to the
most northerly corner of Lot 1, of
the aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block C, Newport Bay Tract; thence
southwesterly in a direct line to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1, of a
map of the Subdivision of Block A,
East - ewport, as recorded in Miscel
lancous Maps, Book 4, Page 51, Rec-
ords of Orange County, California;
thence westerly in a direct line to
the nnrrhwee:a.:y corner of Lot 3, of
the aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block A, Last Newport, thence west-
erly in a direct line to the northwest-
erly corner of Lot 146 of the aforesaid
map of Subdivision of Block A, East
Newport: thence southwesterly along
the southeasterly line of Buena Vista'
- Bouievnrd to its intersection with the
northerly line of Bay Avenue; thence
westerly in a direct line to the most
easterly corner of Lot 168 of the
- aforesaid map of Subdivision of
Block A, Last Newport; thence west-
erly along the northerly lines of Lots -
168, 169 and 170 of the aforesaid map
of Subdivision of Block A, East New-
port, to the most westerly corner of
the last mentioned Lot 170; thence
westerly in a direct line to the north-
easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 109 as
shown on a map of Section B, New-
port Beach, as recorded in Miscella-
neous Maps, Book 4, Page 27, Rea
ords of Orange County, California; -
thence westerly in a direct line to the',
northwesterly corner of Lot 3, of the
last mentioned Block 109, as shown on
the aforesaid Map of Section B New-
port Beach; thence north 55 degrees
43 minutes west, 887.50 feet to a point;
thence north 72 degrees 06 minutes
west, 765 feet to a point; thence south'
80 degrees 25 minutes west, 65 feet
to a point; thence south 39 degrees 44
minutes west feet to a point'
thence north 71 1 degrees 40 minutes'
west, 612.48 feet to a point; thence
north 52 degrees 45 minutes west,-.
- 232.98 feet to a Point; thence south
78 degrees 24 minutes west, 85 feet
to a point in the northerly prolonga-
tion of the easterly line of 15th Street; ,
thence somberly along the northerly
prolongation of the easterly line of
- 15th Street and along the easterly line
of 15th Street to the northwesterly
corner of Lot 15,_ Block 114, of the _
aforesaid map of Reetion B, Newport
Beach;- thence w__ rly in a direct
line to, the north ete$tetly corner of Lot:
$ as a , a oFesaiil, -map of i ...
nrn�Tiu' direct lice to the north --
east corner of Lot 18, Block 218, of `
- tine aforesaid map of Section B, New -_
port Beach; thence westerly in a di -f- --
rest line to the southeast corner of, - -
Lot 6, of the last mentioned Block
218; thence northerly along tine east
eriy line of the last mentioned Lot 6„
to the northeast corner thereof;=?
thence westerly along the northerly: - -
line of the last mentioned Lot 6, tO .
the northwesterly corner thereof;. -
thence northerly fu a direct line to
the northeast corner of Lot 5, of the
last mentioned Block 218; thence -.
north 12 degrees 10 minutes 30 sec -'
_ onds east, 145 feet to a point; thence j, -
rnorthwesterly in a direct line to the=
most easterly corner of Lot 15, Block! - -
221, of a Map of Section A, Newport
Peach, as recorded in Miscellaneous,,.-
Maps, Book 4, Page 21, Records of'
orange County, California; thence-
northerly in a direct line to the most
northerly corner of the last mentioned
Lo: 15; thence northwesterly in a di -L -
rect line to the souQwasterly corner. .
of Lot 7, Block 223, of the aforesaid`
Wrap of Section A, Newport Beach;
thence northwesterly in a direct line'
to the northeasterly corner of Lot.
15, of the last mentioned flock 223; "'
tharce northwesterly in a direct line
to the southeasterly corner of Lot L-
Block 224, of the aforesaid map of
Section A, Newport Beach; thence -
easterly in a direct line to U, S. Bulk-
head Station, No. 121, as laid out an& -
shown upon a map of Newport Bay,
California, showing harbor lines, ap-
proved by the War Department, Jan
nary 18th, 1917: thence north 79 de --
green 57 uniuutes 30 seconds east,
295.90 feet to U. S. Bulkhead Station,
No. 122, as shown upon the aforesaid
map of the War Department; thence:
south 47 degrees east 1000.70 feet to
U. S. Bulkhead Station No. .123 as.
shown upon the aforesaid map of the -
War Department; thence north .54
degrees 30 minutes east 598.70 feet
to U. S. Bulkhead Station, No. 124, as', -
shown upon the aforesaid map of the -
War Department; thence north 27 de-
grees 30 minutes west, 3519 feet to U.
S. Bulkhead Station, No. 125, as
shown upon the aforesaid map of the
War Department; thence north 66 de-
grees 30 minutes rest 197 feet to a_
point; thence southwesterly in a di:�
root line to the mnst easterly corner'
of Lot 15, Block 634, of a map of the- _
Canal Section as recorded in Miscel
lancous :Maps, Book 4, Page 98, Rec-
ord, of Orange County, California;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
northwesterly corner of the last men -
tioued Lot 15; thence northwesterly
it, a direct line to the most easterly -
corner of Lot 12, Block 636, of the
aforesaid map of the Canal Section;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
most northerly corner of Lot 10, of
tint last mentioned Block 636; thence
westerly in a direct line to the most.
easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 637,.'
of the aforesaid map of the Canal,
Section; thence westerly along the
northerly lines of Blocks 637, 638,
539, and 441 of the aforesaid map
of the Canal Section and along the;
westerly prolongation of the north-
erly line of the last mentioned Block:
441, of a malt of the Canal Section to
its intersection with the northeasterly,
line of Block 242, of the aforesaid'.
map of the Canal Section thencal,-
�20 northwesterly in a direct, line to {[.
most cast. 1 . corner of Lot
.. I2d#-ttfrr
-, .
It is hereby determined and notice
is hereby given, that serial bonds to
represent unpaid assessments and
bear interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum will be issued here-
under iu the manner provided by the;
improvement Bond Act of 1915, the
last installment of which bonds shall
mature fourteen years from the 2nd
day of July next succeeding nine
months from tlicir date.
8xcept as hereinbefore stated, all
the proceedings for the aforesaid
work and improvements shall be had
and taker under and in accordance,
with the provisions of an Act of the -
Legislature of till State of California
known slid designated as the "Im-
provement Act of 1911;' as amended.
'- Section; thence northwesterly along
the northeasterly and northerlq line!
of the last mentioned Block of Lot 7. of
the northwesterly
last mentioned Block 244; thence -
'westerly in a direct line to the
westerly corner of Lot A, e
of the aforesaid map of the Canal ;
Section; thence southwesterly in a di-
rect line to the most easterly corner
of Lot 15, Block 45, of a map of River
Section, as recorded in Miscellaneous
ALaps, Book 4, PaS;e 25, Records of
Orange County, ..alifornia;
southwesterly in a direct line to the
southerly Block 5; thence
then last
southwesterly in a direct line to the
corner L
most 45, ofra map of
of the Third Addition to
Newport I;each, as Recorded in Mis-
Page 31,
cellaneous Maps, Book 3,
of Orange County , Califor-
nia; thence southwesterly along the
northwesterly line of the last lily
tioned Lot 3, to the most
corner of the last mentioned Lot 3;
thence southeasterly along the north-
easterly line of Ocean Avenue to its
intersection with the northwesterly
line of Twenty- second Street; thence
southwesrerl,v along the southwesterly
prolongation of the northwesterly line
of Twenty-second Street to the
westerly line of Ocean Avenue; thence
southeasterly along the southwesterly
line of Ocean Avenue, a distance of 450
feet to a point; thence southeasterly -
the most -
in a direct line to
westerly corner of Lot `, Block
20, of a map of Virst .Addition to
in MrP
Newport Beach as recorded
3 age
lancous Maps, Book ,
27, Records of Orange Coun-
ty, California, thence southeast-
the northeasterly
erly a l o n g
line of Ocean Avenue and Surf Ave-
nue to the southeasterly corner of
Lot 9, Block 2, of a rust) of Newport
Bay Tract as recorded ur Miscellan-
cous Maps, Book 4, Page 16, Records
of Orange County, California; thence
southeasterly in a direct line to the
corner of Lot 11, Block
4, of a map of the Balboa Tract as
recorded in Miscellaneous Maps,
4, Page 11, Itccors of Oranea stony
ty, California; thence Of u
Avenueto northeasterly southeasterlye corner of
Lot 1, Block 16, of the aforesaid map
of the i'astside Addition to the Balboa
Tract, Ere place of beginning, c%ccpt-
ting therefrom any lands forming any
street or alley.
part of any public
further identification and des-
cription of said assessment district
reference is hereby made to a
designated as Plan No. 271 of
Assessment District for the improve-
ment of Central Avenue and other
streets and alleys in the City of New-
port Beach, California, approved bir the
Board of Trustees of said City.
and the 7th day of August,
on file in the office of the City Clerk
of said Cltp,; on which the exterior
ije said district are indl-
- bouudarieg.
taped. by4 red border line. _
-, .
It is hereby determined and notice
is hereby given, that serial bonds to
represent unpaid assessments and
bear interest at the rate of seven per
cent per annum will be issued here-
under iu the manner provided by the;
improvement Bond Act of 1915, the
last installment of which bonds shall
mature fourteen years from the 2nd
day of July next succeeding nine
months from tlicir date.
8xcept as hereinbefore stated, all
the proceedings for the aforesaid
work and improvements shall be had
and taker under and in accordance,
with the provisions of an Act of the -
Legislature of till State of California
known slid designated as the "Im-
provement Act of 1911;' as amended.
That in the construction of said improvelf.ents certa a
parts of the said work are to be done at grades other than the ?.
official grades for said etreaw, existing prior to t'hs Massage
of Resolution No. 168', passed by said Board of TTusteee-- Aril
11th, 1922, and said official grades existing prior to tle passage
of said Resolution, of certain portions of said streets are hereby
modified and changed as follows:
1. The official grade of Bay Avenue along the north --rly
curb line from the easterly line of Bay View Avenue to;%#e westerly
line of Adaas Street is hereby changed so that instead of said
existing official grades the same shall conform to the following
elevations, to wit:
erlc ¢bn v:' r;' E;:y l "icw A\rane
At I'"oint 92.62 f ^et Cnstetiy of the
Lim mentioned lint 105.00.
At a point oppnshe the nnrihme�t-
arly :'not- of ;Adams Stroot 106.62.
'Flit. s:d�l nrriiierly cnrb lint. of
l:a: :; �: -:n,. cl•a7I l,�C, ln; atcl as slwacn
on the : ws iV rt.inbciorc nlcutimud.
2. The official grade of Alvarado Street from the
northerly line of Surf Avenue to the northerly line of Bay Avenue
is hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades
the save shall conform to the following elevations, to wit:
:11•.•n_ the 1: rip c;trb line nt ;7
varadi I'C as
�Il m. >:
At Is. _ c!:nn, wirh a strni;ltt
line i.. t> I wit I tha unrth m esfr.rly
Cortcl the upl "thGUledy Corner of
Sari . ".:ccuc an« Alvarado Strcct
11? -00
At a p',mt opposite the s,uthwest-
oilv cutuc of Central Avenue (South
At a paint ojn,ositc the northwest-
erly cur;.Cr of Cen tra! Avenue (North
llrice) IOti.S4.
At a point opposite the - southwest
erlv corner of Pay Avenue 107.49.
At a point opposite the northwest
'erav corner gf.:k3ay.Avenw. 1(6.33'.'
— AT,n�laster�n rb line I I f sairli
Alvarado Suet the grade Shall be'
as folio :•,s:
At a paint apposite the nnrLh
g e::st-
eily cargo: ' Surf Avenue 112.00.
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly c,rucl of Central Avenue (South
Drivc) 10/-1.30.
At a p,int opposite the nnrtheast-
crly cnm,r %f Central Avenue (north
Drivel 10d.['O.
At a poillt oppnsite the srnrtheast-
erly coruir of Bay Avenue 107.40.
At a paurt opposite the northeast-
erly cnro.r of Bay Avenue 107.33.
The sairi easterly and westerly curb;
lines of _Vvarado Street shall be lo-
cated as shown on the plans ltcreiu-
before mentioned:
3. The official grade of main Street along the
westerly curb line frolrh the northerly line of Bay Avenue to a line
100 feet northerly of and parallel with the northerly line of said
Say Avenue is hereby changed so that instead of said existing
official grades, the same shall conform to the following elevations,
to wit;
._ At a u: uiiY apposite the nor!hnvesr-
erly cooper ni liav Avenue 107.31.
At n. i opii 100 fort northcriy of the
last !ncntioncd point 107.30.
The stud -vestcrly curb line of Alain
street shall be located as shoran on
the plans hereinbetore mentioned.
4. The official grade of 9th Street along the easterly
curb line from the northerly line of Surf Avenue to the southerly
line of Central Avenue (South Drive) is hereby changed so that in-
stead of said existing official grades the same shall conform to the
following elevations., to wit;
At a point of the inter,.:: ctinn Kith
the unrt! "'�rl}' line' of Surf Avenue
At a point opposite the southeast-
erly corner of Central Avenue (South
Drive) loq u.
The said easterly curb line of 9th
Street sha!1 he Incated as shown on
the plans Ihereinbefore mentioned.
5. The official
curb line from a line 28.11
east-rly line of 4th Street,
Boulevard is hereby changed
grades the same shall confo
griq f Bay Avenue along the northerly
feet westerly °of and parallel with the
to the southea8terly line of Buena Vista
,so tha ;.:1A toad of said existing official
rialto the following elevations, to wit:
At t 2: 1 - ,!r:'scr;
Alonm ee oly curl) line the e {i
grade shall he as follows;
At a paint onpositc the southwest-
erly corner of Ccntrai Avenue (J`outh'
Drive) 108.62.
At a pourt opposite the nortIrwest-
erly corno:- of, Central Avenue (iorth
Drive) 1()7,6.
At a par:* np pa5itc tiic
crly srnrthcC
VI ,y venue 07.69,
Cj'. elderly curl) lime the
grade s..,,;i I:e as folh),rs:
At a pr at n;rpc cito the sauthea,e t.
crh' cnrncr -f Central Accrue (South
Drive) l ?57-
9t a p:,iut apposite the nm-theast-
erly cnrnz. of General Avenue
Drive) 107.67.
said forly and ,c cstcrly curb
linesn, =4t11 S;rect sh;al be located as
sh,n�,�o ou the l:l;ur hereiubcfom lcti-
4. The official grade of 22nd Street from the
easterly line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast
Boulevard is hereby changed so that instead of said existing
official grades the same shall conform to the following
elevations, to wit:
u;; ?hu-- u�'rthcrly line of 22nd
Street tl,;e eru:cs shall h,- as f(.Ilu oa:
:At the north oasts dy corner of
Ucc:u: _Ave,mc MAI
.At f(:r marl hwos terl_v cnrncr of the
I: r'. Jicy i::z =;;rly '.f O:eP,n .A CCnuc
l:, "a" northerly of 22nd Stroet 101).99.
At the rm'tfraastcrly Comer of the
last min tio:red Alley 109.38. -
��t t3tc northrve5tcrly corner of
Cnast Ikxdecard MA ?.
= Alr:r,,g the southerly line of 22ud-
$tnat th grade shall he as follo,vs:
at 01, southeo.sterly corner of
Ocea -1 _Aze ❑ue 11'.65.
':k the southwesterly corner of the
first a_l::y easterly of Ocean Avenue
lvin;a sou'.herly of 22nd Street 110.63.
eAt file southeasterly corner of this
last nucufi%a!ed alicy 110.50,
At the :iouHnveste,rly corner of
C o:ict 'Roulcvard 108.82.
8. The official gi;ade of 23rd Street from the easterly
line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is
hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades
the same shall conform to the . following elevations, to wit:
'3rt,1r the northerly line of 23rd
Strcei the grr.dc shall he as follows:
;At the it n rthcasterly corner of:
Ocean Areuue 111.25.
At t'he northwesterly corner of the
fnst alley easterly of Ocean Avenue
Ivhng northerly of 23rd Street 110.49.
A t the northeasterly corner-of the
last mentioned alley 110.37.
At the northwesterly corner of
Coast Botdcvard 103.27.
Along the southerly Line of 23rd
Street the grade shall be as follows:
At the southeasterly corner of
Oven Avenue 111.22.
At tike southvesterly corner of the
first allry easterly of Occan Avenue
lying snurharly of 23rd Street 110.07.
At the sont`neasterly corner of the
last mentioned alley 110.05.
At the southwesterly corner of
Coast oukcard 108.52.
. ...
9. The official grade of 24th Street from, the easterly
lire of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is
hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the
same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit.:
A1cng the - northerly line of 29th
Street tl ;e grade shall he as follows:
At the northeasterly corner of
Ocean Avenue 111.95.
At the northwesterly corner of the
first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue
At the northeasterly corner of the
last mentioned alley 110.87.
At due northwesterly corner of
Coast honlevard 108.09.
\Inn, tiee southerly line of 24th
street life nrasle shall he as follows:
:At the wutheasterl_y corner of
Oman .\'cline 111.95.
At life sonthwesterly corner of the
first ;tlley easterly of Ocean Avenue
At the southeasterly corner of the
lnst nncntioucd alley 110.94.
At the southwesterly corner of
Coast Boulevard 108.11.
10. The official grade of 25th Street from the easterly
line of Ocean Avenue to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is
hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades the
same shall conform to the following elevations, to wit:
- aVnn� the northerly line of 25th
street the grade shall be as follows:
At the northeasterly corner of
Oc,m, Avenue 111 R3.
At the northwesterly corner of the
first alley easterly of Ocean Avenue
III 'I. 1
AC th.e northeasterly corner of the
last men Uioned alley 110.03.
At till northwesterly corner of
Coast 1Suu1cvard 108.00.
r;nny; the southeriv line of 25th
Str \t the - snuthcasi crlye acorner follows:
O?can _Avenue 111.78.
At the snnthwesterly corner of the
first alley eastcily of Ocean Avenue
At tine southeasterly corner of the
halt mentioned alley 110.93.
At the soutlrncesterly corner of
Coast Boulevard 105.07.
11. The official grade of 26th Street from the easterly
line of Ocean Avenge to the westerly line of Coast Boulevard is
hereby changed so that instead of said existing official grades
the same shall conforlr, to the following elevations, to wit:
None th+ northerly- line of 26th
Streit the grade shall b- as follows:
:At the nortiteaStorly corner 01
Occen ANcitite 111.37.
At the northwesterly corner of the
fast alley- c sterly of Ocean Avenue
At the northeasterly corner of the
last nlention:d alley IM89.
At tits northwesterly corner of
Co;,,.', Borilccard 103.05.
A IOno till, snuthcrly 1;110 of 26th
street the grade shall he as follows:
At tits Foutheasterly corner of
00rc,n :Avenue 111.86.
At the southwesterly corner of tiro
fist alley easterly of Ocean Avenue
11 L20.
At the southeasterly corner of the
last mentioned alley 110.94.
At the .southwesterly corner... of
of Central Avenue (North Drive) from the easterly line of 9th
Street to the easterly line of Alvarado Street is hereby changed
so that instead of said existing::.Official grades the same shall
conform to the following elevations, to wit;
. At a pint rw .:':,: i :ic northeaster -.
to enrncr :9th ?:.rcrl Ili7.67.
A a _ th, north��'est-
ezIv „r „ .d,h Flrect 107.76.
At :, .,i L' the northeaat-
c is t'n nr..'!' col •irtl'?�.IiCet 108.58.
At a print nppnsitc the northeast-
erly corner of 31el 21h','<t 1105.54.
'• .:a •.;i(<t thr northwest.
erlp _.n��'.., ., 'ml .Strc_, 1fY.t.43.
t a -it vppt sitC tit, northeast.
erly cor.'N r;f 2r,l S;r::c± 10.47.
At a d we
al rpp6 +itC the northst.
crl con:vr of island Avenue 10926.
At n point opnns:tc the northeast.
erly comer of 1.'end AVCIIIIC IWA3.
At a Paint opposite the northwest
erly cprucr of Alvarado Street 108.54.
At a point Opposite the northeast-
ern' corner of Aharndn ,Street 10,9.80.
The official grade along the southerly curb line of
Central Avenue (South Drive) from the easterly line of 9th Street
to the easterly line of Alvarado Street is hereby changed so that
instead of said existing official grades the same shall conform
to the following elevations, to wit;
.":1[ as pout op—j'. —I a tT-e southeast-
erly corner of 9th Street 10,$.57.
At a p,Lnt epn:+si!o the sonthweat-
erly corner of W, Street 108.62.
At a point npp,.'ke the southeast-
erly corner of 4th Street 108.57.
At a point opposite the sorthwest.
erly corner of 3rd Street 109.04.
At a point opposite the southeasd-
eriv corner of 3rd Street 109.06.
At a pnEnt oppr..gite the southwest-
erly corner of 2nd Street 110.03.
At a nninf omnosite the southeast-
erly corner of 2nd Street 110.09.
At a point opposite the southwest-
erly corner of 1st Street 110.09.
At a.. point `" the southeast
erly,corru (10.1111.^
— 18—
�--t a Must �oppoSlte t e SOntlwlst-
erly corner of Ah:erado Street 109.38.
At a pc'int opposite the southeast-
erly c�ruer of Alvarado Street 109.30.
The said northerly curb line of Cen-
tral Avenne (North Drive) and the
southerly curb line of Central Ave-
nue (Sonth Drive) shall be located
as shown on the plans hereinbefore
18. Tiic changes of grade herein -
before set forLh are the s:cne as those
set forUi in said No. 168
and in Resolution Sn. 176, passed by
laid Board of Troa:Ces, April 27th,
1982, and in Rue iolutlon NA. 185,
paused by Saul P,uarrl 01' Trustees, May
18th, 1921; and thr, sane are herein
repasl.ed for the nurnosc of making
said changes of grade effective if any
doubt should arise regarding the
same by reason of the rescission of
said three resolutions last mentioned
and the abanrionnlmlt of proceedings
.for the improvement therein des -.
14. That in the construction of said improvement cer-
twin parts of said work on Ocean Avenue are to be done at grades
other than the existing official grades for said Ocean Avenue, and
the official grade along the east ®rly line of Ocean Avenue from
the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Twenty— second
Street to the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly line
of Coast Boulevard is hereby changed sc that instead of said exist-
ing official grades, the same shall conform to the following ele-
vations, to wit;
corner of
Twtut>- second Street 111.5S.
At the :+011 #heastorly eorner of
Twenty- Second 3trcc,t 111.f,0.
At the aonlwe,Stony corner of Coast
.Honlevard li1Ji6.
At the intersection with the south-
easterly line of Coast Boulevard
3'1 i
The eler;tinns herein g;ven are for
the tops of the curb of the respective
streets and avenues, are u, tcet and
are abovo the City Datum Plane as
heretofore adopted and established by
Ordinance No. 114 passed on the 23rd
of August. 1915, by the Board of
Trustees of said City. At all points
between consecutive designated.
points on the same side of the resl oc-
tive streets and avenues, the grade
shall conform to a true and uniform
gradinit nL,ug the curb or street and,
avemle line in said points are
located heCtvccn said designated
All distances bumper designated
poi!;ts for rr hiett Oc guile is herein
established, me to 1 ?e measured along
Tile cirb or SM,ct and avenue lines in
which sriid prints :ae located, unless
specifically herein othcro'ise provid-
For f:—Oicr part:inlats es to such
ch.utges f 7fride '- d such proposed
grads. rettaruve it herolw made to
tt.c ale:cc rnenlio.ned plan and specifi-
cations, v9ricb phut sbmcs the exist -,
in;, n +cia rondos of the portions of
said strc:ts hcreinbcfore described and
il•a ;; ^dcs at which tits said work is.
proposed to be done.
That sealed bids for said work shall be received
up to 7 :30 o'clock P.M. of the 25th day of SepteiAber, 1922, at
which time said bids will be rublicly opened, examined and de-
clared by this Board.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice
inviting sealed bids for said work with the specifications there-
for, conspicuously for five days, on or near the council chamber
door of this Board, and to publish a like notice referring to
the specifications posted or on file twice in the Newport News,
a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City and
hereby designated for that purxpse,.there being no daily news-
paper in said City.
Passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of New-
port Beach this ✓`-W day of September, 1922.
President of the Board of Trustees.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
duly passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach
at their adjourned regular meeting held on the `— _ day of
September, 1922, by the following vote:
City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach.
It MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport
Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records
of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office,
the foregoing Resolution No. 199 was duly and
tsoai'd of Trustees of
regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the Gity-G'm=crtr-af
the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular /meeting of
said Gi-ty -Geu "irl held at the regular meeting place thereof, on
the 5th day of September , 1922, by the following
vote, to wit:
AYES, e%lN(gFLi4hN: Schnitker, Gilson, Richter, G ?ilkinson
NOES, GOUNel -L-MM a None
Dated this 5th day of February ) �9 59.
City CleM a d Ex -0 f cio Clerk of e
City Council, City of Newport Beach,
State of California.