HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - Betz Residence Addition ModificationfiEWPOo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 04 �� PLANNING DIVISION U$ 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 CgCIFURN�P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT February 29, 2012 Agenda Item 4 SUBJECT: Betz Residence Addition - (PA2012 -016) 807 Ceiba Place Modification Permit No. MD2012 -005 APPLICANT: Andy and Ya -Lei Betz PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Planning Technician (949) 644 -3253, Bzdeba @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R -1 -6,000 (Single -Unit Residential) • General Plan: RS -D (Single -Unit Residential Detached) PROJECT SUMMARY A Modification Permit to allow a 45% addition (890 square feet) to an existing 1,955 square -foot, single -unit dwelling that is nonconforming because the interior dimensions of the existing two -car garage (19 feet 1 inch by 20 feet) are less than the minimum required by Code (20 feet by 20 feet). The Zoning Code limits the addition to 10% of the existing floor area. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 approving Modification Permit No. MD2012 -005 (Attachment No. ZA 1). • The property is currently developed with an existing 1,955 square -foot, single - unit dwelling that was built in 1963. The garage was built with clear interior dimensions of 19 feet, 1 inch wide by 20 feet deep which were compliant with the minimum dimensions required by the Zoning Code at the time it was constructed. ® The current Zoning Code, effective in November of 2010, requires the minimum clear interior dimensions for a garage on lots wider than 40 feet to be 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep. ® Due to the change in development standards, the existing garage is considered nonconforming due to dimensions and, thus, the development is subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Zoning Code. Section (Nonconforming Parking) limits additions to 10% of the existing structure; however, a larger addition may be allowed subject to a Modification Permit. o The existing interior dimensions, although substandard, provide adequate garage space to park two vehicles and the driveway provides parking for a single, additional vehicle. ® The proposed addition will result in a home that is comparable in size and scale to other single -unit dwellings in the neighborhood. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies for Class 1 (Existing Facilities) categorical exemption, Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act because the project is an addition to an existing structure less than 10,000 square feet; and the project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and the area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of -way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the decision date, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development or City Clerk, as applicable, within fourteen (14) days following the date the action or decision was rendered unless a different period of time is specified by the Municipal Code (e.g., Title 19 allows ten (10) day appeal period for tentative parcel and tract maps, lot line adjustments, or lot mergers). For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 644 -3200. Prepared by: nj A deba, Planning Technician Al /4 11_� BW /bmz Tin p1c:01 -05 -12 Attachments Tmplt:01 -05 -12 ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Justification ZA 4 Project Plans Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution Tmplt:01 -05 -12 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2012 -009 A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. 2012 -005 TO ALLOW AN ADDTION TO A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 807 CEIBA PLACE (PA2012 -016) THE ZONING ADMINSTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Andy and Ya -Lei Betz with respect to property located at 807 Ceiba Place, and legally described as Lot 26 of Tract 5018 requesting approval of a Modification Permit to allow an addition that exceeds 10% to a single -unit dwelling that is nonconforming because the interior width of the two -car garage is 19 feet, 1 inch where Section 20.40.090 (Parking Standards for Residential Uses) of the Zoning Code requires a minimum width of 20 feet for a lot wider than 40 feet. 2. The subject property is located within the R -1 -6,000 (Single -Unit Residential) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is RS -D (Single -Unit Residential Detached). 3. The subject property is not located within the Coastal Zone. 4. A public hearing was held on February 29, 2012, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1 — Existing Facilities). 2. Class 1 provides for additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet; and the project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for maximum development permissible in the General Plan and the area in which the project is located is not environmentally sensitive. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 Page 2 of 6 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. 1. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Findings and decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a Modification Permit are set forth: Finding A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The modification permit will allow an addition to a single - family residence within a single - family residential subdivision. 2. The applicant is proposing a 45- percent addition to the existing structure. The proposed addition will comply with all of the development standards, including lot coverage, height, and setbacks, and will not intensify or alter the existing nonconformity. 3. The resulting structure will be 2,835 square feet and similar in character and size to other homes located in the neighborhood. Finding B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and /or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The dwelling units in this area were constructed with garages that were in compliance with the Zoning Code at the time of construction. 2� Given the design of the existing structure and proposed scope of work, bringing the garage into conformance would require a significant expansion in the scope and cost of the project. 3. The Zoning Code specifies minimum interior dimensions for parking space, which vary by lot width. Although, the existing garage is nonconforming in regards to the minimum width dimension required for lots greater than 40 feet wide, it is consistent with the width requirements for garages on lots less than 40 feet wide and still provides two useable garage spaces. Thereby, the existing nonconforming garage meets the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking but is deficient as to meeting the minimum width requirement. Approval of the Modification Permit to allow the 45- percent addition is reasonable given the use of the structure. Tmplt: 03/08111 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 Page 3 of 6 Finding C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The existing two -car garage was in compliance with the Zoning Code at the time of original construction. However, as a result of amendments to the Zoning Code, the garage is now substandard in size in regards to width, but does provide adequate space to park two vehicles. Finding D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The alternatives would require that the applicant bring the garage into conformance by expanding the scope of the project or r, sting ` Variance for a setback encroachment. 2. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to the continued use of the two - car garage which has not proven detrimental to the occupants or neighbors. Finding E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding 1. Though the width of the two -car garage will be less the minimum required by the Zoning Code, it provides sufficient area for use as a two -car garage. 2. The existing driveway area is large enough to provide a single, additional parking space. 3. The project will not increase the nonconforming status and will comply with all other provisions of the R -1 -6,000 Zoning District. 4. The existing nonconforming garage has not proven to be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood. Tmplt: 03/08/11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 Page 4 of 6 5. The addition will result in a home similar or smaller in scale to other homes in the neighborhood. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2012 -005, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. Modification Permit applications do not become effective until 14 days following the date of action. Prior to the effective date, the applicant or any interested party may appeal the decision of the Zoning Administrator to the Planning Commission by submitting a written appeal application to the Community Development Director. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 - 644 -3200. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2012. 0 Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator Tmplt: 03/08111 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and elevations, except as noted in the following conditions. 2. If any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site are damaged by private work, new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, street pavement, and other public improvements will be required by the City at the time of private construction completion. Said determination and the extent of the repair work shall be made at the discretion of the Public Works inspector. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Modification Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11- inches by 17- inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Modification Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 4. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction 5. A copy of the conditions of approval shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 6. All work performed within the public right -of -way shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department under an encroachment permit/agreement, if required. 7. The applicant shall reconstruct the existing broken and /or otherwise damaged concrete driveway approach along the Ceiba Place frontage per City Standard STD - 162 -L. 8. A new sewer cleanout shall be installed on the existing sewer lateral per City Standard STD - 406 -L. Said sewer cleanout shall be located within the public right -of -way. 9. The proposed addition and related work shall comply with the California Building Code and all adopted local amendments. 10. This approval shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the approval date, as specified in Section 20.93.050 (A) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Prior to the expiration date of this approval, an extension may be approved in accordance with Section 20.93.050 (B) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Requests for an extension must be in writing. Tmplt: 03/08111 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -009 Page 6 of 6 11. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Betz Residence Addition including, but not limited to, Modification No. MD2012 -005 (PA2012 -016). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Tmplt: 03/08111 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map Tmp1e01 -05 -12 VICINITY MAP Modification Permit No. MD2012 -005 PA2012 -016 807 Ceiba Place Tmplt:01 -05 -12 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Justification Tmp1e01 -05 -12 January 31, 2012 City of Newport Beach Community Development Department P.O. box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Attn: Erin Steffen - Planning Technician Fax: (949) 644 -3234 Subject: 807 Ceiba Place Newport beach, California The homeowners at 807 Ceiba , Andrew and Ya -Lei Betz have planned and budgeted for an addition of 880 S.F to their home. This addition will remodel their entry, add a home office space and new master bedroom with bath. There were no plans financially to enlarge the garage. The only plans for the garage were to enhance the structure to support the new roof material. Adding any dimension to the width of the existing garage would call for the demolition of the existing structure add significant cost to the remodel and only adding a net width of 10" to the existing garage. We respectfully request that we be granted a modification permit to allow the Betz family to leave the garage dimensions as it stands today, as they were originally permitted. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, M.J. Knitter AIA MIRM President Architects License No. C 10524 jal PA2012 -016 for MD2012 -005 ZAcmellon \CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH- BETZ.doc 807 Ceiba Place Andy and Ya -Lei Betz /_ISMIT71-TIM iMIAITA I Project Plans Tmp1e01 -05 -12 u o_ w 0 J D_ PAINTED TUBE 5TEEL 51UGG0 OR GONGRE FENCE WITH VERTICAL MEMBERS GAP DETAIL AT 4 -1/2" 01C, STUCCO 0/ 24" CMl PILA5TER- BOLT AI AT TOP AND BOTTC CONNECTION POINP VERIFY 5TUCC0 FIP SCHEMA71C FENCE nESICGN (N.I.C.) FOR Blip REFERENCE NOTE: I. POOLS ,5PA5, AALL5, FENGE5, PATIO COVERS AND OTHER FREE 5TANDIN6 57RXTURE-5 REQUIRE SEPARATE REVIEM AND PERMITS. MA50NRY OR CONCRETE FENGE5 0/ Y-0 ", ROOD FENGE5 0/ 6" -0" HIGH OR FOUNDATION5 THAT GRO55 THE PL. REQUIRE NEIGHBOR AGREEMENT. NOTE: EXISTING 5EAER LATERAL TO BE CHANGED AND A GLEAN- OUT IN5TALLED AT THE PROPERTY LINE TO COMPLY WITH CITY STANDARD IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR. PROVIDE PUBLIC AORK5 STANDARD DETAIL ON DRAAI455. A. ALTERATION TO THE BUILDING SEVER 15 DONE. B. ADDITIONAL PLUMBING FIXTURE5 REQUIRE INCREASES IN 51ZE OF BUILDING 5EAER LINE5 G. WHEN IT 15 FOUND THAT THE BUILDING 5EAER 15 IN5TALLED IN AN ILLEGAL OR UNSANITARY MANNER. ARCHITECTURAL SITE P LAN SCALE: 1/4" = I -'0" NOTE: c n D15TANCE FROM FACE OF THE FOUNDATION TO PROPERTY LINE TO BE ZONING SETBACK PLU5 WALL FIN15H THICKNE55 (MIN.) NOTE: IF ANY OF THE EXI5TIN& PUBLIC, IMPROVEMENT5 SURROUNDING THE SITE 15 DAMAGED BY PRIVATE WORK, NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, ALLEY /5TREET PAVEMENT AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROOVEMENT5 WILL BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY AT THE TIME OF PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION. SAID DETERMINATION AND THE EXTENT OF THE REPAIR WORK SHALL BE MADE AT THE P15ORETION OF THE PUBLIC WORK5 INSPECTOR. 5ETBACK MAP 5 -125 LEGAL OE5GRIPTION: LOT NUMBER- TRACT NUMBER: A.P.N.: OWNER: ADDRESS: TEL.: 26 5018 440 -082 08 ANDREW BETZ 807 CEIBA PLACE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 949: 283 -0197 TOTAL LOT SIZE= 9262 +- SO. FT. TOTAL DEVELOPED AREAS = 2835 SO. FT. = TO 31% OF LOT COVERAGE. TOYSER 14 2± drafting— design— consulting 395 smokerldge terrace anaheim hills , ca. 42808 (714) 283 -3095 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC, NO 0 0 0 0 0 DATE REVISION W U 0 � 0 �]s pq U 395 SMOKERIDGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T -14 N.B.12 -03 -11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. EN6R REVIEW SHEET TITLE AKCwH I TECTU KAL SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER SITE LJ Q a w 0 J a EXISTING FLOOR FL.AN BETZ RESIDENCE SQUARE FOOTAGE MAIN FLOOR 1555 sq ft sq ft GARAGE 400 sq ft FOR ARCHITECTS USE ONLY - DIMENSIONS TAKEN TO FACE OF STUDS TO^EK 14 1± drafting— design— consulting 395 mwkerldge terrace arahelm hills , ca. 92808 (114) 283 -3095 (THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE LGED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC. NO 0 0 0 0 0 DATE REVISION W Q zo � O � w p�q U 395 SMOKERIDGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA z- PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T -14 N.B.12 -03 -11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. ENGR REVIEW SHEET TITLE EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER E -1 N U z z z 0 co U w / a U a U z O U) w w J i z 0 J w U Q a_ CD N N im Nlo NEW FLUSH BEAM - 5EE 57RUCIURAL NEW CEILING JOISTS 5EE DETAIL 8 5TRUGTURAL ANEW STRONG WALL AT EACH 51DE OF GARAGE DOOR- 5EE STRUCTURAL NEW GREATROOM NEw n.• n.• EXI5TING GARAGE EXI5TING KITCHEN -k w1NDOw w1NDOw WALL REMOVED -NEW BEAM IN5ULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) SECTION SCALE: 114' = I'-0' EXTERIOR FIN15H (REFER TO ELEVATION) INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) SECTION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0' TOP PLATE E SECTION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0' INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) NOTE: LOCATE FAU ON 150LATOR PAD5 TO MIN. UNIT N015E AND VIBRATION TOP PLATE FLR LINE SECTION SCAL5-Fi/4" = 1'-0' IN5ULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) I OFFICE II II ANDY'S REFER TO CABINET MAKER'S SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL DOOR $ PRAYER 51ZE5 NEW ROOF RAFTERS NOTE MAINTAIN MIN. 30" CLEAR VERIFY 51ZE ABOVE FAU K/ 5TRUGTURAL� 17:J REFER TO CABINET MAKER'5 5HOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL DOOR 8 DRAWER 51ZE5 PROVIDE 24" X 24" VENT 5HARIN5 ACCESS IN EXISTING TO NEW ATTIC EXI5TING ATTIC 5PAGE (E) BATH FAU IN ATTIC- VERIFY YU E 5EE DETAIL FOR VENT AND LIGHT REO. (E) HALL EXI5TIN6 ATTIC 5PAGE I -MIN. 24 "X 50" o M STER ATTIC ACCESS (E) BEDROOM 1 MASTER BEDROOM BATH YA -LEI (E) HALL RIDGE BOARD OR RIDGE BEAM (E) E RIDGE BOARD OR RIDGE BEAM (E) I/ = =XTERIOR FIN15H (REFER TO ELEVATION) INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE SHEET (T -24) IS INSULATION- REFER TO ENERGY COMPLIANCE 5HEET (T -24) TOIV�I�fiZ 1 � drafting— design— consulting 345 sowkerldge terrace onahelm hills, =41250b (714) 283 -3095 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC. NO. O DATE REVISION 0 0 0 0 W W zo 0 �]s 395 SMOKERIOGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA 1 F PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T -14 N.B.12 -03 -11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. ENGR REVIEW SHEET TITLE SECTIONS A$ e f G,:� SHEET NUMBER 0 m m N m N g a Qa g H- r 5q' -0" 51' -0" 59' -0" ARCHITECTURAL. FLAT IVY 09 < f a CONCRETE PLACEMENT THE FOLLOWIN6 ARE ARCHITECTUAL MINIMUM 5TANDARD5 ONLY. REFER TO PROJECT SOIL5 REPORT AND 5TRUCTURAL EN6INEER5 DRANUN65 FOR NOTES AND INFORMATION NOT SHOWN HERE. CONCRETE SLABS: CONCRETE 5LA55 SHALL BE PLACED OVER A MINIMUM OF I" GLEAN DAMP SAND OVER 6 MIL. V15OUEEN OVER I" GLEAN DAMP 5AND. CONCRETE STOOPS: CONCRETE 5TOOP5 5HALL BE PROVIDED AT EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. STOOP SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1' -0" WIDER THAN THE DOOR b" EACH 51DE. 5TOOP 5HALL PROJECT A MINIMUM OF 36" IN FRONT OF DOOR OPENING. 5TOOP SHALL BE A MIN. OF 3 -1/2" THICK. 5TOOP 5HALL BE ATTATCHED TO HOUSE W/ # 4 REBAR5 AT 24" 0 /0. ( MINIMUM 2 ) CONCRETE PORCHES: CONCRETE PORCHES SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE FRONT OR MAIN ENTRY DOOR. PORCH DIMEN51ON5 ARE NOTED ON PLANS. PORCH SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3 -1/2" THICK. PORCH SHALL BE ATTATGHED TO HOU5E NU # 4 REBAR5 AT 24" 0 /C. ( MINIMUM 2 ) EXCEPTION, WOOD PORCHES. 5EE PLAN. p� INDIGATE5 DROP IN 5LAB (5EE DETAILS) DRIVEWAYS AND FLATWORK : 5EE CIVIL EN6INEERIN6 DRAW06 FOR DRIVEWAYS AND FLATWORK. REFER TO GENERAL NOTE5 5HEET 6 -1 DIV. 3 FOR FURTHER ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE MINIMUM REQUIRMENT5. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PRIOR TO REQUE5TIN6 A FOUNDATION INSPECTION, THE EN61N OF RECORD SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE BUILDING PAD HEIGHT AND SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER CERTIFIYIN6 THE BUILDIN6 PAD HEIGHT A5 COMPLYIN6 W/ THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN. NOTE:: HATCHE=D AREA = NE'.N 5LAE3 ADDITION ARCHITECTURAL REFERENCE ONLY. SEE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PLANS FOR STRUCTURAL INFORMATION NOT SHOWN HERE TokNE z 14 a drafting— design— consulting 395 smokeridge terrace a,dvlm hills , ca. 92808 (114) 283 -30N5 (THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC. NO 0 0 L DATE REVISION W W o OD �o DIN 395 SMOKERIDGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T -14 N.B. 12 -03 -11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. PNGR REVIEW SHEET TITLE F LATWIORK SHEET NUMBER AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 O m N Q z Q Q w 0 O El KEY NOTES El 2. TEMPERED 6LA55 SHOWER ENCLOSURE- OWNER TO SPECIFY 3. CERAMIC TILE FLOOR LINE OF CABINET /SHELF ABOVE (REFER TO INTERIOR ELEVATIONS) 4, WOOD/ HIGH END MANUFACTURED FLOOR REAR PATIO 5. GROWN MOLDING - ENTIRE PERIMETER 6. TANKLE55 WATER HEATER PER GFC - PROVIDE P.T. RELIEF VALVE TO OUTSIDE OR APPROVED DRAIN -f. FORGED AIR UNIT PER GMG - PROVIDE RIGID WOOD PLATFORM W/ RAG (14" MIN.) - PROVIDE CONDENSATE LINE TO DRAIN OUTSIDE OR APPROVED TRAPPED DRAIN(REFER TO HVAG DRAWINGS) - VERIFY SIZE AND CLEARANCE - PROVIDE COMBUSTION AIR AS REQUIRED CHANGE 8068 560 TO 8068 FRENCH 5LIDER5 j /, REPLACEMENT 6040 XO REPLACEMENT 8040 XOX S. TEMPERED GLASS q. AIR CONDITIONER PAD (VERIFY SIZE WITH MANUFACTURER) NEW WINDOWS GUT INTO EXI5TIN6 10. PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE "X" APPROVED GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE WALL ' ' AT ALL WALLS, GEILIN65, BEAMS AND SUPPORTING MEMBERS N ; ADJACENT TO HABITABLE AREAS. PROVIDE 2- LAYERS AT ABV.' MEMBERS SPACED GREATER THAN 16" O.G. (REFER TO GENERAL NOTES SHEET (5N3 FOR CLARIFICATION) 30; EXI5TING EXI5TINS II D 4 5 BEDROOM BEDROOM LAV(5) AND COUNTER TOP- OWNER TO SPECIFY 12. LINEN CABINETS- OWNER TO SPECIFY TYPE AND FINISH GREATROOM AB\I 25 2s i 15. HAND BUILT SHOWER- OWNER TO SPECIFY- WAINS FINISH 20' -0" X 14' -5" ; SHELF AND POLE- OWNER TO SPECIFY IF CUSTOM CLOSET 2 14 DESIGN TO BE PROVIDED. NEW WINDOW5 15. PROVIDE WALL BLOCKIN5 FOR PEP15TAL SINK. GUT INTO EXI5TIN6 WALL 16. U REMOVE WALL AND WALL GAP 1 PIECE OFOEQUIPMENT CAN BER REMOVED THROUBH THE tL ' � ' � XF OEPNING) PER UMG SECTION 808.0 � REINFORCE SUPPORT WITH � 4 i FLUSH CEILING BEAM DI =- Ii. PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE "X" APPROVED GYPSUM BOARD AT WALL5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t I8. EVERY BEDROOM OR ROOM CONTAINING 200 S.F. OF HABITABLE 1 I � I 12 SPACE SHALL HAVE AN ESCAPE WIDOW MEETING ALL OF THE FOLLOWING cbc 1026.1, 1026.2, 1026.2.1 1026.3 {�' I 1q. A NET FREE AREA OF 5."1 50.FT.. A MININMUM CLEAR OPENING OF 24" A MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF 20" AND A MAXIMUM OF 44" FROM THE FLOOR 20. DEAD BOLT AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF ENTRY DOOR, AND TOP { I ONLY OF INTERIOR DOORS REPLACE FRENCH DOORS I WITH FRENCH SLIDERS 2b EXI5TINS o 21. CEILING BREAK I _ KITCHEN \ i E BATH I -" ' BEDROOM 22. WATER CLOSET (MAXIMUM 1.6 GALLONS PER FLUSH) of 22 Z �� 22 23, PROVIDE BLOGKINB FOR FLAT SCREEN WALL MOUNT j IS q 25 24. DROP IN TUB W/ CAULKED AND SEALED PERIMETER TUB DECK TO BE NATURAL STONE OR EQUAL. E BATH 25. CARPET- OWNER TO SPEC. S 26 I _ 26. TILE OF OTHER FLOOR MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR DAMP FLOOR m --------------- O DR 22 -- .- - -. - -- - -- - -- - -- u� �p 21. TEMPERED GLA55 Oi 25. OPTIONAL WALL- THI5 WALL SHALL NOT BE REMOVE EXISTING INDOW r - - - A LOAD BEARING PARTITION- CLIENT MAY ''���' _ DECIDE TO ELIMINATE THIS WALL AND LINEN REFIN15H BOTH 5ID I A 0 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ - SHELF Z ENTRY TO BEDROOM SHALL RELOCATE AS SHOWN. Ib 14 2 13 8 V cv 2q. NON SLIP TEXURED CONCRETE PORCH SLAB AND STEPS I� 30. PROVIDE WALL BLOCKINB FOR WALL MOUNT TV ANDY I Y SHOWER N 31. PROVIDE WALL BLOCKINB FOR TOWEL BAR 32. COMPUTER SERVER CABINET- GLAIRIFY W/ OWNER T o SENERAL PLAN NOTES I I � i 111 � ✓' I V✓</H `r � 8 r r: ANI7 FINISHES _� 5 5 r+ I i'- - 1711 ------ � * 5'-8" ° 4'"q" 2" 3' "I0" 8'- 0" 2" .-O" GLG TUB `~ o = A) ALL INTERIOR DOORS TO BE HOLLOW GORE 13/8" THK. U.N.O. �n 3 26 F (REFER TO PLAN FOR SIZE) JOR NE AA5HER AND z n' -� I B) ALL GARAGE MAN DOORS TO BE HOLLOW GORE 13/8" THK. R- MAK E NO CHAN6E5 I I fl � kn ENTRY I I -O - - -O 4 EXTERIOR GRADE (REFER TO PLAN FOR SIZE) 12' -O" GLG G) ALL HOUSE TO GARAGE DOORS TO BE 20 MINUTE FIRE RATED OR IO 5 fl I I = 50LIP GORE 1 3/4" THK. WITH SELF OL05ER AND TIBHT FITTING I I (REFER TO PLAN FOR SIZE) 8 8 , OFFICE I I D) ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AND TO BE SOLID GORE G�4RGE '7'X 12' -2" I I 5 "6 7'"7" 7''3" 1 3/4" THICK. (REFER TO PLAN FOR SIZE) I I � O ALL EXTERIOR FINISHES SHALL SEAMLESSLY BLEND 2060 F6 20 0 F6 2 AND MATCH EXISTING FINISHES. Q 30 1 1 MAeTER MIN. INTERIOR FIN15H SHALL BE A LIBHT KNOCK DOWN O I I ABV. _ WITH PRIMER AND FINISH GOAT OF PAINT - V ' " �, ' " AE"/ 1 1 30 BEDROOM I O OWNER TO DEGIDE COLOR AND MANUFACTURER.. 19 -I 2 -8 6 -0 2 -c 1 1 I I 1q' -q" X 12'_8" c0 m CLEAR 2a ----- - - - - -• GLG ALL NON - EXPOSED WOOD CEILINGS SHALL BE A MIN OF A SKIP TROWELL FINISH WITH PRIMER AND FINISH GOAT OF PAINT ---------------------------- 1- r � 2 -- - -------- - - - - -- KITCHEN UTILITIES SHALL BE OF MODERATE GRADE -OWNER TO SPECIFY BRANDS, COLORS AND FEATURES. j I 2a 202 05HNT 2020 5MN BATHROOM FIXTURES TO BE SPECIFIED BY OWNER. Om a m ALL DOORS, BASE AND GROWN MOULDS TO BE PAINTED WITH DURABLE SEMI/ HIBH 6LO55 EMAMEL- OWNER TO SPECIFY I I � 2650 F6 5050 XO 2b50 1`6 NEW WALLS TO BE BUILT/ CHANGED EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED - - - - - -- 4141 10' -10" 4' -111 ALL NEW PENESTRATION5 Ia'-a" 11-4" 2014" MU5T HAVE TEMPORARY AN o„ 74. PERMANENT LABELS PROJECT TABULATIONS: EXISTING RESIDENCE: 1555 S.F NOTE: THI5 PLAN 5HOW5 THE ENTIRE PLAN A5 INTENDED WHEN COMPLETE PROPOSED DEMO: M ISCL PLEA5E 5EE WALL ID (A3) FOR EXISTING WALL5 TO REMAIN, TO BE REMOVED AND TO BE ADDED EXIST'S TO REMAIN: 1555 5.F NEW BUILD 880 5.F FLOOR PLpmm`%1N- IINISM S ?0ONi7 SP GI IGpon't TIOI 'N ;w SCALE: 1/4'= 1' -0" TOTAL LIVABLE: 2455 5.F TOYSER 14 drafting- design- consulting 395 smoker0ge terrace anchelm hills , ca. 92808 (114) 2833095 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC. NO. DATE REVISION W W d F r pq U 395 SMOKERIDGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA ^�6 12- p3�F PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T -14 N.B. 12 -03 -11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. ENGR REVIEW SHEET TITLE FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER A.2 F. I w 3 Q z a w 0 J 0_ RADIUS = 26 FRONT ELEVATION 16 Q ito_uor airM LEFT B I PE REAR ELEVATION ELEVATION NOTES I. 1/5" STEEL TROWEL OR SAND FLOAT 5T0000 (REFER TO GENERAL NOTES) 2. GONTINUOU5 6.1. 5TUGGO 5GREED (REFER TO DETAIL) 3. APPROVED SPARK ARRE5TER BY FIREPLACE MFR. 4. G.I. 5ADDLE AND FLA5HIN6 5. G.I. CHIMNEY GAP - EXI5TIN6 -00 NOT ALTER. 6. G.I. FLA5HIN6 i.A OR B ROOF MATERIAL (REFER TO ROOF NOTE5) S. 5TUGG0 SOFFIT 0/ METAL LATH 0/ BUILDIN6 PAPER q. ATTIC, VENT (REFER TO ATTIC, VENT GALG5) 10. 3X6 13AN05ANN RAFTER TAIL5- STAINED 11. BAN05AWN RE /5 BARGE . 5EE ELEVATIONS FOR SIZE. 12. RE /5 TRIM. OR EXPOSED AND FINI5HED 5TRUGTURAL BEAM 5EE ELEV5 . 13. 5TUGG0 OVER FOAM TRIM 14. POT SHELF (REFER TO DETAIL) 15. LINE OF GEILIN6 16. FRAMED OUT ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTION -WITH 5TUGG0 0/ 11. LINE OF ROOF ABOVE 15. SHOP BUILT W.I. DETAIL- PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR 5PEG. Iq. 6.1. RE6LET 20. WOOD 5HUTTER5 (NON ACTIVE ) 21. WOOD GORBEL 22 5T000O REGE55 23. FIN15H GOAT OVER FOAM TRIM. (REFER TO DETAIL) 24. WOOD OUTLOOKER 25. 5EGTIONAL GARAGE DOOR 26. 14" X IS" 6.1. 5GREENED AND LOUVERED GOMBU5TION AIR VENT 21. 4" X 10" 5TUGG0 REGE55. 2S. TEMPERED GLA55. INDICATE5 ARE OF NEW CON5TR1JCTION NOTE: ENTIRE FRONT ELEVATION 15 NEW HATCH NOT 5HOWN FOR CLARITY TOYSER 14 1± drafting— design— consulting 395 smokerldg e terrace cmc$ eM hills 92808 (114) 283 -3095 (THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF TOWER 14, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER WORK, BE REPRODUCED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT BY WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM TOWER 14, INC. NO. DATE REVISION A L 0 L 0 W W 0 Go r pq U 395 SMOKERIDGE TERRACE ANAHEIM HILLS CA 1 PROJECT INFO REMODEL JOB NUMBER T- 14 N.B. 12-03-11 PROJECT MGR. DRAWN BY G.E.M. ENGR REVIEW SHEET TITLE ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER A-1