HomeMy WebLinkAbout4567 - The Irvine Company Agreement Water, Sewers11 2 3, 4 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 f17 94T.UTION N00 Ll- 6 i tMMUS, there has been presented to the City Council of the City of Newport, Beach an agreement, riharein and whereby Irvine CoqwWs a corporation hereinafter reforred to as "Povoloper", guaranteen to t-he City of Newport, Peach that It will construct water aK cowers, *went and stroat mrveWs. any other laprovements shown an the improvement plans heretofore approved by the City ftinsert said improvements be located in Treat No, 2ft3s and W,WAB, said agremmit provides that Irvin Coayaanp shall file with the City of Netaxort 13aaeh a bond in the am-mnt of not less than $400,000.00 to assure full and faithful performann000 as'd 141W YAB, the said Irvin Compargr has subidtted to the City of Newport Beach said bond in the amount of 3WO00O.00t and B, the City Engineer has determined that a surety bond, executed by a surety oogxM authorized to transact a surety business in the state of California, to assure the full and faithful performance of said Agreament,in said amount is domed sufficient to cover the coat of said improvements and inspection$ and i1HH=S, said bond has been approved by the City AttornAy an to form ♦I c I -!A NWp TIIMFFr)Rg, Ar, IT R7M. LVM that the said Agroemsnt bets and the City of Newport Beach be, mid the same is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized aid dirootad to ootecute the same for and an behalf of the City of Newport roach, and the City Clerk shall transmit an execute I IoW thereof to the said Developer, The above and foregoing resolution was duly and rerMU147 passed ad adopted by the City Council of the C1ty of Newport Beach, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 13 tL day of \N� . 1956, by the following vote, toadd! AYES, ATT3rd s MARGERY SWROUDER NO-Ent COUNCILMOs VU At SENT, COt3TICIL14Ms W DORA O. HILL ! 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 42BEE tA THIS AORI}DIENT, Maude and enterod into this 3..�.__ deq of V\ a,dl—=A 1956- 19 8n<1 AestwOOn a^71I$ I41l INE G"7 A �f'AIM, a corpora• atlon, hereinafter referred to an 11T)ovoloper110 and the City of N©t-rport reach, a m: nicipol 1 corporetion, 2 under and by vi.rttae 3 leers of the State of Californins 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 42BEE tA THIS AORI}DIENT, Maude and enterod into this 3..�.__ deq of V\ a,dl—=A 1956- 19 8n<1 AestwOOn a^71I$ I41l INE G"7 A �f'AIM, a corpora• atlon, hereinafter referred to an 11T)ovoloper110 and the City of N©t-rport reach, a m: nicipol corporetion, or gnnizod eni* a 3atixs under and by vi.rttae of tho leers of the State of Californins hereinafter r'oferred to as `PCity"s &ijT9r0SB 2.11s WHT,:MA9, developer to proposing to develop a subdivision within the City of Vowport sseaaash, to bo krOun As TrOet No* 2813 WHER M* Dovelopor proposes to construct the following described Inprovexonts In sold subdivision, to.wits cater lines, ©evore, eement Vork and stvoot eatrvo s, and any other improvements a! -;own on the imarove moot plans horotofore approved by the City 15�sginear of said subdivision, an4 Walt' l"'Ist the .nrovinions of 0eotion 9253#51 of thas nicipsal Cody of the Gity Of TdoWport Aoaxch provide for an GgTeawmt to contain certein provisions as heroinefter° set auto NOWO T"rTTifM, - -oNEO in consideration of their aasstuaa1 promises, &a hereinafter act fnrths the portico hereto do of,-,"d as followers It The real property c:svore:d by this agrooment is doom cribed as Tract 2813s in the City of Newuvrt Beaach$ county of Oranges State of Caiiforniao 29 'rovoloper, kvoos to complaato all Improvement stork shown on the finial map of Baia? tract# Inaluding water lines# cenent work cued streot asus°v©yss and awl anther IMreveramont. plans of is subdiviasion, within a poriod of 12 months from the date 3o Said improva5rrents shall use completed to than Satin. faction of tho City Engineer of the City of Newport &mash. 4* If Developer shall frail to complete said a rova. .meato within the period sot out abovo, the city mean complete gads 3211 scow and recover the f'ull coat and exaonoo thereof from Developer 1� a \I- ON 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 or the surety for Devoloper an said surety is provided for in Section 9253.52 of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport or both, 5. All of said Izprovoment work shall be sub$eet to the Inspection by the City Rnglneer of Newport Beach and all costs to the city of such inspection work shall be borne by Developer, 69 The time within which said improvement shall be corn. plated# as set out in paragraph 2 hereof# a?!all be extended for a time equal to the time that Developer is precluded from carrying on said improvements by strikes# acts of God# fire# unusual delay in transportation# or by any cause or causes beyond Developerva control, 7, It is further arareod that Itevsalop ®r shall file with the city a bond in the amount of not loss than 0400000O;00 the purpose of which bond shall be to assure full and faithful performance by Developer of the work of constructio32 of said improvements, IN WMNESS WHERLOP# TrM IRVINE COMPANY has caused its name to be signed# and the City of Newport Beach has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk then ®unto duly oathoriaod by resoltation of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach,, duly and reirtklarly passed and adopted at a meeting thereof held the 13 t� day of W_&,...,.2 1956. -2� Tilts IRVINE COMPANY Sy Vice res en By Secretary CITY OP NEWPORT BEACH DORA O. HILL mayor By, MARGERY SCHROUDER city clorg 1S Lim STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Margery Schrouder h------------------- --------------------------------------- .---------------- ---------------------- .., City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution YY 9 9..._....._ ............................-------------.......-------------------- No......�567 ................ .. .was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the 13th regular meeting place thereof, on the ..... ......... ..........day, of-- .-- .....- -....- November .....-.-... ------------------------------- 19......... 56 by the following vote: Hart, MacKay, Stoddard, AYES: COUNCILMEN -- --- -........... - Higbie, Ridderhof, Hill ........................------------------------------............---------. ..--- ---------- -- ----- ......... None NOES: COUNCILMEN.-..... .......... ................. ......................................................................................................................... ............................... ABSENT: COUNCILMEN.Wilder Dated this ...... 16th .....day of......... November 56 .............:.......... ............................................... .............................., 19........ NB 130 - 5004/51 ....... .:.`......... ...... �'"^ r—b! e-� ....... City Clerk'and Ex Officio Clerk of the City Council. City of Newport Beach, State of California